Chapter 398: Vanessa VanCleef (2)

When Grian Stallman was in a hurry with the headless corpse of a certain duke, where the People’s Army of the Western Wilderness was declared to be established, and the streets were searching for assassins and martial law throughout the town, in the deserted Demont Wilderness west of Moon Creek Town In an area full of monsters and inaccessible, in a hidden valley farm opened by tax-evading refugees, Vanessa who succeeded in the assassination and Lana of the spell appeared here with a snap.
Then, it seemed that someone who had been waiting for them here rushed over to meet them.
As soon as it appeared from the Apparition, Vanessa ignored the response of the person who had been waiting and responding to this farm, and dropped the head of the Duke Leskova on the mud. When he ran under a big tree on the other side of the farm yard, he vomited embarrassedly on the trunk.
In fact, it was not because of the head in her hand or the uncomfortable reaction after killing!
The current Vanessa, although it cannot be said to kill people like hemp or treat life like grass, but killing someone, especially the nobles of Stormwind Kingdom, this kind of thing is justified to her! It is completely impossible to feel nauseated or even vomit!
"Sister Lana... next time... next time I will definitely not do that apparition with you..."
"Absolutely not... ugh..."
Before she finished speaking, Vanessa's face changed again, and she retched under the tree again.
All along, Vanessa has seen Lana, the maid of Her Majesty Queen Anne, used that kind of apparition to go to Quel'Thalas to see her many times. She had always thought that this was actually just a kind of harmony. The wizard's portal spells are similar, but they are faster and more efficient to teleport spells!
But who ever thought, she never expected that the result would be like this...
"Haha! My dear sister Vanessa, Apparition is like this. You will get used to it when you experience it a few times."
"Fortunately, you didn't think about breaking free of my hand when the Apparition came over. Otherwise, I, a seventh-grade student, wouldn't dare to guarantee your safety!"
For the feeling of apparition, Lana herself naturally knows better than anyone! And once the opponent breaks away from his hand and falls in Apparition, only Merlin in the book knows what will happen.
At the beginning, when she contacted this spell herself, the feeling was really as explained in the book. During the apparition process, she felt the strange feeling when she was strongly squeezed by the space. The ground is uncomfortable and terrifying!
But ah, everything has a process, no matter how bad the discomfort is, as long as you get used to it, it will become simple!
And now that he can skillfully use the magic spell Lana of Apparition and Follower Appearance, he has become accustomed to this bad feeling! This is just as experienced warriors are accustomed to the pain of swords and their bodies, and rangers are accustomed to the tingling sensation when they draw their bows for a long time. Their mages naturally have various things they need to get used to.
"I... I actually thought about breaking away... But I don't even know where my hands are..."
"At that time... I just felt like I was being squeezed into a narrow passage, and then I couldn't breathe... I couldn't see anything... All my hands and feet seemed to be squeezed together... Then It was rolled and rolled into a ball again... Finally..."
"Finally... it suddenly burst again... ugh..."
After breathing heavily and describing it for a while, Vanessa's face suddenly changed again, and then she went under the tree and vomited again, as if she wouldn't stop unless she vomited everything she had eaten before...
Or, his stomach has been crumpled into a ball by that spell?
Fortunately, when they were formulating the battle plan, Sister Lana strongly opposed to what she said: Teleport directly to kill the enemy, and then teleport back again?
If they really did that, I’m afraid they had just teleported there. After her, Vanessa, the leader of the new Defias Brotherhood, after losing her combat power, she would be captured by the enemy on the spot...
Then, she will be the most stupid leader of the rebel army in this Western Wilderness and even the entire Eastern Kingdom continent so that everyone can laugh out of their teeth. There is no one!
"Neither of you are okay? Then I can rest assured!"
"By the way, sister! This head should be the noble Duke Leskova from Stormwind City? You really succeeded!?"
When Vanessa VanCleef couldn’t take care of anything else, she just vomited under the tree, a young warrior wearing an elite plate armor of Lordaeron and wearing a bear head robe of the Flame Alliance pressed the hilt , Walked over and looked carefully at the head of the deadly old man who had just been thrown on the ground by Vanessa for the first time.
The other's beard and eyebrows are all trimmed neatly. He must be a big man? So, after kicking with his toes and observing for a while, he curiously asked his sister Lana.
That’s right, this young human warrior, he is Anne’s maid, the younger brother of the spellcaster Lana, the undead who dared to run out to the opposite side with a wood axe at the age of twelve, and planned That awesome guy who sneaked into the lumber yard to steal food for his sister!
It's just that the skinny Pete has grown up now.
At the age of eighteen this year, although his face still looks a little immature and the lines are not obvious, he has grown two heads higher than his sister.
And he, who specializes in the way of warriors, seems to be very tall and strong, and his muscles are also very developed. Now he has directly become the commanding general of the New Defias Brotherhood, directly from the city of flames. One of his trainee ensign officers, transformed into a general who commanded nearly three thousand Defias Brotherhood rabble militants!
"You wait a moment..."
Lana did not pay attention to her brother's question, but frowned slightly, hugged her body directly, and slowly curled up onto a chair in the courtyard.
"I feel... the time limit for the potion effect of the compound decoction I drank is about to come..."
Sure enough, as Lana frowned and curled up on the chair, her body began to tremble fiercely, and then her entire face and skin began to squirm crazily... and soon, as the potion's effect became complete When it was over, she became another big beauty again.
Then, when everything calmed down, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, swaying the cold sweat on her forehead and stood up.
"Although this compound decoction, it was made according to the medicinal properties of a lot of medicinal materials unique to our world of Azeroth, and it tasted good... But... I don't want to drink it a second time. ..."
After taking out two small bottles of compound decoction from her magic pocket with little space and looking at it twice, Lana directly poured them out with a little regret. This kind of thing cannot be kept for too long after adding the hair of the two women, and it is useless to keep it.
And the formula for this transformation potion was also found in the book of Hogwarts Magic Spells! In that book, there are many medicinal materials that she can't find exactly the same, so she can only experiment slowly, but also because the Flame Kingdom is very wealthy, and the potion is free for her to toss, so that's why she has these two things that she drink in this action. Bottle of compound decoction!
However, Lana prefers to turn them into potions!
Anyway, they are very magical. You only need to throw in a little bit of material on the body of the creature you want to change, such as a person’s hair, skin fragments or nails, etc., and they can become the other person’s appearance. Magic detection means can't recognize it easily!
Of course, this medicine itself has certain limitations.
That is: you can't become something that is too different from your original size. It can easily turn you into a dwarf, or a high elf, or even a little ogre with a small difference in size! However, it cannot make you directly become a huge dragon!
Even if you throw the dragon scales or other materials into it, it won't work! At the most, it can only turn you into a miniature young dragon, nothing more.
" haven't told me yet! Is this head of the Stormwind nobleman?"
Seeing his sister finally returned to normal, Pete kicked the head in the mud again, and then looked at his sister expectantly.
"Yes, Pete!"
"We two did succeed! That Duke Leskova, he is really a fool. He easily let go of his vigilance when he saw a beautiful woman, and he stretched his head directly in front of Sister Vanessa without knowing it. road!"
Thinking of what had just happened, Lana couldn't help feeling a little proud.
Because of this plan, she developed and implemented it at that time! For this reason, they also specially sent someone to secretly tie up two women from the little noble family, and used each other's hair to make a compound decoction, and then she and Vanessa successfully mixed in.
But in fact, I can’t just say that everything went well...
Just now, when she saw that Duke Leskova had been pestering sister Vanessa on the wooden platform, she was still a little worried! At the time, her worried and anxious expression was not pretending at all, it was all true!
Because, at that time, according to her estimation, the effect of sister Vanessa's compound decoction is coming soon! And if they can’t find a chance to drink more potion to make up their state, then they will have to reveal their stuff... Fortunately, at that time, Vanessa pinched the time just right, just before the potion's time limit expired. He cut off the head of the nobleman in Stormwind who craned his neck.
"That Duke Leskova, it was not easy to die...At that time, we were surrounded by their people!"
"So, Pete, you must remember to me in the future: The more beautiful women are, the more they will lie! They will often hurt you badly inadvertently! You must be vigilant at all times. Don't be fascinated by women, and don't let go!"
After finishing speaking, Lana looked at Vanessa who was still lying under the big tree and gagging. Don’t look at the other person’s now soft and weak appearance. She was brutal when she killed someone. very!
"Huh! Did you hear that?!"
Lana squinted and looked at her brother's eyes. She knew very well that her own good brother, Bacheng, was in love with this sister Vanessa! Otherwise, he wouldn't be so active as a subordinate to the opponent, and he kept saying what was for the Flame Alliance, so he came here to make trouble for the Kingdom of Stormwind.
As for his true purpose, Lana, who is an older sister, had already seen it at a glance!
Otherwise, she would not interrupt her curse training in the Flame Palace, and followed them secretly and traveled a long distance by boat to this western wilderness far away from the city of flames.
"Uh... this..."
Following his sister's gaze, after knowing the other's understanding, Pete scratched his head a little bit hesitantly, not daring to answer.
Yes, his careful thinking was indeed seen by his sister, but he didn't mind too much. Because Pete knows that Lana's sister who has always cared about and loved her will definitely support her! This can be seen from the fact that the other party did not refuse or hesitate, and he directly and oneself unconditionally supported Sister Vanessa's plan to come to the hinterland of Stormwind Kingdom.
"Well, sister Vanessa, don't you be so squeamish anymore, isn't it just an apparition?"
"You may not know, every time I want to punish my brother, I always take him to and from the City of Fire several times, so that now he is used to it! So, you just need more Try it a few times, and you will love the invigorating feeling of being squeezed by the whole world."
Lana walked to Vanessa's side with a grinning glance at her shy brother, and tenderly handed a handkerchief to her.
At this moment, she suddenly realized that her stupid brother wanted to catch up with this powerful woman, it might be a little difficult...
Let’s take a look. Don’t look at the fact that Sister Vanessa is only in her early fifteens and she is not yet sixteen. However, based on the foundation that the other party is doing now, once it can be done in the future, maybe she will do it again. Is a queen of the Westfall?
And what about her stupid brother...Looking at this great opportunity in front of him, he would not come to comfort him and offer some diligence to increase the friendship between the two sides, but instead he just went there to study the dead head of the nobleman. ?
Sure enough, if there is no help from her sister, that idiot will definitely be useless in this life!
"Do not……"
"Sister Lana... I don't think I will use this apparition spell with you again... It is not the same as the long-distance portal opened by the wizards of the high elves!"
After barely taking a breath, Vanessa tilted her body like that and sat on the ground directly leaning against the trunk of the big tree, breathing heavily.
In the past, when she passed through the various portals of the Quel'Thalas elves and wizards many times, when she went back and forth to various places in the Flame Alliance for training and various tasks, she would not have the scary just now. a feeling of!
The kind of portals used by other high elves and regular wizards is actually no different from walking through an ordinary gate! Only when passing through that kind of long-distance space door, will there be such a slight discomfort of weightlessness, and only a little bit, there will not be too many abnormalities.
It's like the phantom shifting spell used by Lana just now, she almost died without suffocating her!
"Ha! Didn't I tell you before?"
"The spells I learn, but the quick spell spells taught to me by Her Majesty the Queen at Hogwarts are different from those learned by arcane wizards or sorcerers!"
"Also, don't you look at the phantom shifting spell I just mentioned seems inconspicuous and uncomfortable to use, but it is very effective! If you change to a normal wizard, you will probably be defeated without waiting for them to guide the spell. Those guards have chopped into several pieces! And my Apparition is different, it only needs to wave a wand and shout a spell, almost instant!"
Thinking about the joyful sense of accomplishment when she just escaped easily under the eyes of the enemy, Lana couldn't help but lift her chin proudly.
After so many years of self-study, although she only learned the level of seventh grade graduation, there are still many more advanced magic spells that have not had time to learn, but she firmly believes that she will become a powerful teacher one day!
As long as her magic level can be improved, she believes it will definitely be!
"Your Majesty... Sister Lana, do you mean Her Majesty Queen Anne?"
After hearing Lana's words, Vanessa was finally stunned, and she also inadvertently remembered the small figure who had saved herself at the gate of Stormwind and then gave her powerful shadow power.
It can be said that in this world Vanessa, apart from her dead father and her mother who has little impression, she respects, loves, and is most grateful, and only the sister Anne who rescued herself from crisis. Up...
I don't know, all these years have passed, where did that magical existence go? What is it like now?
"It's a pity...she may never come back again..."
"Besides, Sister Lana, you have also seen that the old guys in our Flame Alliance are too useless. Take a good alliance and see what they have tossed into now..."
Thinking of the alliance, Vanessa's eyes gradually dimmed, and after a while, she quickly became excited again! She felt that she would definitely be able to make a career in the Wild West and help those in the north. She firmly believed!
She has grown up now, and is no longer the little girl who could only cry and cry!
So, not long after, she will use her hands to bleed this despicable kingdom severely in this hinterland of Stormwind Kingdom! Then, Queen Sylvanas and Queen Kalia can win the precious time to regroup and regain their strength. Vanessa believes that she can do it.
What her father Edwin did not do back then, in the next time, as long as she is still alive, she will definitely do it hard! She wants to make this great cause bigger and stronger, and then... fulfill her father's final wish, with the hands of the Van Cleef family, personally destroy the Stormwind City that was built by Edwin Van Cleef and the Masons Guild!
"Don't worry, Sister Vanessa... I think the Queen will definitely come back, I firmly believe!"
Thinking of the little queen she served back then, Lana couldn't help but sighed softly.
In the past few years without a queen, although Lana had a very leisurely life, no one took care of her, the maid of the queen, and allowed her to live freely in the palace, learn magic, and live a life-like life. A more luxurious life than Her Majesty.
But... the luxurious palace standing in the middle of the city of flames, after the absence of Her Majesty, Lana always felt that something was missing?
"hope so……"
"By the way, Pete! How is the training of our new Defias Brotherhood army, are you lazy?"
Thinking of the assassination just now, the conscripted warriors found in the temporary barracks outside Yuexi Town, and thinking about the Western People’s Army that the other party was about to build, Vanessa couldn’t take care of her physical discomfort and forcibly stood up. , Asked Pete who was still carrying the head to study.
This matter, but the most crucial step in their next plan, can't make any mistakes!
"What else can be considered so-so..."
"Hey! Don't look at me like that. Although I know my talents are very high, Master Chief... You can't expect me to take the mob of three thousand people in less than a month. Train to the level of the regular army of the new Kingdom of Lordaeron!"
"Now they are basically reluctant to have some discipline, and they will no longer just go out and rob houses. If you can reach this level, you will be content! Anyway, there are still more than half a month until the batch of weapons you ordered With the arrival of equipment and equipment, they must be a group of qualified reserve militias!"
Shrugging his shoulders, Pete said indifferently.
"At most... I can barely draw out two hundred of the best soldiers from them to form your most elite guard. Probably... those two hundred people should also have the strength of our Flame Alliance recruits?"
After seeing Vanessa's face seemed not so good, Pete quickly added another sentence.
Those mobs can be trained as a group of disciplined guys who can be beaten and scolded by him, it is very good, really can not count on too much! You know, now in the Flame Alliance, a qualified recruit needs at least one year of hard training!
And now, they have just trained for a month.
Although he is a genius warrior who is about to break through the hero rank, he is not a powerful demigod like the Queen of Fire. There is no good solution for things beyond the scope of his ability. And now even this method of training recruits is the secret he learned from Father John!
Vanessa frowned when she heard such a negative reply from Pete.
She doesn't know what to do now. After all, the war on the northern continent is very tight now. The Stormwind Alliance is using troops in the Arathi Highlands north of the Saldor Bridge and the Hillsbrad Hills in Nanhai Town to the north , Has greatly dispersed the military power of the Flame Alliance!
Therefore, at this time, it is impossible for her to borrow elite soldiers from any kingdom...
"Please relax, my leader!"
"Although our subordinates are a group of mobs, those guys in Moonbrook are also a group of mud legs that have just been assembled! And our large group of mobs against their group of militias has nothing to worry about. , At least...we have more people here?"
Compared to Vanessa's concerns, Pete seemed much more relaxed.
You know, they have three thousand people now! And after those weapons and equipment are shipped, they can instantly pull up a huge army of nearly 5,000 people! Although their combat effectiveness is not very good, they are more than enough to dominate here in the Westfall.
Anyway, now Stormwind Kingdom doesn’t have the time and energy to mobilize elite troops to encircle and suppress them, right? And when the Stormwind Kingdom finally couldn't help but mobilize troops from Outland or the North, I am afraid that the Westfall would have become the territory of their Neo Defias Brotherhood.
"Well, let's do this for now, don't let go!"
Nodding and exhorting, Vanessa, who seemed to be collapsed after an apparition, waved her hand and refused Lana's support, a little stubborn and staggered to walk alone to the farm house.
Now, the aristocratic master who was domineering in Yuexi Town was killed by her, and that Grian Stallman was severely humiliated by her twice, and then she could take a good rest ... After the goods delivered by the goblins of the venture capital companies arrive, her new Defias Brotherhood can directly revolt here in the Westfall, stab a sword in the heart of the kingdom of Stormwind!
"Oh... Pete... you guy..."
Looking at her happy little brother who was only holding his head, Lana silently covered her head and followed Vanessa in, and didn't want to look at her stupid brother again! She didn't understand, that guy, seeing Vanessa like this, wouldn't he come and help?
"What's wrong with me? It's really inexplicable..."
Scratching his head, he looked at his and found out that he didn't seem to have done anything wrong, Peter quickly turned and left.
He intends to take the head of the Duke of Leskova of Stormwind to their secret barracks and hang them on the banner of the barracks to inspire the morale of his men!
If circumstances permit, maybe he can take the opportunity to train those lazy guys for another two hours?
"Vanessa, what are you going to do next?"
"Do nothing, take a good rest for a few days and find some monsters to practice skills"
"So, don't you go to Yuexi Town to play assassination anymore?"
"Isn't going there now to make a fool of yourself?!"
"That's it"
When Pete excitedly took the head of a certain hapless duke and left, in the farm house, there was the sound of two women talking. (https://)
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