Chapter 427: Saltman of Azeroth

On this day, Sylvanas, Kalia, Falstad, and other high-level officials in the Flame Alliance are still stranded in the original Stratholme, the current city of flames who work and handle various military affairs of the Alliance. The officials and others were all expelled from their original office areas and had to gather together in the large square outside the palace, staring dumbly at the palace of the Queen of Fire, a huge building standing in the middle of the City of Fire!
Because, don't know why, it suddenly burned this morning.
No... if you say the word "burn", it's actually not too accurate, because this magnificent palace is made by the fire elements casted with magma mixed with steel. It is very resistant to high temperatures and various magic and With all kinds of shell attacks, it can't burn at all, even if it's really set on fire from inside, it can't be like this!
The fire conditions at this time made the people who ran outside to watch, it felt like endless flames gushing out from inside, and then directly enclosing the entire palace in the flames.
"Can anyone tell me what the is going on?"
"These magic flames, how did they come? Could it be that the headquarters of our Flame Alliance could be attacked by the enemy?!"
Queen Sylvanas Windrunner of Quel'Thalas is angrily clutching a peculiarly shaped bow, facing the fire demon royal guards and people of all races who have escaped or gathered from all around. The officials, soldiers or mages angrily questioned.
This is because most of the palaces on the first floor of Queen Anne's Palace in the City of Fire have long been the military and political headquarters of the Flame Alliance in the past few years when Anne was absent! The halls on the first floor have been divided into the military zone of the alliance, the administrative area, the office areas of the kings, and various meeting rooms of various sizes.
In short, except for those reserved rest and activity areas above the second floor where Anne is still the queen and cute master, the fire demon royal guards strictly forbid any male creatures or female creatures who are not familiar with Her Majesty to go up, this huge flame The first floor of the palace is indeed the center of the Flame Alliance, and it is one of the most important places in the north!
However, now here, when kings and high-ranking officials from all over the world are meeting here and dealing with various chores, they are inexplicably burned by magic. Can Sylvanas not be angry?
Quel'Thalas, who has the title of Magic Kingdom, the queen of the high elves knows very well: this kind of flame without the slightest smoke, and a terrifying flame that can be burned without any fuel or wood, etc., it is It is impossible for magic to be caused by a fire caused by ordinary reasons, she will never read it wrong!
"What about the guards? What the is going on, where are the attackers? These flames, where did they come out first?"
"Lana, where is your queen, have you seen her?!"
Looking at the ruthless flames rising from the inside to the outside of this huge flame palace, under a certain powerful force, the endless flames directly burned and encompassed the entire palace inside and outside, let this palace look past now It's like a huge torch.
Originally, Sylvanas was discussing important matters with the other two kings, especially to study and discuss the issue of Illidan's refusal to execute orders, resist high-level interrogations, and conceal military plans... But who ever thought, When they were busy, they suddenly discovered: The palace of the Queen of Flames was actually set on fire?
Then, before they had any reaction, this huge steel palace was soon gradually covered by the fire in front of them, and they directly forced them to escape from it in embarrassment, just watching the fire burn. The important alliance documents, stamped items and precious ornaments inside can only be stared.
"I do not know either……"
Suddenly being questioned by Queen Sylvanas in the panic, Lana, who did not find her little queen, turned pale in fright! However, when she recalled the fact that their queen didn't seem to be afraid of flames, her pale and nervous expression slowly recovered.
"This fire... may have been set by our Queen..."
"Because, I remember the flames I saw at that time. They seemed to burst out of our Queen Anne’s bedroom first... Things are probably like this, and I don’t know why it happened... …I was in the rest area outside the bedroom."
Lana, as the maidservant of Little Annie, is of course to be ready to serve and take care of their queen. However, when she was outside the palace, studying her own magic, while waiting for some sleeping little guy to wake up naturally, she suddenly found that boundless magical flames burst out from inside, scared She didn't dare to think about anything, she tore her leg and ran out! Anyhow, when I went downstairs, I was able to promptly remind those alliance office staff and the kings and nobles of various countries on the first floor.
Otherwise, maybe the high-level leaders of the entire Flame Alliance are likely to be served directly by this inexplicable fire?
"It was the little guy Annie who set the fire...but, well, why does she have to burn her own palace?!"
Hearing Lana, the maidservant, said that the magic flame came out of the little guy's palace first, Sylvanas couldn't help but froze for a while, and then asked in a strange way.
She remembers very clearly that these few days, she and the little guy slept together, just to stare at each other and not to let the little guy leave his post and play out during the busiest period of the league! But when she got up early in the morning, the other party was so good to fall asleep in bed, but how could she suddenly set fire to her own palace?
Is that little guy trying to get revenge for being detained by him these days for not letting her go out to play?
However, although the little guy is very stubborn, he is still very persuasive on some things and he can tell right from wrong. And in the past few days, although the other party has been whispering or complaining about her, but it is not going to get to the point where the entire palace is set on fire now?
Besides, this is the little kid’s own home. As far as Sylvanas knows about him, no one will burn his own home by that little kid, never!
"Very powerful magic, surging flame energy..."
"It must be correct. This should be our Queen of Flames! I can't imagine anyone else who could run here to set off such a big fire... Besides, these flames seem to be set unconsciously. Come out? Their composition is not strict, and a lot of magic power just dissipates and wasted in vain."
At this time, the Arcane Archmage Duan from the Kingdom of New Lordaeron, a golden-red beard man with a Mediterranean hairstyle, stood behind their queen Kalia, and looked at the beard with emotion. A huge steel palace burning with flames.
Fortunately, the palace itself cannot be burned. Otherwise, they have to consider whether to run farther, otherwise, if such a large building collapses, it is not a joke, maybe half a city of flames. To be smashed!
As for who on earth is Arcane Archmage Duan...
Ahem, friends who are interested can go to Dalaran’s wishing pool to fish for gold coins. If you are lucky enough to catch a silver coin, you will find that it says something like this:
Oh, why don’t you want to watch more Me a glance? Abidis...I would like to go to the ends of the world with you, just hope you can detect my heart...’
That's right, this arcane archmage Duan, he is the strange uncle who has a crush on the little girl Brigitte Abydis who is in her early twenties!
It's a pity that this bald archmage is a little older, and he is also bald. Although bald can add a little magical crit, it obviously deducts a lot of charm. Therefore, the person who is born is noble. It's normal that not only the Paladin, but also sister Bridget, who is also the daughter of the general, can't look down on him, the Mediterranean uncle.
Besides, it’s actually to blame this rich guy as a great mage for being stupid enough to use silver coins to make a wish and not willing to throw gold coins, so he deserves to be a bachelor for the rest of his life...
"Oh...what can I do? When the fire is extinguished, there are all the office appliances, seals, etc., except for the steel seats and the queen's throne in the palace that cannot be burned. Document files, those beautiful furniture, decorative flowers, precious curtains and personal belongings will all be turned into ashes..."
"Those things, if you repurchase them, it will probably cost a lot of money?"
Another high-ranking member of the new Kingdom of Lordaeron, one of the organizers of the Scarlet Crusade on the original timeline, the high-ranking priest Ethanlien, also said with emotion at this time.
He was originally a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and he was familiar with the general Abydis. After Lordaeron was destroyed by Arthas, he has been recruiting soldiers with the general to fight against natural disasters. During the period of the natural disasters, they met the Flame Alliance army of the Western Expedition, and even their Queen Kalia, so this guy with a little ability and a little contribution changed his body and became a new Lordan. One of the founding fathers of the Kingdom of Lun, he also became an archbishop of the Knights of the Silver Hand of Lordaeron.
"Okay! Anyway, the most important thing now is to figure out why Queen Anne did that. What happened to her to set fire to her palace?"
"Where is the commander of the guard? Can you Fire Element think of a way to send someone in to check it out?"
Sylvanas doesn't care about the things that are burned now. Now after their Flame Alliance has received the large quantities of gold brought back by Little Annie from the alien plane, they have money!
And as far as Sylvanas knows, Little Anne really likes the fairy-style decorations and the luxurious carpet curtains she personally arranged. If it's not a big deal, it is absolutely impossible to make it like this. .
So, she is now obviously more worried about the safety of a little guy inside, and she wants to know what is going on here to make Little Annie burn her own palace regardless of her concern? Was it attacked by the enemy, or something happened to your body?
"That one……"
"Actually, the commander of the royal guards just sent a small team of fire elements to check in. It's just that... the flames in the queen's palace are too fierce, and they don't even dare to get too close to the fire elements. They will also be burned! So, after a few hastily glances, they have to retreat..."
"It's just that when they looked in through the burnt wooden door, they didn't find any signs of fighting in the Queen's palace, and Queen Anne's vital signs were also normal, as if she was protecting herself during sleep. Energy catharsis is generally...Anyway, they think so."
In fact, Lana is now more worried than anyone else, after all, that is her queen, and not long after she came back, such a big change suddenly happened, it is absolutely impossible to say not to worry!
"Can we just stare like this, why don't we do?!"
When it was barely possible to confirm that it was really not the enemy’s attack on their Flame Alliance headquarters, Sylvanas could only hatefully hand over the exquisite longbow in her hand and the magic weapon named Thoridal. A ranger on the side began to turn around and looked up at the huge palace that had been completely shrouded in fire.
She planned to wait patiently first, and wait until a little guy stopped the fire or walked out by himself before asking what happened.
"If this is the case, you don't have to worry about it, just take it as a break today! Believe it, you will be exhausted after a few days of busy work?"
Kalia Menethil, who was wearing a crown, was tidying up her appearance, and when she finished tidying it up, when she saw that everyone had different expressions, many of them were frowning, she smiled generously and comforted.
Just now, when the fire ignited violently, she was not very agile, and now she is only a middle-ranked priest. Fortunately, she was caught in her arms by the agile Sylvanas in time. She was held hostage, otherwise, maybe she wouldn't have time to run out, right? After all, their king's quarter is in the innermost area, and the palace is so big that it would be really difficult for her to run out by herself.
"Ha! What a big fire, this is really amazing! The cool magic devices inside will not be a problem, I don't want to stay in the furnace like our old Ironforge in the future! "
"I have one more doubt. Do you really think that Her Majesty Queen Anne is really a little girl? Why do I always think that she is very likely to be a great lord of the fire element that has transformed into a human? Look, this kind of purity The power of flames, this terrifying power, I am afraid that even the most powerful flame lords we have seen cannot be compared..."
"If this is really just her instinctive reaction to self-protection, then I really can't imagine what it will be like when she is really angry and intends to take it all out?"
"Well... I just talk about it casually, don't look at me that way."
Falstad Wildhammer, a little grumpy dwarf lord shrank his neck, and muttered quietly after avoiding everyone's gaze. He jumped directly to the side of the palace square and sat on the guardrail, just watching the general The fire that ignited the entire palace, and the light that almost illuminated the entire sky.
Looking up to the sky, almost the entire sky is red...Presumably, you can see such exaggerated scenery in the entire northern region of Lordaeron mainland, right? No matter, they are about to cause some minor disturbances in their alliance.
"Huh! There is no other good way anyway, so let's continue to wait like this!"
"However, I am still a little worried. What is it that makes the little guy make such a big battle in his sleep? As far as I know, she is not like the kind of person who can't control her power!"
Deeply worried and helpless, Sylvanas could only sigh, then she held her arms and stood in front of the huge palace gate, intending to wait for the fire to go out by itself. , Or... Wait until some of the instigators come out by themselves?

"That's it again..."
Annie sighed. She discovered that certain monsters in this world seemed to like to force people into dreams or spiritual worlds at every turn, especially the bad guys they had seen before! She remembered it very clearly. She had beaten those bad guys severely more than six years ago when she was in this world. Now, what made them have the courage to come and spoil them?
Could it be that those monster bones are so cheap and want to come here to find a beating?
In this regard, she said she was really puzzled! Is it possible that she herself looks particularly bully? However, since she recently came to this world, although she has done nothing to hurt the world, she has never been a good person anymore, right? Those bad guys, do you really think you have no temper?
You know, in the past few days, she was forced to stay in the City of Fire by the disgusting sister Sylvanas who was determined to be a druid, and she kept meeting and signing those boring so she didn’t want to take a look. The file has been suffocated!
"Let's talk, who will come this time? I don't understand, you bad guys, why do you like to force me into such a weird place while I am sleeping?"
Looking around, there was nothingness, no change, it was still black... Obviously, this guy who came this time may be lazy, and even do some scenes or something to blind her routine. There are no steps, which is really damnable!
Anyway, she is also the most powerful arcane archmage in the world of Azeroth (self-styled ヾ(▽)ノ~), shouldn't their villains put more thoughts on themselves? In that case, maybe she would still pretend to be deceived for a few seconds to make the other party cry?
At this time, shortly after Annie spoke, a strange voice pierced directly into the soul origin in her mind! That's right, she was sure, she just got in directly, it wasn't the sound waves of broken thoughts or whispers in her ears.
Anyway, it is a very strange way of communication!
While Annie was slightly startled, the strange voice continued. Actually, it can't be said to be a sound. It should be regarded as a certain thought conveyed to her, or a certain obscure conscious thought? In short, in Annie's opinion, it feels strange anyway.
"Huh? You want me to save you?"
"But... I don't know you myself, why should I save you? Also, why are you pulling me here inexplicably? Are we familiar? Humph! I don't know how to save someone. Polite stranger!"
Annie didn't feel malice from the thoughts conveyed by the other party, and when she heard that the other party seemed to be asking for help, she thought about it for a while, and finally did not rush to protect or retaliate against the other party.
She was going to listen first and see what the weird guy was making! If the other party, Her Majesty Queen Anne, is very cheating, then she will definitely make it regret it!
"It's me..."
It was the vague idea and the intermittent thoughts that came through again, which made Annie frown, and she didn't know what the other party meant to express! Asking for help or something, anyway, make things clear, so if she comes up inexplicably and calls for help, she can't help even if she really wants to help, right?
After all, her Queen Anne is not the omniscient and omnipotent God among the earth's population! People on the earth who call the police for help all know that they have to clarify the situation and the prescription. This guy asks for help, and then doesn't say anything. What is going on?
"Stop! Tell yourself first, who are you and where are you from?"
Little Annie is a bit impatient now, you know, she can talk when she is two years old and can run all over the voodoo land! But now, this powerful existence that can forcibly pull itself into this strange world can't say anything clearly. Who would believe this? !
Anyway, she felt that this guy must have a problem, she must be careful and careful, vigilant and vigilant, but she must not follow the other side's way.
"very painful……"
"help me……"
The sentiment is still very vague, making it very difficult for Xiao Anni to understand... The other party, is it really incomprehensible or deliberate? In this regard, Annie is very skeptical!
"I tell you, there are so many bad people in this world, and there are many good people who have been deceived or killed... And look, I am just a child now, where can I save so many?"
"Well, I'll introduce you some great, kind and nosy people another day. When the time comes, you will find them yourself? Anyway... I am a little busy now. I have to get up early every day to have a meeting and sign or something. I'm so annoying, I still want to find someone to save me! So, if you have nothing serious, I will leave now."
Annie shouldn't be a savior, she is really a little powerful kid, eating, drinking, having fun and doing things is what she should do! Like the kind of saving the world or being a hero, whoever loves to go, just don't come to her anyway!
If she happened to see or met, she might also help a little when she was in a good mood, but if she was in a bad mood, hum... Maybe she herself might be the bad person?
There were still bursts of unexplained murmurs and painful howls suddenly and suddenly passed into Annie’s mind. The sympathy for the general pain scared her, so she quickly subconsciously took some protective measures. Begin to release his best magic flames irrespectively!
Such an abruptly suspected attack like the other party really scared her a bit!
Moreover, the kind of pain that was just communicated to her, but it was really painful! So, thinking that she was attacked by the enemy, she started to release flames constantly, planning to burn or isolate any attack from the enemy.
Then, after a while, she came back to her senses, only to realize that it didn't seem to be a dream, nor was it a material world. The kind of behavior she had just subconsciously seemed to be completely useless here.
As everyone knows, what she just did has already caused a huge chaos in her queen's palace outside the material world, and even burned the entire palace in flames.
"This is really strange, I can't get out, it's amazing..."
After a while, Annie realized that she couldn't use any attack methods here? Moreover, she still hasn't figured out where it is. In short, it is definitely not the kind of dream, the spiritual world, or the spiritual world.
Therefore, she decided to analyze and analyze, and then study and study to see if she can figure out the reason. After she finds it out, maybe she must first focus on the bad guy who just attacked her!
"It's me..."
After the sudden attack on Annie, it didn't take long for him to continue the occasional thoughts before, and the other party conveyed it to her continuously.
"Wow! Come again? Are you the kind of babbled ancient again?"
"Let me listen to you bad guys, this queen is not afraid of such bad things as you! And I warn you, don't come and make me sleep quickly, let me go! Otherwise, if you provoke me, nothing will happen to me Don’t do it, another day... No! Don’t wait for another day, when I wake up, I’ll go get all of you out and burn them all! Humph! I can do it when I say it, don’t think I’m here Just kidding!"
"So, I solemnly warn you: This is your last chance. You'd better let me out as soon as possible. Before I am completely angry, maybe it's too late?!"
Actually, Annie thinks it might be too late to let her out now...
Annie has always believed in the core concept that people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people, and if people offend me, set people on fire!
And now, this kind of bad guy called the ancient gods has come to trouble him several times, this is really uncle can not bear the aunt! Do they really think they are bullies? If it wasn't for this world to be a bit weird and she couldn't get out for the time being, she would have gone to the world of Azeroth to find these guys and kill them!
At that time, the ancient gods or something will definitely be picked out by her, and then slowly burned with a small fire for ten thousand years!
Although this strange world has trapped her for the time being, Annie firmly believes that this kind of small trouble must be difficult for her. Who is she and how could she be embarrassed? nonexistent!
Anyway, if one day doesn't work, it will be two days, if two days don't work, it will be ten days. Sooner or later, she can go out. When that happens, there will be people or monsters who will be unlucky, and it will still be unlucky! (`へ)
"The ancient god...pain..."
Suddenly, what makes Annie strange is that this time the other party no longer conveyed the vague idea of ​​seeking help, but directly sent a specific image? Inside, she saw a few hideous shadow-twisting monsters, the ancient gods, they hugged a planet greedily, and then they began to root in madly, absorbing the strength of the other side, and constantly corrupting other side?
Then, the planet began to evolve step by step, as if pressing the fast forward button, and finally became what the current world of Azeroth looks like...
At this moment, Annie finally understood something.
Because of course she knows those bad guys who are weird and rooted in the planet. They are the guys who came to her ears and talked when she first came to the world of Azeroth. The ancient god?
Then, another image appeared. It seemed to be a monster the size of a planet, like a very big and powerful demon? The other party just used a long flame sword, hovering outside the planet, seems to be planning to cut the planet to play?
And when Annie watched carefully the demon the size of the planet Azeroth, with unparalleled power on her body, suddenly, the other party turned her head fiercely and looked at her, so scared that she almost disappeared. Make a big fireball to blur the face as big as the moon!
Humph! Don't think that being big and square is great! While on Earth, she went to outer space to burn the head of a monster the size of the Earth! Although the Infinite Gems doesn't have so much energy now, she really annoys her, so she throws all the big Iwans out. Then, no one will think about getting better!
Fortunately, at this moment, the picture was interrupted at this critical moment, and Annie no longer had to worry about facing the pair of big and ferocious, but still full of terrible and vicious eyes that destroyed desire.
"Huh? It turned out to be Jiangzi!"
"I seem to understand a little at last, shouldn' are this planet of Azeroth, right?!"
If it’s just that kind of idea, maybe Annie doesn’t quite understand it. However, after the other party’s illustrated explanation, she is extremely clever, and her IQ has exceeded the limit of human imagination. There will be countless zeros after the full score and countless little Annies. The general meaning of the other party.
The thing should be like this: the planet of Azeroth where she is now, due to unknown reasons, she knows that she is wise, martial, unparalleled, cute, beautiful, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable. After the Queen Anne, who had omitted 10,000 adjectives, returned, she rushed to ask for help! Anyway, that's probably what it means, and it certainly can't be wrong.
" me..."
The graphic introduction soon ended, and immediately after that, the chaotic and vague idea once again passed to Annie's mind.
"Okay, don't make a noise! ​​I understand now..."
"What you mean is: Those ancient gods I've met make you feel a lot of pain? Then, you are this planet? Aha! This is so interesting! Even planets have life? This thing is really rare. Well...seriously, this is the first time I have met!"
While talking, Annie only cared about her happiness, and soon forgot whether she should decide to help the other party.
"help me……"
It was still the vague idea coming, just so persevering.
"Well... don't make a noise, let me establish a deeper connection with you first, I want to see if you are a liar..."
After understanding the origin of the other party, Annie can be considered to understand her situation and how the other party contacts her.
So, she squinted, began to connect with each other and felt it carefully... Then, naturally, she really quickly connected to the other's thoughts, connected to the heart of the world on Azeroth!
The other party's thoughts are still chaotic and chaotic, and they are almost tortured to be a little distorted...In this way, the influence of the ancient gods on it is indeed quite deep. It's no wonder that the kind of twisted shadow creatures who generally don't know enough about shadows really can't deal with it! Because that requires a lot of specific conditions, the other party finds herself, and really finds the right person, Annie really has a way to strip out the bad guys one by one without any damage!
Also, Annie suddenly felt a little disdainful. The life conceived on the planet Azeroth should be the same huge demon she saw just now. It has a huge power but can't use it. , Really weakly possible!
But, it is normal to think about it carefully, after all, it is still an egg! At that time, it is not known whether it is male or female, male or female! In short, whether it is a chicken or a phoenix, before they hatch out, are they still rubbed like this planet without any resistance?
The only difference may be the hardness of the eggshell, right? An egg the size of a planet, how big should the guy who gave birth to it be? After thinking about it, Little Annie's mind turned to someone who made this planet again.
Sure enough, the magic world is not very good at this point, it is not scientific at all, and it is not rigorous at all!
"You can really find someone, it's amazing!"
"If you want me to help you, it's not impossible... But I want to ask you first, how did you know that I can deal with those ancient gods? Is it true that you have been peeping at me? "
Annie is really curious about this!
She herself, but she has never had any contact with this planet, and she has never known each other, so how can she find herself? Just like this, if she uses her strength to pay attention to herself, she will definitely notice it, right?
"What? You said I have the breath of the Creator? It's strange... Why don't I know?"
"Oh! I remember now, I really have a pretty good relationship with the creator of another world. She has given me a lot of things. It shouldn't be too strange to get some of her breath... But I must explain, I have nothing to do with the creator of your world!"
After thinking suspiciously for a while, Annie finally remembered such a thing. She probably understood the reason why the other party could find herself so accurately.
"Okay! Don't make a noise! ​​Let me tell you, the ancient gods or something, I can take the time to help you clean them up, this is very simple! But, that big devil, you must not find me! With your planet as big, I definitely can’t beat him. If he comes, I promise that I won’t save you. Then I will run away as soon as possible, even as far as I can. Plane space gate, escape your world!"
Anne is definitely not going to do things that she can't handle!
Like the previous one who just saw each other by herself, the other party seems to have also seen her own big guy. She must not be able to deal with her small arms and legs. At that time, she had better run as far as possible. Anyway, she is She doesn't go to trouble herself, and she is not stupid, and there is no great thing for her. How could she risk doing it? !
It sounds good to say that the brave fights the devil, but it is only a story in a fairy tale. Annie herself never believed in those deceptive things when she was three years old.
"By the way, are you so powerful? How can you see the big guy who is beating you with bad ideas? Couldn't the scene just now be true? That big bad guy, really found me miserable? It's terrible..."
After understanding the cause and effect, Annie, who was relaxed, began to grin wildly.
Now that she was sure that the one she was looking for was not a bad guy, she didn't need to be nervous anymore. It was better to chat like this than to go out to a meeting and read those boring documents.
"Oh, don't give me power, I don't care about your power! My own power is so hot, and I can't use it up often, don't bribe me!"
Seeing that the other party wanted to impart some strength to herself, Annie refused on the spot!
She is not rare to have energy that is not in the right way with herself! If it was knowledge or something, maybe she would pretend to shrug it off and quickly accept it, but she really didn't need power or something like the Sun Well or the Eternal Well!
"Okay, don’t worry, anyway, their bad guys have tortured you for so many years, not bad these days! Now, let’s talk for a while, what I want to know old are you now? Are you male or female?"
"Wow! Mother?!"
"Countless thousands of years? Still older than me? That is absolutely impossible!"
"Look, if you haven't managed to get out of the shell yet, or you don't know anything, then you must be 0 years old. That's right! What the book says is correct. Egg! Look, your consciousness has only recently awakened, right?"
"So, I'm older than you, that's for sure! From now on, I will be your big sister Anne! Don't worry, with me, you can nestle up, those ancient gods and other things will definitely not be the climate , I wrote this down!"
Annie patted her chest confidently. She would definitely help with this! She really has a way to deal with the twisted shadow creatures brought by the Void Lord, and deal with the ancient gods!
Her own knowledge of the power of shadows is beyond their imagination!
"Oh, I've said it, don't come to me about the big devil thing! If it's like that Archimonde, I will fight hard, and now I don’t see it. I'm afraid of the other party! But that demon as big as a planet, I really can't help it..."
"No, you should wait until you come out before you fight him! It's useless for you to give me strength. I don't want your power. I use other people's power and things that don't belong to me. That will have an impact on me. Yes! This is what Iluvita big sister told me personally, she is even more powerful than you!"
"Oh, you ask that big sister Iluvetta... She should actually be the creation of Middle-earth, that is, the kind who can make people and make planets with a wave of hands! Anyway, she must be better than Titans like you are powerful, and they are definitely better than that Sargeras."
"Haha! You little clever ghost, you want this trick!"
"I tell you, it is impossible. It is impossible for her to come to your world! You may not know that being like them is inseparable forever! Because ah, they themselves represent that world. ! This is like asking you to leave the planet of Azeroth. What I'm talking about is that before you hatched, now you represent the planet, how can you leave it, right?"
While laughing and explaining, Annie understood that this hasn't been conceived from the planet Azeroth, it has been conceived in a deep sleep, and even consciousness is a newly born existence, in fact, it is a slippery big guy!
"By the way, I forgot to ask, what is your name?"
"What! No name... How can it be?! Let's do it, I will get one for you now... Look, my own name is Annie, and I have a very good pet, I named it It's Tibbers, so...or else, just call Tini, what do you think of this name?"
After being embarrassed, Annie tentatively said a better name.
"What, this is not good? I think it's good, look, Tini... how kind is this?!"
"Oh! Don't insist on calling Azeroth. It is the name of this planet. What does it matter to you? By the way, I forgot to ask again. After you come out, you will not want to call this planet. It blows up, right?"
Annie suddenly remembered something very serious, because... she suddenly remembered that whether it is a chicken or an ugly duckling, after they are hatched, they must break the eggshell, and then, a few clicks After the sound, there will be no eggs or duck eggs!
So, at that time, this Azeroth planet, will it be the same? If so, then there is a lot of fun to watch.
"Wow! It really is? You are too big, so you might burst the entire planet? It must be!"
"This thing is really interesting! Look, they, people in the world of Azeroth, are saying that they must work hard to protect the planet that nurtures you, but... one day, when you want to come out At that time, it must be destroyed again... Tell me, if the people outside of them know about it and protect themselves, will they be so embarrassed that they will kill you first?"
This matter, you don't need to think about Annie to know, it will definitely happen!
"Haha! This thing feels too funny when you think of it! Wait a minute, let me laugh for a while..."
After breaking her little finger to ponder the relationship between each other for a while, she found out something funny and started to laugh out loudly!
Anyway, this matter, as far as she knows, if it were spread by her... the elves, humans, orcs, goblins, trolls, and the long-eared green monsters in the outside world would definitely be first. Take the Burning Legion one step, think of a way to get rid of this big guy who was bred inside the planet first, right?
As far as she knows, those people will definitely do it then! After all, whether it is a human or an animal, what you can think of when encountering a crisis is definitely to save yourself first, and this is even true for Annie herself!
"Okay! Come on! Call me sister first, I can sum up generously with you Think hard, is there any good way to make you both Can it be successfully drilled out without the explosive means of breaking the planet?"
"Hmm...If you don't have to spend too long, I can give you the method of opening a large portal. In that case, it shouldn't blow up Azeroth?"
"Oh! Stop it! Don't tell me about Sargeras. If you mention it again, I'll be anxious to you!"
"Anyway, I will definitely not help you beat him! In fact, I really can't beat him! He is so big, maybe a little finger can pinch me to death! At most... I will take some time to help you earlier Find a way to capture those ancient gods?"
"Impossible! You die this heart, anyway, I can't beat that guy, I won't risk it!"
ヾ(▽)ノThe end of the month, tickets!
PS: No more than 200 words, so these are free of charge
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