Chapter 442: (???) ..........

On this day, when the storm cliffs just entered the night, many frost giants, frost giant waves, wild dragons, snow drift ice worms, thunder cast iron giants, stone giants, earth spirits, and even the Association of Adventurers stayed in open places. The staff and some of the K3 goblin mercenaries of the Hot Sand Group who came here to make a profit, they were all fortunate to see a magical sight from Ulduar in the north, from the dark sky on the horizon:
A huge red flame giant sword fell from the sky and plunged in the direction of Ulduar!
Then, when the earth spirits, steel colossus and other Titan creations near the Temple of Wisdom, they waited until the ash, smoke, dust and bursting flame energy gradually dissipated, and after the earth’s violent tremor like an earthquake ended, they were stunned to realize , That whole solemn and huge building, that great temple of wisdom, is only half left?
Except for the half of the Temple of Wisdom that stood firmly in its original position, the other half, including the stone bridge along with Ulduar's Rock Hall, all collapsed.
Now, what they were originally, there are only a bunch of broken eaves and broken walls still hanging between the steep rocky cliffs...
Subsequently, countless rune-constructed giants nearby, a small number of wind elemental creatures, a large number of iron dwarves, the second generation of Teviku created by Loken, etc., whether they are close to the Temple of Wisdom or far away, They all began to be at a loss and became confused.
Because they can clearly feel that their master, the aura of Loken, the king of wisdom, is now completely gone, and they can’t perceive the authority of their master...and in this case, there is and only One possibility is that Loken, their master, has been killed by the red giant sword that just fell from the sky!
On this evening, the master of Ulduar, the leader of the guardian of the Titans, after Ulduar's manager Odin chose to exile himself, and there is no sign and news, after the King of Order Tyr was killed by the chasing troops in Tyre. After the Sfarwoods, the current Ulduar top administrator, Loken, the Wisdom King, finally fell...He was then directly killed by a huge sword of flame that fell from the sky on his own throne platform. intermediate.
Loken, the King of Wisdom, this golden-yellow Saobao Titan giant, just like his own temple, was cut in half by the flame great sword, and only the remaining half fell on the throne platform of the remaining half of the temple. And the other half, long gone...
"It's over... It's over... This time is really going to end!"
At this time, on the only half of the remaining platform of the Throne of Wisdom, a dirty dwarf was sitting paralyzed beside Thorim the Storm King who was let go by the shadow tentacles, and fell to the ground. There was only half left, with an expression of astonishment, and at the left fracture where his body was missing, Loken, the Titan Guardian, who was showing a dark red melted wound, just cried and mumbled to himself.
That's right, he just wanted to stop Xiao Annie from killing Loken!
Before, he had been hiding behind a pillar to peek, and of course he also heard what Loken said when he was defeated by Thorim in a duel... However, after he finally tried his best, he was able to burst into lightning. When he survived under the power of the flame, he saw this terrible thing in front of him-the wisdom king Loken was actually dead? !
This kind of situation where the body is directly cut off in half, even if it is a powerful Titan Guardian, it must be dead to death, right?
Therefore, now he really has the feeling that a great crisis is about to be imminent, which is far worse than the messy things he used to mess around in the ruins!
"Huh? It turned out to be you... No wonder I thought the voice just now was a bit familiar..."
"Hey! Bearded dwarf, I still remember you...your name seems to be...Brian's Red Beard, am I right?"
After killing the Guardian of the Remaining Blood Titan who dared to swear at her in one go, Little Annie quickly stunned with a little bit, and then the bronze dragon Little Kromi, who was still a little unresponsive, slowly landed here. Only half of the wisdom throne platform came up.
"Right! Brian Redbeard, why did you come here again? I still remember... the last time I saw you, you should be at the most southernmost Stranglethorn Vale, wanting to chaos Dig the ancestral graves of other trolls!"
With just one glance, after seeing the dirty dwarf and the red beard braided together, Annie quickly recalled the other's name.
"My name is Brian? Bronzebeard, not Brian Redbeard..."
"It’s been several years since you met me last time. Isn’t it normal for me to be here? Also, while I am an explorer, I am also an excellent archaeologist! That’s not called digging other people’s homes. His ancestral grave is called archaeology!"
Brian? Bronzebeard, who was looking at the half of the dead body of Loken, the king of wisdom, felt that a catastrophe was at hand. After hearing the little girl's words, he almost didn't jump up!
How can archaeological things be called digging other people’s ancestral graves? This little kid not only hasn't changed much in appearance, but he can't even talk as much as before!
He Brian? Bronzebeard is a famous archaeologist, who dares to say that he likes to dig other people's ancestral graves, he is anxious!
"I originally came here with Torim to testify to him. I wanted to see how he defeated Loken. Of course, I came here with him... Forget it, these things are not important now!"
"My Queen Anne... I tell you... This time, you are really going to get in a big trouble! Just now, you really shouldn't have killed this Loken directly!"
After tangling for a while, Bronzebeard said directly with a sad face.
He knew that this little guy who would have troubled himself at the beginning, there would be no good when he met her! No, as soon as the opponent appeared, Loken was beaten to death with a disagreement, this is really going to be another big event!
Three years ago, after traveling the continent of Lordaeron, Brian knew the true identity of the little girl in front of him who had ventured with him in Northern Stranglethorn. He also knew that the Flame Alliance and the Stormwind Alliance were hostile. The situation... However, as an explorer, he does not want to participate in the dispute between the country and the alliance. Their Association of Explorers must remain relatively neutral in order to focus on digging other people’s ancestral graves... No, it should be said that they focus on great archaeological studies, and focus on studying the ancient knowledge of the world of Azeroth and those that have not been known for a long time. Ancient mystery?
"You bearded dwarf is so weird! You just saw it, I didn't recruit him or mess with him, whoever let him meet for the first time would scold me, and he deserves to die!"
People don’t offend me and I don’t offend people. This is one of the basic rules of life for Little Annie! Of course, principles or something can be changed in Annie's mind at any time according to her own emotions, and it must not be too true.
And just now, she was originally angry because Chromie did not catch up to watch other people fight... But who knows, this golden giant dared to tease and scold herself What'deformed offspring'? Therefore, now that it can still leave half of its body, without directly burning it to ashes, it is already Little Annie who has shown compassion!
After the bronze dragon Kromi turned from a giant dragon back to a little loli, he didn't say much, but stood silently aside, checking the specific situation of the storm guardian Thorim by the way.
Just now, Little Annie's move directly shrank Yogg-Saron back in fright, so this Thorim was spared and was not caught by those tentacles. It’s just that Chromie didn’t mind too much about Loken’s death, because she knew that the other party did a lot of evil things, and was also in collusion with the ancient Hang Huo, and sooner or later he would die. Now being killed by Little Annie in an instant, it can be considered a lot of things saved.
"That's right! Loken, the king of wisdom, has done a lot of bad things, and he really deserves it if he died! But... he shouldn't be dead now, it will be a big deal!"
Combining the information he had heard before, Bronzebeard had to sigh secretly, his own mood is a bit confused now, and he doesn't know what to do.
"Why is this again?"
In the blink of an eye, Annie didn't understand. Since the other party is a badass and she deserves it, is there any difference between dying early and dying late?
"Because once Loken dies now, it is said that a guy named Algalon will descend on our world of Azeroth. By then, maybe our world will be completely finished!"
Brian? Bronzebeard remembered Loken's previous words and Torim's reaction at the time... Anyway, he felt that the observer Algalon was definitely not something to deal with! In fact, as long as you have a relationship with Titan, there has never been a simple guy!
"Algalon...and who is that? Is he great?"
Little Annie thinks that a name that has never been heard before is definitely not a powerful character, and there is no need to be too nervous. Because, there are so many guys who want to destroy the world of Azeroth, and for the time being, there are no such unknown little people.
"I don't know! Anyway, the Loken said before you came, as soon as he dies, the observer Algalon will get the information and descend on Azeroth, and then... it is likely to come and destroy us. Of this world!"
Thinking of this, and looking at the lying corpse on the floor, only Loken, the king of wisdom, was left. Brian? Bronzebeard felt that his scalp was about to explode, as if there was an invisible Damocles. The sword hangs above your head, you never know when it will fall.
"It sounds interesting... Then when did his Algalon come?"
Seeing how nervous the other party was, Annie felt that if she didn't have to wait too long, maybe she could just wait and see?
Anyway, I’m still idle now. Kil'jaeden of the Burning Legion didn’t come out to cause trouble, and Azeroth’s coalition forces did not dare to trouble each other for the time being, so ah, Annie always needs to find something for herself. Interesting things to do, otherwise, waiting in this icy Northrend world is really boring!
"Don't ask me, I don't know! Maybe we need to wait for Torim to wake up and ask him to know?"
Loken was dead anyway, no matter how entangled it was, he couldn’t save him. So Brian turned around a little bit dejected, and came to the side of the huge storm king Thorim who fell on the ground, scratching his head and looking at this. The huge storm giant.
The opponent was fainted by those transparent tentacles, and he didn't know what to do next, anyway... I must not just leave the opponent here, after all, this is Loken's territory, although he knows those below Will the monster come up and kill this Thorim?
"Then this thing is actually very simple. After the guy named Algalon arrives, let's go and kill him again, isn't that enough? What are you doing with such a trivial matter?"
Posing her lips, Annie still didn't think it was a big deal! After all, those Burning Legion or Sargeras are so hot, aren't they thinking about ruining this Azeroth world all day? But now look, everyone is still alive and well?
"in fact……"
"I know about Loken... I also know about Observer Algalon... It's a pity, I don't know when that Algalon will come..."
"I've seen it in other timelines... Titans are used to setting up a self-destructive self-destruct mechanism in the main laboratory of each planet... That is: when the top administrator of the place dies, The laboratory will send a dangerous signal to the Titan’s Pantheon, and after receiving the signal, the Pantheon will send the observer Algalon to inspect the planet and make decisions based on the bad conditions that occur on the planet ..."
"And that Algalon, after it arrives on the planet of Azeroth, it will generally make two decisions: one is to launch a security code, which means that the planet has no special major problems, and the top management may just be accidental. Death, the planet is still evolving according to Titan’s original direction; while the other is a dangerous code, which means that the entire planet of Azeroth has had a major problem and has seriously deviated from Titan’s plan and direction. A formatting procedure must be executed, which means that all life on the planet must be destroyed and then restarted..."
"So this is actually the case. It's really serious. I only know that it will take a long time for the observer Algalon to arrive in the world of Azeroth and observe! But if we want to know the other party's arrival time more specifically With information, you may only have to wait for the Storm King Thorim to wake up."
"Also, that Algalon is very stubborn and strong. I think we'd better prepare in advance. If he doesn't defeat him, he will definitely not change his mind easily."
Chromie has seen countless Algalon from countless timelines, and the strength of the opponent is beyond doubt! In this world of Azeroth, I am afraid that only the most powerful people can deal with each other, right?
Her only concern for Chromie now is that she doesn’t know whether Algalon’s matter will be combined with the matter of the Burning Legion and the Lich King of the Scourge, which will lead to the fact that the heroes of all races are ineffective. There is a mistake?
"Wait! You little dwarf girl... who are you? Why do you know so clearly again?!"
Brian was stunned after listening, and then he reacted and asked back. He just didn't pay attention to Chromie, who flew down before and turned into a dwarf. Just now, almost all of his attention was on Loken, who was slashed alive to only half of his body. He didn't know this at all. When did one more dwarf.
"Hello, Brian! My name is Kromi, or you can call me Kronom. I am actually a bronze dragon, the one that just flew down!"
For this dwarf explorer who has helped the world of Azeroth on many timelines, Chromie generously expressed his kindness and introduced himself to each other with a smile.
"So you are the bronze dragon just now? No wonder... But why do you know so many things?"
Brian felt a little unbelievable, you know, he also just heard that King of Wisdom Loken himself said it before he knew that there was someone who was observing Algalon coming to the world of Azeroth to make trouble.
At that time, the bronze dragon and the little girl Annie, they didn't seem to be here, right?
"That’s because I knew everything before when I could watch countless timelines! But now this timeline doesn’t work anymore... But even this will not affect what I already know. Those are for reference!"
In fact, the Bronze Dragon Clan cannot use this ability to freely travel through the timeline to do anything that changes history.
But, since this timeline has been messed up by a little girl, she doesn’t need to worry about morals anymore. If she doesn’t want the world to be destroyed, she must Use everything you know to protect this planet of Azeroth!
"It turns out to be so, no wonder!"
"The special ability of the Bronze Dragon Guardian... I seem to have heard of it too, but I never thought it was so powerful, like cheating! Then do you know where that Algalon will descend? ?"
Brian was a little surprised at what the other party said about the ability to only travel through the timeline. You must know that if he himself, an explorer and an archaeologist, also has this magical ability, he will travel directly through time and go back to the past to see and see. It is enough to record it slowly. Where else is it used to dig other people’s ancestral graves all day long?
Cough cough...Well, I can't think about digging other people's ancestors' graves anymore. It's all due to the little girl talking about such strange vocabulary, which made him crooked!
"Of course I know! That observer Algalon, he will definitely descend in Ulduar's star dome armillary sphere, in the astronomical room where you can observe the universe, but... more specific time, you may still have to ask This guy!"
After finishing speaking, Chromie used his staff to knock on the steel Titan body of Thorim, Lord of the Storm. She had already knocked the other person's head very hard, but the other person still couldn't wake up, I hope the other person won't sleep for too long, right?
"Is it Ulduar's astronomy room..."
Turning his head to look at the shadow of the dark Titan Fortress that is located in the huge mountain range to the north, Brian made up his mind. He felt that their Northrend expedition team estimated that something big would be done soon!
Archeology in order to save the world of Azeroth is more meaningful than digging other people's ancestral graves, and it will definitely boost the morale and enthusiasm of the team!
"I think it might be time for us to talk to the Allied Forces of Azeroth and the Wyrmrest Allied Forces. We need support to enter Ulduar..."
Although Brian also knows that now is the critical time to fight the Burning Legion, I am afraid that he would not be too pleased if he ran to talk about this situation?
"I'm afraid this won't work..."
"Brian, you may not know. It's not just a matter of the Burning Legion. The Lich King Arthas and his Scourge have recently revived... Northrend will probably be in the future. It must be a big melee!"
The Burning Legion and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, the Scourge and the Lich King Arthas, and now in Ulduar, are always ready to continue to escape and corrupt the ancient Yugg-Tharon who ruled the entire Azeroth world ... Then, there was also Algalon, an observer who might come to Ulduar at any time and intend to ruin the world... So many things got together, and Chromie could not help but sigh secretly.
If, coupled with a certain black dragon king Neltharion who is replenishing his energy and preparing to destroy the world, I don’t know when he will jump out... and Azeroth, who may be fighting at any time, is positive and disagreeable. The words of the tripartite forces... Chromie really felt that the current timeline seemed very likely to end at any time even more terrifying than the end of the time she had seen?
"Your Majesty Queen Anne, do you have any opinion on Algalon from your team?"
Brian, who had no good way, could only turn his head to look at the leader of the Flame Alliance, the queen of the Flame Kingdom, hoping that the other party could have some good ideas so that the world would not be affected by the arrival of Algalon. destroy.
"The view? It's very simple, just defeat all the bad guys and burn them all, and then there will be no threat to the world!"
Is squatting next to the Titan giant Loken, who is studying the opponent's structure and arcane circuit, what better way can Anne have? Anyway, she is not good at brainstorming and finding ways. She is better at burning bad guys.
Algalon or something, just burn it directly at that time, without much thought.
"Well, it seems that I have to think of other ways for myself."
Thinking back to the unreliable behavior of this little girl a few years ago, Brian felt that maybe he could first contact the rebels on the top of the storm, those earthen dwarves, frost giants, and those who have always coveted Ulduar. Goblin K3 force mercenaries, coupled with their own adventurers association, so many forces gathered together, try to take advantage of the chaotic time of Loken's death, unilaterally launch a military operation to conquer Ulduar?
If Thorim, Lord of the Storms, can wake up in time, including the opponent's strength and influence, maybe, his Brian really doesn't have to trouble other people, right?
"Uncle Brian Redbeard, we have to go back first!"
"Well... after you figure out the exact time when the villain of Ovalon arrives in Ulduar, if you need help, just call the camp of our Flame Alliance to inform me. As long as you have time, I will definitely help. of!"
Since the other party was going to destroy all of Azeroth's life, then, feeling that it might be caused by killing that Loken, and Annie, who seemed to have something to do with her, she reluctantly agreed. A promise to help.
As long as it is not too troublesome, she will come to help! Of course, the premise is that Algalon can't be too powerful, if she can't beat it, she will definitely run away before the other party blows up Azeroth!
"Wait, don't leave! I have one more thing for you to help... You are all mages, right? Can you cast a spell to send me and this Thorim to the Explorers Association camp in the south? I'm a little worried After the monsters below react, they will rush up and tear us alive!"
Seeing that the two were about to leave, Brian suddenly remembered something, and then hurried forward to stop the two little girls... Well, one of them was not... This dwarf Chromie, although it looked like a small girl Loli's appearance, but the bronze-bearded dwarf who has been in close contact with the dwarf race, almost everyone can easily distinguish the age of the other party from the opposite side and determine whether it is the dwarf little Loli or the dwarf aunt!
After all, although there are magical magic in the world of Azeroth, there is no earth makeup technique that is more magical than magic, and there is no beauty camera. If you don’t have to cheat orbs or other magic to change your appearance, it’s human. It's a ghost, he can see it at a glance...
"Garrosh, do we have to wait for those Flame Alliance guys to come out? Let me say, let's just slash this little succubus with an axe. She must have lied to us, where is there any important information? "
"You don't know that among the types of Burning Legion demons, apart from the dreadlords of the Nathrezim clan and the Shivalra priestesses, these little succubuses are the most cunning. You can't believe what they say! "
An orc legion leader looked at his team with a little disdain, and said bitterly, a thin and low-level succubus from the Burning Legion who was firmly bound by their chains.
Now, they are standing in front of a sentry camp before the Flame Alliance camp. Those high elves and Lordaeron soldiers arbitrarily stopped them, not allowing them orcs to enter casually. Just now, the human officer of this sentry has already run away. When I went to the camp, it seemed that I was going to report.
And this succubus happened to be caught during their routine patrol south of the demon camp south of the tomb of Galakrond! At that time, when he met the other party, the little succubus was sneaking south with a few small fel imps, not knowing what he wanted to do. Then, under the command of Captain Garrosh Hellscream, they just charged, one axe at a time, and they cut off the opponent's little ghosts neatly, and none were left!
However, when Garrosh was about to kill this low-level little succubus with Gorehowl and an axe, the opponent directly surrendered and shouted that there was important information to provide to the coalition forces! However, when they grabbed each other and began to interrogate, this cunning succubus refused to say anything, and said that he would only report to Queen Sylvanas of the Flame Alliance, no one else!
"You dirty and stupid orcs, I originally had important information to report to the Flame Alliance! Had you not crossed the line to patrol to the south, came to the Flame Alliance front and intercepted us, I would have completed the mission and returned. !"
The little succubus glared at these vulgar orcs, struggling hard twice, and when he found that he couldn't break the chains, he retorted bitterly.
She and the few fel imps under her had walked well to the south, but who would have thought that they would encounter such a few orcs on the front of the Flame Alliance, and the other side charged over, instantly After smashing her subordinates who had only received it with difficulty, if they hadn't surrendered in time, I am afraid they would have been smashed to death.
In the past two days, the other party still tied herself tightly, without eating or drinking, and dragging herself here alive on the vast snowfield... She was obviously here to send important information, but she was caught It's really unreasonable for these orcs to treat this way!
"If you don't want me to strangle you directly, you'd better shut up!"
Before Garrosh could say anything, the leader of the orc legion ferociously pinched the stubborn little succubus on the snow-filled ground, and stepped directly on the opponent. Stubbornly stepped on his back.
When the orc legion chief was preparing to continue to teach the dishonestly burning legion female demon at his feet, they discovered that in the camp of the Flame Alliance, a heroic female ranger was following the outpost that had just ran in to report Captain, and walked quickly towards their side surrounded by a group of human and elven generals.
Coming to the gate of this sentry camp, Sylvanas looked at the female succubus on the snow that was fastened by chains, and then looked at the look of the succubus who stepped on her back, she couldn't help but wrinkle. Frowned.
"Orc! I am Sylvanas Windrunner, the queen of Quel'Thalas, the highest commander of this camp! Now, please explain your intentions!"
Sylvanas didn’t understand why the other party grabbed a little succubus like this to find herself, but she didn’t want to pursue so much now, nor did she want to waste precious time with these orcs, so she just went straight to the point. Asked the other side.
"Queen of the elves! This little succubus was accidentally caught when we were on patrol, hum... She said before that there is very important information to provide you? So, we have caught her now!"
Garrosh Hellscream carried the Gorehowl he inherited from Grom's battle axe, strode forward two steps, faced the elf queen a few steps away and spoke loudly.
His arrogant attitude and non-ceremonial behavior made the elves and humans on the opposite side slightly unhappy, but Garrosh didn't care. In any case, now is an important time for the alliance of all parties to fight the Burning Legion. He doesn't think these elves and humans dare to embarrass himself easily.
"Oh...very good, I already know what you came from! Then, the orc patrol captain, keep her, and can go back now!"
Sylvanas glanced at the succubus. Although she didn't know each other, she didn't know if she had thought of something. After a while, she didn't comment on it and didn't show too much emotion. Just because of the rude attitude of the orcs towards her, she also responded to the orcs with an arrogant look, without any thought of making people entertain or sending someone to reward the other person.
Her intention is obvious: let the other party lay down the prisoners, and then roll back from where to go!
"No! Elf, I won't hand her to you so easily!"
"On the way here, we found that this succubus was very stubborn... Even if we lynched a little bit, she still didn't reveal a word... So, I think some of these things must be very interesting! I have long heard that your Flame Alliance has entanglements with demons, and today, I want to hear too, what will she say?!"
The Flame Alliance and the Burning Legion’s demons have an unclear relationship. These things have been widely circulated since the first three alliances were fighting for the outer domain for more than half a year. This is also the case that the Horde and the Stormwind Alliance have jointly suppressed that Illidan and The reason for the war in Lordaeron!
But now, whether it is the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, the Warchief Thrall, or the guys from the Stormwind Alliance, they have avoided talking about this matter, which makes Garrosh very curious! It doesn't understand, what is the reason why so many people choose to unconditionally trust this flame alliance when fighting the Burning Legion?
If, based on that little girl's previous attack on the Burning Legion, Garrosh felt that it was not enough, not enough...
"Huh! The orc patrol captain, I think, you'd better pay attention to your identity!"
Sylvanas didn't say much, but stared at each other coldly.
She just didn't understand, she was just a small patrol captain. What was the reason that the other party dared to talk to herself in this tone, and dared to negotiate terms with herself? !
"let me go!!"
"Ha! How? I said earlier that your identities are too low. You are like ants. I definitely can't tell you. Let me go quickly, you dirty and stupid green-skin monsters... …Well!"
After seeing the person he wanted to see came out, the little succubus began to cry.
However, before she had time to finish, the orc army who had just stepped on her back was so long that she squatted down and pressed her horned head with her big green hand, and it was directly pressed into the thick snow. in.
"She is now, but our captive! But if you don't meet my request to listen, I will never give her to you!"
The stubborn Garrosh, regardless of his status or status, sometimes even dare to say a word or two about the Warchief, not to mention the queen of other people's family in front of him?
"I repeat: Orc warriors, your mission has been completed!"
"Now, you can go back to your camp to report to your chief! Maybe... you can still leave your name, and if I have time, I will definitely write to your warchief Thrall and let him Remember to credit you?"
With a sneer, Sylvanas still arrogantly glanced at the orcs in front of them. These nameless existences, casually grabbed a succubus and wanted to make a request to herself. Who do they think they are? Besides, who knows if that succubus really has information, or whether these orcs have gotten it out of the way?
"No! I have to ask what you guys say, otherwise, I will kill her immediately!"
Angrily, Garrosh began to turn back violently, scared that the humans and elven generals who followed Sylvanas one after another approached the Elf Queen with their weapons, and faintly protected her.
However, they soon discovered that the orc had just put his weapon on the neck of the little succubus?
"Either agree! Or, I will kill her right now, and you don't want to get any more information!"
He placed the hook of his gorehowl across the succubus's neck, and as long as Garrosh gently pulled it, the head of the little succubus would be cut off instantly.
He Garrosh was very dissatisfied with how the Flame Alliance had dared to be unclear with the devil at this time! Although, Great Chief Thrall has already said that the Flame Alliance is credible! But... the warchief didn't give him any explanation, which made him still unable to let go... Therefore, he must understand all this today!
Otherwise, once the opponent really colludes with the Burning Legion, maybe it will destroy Azeroth and destroy the orc army! After all, Draenor, the hometown of the orcs, is gradually being destroyed, and this beautiful planet of Azeroth has become their only way out.
As soon as his head was released, the succubus saw the sharp weapon on his neck as soon as he raised his head, and then couldn't help but exclaim, his body froze instantly, and he dared not move.
"Oh? Then you kill her! Anyway, I don't know this little succubus!"
Squinting her eyes slightly, Sylvanas was very upset with this dirty orc who dared to threaten her! In fact, their elves hate orcs and trolls at the same level, at least for her! And now, it's good that she can hold back not making a move and talking nonsense with each other for so long!
Since the other party didn't hand over the prisoners, she didn't bother to pay attention, and after a sneer, she just wanted to turn her head and leave. It's just as she said, she doesn't know the female succubus herself, then, who is this idiot orc threatening to show to?
Garrosh snorted coldly, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed, he tightened his gorehowl slightly, preparing to directly kill the prisoner they had captured, and then shot them twice, no one wanted to get her.
"No! Never!"
"Your Majesty Queen Sylvanas! My information is very important, really very important! My master "Phoenix" asked me to come, please help me!"
At the juncture of life and death, the little succubus who felt that the orcs might really be able to do it was finally anxious. Therefore, regardless of her master’s order to keep her strictly confidential, she directly revealed a little bit that would allow the elf queen to save herself. !
"Hehe!, have you decided, queen of the high elves?"
Hearing this, and seeing the hateful high elf woman stop and turn around abruptly, Garrosh smiled and stopped the movement in time, and began to look at the elf queen on the opposite side and this one next to him. Little succubus.
This green-skinned orc! After tightening the bow in her hand, Sylvanas cursed secretly, and then took a deep breath.
"Orc! Please tell me your name and identity!"
She was ready to compromise now, because Sylvanas understood who the ‘Phoenix’ that the little succubus had just called out in anxious manner was referring to!
"I'm the son of Grom Hellscream, Garrosh Hellscream!"
After making a fist with his right hand and smashing his chest fiercely, Garrosh Hellscream exploded the names of himself and his father! That's right, he just wants to fight his father, and give himself a long aspiration through his hacked demigod and the old father who died with the Burning Legion Abyss Lord!
This is also impossible. After all, his status in the orc army is indeed a bit low... and the orc army pays attention to honor, personal strength and military exploits, even if he has a dad who is hanging from the sky, But without any credit, even if the warchief wanted to promote him exceptionally, he couldn't be too obvious.
"Very good! Orc... Are you sure, you can keep the secret?"
After whispering a few Grom? Hellscream secretly, Sylvanas' eyes with contempt for the other side showed some surprise for the first time.
Because, she seemed to remember who that Grom was... It was a powerful orc, the chief of the Warsong clan, a powerful warrior among the orcs, and the demigod Cenarius who killed the night elves, and also killed Burning Mannoroth, the Abyss Lord of the Legion! Thinking about it this way, the orc in front of me must not have a low position in the tribe, then...maybe you can make the other person listen to it?
"Huh! As long as you are not in collusion with the Burning Legion, and there are no other conspiracies and tricks against us orcs, I, Garrosh? Hellscream will promise you with my honor: even if you are facing Warchief Thrall, I will also strictly guard everything I hear!"
Hearing that he finally got what he wanted, and was ready to hear the information that only the leaders of Azeroth’s alliances were qualified to hear, Garrosh Hellscream immediately became energetic, and after putting away the gorehowl, he cursed Swearly said.
"Huh! Your warchief Thrall already knows something, and there is no need for you to talk! Now, let her go and come in with me!"
After speaking, Sylvanas handed her battle bow to the guard on the side, turned directly, and walked to the largest tent in the middle of this small sentry camp.
She needs to be arranged by someone to empty the people in the military tent, and then cast a spell to isolate the voice and prying eyes, ensuring that no one can overhear the information that the succubus is about to say.
"Huh! Dirty green and brown skin monsters!"
After finally being lifted up from the icy snowy ground and untied the thick iron chain that bound him, the little succubus glanced viciously at the group of fel imps who not only killed him, but also tortured him. I took a look at my ten green-skinned and a brown-skinned monster for two days, and snorted coldly after remembering the appearance of each other, twisting his slim waist and charming buttocks, and stomping quickly with her pair of hooves With the thick snow, ran directly to the place where the elf queen stood in the camp.
She is almost a shadow in her heart, but she doesn't want to be caught by these dirty and ignorant monsters anymore, absolutely don't want to!
When Garrosh Hellscream and his ten green-skinned orc patrols just wanted to follow up, the guards of Queen Quel'Thalas and the generals of Lordaeron who had been standing still were very much He quickly stood in front of them, blocking each other.
"Orc! You can go in... but you are the only one, they can't! And, your weapons can't be brought in either!"
Almost as tall as the opponent, but much thinner and slender, the ranger general Lor'themar Theron of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, just like that arrogantly held his unsheathed exquisite elf long sword. , Pressed firmly against the opponent's chest, and after barely stopping the opponent's steps, he motioned to the opponent to put down the weapon in his hand first, and then went in alone.
As for the other miscellaneous soldiers, don't even want to go in, just stay outside here without food and drink!
"Garrosh! Don't go, beware of the enemy's conspiracy!"
Seeing the other party’s behavior, the orc army commander and his nine subordinates took up their respective battle axes, and the humans and elves on the opposite side also drew out their weapons and confronted them. They were a little worried. Garrosh persuaded.
Put down your weapons and ran to the enemy's sentry barracks, wouldn't it be mermaid? Once there is something wrong with the other party, the warchief will never spare himself! After all, the opponent is also the future quasi-chief of the Warsong clan and the son of Grom Hellscream, and he was also brought out by Warchief Thrall this time. If something goes wrong here, he can't go back and explain.
"Please rest assured my brother, we orcs are fearless! Also, if I dare not go in, they will think that I am afraid of the female elf, and I don't want to put the orcs into shame!"
Grinning indifferently, Garrosh first handed his battle axe gorehowl directly to the legion chief beside him, and then continued to untie the two short blades on his waist, and chuckled fearlessly.
"Garrosh... you have to understand, they are crowded here!"
" can think about it, if you have any problems in it later, we can't help you!"
After taking the Gorehowl and the two sturdy short blades from the opponent in a daze, the orc legion commander had to say something again.
Although this is only a peripheral outpost camp of the Flame Alliance, UU Reading www.uukā, but the number of opponents is at least hundreds of thousands! With only ten soldiers of the Orc Legion, there is definitely no way they can do anything about the other party. Once something happens, they won't be able to rescue them.
"If, later, if you find that there is a fight inside...then you run immediately, don't look back, and leave me alone, just run back to warn the warchief! I think you know what to say by then!"
After giving a hug to the opponent, Garrosh Hellscream took the opportunity to get to the opponent's ear and whispered the last words, then patted the opponent on the shoulder, turned and pushed away the two Lordaeron swords and shields that were blocking the way. Soldier, stepped forward, and walked towards the fairy queen who was waiting a little impatiently in the distance.
I looked at the legendary weapon Gorehowl that I had defeated countless enemies, killed the demigod Cenarius, and was tainted with the evil blood of the demon Mannoroth. Then I looked at the sentry camp. It went further and further. Garrosh's tawny back, the orc legion leader even snorted angrily!
If he knew that little succubus would be so troublesome, he should have cut off her head with an axe yesterday or the day before yesterday! Otherwise, there won't be so many troubles now. Next time, if he encounters the devil again, he will never let the other party say a word, directly hacking the other party to death, there will be no mistake, and there will be no trouble.

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