Chapter 388: Western wilderness

The eastern kingdom of the world of Azeroth. In the past two months, in the western wilderness area of ​​the Stormwind Kingdom, especially near the former dead mine area in Yuexi Town, a group of militants of unknown origin began to appear frequently. Attack the soldiers and nobles of Stormwind Kingdom.
That strange group of thugs, they have all kinds of races!
Whether it is humans, dwarves, high elves, goblins, trolls, or some other rare and strange creatures, their composition makes outsiders or the security forces in the western part of Stormwind feel that they are like a group of accidentally rushing to the Kingdom of Stormwind Are there adventurers or some vicious criminals here?
Anyway, the arrest documents posted by the authorities are just like that.
It's just that Grian Stallman, a veteran paladin who has returned to his hometown of Yuexi Town in the Westfall, doesn't think so! He could tell at a glance from the actions of the other party and the mysterious organization: They are definitely not ordinary thieves or villains, but a group of organized and purposeful hostile military forces!
This matter is actually not too difficult to judge...
Thinking about the power distribution and changing trends of the entire world of Azeroth and the northern and southern continents of the Eastern Kingdom over the years, it is not difficult to analyze the origin of the group. After all, the other party’s practices and some revealed intelligence are too obvious. !
In Grian's view, although the opponent's actions were very secretive, the methods were too naive and too direct.
This matter actually starts from the 21st year of the Dark Portal...
The one on the northern continent was established by a mysterious and powerful little girl mage, and encompassed all the northern lands including the entire Lordaeron. The one on the northern continent was composed of fire elements, humans, high elves, dwarves, deep sea naga, fish After the flame alliance composed of the human tribe and a small number of night elves came out, the entire continent of the Eastern Kingdom shivered under the powerful front of the flame alliance!
In that era when Archimonde was powerful enough to beat the death knight Alsace, and even the flame queen, the demigod immortal who easily wiped out the undead and natural disasters, no power dared to face the north.
Fortunately, that little girl disappeared as early as 21 years in the Dark Portal, and no one knows her whereabouts!
When the time came to the Dark Portal for twenty-five years, unwilling to fail the undead natural disasters, the lich leader Kel'Thuzad even relied on the horror city of Naxxramas to launch an attack on Azeroth in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdom. Raiders battle again!
However, he only lasted less than a week from appearance to escape! The ridiculous strategy of the other party not only caused a large number of elite undead to be slaughtered by the Flame Alliance, but even the floating castle was destroyed by the Flame Alliance army and crashed on the coastal beach east of the Eastern Plaguelands...
At that time, the Flame Alliance declared their strength to the other two major forces in Azeroth with their powerful military power and unparalleled record!
However, the good times did not last long...
When the Ahn'Qiraj worms began to launch another attack on the Silithus Desert under the order of the ancient C'Thun, the entire alliance of all races in Azeroth had to temporarily put aside their relations with each other. The gaps and disputes began to unite again to gather in Silithus and collectively besiege Ahn'Qiraj gate!
Originally, the coalition's operations went well. After all, their army is a combination of three major forces.
However, shortly after attacking the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the Fire Elemental Army under the Flame Alliance, I don't know why, except for a few high-level existence, they were suddenly collectively controlled by the ancient C'Thun and began to become Go crazy! Afterwards, most of the Fire Elemental Army was killed in infighting with the coalition forces themselves, and caused extremely heavy casualties to the entire Azeroth coalition...
In the end, although with the help of the Bronze Dragonflight, the heroes of the coalition successfully swept the Ahn'Qiraj empire and defeated the ancient C'Thun, but... the Fire Elemental Army that suffered a severe loss of strength, together with the flame alliance The armies of other countries were united by the tribe and the Stormwind Alliance before they were able to get any benefits, and they were embarrassed by boat and returned to the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdom.
After this battle, the military forces of the Flame Alliance fell from the throne of the three leagues for the first time!
The original powerful alliance that shook the entire Azeroth world, after losing most of the flame legion elite, turned out to be even more vulnerable than the new tribe! In the end, he could only choose to stick to the northern continent and the Saldo Bridge, temporarily losing his ability to make progress.
However, when the Flame Alliance was about to lick the wound, their opponent's power increased out of thin air...
In the second year of annihilating the Ahn'Qiraj empire and crushing the ancient C'Thun's conspiracy, in the twenty-sixth year of the Dark Portal, a group of aliens named draenei landed on Kalimdor. On the coast of the north of the mainland, and soon contacted the night elves and successfully formed an alliance with the Stormwind Alliance!
This accident allowed the Stormwind Alliance to acquire countless paladins and powerful priests, far surpassing those silver hand knights in the new kingdom of Lordaeron! If, coupled with that powerful naaru creature, the hard power of the Stormwind Alliance will secure the throne of Azeroth's world military power for the first time.
Since then, for the first time in terms of strength, the Stormwind Alliance has far surpassed the new tribes and the Flame Alliance that is showing signs of decline.
At the same time, when the Dark Portal was rebuilt by Lord Kazzak, the demon lord of the Outland, and opened again, the Alliance and the Horde both began a new round of large-scale march into the Outland! One is to smash the Burning Legion's attempt to attack the world of Azeroth, and the other is, they all hope to get enough benefits from the new world.
At that time, the leader of the Flame Alliance, Illidan Stormrage, disregarding the strong opposition of other members of the alliance at that time, resolutely led almost all the deep sea naga and some elite Flame Alliance forces and began to force the conquest of Outland!
After that, I don’t know what the demon hunter Illidan did in Outland. Anyway, the Flame Alliance was united by the Stormwind Alliance and the Horde to boycott and cut off the world of Azeroth. All contact!
Since then, there has been no more news...
At this point, after losing the main force of the Fire Elemental Legion, the Naga Deep Navy and the elite forces of the Illidari and some of the Flame Alliance, once in the period of a little girl, it was unparalleled and made all the races of Azeroth. The Flame Alliance, which we can almost only look up to, began to gradually become embarrassed, and almost never recovered!
At the twenty-seventh year after the first opening of the Dark Portal, in the entire Flame Alliance in the north, it is rumored that even in the Flame City of the Flame Kingdom, there are only a handful of fire elements left. Most of the turtles were forced to retract back into the land of flames! I heard that it seems to be going to defend against a certain Balrog Lord Ragnaros who intends to counterattack the Fire Land, busy strengthening the space barriers in the Fire Land?
Anyway, the remaining Wildhammer dwarves of the Eagle's Nest, the dilapidated high elves of Quel'Thalas, and the new Kingdom of Lordaeron that have not had time to recover their national strength, have lost their strategic importance in the Northern Expedition of the Stormwind Alliance. Saldo Bridge and Nanhai Town! Can only be shrunk in Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills, Stromgarde and Hammer Town in the Arathi Highlands, and Amber Mill in the Silverpine Forest, relying on Quel'Thalas and Eagle's Nest Mountain and With the air superiority of the fire element, they could barely contain the Northward offensive of the Stormwind Alliance.
But even so, all discerning people can find that if the Stormwind Alliance weren't busy attacking Outland and dealing with the Burning Legions that are planning to make a comeback, I am afraid that the front of the Northern Expedition has been pushed to the Tirisfal Glades...
Because of Illidan’s behavior and in the face of naked interests, the nobles of Stormwind completely abandoned the Lordaeron who had saved them in the first place, and classified the entire flame alliance in the north to be more than the orc tribe. The existence of evil!
Therefore, Grian Stallman, an experienced old paladin with a piercing look, could tell at a glance: The small forces that are now in the granary of the Kingdom of Stormwind, in the Westfall, must be in alliance with the flames. Can't get rid of the relationship!
They are nothing more than trying to mess up the interior of Stormwind Kingdom, so as to achieve the purpose of consuming and dispersing the strength of Stormwind City!
Otherwise, where did the humans, dwarves, high elves, and a few fire elemental creatures that have recently been active near Moonbrook Town come from? How could it be possible that a group of ordinary thugs could do things like that kind of organized and purposeful sabotage and assassination, as well as instigate rebellion and arm the remnants of the Defias Brotherhood?
You know, Grian Stallman joined Uther’s army after the end of the Second Orc War, and then worked in the holy city Stratholme as a paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand. He served, and miraculously survived in Stratholme massacre.
Then, during the Scourge War, Grian also followed the Knights of the Silver Hand to fight south and north. After the death of Uther, the Lightbringer in the battle of Andorhal, he finally chose to leave Lordaeron. , Returned to his hometown of Westfall and lived in seclusion until now.
Therefore, although he looks like an old town citizen of Yuexi Town who doesn't understand anything outside, he is actually a powerful Paladin general who can still go to the battlefield! During this time, he also took everything in his eyes!
Therefore, today, he organized and led a dozen armed militiamen in Yuexi Town that he had trained before, armed with long swords and shields, and successfully surrounded a black man with a red face mask and a sharp blade in an alley. Short-haired thief.
After looking at each other up and down, Grian is not difficult to see: the other party should be a woman, and also a very young woman! Look at the other person's appearance again, that snow-white and tender complexion and oval ears, it should be a human being!
"Huh! The red mask, the thief's costume... Sure enough, you should be the remnant of the Defias Brotherhood back then... After a few years, you have resurrected? Or... Some people with ulterior motives have reawakened You guys?"
With just a glance, Grean probably recognized the origin of the opponent.
If it were on another timeline, he should have started organizing the People's Army long ago! However, due to the influence of certain butterfly effects, Van Cleef was wiped out too early, so he has remained idle until now. He barely has a group of dozens of militiamen. As for the People's Army, it is still far away.
"Hurry up and lay down your weapons and surrender! You are now completely surrounded by us. There is no use resisting!"
Dressed in plain clothes and carrying a huge warhammer from the time of the Paladin of the Silver Hand, Grian once again persuaded the female thief who was surrounded by them, who looked too young.
He knew that the other party might be just a refugee who went astray, everything is for survival or the past foolishness of Stormwind Kingdom? Therefore, Grian didn't want to demand too much from the other party. As long as the other party was willing to surrender and did not commit a serious crime after being investigated, then he would definitely fight for the other party a chance to take a lighter shot.
Although most of the people in the Western Wilderness are not doing well now, and the kingdom levies heavy taxes due to various military activities, but as long as they can survive, it is always wrong to rebel. It is even worse to join the Defias Brotherhood. it is good!
"I bother!"
"You running dogs of the nobles of Stormwind! You have been oppressing and crueling countless innocent people in the Western Wilderness. You once tortured the migrant workers of our Mason Union. Do you think we will forget that debt?"
"I can tell you: no one will wake us up! As long as your oppression is still there, as long as justice is not done, we will never succumb! Although sometimes we will be silent, but in fact, we are always awake Now! As long as the time is right, our blade of vengeance will cut your necks and let you shed the dirty blood!"
As soon as Grian’s words fell, a childish, crisp female voice came out from behind the red veil, making the surrounding militiamen feel that this female thief surrounded by them, a member of the Defias Brotherhood , Seems to be only fifteen or six years old at most.
"Sure enough... it's the broken things of the Mason Union..."
The old paladin sighed with a headache, and some things he didn't want to hear, or thought they had been forgotten, would always be picked up inadvertently.
"Young people, in shouldn't be so extreme. You have to know that in this wonderful world of Azeroth, as long as or, there is always hope... You shouldn't have resentment against the Kingdom of Stormwind, some Things, forgetting early is the best choice... Please believe me, as long as you have hope in your heart, everything will get better."
With a sigh in his heart, Gryan, who probably understood something, rarely continued to persuade patiently.
It’s been many years since the masons’ trade union broke things...Look at the young girl’s age, now it looks like she is only fifteen or six years old, but back then, it was a few years old at most. It's just a girl, she shouldn't remember too much.
Therefore, as long as you explain clearly some negative things that the other party has been instilled, you can surely win it back.
"Hahaha! This is really a joke! You, the running dog of the nobleman of Stormwind, are... telling me hope?!"
"Hope... Is that what I should have felt when I saw you aristocratic running dogs cut off my father's head? Hope for me is just a vicious joke in this cold world! Hope! ...It doesn't exist, there is only Vanessa!"
The masked female thief laughed loudly and refuted the stupid rhetoric of the old paladin opposite with her acrimonious and unforgettable hate.
I think back then, she fumbled and crawled out of the mine of death in the dark, and followed those unrecognizable traces all the way, with her bare feet, after all the hardships, she finally walked to the evil Stormwind City. When she was in front of the gate, what she saw in the icy storm when she was young was only her father's deadly head!
At that time, he was placed in a small wooden cage, just like that by the villains hanging by the city gate...
That scene... She hasn't forgotten it yet! !
And now, this old guy, this running dog from Stormwind, actually wants to persuade her to surrender? Heh... he is just wishful thinking!
Once, during the years when she was trained in Quel'Thalas, she vowed that she would destroy the Kingdom of Stormwind by her own hands, and she would never pay until the blood of the filthy nobles was paid. compromise! She believes that one day, she will use her dark dagger to blood wash those dirty and greedy storm nobles!
And this is the high elf teacher she had secretly concealed from her some time ago, and she led a group of followers who also hated the Stormwind Alliance and resolutely sailed south to reach the Westfall, once again carrying the banner of the Defias Brotherhood , The root cause of planning to complete her father's unfinished business!
During this period of time, Vanessa had gathered some of the refugees nearby and the remnants of the Mason Union, so that they were closely united around her, and using these people, Vanessa finally got what she wanted. The Defias Brotherhood was rebuilt.
They now have more than three thousand members, and the number of people who can fight has reached one thousand, far exceeding the number of soldiers in Stormwind in the West Wilderness! Moreover, they even shouted out novel slogans of killing nobles, dividing fields, and paying less!
Because of this, every day, there are countless people quietly choosing to join them, and their power is growing every moment and every second.
Therefore, Vanessa believes that the day when the weapons they ordered from the goblins arrive, it will be the moment of their people's uprising in the Westfall!
However, what Vanessa never expected was that when she planned to assassinate a corrupt aristocratic official assigned by Stormwind to Moonbrook, she would be ambushed by the militia and the saint. The old knight was stuck here.
"Vanessa... Van Cleef... That's the way it turns out... Forget it, come on, try your best to capture her, if you resist... Kill it!"
After hearing the other party's remarks and name, Grian was stunned for a while, and suddenly stopped persuading him, but sighed and waved his hand, intending to let his men forcibly step forward and take down the young little girl.
This kind of teenagers, especially this kind of guy who grew up under the influence of endless hatred, seems particularly extreme. General persuasion is definitely useless, let alone with the murder of his father. Up! Therefore, for the stability of Moonbrook Town, the Western Wilderness, and the less turmoil in the Stormwind Kingdom, Grian decided to take the opponent directly.
Upon hearing the order, the four Yuexi Town militiamen armed with wooden shields and long swords surrounded the female thieves who were surrounded by them. These people are all wealthy families or children of the nobles in the Western Wilderness. They are all vested interests with many industries. They will not go to Diffie who has no horses, houses and land, and thinks about rebellion all day long. The remnants of the subfraternity are mixed together, and they are even less likely to sympathize with each other.
In their opinion, whether it is the refugees or the remnants of the stonemason trade union, they are actually some outsiders. They are struggling to survive and the most miserable existence in the Western Wilderness, and they are not too despised by them!
"Huh! Want to catch me?!"
Knife fan! !
Since the other party has moved to kill, as a female thief, Vanessa is of course not soft, and she directly turned dozens of sharp throwing knives enchanted with shadow energy on her body in a special way and strength. In an instant they poured out frantically around her, making them instantly form a violent fan of knives covering a radius of more than a dozen meters, and poured directly onto all the militias who participated in the surrounding her!
Because she knows that there are a lot of Storm King National Soldiers and Security Army in Yuexi Town now, and the old knight makes her very jealous, if it really delays, then she may not be able to run!
Therefore, she must go all out!
Either kill all the soldiers who stand in the way and find a chance to evacuate; or, you will miss your way and be captured and die aggrieved!
"No! Disperse quickly!!"
Seeing that the female thief made such a fierce attack, and the weapons seemed to carry black toxins, Gerry An was anxious and hurriedly shouted! Then, he quickly used the Holy Light to release a sacred barrier in front of him, and successfully shot all the knives at him!
However, he had no better way to shoot those who lased all around and at the militiamen.
In the next moment, he saw with canthus: The dozens of militiamen he had brought had fallen to the ground screaming! They were either dead or injured, lighter, at least with one or two black sharp blades stuck in non-critical areas such as arms or thighs that were not protected by armor, and fell to the ground wailing...
And those heavy ones simply broke their shields and were hit by dozens of knives, lying directly on the ground and never moving.
"What a cruel little girl, how dare you be like this!!"
Seeing that the other party was so cruel and merciless, the angry Grian immediately aroused the warhammer in his hand and exploded with golden light, like an angry old lion, flying towards the enemy.
disappear! !
After taking a satisfied glance at her own battle result, Vanessa sneered. She didn't pay attention to the other party or any intentions, but disappeared immediately. She immediately entered a state of stealth and disappeared directly.
"it's here!"
How could it be possible to deal with thieves, a veteran Paladin like Grian?
Therefore, after feeling the slight changes in the surroundings a little bit, he directly turned forcibly in the middle of the attack, raised his warhammer filled with holy light high, and pounced in the other direction!
"Accept the trial of the Holy Light!!"
The warhammer shining with a strong golden holy light, like a small golden sun, fiercely smashed towards an open space without any people or things!
boom! ! !
After his warhammer collided with the masonry floor and the debris splashed, Grian was surprised to find that his attack just now failed?
Sure enough, the enemy... is now gone...
Grian was very embarrassed that the blow he thought he was going to win would fail! However, he dared to be 100% sure that the enemy was standing here just now!
But how did she disappear?
When he began to perceive it carefully again, he found that there seemed to be no trace of the enemy except for some faint remnants of shadow energy.
"and many more……"
"This seems to be, shadow energy? That young enemy, turned out to be a thief with pure shadow energy?!"
When Grian silently drew a dark-black bladed flying knife from one of his dead militiamen, he was surprised to discover: It really is a kind of pure shadow energy? However, if you have this kind of corresponding talent, instead of learning the light or becoming a shadow priest, you have to learn the way of thieves. Is this really good?
He Grian knows that the Holy Light and the Shadow do not actually have too many boundaries. This is like the ash messenger of a certain silver knight in the Northern Flame Alliance! That artifact was said to be made with a shadow crystal before the natural disaster was defeated.
"Oh...Western Wilderness, I am afraid there will be a big problem!"
Seeing the dead and wounded men around, Grian sighed heavily.
He knew that the other party had just used some shadow priest's method to forcefully escape from his attack.
Now, after many years, the Defias Brotherhood is making a comeback again...
Although King Varian returned two years ago and revealed the identity of a certain countess and successfully drove her away, but...the bad things of the year were finally considered to be brewing in the Westfall again. When it will erupt, then he is not sure...
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