Chapter 418: Memory kill

ps: The chapter name is wrong, this chapter is o417...

Twilight Forest, just west of the Rotten Grass Farm, on a huge flat pebble by the bank of the smooth main stream of the Irvine River, little Annie dangled her little feet like that and let them soak in the water. , Ate her delicious lunch-this is an extra-large chocolate cream cake made by the use of power that is no longer infinite reality gem!
Surprisingly, at this time, besides the little bear Tibbs placed on her right, there was also a white cute baby bear almost half the height of when she was standing. When she was busy eating, she did not forget to pull a little from time to time and throw it at it generously.
"Hey! People wanted to eat you! But what I thought, they still couldn't hold back the overflowing sympathy..."
"Sure enough, this queen has always been a good person!"
Looking at the chubby little white bear next to her, Annie thought for a while, and curled her lips helplessly.
This little thing actually appeared in the forest around a farm surrounded by undead when she was teleported to the twilight forest. At that time, this little guy was staying next to a big brown bear stone that seemed to have been killed by the undead and gnawed off half of its body. He refused to leave even if he was too hungry to walk. In this way, the brown bear should be The female bear who gave birth to it?
For the strange thing that a brown bear can give birth to a little white bear, Annie doesn't want to go into it! She is not the kind of hunter who likes to catch small animals and help fights. How can she care about these things? Besides, even if it grows up, it won't be much better, so Annie won't waste time to raise it!
At most, I will throw it on the big river, on the small island in the center of the river. The small animals and fish on it should be enough to feed it.
Originally, this kind of little animal with no survivability, Annie originally planned to catch it and roast it, but when she saw its pitiful appearance, she resisted not roasting it, and temporarily Let it follow him for a free lunch, and gave the white-haired albino brown bear the name Blizzard.
Anyway, Annie felt that a little guy like this would definitely not live long in such a big forest!
After all, its color is a bit too obvious. It is neither cared for by a she-bear nor as powerful as it is, so it dares to sneak out and play alone at a very young age! I have never dared to bully myself or eat myself, and the bad things I want to do like that are either burned by myself or caught by myself!
Well, I think back then...
The following are Tibbers’ memories of when he was arrested...and among them, there are also some of Annie’s own memories...After all, after signing the soul master and servant contract with her little master, Annie, it can also be shared. Part of the content that Annie opened up to it, of course, also includes the whole story of its arrest:
The dividing line of memories
"La la la... I am a small mushroom picking mushroom... carrying a small bamboo basket..."
"Early morning... bare feet... walking through forests and hills..."
"I picked the most mushrooms... and the largest... take it back... and make soup for Mother Amoryn..."
"Squirrel stewed today... Gray wolf stewed tomorrow... Roasted rhubarb the day after tomorrow... You can use it..."
"La la la...Who dares to me... I will set him on fire..."
In the petrified tree forest of the land of voodoo, a very young girl who seemed to be about two years old and less than three years old suddenly appeared in this place.
She is wearing a small red skirt with bare feet under her feet, a small white apron around her waist, and a small red headscarf tied to the golden short on her head, just carrying a small Back basket of bamboo baskets, walking around in this dangerous forest that no living person should enter, and singing a nursery rhyme about mushroom picking with her childish voice.
That's right, this little girl, she is our protagonist Little Annie!
It’s just that, at this time, Annie was only two years old and not yet three years old. With small arms and legs, and her height is not as high as the weeds in the forest, she dare to take advantage of her Amo boldly. While Lin's mother was cooking breakfast, a man secretly used the newly learned spell to come to this petrified forest where poisonous insects and beasts frequently haunt, monsters and raptors often howl-pick mushrooms!
"I picked a big mushroom... threw it in the basket... I picked another..."
"Huh? This mushroom, it looks so beautiful..."
Little Annie, who was drilling through the gaps between the strange trees and the giant rocks in the petrified forest, soon discovered two big fresh mushrooms under the roots of a rotten wood tree! It's just that one of them is white and should be edible, while the other... is colorful and very beautiful!
"But... Mother Amorim has said that the more beautiful mushrooms are, the less you can eat... They... I heard that they are all poisonous?"
Carefully squatting barefoot beside this beautiful big mushroom with colorful umbrellas, Annie stared at her big blue eyes like that, and began to look at it up and down.
She still doesn't quite understand, why can't you eat a big mushroom that is so spicy and beautiful?
"It's a shame..."
I watched it close for a while, then squeezed my little nose and sniffed it for more than ten seconds. The sweet smell on it made Annie really like it! Therefore, she hesitated to stretch out her finger and touched the colorful mushroom cap flower umbrella. It felt tender and greasy, not at all like the kind her mother Amorim had said. After eating, you will definitely get diarrhea, vomiting, or those weird things that you can't speak directly!
"Well, Annie wants to listen to her mother and can't pick such beautiful bad things!"
She sighed slightly, and leaned forward again and took a scent of scent. Little Annie frowned and stood up a little ambush, and then she was going to walk back to the rest of the forest.
Then, she didn't know what she thought of suddenly, the little girl's original sad face, full of dismay, suddenly became energetic and quickly rushed back again! Afterwards, a small hand grabbed the root of the colorful mushroom and gently pulled it up.
"Although Amoryn's mother said that poisonous mushrooms are definitely not allowed to be eaten, but... if you feed the rhubarb from the grandfather's house next door, there will be no problem!"
After putting the big colorful mushrooms in front of her nose for the third time, and after greedily sniffing the sweet and sweet smell, Annie's eyes rolled stubbornly, and soon, the smiling face was grinning. He received it in the small bamboo basket behind him.
The Rhubarb Knight is the grandfather next door, a guard dog of the Great Master's house in the gray order. Anyway, it is the bad thing that Annie hates, hates, and hates most!
Because every time, in the middle of the night, Little Annie wants to sneak up on the roof to see the stars, or when Amoryn’s mother accidentally takes a nap and sneaks out to play, that very bad thing will always happen If he jumped out and barked at her in time, he would never stop if he didn't call a nosy grandfather long-bearded mage or a bad mother who was very strict about it!
After being caught by that bad dog several times, she already hated it.
So, Xiao Anni decided: take this poisonous mushroom, which is said to cause diarrhea or speechlessness, and secretly feed it to that rhubarb! At that time, will you dare to target yourself after seeing it?
Humph! Knight, if it wasn't for Anne's fear of being scolded by Amoryn's mother, maybe she would have burned the bad thing in a fire!
"So annoying! Why did I pick two in total? Are there no mushrooms today..."
Just now, Annie herself, while her mother was cooking breakfast, secretly used her newly learned flash magic within the line of sight, which flashed and transmitted to here many times. Therefore, she must collect enough before mother finished breakfast. Many mushrooms, and then take them back to offer treasures, in that case, it is possible not to be punished.
After tangling for a while, Annie looked outside the petrified tree forest, and then turned to look inside the darker forest.
"It seems that there is still a lot of time, so keep looking for it!"
It took me half an hour to reluctantly find two mushrooms... and one of them was not eaten by humans... For this result, Annie expressed her dissatisfaction! So, after breaking her little finger and counting the time, she decided to go into the forest and look for it again?
"La la la... I am a mushroom picking sister Liang..."
She was never afraid of the dark, and didn't know what she was afraid of. Little Annie was still walking deep in the petrified forest with a carefree attitude.
The grass inside became higher and higher, and the ancient trees and rocks became more and more cruel. As for the road, there must be no! In fact, the current voodoo land, except for the surrounding areas of the Gray Order, is very desolate! If you change to a normal child and come to such a place, I am afraid you will be scared and cry aloud, right?
However, it is a pity that Little Annie is no ordinary person! Just like her, ordinary small animals and beasts are afraid of her, because she will put flames! Something like that gray wolf would definitely not be able to beat her.
"Huh? There seems to be something in front...?"
Annie, who was walking forward, suddenly felt that in the dark forest ahead, there seemed to be some rustling movements and the whispering roar of beasts.
Therefore, when she carefully followed the source of the sound and slowly fumbled over with a little curiosity, she suddenly realized that in a clearing in a dense forest, it turned out to be a giant petrified tree that looks very big and fierce. Confronting a monster bear that is all black and still exuding misty black energy?
That bear...looks so fierce...
However, before Annie could figure out the cause of the matter, the black, a little translucent bear just dropped its paw and directly patted the head of the grizzly bear that looked very fierce. ! Immediately after that, the other party leaned in quickly, greedily drawing some invisible energy from the body of the giant bear.
"Wow! Big Black Bear, you are wrong to do this!"
"I'm telling you, my mother Amorim said, that kind of soul energy can't be used casually, let alone eaten! Otherwise, the whole person will become bad!"
Finally, after she understood what the other party was doing, Xiao Annie hurriedly jumped out of the grass and planned to stop the other party from absorbing the soul energy of the furbolg.
In the past, Annie had grabbed this weird thing from the gray wolves that she killed and used it to play. Then, she was caught by Amoryn’s mother and reprimanded a lot of her problems. Understand the words. From then on, she knew that that kind of thing, it is called soul, although every creature has it, but you can't just play with it! Otherwise, you will become a very bad villain, or something worse than the rhubarb from that old white beard!
(Huh? What is this, a little monster that I haven't seen? It looks thin and tender... it seems delicious?
Just after absorbing the soul of this brown bear with the power of earth elements, the black shadow bear turned his head and saw a creature that it had never seen in the petrified tree forest or encountered in the voodoo land. , Therefore, it did not dare to attack directly, but looked up and down towards the opponent curiously. The opponent looks weak, shouldn't he be stronger than those squirrels? )
"I'm not something, and I'm not even a monster, I'm actually Annie!"
"Our race is called a human, and they are still a little girl who came here from outside to eat mushrooms! As for the food... Although I don't know if I am really good or not, my mother has said that people cannot eat it. !"
Blinking, little Annie, who didn't know the danger at all, walked forward two more steps and walked directly to the clearing. She stood still several yards away from the other party. Mengmengda looked up at the one standing in front of her. There are almost a few tall guys from her! The other party has a pair of cruel red eyes, a hideous mouth, and sharp claws. After Ren Li stood up, he looked like a bear, but it was a bit different from what she usually saw?
Therefore, she is very interested in this dark furbolg-like creature! The opponent looks so big, so fierce, and so funny.
(Wait, no! You did you know what I was thinking?!
The black bear-shaped monster was very surprised by this! Although they have considerable intelligence, they rarely encounter creatures that can communicate with them. Of course, they won't communicate when they encounter it, they will only kill and then eat each other!
Sometimes only the soul is eaten, sometimes only the flesh is eaten, of course, sometimes even the flesh and soul are eaten whole round together! For example, if the little guy with thin skin and tender meat in front of you, if you grab it and chew it in your mouth, it will definitely be delicious, right? )
"That's because the soul fluctuates! It can let me know what you are thinking. Mother Amoryn taught me a long time ago!"
"By the way, my name is Annie. I have just introduced it. It comes from the small castle area outside! Excuse me, what is your name and where do you come from?"
The opponent looked like a furbolg, and the energy she was familiar with! That's because she seems to have this kind of energy herself, but Annie herself doesn't like it very much. She still prefers those hot, red flames. It's fun to burn things!
Especially when he pretended to accidentally lose control of the spell and burned the beards of those long-bearded mages!
(I...I'm from the shadow world, the name is not important, and I don't have a name either! Now, little human girl, I decided to eat you!
It doesn’t care what the other party is! It just hunted down the giant bear in the fossil tree forest, but now it hasn't eaten enough! Therefore, it wants to grab the little human girl who broke into its territory, and then peel off that layer of hindering fur, and finally eat the delicate fleshy body directly with the soul! )
"But... Mom said, people can't eat..."
Annie is very distressed, why does this guy have to eat herself? I have told it, it’s not right to eat people! Like the dead brown bear over there, animals like that can only eat.
(Humph! What's up with me, I just want to eat you now!
As soon as the words were finished, this dark creature in the shape of a black furbolg directly showed its sharp black claws, and walked straight to the little girl in front. It was a little impatient now. )
"Do you really want to eat me?"
"Well, if you want to eat me, it's actually not impossible... But, can you let me touch your body first? I'm very curious about the dark things on you, I never I have never seen anyone like you!"
Biting her fingers, Little Annie tilted her head and looked forward to the two huge red cold eyes on the bear's face with innocent eyes.
"Well, Brother Black Bear... I really want to touch the magical black fur on your body, so let me touch it!"
She continued to stare at the other party with those big blue eyes, with a trace of tears in her eyes. In order to be able to touch one, Xiao Annie even used her cuteness.
She knows that in the gray order, this trick is not very effective for the cunning bad mother Amoryn, but it works well for other people!
(I'm going to eat you anyway, what's there to touch? The creatures in your master's material world, if they encounter our shadow power, it will be very painful!
Shadow Bear hesitated a bit, wondering if he should answer the party. The other party looks like an ordinary little creature, and there is definitely no threat, but it doesn't want to waste time. )
"I don't care, I will touch it, just click it?!"
Annie felt that this guy was really stingy. She used so many moves, wouldn't the other party touch them without giving it?
"Wow... it really is this kind of energy... it's this very familiar feeling!"
Seeing that the other party did not directly attack or object, Annie cheered and leaned forward, her small hands directly touched the black energy fluctuations that were constantly escaping from the other party. Sure enough, this was the same as she had thought before. This kind of stuff is exactly the same as the energy that has always been in her body, and it is like a flame that allows her to manipulate as she wants, giving her a very kind feeling.
It's just that, mother Amorine once told her not to use the power of shadow casually!
(Enough touch, right? Then I’m going to eat you now! Don’t worry, for the sake of you talking to me, I won’t make you very painful. If you’re scared, just close your eyes. It's almost over...
Although there is a faint urge to let go of the other party, but with such a delicious body and soul in front of him, if he doesn't eat it, then this shadow bear will definitely regret it for a lifetime!
Therefore, although the other person looks cute, and it faintly makes it feel a little unbearable to start, but instead of regretting it all the time, it is better to regret it for a moment, as long as you directly eat her, it will never be wrong!
So, after staring at the little girl in front of you for a while, looking at the other person for the last time, trying to remember the appearance of this little human girl who made herself that strange and compassionate, she raised herself up The shadow claw in his hand intends to give the other party a happy death. )
"Brother Black Bear...that...I am really afraid of pain..."
"and so……"
Blinking teary eyes, Annie raised her head and looked at the terrifying big claws of the other party with a little fear.
(It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you!
Shadow Bear felt that it had to do it, otherwise, it might be very hard to eat her later. )
"It's not like that! Now what I want to say is not a question of whether it hurts or not!"
"Now, people suddenly feel that they don't want to be eaten by you! So... they will catch you back and play slowly!"
In the next moment, Xiao Anni's originally cute, pitiful little face suddenly laughed. Then, the face change was generally replaced with the arrogant and domineering appearance when the trickery succeeded. The cracked little mouth, even the sharp little tiger teeth like a certain demon that had not been changed was exposed.
Does this idiot really think she can't resist and have to be eaten by it?
However, in the next second, before its shadow bear had time to react, it suddenly felt that the shadow energy on its body seemed to be no longer under its control, and it began to rush into the little girl's hands frantically.
No matter how it wants to resist or try to fight back, it can only be in vain...Soon, it realizes that it doesn't have the slightest strength in its body, it seems...Except for thoughts, everything is no longer its own. Up?
Finally, when it slowly felt that everything had returned to calm, it suddenly realized: itself, has become smaller than this little human girl who was originally small? Moreover, at this time, the other party's white tender little hand was gripping her neck tightly, holding her originally powerful shadow body on the palm of her hand?
"Oh? Do you want fairness? But I think it's fair now!"
I was caught by myself and still want to be fair? Dream, no...don’t even think about it! Anyway, it was her that Annie won. She managed to capture this novel toy alive. This is the most meaningful thing she has done this year!
"I tell you, from today, you will be my pet!"
"By the way, I want to give you a nice name! It's called...Tibbers! What do you think? Oh, don't struggle anymore, as long as I don't let go, you will definitely not escape Drop it! From now on, you have to be obedient, or else... I'll beat you fiercely! I did what I said!"
Pinching the opponent's neck with one hand to the front and back of her own eyes, Xiao Annie raised her other small white fist and threatened the opponent viciously.
Annie felt that this guy named Shadow Bear should be grateful. You should know that the squirrels, frogs, chameleons, gray wolves or river valley toads she caught in the past, as long as they were edible, were thrown away by Amoryn’s mother. It was boiled in the pot, and those who could not be eaten were burnt to death by her alive!
Now this shadow creature, shouldn't be afraid of her flames? If she has time or gets tired of playing another day, then she will try to burn it again?
"Huh? Who's here again?!"
Suddenly, before Annie hadn't figured out how to deal with this guy, she felt that there seemed to be some magical fluctuations being transmitted here?
Then soon, a familiar portal began to appear in front of her, frightening her so much that she almost missed the cute little pet that she had finally caught.
"Wow! Oops, Oops! Mom Amorim is so spicy that she is coming soon!"
Seeing this familiar magic, Annie knew that she must have accidentally delayed her time, and then it was discovered by Amoryn's mother.
"My dear little Annie... The last time I went to catch the big bad wolf, but this time I ran so far, have you thought about what kind of punishment you will receive at night?"
"Should I recite the thickest arcane theory, or should I quickly copy the energy-shaping spell a hundred times? Or... Give me all the spells you know and practice a hundred times?!"
After a caring voice with a hint of anger came out of the portal, soon a slender, white leg came out of it.
Then, the cold, angry face and cannibalistic eyes of the shadow maiden Amorim locked on a naughty little girl who ran away without paying attention! Had she not put a lot of positioning magic props on this little guy, I am afraid that after cooking breakfast, they are still looking for her all over the world, right?
"Wow! Mom! It's actually none of my business!"
The three punishments weren't what Annie wanted, so she immediately pinched the soft flesh of her back with the other hand she carried on her back, and then ran over crying loudly and hugged herself tightly. Mother Amoryn's big white legs, and then held the shadow bear in her hand.
"Look! It's all this very bad shadow bear, and it's all about to eat me. That's why I delayed it for so long!"
Anyway, punishment or something must not fall on yourself!
And what she said is indeed the truth. If it hadn't been for the delay of time because of this thing, she would have ran back secretly. How could Mother Amorim find that she had ran out?
"Oh? Shadow Bear..."
The shadow maiden Amorin's eyes suddenly froze, and then she quickly shifted her attention to a dark thing that the little guy was holding tightly in his hand.
Then, she, who is proficient in shadow power, quickly confirmed: This is indeed a powerful shadow creature-the shadow bear! However, what surprised her a little was, what did Little Annie do to subdue this ferocious shadow creature into such a small one? This high-land shadow manipulation ability seemed a bit beyond her imagination.
This little guy can really bring her a lot of surprises! Maybe... her forward education can be more radical? Yes, it was so happily decided! Amorim believes that in this dangerous world, it is always good to become stronger sooner!
Although it is not good for a child to gain strength too early, but...rather than let others use strength to hurt her baby girl, it is better to let Annie lose control of the strength to hurt others!
"Amoryn, did you find Annie? That's great!"
Before the Shadow Witch had time to continue to teach her playful daughter, suddenly, there were a few waves of teleportation. The mystic sorcerer Gregory Hasta and several archmages or sorcerers followed Amoryn and stayed behind. The coordinates are sent over.
They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw a little girl who was holding the thigh of the Shadow Miko and crying.
This is because when they learned that the cute little public servant of the Gray Order, Annie, suddenly went out of her house, or ran to the dangerous petrified tree forest, they didn’t care about their affairs and ran away for the first time. Come out and find someone.
Except that the Shadow Witch was able to find this little guy in the first time with the coordinates of the magic props on Annie's body, the others had actually teleported to several places to find it.
"Wait! That is... a shadow creature?!"
Suddenly, the old white-bearded grandfather who lives next door to Annie's house looked at the struggling black figure in the little girl's hand with a full face. He didn't understand how the little guy dared to grab it with bare hands. A shadow creature? Isn't she afraid of shadow power corrosion?
Furthermore, he could see that the strange shadow creature had a very strong body!
If he were to be replaced by him, as a mage, Rui Ran could not be afraid of this kind of creature that only fights by instinct, but he would never dare to hold the opponent’s neck with his bare hands, let alone let that kind of cruel The shadow creature is within ten yards of him!
"This is what I just caught!"
"It just wanted to eat me, but... Mom, can I make it a toy? I just gave it a name, it's called Tibbers!"
Now that everyone else was looking at the palm of her hand, Annie triumphantly put away her fake crying tears, and then raised her little hand. In the palm of her hand, she was gripping this dark creature that seemed to be a furbolg-like creature. The energy fluctuations on it were amazing, and the onlookers could not help but feel a little worried, for fear that the other party would violently get hurt. Annie, a cute little girl in the gray order.
"As long as you like it, do whatever you want!"
The Shadow Witch Amoryn was still a bit shocked by the fact that her daughter could easily capture a Shadow Bear alive, so she reluctantly nodded in agreement after looking at Xiao Annie's expectant eyes for a while.
This powerful shadow creature, since Annie can now be tamed alone, there must be no problem! Moreover, if there is something good at close combat to protect Annie, she can also feel a little more at ease. It's just that this matter needs to be like a surefire solution, and this shadow bear must also have enough safe means to restrict it!
Of course, these things are not in a hurry. Go back and think about ways slowly.
"Gregory... peeled the skin of this bear to me, take it back to enchant and strengthen it! I want to make a good toy for our baby girl!"
After carefully taking out a magic container and carefully containing the shadow bear, which was still struggling and compressed into a ball, which was held by Annie in her hand, Amoryn was a little bit pampered and picked up her daughter. , Then turned to his husband Gregory and ordered.
Since the little Annie caught a shadow bear, she might as well sew a plush teddy bear for her, and then seal the shadow creature into the magic-enhanced bear skin toy.
"Okay, okay... I see, please rest assured..."
My wife has always been concerned about disciplining my daughter, so. Gregory didn't say much, and honestly stepped forward, meditating on the giant petrified bear whose head had been scratched.
He thinks, such a large piece of meat, it seems that it can't be wasted, it is better to pack and take away, peeling, leather making and enchanting, and wait for it to go back.
"Little Annie, I told you that you can't eat this kind of colorful mushrooms. Why do you still pick this kind of mushrooms?!"
As she walked back, she checked the body of the baby girl in her Then, when Amorine found that there was that brightly colored mushroom in Little Annie's basket, she sternly taught. Writes. She obviously taught this little guy last night, it is absolutely impossible to forget it so quickly!
"That... was actually taken back to be fed to rhubarb..."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Ah! I... I didn't say anything, you must have heard it wrong!"
"Tonight, recite once, recite once, and write ten times silently!"
"Ah! Mom, you can't do this. If you do that, I won't have time to play at night!"
"Huh! Your playing time has just run out! If you dare to talk back, the punishment will be doubled!"
The dividing line of memories
(Honorable little master...Under the river, there seems to be a fleet of ships, like those goblins?
Finally, after the first remembrance of the unbearable past, Tibbers still performed his duties honestly, reminding himself of the little master Anne who was teasing the baby blizzard, and let the other party pay attention to it. Those goblin fleets upstream upstream. )
"Huh? Goblin..."
Annie also saw it. At the downstream edge of the sky, vaguely saw a large number of black smoke steamships blaring and moving along the river.
"So many goblins and steamships? They...where are they going?"
Annie's curiosity was aroused a bit, so she didn't care about soaking her feet, and she opened a portal directly, kicked the baby blizzard bear in, and let it go to a small island where there are no creatures of interest. After going up and down, he began to look out and wait for the arrival of those fleets,

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