Chapter 458: Silver Scale Breastplate

In Akara’s tent, the highest spiritual leader of the Log camp was talking with the military commander of the Loggers, Kasha. However, it can be seen from the frowning brows of the two of them that what they are talking about is obviously not something that makes people feel comfortable.
"You mean... now in the blood wasteland, the reason why it is attacked by those endless monsters is because there is a source of evil in the place you mentioned?!"
"It turned out to be like this... I should have thought of it earlier..."
Hearing Kasha's explanation, Akara stood up slowly in thought, and began to pace back and forth in this not too big tent. Obviously, she was a little surprised by the exact news, but at the same time, she was also a little bit of ambivalence that she was finally relieved.
During this period of time, they can only watch the situation in the blood wasteland and its surroundings become more and more serious. Even if there are many adventurous or other strong men who are determined to fight against demons and the evil forces of hell, they have come here to help. Going out to kill and clean up those monsters, but in the end, it still doesn't help! The latest chapter of players in the martial arts world
After the cleaned land, new monsters and demons invaded in a few days, so that their hope of regaining the land gradually became a luxury... But now it is different. Now they have discovered the root of evil! As long as they find the source, they are equivalent to seeing the hope of completely successfully regaining this land!
I believe it won’t be long before the villagers and townspeople who rushed to take refuge here will no longer have to squeeze in this ‘dirty, messy’ and pigsty-like Rouge camp often muttered by a little guy. At that time, they can return to their homeland, re-graze or cultivate this fertile land, and quickly resume production.
"We lost a total of hundreds of elite female Rogue warriors. With the help of countless adventurers, we finally locked the location of the source of evil. It should be in this area!"
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At this time, Kaxia directly spread out a map, and then drew a bright red circle on a small area in the middle of the northwest corner of the blood wasteland in this chapter.
Just to find this place, their countless female Roger warriors died tragically under the hands of various monsters, some went directly to the wilderness, some simply went into the cauldron of the sinking demons and became the pots of Chinese food for those monsters. ...
"This was originally an abandoned mine. The situation inside is very complicated! I sent two elite teams of our Roger a few days ago. There were more than 20 people in total to investigate, but in the end...only Flavi and the other A soldier escaped by luck."
"She reported to me yesterday: In that cave, apart from skeletons, zombies, sinker demons and some more powerful giant beasts, there should be a group of powerful undead creatures in the depths! It's a pity that they didn't. When I could get close, I was found and driven out. In the end, when I ran out, only Flavi and a person who was responding outside were left..." The latest chapters of the earth cultivators in other worlds
Having said this, Kaxia sighed in relief, but also lowered her head in a melancholy manner.
Today, there are fewer and fewer Rouge elites under her. In this wasteland alone, at least hundreds of people have been damaged. If this continues, if the source of evil cannot be eliminated, how many people are estimated to be. Not dead enough!
"Kasha, if we want to regain this fertile land, we must purify the cave! Only then, those monsters will not appear on our land again."
After pacing back and forth for a while, Akara finally stood still and looked firmly towards Kasha. They want to defeat evil, the first thing they must do is to purify the area near Tristram, and then the mountain fortress that leads to Rugoin to the east-the monastery!
And now, if they want to purify Tristram, they must first purify the blood wasteland, and then radiate from here to conquer the areas occupied by the devil, otherwise, if they can't even get it here , Then any other ideas are just extravagant hopes. Catalog of works of peerless Tianjiao in another world
"What do you want to do?!"
The source of evil in this land must be eliminated. As for how to eliminate it, she hasn't thought of a good way, because she felt that the power in her hand seemed not enough. She and her Loggers are more than defensive, but not aggressive enough.
"Do everything possible to destroy all the monsters in that evil cave one day, and there must be none left!"
"Then, I can summon the sacred power to let the purified light penetrate the earth and shine directly into the cave! At that time, we will be able to completely purify the source of evil and let this piece of evil be occupied for a long time. The wasteland, stained with the blood of innocents, returns to our hands..."
In such a short time, Akara soon thought of how to effectively solve the source of evil. Anyway, their "blind eye" nuns still have some foundation. Those things about rare earths
Akara believes that that source of pollution must have been deliberately dropped there by a powerful evil!
If it wasn't the Andariel, it was the dark wanderer before!
When the opponent is going east, the evil and fear deliberately spread in the surrounding area must have a purpose! But no matter what it is, if they try to get rid of what the other party deliberately left behind and purify it, there will always be nothing wrong.
"Oh! Akara..."
Hearing this, after lowering his head and meditating for a while, Kasha could only smile bitterly at the last elder of the monastery and shook his head and said regretfully:
"You should also understand that there are actually not many Logger fighters left... If this task is to be completed, it can only be me, and I must personally lead the team to clean up this area and forcibly break into it. Cave! Although there may be a lot of losses, I still have absolute certainty that I can complete this challenging task within two weeks!"Light and Dark Reincarnation Catalogue of works
"What about the defense of Camp Log during my absence? The evil around us is not only this cave. We are also surrounded by more powerful enemies. Once we launch this kind of obvious battle, those monsters We will certainly not remain indifferent!"
This is exactly what Kasha worries about. Let’s not talk about anything else. It’s just the icy land closest to the Scarlet Wasteland. The blood bird that fell under the influence of the demon Andariel, the other threat to Rog’s camp. biggest!
Kasha believes that once she really dared to raise troops to encircle the evil cave, it won’t be long before the blood bird will bring the almost infinite army of undead in the Burial Grounds to bring the Tristram to Logg’s Camp. The last human refuge nearby was completely submerged!
Therefore, she cannot move Kasha, nor can her Rogge! For this piece of land, for the continuation of the people, they need to stay here slowly and accumulate strength. Evil Dragon Fairy Picture
When I think of the blood bird, for some reason, Kasha suddenly feels sad and heartbroken...
At the beginning, it should have been in Era 1025. With the end of the "Three Demon Hunting", the ancient high-ranking mages of Horadim, after making huge sacrifices, finally joined forces in Kanderras. Along the way, he successfully captured Diablo, one of the three kings of who invaded the world! They were in a catacomb near the Tassende River, and they successfully contained and sealed it!
And then they built the great Heradric Monastery just above the tomb to suppress Diablo! With the passage of time, people slowly used the monastery as a base and successfully developed a number of villages with human activities on this land.
In the end, it eventually developed into the glorious Tristram...
Then, until the year 1263, Diablo, who had been imprisoned for nearly two hundred years, began to corrupt and manipulate the hearts of the people on this land, causing it to fall into chaos and turning the prosperous here into a chaotic country. please give me your back
Then, there was Morena, the most elite female warrior Logger. Together with the warrior Aidan (the eldest son of King of Light Leoric) and the mage Jasreth, the three assaulted Tristram’s Zakarum Cathedral, which is the Heradic monastery rebuilt by Leoric, and successfully defeated Diablo who broke the seal!
However, Aidan, who was overconfident in the end, defeated Diablo and forced him to change back to his brother Albrecht... When they discovered that the evil energy of the Soul Stone still existed, that Aidan was in grief and indignation. , Made the most extreme choice-he sealed the soul stone directly into his forehead, and he was confident that he could be like a strong man, using his soul and will to destroy his country Fight against the demons that ruined his loved ones!
So, naturally, he failed shamefully...
Not everyone can seal the demon king of with their own spirit and will, and not all people have the same strong spirit and willpower as Ta? Rasha, but in fact, even Ta Rasha is Failed, his spirit and body did not seal the other lord for long. His body and soul were eroded by demons in the long years... So, that was just a warrior, not a Horadim wizard. There is no Aidan, who has the greatest mental power like Ta? Rasha, whose soul and spirit are soon contaminated by Diablo! Online game element summoning works catalog
And then, Aidan paid the price for his reckless behavior!
His stupid approach attracted a large number of demons, leading to the massacre and destruction of Tristram! And he himself, also left after Tristram was captured... He seemed to be the dark wanderer, Kasha also faintly knew that he seemed to be walking eastward, past the monastery, and seemed to intend to go Lu Goin, or go to Kurast...
Obviously, the purpose of that dark wanderer is probably to liberate the other two other lord Baal the Destruction King and Mephisto the Hate King, and then want to bring this sanctuary world into the abyss of destruction?
And it was from that time that the once hero Rogue Elite Morena also fell... When Kasha heard the news from the other party again, only knew that she had massacred countless people and became a cold one. The terrible monster in the original bone-buried land-blood bird! The latest chapter of the strongest magic dealer
"So, Akara...We are now firmly trapped here under the help of a powerful enemy. If there is no strong helping hand, we might not be able to help those evil sources entrenched in the cave."
Sighing and shook her head, Kasha agrees with Akara's idea of ​​purifying this land, but she is pessimistic, at least not in the short term. They have lost the monastery and many have been corrupted by curses. After his sisters, the strength began to suffer severely, and it was not enough to do that.
"I have actually thought of some good ways...We may not use our own hands, nor do we need to use the little Rouge's power... We let more and more adventurers, let them help us !"
Think about those adventurers who have become more and more in the camp recently. They came here from various places in the Western Continent just for their own certain desires! But whether they are for money, or to improve their strength, or for those illusory reputations, these things will force them to constantly fight against the evil monsters outside! The latest chapter of the trail
It is precisely because of this that the vicinity of Camp Loge has become a lot safer recently, and some bold farmers have begun to cultivate outside the retaining wall in hopes of improving the increasingly severe living conditions of the camp.
Therefore, Akara felt that the cleaning of the evil cave should be able to find a way to give them to those people?
"This is okay..."
"But, Akara, you have to understand: we did not have enough remuneration to pay them. After the fall of the monastery, our current financial situation is very tense. If there are not enough benefits... those guys will not care or obey Our order! Heh! After all, cleaning up the evil cave is extremely dangerous. They won't be so stupid and just come to us as gunmen for nothing!"
After hearing Akara's thoughts, Kasha nodded first, and then had to shook his head regretfully. The latest chapters of the Holy Way
This method is excellent, but it’s a pity: now they don’t have enough benefits in this Rouge camp to lure adventurers to work for them, and use the emptiness of righteousness or peace in the world. Slogan is definitely not good, no one is that stupid!
The stupid ones have long since died on their way here, or were simply eaten by the Sinking Demons as rations!
"If it is a benefit, of course we have it too!"
"Let’s do it, Kasha... Tomorrow morning, you go and post a mission notice for me, saying: In a month, our Rouge camp will organize adventurers to clean up the evil cave together! Just clean up the source of evil! If you receive the cleaning mission during the battle and successfully complete it, you can come to me to read the book of wisdom we treasured once!"
After hesitating for a while, Akara finally said her final decision. The endless world live broadcast system has no pop-up window
For rewards such as wealth, they may be really a little bit tired now, and they really can't afford too much! However, if a book that will not be broken is brought out for people to read, this kind of low investment and high return can still be done!
"The Book of Wisdom...Have you really decided?"
Of course Kasha knows what that book is! She knows that as long as it is a professional, as long as it is a person with a skill imprint, to read the alchemy product by the masters of Horadim in the ancient times, you can get at least one free skill point!
And like this kind of magical thing, Kasha believes that no adventurer can refuse! When the time comes, just line up and let them browse one by one. It's no big deal, and it really doesn't cost much.
"That's right...You will implement this matter tomorrow, and strive to attract more adventurers to come here. In the future, I think we should still use them." No pop-up window on Cthulhu Road
"Relax, I think I know what to do!"
Nodding, Kasha stopped saying anything, just started looking down at the conspicuous red circle on the map and was silent.
"By the way! Akara, I heard about it two days ago, the little guy before, she got into trouble with you?"
The two were silent for a while. In this tent in Akara, after thinking and sorting out the solution to the source of evil that had been discussed before, Kasha suddenly mentioned a little girl.
Yesterday, Kasha accidentally heard an interesting story from her subordinates: a little girl took a very rare and short bright gold wand to sell for money... However, when those adventurers saw the wand After her attributes, many people couldn’t help but yelled and almost clashed with the little girl... Out of curiosity, Kaxia asked, only to discover that the little girl was someone she had placed in Akara. A little guy named Annie! Jianwu Qiankun
And that magic wand was said to be made by herself using Akara’s precious materials indiscriminately? As for the other more detailed ones, she is not quite clear.
"It's not causing trouble..."
"It can be said that I found that Annie has a high talent in both spells and enchanting...especially in the aspect of enchanting! may never imagine that it is the little girl, she On that day, after reading two books casually here, the next day I directly did something that shocked me..."
"She actually made an extremely rare multi-attached magic wand for the first time! Although that wand is useless, her talent is irrefutable... Then, I definitely rejected it. Her request to continue the experiment..."
Having said that, Akara sighed and shook his head. The descendant of the Dragon of Return of the King
The little guy had a terrible temper. When she couldn't get the materials here, she ran to Chaxi again and started to play other enchanting equipment, and she didn't know what was going on now.
"That should be considered a good thing! With such an outrageous talent, why don't you guide her and let her run to Chaxi all day long?"
In Kaxia's view, just reading two books is to make rare equipment. At this level, it can almost be said that it is rare in a lifetime! That should be cultivated by their ‘blind eye’ nuns!
"I want her to study with me systematically for a year or two. Don't rush for success, but she refused... She just wants to find books or finished enchanted equipment to play things by herself... So , I’m still hesitating now, how can I guide her, a good seed."
This is probably the case. The little guy thinks that the learning of the system is too slow, so he just wants to find relevant books and toss about himself, and this is something that the rigid and rigorous Akara cannot allow! She feels that since the little guy has such a good talent, she should study systematically and consolidate the foundation seriously, while achieving greater and better achievements in the future, instead of just letting it go as it is now! The latest chapter of the Demon Evolution Handbook
Because of this, in these few days, in addition to being busy with her own affairs, she is racking her brains to think about how to make the disobedient little guy honestly come to be her Akara. apprentice! She believes that as long as the other party has been practicing well with her for a few years, that little guy will definitely become an important core member of the ‘Blind Eye’ nun!
If the other person's growth is as good as the talent shown now, she believes that in the future, their "blind eyes" will be able to become famous on this continent and be as dazzling as the ancient Horadim!
"It turned out to be like this... But, Akara, have you figured out her identity?"
After thinking about it, Kasha finally couldn't help mentioning this matter.
After all, the little girl was picked up from outside by a caravan in their camp. Although she got rid of the suspicion of the devil, she might be a little princess or core member who accidentally lost her. They are in the hands of the nuns, and looking at Akara’s thoughts, it seems that they are planning to be the next generation of the core of the nuns...The super idler of online games has no pop-ups a>
But in case, if someone asks for someone, do they pay or not?
"I asked! But the little guy said that she comes from the outside world, and does not belong to our sanctuary world, nor does she belong to or heaven..."
After gently pouring himself a cup of hot water from the stove, Akara began to sit on a chair to take a nap.
"Isn't that the equivalent of not asking?!"
Kasha was a little anxious, even she did not expect that Akara could not smell the true origin of the little guy.
"So, I'm looking up information and recalling the books I saw before... But, I still can't find out what the'outside world' is... But anyway, this world is huge, maybe Is there really something we haven’t discovered and recorded?"The latest chapter of the Soviet Union in 1991
Compared to Kasha's impatience, Akara was a little slow, holding the cup by herself, just watching the curling water vapor, not knowing what she was thinking.
Just as Kasha was about to continue to say something, she suddenly heard something noisy outside. Many people were talking hurriedly and loudly and walking by in groups. The rush of footsteps seemed to be the same as in the past. The situation is a little different, which caused Kasha, who is the military commander of the camp, to open the tent door and invite a Roger.
"What is going on with them?"
As soon as she came out, Kasha saw a few Loge archers who were supposed to be changing guards and ran towards the northwest corner of the camp. She almost thought it was if they hadn’t drawn their bows and arrows. What's wrong in the camp! Super Weapon Exchange System Works Catalog
"Report sir! I heard that Chasi made a large number of unidentified magic items, and they are now gambling at low prices, each for only 99 gold, so many people who heard the news went..."
In fact, this name Rogge wanted to go when he heard the news, because if it was really ninety-nine gold magic equipment, she could get it out herself, and then she could bet on a war bow? But it's a pity that she is now on duty. She, who is afraid to leave her post without permission, can only curse bad luck in her heart, and hope that she will have a chance after changing the guard?
But looking at what those people look like now, this opportunity is obviously unlikely to exist...
"It's a nonsense!"
"How can Chasi, such an honest barbarian blacksmith, learn how to play tricks as a like Keid? Come on! What is going on?" Catalogue of Eternal Life's Works
After frowning and reprimanding, Kasha also seemed to think of something that was not quite right, and then continued to stare at the guardian Roger.
"Actually, it was the apprentice nun Anne that Master Akara took in... I don't know where she got the enchantment materials... Anyway, she and the female barbarian Chaxi Zai just announced the matter and are going to deal with them. The large number of magic weapons that came out... it seems to be engaged in a'promotion' activity..."
"They also said,'The quantity is limited, first-come-first-served, and you can take home magic weapons and equipment with just ninety-nine gold coins for each piece of equipment.' Moreover, each person is only restricted for sale... So many people Going to watch the fun..."
To be honest, if it is really magic equipment, taking ninety-nine gold to gamble on an unidentified magic weapon, it is a great conscience, but it is definitely more kind than that Gide's gambling with thousands of gold. Times! Presumably now, that not-so-large blacksmith shop in Chaxi must be crowded, right? Zhenwu Fighting Spirit Works Catalog
"Sure enough, I knew it, it must be the ghost of that little guy!"
Before thinking about it, that guy had wasted Akara’s thousands of gold coins and materials but came up with a very strange and rare staff...Unexpectedly, now the other party still doesn’t want to repent, and he couldn’t get the materials here. , Actually ran to mix with the honest Chaxi again!
"I ask you, has their so-called promotion and promotional activities started?"
One was a simple and honest barbarian blacksmith, and the other was a quirky little girl. Kasha couldn't imagine what would happen after the two of them got together? So, now she was very uneasy, and worried that those two people would cause some trouble in this already difficult camp.
"Reporter, it seems not yet!"
The female Logger warrior seemed to be somewhat embarrassed to respond under the strong aura of Kasha. Ace Master 1
This was the first time she was caught by their Kasha chief and forced to ask for such a long time, it felt like she had made some mistakes herself and made her feel uncomfortable.
"Okay, don't embarrass her... Come with me, let's go and see... I also want to know, what kind of tricks that little guy can do?"
Compared with Kasha's worries, Akara is relatively relaxed, because she can see that the little guy, she is not bad, at most, just a little bit mischievous.
"Hey! Sister Chaxi, has your familiar barbarian family come, but we need to let him be the first to pick up later, but don't drop the chain and smash us? Sign!"
A little girl sneaked up to the bold, wearing only a leather fire-proof apron, and the two swollen chests, and a large part of the gray shoulders leaked out of the barbarian's ears. Portable hero kills without popups
This barbarian named Chaxi is tall and tall, almost a little over two meters tall. Although she wears this dress everyday, her arms are thicker than ordinary people's thighs and a huge and heavy blacksmith's hammer. It is enough to ensure that she will not be harassed by anyone with bad intentions.
At this time, before the high platform of the blacksmith shop where the crowd was crowded, there were countless people who were coming here to watch the excitement. On the high platform, a total of ninety-nine handles were hung on the weapon racks. Kind of magic weapons and equipment!
They are mainly iron equipment, such as battle axe, scimitar, fist sword, shield, mace, javelin and iron bow, etc... But the most surprising and coveted thing is: they are all flashing magic. Magic weapon of streamer!
And these are all made by Annie and Chaxi on ordinary weapons, using'poor' corner materials to enchant them. The cost of each weapon is less than 30 gold. As long as they can be sold out this time, they At least several thousand gold coins can be earned, and then all the operating funds for the next period will be available! The latest chapter of the Soul Bearer
Although, the enchanting materials used in these equipment are not very good, some of them were chosen by Annie after disassembling the weird stick, but Xiao Annie firmly believes that her skills are absolutely top-notch, so many. Enchanted items, there are always so few good ones. As long as they were lucky enough to identify a few pieces, their peddling action was a success!
Then next time, she can get more money!
Immediately afterwards, she will continue to use money to pit money. As long as every gold coin of everyone in this camp is dug out, her own plan to build an artifact with krypton gold will be half successful! And the other half needs to build up equipment to accumulate experience, so that she can master the enchantment of this small world more proficiently, and all these require the adventurers below to pay for herself.
For example, this batch of ninety-nine pieces of equipment, she has made a lot of weird ideas on it, what kind of things will be identified, only God knows! If God can control the world so far, it must be so. Wuleiyin’s works catalog
"It's coming..."
"I told him... I saw that he had no money, and I gave him 100 gold, oh! Look, it's the big tattooed bald head below."
Hearing this question from this very flattering little guy, Chaxi happily pointed at the barbarian who was in front of the stage.
Although Chaxi didn't quite understand what Xiao Annie meant by "to", she was honest and honest, according to the other party's instructions, and specifically found a clan who has a good relationship with her, and asked the other party to come early , And stand at the front of the high platform that can be seen by them.
"It looks a little silly..."
"Forget it, that's him! Have you ever told him that the axe hanging on the top is made of the best materials! As long as he is the first to take the lead to choose the one, the identification will be certain It won’t be too bad, and then the rest of us will be good for sale!"The latest chapter of covering the fairy
Anni has also seen a little bit about the marketing of the earth, so, just in case, she specially asked Chaxi sister to prepare the first crab-eating ‘cartoon’!
As long as this event can be a complete success, then things will not worry about selling! Then, Annie walked out of her magical weapon, and hacked Andariel or the big pineapple to death at a cost of ninety-nine. That would be a step further!
This is also no way. Annie also knows that she is lazy. For a lazy person, there is no good way except krypton gold! But in fact, as long as it can be solved with krypton gold, it is not a problem!
"I already said... But Annie, is it really okay for us to lie like this?"
"I have carefully calculated these things. If their costs are averaged, they will be only 20 or 30 gold at most... I think ninety-nine gold is a bit too much, or... we can sell for 40 gold?
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In fact, these items were all the backlogs left by Chaxi. Originally there were more than one hundred pieces. Then, after returning to the furnace, she followed the little guy’s instructions to depict the lines, and finally let her temporarily enchant them, which was lost during the period. Quite a lot, so much is left. Although it took her a lot of time, Chaxi still felt that the ninety-nine gold was too expensive, which made her feel guilty of deceiving others.
After all, the foundation of this batch of magic equipment is not very good, and it is still enchanted in batches, so she is skeptical about the things identified.
"Hmph! They are all high-quality magic equipment, we are not deceiving! And if it is replaced by the profiteer of Gide, he will definitely dare to sell a few thousand gold!"
After that, Xiao Annie looked evilly at a profiteer in the crowd wearing a big golden leather jacket. Her activity was based on the other party’s practice, but the price was lower, and the uniform was ninety-nine gold pieces. Part of the purpose is to suppress the business of the profiteer who doesn't deal with him! Zhang Tianji works catalog
Humph! Her Queen Anne, but she is very vengeful!
Who made the profiteer not only threatened her to charge her fare a few days ago, but also clamored to Captain Roger that he was a weird guy of unknown origin and arrested himself?
"Hey! Why haven't you started yet? We are already waiting impatiently, and we will go out to clean up the blood wasteland later!"
"That's right! I have long been attracted to that unidentified magic round card, and I just happened to be missing one piece!"
"What, do you want that? But I also fell in love with it!"
"I said it first!"
"But I came first!"
"I think those two daggers might be good!" The latest chapter in the evolutionary history of female rascals
"It's all pretty good, but... there seems to be a lot of people now, and there are only 99 on it..."
"Heh! Don't worry, I won't fight with you!"
At this time, after about three to five hundred people were crowded below, people began to feel a little impatient, and they began to whisper or just make noise.
Although there are many people who heard this news, in the end, only those who came here now! After all, such cheap magic equipment always makes people feel a little unreal? And those who are willing to believe, are only some risk-takers who do not mix well and are financially struggling, trying to use this opportunity to improve themselves or get the opportunity to get rich overnight, and some other strong people obviously disdain this. Opportunistic approach.
"Noisy, so noisy!"
"Hurry up, our event is ready to begin. If you want to buy it, you are now behind this bald guy! If anyone dares to jump in the queue, he will get out!" Super red envelope grab system
Seeing that there are almost the same number of people here now, and far more than 99, little Annie, who feels that her first batch of goods will surely be sold out, stuck her waist, pointed to the one who was entrusted below, and looked. Said the barbarian brother who looked very simple.
Now, the equipment is hers, she has the final say how to sell it!
She just wants to engage in hunger marketing, and then, for the second batch of goods next time, the price will at least double, and the next time it will continue to double, just need to double this way, and she will be rich!
After earning the money of the poor people in front of her, she began to take the mid-to-high-end route, ready to make the money of the rich!
"Why do you have to line up? Obviously I came first!"
"Okay, don't complain, you are still the tenth one at any rate, and other people will have no chance even if they want to buy it."
"Hey! Didn't you just say not to fight with us? But now, what's the matter with you being second?" Beastblood Madness without popups
"This brother, I don't think I did anything wrong... Look, I am only fighting for the one I want, and of course I will not fight with you for the rest."
"Shameless guy!!"
"Fortunately, I also grabbed a front position, so there are so many choices."
"One, two, three... Ninety-seven, Ninety-eight... Phew! It's dangerous, the ninety-ninth is me, the brother behind, don't wait in line, stand and watch, there is nothing you do.
"Bah! What's so good about your last one? Maybe, the last thing is definitely not what you want!"
"Yes! I think so too, the last thing left is definitely not good stuff!"
"It makes sense..."The latest chapter of the sword game
"Hmph! Whatever you say, I won't lose money when I buy a magic equipment for ninety-nine gold! Even if I don't have it, I can make a small profit by selling it!"
"Asshole! Who are you, want to jump in the line? Get away from me!"
"What do you think, do you think I will let you in front of me? Back, not the back, you get out of me!"
"Asshole! This bunch of craps!"
"Well, don't think about it, just wait to see their jokes, there must be nothing good!"
"Yes! How can a good thing be only ninety-nine gold? You know, that Gide, the worst unidentified items are thousands!"
"It makes sense..."
"Look at it, you'll know soon!"
"..."Flying Legend Works Catalog
In an instant, following the words of Little Annie, a large group of people lined up behind the barbarian warrior in a crooked long line of ninety-nine people, and those who didn’t have time, could only On one side, they ridiculed vigorously, preparing to see other people's jokes, as to whether it is really like that, then only they know.
"Ah! Now I announce: The first Chaxi magic equipment bidding conference... now officially begins!!"
Looking with satisfaction at the people who finished the queue soon, Little Annie walked to the high platform just like an adult, and began to announce loudly. She has already seen that a large group of golden coins will soon fall into her clutches!
And as long as it succeeds once, everyone will not want to escape from her trap. She will use the method of renewing equipment to squeeze all the gold coins of these people, just like those She saw the people on earth selling mobile phones, and she would never get the best equipment out in one go! There is no pop-up window in the character technology system
"Hey! Big guy, hurry up!"
After seeing the little girl announcing the a barbarian still stayed in a daze, and a certain paladin who was second in the line was very dissatisfied and gave him a hard push. It has been pushed to the top.
"Um... I spent a lot of money on drinking last night, now I only have fifty gold, okay?"
Surrounded by the crowd, the barbarian brother seemed a little shy, and then he walked up the steps to the high platform and hesitated for a while before he squeezed out a small pocket that was not too bulging. Obviously, it was inside. , Is fifty gold.
Annie suddenly became a little dumbfounded. Who on earth said that the barbarian was stupid, look at this barbarian, who is he deceiving?
Although Annie herself had never gone to the camp bar to drink that kind of sour wine that smelled disgusting, she also knew that even one night's wine in the Luoge camp would be enough for one gold coin at most! The latest chapter of the rebirth of the Dharma and God
So, where did the forty-nine of the 100 gold coins that Chaxi gave to the other party? This bad guy must be relying on his status as a trustee. He wants to hack her Queen Anne's money at this time. This is really damnable!
There was no way, the guy in front of her was a support, and the first time she had to make a sensation, Annie had no choice but to reluctantly nod her head, planning to make an exception.
"and many more!"
At this time, just as the barbarian brother threw down the gold coin with a golden light and was about to take down the battle axe he had known beforehand, an untimely voice rang.

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