Chapter 465: Rune artifact

In just a few days, thanks to the powerful charm of money and the efforts of a large number of idle ordinary people who stayed in the Rouge camp, the small two-story wooden building of Xiao Anni is located in the open space next to the Chaxi Blacksmith. It just stood up from the ground and declared its completion in just a week.
From this day on, this wooden building is the tallest, largest, and most luxurious building in the Camp Loge, except for the tall arrow towers used for surrounding defenses!
Maybe it was because Xiao Annie gave enough wages, maybe the ordinary construction workers in the camp really didn’t have much work to do, anyway, they just worked day and night in just three days. After tall wooden piles were erected on this large flat ground, wood and planks were nailed on the piles, and finally they were sandwiched together with wooden planks and dry broad leaves on the top. It was nailed to a wooden beam inclined at an angle of forty-five degrees to complete the roof capping work.
Then, after they spent another three days, after rough polishing the internal floor and part of the wall, the pure wooden two-story building in the Luoge camp was completed!
Of course, the house decoration project is much more than that!
Now in the eyes of many adventurers and the crowd onlookers, outside of this newly-built wooden building, it seems that a certain or several druids cast spells, covering the whole area with those green vines. The rough log walls on the outside, and the bright flowers of various colors dotted them, look particularly conspicuous when viewed across the house’s yard fence.
This dress makes people look far less beautiful than the white rock houses and fortresses built in the original monastery or Tristram, but in this mess, there are shack, military tents, and mud everywhere. In the Rouge camp, it is particularly luxurious and high-profile!
That's right, it's the one that is particularly easy to envy and hate!
As the saying goes, there are no worries and unevenness. When everyone is struggling to survive in damp and muddy shacks or tents, praying that one day they can defeat the demons and return to their respective homes, there are still people here. Openly build a mansion to live in? This is really outrageous!
This kind of high-profile extravagant behavior, this kind of disregard of the overall situation, simply does not take other people's feelings into view, it is simply heinous, frantic, and outrageous!
But, although most of these thoughts are there, when they just think about it and look at it from a distance, no one will say it boringly, and no one will even think about it.
One is because, this is a smart, cute and cute little girl?
In this regard, many people in the camp said that they had seen...
Because ah, that little guy often likes to wander around the camp when he has nothing to do. Many people have some impressions, but a lovely girl who is also a pink girl always has some preferential treatment and makes people easily unable to afford it. Jealous.
Furthermore, at this time, the few people lined up beside the gate of this house, wearing bright full-body closed plate armor, holding huge broadswords in their hands, stood majesticly, four on each side, A tall barbarian warrior with a total of eight people is enough to deter many young people who want to spy on the situation or dare to chew their tongues!
That's right, the eight barbarians who have a fairly good relationship with Chaxi are all mixed in dark gold suits and successfully promoted to become the guards with swords of this ‘artifact workshop’! And they also honorably signed a contract and became the dog-legged and thugs under the command of Xiao Annie. During this period, their treatment included food and equipment, and a monthly salary of 100 yuan!
This kind of super high treatment, especially the equipment package, is simply the envy of many others!
However, in this sanctuary world, there is also a little bit of human affection... and these guys, it is because of Chasi's relationship that they heard the news in the first time and successfully got rid of it. As a poor ghost adventurer, he turned around and became a peripheral member of the Quasi-Roger organization.
Now these barbarians can proudly say that they are organized people! After all, they, who were hired and ordered to protect the little nun, could have something to do with the "blind eye" nun.
At this time, these barbarians received an order from the little witch from their immediate boss: It is strictly forbidden to enter the ‘artifact workshop’! Because, this is a workshop in name, but in fact it is more like a small wooden building of a little girl's villa. Since it was built today, it is no longer open to the public!
In fact, in Xiao Annie's own plan, it will not be open to the public in the future!
Anyway, in the future, all her foreign business has become professional and profitable customized services. Those who want to equip them only need to pay and register. These little things can be guarded by the barbarians outside. They are responsible.
First collect the money and then register, and then transfer the registration form to Chaxi to make the blank. Finally, after Chaxi has completed the basic blank processing outline, it is transferred to Xiao Annie for the final enchanting process, and then one The equipment is fresh out!
This kind of little thing is not difficult for Little Annie, who is wearing a first-level projection, and is indeed at the level of a big demon in the interior! This is actually like a mathematics doctor returning to elementary school to do math problems. As long as the teachers who gave the problem don’t have convulsions in their brains and do not use the tricks that require a sharp turn in their brains to solve them, they will always not stump others .
"Quiet! It's okay, don't ask, don't rush! Just go to the bulletin board if you don't understand, you don't have eyes on such big words?!"
A barbarian guard with a particularly loud voice strode clanging, arrogantly blocking the gate of the yard and pushing open a group of adventurers who wanted to enter the house, and then swiped a sword at the notice board standing next to it. .
At this time, at the place where the barbarian guards instructed them, in front of their guard doglegs, there was indeed a huge wooden bulletin board that was erected there, with a large piece of sheepskin nailed to it. The paper also wrote in conspicuous handwriting:
From now on, Master Anne’s Artifact Workshop is officially open, professionally tailoring a variety of artifacts for your profession!
Note: This workshop refuses unrelated personnel to enter and visit, and this notice is valid for a long time!
The specific precautions are as follows:
First, this workshop refuses to accept the enchanting business of ordinary magic equipment below the dark gold level. If you need equipment below the dark gold level, please go to the profiteer Gide by yourself, or go to the Akara priest who likes to make wands and jewelry ! Of course, you can also go to the corpses of the demon monsters!
Second, the dark gold equipment business of this workshop will be charged at 50,000 gold coins/piece. The most professional, cutest and fairest enchanting master Anne of the Rouge camp will be tailor-made for your profession. The package is satisfied, anyway, no matter whether you are satisfied or not, there will be no refund! Also, once the equipment is sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged.
Third, the dark gold equipment accepts the suit business, and the price of each piece is doubled on the basis of 50,000 gold. Those who have no money should not come to disturb you. Your Lord Anne is very busy!
Fourth, you guys who have no money, please rest assured, of course the lovely and generous Master Anne has left you a way to survive! That is... From now on, each rune can be exchanged for one piece of professional dark gold equipment in the designated part, and only three pieces of each rune can be purchased, first come first served, no expiration! By the way, there are big discounts for very rare runes, maybe one can be exchanged for three!
Fifth, if you find a variety of particularly rare materials or rare things about enchanting books, rune description books, etc., you can also come here to exchange for dark gold equipment!
Sixth, if you are all right, don't bother me! If you think that you bad guys can beat the dog-legged guards in front of my door, you can just try it out!
Friendly reminder: Those who plan to make a formidable entry should first see what they are wearing!
Seventh, (w) There is no seventh, I will tell you what I missed when I think about it!
Annie Hasta, at Camp Yrog, June 1st, Kehastani Era 1264.
After reading this announcement, almost everyone will subconsciously get to the barbarians who are heavily armed, wearing full plate armor and holding a broadsword, and start to look at the eight guards who are exactly the same, wanting to follow the notice board. It’s written above, look at what the other person is wearing...
Annie's broadswords
Gothic Broadsword
Hand injury: 256-512
Need level: 40
Strength required: 166
Need to be agile: 80
Sword level: general attack speed
+4 combat skills (barbarian only)
+250% enhanced damage
When hitting, there is a 16% chance to cast a level 6 weakening
60% additional attack accuracy rate bonus
Increase life limit by 40%
Steal lives in 8% of attacks
+10 Illumination range
+150% damage to undead
+150% damage to demonic creatures
Anne Doglegs' Armor (Full Body Suit)
Shadow armor
Total defense: 5666
Need level: 40
+7 Barbarian all skills
+50 strength
+50 agility
+50 stamina
+50 energy
+220% defense enhancement
Mana regeneration 25%
+40% quick re-attack
All resistances +65%
12% chance to cast Level 12 Fire Storm when attacking
When attacked, there is a 16% chance to trigger a level 8 attack backlash
Enemy damage reduced by 20%
50% slow down endurance consumption
+30% high speed running/walking
No one knows what artifacts are there in the so-called "artifact workshop" that a little girl has set up. No one knows now. Anyway, what the onlookers outside of them saw were the eight people who were queuing up to guard the gate. The barbarians in dog-leg suits, their equipment and shining swords are enough to explain the general meaning of the word'artifact'!
Anyway, perhaps intentionally, perhaps unintentionally, or deliberately by these savage barbarians, they just stood in place with their heads upright and motionless, allowing the onlookers to get within three steps of them. Focusing on their weapons and equipment attributes, and the closed eyes they hid were so proud to watch those adventurers from shock to sluggish being squeezed away by another impatient person, and then the newcomer became again I was sluggish and pushed away again, and kept repeating like this...
Suddenly, without knowing why, when everyone was shocked by the equipment guarded by several savages, a barbarian with a beard suddenly sat on the ground and cried loudly, and waited until everyone turned their heads with some doubts. When I went there, I could vaguely hear his crash-like voice complaining constantly:
"Woo woo woo... when I get a hundred gold coins, she will have sold a thousand things here..."
"But after I waited for all my hardships and begged grandpa to tell my grandmother to collect a thousand gold, the price of the things here has risen to 50,000... This kind of life is really impossible!!"
"What kind of adventure, what kind of improvement, or what kind of to expel the devil, these are all fake, all are lie! This is actually the world of the rich, and only the rich can be heroes. The poor ghosts from the north are destined to be cannon fodder!"
"No matter how hard you try to improve yourself, it won't be enough for others to cut with a single sword... Sacred tools can be bought with money, what can we expect from these people?"
"What are you looking at? Did I make a mistake?!"
Listening to the nearly collapsed barbarian sitting on the ground wailing like a child, many adventurers also bowed their heads sadly.
That's right, what the barbarian from the north really said is like this...
In the past, before this little girl appeared, no matter how good the background was, he was well-equipped at best, and there were only a few thugs and followers to help! When those people are fighting against evil demons, they are not necessarily better than ordinary adventurers! Moreover, those rich people lack courage and are greedy for life and fear of death, and they are even not as good as those who are born with mud legs and dare to fight.
But now... they can imagine that in this Rouge camp, soon there will be a group of poorly equipped but extremely powerful existences... Maybe they can really use money to make a pile. Come out a great road to the sky! Then, in the battle against the devil, gaining both fame and fortune, or returning home with beauties, smiling at them, the group of poor ghosts struggling at the bottom?
"This world is always like this. When property management, rich and powerful people are indeed easier to get ahead than people like us..."
"Don't complain, and get ready to continue fighting! Here, it's better than when I was at home. After all, those demons carry a lot of good things!"
"Yes, there is also that monastery or Tristram, if you can break in, you will definitely make a fortune!"
"Strike into the monastery and Tristram? Pull it down, do you know how many demons are there?"
"Near the monastery, it is said that there are many thousands of people. As for Tristram, I heard that it is almost becoming a paradise for the undead..."
"Actually, it's still a bit rushing, you have also seen the announcement, that rune..."
"Yeah! Rune..."
"Speaking of that stuff, I seem to have seen it before, right there at the flea market. A few days ago, someone sold it for five thousand gold..."
Soon, many smart-minded people changed their expressions when they heard this, and then seemed to think of something, and began to turn around and sneak away with flashing eyes, not knowing where they were going.
"But no matter what, people don’t need money. As long as the rare materials, books, runes, etc., can be exchanged for equipment, this is already very fair. No matter how poor we are, there are many opportunities for getting ahead. It will be that easy."
"Yeah, as long as you are lucky, just come here to change one, maybe you can treat it as an heirloom!"
"If you sell it, you can also make a fortune!"
"That's right! Then go back and buy a large piece of land, marry a few wives, and be a farmer who can comfortably enjoy a lifetime?"
"This big brother, where on earth are you from and how can you still marry a few wives?"
"This is normal. In our northern tribe, it's like this. The rich can have several wives and give birth to a lot of babies!"
"%¥#! Damn heretics!"
"Weak chicken, what were you just talking about?"
"What am I talking about? What do you want to fight?"
"You paladins of the Zakarum Church are heretics! Don’t think I don’t know, you paladins went to the west to make a fortune after betraying your church, and you kept saying you want Defeat those evil Three Demon Gods, ah! You can lie to the undead if you talk like that!"
"Here! I want to fight you!"
"Come on, who is afraid of whom?!"
Look at the two swordsmen who are facing each other, and then look at a circle of schadenfreude, the crowd noisy and onlookers, and the "blind eye" priest Akara who is in the crowd with Kasha. Sighed slightly.
Sure enough, this is just like what Kasha said earlier. These unruly adventurers are really difficult to manage. They don’t make trouble in the camp a few times a day, and they will never stop. The law and order here has gotten worse!
If they didn't need these people from afar to help fight the demons, I'm afraid they wouldn't let such people enter and leave the Rouge camp casually, right?
"Come on, Kasha, let's go in and see that little guy now..."
In Akara's eyes, these people probably won't be able to fight easily in the end. Like these hard-mouthed guys, most of them come here to mess around. Later, the two will definitely say a few words to each other. , And then punched each other a few times, and then they would disperse soon, don't need to pay too much attention to this kind of thing, they have seen a lot of things.
Nodded, Kaxia didn't think that those guys would dare to make trouble in his camp! From the last time, those who dared to do that were by her and hung on the wall to dry for two days, no one dared to fight with knives and weapons in her camp anymore, at most it was just a combination of fists and feet. , As long as it doesn't kill anyone, she doesn't bother to take care of it.
"Master Akara..."
"Commander Kasha..."
Seeing the two big bosses from the Rouge camp squeezing through the crowd, the barbarians at the gate greeted each other and looked at each other. They tacitly did not dare to stop them, but turned sideways. Put the two in.
"Hey! What do you want to do?!"
Soon, after seeing someone starting to enter, and the guards did not stop it, several adventurers also wanted to follow in to see what rare things were inside.
However, it is a pity that two broad swords with strong rays of light swayed arbitrarily in front of them, and then two tower-like barbarians stood directly in front of them and warned.
"What else can I do, of course I have to go in and have a look!"
"Yes! Get out of the way, man!"
Several adventurers also felt a little inexplicable. What is the situation with these barbarian guards? Why can the two people who are familiar in front of them be able to enter but they cannot?
"Ahhh! Haven't you seen the announcement? The workshop refuses any outsiders to visit!"
"roll roll roll!"
A muffled sound came from behind the fully enclosed plate armor, and then the two barbarian guards took two steps forward, directly suppressing the adventurers who were too close with their huge power, and made the other side keep backing.
"Why can they go in, we can't?!"
"Yes! You are discrimination!"
"I have money! Go in and take a look first, I will buy the things I fancy!"
"Yes! I have money too! I still have runes... But only if I see what good things are in it, we will consider whether to buy it!"
"Haha! You said so, it seems I have it too?!"
Soon, under the leadership of these few people, many people started to make noise, and more people began to follow suit, planning to go in and see what good things in the house opened their eyes. After all, even if you can't afford it, it's good to have a few more glances.
"Huh...who are those two people just now, don't you know?!"
"You can't afford the contents! Also, let alone we haven't warned you, those who cross the line, cut it!!"
After the two savages forced the noisy guys back, they stood back in their own queue again, and then just guarded the gate of the courtyard of the Xiaomulou, clinging to the sword and staring at those who wanted to make trouble. The bastards.
These guys, if they really dare to rush in, they dare to cut people!
"Akara, I finally understand why that cunning little guy wouldn't let outsiders come in..."
When Kasha cooperated with Akara, the two big bosses from the Rouge camp pushed open the front door of the small building, walked past a wooden screen blocking the outside view, sniffing the fresh wood in the air. Coming out, full of the woody smell of the entire hall, when she came to this hall about ten digits wide, she was a little bit dumbfounded and smiled and cursed at Akara who was also on the same face.
Because, now in this hall, the weapons and equipment racks are all empty, there is nothing at all!
Of course, except at the end of the hall, there are two wooden sculptures that seem to be sculpted in the shape of Rogue, wearing armor, holding shields, pistols, and bows and arrows. The place is really empty...
"I knew that little devil would be tricky if he didn't let people come in. Now you see, there is nothing here, everyone is fooled by her!"
Kasha felt that if the guys outside knew this was the situation inside, they would be disappointed, right?
Think about it, this is only a week, a little guy who has been idle for a long time, who also likes to be lazy, the other party can be in such a short period of time to make those eight barbarians who are very capable of bluffing. People's outfits are already amazing!
Kasha even felt that if they had an army of a thousand barbarians of that level of equipment, it would certainly not be a big problem to destroy Andariel, the Queen of Pain, and take back the monastery. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you still have to check the combat effectiveness of the barbarians.
"That's right! Akara, can we let that little guy give our Loggers a batch of standard equipment similar to those of the barbarians outside?"
If there were a thousand Rogers with similar equipment levels as the barbarians outside, she would dare to walk sideways on this land! So, the more she thought about it, the more excited she turned and asked Akara who was very good at making magic wands beside her.
Regarding enchanting matters, you can ask the other party!
"I'm afraid not……"
"Once mass-produced, first of all, the material is a problem...the other is that enchanting is a job that requires very concentration and concentration. It is not sloppy. No one can enchant mass-produced equipment, especially It's high-level equipment."
In fact, Akara was shocked at how little Annie was able to create the weapons and armors equipped on the barbarians outside, the same eight sets of equipment!
Regarding this matter, she felt very unbelievable. This is simply subverting her years of experience. This matter can no longer be described by talent, it is like a miracle...
In fact, Akara now has some doubts about the specific origin of his little Annie!
With a delicate mind, she who likes to think a lot has discovered something different from ordinary people! Because no mortal can reach the pinnacle of enchantment in the field of enchantment from scratch in such a short period of time, even far beyond that of a mortal!
Throughout the thousand years of history of the Kohastani era in the sanctuary world, even the talented Horadim mages, it seems that no one can compare to that little guy, none of them!
From Akara’s own eyes, outside, the things on the barbarian guards are almost not inferior to the weapons and equipment left by the angels in the sanctuary world... A little girl, can Who is the other party to make something far beyond the angels?
This matter, can't help her Akara not think about it!
So, she is really curious now, she really wants to know, what exactly is that little girl? Is it a god... or a demon? But...think about the other party's past performances, but none of them seem to be? The kind of innocence and naive ideas that little girls often show, can't be pretended casually.
There is also, what the other party once said, from the outside world, what does it mean... and where is the ‘outside’? Is it the highest heaven, or is it above heaven?
"No! I must find an opportunity to discuss with that little guy. In any case, our Rogge's power must be strengthened, and the sooner the better!"
Now that she discovered that a certain little guy has the ability to make super equipment of the level of the barbarians outside, how could she easily let it go? Anyway, Kasha had made up his mind, she had to squeeze out dozens of similar sets at least.
Of course, if the situation permits, it would be best to get hundreds of thousands of sets to arm an army!
"Don't worry, Kasha... After we have regained the blood wasteland, we can have time to sort out this matter slowly."
Now they are intensively searching for information and preparing for the war at Camp Rouge. In half a month, they will launch a sweeping operation against the evil cave. At that time, this land that has been raging for a long time will soon be destroyed. They were taken back from the evil demon and will return to their control of Roger!
In this regard, Akara expressed confidence!
Especially after she saw the eight heavily armed barbarian warriors outside, she felt that if those people were borrowed from the little guy by that time, they would be the main force of sharp knives to clean up the demons in that evil cave. , Surely it will do more with less, right?
At that time, it will happen to test the effectiveness of those equipment.
"you liar!"
"Little girl, you actually want to fool me with this tattered thing? No! I must at least look like the equipment on the two statues outside, not this ordinary thing!"
While Akara and Kasha were talking, suddenly, at the end of the hall, the wooden side door suddenly opened, and then two people, one large and one small, arguably walked out of it.
"How is that possible?!"
"You have seen it too. They are actually just temporary enchantments. They are very unstable. Once you put them on, they might explode before you use their power!"
The equipment and weapons worn by the two statues in the hall are actually display items that Annie has messed up with herself. They are really unstable things!
The reason why she put it there is not only fooling people, but also for herself to observe and test their changes every day, and then use this to estimate the gods of the world and she got it from the one-eyed old man Odin. What is the difference?
Therefore, she really can't give out the two sets of equipment casually. If she is not careful, then she will die!
"You are quibbling! I think they are actually very good, especially the Amazon set!"
After seeing something better, Vircher was already a little dissatisfied with the originally good dark gold shield and a one-handed short spear that the little girl had just delivered to him! Because she wanted something better, like the ones worn by the two statues outside and the ones in her hand.
"Centurion Verche? Why are you here?"
Seeing this Amazon warrior who came out and wandered around the little girl and was still arguing, Kasha and Akara were a little puzzled, not understanding what the two men were doing.
"Ha! It's you two guys..."
"In fact, it's nothing, I just reached an employment agreement with this stingy little bastard, and then I am very dissatisfied with her using some tatters to dismiss me!"
In fact, the things she got were really not tattered, but right, there would be no harm if there is no comparison. Compared to the things she just got, it was tattered!
"This...what the is going on?"
When they heard what the other party was saying, Akara and Kaxia became confused as they listened, and they didn't know what the the two guys were up to.
"Forget it, you should look at the things on these two statues for yourself!"
Wilche, who was still stunned with the little girl, did not give any more explanations, but waved to the two of them to come and watch the two sets of equipment worn on the wooden mannequins now at the end of the hall.
They are all wearing the same type of lightweight plate armor, the only difference is probably the weapon shield and bow and arrow.
Thunder Fury (Rune Artifact)
Steel Combination Bow
Hand injury: 666-999
Need level: 30
66% chance of fatal attack
Ignore target defense
+100 points for all attributes
+10 skill level (unlimited occupation)
Can shoot thunder magic arrows without arrows (level 25)
20% chance to trigger Level 25 Lightning Chain (Can jump 10 times)
+300% damage to undead
+300% damage to demons
Knock back the enemy
(Note: The unfamiliar divine text makes this weapon extremely unstable!)
Odin's Thunder (Rune Artifact)
Lightning Spear
One-handed injury: 588-956
Throwing damage: 998-1024
Need level: 30
66% chance of fatal attack
Ignore enemy defenses
+100 points for all attributes
+10 Amazon skills
+400 extra lightning damage
25% hit to steal lives
+30 mana gained after hitting an enemy
20% chance to trigger Level 25 Thunderstorm
+300% damage to undead
+300% damage to demons
Automatic recall after throw
(Note: The weapon is extremely unstable for unfamiliar divine texts!)
Odin's One Eye (Rune Artifact)
Thunder Buckler
Need level: 30
Defense: 1000
+100 points for all attributes
+80% to all resistances
+80% fast block rate
+80% block possibility
Damage reduced by 50%
+100 magic damage absorption
Attacker takes 100 lightning damage
(Note: The buckler is extremely unstable for unfamiliar divine texts!)
Annie's Servant Set (Rune Artifact)
Lightweight plate armor (for women only)
Total defense: 9999
+200 points for all attributes
+10 skill level (unlimited occupation)
+300% defense enhancement
+50% quick re-attack
+80% to all resistances
+20% extra fire resistance
Damage reduced by 100
+9999 life
30% chance to cast a level 25 lava shield when attacked
Wearing demand -100%
Can't freeze
Can not be bound
(Note: The armor of unfamiliar gods is extremely unstable!)
Akara looked at the armor, short spears, bows and arrows and shields worn on the two wooden men who were originally thought to be ornaments. She was full of incredible and shocked. These things can never be wrong to say that they are artifacts. Right?
How could such a thing exist in this world?
Unlike Akara’s shocked and incredible expression, Kasha now has her eyes rounded, her nostrils are breathing heavily, her ears are red, and the blue veins on her neck are also beginning to appear. She has only one head now. Thought: At all costs, even if you use it, you have to grab such a set of equipment and that divine bow Thunder Fury!
Then, she dared to pick the blood bird alone, picked Tristram and extinguished the painful flame Andariel! She believed that with such a set of equipment on the ship, even Diablo would dare to face each other a few strokes and defeat the general sanctuary world, the enemy is not too powerful!
"Annie! What the is this, you actually made this kind of artifact?!"
Kasha and Akara looked at each other dumbfounded, and after seeing the extreme shock in each other's eyes, they all looked at a little girl together! The things on the savages outside are enough to shock them, but now here, it is simply unheard of, let alone see it with your own eyes!
I'm afraid, those angels who came to the world don't have this half of them, right? How can these things exist?
"That's what it means! Don't you see its description? You can only look at these things!"
"They can't be used. In fact, they were randomly created based on the rune knowledge given to me by a strange old man named Odin... They are a little bit different from the runes in this world, so they are Rejected, you have seen the result anyway, they are very unstable!"
Annie felt that the runes and gods of this world must have some similarities with the ones that she got from Odin, but at the same time they also had some differences, which led to them being used for strange gods. Enchanting directly using the world rules, but at the same time being rejected, it will show instability.
Anyway, that's probably what it means!
When Annie used the divine text to get these two sets of equipment and weapons, she already understood that her direction was right. She went upstream from the enchanting knowledge, then studied the rune divine text, and then used the rune divine text directly Enchanting, overcoming those troublesome ordinary enchanting, can achieve her ultimate goal of going out at the first level and hanging the three devil gods!
For example, the lightweight armor, which is actually a bit close to Annie's needs! Once she has thoroughly understood the rune knowledge of this world, it won't be too easy to get a +9999 attribute by then!
She just wants to cheat, she just wants to use the divine texts describing this world to directly steal the power of this world, and then she can do whatever she wants in this world, off the three devil gods or the angels of the highest heaven! Anyway, she wouldn't try to level up stupidly. If she did that, how could the power to steal this world come quickly?
That stupid world defense mechanism also wants to limit the power of her projection, there is simply no door! As long as the world is not perfect and only there are loopholes for her to drill, she can always think of a good solution to the problem, such as now?
"Then how can we stabilize them?"
Among the other three people here, Akara, who is the most knowledgeable and the oldest, quickly recovered from the shock, and said one of the most important key points.
Akara believes that as long as the instability of the two sets of artifacts is, they will slay the demons and wipe out the entire force just around the corner!
"Maybe I need to get most of the runes in this world for comparison! Of course, it would be better to have research data on runes in this world."
"Anyway, you have to know that comparing the runes and divine texts that make up the core of the world is a very complicated thing that takes a lot of time and can't be done casually!"
At the meeting on the earth, Annie had already obtained a full set of runes from the old man of Cyclops, Odin, but that was the rune from Bear Shield Earth, and the world’s rune got the only piece, she still needs It’s too troublesome to say more about typesetting and demolition analysis, these people will definitely not understand!
And once Annie finishes all this, she can make a truly zero-demand artifact at will. At that time, using runes to steal the power of this world is simply not perfect. Just like she used infinite gems when she was on earth!
"I have always collected a set of leaves and a set of memory rune language. They are very well preserved by me, and the six runes have not been inlaid... Later, you will come to me to get them. Let them go!"
After pondering for a while, Akara finally nodded and said the things that he had always treasured.
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