Chapter 401: Make a book with Medivh

When Kil'jaeden and Archimonde and the former prophet Velen were still good brothers and friends on the planet Argus, Prince Maczal was already more talented and talented among the Eredars. One of the accomplished mages!
   He still vaguely remembered that from that time on, the person he admired most by Makzar was Lord Archimonde.
   Know that one day, a powerful Titan named Sargeras came to the world of Argus, and promised endless knowledge and unimaginable power to the Big Three at the time...
Immediately afterwards, they showed countless savage worlds for their Eredars... and promised: As long as the Eredars submit to him, then those worlds can be ruled by the intelligent and superb Eredars. Only then can these lands that need to be governed and governed be transformed into a peaceful and prosperous world...
   At that time, the Dark Titan Sargeras vowed to declare that all he needed in return was to let all the eredars in the world of Argus devote all of his work...
   What happened next, Maqzal, who was just a small attendant of Lord Archimonde at the time, was not too clear. Anyway, he only knew that when Sargeras came to grant them the strength and knowledge of the Eredans... the prophet Velen led some of the Eredars on board a majestic Naaru dimensional fortress-Ginidaal, and defected. The world of Argus, and left their home forever.
Since then, when Kil'jaeden and Archimonde chose to defect to Sargeras for strength, endless knowledge and seductive power, Prince Maczal, a follower of Archimonde, naturally They also joined the Burning Legion and began to acquire fel and other evil and powerful spells.
Then soon, due to his own strength and the value of Archimonde, Prince Maczal became a small leader in the Burning Legion. The demons under his command are even more uncountable, and the number of demons under his control is uncountable. And the power in his hands is far more than when he was in Argus!
   Once, Maczal always thought that he would definitely gain endless knowledge and mighty power by following Lord Archimonde's footsteps. He never doubted this!
   However, destiny accidentally made a small joke with him...
The elder he most admired, the mentor of life, the grantor of knowledge and power, and the great defiler Archimonde of Maczal, unexpectedly planted a big somersault in a world called Azeroth. , And was beaten to death by those natives of Azeroth.
   The giant in the Burning Legion, the incomparably powerful polluter Archimonde, really died so easily? !
   In fact, at the beginning, Maqzal was always reluctant to believe this fact!
The demons who fled back to the Twisting Void after the fiasco have all confirmed a terrible fact that Maczal is least willing to believe: Lord Archimonde, whom he admired the most, was indeed defeated and died. On Mount Hyjal in Azeroth...
   So, not long after Archimonde died in battle, Maqzal, who had been confused for a period of time, finally began to lose his temper! Without Archimonde's teachings, he became more eager for strength, and even more wanted to become stronger!
At this time, according to the intelligence sent back from the Twisted Void from the world of Azeroth by the Legion spies: In the world of Azeroth, although the new well of eternity was blown up again,...on another continent, A new Sunwell was built!
Precisely because of this, Prince Mak'zar began to summon his demons, and began to frantically search for a new entrance to the world of Azeroth...Finally, the effort paid off, and Karazhan, which has an intersection with the Twisted Void The remaining powerful mana fluctuations attracted the attention of Mak'zar!
   After that, he finally opened the portal to Karazhan with all his hard work, and stepped in without hesitation! And what followed him were those demon legions under his command, and they rushed into the portal to Karazhan.
However, it is a pity that Medivh’s Karazhan is so mysterious and unpredictable... What Maqzal would never have imagined is that Karazhan’s mana and space are extremely unstable, so much so. The time and space plane has undergone tremendous changes when Kzar just passed the portal!
Although in the end, Makzaar successfully came to Karazhan’s rooftop and descended on the world of Azeroth with his powerful magic power, but his demons were randomly teleported to any possible dimension by the portal. In the world...
But misfortunes never come singly, Maqzal also found desperately that in Karazhan, he could not find any contact with the outside world... He was actually trapped at the top of Karazhan, which lasted for several years. Maybe for decades?
   After all, the passage of time here in Karazhan is a bit weird...
   And as time went by, Maqzal, who had been locked in a small black room and no one talked, began to lose his reason and patience, and gradually fell into madness.
   Now he is starting to naively think: With his own strength, he shouldn't be trapped here! Sooner or later, he can get out of trouble, and can subvert the world of Azeroth and complete the great cause of the Defiler Archimonde!
When Maczal fell into contemplation every day, thinking of various ways to try to break through the unstable space barriers of Karazhan, and then rushed to the world of Azeroth to do his best, robbed the well of the sun, and guided the legion to destroy the world, And when he stepped onto the peak of the devil... Suddenly, he was shocked to find that the big wooden door, which was isolated from the space and could never be touched or damaged, was so easily exposed from the outside. Pushed away?
   And, the one who walked in first seemed to be the kind of weak-looking girl from the human world of Azeroth? !
   "Hey! Moros..."
   "The big devil you mentioned before, is it that you mean it? How does it look weak... it's a far cry from that big demon Archimonde!"
After entering the door, Annie first looked up and down at the body in front of her, which was half smaller than the saint sister she newly recognized, and then had much weaker power than Archimonde's tentacles, hoofs, small tail monsters, and she was very disdainful. He asked back towards the undead Moros behind him.
   In Annie's view, the strange guy in front of her had nothing in common except that he looked very similar to Archimonde in appearance. Because ah, it is a bit too weak, if it is alone, it may not even be able to beat Tibbers, who has not been infused with her strength!
   "Yes, Her Majesty Queen Anne, that great devil is it!"
   The undead butler outside the door, Moros, cowered close to the door and glanced at it, then quickly retracted.
Now, neither the big devil inside nor the three mighty ones he brought outside are something that their ant-like existence can provoke. Later, if these people fight, then he But stay away, so that you don't accidentally get caught by the fish!
   "Well, since it's definitely it, it's okay! I will kill it quickly, and then I will go to other places to play later, it's been a long time here!"
   "I don't know, after spending so long in Karazhan Castle where space and time are messy, how much time has passed outside?"
   Since there is no wrong person, there is no problem! Therefore, after murmured a few words, Annie walked in with a big stride and let the door open.
   Then, following her in, there were Medivh with a wooden staff and a cloak and could not see his face, and a virgin saint who was almost as tall as the two Titan Guardians, who was almost as tall as Marzac.
   "Your Majesty Queen Anne..."
"Look, the space here is becoming more and more unstable... If you can, after the demon is eliminated, I hope you can help me fix it? Otherwise, I am worried that the link here is distorting the void. The gap will become bigger and bigger, and if there are more powerful demons breaking into the world of Azeroth, it will be bad."
  Like Annie, Medivh didn't pay attention to the so-called great demon in Morros's mouth.
Although his own current strength is not too strong, but here in Karazhan, with the help of this tower's power and the special space here, as an astral mage, he can fight alone with this demon. More than enough!
What's more, he is not alone now, he still has the help of the little girl Annie and the mighty Titan Guardian standing behind them. The incomparable power of the other side's holy light is not small to the devil. restraint.
   "Fixing the’s very troublesome..."
Annie is a little bit unhappy about this kind of thing, because she knows that the space here in Karazhan is messy. If you want to repair all of this place, it will waste a lot of effort and time. This kind of thankless, and not good. Things, she doesn't want to do it!
   Of course, if the other party can give more benefits that can attract her, it won't be troublesome at all.
   "Thank you, you don't need to fix it all, you only need to fix the link distortion void, as for the others, you don't need to bother..."
   Seeing that the little girl seemed to want to refuse, Medivh rushed over and prayed cheeky.
  Because he knows that other special spatial anomalies here are formed naturally, so there is no need to bother! There was only the small passage that twisted the void, which was made when he was possessed by Sargeras. Therefore, it must be remedied to prevent more demons from getting in.
   As long as this matter is resolved, Medivh can safely leave Karazhan, continue to live his hidden life, observe the world silently, and no longer need to intervene in the affairs of the world of Azeroth.
   "Well then, let's kill this guy quickly..."
   I came here anyway, if I just plugged a small gap, it would not be too much trouble.
   So, Queen Anne, looking at the coordinates of the other world planes and travel notes contributed by the other party, she reluctantly helped him once, just once, there will be more!
   Next time If the other party dares to come to her for help again, then she will pretend not to know this McDonald!
   "Stupid native creatures, you still want to beat me? It's just wishful thinking!"
"However, because you opened this door for me, I, the mighty Prince Mak'zar, the powerful lord of the Burning Legion, and a follower of Lord Archimonde, can generously let you report to you. Death again! And this will be my mercy and reward for you!"
   Seeing the other person open the door and come in, when he hadn't reacted, he said without embarrassment that he would kill himself soon to avoid trouble, Prince Maczal couldn't help but laughed loudly.
   It is not nonsense that he claims to be a prince, because before joining the Burning Legion, he Marzac was a member of the nobility of an Eredar country on the planet Argus, and this is the origin of his title of prince! Even if they joined the Burning Legion, he has never given up on this glorious identity.
   "Do you still want to know our name?"
   Originally, Annie wanted to kill each other directly, but who would want to report each other's names? Could it be that this is the basic etiquette before this kind of devil fights? It seems to be troublesome.
   "Well... my name is Annie, Annie
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