Chapter 386: Irrelevant right or wrong

"Nebula, execute the second plan now!"
"Immediately send our vanguard and Cherita army, I ask you to completely destroy the earth within half an hour! Destroy everything on this planet!"
Watching the opponent concentratingly, seeing that the little girl still refuses to confess at this time, and also enlarges the fireball in her hand, it seems that after she is really desperate to fight with herself, Thanos feels ruthless in her heart and directly moves towards His daughter gave this cruel-sounding order.
In any case, the collection of six infinite gems is related to his many years of planning and obsession. Although the destruction of all life on the earth made him a little bit unbearable, but now he can't take care of that much. . In order to achieve his goal, even more senseless sacrifices and more blood of innocent people can be forgiven.
"Father... that little girl, is she that powerful mage?"
However, what made Thanos feel a little dissatisfied at this time is that his goddaughter Nebula did not immediately execute his orders. Instead, he curiously scanned the surrounding terrain and characters through the holographic projection device and turned to look at the opposite. The little girl who was carrying a plush teddy bear and still holding a ball of fire.
After two glances, after summarizing the words that Thanos threatened the other party just now, she felt that this little girl should be the powerful mage they had been ordering to investigate!
"Don't hurry to execute my order?!"
Thanos didn't reply at all. He was very dissatisfied with Nebula's daring to delay the order, so he repeated it directly to the opponent indifferently.
At this moment, the other party dared to violate his order? From Thanos’s point of view, this is nothing short of rebellious and unforgivable! Therefore, he has decided in his heart: After returning to Temple No. 2, as punishment, he will also transform the remaining half of her life into a machine!
"I see, then she must be right..."
What makes Thanos even more angry is that after he repeated the order, his daughter Nebula, not only still does not execute and convey the order, but also looks at him with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. This abnormal behavior makes There was a faint feeling of uneasy palpitations in his heart.
"You finally met this mighty enemy, so you have to implement the second plan so that you can focus on her next, am I right?"
Sure enough, something that made Thanos uncomfortable happened... In his sight, his goddaughter planet, unexpectedly changed its previous humble appearance, but raised its head and looked at it with disdain and resentment. he.
"Do you know? My good father... the great universe king Thanos... Actually, I have been waiting for this day for a long time! Now, I finally waited!"
"Almost forgot, I can tell you an interesting thing quietly: I am not actually on Temple II now, and my own men and I are now secretly observing in the orbit of Mars on Earth. What about you guys! How is it, isn't it surprising?"
"By the way, there is another important thing that needs to be told to you: my Dark Star, which was collected from Ronan the Cree who was killed by you, and that Cree warship, you should Remember? And now, it is parked in the inner port area of ​​your Temple II mothership..."
"Well, these are not important! The most important thing is... I am still in the dark star warehouse, quietly preparing a lot of large-yield star destroyer fusion bombs... As long as I gently press this little Button..."
Ignoring Thanos’s big angry face that slowly rose to purple and the shocked and wanting to eat eyes, the Nebula in the holographic projection just laughed proudly and presumptuously, and immediately took out a no To the sci-fi-shaped instrument half the size of her fist, then, when she opened the lid, there was a bright red button on it! According to her previous description, its function is self-evident.
Now, her Nebula is just such a villain when the long-awaited plan finally succeeds. She has no pretentiousness and no concealment. She just smiles so arrogantly and unscrupulously!
"you dare!!!"
Almost forcibly enduring the great anger in his heart, Thanos reluctantly spit out these two words from his mouth.
The current Thanos had an ugly expression on his face. With his fists clenched, countless energy fluctuations began to oscillate around him, seeming to erupt at any time. If this Nebula was in front of him, I am afraid, he would have already smashed the opponent with a punch, right?
"Why didn't I dare, how could I not?!"
"The Thanos... Do you know? I always wanted to kill you with my own hands one day, and even want to destroy you with my own hands! But... I know that my own ability may not be able to do such difficult things. , So, I thought of another way... Look, you are facing a strong enemy now, and then... I'm pressing it now! Do you think the earthlings will let you go?"
"a ha ha ha……"
After Nebula laughed in front of Thanos and pressed the bright red button vigorously, Thanos also angrily stepped forward, stepped directly on the moon ground and crushed the holographic communication. Button, the other party’s triumphant laughter suddenly stopped, and there was no sound!
"Aha, this is really fun... Now, the bad purple uncle, it seems that you can no longer threaten me with the earth... What a pity..."
I was stunned to see such a family ethical tragedy. I also saw a blue-skinned daughter cheating on her purple-skinned father, and the triumphant look afterwards. I don’t know what it is to be a pity. Anyway, Annie He sighed softly like that.
Anyway, Annie said it was a bit strange! That guy who seemed to be called Nebula just now, is cheating her father so fun?
But... if you think about it more carefully, the nebula just now is a blue-skinned alien, and then look at the Thanos in front of you, but he is a purple-skinned sweet potato head, they don't look alike anymore!
After that, it became clear that Annie generally seemed to understand something and nodded.
The skin colors of the two are different. That Nebula must be someone else’s illegitimate daughter. Then, when her cheap dad is not on the spacecraft, he wants to blow up her dad’s spacecraft. By the way, he must also blow it up. After losing her father's direct line, and then, ready to occupy her father's family property, by the way, also want to use Annie's own hand to cut the grass and root?
This is really beautiful, it must be like this, these aliens, they really know how to play!
Annie felt that this must be exactly what she had guessed. These palace ethics dramas and so on, Annie has watched a lot on TV and the Internet on the earth, and there are so few scenes back and forth: either thinking about Faer cheating her father, or going to cheat brothers, and then kill her. Ascend the throne after the stream? It's the same with those who killed concubines and became queens. Anyway, going back and forth is the same thing. Annie always wanted to doze off every time she looked at the land!
Looking at the little girl in front of him who was gloating with misfortune a little bit of grief, Thanos clenched his fist tightly, and now, who had no way out, was about to force a frontal duel with the little girl.
Thanos knows that his own situation is already very bad now. If he can't defeat his opponent in a short period of time, his opponent's support will definitely come slowly, right? For example, just like the Asgardian who was able to emit lightning or the earth woman with powerful energy, he just defeated him, if there are more similar ones, then he will not end well.
That's the end of the matter, it's no use thinking too much!
So... Thanos decided that he must first make a quick battle and make the best!
While the opponent was still over there with a hippy smile and gloating over the infighting within the dark cult, Thanos made a ruthless shot and suddenly rushed towards the little the opposite side with lightning speed!
boom! ! !
In grief and indignation, Thanos was ready to punch with such a punch, directly with the little girl and the cliff moon rock she had just sat on to smash!
However, Thanos knew that he was not able to attack the enemy...
Because just now, his fist easily passed through the small body of the other party, and he didn't feel the slightest sense of stagnation at all! So, he knew that his attack failed, it was actually just a phantom of the enemy!
"Hmph! You mages, do you have this kind of trick to escape?"
Thanos, who missed a hit, turned silently from the pile of rocks and looked at another high ground behind him. Through energy perception, he knew that the little girl must be there now! The eyes may deceive him, but the infinite connection between the infinite gems and the fluctuations of those special energies cannot be wrong.
"Ha! Whatever you say, you can't beat me anyway!"
"Let’s do this, the weird sweet potato face, or, let’s talk first? You just talk about what you want to do with six infinite gems, and then... maybe I’m happy, I just put Are those three gems given to you?"
After thinking about it, Annie simply grabbed the fireball that she had just been holding. I don't know why, now she suddenly doesn't want to fight with this sweet potato monster! Maybe she also knew that once the fight really started, it would definitely be a waste of time!
Well, in fact, she seems to have thought of a better way to get soul gems.
And if it doesn’t work later, then it’s not too late to fight again. Anyway, she’s staring at the opponent now, and if you want to run, you won’t be able to escape!
"That's because the universe has become more and more crowded... the population of various races has increased... and the various resources of the universe are limited... Therefore, for the healthy development of the universe, more In order to balance the universe, I need to gather six infinite gems, and then... destroy half of the entire universe's population..."
There was silence for a while, Thanos still clenched his fists, and walked towards the little girl in the distance step by step.
Then, he just said that while walking. When the distance between the two was less than ten meters, he stopped, just stared at each other so much, did not continue to attack, but did not relax his vigilance.
"Um...for the balance of the universe... it sounds reasonable..."
Hearing that the other party was making such an idea, Annie looked up and down at the other party in inconceivable ways. In fact, what Annie wants to say more is: the universe is unbalanced, what does it matter to him?
This is actually like a proverb of the people of the earth, it seems to say that the guard dog must go to catch the mouse, want to grab the cat's work?
Moreover, that sweet potato head monster, don't want to fool Annie! As an arcane archmage, she knows that nature's ability to mediate balance is very strong, and it must be the same when enlarged to the entire universe!
For example, if there are too many plants in a forest, they will grow up vigorously, competing for space and more sunlight! After that, those trees with more luxuriant branches and taller trees can survive easily, while those that do not grow tall and cannot take in sunlight and nutrients will slowly wither and die! Or, some plants that are not tall but do not want to die will slowly evolve into small plants that like shade! So, this forest slowly balanced itself.
For another example, if there are more rabbits on a grassland, the grass roots of the turf will be slowly eaten up, and the land will be slowly deserted. Then, if the rabbits have nothing to eat, the environment will become bad. Many parts will die slowly! Only those who can find enough food and adapt to the environment can survive! After the rabbits are gone, the earth will slowly recover until countless years or countless cycles, when the grassland and rabbits build a new balance, this grassland will naturally survive!
And now, if this purple sweet potato head says that the universe has more people and fewer resources, then don't worry! Anyway, sooner or later they will fight for resources or other reasons. At that time, the various races in the universe will always adjust a certain balance by themselves! So, what does it matter to the population of the universe? !
In short, Annie knows that whether it is the balance of nature or the balance of the universe, this strange horror does not have to care at all! This universe is so hot, it will always adjust itself slowly, so he doesn't need to worry about it!
These simple basic knowledge, Annie already knew very early!
As an arcane archmage, these are the most basic lessons! If she doesn't understand the basic rules of nature, how can she understand the core magic knowledge of the world?
So, in the final analysis, this thing is actually very simple, that is: This is called Thanos, but it is actually a silly thing! He didn't learn well when he was a child, and he didn't listen to the teacher in class. Now it's good. When he grows up, he just gets into the horns, so that he can't turn around now.
Therefore, Annie decided that as a good student who is studying hard and making progress every day, she must give him a lively social education class! She must let this guy called Thanos understand: If a person doesn't listen to the lectures in class and his brain is not good enough, then he will definitely suffer a lot!
"Since you also think it makes sense, how about you give me those three infinite gems?!"
Although he knew that his unreasonable request would not make the little girl submit, Thanos still subconsciously asked such a sentence. Otherwise, he had no other better way than to forcefully defeat the master of unknown depth and the three gems.
"I said... why are you so stubborn?"
"Forget it, if you give you the infinite gem, it's actually not impossible... But you must show me your orange gem for a while! Then I will give you my three stones , What do you think of this suggestion?"
With her eyes rolling around, Annie seemed to have a good idea, and then she took out the space gems, time gems and soul gems fakes from her pocket, and then asked each other cutely.
Thanos squinted his eyes and said nothing, he was very suspicious! He felt that the little guy in front wanted to trick himself into giving her the soul gem, and then ran away? Does she really think that she is so good to lie? !
"Huh! How dare you doubt my sincerity?"
Seeing that the other party had been greedily staring at the three gems in his hand, but still did not make any statement, Annie pretended to be angry and directly put the gems back into her pocket.
"Why not, let's sign a fair contract, what do you think?"
"As long as you take your soul gem to me for a while, it will be a short while! As long as you give it to me for a few minutes to study it! Then, you have to sign this contract to ensure the future of you and your men Never come to Earth, then I will give you the three gems just now!"
Finally, Annie smiled and used the core rules of the world to write a transparent temporary rules contract out of thin air. After signing her name generously, she gently waved at the other party and let it float to the other party. In front of.
This temporary contract is actually very simple: as long as Thanos gives Annie the soul gem for a few minutes, Annie will give the three infinite gems she just handed to Thanos for free! Of course, Thanos also promises that he will never embarrass the people of the earth in any way!
(I respect and great little master... The little one has to remind you: the magic name you just signed, it seems... is the real name of your other pet Er Heizi...
After a moment of silence, Tibbers couldn't help but reminded him. This contract is inherently insincere. Not only does it set various traps that are not easy to be found, but the content of the punishment is also vague... That's fine, but its little owner is good, and even the name is not signed. my own! )
"Of course I know it's the second black, don't you sign it, do you want me to sign you?"
After contemptuously refuting her own babble bear, Annie smiled again and looked at the purple sweet potato monster with a gloomy expression on the opposite side.
"Annie don't! If he gets six infinite gems, it will directly destroy half of the life in this universe!"
At this time, Ms. Marvel, who had recovered a lot of power, seemed to have heard what the two sides said with peculiar power, and then hurried over to persuade her.
If infinite gems could be given to this Thanos, they would not directly reject this proposal when they had a meeting and they have resisted so far! After all, there is a 50% chance of death, which no human on earth will accept! No one wants to die, even Carol himself!
"Oh, don't worry about you! The earth still has me, I promise you are fine, as for the other aliens, what does their life and death matter to you?"
Waved her hand, Annie didn't mind speaking to the big sister who was rushing over to stop her. She now has a plan she can't tell outsiders, so she doesn't need these guys to come here to make trouble!
The little girl's words seemed to make sense. Carol couldn't help but slowed down, slowed down, and slowly let go of the outstretched hand. For a while, she was speechless...
Think about it too, if this little girl can guarantee that people here on earth will not have problems, then, what is the life and death of aliens? It would be better for those alien races outside to die. In that case, this universe might be all earthlings!
Thanos didn't speak, just squinted, looking at the contents of this contract one by one.
After a while, he didn't notice any problems, he raised his head with difficulty, first looked at the little girl opposite, and then thought about the three infinite gems that the other party just took out. For a while, Thanos is a bit Hesitated, wondering if I should believe the other person.
"Are you sure, after you have studied the soul gem, you will give it to me along with the three infinite gems you just held?"
After thinking about it, Thanos really couldn't find anything wrong, so he finally asked cautiously. Although this kind of thing that can be exchanged for three infinite gems by showing the other party for a while, it always makes him feel abnormal... He always feels that this thing seems a little too easy, there must be something wrong!
However, if you think about it carefully, the other party is a little girl, and the two infinite gems were randomly discarded on the star of Sakar, so that the matter of letting them fall into the hands of Gao Tianzun and Loki seems to be another Adding a little bit of persuasiveness to today's behavior of giving away three gems at will?
"Of course! I'll just take a look, it will definitely not take more than five minutes! Look, with this contract as proof, what are you afraid of?!"
In order to increase the persuasiveness of her own words, Annie once again took out the three infinite gems from her pocket, and then rashly tossed it in the palm of her hand, letting the other's eyes follow her movements and the gems Up and down and up and down.
(Master, the contract didn’t say that the three infinite gems must be true! Even, it didn’t say that you would return the soul gem ‘intact’...
Looking at the expression of Thanos on the opposite side, Tibbers knew that the opponent was betrayed by his men and was desperate, and seemed to be about to fall into the evil of its little master! It is pitiful to think about it, people's brains are not good at first, they are all horny, and now, they have to be played by a little girl as a monkey...)
"Shut up! Tibbers, over there you are? I'm punishing bad guys right now!"
After grabbing her bear's neck fiercely, Annie blinked and waited expectantly for the answer from the other party.
"Well... what do you need me to do?"
After pondering for a long time, Thanos, who felt that his chances of playing this little girl would not be too high, finally compromised.
He thinks, one is that this contract is the guarantee, and the other is just asking him to give a soul gem. If the other party repents, he seems to have two gems, and the situation will not get worse. After all, before the six infinite gems were collected, whether it was two or three, it didn't have much effect on him. And the power of the soul gem, whether it is on the little girl or on herself, will not have any impact on them, and they will not be controlled by it to the soul.
"It's easy! As long as you press a handprint on the contract, then you can give me the soul gem! Then, I can give you those three gems!"
Seeing that the other party finally nodded in agreement, Annie grinned, even showing two small tiger teeth.
"There is no need to sign the contract! This stone is for you, I believe you..."
Thanos, who always felt that this contract was a bit wrong, thought about it, and simply dig out the soul gem on his left glove with his hand, and then threw it directly at the little girl.
After blinking her eyes, Annie looked at each other in surprise, then looked down at the orange gem she had caught, and then she was a little bit proud and a little bit guilty in her heart, and pretended to be Researched it a bit.
In less than a minute, she nodded and put the soul gem directly into her pocket. When the person on the other side almost wanted to do it, she took her hand out of her pocket again, and then placed it in her palm. Inside, there are four infinite gems exuding charming light. They are: blue space gems, green time gems, yellow soul gems and orange soul gems just gotten...
"Hey! There are four gems in total, did I lie to you?"
After weighing the Moment Gem in her hand, Annie turned her lips when she knew that the other party's eyes were almost straight, and threw it towards the other party pretending to be a little bit reluctant.
"Catch it, sweet potato squash!"
An innocent smile appeared on Annie's face, and then she threw four gems directly at the other side.
Seeing that the other party actually abide by the agreement, he threw the four infinite gems towards him directly. Thanos was delighted, and he directly stretched out his left hand wearing the infinite glove, and directly flashed the four infinity gems with charming light The infinite gems are pulled and automatically mounted on his gloves.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Four clear sounds and four different energy fluctuations swept past the surroundings. After closing his eyes and feeling it for a long time, Thanos, who felt that there was no problem with the stone, opened his eyes as if relieved and looked towards To the little girl opposite, who was clever and obeyed.
"I will abide by the agreement, and I will never set foot on the earth for life! Then, goodbye little girl..."
Following Thanos’ words, he used the power of space gems to open a space door behind him that only allowed him to pass through. That was his hometown, Titan... After speaking, he took a step back gently. , Disappeared instantly.
As Thanos left, the Cherita soldiers he had brought before ran to the spaceship where they came, seeming to plan to leave this dangerous place earlier.
At this time, the Marines in the Bear Shield base that were previously controlled by Thanos finally returned to normal.
" it really good if you give him those three stones?"
With the disappearance of Thanos and the withdrawal of the Cherita spacecraft, Ms. Marvel Carol still walked up to the little girl with some doubts and asked with some worry.
"It doesn't matter, I actually have a lot of stones like that, look!"
After finishing talking, Annie smiled thiefly and took out a lot of infinite gems of various colors from her pocket. The number of them must be far more than ten! As far as Carol knows, there are actually only six infinite gems!
So... think about the little girl who insisted on studying the other's soul gem request and the action of putting the gem in her pocket, she couldn't help but breathe in air!
"You... are you lying to him?!"
My god...Khalil sighed in her heart. She didn't even think that this little girl... just now has been pitting that Thanos?
"Big sister, don't talk nonsense, I didn't lie to him!"
"Everything I just did, I strictly abide by the content of the contract! I wrote it out plainly and clearly, he can't see the problem, can he blame me?!"
After speaking, Annie turned and walked away.
Now, she needs to go to the unconscious Aunt Melinda who fell on the ground and wait for her acquaintance to rescue her, and then, after a while, she should almost leave this universe. After staying here for a few months, she had a good start, and she managed to get all the infinite gems, which is great! In this regard, Annie expressed her satisfaction!

At this time, Thanos, who was far away on Titan, was sitting on a platform of ruined buildings, looking at the setting sun in the distance, with a relaxed expression on the corners of his mouth.
After a while, he raised his left hand and gently rubbed the six fascinating infinite gems on it. Among them, the orange one he rubbed for the longest time and the most carefully...because that was He sacrificed his favorite daughter Kamora in exchange for...
But now, everything is worth it!
"It's also time..."
When the setting sun on the horizon slowly fell below the ground, and when the last gleam of golden sunlight was about to fade away, Thanos gently raised his left hand, and then snapped his fingers firmly.
After a clear metal collision sound, the six infinite gems suddenly released bursts of strong light and strong energy fluctuations. Then, they broke instantly in response to the sound, and turned into wind-dying energy fragments and dissipated on Titan. In the air...
This...should be considered a success, right?
After thinking about it, Thanos didn’t know why the infinite gems were all shattered, but he thought, since it is a powerful power to obliterate half of the life in the entire universe, then, as a price, it is excusable for the infinite gems to be broken directly. of!
And he has just touched them one by one. Their energy, special power, and the kind of fluctuations they just shattered are definitely not wrong. The price is Reasonable, it must be so!
Therefore, after fulfilling his lifelong wish, Thanos took off the gloves and armor on his body at once, threw them away directly, and then lay directly on the grass in front of the ruins. He was tired, for this purpose, he lost too much...
From now on, he Thanos will live in seclusion on this planet, and will never set foot in the outer universe again!
Before falling asleep, he murmured such a name to himself, and then, a drop of muddy tears gently scratched the corners of his slightly curved mouth along his scarred face.
If, in the future, there is a chance to see Kamora in the world of souls, then he will definitely say to her: He did it, he collected six infinite gems, and fulfilled his wish...
He has no regrets...
Finally, when the last ray of sunset light disappeared completely, and the entire Titan star had become completely dark, letting go of everything, it had become a Thanos of ordinary Titans again, and there was a rare sound of slight sleep.

(PS: Surprise, you thought it would be Star Wars Thanos? No! I won't write about the ending that you guessed! How good it is now, it's very warm, the silly Thanos thought he won, So, I have lived a good life on Titan from now on o(╯□╰)o)
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