Chapter 435: Stormwind City

At the intersection of Twilight Forest, Redridge Mountains and Elwynn Forest at the intersection of the three places, Thrall, the warchief of the orc tribe, is leading a tribal army of more than 20,000 and nearly 30,000. The Twelfth Army is fighting hard here.
In front of the tribal army led by Thrall, in addition to the thousands of elites of the Twelfth Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom, there are actually security forces pieced together by some local garrison troops. More than 10,000 of them are so firmly rooted here at the triangle intersection, and the tribe’s army will not be able to shake them even if they allow the tribe’s army to attack them for several days!
Before, when the Horde's army swept the entire Twilight Forest, it only took less than a week! Although this is partly due to the fact that the Twilight Forest has almost no effective resistance force in Stormwind, it is undeniable that the rapid marching and combat effectiveness of the orc tribe army is beyond doubt.
However, what was unexpected to all tribal generals: at this triangular intersection, although the number of their tribal army was more than twice that of their enemies, the battle lasted for more than ten days, but they still could not advance...
Moreover, they probably found out after statistics that the battle loss ratio between the two sides has reached an astonishing two to one, or even three to one? !
In his large tent with animal skins, Thrall was looking at the terrain around the Twilight Forest, thinking hard.
In Stranglethorn Vale to the south, although the place is very rich, they can’t expand their territory for the time being...because the goblins and native trolls in Stranglethorn Vale are very nervous about the tribe’s military operations, once he Thrall If we go to conquer the territory, maybe the trolls and goblins who have not been conquered will get together to deal with their tribe!
Therefore, at this time, here in the Eastern Kingdom, there are too many enemies rashly made, and for the tribe with a relatively weak foundation, it is a bit more than a loss... Therefore, there is no rash move in Stranglethorn Vale for the time being.
And to the east of the ink-colored forest, there is an inaccessible path against the wind...
In that place, it is said that not only the mountain roads are rugged and the environment is weird, but what’s worse is that no minerals are produced there, and there are no plants that can grow on the cursed land...Even insects are unwilling to take it there. To be your own lair...On the other side, there are only various demons and monsters vaguely haunting, and there are also a large number of ogres and undead raging...It is a land of death, which is not suitable for the survival of the orcs at all. Before going to the Swamp of Sorrows, Thrall would not consider that place for the time being.
To the west of the Twilight Forest is the Western Wilderness of the Granary of the original Stormwind Kingdom.
The climate there is very similar to Durotar, but the land is flatter and more fertile. There is no land more suitable for the orcs to live in than the West Wilderness! Originally, Thrall had also thought about going west, but after considering that in the southern continent of the Eastern Kingdom, Stormwind is the dominant family, he finally gave up with some regrets about going west to attack the Western Wilderness. Intending to turn to the Elwynn Forest and the Redridge Mountains to the north!
Thrall believed that the Defias Republic must be the same as he thought! Otherwise, the other party would not be like him, tacitly sending a small number of soldiers to look at each other across the gentle ferry of the big river and their tribe's outpost, and no one has attacked anyone.
After not considering the east, south and west sides, Thrall has not too many choices. If he does not go north, he can only take the Upwind Trail to go to the Swamp of Sorrows and the Cursed Lands with the elites of the Stormwind Alliance. Go shopping for the Dark Portal... But Thrall felt that it would definitely not be a good idea. Maybe it would cause the Alliance troops in Outland to return early to fight him?
But now, the hard bones of the Twelve Legion at the intersection of the triangle are too difficult to gnaw. The army of their tribe has been fighting with each other for more than ten days and still no progress... If you want to make a detour, the Irvine River is really too turbulent. , A small number of elite vanguard scouts ventured to use a raft to cross the river to sneak past it is no problem, anyway, there is no need to bring any supplies... But if it is a large army, it must be no good!
Therefore, the thing before Thrall is: whether they want to go to the Elwynn Forest, or want to invade the Redridge Mountains, their tribe can't get around the triangle intersection! They must try their best to win the northward route of Triangular Intersection, otherwise, any subsequent plans will be directly stranded!
"Warchief, there is no way to fight this battle again!"
An orc with soaring braids on his head and red plate armor rushed into the tent like that.
"Let's continue fighting like this, in my opinion, we don't want to break through those human defenses until next month!"
"You have also seen that the newly collected Stranglethorn Vale trolls, their have worse discipline than the Boars! Those chores, not only are they not restrained, they don't participate in training on weekdays, and they are in vain of military discipline. ZìYóu is casual, and even eats people in spite of the prohibition, and even robs and fights directly in the camp. As for those who go on guard and sleep lazily, let alone... Great Chief, just rely on them, not to mention that we only have enemies now. More than twice, even ten times, I think it is difficult to break through those human defense lines!"
Nazgrim, the excellent legionnaire in this tribal army, the confidant guard under Warchief Thrall, and now temporarily serving as the supervisor of the Stranglethorn Vale troll camp, just like this, standing indignantly at the map and meditating. Warchief Thrall complained.
"Warchief, you should let go and let me train our orc recruits as hard as I did, instead of letting ZìYóu go as I am now! Those guys are now completely unqualified to be called a tribal warrior! They are just a group of mobs, I would rather go to command those boar warriors than to look at their trolls!"
Nazgrim didn't understand. They were also trolls. Why were the native trolls of Stranglethorn Vale so stupid? Anyway, if he is asked to comment, it is like a group of primitive races of ignorance and ignorance! Not to mention comparing it with those darkspear trolls, they can't even compare to the stupid boars in the tribe!
Moreover, just now, the Baral troll camp behind the tribal camp was even sneaked by a company called B company from the enemy's 12th legion? !
Those and ignorant Balal trolls not only killed and injured more than a thousand themselves, they also burned a camp and some military supplies in the rear, and even caused the offensive they originally planned to launch today to stop and rectify their military affairs. This is really outrageous!
Nazgrim didn't understand, the native trolls of Stranglethorn, are their brains really stupid than the wild boars? On the battlefield, where do they have the confidence to relax because they are behind the big camp? Those guys, not only didn't send a patrol team, they didn't even have a sentry on duty. They didn't find an enemy until the other party started sneaking into the camp and burning, killing and looting?
"Nazgrim, for those who have just returned and joined our tribe, your requirements are still a bit too strict..."
"You should also know that now, there are too few tribal warriors that we have brought from Kalimdor here. We have to patiently respect and guide the customs and habits of those native trolls... if If you are in a hurry, bad things may happen instead. We must take this problem slowly. It will not be solved in a short while. This is the same as the Darkspear trolls back then. Let them change Didn’t it take a lot of time to get rid of the vice of cannibalism?"
Compared to Nazgrim's impatience, Thrall was obviously more calm. He believed that everything would get better eventually.
"Moreover, we can actually see that the enemy's Twelfth Legion, that Admiral Todman is nothing to deal with! We have already learned from the prisoners that the opponent is an old man who survived the three wars. Officer, from the time our ancestors crossed the Dark Portal, he was fighting with our orc warriors... And now, after these days of battle, he has proven what a hero he is with his own actions. character……"
"So, Nazgrim, put away the irritability and dissatisfaction in your heart, we can't demand too much of those trolls...After fighting for so long, they have not been dissipated or fled by the enemy until today. That's already pretty good!"
After shaking his head, and patted the other person on the shoulder friendly, Thrall walked to the map again.
Although he also knows that the current situation of the battle is not favorable to their tribe, it is likely that they will have no hope of breaking through that triangle intersection in a short time... But they have to do this again, even if it is a war of attrition, Their tribe will also consume the vital power of the 12th Legion!
She knew that, compared to the people who were constantly receiving support from the Stranglethorn Vale trolls, the humans on the opposite side had one less death. Now Stormwind City has no extra troops to support. Therefore, it is only a matter of time to break through this triangle intersection... Even, within half a month, they will always break through the past.
And since they were going to fight, then appropriately appeasing the trolls who had surrendered from Stranglethorn Vale became the choice they had to make now. After all, if they lose the help of these trolls, their tribe will definitely not be able to conquer the city and occupy the Twilight Forest in the hinterland of the Stormwind Kingdom. Therefore, open your eyes and close your eyes, and slowly guide the native trolls. It has become an important thing that Thrall will do now and in the future.
"Our tribe, although now occupying a whole territory in the Eastern Kingdom that is not lost to Durotar, our foundation here is still too weak. Except for those trolls, in a short time, the tribe There is no way to send too many people over to support."
Although their tribe now occupies all of the Twilight Forest and a large area in the northern Stranglethorn Vale, the Twilight Forest is obviously not suitable for the survival of the living! Therefore, after a while, Thrall intends to relocate the Forsaken undead from Kalimdor and move them here. Whether it is the Twilight Forest or the Deadwind Trail, it is obviously suitable for the survival and activities of the undead. . In that case, he wouldn't have to worry that the other party would pollute the land on Durotar.
Directly use this natural land of the undead in the sky full of death and shady, let the forgotten as the main place of survival, and can also include the wild undead wandering in the twilight forest and the dead wind path, and can be close at the same time Deterring Stormwind, this is simply no better idea than this!
"Nazgrim, our primary task now is to break through the Twelfth Army's defense line as soon as possible and directly win this triangle intersection. This is our most important thing now! As for the rest, let's put it aside. "
If their tribe still wants to gain more benefits, they can only take advantage of the extreme weakness within the Stormwind Kingdom to do their hands and feet on the opponent's land!
For example: Infiltrating Redridge Mountains or Elwynn Forest? After all, the Defias Republic is now at war with the Kingdom of Stormwind in the west. If their tribes don’t grab it, maybe the Defias humans who are said to have joined the Flame Alliance will be taken away in vain!
"Since you have made arrangements for the Warchief, I won't ask too much about the troll."
"It's just, Warchief! The B Company of the 12th Army that wanders around our camp, they have caused too much trouble for us! I think we must, and it is necessary, to find a way to eliminate them first. !"
Now that the warchief has said that for the time being, the native trolls in Stranglethorn Vale who have just surrendered cannot be touched, so Nazgrim has nothing to say!
However, if he went to mobilize the Twelve Legion in Stormwind, to fight the nasty B Company's idea, to deal with those enemies, and to kill the small enemy unit like a wolf pack first, shouldn't it be okay?
"Are you going to deal with that B company? That's okay..."
"Just, Nazgrim, what are you going to do? You know, they are very familiar with the nearby terrain and have an advantage on the home court. It may be difficult for us to catch them..."
Thrall has actually been tired of the enemy's small wolf pack tactics!
Every time, if he sent a large force to chase and suppress, those enemies would just turn around and run away, never staying! But if... he sent fewer people, it would not be enough for those savvy human soldiers... Those cunning humans, when they see an opportunity, they will definitely turn around and rush to take a bite... although The result has nothing to do with the overall situation, but it makes him feel very painful and helpless!
"Don't worry, Warchief! I thought about it. As long as you assign me a few hundred elite orc warriors, I can definitely kill them! I dare to assure you with my honor!"
Seeing Warchief Thrall finally looked a little moved, Nazgrim quickly patted his chest and promised.
If you lead the native trolls who are not honorable and disciplined, you will definitely not be able to deal with that kind of powerful enemy! However, if it were the most elite orc warriors under the warchief, then Nazgrim would have 100% confidence to destroy the opponent!
Of course, this may take some time, after all, he has to slowly look for the right opportunity and find the trail of the enemy.
"Um... You let me think about..."
Thrall hesitated, he didn't want to discourage the enthusiasm of this young man he was optimistic about.
This Nazgrim, he felt that if he cultivated well, he would definitely become a general in charge! This is the talent that the tribe needs at present, which can be seen from the way the opponent controls the Stranglethorn Valley troll during this time. Although it is still a bit jerky and the technique is too impatient, it also allows Thrall to see the faint potential to grow into an orc general.
Now the first task of their tribe is to fight for the main enemy force to break through the triangle intersection as early as possible, and then attack the Elwynn Forest or the Redridge Mountain. This is their first thing to do! If, now, wasting energy to deal with that company B wandering outside and destroying it, to deal with that kind of small group of enemies, maybe, it would really be what the enemy wanted!
Thrall could see that the human veteran general, Todman of the Twelfth Legion, the other party’s purpose was to drag their tribal army, dragging them to this triangle intersection, and once dragged to Stormwind City If the alliance's reinforcements arrive, the opponent will win!
Therefore, compared to Nazgrim's desperate attempt to destroy the B company, what Thrall wanted to do more was to break through the enemy's defense as soon as possible and directly defeat or eliminate the opponent's main force of the 12th Army!
"Oh, Nazgrim, you..."
When Thrall just wanted to tactfully refuse the other party’s request and wanted to explain some problems, suddenly, a secret agent of the Darkspear troll suddenly opened the animal hide tent and directly moved towards the middle of the warchief’s tent. Stepped in.
"Warchief! This is the latest information about the West!"
In Thrall and Nazgrim’s startled gaze, the darkspear troll elite spy, who was obviously a stalker, knelt in front of Thrall and respectfully handed a copy of it. Of parchment information. It was their scout leader who asked him to take it back and forward it to the warchief.
After scanning the contents of the intelligence in a glance, Thrall's face suddenly became a little unnatural, and he sighed, handing the report to the side, a little eager to try, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to ask for it. After holding his hands, he began to contemplate again...
Originally, Thrall thought that the offensive here to the east of their tribe was just an offensive and defensive battle with the humans of Stormwind on the plain at the intersection of the triangle. It should be the first breakthrough for them to the east. After all, their side is much better than the West Spring Fortress to the west!
But how can I think that when they were still fighting evenly with the Twelfth Legion of Stormwind, the other party had already captured the West Spring Fortress and leveled down Flash Gold Town, and was already on their way to stormwind city? Does the newly risen Defias Republic really leave that way? However, the intelligence feedback spied by the secret agents a long time ago showed that the Defias army should be weaker than their tribe.
"Warchief! Or else, our tribe will also organize a general offensive to see if we can crush the Twelfth Legion opposite in one fell swoop, and then we will go to Stormwind City to join in the fun?"
In Stormwind City, that must be very rich, so when Nazgrim thought that his tribe would lose the great benefits and supreme honor of capturing Stormwind City, he was uncomfortable! Before, whether it was to take down the troll tribes in the northern part of Stranglethorn Vale, or to invade the entire Twilight Forest, there was not much benefit, and the loot was even more pitiful!
And now, the Defias Republic, the other party even dared to have even Kexiquan Fortress and Flash Gold Town, and they are now heading to Stormwind City, so what?
How could their tribe be compared to a new country that has been emerging for less than three months? Therefore, at the moment he wants to attack desperately and directly defeat the Twelve Legion at all costs, and then go to Stormwind City to see if there is a chance?
"No! We can't waste any more time here, Nazgrim, you immediately send my order..."
After thinking about it for a while, after analyzing the intelligence of the enemy and ourselves, Thrall felt that the situation had changed, so he resolutely decided that he couldn't stay here at this triangle intersection. Benefits only!
For the benefit of the tribe, he must now make some correct decisions!
"Look at it, Warchief!"
"For the glory and for the tribe, this time I will take the lead in the charge, and I will definitely be able to defeat the Twelfth Legion before the evening!"
Hearing that Warchief Thrall seemed to have made a certain decision, Nazgrim ran to the opponent excitedly, and knelt down on one knee with the troll scout just now, waiting for the official order to be issued.
Thrall was suddenly a little baffled. When did he say that he would defeat the Twelve Army? Now the war has changed. Not only can he not defeat the opponent, but he can no longer attack Elwynn Forest or Redridge Mountain.
"Nazgrim... you go and order: to prepare the entire army, we must directly evacuate this camp before dusk and return to the Mistmanto Manor in the Twilight Forest for repairs!"
Looking at Nazgrim in a state of excitement, Thrall shook his head with a wry smile, but still clearly stated his final decision.
"Yes... wait!"
"Warchief, did you make a mistake just now? We are not going to spread rumors while the enemy king is about to be encircled and the army's spirit is unstable, and then seize the time to suppress the whole army?"
Nazgrim actually thought about how to play later, that is: first send some guys who can speak Azeroth, and then go to the opponent's line to publicize the share he just saw. Intelligence, and then, when the enemy appears mixed or the military spirit begins to fluctuate, the whole army will press on, and the victory or defeat will be determined by the first battle!
But now, Thrall, the warchief of their tribe, actually said that he would withdraw his troops. What kind of joke was this?
Is there something wrong with this? At this time, the warchief must not continue to commit troubles like before unconditionally trusting a certain woman!
"No! Nazgrin, I made no mistake, I am sober now!"
"Please trust my judgment... The situation around Stormwind Kingdom, whether it is Stormwind City defeating Defias Republic, or Defias Republic capturing Stormwind, it will not do any good to our tribe!"
"In the short term, the strength of our tribe in the Eastern Kingdom will definitely not be able to increase too quickly... And you have seen the combat effectiveness of those trolls... So, in the best interest of the tribe, we must let that Defias supplies and Stormwind have been confronted and consumed for a long time, and consumed their war potential a little bit!"
"Because of this, our best choice now is to withdraw troops as soon as possible, so that the Twelfth Army can lead part of the main force back to Stormwind City in time, forcing the Defias Republic to retreat to the Western Wilderness, and let their humans continue. If we continue to face off in the Irvine Forest area, we can profit from it!"
Seeing Nazgrim's face full of dissatisfaction, Thrall could only patiently explain such a few words to the other party.
Sure enough, after going through the Maelstrom, although the Horde rejected his request to step down as the warchief, his prestige has inevitably been lost...Perhaps, many orcs will still be there. Think he Thrall is an orc warchief who has been bewitched by a human woman, right?
"Maybe you are right..."
"But... Warchief, how do you know that Todman, the veteran of the 12th Army, will definitely increase Stormwind after seeing us retreat? Do you want us to send a prisoner to inform the other party?"
The words of the warchief sounded so reasonable, so after Nazgrim thought for a while, although he was still a little unwilling, he still decided to obey the order.
"No! We don't need to do anything now!"
"After seeing our tribe withdraw troops, I think that Todman must be able to understand what I mean..."
After thinking about it, Thrall still rejected the superfluous approach proposed by Nazgrim. He felt that the opponent should be able to rely on the emergency retreat of their tribe and the movements of the Defias Republican team to judge Thrall’s own true intentions, and then the opponent would definitely do what Thrall thought overnight. To do it.
This is actually Thrall's conspiracy on the bright side. He wants the humans in the Stormwind Kingdom to confront each other and consume their strength. After that Todman knows, what can the other party do? Is it possible that the opponent will sit back and watch Stormwind City is captured or besieged?
The intelligence of their tribe said that the Defias Republic, the opponent seems to have an effective means to break through the defense of Stormwind's walls, so presumably, Todman from the opposite Twelve Legion will also know it?
"Yes! Warchief! I'll go and give your order to withdraw your troops now!"
After saluting again, Nazgrim responded with an urgency, then turned around and walked out of the tent.
In the early morning three days later...
Outside the front gate of the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind, the nearly 30,000 troops of the Defias Republic lined up side by side, facing away from the huge white and blue-roofed Stormwind gate. Confronted.
Now, there is still a short period of time before their official attack on Stormwind City will begin.
The flag with a red background and golden stone hammer and curved blade was erected high in the battlefield of the Defias Republic. In the middle of the army was Defia's 10,000 regular troops. They were wearing plate armor, holding shields, spears and sharp swords in their hands, and wearing the same red robes. From their enclosed helmets, only those excited and fanatical gazes appeared, and they stared at the distance. , Staring at the huge white rock gate and wall of Stormwind City.
On both sides of the Defias Legion, there are the coaxing ogres, Stranglethorn Vale troll mercenaries, and wolves servants. They are also shouting in excitement at this time, as everyone knows, when they will attack the city, they are just cannon fodder that will be sent to death by the first batch...
And the goblins set up their cannon positions in front of the main formation or on the high ground and towering hills in the formation, and the ferocious artillery aimed at Stormwind City. The gates of Stormwind can launch a fierce bombardment of the gates and walls of Stormwind.
In contrast, at this time, on the head of the opposite Stormwind City, there is a flag, a soldier of the city defense reserve wearing a white plate armor, a blue helmet, and a blue golden lion shirt in Stormwind. They, also holding long spears, shields, short swords, bows and arrows, and muskets, respectively, stood on their respective combat positions, just in front of the wall crenellations, revealing their upper bodies wrapped in steel.
At the same time, there is also a low-level military officer named Stormwind, who are constantly walking back and forth and shouting something, seeming to be arranging the task of defending the city and the matters of attention?
Then, when a black-haired man wearing golden gilded armor with beautiful patterns and enchanting patterns tattooed on it, and shoulders with secret blue lions and griffin-like shoulders on both shoulders began to appear at the gates of Stormwind City In the middle of the retaining wall directly above, Vanessa violently withdrew the red horse under her body and ran to a safe position about fifty yards in front of the main army.
"You despicable and shameless villain, hands, who will only oppress the executioners who are cruel to the people, and those damned stormwind aristocrats who are embarrassed by tyrants! You can take a good look now, look at me standing in front of you, Who the is it?!"
The crisp voice came directly from Vanessa's mouth on the gates of Stormwind, which made King Varian, who had just arrived at the scene before he had time to observe the enemy, frowned.
"I'm sorry, girl, were you talking to me just now?"
"It's just... I, Varian, never remember that I had those strange nicknames... And, who are you, I don't seem to know you?"
Although I have faintly guessed the identity of the opponent from the bottom of my heart, as the king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Varian will never accept the derogatory titles such as villains or tyrants in the opponent's mouth, the daughter of the Defias rebel. The bandit leader, he will not admit the inexplicable charges that the other party forcibly presses on his Varian.
He is the ghost wolf ‘Logosh’, the son of Stormwind, the leader of the Stormwind Alliance, the supreme king of the alliance, etc. Anyway, what the other party just said can never be connected with his Varian.
"Ha! Very good, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, then I will remind you now!"
"Six years ago... you led a group of cavalrymen and raided the death mines in the Westfall... Then, on a stormy afternoon, you hung the head of the poor man you persecuted under your feet. That city gate! And then, I was here...I saw everything with my own eyes..."
"Since then, I have been secretly swearing that one day... I will definitely come back to this place, to this city built by my fathers but persecuted and expelled, and then I will definitely Burn it to the ground with the fire! And hang all your heads on the gate hole under your feet!"
"And now... you see, I've come! You villains... are you ready now?!"
It's the place in front...
Vanessa still remembers to this day, right next to the closed iron gate, on the street light pole... Back then, on that cold rainy day, the head of her father Edwin VanCleef was placed just like that. In a small wooden cage, it was hung on a light pole...
And now, her Vanessa is finally here... She did not come alone, but with her [Update Fast] Army of the Defias Republic, with countless cannons, and with enough power to destroy Stormwind !
"Humph! Then you should be the rumored Vanessa VanCleef..."
Frowning slightly, Varian looked at him intently, and silently touched the other's young and green face. The other party is said to be only sixteen years old?
At such a young age, he stabbed such a big basket for the Kingdom of Stormwind, how can he grow up after that?
Therefore, Varian made a secret decision, in any case, must destroy the Defias Republic and pave the way for his son Anduin! Otherwise, he didn't think Anduin would be the opponent of the little woman who had done such a big business at a young age and could directly establish a nation in the Western Wilderness!
"The right and wrong back then, I don't want to mention it anymore!"
"But, as for what you have done recently, you must have committed a serious sin! So, Vanessa VanCleef, pray to the Holy Light, I hope you don't lose too fast... If you are caught by us If so, in front of the gate of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind, on the new guillotine built in that square, there will be a place for you at that time!"
Back then, that Edwin VanCleef was beheaded there! And now, if this Vanessa VanCleef was really caught by their opportunity in Stormwind, then, there is no doubt that she would be decapitated in the same place as her father!
Now things have developed to this point, there is nothing to say, and no mercy!
Whether it's his Varian catching each other, or the other party catching him Varian, the ending of the two of them will be the same, there will be no difference!
Because, for him, Varian, the opponent is a traitor in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and the chief culprit in the Kingdom of Stormwind, causing countless deaths and displacement of countless people! Once caught, apart from being executed directly, there is absolutely no possibility to tolerate Tehe!
In the same way, in the eyes of the other party, Varian Wrynn is the one who oppresses the Masons' Union and persecutes the members of the union and their families. He refuses to pay off his wages and cruelly killed the other's father Edwin? Van Cleef also wiped out the enemies of the old Defias Brotherhood, and he is still the kind of big enemy who is not shared!
Once Varian himself was defeated and captured, it would be just like what the other party said, the heads of the upper-class nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom would definitely be hung by the other party on the gate of Stormwind City that was burned to the ground by the opponent!
Now, the so-called Defias Republic created by their Stormwind Kingdom and each other has no possibility of compromise! Both of them will continue to confront each other and fight until one of them completely falls down!
"Very good! Now that you know who I am, so good..."
"I also know that some of you have already ran to Ironforge ahead of time... But I want all of you to remember one thing, that is: all the guilty nobles of Stormwind, all those who belong to my Vanessa must Kill the people on the list...No matter where you go, you will not escape my pursuit!"
"Furthermore, I have marked the heads of each of you with a lot of commission! From now on, no matter where you go, you will live in fear... I hope you can get lucky in countless greed The assassin’s men, lived to be caught by me?"
"Now...I will launch an attack in half a quarter of an hour. Your end is coming soon!"
After finishing speaking, Vanessa didn't wait for the other party's response, she directly turned her horse around, and ran back to the center of her own army.
Now that the two sides have completely set their positions, they are about to fight a battle, no matter how much she said, she would not be as convincing as speaking with those shells and swords!
"Borval, let the soldiers be prepared, the troops under her are not enough! It's just that we have to find a way to bomb their artillery positions first!"
After scanning the opponent's formation and army, Varian soon knew that the opponent was really just a mob with superior numbers. This made Varian a little relieved. As long as they can hold the wall, everything will be easy!
He was a little worried. The little girl mage of the other party...he just scanned it twice, but still couldn't find the slightest trace of the other party, and didn't know where the other party was hiding. And without seeing the opponent's figure, if the opponent prepares to cast a spell later, they may not even have a chance to counteract.
"I will try my best! But... Your Majesty, the enemy's artillery positions are too scattered, and there are many. Some positions are not suitable for us to counterattack. Therefore, I am not sure that I can suppress them too much."
After taking a few glances at the artillery positions of the goblins, Bolvar turned around and left without saying much.
The opponent obviously knows the layout of their stormwind city defenses, so many of the artillery positions are not within their attack range at all, which makes him really embarrassed... At the moment, he can only try to do more. That's all.
(Master, the guy named Medivh is here, and the black raven that just flew up from the tree is spying on you! Maybe, you can blow him down with a fireball?
While Annie was still squatting on the ground and playing with ants boringly, Tibbers dutifully reminded its little master. )
"Come down, Medivh, I know you are here...what's wrong, did you come to fight with me? I tell you, but you promised little Vanessa to help her get revenge, you definitely can't stop me! "
Little Annie is squatting under a big tree far away from the attack range of Stormwind City. She is holding her bear Tibbers in one hand, and holding a small branch in the other hand, just drawing the walking paths of those ants on the ground. , And then watched them crawling all over the floor after the smell was broken.
Finally, after hearing the little bear's reminder, she dropped the not-so-funny thing, and stood up and tilted her head, looking at the raven on the tree.
"Annie, please don't be too nervous..."
"I'm really not here to fight with you... nor to prevent you from attacking Stormwind... In fact, I will never get involved in a war between humans."
Flying down from the branch, he quickly transformed back to the cloaked rod Medivh, first glanced at the head of Stormwind in the distance, and then sighed slightly in his heart.
It is true that he did not come to intervene in today's affairs. In fact, he can't beat this little girl now, so he can't help the life and death of Stormwind... But, he can actually help in other ways. To the other party, this is why he has to wait until now to appear.
"Oh? Didn't you come to fight with me? What a pity... OK, then tell me, what do you want to do when you come to me? I can tell you that I will never play with you again. Playing the game of dungeons, especially the broken place called Karazhan!"
No matter what the other person wants to do, Anne has just decided: she will never do anything to help the other person anymore. She just doesn't like the troublesome things, she just hangs up on it. She is so bad, the other party loves everything, anyway... She doesn't want to do the things that brave men save the world, it is too OUT!
"Actually, Chromie asked me to come...?!"
However, what made Medivh feel a little unbelievable was that he had just said this, that little girl actually ran to him very actively? He didn't understand, when did that bronze dragon have such a powerful appeal?
"Wow! So it's her!"
"Say! Now where is that nasty bronze dragon hidden? If I catch her, she will definitely make her look good!"
Now Xiao Annie's anger has not subsided. If the bronze dragon who dared to be lazy and fooling herself was caught by herself, she would have to put a bull nose ring on the other's dragon nose, and then force the other party to carry herself around The planet Azeroth flew ten full circles, and one less circle would not work!
"I don't know where she is now... It's just that, Chromie asked me to tell you that Kil'jaeden, the deceiver of the Burning Legion, has now been summoned in Northrend to the north..."
"Moreover, the person who summoned the other party seems to be connected to the Illidan of your Flame Alliance. Chromie has enough evidence to show that it was Illidan instigated! So, she asked me to tell you, I hope you better now Just end the battle with Stormwind Kingdom and unite early to discuss countermeasures..."
Seeing this little girl's fierce reaction, Medivh finally knew why the bronze dragon Chromie dared not come... So, he had to tell the story.
"Who is Kil'jaeden? What does it matter to me when he is summoned? It is not him that I summoned!"
Little Annie thinks this thing is a bit inexplicable. Whoever summoned you to go, why did you come to her? Although, she is now the cute master of the Flame Alliance, but she doesn't care about things, and doesn't want to worry about things!
That Illidan, he would summon whoever he likes to summon. As long as she doesn't stop her from playing, then Annie is treated as invisible, and she doesn't care if she sees it, just that way!
"Kil'jaeden... he is another big leader of the Burning Legion, second only to the evil Titan Sargeras and not inferior to the existence of Archimonde the Defiler! If you don't find a way to deal with and crusade him earlier If that is the case, then he will soon summon more demons, and then...... Quel'Thalas with the new Sunwell and your Flame Alliance will be his first goal!"
Remembering what Kromi had said to himself, the Dragon Sleep Alliance forces in the Dragon Sleep Temple had already acted in advance, and were closely monitoring the dynamics of Kil'jaeden in the Northrend Continent! It was also the Wyrmrest coalition that investigated the real reason why Kil'jaeden was called:
Illidan used the fel crystal to resurrect the high elf prince Kael'thas Sunstrider of Quel'Thalas, and gave him a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity. Then, it was precisely using that bottle of powerful energy Well water, the former high elf prince controlled by Illidan successfully summoned Kil'jaeden.
Now, the Wyrmrest coalition forces are weak, and they are afraid to fight Kil'jaeden and more and more demons under their opponents. They need more support. If they can, all races in the world of Azeroth, It is best to organize a new coalition force and carry out the Northern Expedition as soon as possible! And this is exactly the reason why Chromie has contacted the various races of Azeroth after receiving the order from the Temple of Wyrmrest!
Otherwise, this Azeroth world would really be dangerous...
"Oh... In that case, let me know when Kil'jaeden is about to hit Quel'Thalas!"
If it's something else, maybe Annie doesn't want to care about it, but... since it's her own Flame Alliance, but the home of Sylvanas' sister may be attacked, then maybe... she Do you really want to take care of that?
"Anne... the matter is very urgent... I think that Kil'jaeden, the other party will not leave us too much preparation time, the Dragon Sleep Temple and the Dragon Sleep Alliance can't suppress those demons for too long, you put it down quickly Strife, and unite again..."
Seeing that the little girl was still in the same state as the sky fell and the taller one stood up first, Medivh couldn't help sighing again.
Before coming, he actually knew that this little girl's thoughts were different from those of ordinary people...As long as the other party was not interested, then no matter how serious matters, they would not be able to attract enough attention from the other party.
Look, the other party dared to say, ‘Wait until Kil'jaeden is about to call Quel'Thalas before telling her’? If it hits other places, she doesn't care, surely it is?
"I think you must take it seriously. Once Kil'jaeden summons a large number of demon army, then this world of Azeroth, this planet, will definitely be destroyed by the other party..."
Medivh had no hope of persuading a lawless little girl.
Now, he is just doing his best. After finishing the business here, he has to go elsewhere, that is, the tribal warchief Thrall in the Twilight Forest. Kil'jaeden, who continues to pretend to be a stick and release the Burning Legion, has come to Azer. Lars World’s notice.
The shaman whose mission is to save the world is so confused. Medivh believes that with the friendship between himself and the other side several times, as long as he shows up by himself, the other side will definitely return to Orgrimmar happily, and then he will assemble the army. Prepare for battle, always prepare to go north to Northrend and the Burning Legion desperately, right?
"Wait... You said that Kil'jaeden would blow up the planet?"
"Well... it's not good, it's not good... Has this planet provoke him, how can he do that? Anyway, I won't agree!"
Suddenly, Annie sounded about herself and the star soul conceived on the planet Azeroth. The little guy named Tini was her own sister. How could she allow a bad guy to bully each other?
Anyway, it is absolutely impossible, her sister, only she can bully!
"Okay! Medivh, I agree to go back and prepare for trouble with what is called an egg!"
"But... I just prepared a spell that is so hot, how can I not use it? So, look at my spell, is it super powerful?"
In the next moment, when Medivh was stunned, Annie raised her small white fist, and then a huge red magic circle lit up under the feet of the two, countless surging magic power began to surge, and then the whole magic circle began. Turned.
Until the soaring red light burst into the sky from among the leaves of the woods, attracting the attention of countless soldiers from the Defias Republic and people from the Stormwind Kingdom... Immediately, the sky began to slow down. A red, flame-like vortex appeared slowly. The vortex turned faster and faster, and the magical surge became more and more solid...
quickly! A huge lava meteorite slammed down from the sky directly toward the castle of Stormwind Fortress, dragging thick smoke and flames!
The huge roar and the tremor like a big earthquake shook, and then soon, the city's magical shield that was propped up by Stormwind City was directly smashed, and the huge fireball directly hit it!
"This...what the is going on? How could Lord Annie attack the fortress of Stormwind? Didn't I let her attack the enemy's gates and walls first?"
"Lingbing, go and see, is there something going on there?!"
Looking into the distance, a huge flame meteorite whizzed down, and soon collapsed half of the Stormwind Fortress, and a great fire started directly inside, gradually including the entire Stormwind Castle Fortress, Vanessa Regardless of the astonishment, he quickly shouted to a messenger next to him.
They had already said that they had to destroy the two city gates first... Why now, instead of smashing the fortress of Stormwind? Moreover, she remembered what their Master Anne Moe said, she only prepared a large spell, and now she smashed the castle of Stormwind Fortress, what would happen to the city gate?
"Don't use it..."
Suddenly, an old man wearing a cloak and hood, a crow feather shawl on his shoulders and a huge wooden stick in his hand, flashed a spell that seemed to be teleportation and appeared in front of Vanessa’s war horse. , Just standing about ten yards away, with the face hidden in the hood, looking at the Queen Vanessa riding on the war horse.
That's right, this is actually Medivh who pretends to be a magic stick! And Little Annie had already teleported away at this time.
"There are assassins! Guards!!"
Pete gave a sharp stern, and countless Di Fia soldiers surrounded each other!
At the same time, Hogg, who was still in the Diffie runner-up, preparing to attack, the two-headed ogre leader Grabtok, the orc shaman Regal and Shi Kemu and others, also faintly surrounded the opponent.
If there are assassins, if it is a stalker, it may give them a headache, but if it is a mage, it will be much easier. Even if they can see it, that old man, the other party is not easy!
"Please relax, I'm just a prophet with a bit of strength, not your enemy."
"And I, I really don't want to care about the grievances between you and Stormwind, now...I'm just here to tell you something..."
He stretched out his hand to signal the other party not to be nervous, and then, seeing the soldiers stopped and the powerful generals no longer trying to attack him, Medivh went on and said slowly:
"The deceiver of the Burning Legion... Kil'jaeden... an existence that is not inferior to Archimonde... He has been summoned to the Northrend continent in northern Azeroth... He is now summoning evil The army of demons... If you don’t want the world to be destroyed, I think you’d better stop the war now, and then think of a way to organize the army for a combined Northern Expedition?"
"Because, the first goal of that demon must be Quel'Thalas' new Sunwell! So, your Flame Alliance will definitely bear the brunt, you better prepare early!"
"And just now, your flame queen has been successfully persuaded by me and left early..."
"By the way, I'll give you another message for free: Thrall, the orc warchief, the other party has already retreated and withdrew back to the Twilight Forest three days ago... And about 10,000 elites from the Twelfth Legion of Stormwind are heading to Golden Town Marching in the direction of ... if you don't retreat in time, then they will definitely succeed in blocking your back path..."
"All words are here... I hope you can do it for yourself..."
After speaking, Medivh flickered and disappeared.
He Medivh is very busy now, he must first go to the city of Stormwind to comfort the King Varian who may have been terrified by a little girl’s magic, and then inform him about Kil'jaeden. The matter... Then, he will go to Duskwood to inform the warchief of the tribe...
Now, whether it is the Horde, the Stormwind Alliance or the Flame Alliance, the three of them had better put aside the dispute and settle the Kil'jaeden matter first, and then... They would fight whatever they wanted, Medivh would not bother. Anyway, as long as it is impossible for humans to die...
Hearing all sorts of strange changes, Vanessa frowned!
This amount of information is suddenly a bit big, what the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden, Quel'Thalas, Flame Alliance, and Annie Moe have left, plus her own way is about to be cut off by the enemy, etc... The feeling of cheering for revenge, became a little bit ashamed again in vain.
Why, at this critical time, when she was about to avenge her revenge, so many things happened?
She is really unwilling...
"Vanessa! Let's withdraw first!"
"The other party said things in an orderly manner, plus Lord Anne Meng had just blown up Stormwind City, and now she is nowhere to be seen... So, I think what the other party said is correct!"
"If the enemy's Twelfth Army is really rushing to take our back path, we must retreat! We don't need to damage the Defias Republic's forces here, believe me, Vanessa, We will definitely have a chance in the future!"
Pete, who had also heard clearly, waited for a while, and after getting confirmation from the messenger that their Lord Anne Meng was indeed not in the woods over there, he couldn’t help but move forward and approach Vanessa. Persuaded while holding the other party's rein.
If you don’t seize the time to retreat, maybe their Defias kingdom will really be destroyed by the front and back as a flash in the pan...
"Humph! Even if I want to run, I can't spare those Stormwind Alliance guys!"
"Small John Mithril and the goblin Brak! You two listen to me, immediately blast all your cannonballs towards the head of Stormwind, and then blow up the cannons. We are now ready to retreat lightly. !"
Looking fiercely at the head of Stormwind City in the distance, Vanessa was thinking about it again and again, but she overcame her emotions with reason, and agreed to Pete's request to withdraw her troops immediately.
However, even if she had to run, she would not make the people of Stormwind feel better!
Since Lord Anne Meng has already bombed the opponent's huge Stormwind fortress, then she will bomb the opponent's gate! Even if it doesn't collapse, it's okay to get rid of the hatred by the way.
"No problem! My Majesty the Queen! As long as you give the money, let alone blow up the cannon, even if you want to blow up my house, you are up to your mind!"
It’s good to blow up the cannon. The money for the cannon is clearly priced. If one blows up, John Misriel can use the money to buy two newer and better cannons! Then, maybe you can save a fortune?
"Yes! Time is money, my friend, don't be stunned, act quickly!"
The goblin Brak obviously saw a business opportunity from it, so he didn't say much, turned and ran! Lighting up the cannonballs, then exploding the cannons and retreating. There is simply no more cost-effective business than this, he will definitely not miss it!
"Okay, the situation is over."
"That's how things are, so, Your Majesty Varian of the Kingdom of Stormwind, I hope you will prepare early and make a contribution to the survival of this world..."
At this moment, on the head of Stormwind City, Medivh, the old sacred stick, finally persuaded the panicked King Varian and the Grand Duke of Bolvar to believe his own words, and told each other that the kingdom of Defias The army won't attack them anymore, and the little girl who had smashed Stormwind Castle was also persuaded by City is now safe and so on.
However, Medivh had just finished speaking, and there were bursts of fire and roar in the distance. Then, a large number of artillery shells roared and blasted towards Medivh from various artillery positions outside the city, scared. He had to flash up and ran away...
boom! boom! boom!
In the violent bursts of noise, solid cannonballs bombarded the city walls and the battlements of the city gates, or directly passed over the city, smashing a string of water columns in the artificial lake in the Valley of Heroes, and At the same time, on the wall of the city gate, countless rocks began to crack, and huge pits began to appear at the steel city gate. The blue arrow tower spires above also burst under the bombardment, and the soldiers wailed. Take refuge in private. From time to time, pieces of cracked rubble smash a hapless guy onto the ground...
Then soon, the Stormwind side began to counterattack the artillery positions of the Defias Republican team. One after another, shells, throwing stones, giant crossbow arrows, and city defense magic began to confront each other.
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