Chapter 423: Everyone has washed it out

In the largest square in the middle of Yuexi Town, a team dressed in red shirts, armed with various sharp weapons and shields, stood neatly, and held high red flags with hammers and curved blades. The phalanx of Defias soldiers, just like this, lined up in a phalanx, lying directly in front of the tall podium in the middle like a reliance.
The countless warriors wearing red robes and red flags, large and small, directly dyed the surrounding area of ​​this huge venue red, adding a sense of celebration inexplicably.
And in front of the podium and the soldiers of the infantry phalanx, there were crowds of people, densely crowded with the entire square from the low-level residents of Yuexi Town or the surrounding area, and the refugees and homeless who gathered from all over the western wilderness Returnees, ordinary farmers, tenant farmers, or wanderers who went into exile after bankruptcy from Elwynn Forest, Stormwind, and Twilight Forest...
They were told by the Defias messengers that the Defias Republic will formally announce the founding of the country and release a series of national benefits on the third day after it has captured Yuexi Town!
If it were just things like the founding of the country played by the noble lords, it would be obvious to the poor people who can’t get enough to eat something meaningless. They would definitely not come here too actively. .
However, after hearing that the people who came here today will not only get a lot of benefits, but also get a free lunch of broth and bread, they are puzzled, and everyone who can rush is here! That's right, the people at the bottom are actually so realistic. As long as they give a little benefit, a meal, a little money, and let them come to cheer or shout, it is definitely more effective than using knives, guns or intimidation.
At this time, on the high podium that was temporarily erected, in addition to the entire row of the mighty and majestic Queen Defias guards, there were also two large chairs side by side on top of the chairs. Of course, those who are sitting are a little absent-minded, looking right and left, and the new queen Vanessa of the Defias Republic.
"My Majesty! Then I will give my speech first?"
After waiting for a while, seeing that the people below were a little impatient, and there were no more people coming here, Vanessa cautiously approached Annie and asked in a low voice.
"Go go! Don't worry, I won't mess with you!"
Annie looked at this little Vanessa contemptuously, and the other party stinglessly refused to say anything to herself. Did she think she would be messed up? Hmph, little Annie doesn't have time to bother about these messy things now!
If it hadn’t been for the other party to cry and beg and want to stay until today to support the Defias Republic’s Declaration of Independence and the deterrence is small, Annie herself might have ran back to the City of Fire, where would she stay In this tattered little town?
It's messy here, with wind and sand from time to time, it's not fun at all, she won't be rare!
"Brothers and sisters, please calm down first and listen to me patiently!"
After letting Lana, who had been standing behind the chair behind her, cast herself a loud spell, Vanessa slowly got up from the chair next to Annie, walked straight to the high platform, and looked at the entire square. The crowd was so dense that there were at least tens of thousands of people who shouted after a glance.
Now, she is about to start her one-eyed declaration! She wants to officially announce the existence of the Defias Republic created by her to the entire Azeroth world, so that everyone knows the existence of her Vanessa!
"Like you, from the Defias Brotherhood, and even Vanessa myself, we were all abandoned people, we were all abandoned sons of Stormwind or poor worms in exile!"
"The so-called'king' and the high-ranking nobles of those kingdoms that we previously admired, they sit high on their golden thrones, and are very much affected by the plight and life difficulties faced by the people at the bottom of our door. Indifferent!"
"They just stayed in those warm and comfortable fortresses in the luxurious palaces of Stormwind, looking down at us high, eating the most delicious meals in the world, drinking the sweetest ale, and holding that kind of dance from time to time. , But levied the heaviest war tax on our door, refused to pay off the debts owed to us, and robbed every copper coin in our pockets, every grain of hard-grown food... and finally made us nothing I live in a house and don’t have bread to eat. I can’t even drink a bite of hot soup..."
"When we were hungry and cold, we watched our children helplessly, our family starved to death in our arms, and were helplessly abandoned on the vast land of the Western Wilderness. When the wild dogs are rushing for food and we are powerless..."
"They are in Outland, in Lordaeron to the north, in the Hillsbrad Hills, and in the Arathi Highlands, they fought time and time again!"
"Their ‘king’ and dirty and greedy aristocrats have used the happiness of the people at the bottom of us, and the blood and lives of ourselves and loved ones, for their victories...
"But... what do we get from it?"
"You have also seen that after they occupy the lands of other countries, have the land obtained by them been distributed to you? After they have gained endless wealth, have you received even one copper coin? When they share the joy of victory, You who are hungry and cold, can you really feel the same pride and joy?"
When the originally noisy meeting place became quieter, Vanessa took a sigh of relief and stopped in time. While letting the people digest what she just said, she began to look at those who had been successfully killed Attracted by her words, the people who are silently looking up at her.
"Yes! No, we don't have all of them!"
"We can't get any piece of land from it, because it belongs to the nobles! We can't get any copper coins, because those wealth has nothing to do with our poor existence; we can't even experience them. One-thousandth of the joy, because we have been starving and fighting death with colic and shriveled belly!"
"So, brothers and sisters, please remember..."
"We all know... it's their war, it's just a war between the'king' and the greedy nobles for their own desires... it's just theirs, but it's definitely not ours!"
"And today, the time has finally arrived..."
"Brothers and sisters, today, everything will be changed! We must allow justice to be done, and the ruling class of Stormwind and their greedy alliance must be responsible for the sins they committed against us. Pay the price, that is what they should repay us!"
"So, today! Our own Republic of Defias has officially begun to stand here, on the fertile and vast land of the Western Wilderness!"
"Brothers and sisters, come join us..."
"We are about to attack the entire Western Wilderness. At that time, the land of those greedy nobles will be forcibly confiscated by us! Then, we will redeem or sell more land suitable for farming! Just join us, each of you You can receive a piece of land or farm for your livelihood for free! Moreover, our Defias Republic and my queen will solemnly promise you: We will unconditionally cancel all unreasonable taxes and all the unreasonable taxes of Stormwind Kingdom. War tax! We also guarantee that the agricultural tax will only be charged one-third of the original Stormwind Kingdom, and we can guarantee that it will not change in a hundred years!"
Collecting money in her hand, Fannie, who was not panicked, waved her hand so generously, and so simply and cleanly wiped out most of the taxes that a kingdom in the world of Azeroth relies on to maintain and survive! Because she knows that the gold in her hand is absolutely enough to maintain her country's operation for a hundred years and will not be exhausted!
At that time, she believed that the Kingdom of Stormwind would no longer exist, she firmly believed!
"Long live!"
"Long live the Defias Republic!!"
"Long live the great Queen Vanessa!!!"
"Down with the Kingdom of Stormwind! Down with the greedy nobles!!"
"Freedom belongs to the people!!!"
Soon, after Vanessa and some of the senior leaders of the Defias Republic prepared themselves in advance to cheer and mobilize the atmosphere, coupled with the tax cuts and the benefits of free allocation of fields, it is too tempting, so After being silent for a while, the people of the Western Wilderness no longer needed to mobilize and set off those trustees. Those countless people began to scream and cheer loudly in this square.
"Victory is here!"
"Father, just watch, I will soon achieve your lifelong wish..."
Looking at the people cheering enthusiastically, Vanessa's last worry finally disappeared completely!
Now, she is supported by countless people in the Western Wilderness. Tomorrow, she will continue to form a new army and send a large number of soldiers. Before Stormwind City can respond, she will directly attack and conquer the entire Western Wilderness! At that time, whether you continue to march into the Elwynn Forest and encircle Stormwind, or continue to invade the Twilight Forest, then you can fully take the initiative and she has the final say!
Of course, the armored dreadnought ship moored in the depths of the death shaft, in the Iron Armor Bay, must be indispensable! She has hired goblins to re-repair and transform it. After the completion of the project, the steel dreadnought ship and the dreadnought cannons rushing out of the secret passage of the Savage Coast will definitely impress Stormwind!
"His Majesty Queen Anne... Is it really good for you to do this?"
Beside Little Annie, there is a little Lolita who can't be seen by anyone else. The other person is so carelessly standing beside Annie's chair with a tall wand, looking at the people cheering hysterically. , Looked at the energetic Queen Vanessa again, and sighed somewhat lonely.
She always feels that this world is going to be a big mess again...
Yes, she is the nosy bronze dragon Cromi! At this moment, she is concealing here with the invisibility spell of time dislocation. Except for the contact with the rules of time and the powerful little Annie who can see her, everyone can't see, touch, or even hear. Her voice.
"You're so strange! Little Chromie, did I do something wrong again?"
"Isn't this good now? Look, they are so happy now, they are so hungry that they can't walk anymore, and the skinny people shout so hard..."
Annie was asked inexplicably by the little guy next to her, she couldn't help turning around and looked up and down at the bronze dragon in wonder.
It has been two years since I saw each other, and the opponent's strength hasn't changed much. It's still the kind of big lizard with average combat effectiveness! Except for the power to use time at will, I'm afraid this little guy is not as strong as the big screw, right?
Besides, she didn't seem to have done anything bad when she came back this time?
Moreover, not only did not do bad things, but also did several good things! For example, I went to Karazhan to help the Medivh club a lot, and went to Tarren Mill to beat the bad guys in Stormwind. Apart from these, she didn't seem to have done anything special.
"It's not good at all..."
"I know, you will definitely attack Stormwind Kingdom next. Maybe you will continue to attack Stormwind City? But now, there are still so many threats in the world of Azeroth that have not been resolved, but you I started fighting first, this..."
Looking at this inexplicably created Republic of Defias, as far as Kromi knew, before, when she herself could freely shuttle through countless timelines, she had never seen Defias. The Brotherhood still has the possibility of building a nation! Therefore, she is sure that this change must be caused by the Queen's arrival in this world and coming to this timeline, and she is absolutely inseparable from the other party!
Therefore, Chromie is a bit worried now, if... if this Defias Republic can really develop smoothly, then, without the contribution of the Stormwind Kingdom or the human kingdom after losing both sides, in the fight against the Burning Legion, what will happen? What kind of scene is it? Or, can the final victory be achieved?
In short, she really feels a little worried now!
Now the Kingdom of Stormwind is fighting the Burning Legion in Outland, which is the most critical moment! But at this time, the Queen Anne took the lead in doing things in the backyard of others, dragging others back. Isn't this a bit bad?
Although she also knows that the cause must be due to the troubles of the Northern Expedition of the Stormwind Alliance, but at this time, is it better for both sides to step back each other?
"Hello! Little Chromie?"
"Do you want to eat nuts? These are the ones I brought back from the earth. They are called volcanic beans. They are not available in the world of Azeroth. They are delicious! There are roasted and fresh ones. What kind of food?"
This is said to be a very serious occasion. After the stingy Vanessa refused to speak up by herself, the little Annie, who was a little bored, directly took out a large package of volcanic beans from the Earth Bear Shield. She didn't use tools, so she directly used her huge power to easily break the tough husks, gently poured out the milky white nuts there, and then ate them bite by bit.
The speech has nothing to do with her, and the cheers have nothing to do with her, so now she should do something to eat and watch the excitement.
"Forget, I'm not in the mood right now... Your Majesty Queen Anne, can't you really think about it? There are conflicts at this time, it's not good for anyone... Wait until the Burning Legion matter is resolved , It's not too late for you to fight?"
Where is Chromie in the mood to eat now? Therefore, she shook her head, rejected the strange nut that the other party handed over, and tentatively asked based on the content behind the timeline that she had seen before.
She didn't want to eat mainly because their dragons generally eat meat, and the food they eat is relatively fixed. Unlike the omnivorous creatures like humans in the world of Azeroth, whether they fly in the sky, crawl on the ground, or swim in the water, as long as they have meat, they will eat it! And if there is no meat, you have to eat it as a stew...
It doesn't matter if they eat animals, they don't even spare plants and insects... and it is said that those poisonous and inedible, they have to eat them as medicine or soup?
"Little dwarf, you are so strange! Obviously they came to beat us first, then it's not normal for us to go and beat them now?!"
"By the way, don't you really want to try it? This kind of fruit is very fragrant and delicious!"
Annie generously handed a lot to the other party, because the output of these things is very high on the earth, and Bear Shields abused its power and directly brought her a lot of good quality, which can let her eat for a long time. . Moreover, even after eating, she still has a way to make new ones, so now Anne is very generous!
"Fighting or something, it is impossible not to fight, anyway, sooner or later they will always fight, since they want to fight, then fight now!"
Anyway, Annie doesn't care about so many things, fights or whatever, no matter which world she is in, she will inevitably have to fight! In any case, and no matter what the little dwarf Chromie said, she herself only recognizes one truth, that is: always ensure that she is on the winning side!
As for why we have to fight, whether the fight is good or not, what does it matter to her? Since they can fight her Flame Alliance, why can't she fight Stormwind instead? Now, she didn't secretly go to Stormwind to throw a crippling big Ivan, that would be great!
Of course, the most important thing is that the other party didn't make her very angry. Now Little Annie, when her anger is not full, she definitely can't do the kind of bad things that hurt the innocent or blow up the planet.
"Kil'jaeden doesn't know if it will come to this world..."
"The Lich King in the north will soon wake up. By that time, it is estimated to be a troublesome thing! Coupled with the dark Titan Sargeras in the Twisting Void, that guy has been staring at him, and he has never given up. The determination to destroy this Azeroth world...Of course, there are also those ancient gods..."
"And now, you guys are still engaged in infighting, so I am really worried..."
With his head down, Chromie, who looked a little wilted, formed a sharp contrast with the soldiers around her and the carnival people outside.
"Actually... if we don't fight, it's not impossible... But this is conditional!"
With her cute little brows wrinkled, Annie was obviously a little displeased with the noisy surroundings, so she directly cast a spell to shield those noises, and instead moved to the bronze dragon Cromi's side to comfort her.
"Really, you can really let go of the dispute? What are the conditions? If feasible, I can try to operate it."
If someone else said it, it might not be very useful, but if it was this little girl or Queen Anne, it would definitely count!
Because Chromie knew that the opponent was the leader of the Flame Alliance, the queen of the Flame Kingdom! In the Flame Alliance to the north, the opponent has a very high right to speak! If it is really ordered by the other party, maybe it is really possible for the Flame Alliance and the Stormwind Alliance to have a peaceful negotiation?
Therefore, she quickly raised her head and leaned close to the little girl sitting in the chair, looking forward to what the other party would say next.
"That's actually very simple!"
"As long as the Stormwind Alliance withdraws its troops, withdraws from our northern lands, then cedes the land for compensation, apologizes or something, and then surrenders the noble and bad guys who started the war... Then, let the Stormwind city be burned for Little Vanessa Exhale, maybe, without my order, neither Vanessa nor anyone else will beat them again."
Annie doesn't mind if she can fight or not, but people in other kingdoms do!
Therefore, she thought about it very seriously and gave such a condition reluctantly in order to take care of everyone's opinions.
Chromie opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the Queen of Flame sitting on the chair with a natural expression. Now she was really taken aback, and she didn't know what to say.
"Good! Eat one!"
Seeing the other party's open mouth begging for food, Annie blinked, put two nuts in the other party's mouth, and then touched the other party's well-behaved head and those braids.
"Bah! What is this? I don't eat these things!"
After being fed, Chromie chewed subconsciously, and soon his face changed, and then he vomited again.
"Forget it, I don't care about you. If you want to fight, just continue to fight... But I want to remind you that at that time... if one of you wins, whoever will help protect this Azeroth world!"
This kind of outrageous condition is almost the same as asking the other party to surrender unconditionally, right?
If this kind of requirement that Chromie really dared to go out for negotiation, maybe the people in Stormwind will be able to kill her as an accomplice of the Black Dragon? Maybe, she died without reason!
"Hey! Little man, don't rush to go, it's boring here, then talk to me..."
However, Chromie did not pay attention to the words of a very insincere little girl. She just turned around and jumped into a portal with short legs and quickly disappeared.
"It seems to be over here, there is nothing for me, so..."
The guy who was speaking with him has already ran away, and Annie was bored, so she jumped out of her seat and patted a bag of nutshells, making them fall to this high platform like that. , Rolled down...
Then, she beckoned to Vanessa, who had already finished her speech.
"Um...little Vanessa, we are going back now, if you have something, remember to call me, but don't cry like before!"
After finishing talking, Annie didn't wait for the other person to answer, she opened a portal to the Queen's Palace in the City of Fire, and walked in happily while slapped on the crumbs of the shell.
" Call...who is that?"
Before Vanessa could say goodbye and thank you, she was stunned by her words to the other party. She didn't quite understand, what does ‘call’ mean? Who is the phone and why are you calling him? Besides, Vanessa stopped crying a few years ago. Why did that nasty little boy talk about this? Moreover, now she is a sister, Vanessa, her age is older than that little guy!
"I'm leaving too! Vanessa, if you have something, you can ask Pete to contact me, he has magic items that can directly contact me! Or, you can also ask the archmage Kom to help? Don't worry, During the contract period of Her Majesty’s Magic, he will be very honest, and you don’t have to worry too much about him going bad!"
After a final confession, seeing that the portal seemed to be getting smaller, Lana quickly jumped in. She doesn't want to use Apparition to teleport directly from the Westfall to the City of Fire! If it was such a long-distance apparition, that kind of bad feeling, even she would not be able to bear it.
"Great! Annie, you are finally willing to come back!"
"Now, everyone is here, so everyone, let's go to the conference room for a meeting!"
Annie, who had just walked out of the portal, was stunned before she figured out the situation, because she unexpectedly found that in her long-lost palace, the bearded Falstad Wildhammer was still so beautiful. Elvanas Windrunner's eldest sister, as well as Kalya Menethil who has become more mature, and many other officials are actually waiting for her in this hall of hers?
What are they doing? It seems like Sister Sylvanas is saying...Want to wait for her to come back for a meeting? !
"That... I seem to be... a bit... really busy today?"
However, Annie's excuses are completely useless to those who are familiar with her!
No, Queen Sylvanas, who had been guarding here a long time ago, took a few steps forward sturdily. Before escaping to the opponent, she tightly grasped the wrist of Little Annie and gave a big smile. After that, he waved his hand heroically to signal that the waiting person could go to the meeting room!
Indifferently, there is a little girl who stays still and is dragged away by her...
"Don't worry, Little Annie, the meeting will be over soon!"
Anyway, it’s almost over at dinner time, soon, isn’t it?
This little guy didn't say hello at the time, and it took several years to leave. She was very angry! But now, the Flame Alliance is all a mess, whether it's about the Hillsbrad Hills and Arathi Highlands, or the government affairs within the Alliance, or Illidan and him in the Outland who refuses to listen to any orders. The main players in the alliance that were taken away, anyway, many things are inseparable from this little guy's decision!
Especially for that Illidan, I'm afraid, in the entire Flame Alliance, except for the cute master of their alliance, then no one can mobilize the troops that he firmly holds under his hands, right?
A few days ago, after the ranger and dwarf hunter that Annie teleported back from the Westfall, the high-levels of them finally learned from each other about Outlanders, and also knew the root cause of the Stormwind Alliance's insistence on being unable to get through with them !
So, in the next few days, they are really busy!
"Soon? How fast is it soon? One minute or two minutes?"
Looking at the sullen humans around, dwarves, elves, naga, even murlocs? This situation made Annie very suspicious of what the other party said quickly! She knows, what the average adult says is definitely not counted!
You know, she hates meetings the most!
When I think about sitting in my to listen to a group of idiots, she can be so annoyed to read things that I don’t care about or want to listen to!
"Don't worry, it will be soon..."
Before dinner, it will definitely end. After all, everyone here wants to eat, no one wants to have a meeting hungry.
Then, the next few days...
Hmph, anyway, Sylvanas will definitely not tell this little guy to hold a meeting for a few days first, otherwise, tomorrow... or tonight, the other party will definitely find no one!
Of course, just in case, she decided that, in the next few days, before the meeting is over and the Flame Alliance matters are sorted out, she herself will eat, sleep, and even take a bath with this little guy. Look, where can this clever ghost go? !
"Really fast?"
"A liar is a puppy?"
"That... those druids and shamans seem to only become wolves, right? I have time to ask another day to see if there are any transformation techniques that can become dogs. If so, I can also learn ."

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