Chapter 443: So busy

After Garrosh Hellscream, the group of orcs grabbed the little succubus captive and went to the camp of the Flame Alliance. The top of the Temple of Wyrmrest was still the original meeting hall, Azeroth. The big guys from all sides of the Slovak coalition forces were once again urgently invited here by the dragons using the portal to hold meetings to discuss and discuss countermeasures on some major events that will happen soon.
Before long, more and more people gathered here. Orcs, humans, draenei, night elves, dwarves, gnomes, or high elves in full armor hurriedly came out of the portals. Then quickly and tacitly arrive at the position of the respective team or stand or sit.
Soon, they were still so distinctly divided into three groups and held groups in different positions, without the slightest meaning of greeting or communicating with each other.
Nah! Nah!
Click, click
While everyone was quietly waiting for the meeting to begin, a clear and very discordant voice began to touch everyone’s already a little disturbed nerves, whether it was an orc, a human, a dwarf, or Drey Ni and so on, all turned their heads in unison, followed certain smells and sound sources, and looked at the little girl who made the discordant sound.
A certain little girl perceives those thief staring at her gaze for the first time, but she still ignores it and just immerses herself in her delicious snacks.
"Hey! What are you doing looking at me like this?"
After a while, Little Annie, who was holding a large bag of potato chips from the Marvel Earth plane, finally got a little impatient.
She just held the package with an exaggerated logo of a certain earth company and a large snack package in English, and stretched out her small face from above. When she again put a delicious, crisp and stimulating potato chip directly into her mouth and chewed it for a long time, then she stared suspiciously at the green, blue and violet skins staring at her. And the strange uncles with white skin.
"I tell you, I don't have much of this kind of potato chips myself! So, even if you look like you really want to eat it, I will never give you any one piece, not half!"
These people are so spicy, all of them have big mouths, and they are not enough!
For the sake of her inventory, Xiao Anni felt that the best thing was to ignore their coveted gaze and treat them as non-existent, just leave them alone!
Anyway, Annie and them don’t know each other
You know, this kind of delicious snacks from the Earth Supermarket, which is considered junk food by the adults, or she has searched several New York supermarkets before hoarding so many hundreds of packs, but you can't just distribute them casually. The weird guys who are not familiar with herself and who are not likable!
Annie still remembers that at the time, when the sisters and aunts of those sales assistants watched her pushing dozens of supermarket trolleys, like a train, one after another, pulling a large pile of snacks to the counter, almost There is no strange expression of staring eyes!
At the beginning, they didn't dare to sell so many snacks to a child like her, explaining that it was useless for a long time! In the end, it was Xiao Annie who started to abuse her power. She called the agents near the Bear Shield and asked the guys who had nothing to do to help. Only when the cashiers' eyes were resentful, she spent her It took half a day to sort and pack the snacks, which took up almost a half of the supermarket inventory, and load them into the car, and finally she got it into her space pocket.
Nah! Nah! Click
While staring at the weird people who were still staring at her with petty eyes, Annie calmly stuffed those potato chips into her mouth, anyway, no matter how they looked at it, they would be greedy to death. She wouldn't give it to them either. It's useless to stare at it. If she doesn't, she won't give it!
After paying attention to the little girl for a while, after looking at the other party many times and wondering to confirm the identity of the other party, everyone looked at them a little bit hesitantly, and finally closed their gazes a little bit ridiculously, and didn’t plan to go. Too much care about a little girl. Especially when a little girl is still a strong person, if she messes around or says something wrong, she will be out of luck.
"Didn’t I tell you so many times, please don’t eat indiscriminately during a meeting, even if you have to eat, and don’t make your voice so loud. You are a queen or our leader. It’s very rude to do so. behavior!"
Seeing that everyone’s eyes were no longer paying attention to this side, Sylvanas leaned in a little embarrassment towards the little guy in the chair next to him, whispered in the ear of the opponent, and subconsciously shook her nose. Smell the smell of food from the other party's strange packaging pocket.
She suddenly felt that maybe she shouldn't have to pull this little guy here for a meeting, and now that it hasn't been more than half an hourglass time to sit down here, this disobedient guy began to feel restless like this.
"You are talking nonsense! Haven't the meeting officially started yet, so why can't I eat?"
Click, click
With a mouth, after throwing a small potato chip directly into her mouth and starting to chew, Little Annie asked inexplicably. Of course she knows that you can’t eat during a meeting! But, isn't it not the meeting yet, so what happened to her while it was still early to eat something to cushion her belly?
"This seems right?"
Frozen, Sylvanas suddenly felt that what the little guy said seemed to make sense, so she planned to stop paying attention to this little guy and let the other party toss and eat!
So, after sitting upright, she thought for a while, then looked sideways at the little guy next to her, and felt that the other party was really happy eating, and the smell that came out made her saliva gradually secrete. Finally, Sylvanas, who couldn't stand the temptation, reached out her hand in a ghostly manner and reached out into the strange pocket next to her.
As for the strange gazes of other people, she doesn't want to worry about it now!
Anyway, those people are also not dealing with the Flame Alliance. When the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge are finished, the three forces have to fight again! If this is the case, then you don't have to worry about the other person's thoughts, they like to eat their own things, just let their throats move, and go secretly.
"It's really boring to know these people in meetings and meetings all day long! In fact, don't think I don't know, they just changed their ways and wanted to be lazy and not work, hum, they wanted to lie to me!"
While knocking on her crisp potato chips, Little Annie mumbled vaguely in a low voice.
This complaint, except for Sylvanas next to her, he stiffened a little bit dumbfounded when she heard it, and then continued to reach out and grab a handful of potato chips in Annie’s dissatisfied gaze, everyone else seemed Did not hear this low complaint.
despair! despair! despair!
When the people of both the Stormwind Alliance and the Horde were waiting a little impatiently, finally, there was a sound of footsteps. This time the red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the blue dragon king Malygos who summoned them for the meeting were together. Together, he turned out from a gate of the Temple of Long Sleep.
Looking at the two little girls who are eating and eating happily and making strange noises, Alexstrasza is a little bit confused. Is the other party really busy these days? , Ran here to have time to eat dry food?
If she remembers correctly, there seems to be no major wars recently, right? Whether it is the demons of the Burning Legion or the Azeroth coalition forces, they are all energetically dispatching troops to prepare for the upcoming war. For the time being, they are still maintaining a strange balance, except for the patrols on both sides. In addition to the teams and the spies who often played against each other, they couldn't fight in a short time.
Therefore, from doubt to doubt, Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza hurriedly coughed a little, and signaled the two people, the young and the young, to stop the behavior that interfered with her.
"Everyone, I won't talk about a waste of time. Now the situation is very urgent, so I will just say: Yesterday, we got an accurate news about the Burning Legion and Kil'jaeden!"
"It's like this"
Watching everyone start to pay attention to themselves with breath-holding, and listen intently to what they are about to say. After two queens, one big and one small, also stopped their rude behavior of eating, the Red Dragon Queen will be yesterday. The news from the Flame Alliance and the little succubus was quickly repeated.
"The general situation is that at the latest tomorrow, Kil'jaeden the deceiver will launch a surprise attack on the Icecrown Citadel of the Undead Scourge. At that time, once his conspiracy succeeds, once the helmet of dominance falls into his In our hands, we are about to face the combined attack of the Burning Legion and the endless undead natural disasters!"
"So, in any case, we must do our best to stop him, we have no other choice!"
Alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragon, said with a cold face, a little helpless to say this important event that threatened the ability to defeat the Burning Legion. Recently, it is really one thing connected to one another. She already feels a little burnt now. Alexstrasza can imagine that if she would tell her about the previous bronze dragon Cronom If Yogg-Saron and observing Algalon's things spoke out, these coalition forces must blow up their nests!
Fortunately, after waking up, Thorim, the Lord of the Storm, had already estimated the specific time when Algalon would arrive, but if it hadn’t been for the Bronzebeard Brian had already gathered the Goblin and Explorers’ Association and the Storm. The forces of the King besie Ulduar, and if they don’t have to worry about their coalition forces here, she will definitely be driven crazy!
You know, Alexstrasza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, is just a guardian whose strength is declining, but now it’s better, Kil'jaeden, Arthas, Yogg-Saron and the Observer Algalon, etc. They all popped up one after another, and none of them was easy to deal with. Can she be in a hurry?
"So it is!"
"Queen Alexstrasza, you can really be sure that the demons of the Burning Legion are indeed playing mystery, and the big legions that have invaded the Crystalsong Forest are only intending to attract the attention of the undead natural disasters. In fact, their real purpose, Is it a raid on Icecrown Citadel? Is this source reliable?!"
King Varian of the Stormwind Alliance stood up first and checked with the Red Dragon Queen. This news is a bit breaking. Once the Undead Scourge and the Burning Legion successfully converge, then the two sides that are now evenly matched are probably not necessary to fight.
"Of course! We confirmed it urgently yesterday, and the information is correct!"
The dragon sent by their Dragon Sleeping Alliance spied on the demon army that invaded the Crystalsong Forest. The leader of the army is indeed the Abyssal Demon King Brutalus under the deceiver Kil'jaeden, and the number of demon army it leads is indeed ten. About fifty thousand, this will not be fake!
What's more, what makes Alexstrasza even more worried is that the spies of their Dragon Sleep Alliance have indeed seen traces of demonic activity near the Icecrown Citadel. Especially those Dreadlords, the other party has been sneakily exploring something near the main castle of Icecrown Citadel, and they often fight with the undead. The high-intensity spying frequency is definitely not as simple as ordinary intelligence gathering, it must be Have a conspiracy!
Nodded, now that the dragons had confirmed the authenticity of the information, then Varian stopped asking other questions, but sat down slowly, frowning alone thinking about something.
"Since the 150,000 demon army of the Burning Legion has already turned fire to the undead natural disasters, Kil'jaeden will also run to the Icecrown Citadel tomorrow, can we take the opportunity to launch a general attack on the demon camp and take them down in one fell swoop? Those demon-forging camps that directly cut off their demon's back path?"
At this moment, Thrall, the orc warchief, suddenly asked.
He knew that the magic forging camp in the tomb of Galakrond was unquestionable for its importance to the Burning Legion! Because there is not only the location of the various legion portals where the Burning Legion summons the void demons, but also the production site of various military equipment and supplies. Even the fel furnace is inside. Once it is broken by the coalition, the Burning Legion’s The devil will definitely mess up first.
"This one"
"No! It is too hasty. Our Flame Alliance is completely unprepared, even some troops are not in place! Moreover, I believe your tribe and Stormwind Alliance must be like this! On the other hand, the demons of the Burning Legion, they Since they dare to send a large army to attack the Crystalsong Forest and dare to raid the Icecrown Citadel at the same time, then they must be prepared in their camp!"
"The enemy is waiting for work, and we are in a hurry to launch a general attack in a day. I think this is not a good idea! If there is any problem, it will be a fatal mistake for our Azeroth!"
"You also know that the demons of the Burning Legion can afford to lose. After all, they have failed many times, but if they fail, they will face the disaster of extinction!"
On the side of the Flame Alliance, Grand Marshal Lordaeron, who was standing behind Queen Kalya Menethil, and Garithus, who was also the deputy commander of the Flame Alliance army, shook his head and opposed this after the orc Thrall’s speech. A seemingly beautiful proposal.
Things are indeed just like what he said, the Burning Legion can afford to lose, but their Azeroth coalition cannot afford to lose! Even if they are mobilized immediately, and then tomorrow, they will rush to attack the Burning Legion camp at the Tomb of Galakrond. When their army approaches the edge of the enemy's camp, it will be two days later. By then, maybe Kilga. Dan Du came carrying the helmet of dominance, right?
Anyway, Garithus didn't think that Arthas would be the opponent of Kil'jaeden the fraudster!
"Yes! Time is too hasty, and our Stormwind Alliance also opposes launching a general offensive at this time. This is meaningless!"
At this time, Marshal Reginald Windsor from the Stormwind Alliance also spoke out against the orcs' proposal. Like Garithus, this old marshal is also the deputy commander of the Stormwind Alliance this time. He is in charge of dispatching and commanding the army. Their tasks are heavier than those of Varian or Sylvanas with the name of the commander. He is also more proficient in commanding military operations.
Hearing this, the warchief of the orc tribe could only sigh, and began to sit in a chair and meditate, not talking nonsense.
"Huh! If it wasn't for some clever fool who patrolled our front and intercepted our messenger, maybe we would have one or two more days to prepare?"
Sitting on her seat with her arms folded, Sylvanas glanced sideways at a brown-skinned orc in the tribe.
"Elf with long ears, you are challenging my patience!!!"
Garrosh Hellscream was asthmatic, carrying his battle axe and gorehowl. When he was about to rush out to scold the female elf who satirized him, he was violently caught by King Varoksaurfang and Na Zigolin squeezed one shoulder alone, and pulled him firmly in place.
"Okay, everyone is quiet! Now things are urgent, don't talk about irrelevant things!"
"Everyone! Now the demon army in Crystalsong Forest has been divided into two parts, the Iron Wall Dam and Sound Valley, which threatened the undead and the Scourge, and a large number of undead of the Scourge, including the defenders of the original Icecrown Citadel, have also gathered in these two places, so, Tomorrow, when Kil'jaeden raided the Icecrown Citadel according to his plan, we must stop him!"
Seeing that these mortals were planning to conflict again, Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza quickly reached out to stop the discussion of these people, and then went straight to the topic.
The two human generals just said that they were right, now it is unrealistic to take the opportunity to attack the forging camp of the Burning Legion, and there is no guarantee of victory, and there may not even be a 50-50 chance! Therefore, in addition to trying to stop the Kil'jaeden and drag the other side, they are trying to find a way to save Alsace, and let the Scourge, the Burning Legion and the Azeroth coalition continue to maintain a confrontation. Besides, there is no better way.
"Then how do we stop it? Are we going to find a way to kill Kil'jaeden, or to help those undead natural disasters?"
"I don't think Kil'jaeden, who is protected by an army of demons, would be killed so easily, but even the ancient C'Thun was chopped alive and burned with fel energy! As for those undead natural disasters, I don't think they are Will accept the love and welcome us to help them defend that Icecrown Citadel!"
Falstad Wildhammer, the lord of the Eagle's Nest dwarves, who has never had much presence, finally spoke. Their dwarves like to go straight and say whatever they think.
This is indeed the case. To stop the conspiracy of the deceiver Kil'jaeden is nothing more than killing the opponent or preventing the opponent from attacking the Icecrown Citadel and hitting the Frozen Throne. To do this, it is necessary to be on the opponent Block the opponent on the way to attack! But the problem is that Icecrown Citadel is not owned by their Azeroth coalition forces. It belongs to the Lich King Arthas. If they dare to go, they don't need to think about it. People will definitely even have their Azeroth coalition forces. Fight together!
"Oh, it's hard"
"Do you have a good way?"
"Where is there any good way? I think this information is useless. We know the devil's conspiracy, but we can only stare at it!"
"makes sense!"
"Huh! But we have to do something, otherwise, you know."
"It is true, that Icecrown Citadel, even if we don't help the undead, we have to work hard to destroy the plan of Kil'jaeden?"
"Yes! This should be the reason! Then we should just follow behind the devil when the time comes, and when they fight the undead, we will surprise them behind?"
"good idea!"
"I don't think that this idea is a good idea for the danger of Icecrown Citadel. You must know it, but it is the base camp of the undead natural disasters! If, when we attack the back of the devil, the surrounding undead will turn around and outflank us. , If one is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out!"
Soon, no matter the Flame Alliance, the Horde, or the members of the three parties of the Stormwind Alliance, they began to discuss, one by one, they began to talk about their own opinions, and then they were refuted by others, just blushing. Arguing loudly, no one can convince anyone, and no one can come up with a better idea.
Nah! Nah!
Seeing that these people were so funny and annoyed, Annie looked around and listened to them for a while and then started to take out her own snacks, and then gulped.
Now, these bad guys are not in a meeting anymore, they are arguing! Therefore, it is okay to find someone to eat and watch them quarrel when they are arguing!
"Then what should you do, are we just here waiting to do nothing?"
"Hmph! Maybe we can pray to the Holy Light, hoping that the new Lich King Arthas can repel Kil'jaeden's assault and keep his own head?"
"The Unholy Light will not favor that cruel executioner!"
By making actions that threaten the demon camp, that Kil'jaeden has scruples and dare not act rashly? "
"This seems feasible"
"It's impossible! When we assume that posture, there will be enough time for Kil'jaeden to lay down the Icecrown Citadel! You know, she will act tomorrow! Maybe it's morning, maybe noon, or maybe It's night? But anyway, if the information is correct, he will definitely do it tomorrow. Those demons are very efficient!"
"What's the use of thinking so much? Why don't you go to the army now and kill the devil's camp tomorrow morning, so Kil'jaeden can safely raid the Icecrown Citadel?"
"Huh! Fool!"
"what did you say?!"
"Shut up! I think we probably don't need to do anything, we just need to send an information to Alsace!"
"You can try. However, no one can guarantee that the other party will believe us and respond. We all know that the demon army of the Burning Legion is doing a violent attack on the undead defense line. We can't guess that Alsace will be sent by us What will be the reaction after the information, does he believe it or not?"
The noise is still going on, it seems that no one can come up with a plan to convince themselves and everyone. However, in general, the orcs advocated aggressively attacking the camp of the Burning Legion, forcing Kil'jaeden to stay in the camp. The Stormwind Alliance believed that they should also organize a group to the Icecrown Citadel to stop Kil'jaeden at that time. Kadan’s slashing action either blocked the opponent’s entrance to the dungeon, or chased in at the end, killed the opponent’s milk, killed the opponent’s DPS or T. In short, you can’t let the opponent push the Lich King first. ! But the Flame Alliance believes that the suggestions of the two parties are not reliable, and they both oppose it together!
"You guys are really stupid! Think about it, if the chicken wants to grab that helmet with eggs, then we can go ahead and grab the broken helmet? In that case, those bad guys. Doesn't the devil just have to stare?"
Finally, after seeing these people arguing about a broken helmet and unable to make up their minds for a long time, Little Annie became a little impatient.
Therefore, she stood directly on her chair, and then vigorously waved her small fist, angering these endless quarrels. Since the chickens want the helmet, you can grab the helmet one step ahead of the other party, so you can’t let the other party it. Such a simple thing requires the troublesome method of organizing a group meeting. ?
The people who were blushing with quarrel felt that no one could persuade anyone, and when they were about to start the whole martial arts, they could not help but stop and calm down when they heard such a crisp childish voice, and then again froze. He turned his head and looked at the little girl who was standing on the chair without the generals behind him.
Although this is just a little girl's arrogant statement, but if you think about it, tut! It seems that there is really a feasibility and success rate of manipulation?
"Leader Annie is right! We don't need to attack the devil, we just need to be one step ahead of each other, defeat the new Lich King Arthas and grab the helmet of dominance that is said to control the undead natural disasters!"
After seeing someone telling his original plan, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza finally breathed a sigh of relief and added again:
"After our investigation, Icecrown Citadel has three main gates. They are: the main gate to the north, the east gate and the west gate. They should all lead to the ice throne in the huge crack inside!"
"So, when we attack, we must grasp the timing! This is very important!"
"As long as we observe that the demon begins to officially teleport over, and begin to attack the Icecrown Citadel to attract the attention of the undead natural disasters, we must also open the portal in time and teleport over it, as long as the undead and the demon are fighting for the time If the opponent takes one step, grabs the helmet of dominance and retreats, the conspiracy of Kil'jaeden will not succeed!"
Slowly glanced at the leaders of the three forces of the Azeroth coalition. When he saw that no one opposed his proposal and was thinking about it, Alexstrasza knew that this action should be decided accordingly. Down the tone.
"It sounds good, but, Queen Alexstrasza, please forgive me! What can we do to ensure that the devil can grab the helmet of dominance one step ahead? I don't think that our late raids will be better than the devil Get to the Frozen Throne sooner!"
"The Icecrown Fortress, although I don't know its structure, but since it is a fortress, the various defenses and gates in it must be indispensable! And in our rush, there is no good way to break through them! On the contrary, the demons of the Burning Legion have prepared for many days, and they will definitely have more and better ways to break the door than us!"
"So, even if they attract more enemies than we do, I don't think we will reach the Frozen Throne one step ahead of them?"
Although it is a bit inappropriate to pour cold water at this time, Old Fording, who is good at team assaults and has previously assaulted the Naxxramas floating fortress of the Scourge, stepped up and asked. He hoped that the Red Dragon Queen could have a good solution to this, otherwise, it would be useless to say more.
"Of course we have thought about this problem!"
"In Northrend, there is a kind of magical ore, that is, the'Black Blood of Yogg-Saron.' This is a strange ore produced years after the blood of the ancient gods and rocks are mixed, and it is immune to all physics and magic. Damage! However, when it encounters the Holy Light, it will be extremely unstable and explode!"
"It just so happens that after being smelted by the Scourge Legion, these ores are widely used in the buildings of the natural disasters, such as the natural disaster's Wrath Gate defense line and the walls and gates of the Icecrown Castle."
"So, this time we raided the Icecrown Citadel. Among those elite troops, we need a large number of powerful elite silver hand paladins and draenei's light knights and priests! For example, you have a holy in the Flame Alliance. Those three of the Light Artifact? And the Lord Delaney Divelon and your Naaru? Of course, the most powerful warriors, rangers, and a certain number of archmages are needed!"
"Only in this way can we ensure that we can succeed and first Kil'jaeden to break into the fortress and rush to the Frozen Throne, directly destroy Arthas and grab the helmet of dominance that controls the Scourge!"
"Moreover, in this operation, our dragon will dispatch the dragon army of the Wyrmrest Alliance, do our utmost to hinder Kil'jaeden's pace and give you enough time for the assault team!"
"Now, do any of you have any questions?"
After saying everything in one breath, Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza took a deep breath and asked loudly. There is not enough time now, and she has no time for these people to continue arguing here.
Because Kil'jaeden, the deceiver of the Burning Legion, will set off tomorrow, so their Azeroth coalition forces must urgently prepare everything tonight!
"I have a question!"
"Queen Alexstrasza! What I want to ask is: How many people are we going to send in this operation? I know, the Burning Legion has prepared a total of five thousand most elite and powerful demons this time. Plus that Kil'jaeden, they do have the certainty to break through the Icecrown Citadel forcibly! So, what about us, how many people are we going to mobilize this time? Isn't it, five thousand like the devil? Or more?"
Seeing that no one seemed to be speaking, Sylvanas looked at Little Annie who sat down again and started to eat snacks a little boringly before she stood up and added.
This time, to everyone's expectation, the Red Dragon Queen did not speak, but looked at the blue dragon king beside her, the magic weaver Malygos with a little embarrassment.
"That one"
"I'm sorry, everyone, due to the rush of time, we only have one day to prepare. Therefore, our Blue Dragon can only guarantee that, in addition to passing through our small dragon army, we will open a teleportation that allows 500 people to pass quickly. door"
Looking at the horrified and somewhat unbelievable leaders of the Azeroth coalition forces, Malygos, the king of the blue dragon, bit his head. This is really not to blame their blue dragons for being useless, but the time is too short, and they have to open the portal at the enemy's defense and the Icecrown Citadel with anti-magical measures. Those are the ones that must not be prepared countless days in advance. The demons are on par!
You know, those demons are likely to be able to prepare for this plan half a month ago, and how can they be compared in a panic?
"So, you mean that apart from your dragon army, we only have five hundred people?!"
Sylvanas exclaimed in a somewhat unbelievable exclamation, using 500 people to raid the Icecrown Citadel and face the boundless sea of ​​undead, but thinking about it, she can make her scalp numb!
I think back then, she had also tried to resist the Alsace undead army with hundreds of thousands in front of a tower in the Eversong Forest. With the words of the little guy next to her, she has been dead for many years now!
"That's right!"
"So, I need you to choose the strongest fighter, as long as the strongest! It's best to be the hero-level? Of course, if it doesn't work, the high-level ones can barely make do with.
Malygos, the king of the blue dragon, reluctantly replied, and he asked for 500 heroes or heroes higher, if there were so many in Azeroth’s tripartite coalition. That couldn't be better! After all, they only have 500 places, so the stronger the better!
"Queen Alexstrasza, I also have a question"
"If your dragon army needs to stop the demon army and Kil'jaeden, then, who can guarantee to defeat the Lich King quickly? I believe that there will be no less men gathered around him at that time, and, With the power of Lich King Ner'zhul, his strength is still unknown?!"
Varian, who had been silent since speaking before, finally spoke, and he cut to the most critical point as soon as he spoke! Because he knew that the Red Dragon Queen and the others would not have much time to obstruct Kil'jaeden, then, who would kill the Lich King as soon as possible at that time?
And once the opponent escapes or lets Kil'jaeden’s Burning Legion demons arrive, they will be completely finished. This is no joke!
"Of course there is a way! Because, among us, she may be able to quickly defeat the Lich King!!!"
Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza nodded, and then pointed directly at the little girl Annie who was sitting next to the High Elf Queen Sylvanas and still holding a pack of strange food watching them discussing!
Except for the opponent, Alexstrasza can't create another person who can quickly defeat the Lich King! She believes that after that time, a little girl with countless powerful heroes can definitely do it.
With Alexstrasza's hand, the leaders and high-levels of the Tri-Clan Alliance looked at a little girl whose cheeks were bulging.
After being silent for a while, they also had to admit that if it were this powerful existence, maybe they could really quickly defeat the Lich King in front of Kil'jaeden and seize the Helm of Dominance?
"Huh? But they promised Brian to go to Ulduar to help."
Seeing that the other party wanted to assign work to Little Annie immediately jumped up and retorted. She didn't want to go to a stinky castle to fight with a bunch of bones, rotten meat, and undead. It was disgusting to think about it!
"Believe me, Annie will be very quick, after you finish playing Icecrown Citadel, you can go to Ulduar to help! The Torim, they should be able to hold it now.
"Don't worry, the battle time in Icecrown Citadel will not be too long. Regardless of victory or defeat, we will control the end of the battle within two hours. At that time, you can still dare to go to Ulduar! What else do you have? Question?"
Before the little girl refused again, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza quickly looked at the others.
"So be it!"
"No problem! I will coordinate with Marshal Reginald Windsor and King Saurfang to defend the camp and watch the demon army in the Tomb of Galakrond when you are away!"
Garithus nodded and said, what he never expected was that one day he would fight against the enemy with a certain opponent.
"Wow! You guys want me to fight so many times?!"
Annie was a little stunned. They bullied the children so much. They let themselves hit this side, and let themselves hit the other side Kil'jaeden, Lich King, Ancient Cthulhu, and Algalon. They all wanted to let themselves. Go, what's the use of having so many of them? !
With a bunch of lazy guys, this is not fun at all! ! !
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