Chapter 312: SHIELD (2)

After being healed by the Holy Light, Nick Fury, who was already full of blood and blue and resurrected in situ, couldn’t care about his surprise. Hearing that he and his men were braving the pouring thunderstorm, he finally rushed in the early hours of the morning. We arrived at the SHIELD Trident Headquarters, torn by both sides.
They could have arrived here earlier, but unfortunately, the Hydra members in the hospital at the time did not know why, they were still trying to resist and attack the surviving Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which made them a little bit more. A little time was wasted.
   However, he didn't know whether he should be happy or shocked Director Nick Fury, after all, he still couldn't enter his own office.
This is because, at the top of the building, there is a captain of the heroic Federal Marine Corps named Ivanov. The other party led a dozen Marine Corps members in the corridor outside the gate of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director’s office. And, they refuse anyone to approach! Even if Nick Fury has already said something badly, saying that he, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has very important things and wants to explain to a little girl first!
   That stubborn Captain Ivanov, they only recognized the order of their Federal Head of State Anne. As for the one-eyed S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, he was completely ignored.
Therefore, after being occupied by the nests and even the captain wanted to break through, they were easily pushed away by others with armored arms. In no way, Nick Fury could only use those first with the captain, Hill and the Black Widow. A little Annie gave Coleson the magic ring of Hydra before she took a break to identify those S.H.I.E.L.D. employees who were guarded in each office in batches one by one.
   has been busy working until the sky is about to dawn, they finally barely finished the screening and sorted out all the things. Then, under the coordination of the "resurrected" Nick Fury and the capable Hill, a senior agent, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident Headquarters finally resumed its functions, and various rescue and debris cleaning tasks It began to proceed in an orderly manner.
   Of course, now, Nick Fury can only guarantee the Trident headquarters. As for the branches and bases in various parts of the world, he can't take care of it for the time being.
Now, the sky just brightened outside, and the heavy rain just stopped in the middle of the night. The sky and the earth were still gray all day long. There is still a period of time before the sun rises, and there is no official work in those companies and government departments. Time, but, at this time, all kinds of things have begun to come, just picking up calls from various big guys, he Nick Fury has answered several, plus other things, now he I'm going to be very busy...
   But no matter how busy you are, there is someone who needs him to see you immediately!
For example: a certain holy knight who had just been picked up from the ruins of a broken sky-sky mothership was flashed with a holy light to the culprit of the Hydra who was rescued from a serious injury. ?
   "Pierce, we finally met again... But that's not true. We actually didn't meet for one afternoon and one night."
   Nick Fury walked in and saw some he wanted to kill with a shot.
"You finally came……"
Pierce is now being held in a small office on the seventh floor. The room is empty, and there is not even a chair. He just stood in front of the window and looked at the one in the distance that was still braving. Smoke, a large hangar at the bottom of the lake that looks extremely dilapidated.
Fortunately, the hangar was built at the bottom of the lake, and the fire-fighting facilities were very complete. After Colson ordered part of the lake to be put in, and the heavy rain poured in last night, there was no open flame in it. .
   But it cannot be denied: the three space motherships must be almost finished! After the fire, explosion, collision, ship deformation, and blisters, the three broken ships did not have much need for rescue.
   "Look at it, what a waste... The three good-natured sky motherships were turned into this by you..."
Pierce ignored the sound of the door opening behind him. He glanced at the messy lake hangar and the wreckage of the three collided sky mother ships for the last time, before turning his head slightly, and looking up and down calmly. This old friend Nick Fury who walked in.
   just a little bit...
   Pierce felt that if their three aerospace motherships can be launched smoothly, then the final victory or defeat is still unknown!
   "It must have been the two mutants who glowed golden light that resurrected you, right? That's really a magical ability, it's like a miracle..."
   Seeing Nick Fury, who should have died, stood in front of him again, Pierce was not too surprised.
Because, he knew that, about two hours ago, when his Pierce was picked up from the bridge room of the Sky Mothership, he himself was almost dead at the time, but how could he think of being among the two mutants? One of them, after throwing a gleam of golden light on him casually, he himself, miraculously recovered in an instant?
Then, he thought about what he had seen before: that female priest, who was almost like an angel descending to the earth, with golden light shining all over her body, instantly healed all the wounded in the whole house, and he knew that , They don’t seem to lose too unjustly.
  Because the enemies of their Hydra really have too many unrevealed cards, like this kind of magical mutant who can easily heal others, he didn't even know about it before...
   is also because of this, after having personally seen and experienced the magical function of the golden light, he will not be too surprised at the current resurrection of Nick Fury.
   "No, Pierce..."
"I actually never died! You may not know that in our S.H.I.E.L.D., there was a kind of tetrodotoxin beta, which can make people fall into a state of suspended animation with extremely weak breathing and heartbeat. Even without those two Bit, Hill will rescue me and treat me again, at most, just can’t stand in front of you as quickly as now?"
   Nick Fury explained calmly, and slowly stepped forward two steps and stood beside Pierce. They looked at the scenery outside the window together like a pair of old friends.
   But in fact, the two of them, if they put aside their respective concepts and their respective camps, then they are indeed a pair of old comrades who have fought side by side, and the relationship is very strong!
   "Really? That's a shame..."
   "As you may also know, I haven't paid attention to some small things for a long time. Otherwise, I might still think of and order you to make up a shot."
   After turning his head to look at Nick Fury next to him, Pierce laughed at himself, and then nodded with regret. If it was fake death, then it made sense.
   Before that, he had always thought, how could an old fox die so easily! How can I think of it,
The other party would even play Jin Chan's Escape Game? This is actually to blame for his carelessness. After all, no one would have imagined that an enemy who was lying on the operating table and his heartbeat stopped would survive, right?
   "Pierce, even though I knew you were a Hydra two years ago... But, can you tell me, when did you join them? What good is that for you?"
  Nick Fury actually wanted to ask this question a long time ago. Usually, when Pierce and Pierce made false claims, this question has always been like a spit in his throat, and now, he has finally caught the best opportunity to ask.
   "When did you join? I'm sorry...I never joined, because I have always been Hydra..."
   "Cut off one head and grow two heads..."
   As he talked, Pierce laughed at himself, and now he is a loser, this is indisputable! Then, after his own head is chopped off by the enemy, who will replace him?
   "I don't understand, Pierce, is that Hydra really that good?"
   "In my opinion, you are like a bunch of lunatics! Look at your plan. You want to kill so many innocent people for the so-called rule of the world?"
"I just looked at the data. You want to kill hundreds of thousands of people just in the surrounding area of ​​Washington? Do you naively think that after you do this, you can rule this earth? Don't you Just kidding, this is absolutely impossible!"
"Don’t talk about the forces and armies of other countries. Let’s just talk about the monastery of the mage that you know yourself. Except for the New York temple that you discovered because of Annie, we don’t even have any other ones. Without being able to find them again, they are as if the world has evaporated! And are there other organizations that are more hidden?
   "Even the organization of mutants, can you deal with it? So, I think you should also know that the complexity of this world is absolutely beyond your imagination!"
  It is definitely not that easy to rule or conquer this world!
   That's why Nick Fury felt that these Hydra's ideas were simply unreasonable!
   It's like those brotherhoods of mutants. They want to use their mutation ability to make revolution and rule ordinary people all day long, but the result? After so many years have passed, what use are they of other than causing great disturbances again and again? !
   "Why, old buddy Nick Fury, are you trying to mock me now as a winner?"
   "Come on, Nick! You should know, I also know... We are actually the same kind of people, it's just a different idea..."
   "Because we are all very realistic... You and I know that, in addition to some necessary tricks and hypocrisy, if you want to build a better new world, you must first destroy the old world and the old order..."
   "What's the point of killing some people? Which war did not die? Only the victor can freely splash pen and ink on the history books!"
   "Maybe, you should have also discovered that after today, neither of us will be a winner, whether it is Nick Fury, SHIELD, or me... we are all losers!"
   "Look, those who are going to reach out to SHIELD are really quick..."
   After speaking, Pierce laughed and gestured to Nick Fury from a distance.
In the distance, just as the morning sun rose, and the eastern sky was red, the armored vehicles, tanks, and countless trucks full of soldiers roared from the street to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Coming.
   Although they were all temporarily stopped outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bridge by those soldiers wearing power armor suits, Pierce believed that no one could change the result!
   In this situation, not only is he going to die, but Nick Fury on the side is almost the same. As a scapegoat, there is nothing more suitable than the undead director!
   If this Nick Fury died last night, then he is a hero and a martyr. No one can question this! However, since he is not dead yet, his best destination should be to spend the rest of his life in prison, right?
   In this battle tonight, no S.H.I.E.L.D. is a winner, and the biggest beneficiaries may be the military and the official government of the United States!
Now Pierce can imagine the other party's method: nothing more than to take this attack and completely take over S.H.I. Advanced alien technology and equipment?
   This thing is actually ridiculous...Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., both of them, they actually played themselves to death first! In the end, a group of outsiders who were originally unrelated were bought for nothing?
   "Yes, what you said is correct! We may both be about to die! Of course, including this SHIELD..."
   "Although the probability of it being disbanded will not be too high, I believe that from now on, it will probably not be the same SHIELD we fought for..."
   Regarding Pierce’s statement, Nick Fury does not deny that it is not a day or two for someone to be greedy for S.H.I.E.L.D., and the other party will not easily let go of this opportunity.
   Regarding this, he also made some pre-plans, and just explained something to some henchmen.
   He knew that what he was going to face next was probably endless questions from all sides, and the army below was just a group of vanguards.
"Since we are both going to die, why not, Pierce, you might as well tell me that in addition to infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. and some government officials, what are the planned actions and important personnel of your Hydra? "
   Except for the last meeting with this old friend, this question is what Nick Fury wants to know now. Although, he knows it himself, and may ask for nothing. Anyway, he won't have any expectations.
   Originally, he wanted to ask a little girl to go out again and use that magical spell to invade the old guy’s mind again to see if the other party had any more useful information in the past two years?
   It's a pity that he can't even see that little kid now! That stubborn Captain of the Marine Corps didn't even let him touch the door? This is really outrageous!
   You know, that office is obviously the office of the chief of Nick Fury, and they don’t even give him the master who wants to go in? !
"Nick still don't think about this idea of ​​arranging my words. You should know that although I have lost now, my belief has never changed. You can't convince me. It's as if I never wanted to convince you in the past!"
   Looking into the distance, those power armored soldiers on the bridge
Pierce suddenly laughed after he and the military and local people began to push each other.
   "It's just that I don't understand. When did you develop and hide so much power armor? I didn't even hear the wind. I am really curious about this."
   Until now, Pierce has always been brooding about his inexplicable failure.
   He actually didn't regret his order to attack the little girl. Since the other party interfered with their Hydra, they must be eliminated. This is what he did right! Although in the end both of their attacks ended in failure, there are some things that you have to try before you know if they can work, right?
   Everything was originally planned, even if he failed to attack the little girl and be retaliated against! However, what he didn't understand was: where did those power armors come from? When did this old fox Nick Fury train such a group of elite armored soldiers?
   "Ah... Pierce, you may not even believe it... Those armored soldiers, they are not actually my men."
   Looking at the dispute at the bridgehead in the distance, Nick Fury also felt a bit tricky.
   You don't need to think about it, he knows, over there, it must be the old enemy of General Rose again! Therefore, he began to wonder, what excuses he would use to delay the other party later, to buy enough time for his subordinates, Hill and Coleson to transfer some important materials and items?
   Of course, the destruction of relevant evidence is also necessary!
   "It's not yours? Could it still be Stark's failure? Don't be kidding! What I have just studied by Zeng Tsai just now is not like Tony Stark's design style!"
   They don’t look pretty at all! And Pierce knew that Tony Stark's guy would never design this kind of practical item.
   Except for a little girl, these soldiers in power armor were one of the most important factors in the failure of his Pierce plan! Therefore, when death is imminent, he must figure out this matter, and only in this way can he die in a stunner!
   "Forget it, let me tell you this: did everything you originally planned well!"
"Even if we know your identity in advance and be prepared for you, whether it is to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., or change our original plan to deal with people like you, or let people ambush me and cut me off. Threat, you did all these things very well, very well! You almost succeeded..."
   "Your ability is beyond doubt, and I admire you."
   "But, do you know? It seems that you just did one thing wrong, that is: you shouldn't provoke a little girl easily! Now look at it, do you regret it?"
   As he talked, Nick Fury's face, which had been tight from last night until now, had a rare smug look. Although, he himself suffered heavy losses in this short battle, but in fact, he can also say that he won once alive.
   That's right! It's lying to win, this word is really too vivid and appropriate to him!
Think of him Nick Fury himself, that is, pretending to be dead in the hospital bed for half a night, but how can he think of waking up, not only resurrected with blood and blue, but even the mess of S.H.I. It's proper, and then I waited for myself to finish it. What is it if it is not lying down?
   "That little girl? You mean... but how is this possible?"
   Pierce seemed to understand Nick Fury's words, but he still felt that it seemed impossible.
   That little girl, it doesn’t matter if she has a strong personal ability, but how could she randomly get those elite powered armored soldiers?
   Isn’t she a little girl mage from the planet Valoran?
   Is there any identity she doesn't know? But Pierce swore that he had read all the information of the little girl carefully! It is precisely because of that that he decided to attack the powerful little girl mage first!
   "Pierce, there are many things you don't know!"
   "How about, have you considered telling me about your Hydra? Maybe, I can get you some better prisoner treatment?"
   Actually, Nick Fury himself was a little grateful.
Fortunately, when Annie arrived in New York, when he sent Coleson and Melinda to meet each other for the first time, the secret conversation between him and the little girl was not recorded. , Or else, what happened today might not be what it is now?
   That little girl, there are so many surprises! Of course, there is definitely a lot of panic, she is a dangerous and legal terrorist at all...
   "Okay! Stop wasting time here with me, Nick Fury!"
"I think it's time for you to go down there and deal with certain things, right? Or, do you want to make a bet with me here? I think those of them are likely to fight each other? Then, that scene, for sure It will be spectacular, right?"
Watching those soldiers wearing power armor raise their muzzles, kick the National Guard with their hands and feet, and overturn a military jeep that wants to force their way through, a certain Hydra leader who was caught waiting to die begins. He laughed maliciously.
   After seeing that there were indeed signs of something serious below, Nick Fury snorted, with a dark face, ready to turn his head and leave here, go down, and stop those people before they make a bigger mess.
   "Wait! Can you give me a gun and a bullet? I know, you should have a habit of carrying a pistol without any registration records..."
   "If I don't want to say anything, no one can get any answers from me!"
   "Come on, Nick! I'm so old...Do you still want to hand me over to the interrogators?"
   turned around, and when he saw that the opponent's black hand had gripped the doorknob, Pierce suddenly said in an imploring tone. Now, he is asking him about this in the name of a friend.
   "I just came from the hospital, and I don't have any weapons! However, I have a capsule here. You have seen it many times. You should know what it is!"
   "So, goodbye, old man..."
After talking, Nick Fury let go of his hand and let the red and white capsule that he just took out of his pocket slipped from his palm to the floor of the empty room. He slammed the door and left quickly. Up here.
   Anyway, even if the two are hostile to each other, even if they have different positions, they even guard against each other and want to kill each other! However, Nick Fury did have a game with each other's friends, so he was still willing to help with this small favor.
   "Asshole! Do you know who I am? I am from the United States
General, how dare you do this to me? ! "
   "Now, I order you to step aside immediately and lay down your weapons and surrender unconditionally!"
   Just now, it was General Ross who planned to let his subordinates drive across the bridge and rush into S.H.I.E.L.D. to receive the materials, intelligence, and take down all the people inside!
  Because they now have legal procedures and enough manpower, he has pulled two battalions of soldiers and some heavy equipment from the barracks. He believes that he will get what he wants today.
  Before dawn, they obtained emergency authorization: Before the internal investigation of SHIELD was completed, all the affairs of SHIELD were temporarily taken over by their military!
   Therefore, he must not miss this great opportunity given by heaven!
   But where did he think that after he showed the relevant documents and order documents, these soldiers in power armor, these guys, would still not let themselves in?
   Moreover, when he was about to forcefully rush into the jail, they even dared to fight back. Not only did they overturn their Jeep, but also how many soldiers were fractured due to the armor on their bodies? This is really outrageous! These people, do they still want to rebel and dare to blatantly despise the authorization documents and the majesty of the army?
   is really the opposite! Do they really think that they can do whatever they want with power armor? If you really annoy him and ask him to call for support, just let a few heavy fighters come over and blow it up in minutes!
   "I'm sorry! We don't know you, general of the United States!"
   "We received the order last night: Before the next new order arrives, no one can go out, let alone come in!"
"Furthermore, the document certification and authorization letter that you just presented are completely unrecognizable by our system! Therefore, for us, it is fabricated and invalid paper. We will not recognize the legality of waste paper. !"
At this time, a Federation Ensign officer with a long string of small numbers on his body and a small star representing the rank of the Union was marked on the number. He took heavy steps and walked to Rose, whose forehead was swollen and frustrated. In front of the general, he looked down at the opponent through his transparent helmet shield.
Not to mention this ridiculous general. In the eyes of this ensign, even if the indigenous president of their earthly country came here in person, if there is no order from above, even if the other party shows a thousand certificates and 10,000 documents, then Don't even want to get in!
  If anyone still dares to push hard, they would be considered light by kicking the car and hitting people!
   "Please pay attention to your words, illegal militants of SHIELD!"
   "Do you know that the waste paper you mentioned is a document authorized by our Congress and the President!"
   When Fang said that his file was a piece of waste paper, General Rose was angry!
He raised his head and stared at the opponent's face hidden behind the helmet shield. At the same time, he angrily reached out and pushed the opponent hard and hard. Unfortunately, this armored-powered combat uniform weighing more than one ton is obviously not He can easily push it. This action made him staggering back several big steps instead.
   "You bastard! What's your name? You wait, I swear, you will regret it!"
   With the support of a few of his men, General Rose, who didn't fall with his head up, began to yell in frustration again, and directly threatened to retaliate against the other party in the future.
   "My name? Okay..."
"Your Excellency General of the United States, you can call me Kasha! My army number is a015326552333, belonging to the third platoon of the first garrison of the Heroic Federation Haven Star Guards Corps. The rank is temporarily second lieutenant platoon commander. You are welcome to go anytime. The Capital Military Region complained to me! Do you need me to give you the mailbox code of our military region?"
   After hearing the threats from the other party, Lieutenant Kasha smiled mercilessly and replied.
   All the information he just said is actually true! And if the other party has the ability, this so-called general of the United States can completely complain to himself and try it? If the technology of these primitive earth people can reach the Kepulu region in different time and space and communicate.
   Besides, he himself did look down on the general of the United States a bit!
   The opponent is just a little general in a country with hundreds of millions of people, and the area of ​​the country is only a pitifully small half of a continent? And if he, a second lieutenant, is willing to be deployed to a remote planet to serve, then he can manage one or two guard teams on nearby planets!
   That's exactly a great official in frontiers, and he is much more stylish than the other general!
   It’s just that no one wants to do such a stupid thing! After all, there are too many benefits in the capital Haven, and the conditions for promotion or children's education are also better, far from what a remote and barren planet can match.
   "Asshole! You are fine, you wait for me, when you regret it!"
"Now, the illegal militants of S.H.I.E.L.D.! I will give you five minutes now. I will ask your superiors to clear the way and lay down their weapons and surrender! Otherwise, we will annihilate you all, please do not test again My patience!"
   thought this soldier was just reporting some messy things to humiliate himself, so General Rose was so angry that he grabbed the beret from his head and gave the final warning loudly and griefly.
   Then, he also stared at the other’s head bitterly at the same time. He already remembered the other’s face. Don’t let him know the true identity of this bastard, otherwise...
When General Ross suddenly wanted to say something, suddenly, a black SUV rushed from the hall of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in the distance to the end of the bridge at high speed. Then, when the brakes sounded sharply, one let Someone he knew very well opened the door from the driver's seat and walked down.
   "Aha! General Ross... Is there anything that makes you so angry, is there anything I can help?"
  Nick Fury nodded to the ensign officer of the Marine Corps and asked the other party to wait patiently before walking to Ross with a smile.
   He knew that the one who hurriedly came to pick peaches before dawn at this time must be this old enemy, this one, the other party didn't want to get involved in their SHIELD once or twice.
   "Very good, it turned out to be you! Nick Fury..."
   "It seems that you really didn't die? That's really a pity... God can testify, I originally planned to open a bottle of champagne for your death and pay a good memorial to you!"
   "It's just...I don't understand, you should be seriously injured even if you are not dead? Why do I see that you have nothing to do now?"
Seeing an acquaintance appeared, Rose finally calmed down, and then began to look up and down at the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, with curious eyes. He also sank the other party's attention and suddenly hammered him in the chest. Unfortunately, he didn't see the other party reacting as he expected?
   But, according to the information he got, last night, there was a cute killer who opened three transparent holes in the back of the other person! How come now, the other party can drive and stand in front of him properly, and there is no response when he beats him up?
   After all, this girl is not a freak like the Hulk. How can it be so resistant, and it will be fine after being injured in less than a day? This shouldn't be...
   The other party is indeed dead on the operating table. There are pictures and evidence. There can be no mistake! Even if it's suspended animation, it can't be all right?
   "Thank you very much for your concern, General Rose! As for why I am here again, that is the secret of SHIELD, so I don't bother you to worry about it!"
   Hearing that the other party wanted to open champagne for his own death, Nick Fury's face became even darker! He almost wanted to grab the pistol from the opponent's waist, and then came up with that ugly beret head?
   "Okay! Let's stop talking nonsense, I have no time to chat with you!"
"Look at it first! This is a document authorized by Congress and the President: From now on, until S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation is over and the final result is reached, all of your S.H.I.E.L.D. The Hydra members captured by the Shield must also be sent to our military for detention and review! At the same time, your other SHIELD staff will also be restricted from going out and wait for relevant review and questioning!"
"Here! Here are the documents, stamped and signed! If you think there is no problem, then execute it! I can't wait to throw you guys into jail now! I think, You should be able to think about it now and make some psychological preparations in advance?"
   After arbitrarily stuffing the documents in his hand into the opponent's arms, General Ross laughed loudly. He now looks like a villain, what can this black charcoal head do with himself?
   He didn't do anything on his own, and he got the result he dreamed of. There is nothing more beautiful and happy than this! Therefore, he decided that the bottle of champagne originally planned to be opened because of Nick Fury's death should be replaced with two bottles this time!
   "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't execute this command now..."
   After looking at the file in his hand and confirming that it was correct, Nick Fury nodded, and then shook his head regretfully at the same time. There is no problem with these documents, the procedures are legal, the signatures are complete, and there are even authorizations from the International Security Council. He certainly can't fault it.
   It's just that, even if it is, he still cannot fulfill this order now.
   "Nick are crazy! You still dare to disobey orders? Really think I dare not do it to you?!"
   Seeing that even the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, wanted to refuse to accept this order, Rose's face suddenly became serious.
   As long as the opponent dared to say half a word, he immediately turned his head and left, and then began to arrange an offensive position, using the most violent thunder means to completely defeat the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident headquarters!
   "No no no, General Ross, you have misunderstood... I am very happy to accept this order!"
"But, you may not know, these soldiers, have you seen them? These are the soldiers in power armors, they are not in my control! They are under the little girl Annie's, unless the little girl personally orders , Otherwise, they will absolutely ignore you, the president is useless!"
"This is really not that I deliberately shirk, I tell you, they are not people on earth! If you dare to mess around, once it causes disputes between cosmic civilizations... then it is not your little general who can bear the responsibility. of!"
   pretended to look regretful. In fact, Nick Fury, who was already happy in his heart, could only pretend to shake his head and return the document respectfully.
   "You mean..."
   Ross suddenly remembered some information about a little It is said that she is really not an earthling?
   Is she really from another planet in the universe like that Thor? And these soldiers, are they really her subordinates, not the secret power of SHIELD?
   Wait... Just now, if he remembers correctly, it's like the soldier who came forward just now. What did he say he came from? Or is it a second lieutenant of the Federal Guard Corps? !
   "Don't worry, General Ross!"
   "You want to take over S.H.I.E.L.D., I have no objection to Nick Fury! I will obey the council's orders! But...this may require you to wait until after noon..."
   "Because, you know, children are usually more sleepy, especially those who are unattended, like to make trouble and are a little lawless?"
  Speaking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but laugh again.
   Anyway, the sign of Xiao Anni is very good now, he can also be a fake, it seems that he can at least buy himself a half-day layout time?
   "Huh! I'll report now!"
   "Nick Fury, if your information is not true, I think you will know what the consequences are!"
   After finishing speaking, General Rose waved his hand bitterly, and walked quickly to a command car behind him. He needs to report what he just heard to the top, and then wait for the latest instructions!
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