Chapter 342: no Zuo no Die

At noon the next day, when Annie woke up from her sleep on her comfortable big bed, she opened her eyes and saw the one-way glass at the top of her room that could only be seen from the inside, and she was lying on her face. A guy in a tattered and weird tight red and black leather jacket?
That weird man, he is holding a stone and smashing the window of her house hard! In addition, the stone was broken, and the debris and powder of the stone outside the big skylight were everywhere! But even if this is the case, he still continues to smash hard...
Seeing the other party lifting a stone high up, hitting the glass fiercely and breaking it, Annie couldn't help but frowned.
That's the window of her spacecraft. Although it certainly won't be broken, and no abnormal noise can come in, but...
"Tibbs...Isn't I awake..."
"Did you see? I remember the man above who was smashing a stone outside our window... he should have been thrown into the sea by you yesterday?"
Annie felt a little weird. Yesterday the weird man broke his lumbar spine and got his neck crooked by the coconut falling down. Then she was ordered by Tibbers Bear to throw him into the sea!
But now, after one night, why did he climb ashore again?
Moreover, the most important thing is: he seems to have nothing at all? His waist and neck seem to have grown magically? It seems that it's just that the clothes on the hands and feet have been gnawed by sharp teeth?
(Report to the owner...the fool outside who was thrown into the sea to feed the sharks yesterday. He did climb up from the sea again early in the morning when it was dark!)
(Little is now basically certain: his body's resilience seems to be really strong! Look, it's only one night, and he has returned to normal again... Until now, he has been smashed outside. For several hours, even though he had been in pain for a long time, he still didn't seem to give up the idea of ​​breaking the door or breaking the window?
Actually, from the moment that guy climbed onto the beach, Tibbers had already noticed and stared at him.
That guy, at the beginning, sneaked to the door of this space yacht and took out a piece of iron wire, seeming to want to steal the lock inside? But as a result, after discovering that there was no lock on the outside of the spacecraft for him to pry, he simply started to get hard. Whether it was kicking the door, hitting the door, or now smashing the window, he tried everything...
After seeing that the other party couldn't help this spacecraft at all, and then there was no abnormal noise coming in, Tibbers didn't care about him, nor did he be the little master who woke him up. )
" said, is the man outside really a fool?"
Tilted his head and looked at the weird man with dark circles and red hoods lying outside her window. He still raised another stone high and slammed it against the spaceship window, causing debris and stones to fly. After splashing, but not even a white mark could be left on the window, Annie was really curious about what the weird brain was made of.
You know, this spaceship is a defensive space yacht with the latest technology of the Hero Federation. He innocently wanted to smash that window with a rock?
(Perhaps, he must have a problem with his brain anyway! This is definitely true, or else he won't be tossing outside like crazy...
Think about the things the other party did outside this morning. Tibbers thinks that the other party will probably be burned by the little master later? So, it deliberately didn't say it right now, it wanted to see it first, and how would it retaliate after its master knows the things the other party has tossed about? )
"Forget it, let him continue to smash for a while, he is still guarded against a lot of rocks... Let's ignore him, go to the restaurant for breakfast!"
Seeing that this person still didn't give up and changed another stone, Annie twitched the corners of her mouth and jumped out of the bed. She planned to wash and eat first, so that the strange bird outside continued to vigorously. Just play, she doesn't have time to worry about him now!
Anyway, the soundproofing effect of this spacecraft is proper, as can be seen since she was not awakened. Besides, just his poor power and can't break the window, let him play.

"My God...what the is this?!"
Just one day after the disappearance of the Hulk, something important happened here on the earth, so that Coleson and others could not bother to monitor and find a certain red cloak mage or monitor Mr. Fantastic.
Because, through satellite monitoring, they discovered that in a small town in Missouri, a large group of strange blue-black matter suddenly emerged from a forest. It has a powerful energy response, and after the eruption, Suddenly it began to swell wildly and expand outwards, and then in less than two minutes, it swallowed up half of the town! It is speculated that this big group of things, it at least swallowed thousands of townspeople, definitely can be regarded as a super serious event!
Therefore, Coulson's team and Captain Rogers and their team all jumped the spaceship over here in the first time, stunned to monitor the continuous expansion of the ball underneath, and it was also flashing with a strange bright blue light. A strange substance as tall as a Roshan.
According to this terrifying expansion speed of the opponent, the larger it becomes, the faster it expands! Maybe, in less than a day, it can completely swallow the entire earth, right? !
"Oh, great! It stopped!?"
Just as they stared at the strange inflated thing on the ground in amazement, it suddenly stopped again, and at the same time, the bright blue light on it suddenly went out, and then the group had been there. The swelling strange substance finally became dim, and began to take on a gray-blue and dilapidated look. It seemed that there was no energy...
However, no one can guarantee that the thing underneath, will it happen again?
"Sir, here are a few urgent communication requests!"
At this time, a series of communication prompts popped up in the command room of their spacecraft. After Fitz reminded Coleson, he hurriedly gave those high-privileged communication requests.
Then, the agents of the Bear Shield here found that whether it was the director of the Bear Shield on the moon, Nick Fury, or the Brigadier General Glenn Talbert of the New Sky Hammer and the World Security Council The members of the committee were all connected to the communication and connected here in the first time.
"Coelson! Have you seen that thing too? It's very urgent, so I won't be long-winded!"
"Although we don't know what it is, or why it swells and stops suddenly, we only ask you to act quickly and use your best efforts to find out the truth! Or, at all costs. To stop it, I don't care what you do!"
"Do you understand it?!"
After the communication was connected, Nick Fury turned black for the first time and hurriedly ordered Coleson.
That thing was really weird. It suddenly appeared and swelled up suddenly. There was no sign at all! Then, it swallowed most of the town...
They have seen from the life detection images of the satellites above the earth that the people in the swallowed area have no signs of life! It took less than two minutes, and the casualties were so high... They have directly exceeded the Cherita invasion during the Battle of New York! I think back then, when the New York War was in full swing, so many people didn't die!
"Yes! Agent Colson! Our military has also activated an emergency plan, and the chemical defense team is already on its way to Missouri! Now, the thing is about two miles in diameter. If it continues to grow and exceed ten For miles, no matter what he is, we will directly bomb it with several tactical nuclear bombs!"
"So, if you have a way to deal with it, please move faster!"
At this time, as soon as Nick Fury's words fell, Brigadier General Glenn Talbot came forward for the first time and warned Coleson with a serious expression.
At this moment, most of the town and the citizens in the town who were too late to escape were swallowed by this large group of weird things. Glenn Talbot could already imagine that, next, the government and the military of the United States will have to face each other. Yes, it must be blamed by countless people! Those letters that denounced them for incompetence will completely flood the offices of all government units!
But in any case, the first thing to do right now is not to let it continue to expand and expand to larger cities around it! While Brigadier General Glenn Talbot warned Coleson, at this time, their tactical nuclear bombs were also ready and ready to be launched.
"Agent Coelson, our World Security Council is already paying close attention to this matter! I hope you can do your best to resolve this matter properly!"
"Yes, that thing is too weird... It has swallowed so many lives in a short time. If it continues to expand, the consequences will be unimaginable! So, we hope that everyone can work together this time and discard The previous suspects, work together to solve this emergency!"
"We don't want to see this thing worsen. The consequences are things that all of us don't want to see!"
"We are also urging and coordinating countries to investigate this matter immediately, hoping that it will not be a weapon of mass destruction by a terrorist organization..."
Several members of the World Security Council also began to speak. Although they are all bureaucratic clichés, their purpose is nothing more than one, that is: in any case, to stop the weird material expansion and find out the truth!
"Okay! Gentlemen, I think, I know what to do!"
Nodded, Coleson's face was a bit ugly and he accepted the tricky thing, and then he waved his hand and turned off all communications at the same time.
"First of all, give the order: let Captain Rogers and his team set off immediately, evacuate all the surrounding people as soon as possible, and let them stay away from here temporarily, the farther the better!"
"Then, Melinda, Fitz, Simmons, and Barbara, you guys, go down with me in five minutes to analyze and study it. We must first find out what the substance underneath is, what is it? ?"
Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Coleson immediately let his ‘Bear’ spacecraft and the captain’s ship disappear invisible at the same time, and then landed directly towards the ground. Now that they can't take care of too much, they must investigate and estimate the hazards of the mass of substances as soon as possible.
Moreover, they wanted to take advantage of the moment when the huge mass of weird matter below stopped expanding and expanding, to study it carefully, figure out its structure and principles, and then think about how to eliminate it?
"That's it for now, okay, everyone, go and prepare, and when you reach the ground, you must cheer up. Once you find that it has a tendency to reactivate or expand, then we must evacuate as soon as possible!"
After seeing that everyone had no opinion, Coleson waved his hand and asked everyone to prepare quickly while the spacecraft was descending. Even he himself was ready to put on a light universal universal set. Protective clothing to avoid the presence of biochemical infections or other threats to the stuff below.

"Hi! Sweet little girl, we finally meet again. How is it? Isn't it a surprise, and a surprise?"
Deadpool Wade Winston Wilson saw that the door to the house that he had been busy all day long but did not make any money finally opened automatically, he jumped off the house for the first time and moved towards a certain The little girl who seemed to be full of black lines and an impatient face leaned forward.
"I don't understand, why is this lock in your house so difficult to open?"
"From when the sun didn't rise this morning until now, I have been studying for almost an entire morning! What I can't think of is that all the unlocking tools I carry with me are useless?"
"Whether it is brushing the face at the beginning, or prying it with a sword, or even hitting it with a rock, hitting it with the body, or kicking it with the foot, it doesn't matter what it is!"
"And I have also tried to climb to the second floor of your house and smash the windows of your house. Unfortunately, they seem to be as tough as the steel of the door? I don't understand. The windows of your house are the ones you always use. Is it bulletproof glass?"
"In short, after practice, I came to the conclusion: Your home must be the safest place in the world! And, you must have many enemies? Otherwise, you won't hide here, and you have built it. Such a strong house..."
Regardless of the little girl's half-dangling eyelids, Deadpool just wandered around the little girl and kept telling him, not minding his identity as a thief and the powerful strength of the other party.
In the morning, when Deadpool himself returned to normal, he immediately climbed up here from the distant seabed.
Then, in one morning, he swiped his face at the automatic device dozens of times, but unfortunately, the door never recognized him! This made him think that the now popular method that can be used to swipe the fingerprint lock with orange peel does not seem to work? Otherwise, why can't his face that is even uglier than orange peel be able to brush the automatic door?
Moreover, what makes him even more puzzled is: Which insecure designer made this break? He didn't even have a keyhole, so the master key and wire he prepared were useless...
So, he tossed all morning, smashed dozens of rocks, seven or eight big coconuts, kicked off a leg and cut off a sword in the middle, but he still couldn't help it!
He even discovered that there were no scratches on those stones...
He hadn't even tried to dig in the ground, and looked at the opponent's floor from under the house. Is it something that can be pried open?
"The panda-eyed strange bird...This is not a house, this is a most advanced interstellar cruise ship...Whether it is armor or glass, it can withstand a certain degree of direct shooting from the main guns of the battleship...So, You can’t pry it open with your hands and a rock..."
This guy is not the Hulk who is so powerful and can dismantle the battleship with his bare hands. How could he get this spaceship? The reason why Tibbles the bear didn't wake him up in time was probably because he knew that this insecure guy would never break the door or break the window, so he waited until he woke up, right?
To deal with this kind of familiar, not ashamed and thick-skinned guy, Annie didn't think about how to deal with him for a while. Fortunately, the soundproofing effect of this battleship is very good, and Annie's sleep has not been disturbed at all, otherwise, she would have burned this weird person in fire!
"Huh? So that's the case, it's no wonder..."
"I have always felt that in this world, how could there be locks and doors that cannot be opened by the handsome me?"
"Little girl, you may not know that in order to learn the skill of unlocking, I caught a large group of thieves, and then stripped them and played with shame for a few nights before they finally cried and begged with tears. Teach me all those skills!"
"It's not that I am talking big, I can definitely open the safe of any bank in the world within three minutes! Of course, provided that I carry a sufficient amount of explosives, that is definitely possible!"
"Wow, I don't think you are very happy? Then let me tell you a joke, what do you think?"
Deadpool Wilson was alone for a while, and after seeing the little girl's mental head didn't seem to be very good, he followed and continued to chirping nonsense, and then started to slap some of his jokes:
"It seems to be in the first two years..."
"I'm going to find a mutant guy named Francis to take revenge, that is, to transform me into some villain with the weird appearance now!"
"Then... I actually took an Indian man's taxi twice before and after. I still remember his name until now, as if it was Du Pengde? Then... I instigated him to kidnap his watch. Brother Pandu, in order to restore the heart of his girl named Gitta, but who knows, that idiot actually went there?"
"I originally admired him. You have to know that an ordinary person who dares to take these risks and do such a big thing must be bold!"
"What's more interesting is that I accidentally left a large pack of my unregistered automatic weapons on his car. They were originally intended to deal with Francis... …"
"But who would have thought that the funniest thing happened: that hapless Du Punde, he was in a car accident halfway? Not only did people know the fact that he kidnapped his cousin, he was even found by the police on the spot. The automatic weapon of the bag?"
"Guess what happened in the end? That guy, for alleged kidnapping and illegal possession of various automatic weapons, is still in prison now! It is said that he will continue to be detained for several decades? Brother and the girl he likes, Jitta, now the kids can make soy sauce!, is this joke funny?!"
"Uh... why don't you laugh? Isn't this true story funny?!"
After squatting down in front of the opponent and staring carefully with those white eyes on her hood, she found that the little girl was still squeezing her face and seemed a little bit very upset, and then Deadpool scratched embarrassedly. Scratch your head.
Whenever he thinks of this, he can be happy from ear to ear for a long time. Why doesn't this little guy laugh?
"Sure enough... you are not only a weird person, but also a nasty bad guy!"
Annie felt that she was right to watch and throw him into the sea to feed the sharks yesterday!
"Wow, thank you for your compliment! That's right, I am not a good person, nor a hero! Otherwise, the X-Men would not always refuse to recognize me, thinking about all the dirty work. Let me do it, and if I miss it, let me take it back!"
"Actually, I don't even bother to join them. They still naively think that everyone has the same moral sense as them and wants to be a superhero! Pooh!"
"They will never know that the existence of this world is actually a mistake! No matter what they do, or what I do, it is meaningless! Only enjoying the moment and making yourself happy is true. ! So, let their heroes go to death sooner, I Wade Winston Wilson will not care about them!"
"Right, by the way, I would like to remind you: I ate all the food you left outside yesterday! Excuse me, do you have anything else you can eat? I feel that my body nutrition seems a little bit unable to keep up , Continue to add a lot of protein?"
"Oh... actually there is one more thing..."
"I saw that there seems to be no toilet here outside your small island, and I can't get in your spacecraft, so I ran behind the big rock and pulled xx. I hope you don't mind too much?"
"Don't worry, I had already buried it carefully with sand at the time, and most people can't see it and it won't taste anymore! It's just...If you're fine, you'd better not run around there? Otherwise, it’s easy to step on landmines if you are not careful!"
"Yes, it's the kind of landmine that doesn't blow, but it's annoying!"
Seeing that the little girl's eyes still seemed to stay on the small table on the other side of the beach that was messed up by him, Deadpool hurriedly pulled a lot of things.
This is actually no way. In the morning, when he recovered and climbed ashore, he was a little lacking in nutrition, so he ate all the fruits on the little girl’s table, or other snack biscuits. It was clean, even the coconuts were chopped up and drunk.
But as a result, maybe the kind of high-protein coconut meat from coconuts was eaten too much, and then it seemed a little indigestible? then……
Annie felt that her patience was almost reaching its limit!
She has to think about it now, how can she punish this guy who provokes her? Anyway, she would never make him feel better, absolutely!
(Master, the little one can’t stand this silly fool, let me go out, I’m going to kill him! Burn him to ashes again! See if he can come back to life?
Now not only Anne can’t help but want to do it, even Tibbers can’t stand this freak. It wants to use flames to purify this evil existence directly, and then throw the ashes into the sea to see him return Can you recover? )
"The panda-eyed monster, I want to know, how did you come alive? Yesterday, you were obviously thrown into the sea by my family to feed the sharks by Tibbers!"
After thinking for a while, she frowned again. Annie ignored Tibbers' protest. She wanted to ask first, how did he recover from this strange creature? Then, she decided to retaliate and go back.
"This is a sad story... You may not know that after I was transformed by a guy before, it was the Francis I said before! That is to say, I suddenly found myself never going to I can't die! Even if you chop me into pieces, smash my head, or throw me into the fire, or crush me into mash, I can't die!"
"Of course, I don't like the kind of smashing my head, because it will make my memory more messy and chaotic. I will throw out some weird thoughts all day long, such as seeing some weird things. of?"
"Well, let's first talk about how I recovered..."
After seeing the little girl seemed a little impatient, Wilson quickly turned the topic back.
"And yesterday, there was a nasty shark that ate one of my arms and two legs! Then, fortunately, after my hand returned to move, I slaughtered it with one knife and ate its meat. , And recovered those parts of mine in its stomach! Then, I killed several sharks in a row. After I had enough nutrients to supplement, I quickly recovered before the sky was about to dawn. Normal!"
"By the way, although I can't breathe in the water, the sea water still failed to drown me. Don't you think this thing is amazing? I tell you, the world under the sea here is very interesting and there are many strange things. Small animals and some glowing jellyfish that are said to sting people and die?"
"Anyway, I ate them, and I didn't see them sting me to death!"
Talking, slut, nonsensical, maybe it is the characteristic of Deadpool in this world, so he just followed the little girl like this, chattering and chattering.
This is something that can't be helped. Originally, he thought it would be a simple task...
But how can I think that the bald Charles actually played him a lot, and it turned out to be let him steal this little girl? He knows a lot about the deeds of this little girl in the Avengers. How can the strength of the other party be comparable to him, an ordinary transformed mutant with near-immortality ability?
You know, he himself can't even beat the steel man in the X-Men! Because of this, after he came here and saw this little girl, he no longer had the idea of ​​robbing infinite gems, and for the first time he sold a bald head that was put on him. .
Annie was going to continue to play on the beach to cool off and study her own rocks today, but who ever thought that her little beach was turned into a mess by this weird man? If you think about the ‘landmine’ behind a big rock in the distance...
Therefore, she has no plans to go to the beach at once! She even didn't want this island anymore...
"I'm very annoying today, please don't bother me again! Otherwise, be careful I kill you!"
After sighing, Annie turned around and walked towards the gate of her spaceship again. Now she is not in a good mood, so she has to go back and think about how to punish this weird guy to make him feel pain. It can't be just a punishment, but also a brutal blow!
"Don't worry, girl, listen to me, I have a good profitable business here, do you want to listen to it?"
"Wait! It's like this: that Charles, he promised to give me a price of five million dollars a piece and let me steal your gems! How about this, little girl, you give me the stone, and then The money I get, let's share half of them?"
"Trust me, this will definitely be a good deal!"
"You think, after I get the money with the bald head, you will immediately come to the door and grab the gems back, and then he will hire me to steal them. In this case, we will be rich in a few times. ! As long as a few more votes, I will soon become a billionaire too!"
"Why, you don't seem to be satisfied? That's fine, you six and four? Or... you seven and three?!"
Seeing that the little girl kept ignoring herself and walking back, Wilson was a little anxious. He couldn't do this for nothing, right? Fortunately, he went to steal a boat specially, if he couldn't get anything, then he really lost a lot!
drop! drop! drop! drop!
Suddenly, the communication device on Annie's body rang.
In doubt, she directly took out the contact device in her pocket, and soon after the connection was connected, a holographic image of Uncle Coleson and others wearing protective clothing appeared.
[Annie? We have something important here. We want you to help. It's urgent! Do you see these substances behind us? It's this stuff, we can't figure it out! 〕
[Uh...this guy, why did he appear on your island? ! 〕
Coleson just wanted to tell Annie that something weird that swallowed up an entire town suddenly appeared here in Missouri today, but who would have thought that a monster with a black-red hood and white eyes popped out of the holographic image? Guys?
After being shocked, he realized that it was a deadpool with an abnormal mental state? But what Coulson didn't quite understand was that Anne's island was so hidden, how did he get into this neurotic reformer? Who let him go?
"Hi! How are you guys!"
"Wow, what's that behind you? It's cooling... a big pile of asphalt? Who on earth has such a big hand? That must be worth a lot of money!"
"Oh... well, don't bother you for now, you guys talk first, talk casually, shouldn't it matter if I just stand here and see?"
After discovering that the people on both sides didn't seem to welcome him, Deadpool moved her position humbly, and then stood behind the little girl unwillingly, and kept making various gestures to the opposite Coleson and others. gesture.
〔Annie, how did that guy find your island? 〕
You know, anyone who knows Annie's place now, except for the people in the Avengers and a limited number of people in his Coleson group, no one else knows! So, how did that nervous guy get accurate coordinates and find the hidden island in the vast ocean?
But don't let that nervous guy damage Annie. In that case, it must be a super disaster! For the crazy in this world, having such a Deadpool is enough! If it hadn't been for the fact that the other party seemed to be unkillable, countless people would have died of that nerve!
"Ha! You don't need to ask her, I can answer you: Actually, it was a bald guy named Charles who asked me to steal infinite gems here, how about it? Should you give me a bonus for this information?"
"That bald guy, in a wheelchair, has an academy, don't I need to give any more tips?"
As soon as Coleson's words fell, the guy with the hood suddenly came up again, and Coleson couldn't help being stunned by what he said.
He didn't understand. Is it okay for this guy to be asked to steal something and to say so blatantly? Or maybe the other party is planting a spoil?
But... if it's this guy with an abnormal brain...maybe it's probably true?
"Uncle Coleson, I have seen the things behind you. I'll go over and take a look later. If nothing happens, then I'll hang up!"
No longer giving a nasty guy a chance to come over and speak again, Annie directly hung up the communication, then turned her head, and stared at the opponent maliciously.
"By the way, the nickname is Deadpool, I want to ask you one last thing: In addition to being resurrected, do you have any other special abilities? For example, can fly? Or teleport and other abilities? "
Annie seems to have thought of how to punish this weird person. Anyway, there are still some things on the other side of the earth that you may need to see by yourself, so just decide like this!
"Uh...what do you want to do?"
"Well, I tell you generously, apart from being extremely resilient and not dying, I don't seem to have any special abilities anymore?"
Wilson didn't know why the little girl suddenly asked about this kind of thing, anyway, besides the physical abilities and self-healing abilities far beyond ordinary people, he should have nothing more.
"That's good, then, goodbye, Deadpool Shu...I announce that this island will be given to you now!"
"I wish you a good time!"
After that, Annie disappeared in place with a flash. In the next instant, her flat water drop-like space yacht, which occupies half of the island, rumbling and floating from the mud, and began to accelerate. High away from the ground.
"Oh! can't do this!"
"Little girl, you can't leave me here alone! Please take me back!"
Seeing the little girl who suddenly disappeared in front of him, Wade Winston Wilson was stunned for a long time before he finally seemed to understand something. Then, he hurried forward and ran towards The spaceship that was gradually rising jumped up.
It's a pity that it was an interstellar yacht with an extremely smooth, flat water drop structure, and it didn't have any gaps or protrusions on the outside that he could grasp! In addition, his Deadpool didn't have Spider-Man's clinging ability, so he could only pull twice on the smooth outer bulkhead at the bottom of the spaceship in vain, and then fell heavily under the action of gravity... …
"Oh, no!!!"
"Little girl, can’t I think it’s okay? Alright, take me away from this island? I don’t want to make trouble here on your island. The problem is that my ship is broken. I will return. I'm not going anymore... I am also a poor man who was smashed by a bald head!"
"Please! Please come back soon..."
After chasing the beautiful spacecraft in the moving direction, I ran to the beach. After the silver-white spacecraft was no longer seen, Wilson's heart-piercing howls stopped, and he knelt directly without any strength. Pour and hold on to the beach with both hands.
Now, it's his turn to think things are a bit unfun...
Now, he is abandoned on this isolated island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far away from the route, and still invisible to the outside world. Then, what should he do to leave here? Logging and taking a boat to Ro Wilson Crusoe? But... where do those ocean current ghosts know they will take him?
"Huh! Let you steal my things, let you smash my spaceship, let you pull Baba on my beach, now you know you regret it?"
After taking a glance at the small island where the spacecraft flew higher and faster, and no longer saw the shadow, Annie clapped her hands happily, and threw the little bear up high and cheered.
A mere mutant with all the physical abilities and self-healing abilities far beyond that of ordinary people, Annie wanted to see how long it would take him to leave that deserted island?
Is it a year? Or two years? If he cuts down the tree to make a I hope it won’t fall apart in the middle. In that case, he can only swim back. What a big ocean, Annie is already breaking his fingers. If he is lucky and encounters a ship, how long can he return to land? If you are unlucky...
(Master, you just added a negative state of reducing luck to him for three years? Therefore, within three years, he will never touch the boat...)
It's over, it's over, it's really over!
Looking at the deserted island that had become empty again, and then at the distant island ground with only the spacecraft indentation left, Wilson had to lie helplessly on the beach, plunge his head directly into the sand, and wailed in a low voice. He kept beating the sand with his hands.
Kneeling on the beach, Wilson's left hand that plunged into the sand seemed to have caught something weird?
That kind of touch, cold and soft... It seems a bit slimy... Could it be some marine life? Or is it sea urchin?
and many more! It seems that he accidentally forgot something...
Wilson pulled his head out of the sand, then shrugged his nose vigorously, then his movements suddenly stiffened, and he realized something.
Finally, after a while, he slowly turned his head stiffly. Sure enough, he saw a big rock behind him. Then, the lump in his hand was soft, sticky, and cold. It's obvious what it is...
I don't know how long it took, a heart-piercing scream suddenly began to echo on this empty and lonely island...Can't find the latest chapter in the book you want to read? Cough cough cough, this is nothing, I recommend an official account, here is a lady who will help you find the latest chapters and chat with you!
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