Chapter 481: Tristram

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Tristram is in a mess. In this once prosperous capital of the Kingdom of Kanduras, it has gradually become a paradise for all kinds of demons and evil monsters... Those sheep-headed demons, perish Demons, blade demons, mutated evil bats, skeletons, zombies, huge monsters, and fallen rouge or other human guards, etc., they are still burning in this faintly flame embers, full of evil aura of ruined walls, endless horrors Revel in the ruins of the corpse.
Looking at the broken city of death, Dika Kane, who was leaning against the steel cage, couldn't help sighing again.
Of course he knew why this city evolved into this way. It was because all the sources of evil in this land of the Kingdom of Kanduras, an extremely powerful dark force, they actually originated from the city of Tristram, Appeared from the Zakarram Cathedral in the cemetery outside the city.
That place is not actually the Zakarram Cathedral, but the ancient ruins of Diablo, the fear king who imprisoned one of the three demon gods of hell.
Kane still remembers that around the year 1025 of the Khistani era, with the end of the hunt for the Three Demons, his ancestors of Kane, the Horadim mages, successfully captured the demon God Di in the area of ​​Kandras. Apollo, and in the catacombs near the Tassende River, successfully sealed its soul stone, and built the Heradic Monastery above the tomb to suppress it!
In the era of Kokhastani in 1080, Diablo had been steadily sealed for decades, and the mages of Horadim, who felt that they could retreat with their power, gradually split, and the members began to go their separate ways.
After all, when the older generation of Horadim mages who had firm beliefs and a spirit of sacrifice gradually died, and the new generation of guys who grew up in a peaceful environment and sold their elves, not many were willing to uphold the kind of letting them Incomprehensible faith, and continue to live by guarding the sealed tomb of the devil...
Therefore, the newly born separatist mages, in order not to allow other unknown people to destroy Diablo’s seal at will, and in order to successfully hide the monastery, so they deliberately put their Horadic monastery and The surrounding gathering places were all deserted together, and then they deliberately stayed away from the place incognito and went to other places.
Of course, since there are newly-born separatist wizards, there must be those who are still willing to inherit the excellent qualities of their ancestors, and still willing to sacrifice themselves to guard the demons! Unfortunately, Dika Kane is one of these factions, they have been living in seclusion nearby, monitoring even the abandoned Heradic Monastery.
In this way, the soul stone of Diablo, the King of Fear, was sealed under the ground for more than two hundred years, until a new owner came to this land.
The old life is very long. Kane, who knows that he is still alive, still remembers that year...
There is a guy named Leoric. He came here from the city of Kurast in the Eastern Continent, regardless of the distance, across the oceans...because he obtained territory from the source of the Zakarram faith , And came here to fulfill his legal right to rule.
Most of the deeds of King Leoric when he was in Kurast can no longer be verified.
After all, the other party has been crazy and dead for a long time, completely becoming a past tense, becoming the dust in history, just like those countless great or not great guys...Anyway, it’s what Kane said. I know, most of the people who are still alive, apart from knowing that King Leoric was a devout believer in the early period and a member of the Telanvikan royal family, and in the later period it was the mad king of Tristram and the big skeleton in the tomb. Apart from the king, he basically didn't know anything about other things, and he naturally included Kane himself.
Many things are no longer able to be verified, because their information may have been destroyed in the city of Tristram, which has been turned into ashes. Even Kane himself cannot find them.
Anyway, Kane only remembers...
Back then, the high-ranking council of Zakarum didn’t know why, and suddenly chose Leoric to become the new king of Kanduras, a land that had been abandoned for many years, and asked him to go to the west as soon as possible Territory Kanduras settled here.
So, Leoric dropped the pie in the sky, and then fell under the ecstasy on his head, leading an elite army of the Order of Light formed by many knights, Zakarum paladins and priests. Came here, intending to rely on them to defend and declare his kingship here.
At the same time, he also led a royal armed guard sent to him by his family, as well as his wife Ai Shila, eldest son Aidan and youngest son Abecht, and his confidant, the Archbishop Ra Zarus... just like that, that stupid family plunged into this ruined place without thinking, naively thinking they got a big deal!
Obviously, Leoric, who was dazzled by the joy and easy access to the kingship, actually didn’t know that the High Council of Zakarum sent him and Lazarus to the true land of Kanduras. Intentionally, I don’t even know that the high-level council has long become a minion controlled by Mephisto, and the Quebec Steel Klim himself has been killed and thrown to various places...
Anyway, Leoric was only convinced that the church must send him with sincere beliefs to spread the sect's glory in the West, and he did that at the time.
And the next thing, Kane can't remember clearly now.
Probably when Leoric was busy ruling the new country, that Lazarus was also busy with the real task of his trip to Kanduras: the Hera who instigated King Leoric to desert. The Dirk Monastery was transformed into the extremely sacred Sakarram Cathedral, and his crazy plan was executed in it-the king of fear, Diablo, who had been sealed for more than two hundred years, was released!
Including Kane, all of them were deceived by the honourable and righteous archbishop!
Therefore, this conspiracy-filled declaration of kingship finally succeeded in allowing King Leoric and his family to completely declare annihilation, leaving his kingdom and his family members to be ruined under the conspiracy of the devil. It's clean!
Of course, Diablo successfully broke through the seal and ran out! From this point of view, he Kane, the mages of Horadim, seems to be doing very poorly? But he can't seem to be blamed for this matter. After all, this ancient mage organization seems to be the only one left with him. What can he do when he is weak?
And since Diablo’s conspiracy succeeded and took possession of Prince Aidan, he calmly left the place where he had been sealed for more than two hundred years, Tristram was quickly taken by the demons. The capture... Except for the lucky few who could escape by chance, all the soldiers and citizens of this king's capital, the tens of thousands of living people, all died tragically under the devil's claws, and only left behind The dilapidated ruins in front of me.
Of course, it seems that not everyone is dead here...
Because, in the middle of this ruined city, in this big iron cage, there is still a weak, unkempt face, a thin, awful old man curled up in the corner of the cage!
That's right, this is his Dika Kane, the last remaining seedling of the Masters of Horadim!
But I don’t know why, anyway, until now, those demons didn’t kill him! Their evil existences just kept him in this cage. At most, they would send some demons from time to time to question him about the secrets of the Horadim mages or soul stones?
It's a pity that for the evil demon, the stubborn Kane didn't say much about the truth! He is already half-legged into the coffin, he is not too afraid of death! And those demons didn't seem to dare to use him aggressively, perhaps because they were afraid of accidentally playing an old guy who had been told by the top to be careful? So in the end, they had to hang Kane with a cage on the big wooden shelf of the guillotine, and sent demons to give him food and drink every day. The two sides were in a stalemate...
But in fact, Kane doesn’t like this cage at all. In fact, no one would like to be kept in a narrow iron cage for months, then eat, drink and sleep in this small space. , That is simply the greatest torture in the world!
Had Kane not been used to long-time otaku thinking alone, that is, he was accustomed to being in a daze, and at the same time he still had the blessing of the justice archangel Tyrell on his body, he might have been early Has been tortured to death by the devil's crude way of imprisoning prisoners?
"You're... Griswold? Aha, you're here again to hang out. It's great to be able to take a walk after dinner... My old man, can you still hear me now? ?"
Really boring, Kane noticed a red fat figure dangling over here, just like the iron cage, and jokingly talked to an old acquaintance under his cage.
Actually, it may not be accurate to say that it is an old acquaintance? Because, the opponent can no longer be called a human... the opponent is now just an evil and terrifying powerful demon, or an undead creature!
That's right, the one dangling over here is the poor old paladin Griswold!
At the beginning, after the opponent couldn't wear the gorgeous silver-white armor of the Paladins, he had to retire and become a hardworking and hardworking blacksmith here in Tristram! He was originally planning to lose weight and regain his lost honor. Unfortunately, when he failed to lose weight, he ran into demons and called... So, the other party was like almost most people here. After being able to resist a few times, he died tragically in the hands of endless terrifying demons, and was unlucky enough to be reshaped and resurrected by evil forces, turning into a powerful and vicious leader-level zombie monster!
As for whether the other party maintains humanity or the consciousness and memory during his lifetime, Kane is not sure... Anyway, after studying the other party for such a long period of time, he still doesn't understand this! Maybe, after he died, after the demons resurrected himself as a skeleton mage, he Kane might know?
After hearing the movement on his head, the fat zombie named Griswold did not want to pay more attention to a living person. It just barely raised its head and showed a rotten face toward Kane. With a hideous face and flushed eyes, he roared casually.
Obviously, it has just heard what Kane said!
Moreover, if there weren't other demons guarding here, I'm afraid it might pull the old man out of the cage, bite it alive and eat it to the death?
"very good……"
"It seems that you must have heard my voice, so now you can chat with this old man again. If this continues, after a long time, I may not be able to speak human words..."
"Griswald, think back then... when you were a powerful Paladin, you would definitely not grin at me like you do now!"
"At that time, you were a good and upright guy, even if I knew that I was deliberately using and distorting your Paladin's honor in order to ask you to help me work, I never complained..."
Just as Kane said, he has been locked up here for so long, and he always needs to find someone to accompany him to talk to him. Otherwise, he feels that after being held for a long time, he might even have language skills. It begins to gradually degenerate, and then the mind will become confused, and finally it will be like a living walking dead...If that's the case, it would be better to take him as dead now!
At the present day of suffering, Kane really feels a bit unable to hold on. After all, he is very old now, even with the righteous blessing of the archangel Tyrael, the divine energy maintains his health and guarantees his health. He will not be violated by the evil breath and energy, but... the current prisoner's life is indeed an extremely uncomfortable suffering for him!
Therefore, while you are in Kane, continue your daily routine, chattering against the undead or demons, and he thinks that today he will continue to choose one among broken thoughts, contemplation, and closed eyes. On this difficult day, suddenly, he unexpectedly heard the noise of demons and humans coming from a distance?
The fat blacksmith zombie Griswald obviously heard the movement in the distance, and then, it directly gave up and continued to confront the living person in the cage hanging in the air, but directly turned its head and heard the sound. Rushed out in a big stride.
Then, of course, all the sheep head demons, skeletons, and blade demons who guarded him under Kane began to rush towards the direction of the sound! After all, demons are also intelligent creatures, and they also need entertainment. However, the living people here in Tristram were killed by them, and the only remaining nagging old man was not allowed to kill. , So they have actually been boring for months!
Now, after discovering that there are new lifeless humans invading here, how can they let them go? Especially those blade devils, who have the same root and the same root as the sink devils, but only have different skin colors, but they are also keen on cannibalism, but I really hope that there will continue to be those fresh and tender female Rogue female warriors who will come here again. In that case, they can have fresh and delicious meat to cook, instead of picking and picking among the corpses in the city and eating the rotten meat that is hard to swallow.
Whizzing! !
Whoosh whoosh! ! !
However, in Kane’s surprised gaze, lying on the side of the iron cage, he could only see that the blue magic arrows shot from a distance like this, instantly giving almost all the monsters Clean up, and all the demons and evil monsters, including the fat Griswold, will be shattered by the horrible flash of blue magic long arrow!
The monster that was clamoring and shouting and rushing up just now turned into a whole lot of rotten meat, bone scum and black corpses...
Soon, at the end of the street, there appeared a group of strange guys wearing black cloaks and only leaking the heads of women. They were very interested first after they were able to shoot and kill the escaped or newly appeared demon monsters. He searched the guillotine square where Dika Kane was detained.
Then, as they passed the dilapidated corpse of the fat Griswold, their leader seemed to have stopped, and looked at a certain former blacksmith and old paladin who had died tragically by the opponent.
Kane didn't understand what those people were. He had dim eyes and cataracts. He couldn't see clearly if he was too far away... So he just stood tremblingly in the iron cage. , And tried to stretch out his skinny hand, and waved vigorously at the group of warriors in cloaks in the distance.
"Hey! Heroes, look, I am a living person, I am here, hurry up! Please come and save me!"
"Angels are here, I finally hope you are here..."
"Countless days and nights of torment, you are finally here... Please hurry up and help me open this cage. I can't wait now..."
After taking a deep breath, Kane was as if worried that the other party would not see him, while waving his arms vigorously, he screamed heartily.
Although he didn't know who the other party was, he swept away the demons including the mighty Griswold all at once, but Kane only knew that the other party was definitely not with the demons. Then, the enemy's enemy is a friend, and he will surely save him, the horrible old man who was hung in a mid-air iron cage.
"Heroes! I am here, come and help me..."
"Yes! This is the way, please hurry up?"
As if for fear that the other party would not notice this side, Kane shook the iron cage vigorously while shouting, and took out a copper basin that the demons usually feed him, and kept knocking on the iron. The movement was so great that the originally stable cage began to sway from side to side like a pendulum.
He Kane knows the number of demons in this city! Therefore, after seeing that the other party seemed to have only 21 people, he became a little anxious again, for fear that the other party's rescue would make the demons come back here again. In that case, he would be happy for nothing.
"Oh? So it's you guys..."
When the other party gradually approached, when the dim-eyed Kane barely saw from the shaking iron cage the appearance of the woman headed by the other party and her all-in-one hairstyle, he nodded if he felt a sense of his name. Take a breath.
Since it's an acquaintance, that's great! Sure enough, this old man of him still has a lot of face, and he has always been thought of, isn't this, someone specially risked to come to Tristram to rescue him?
"Ha! Kane, you old thing is not dead, this is really incredible..."
When she reached the iron cage, Kasha did not directly rescue the opponent. While waving her men to alert the surrounding streets, she looked up at the devil hanging on the wooden shelf of the huge guillotine. The old man seems to want to confirm or study how the other party can survive to the present?
You know, when I came here, even Kaxia didn't have any hope. After all, it has been a long time since the last time Roger scouts reported to her, and she always thought that the old guy here was dead! And they came here just to try their luck at the destiny, but how can they think that the other party is really alive?
This matter seems a bit intriguing!
"Little Kaxia, you little guy is still talking like before! Okay, don’t talk about the old days, let me go? You may not know that I was hung here for a long time. It's time..."
Thinking of how he came over this period of time, Kane really feels like being reborn... Of course, you can wait until you go back to write down your thoughts or experience. Leaving this ball cage, leaving this Tristram is serious!
"Go! Put him down!"
Shaking her head, Kaxia also knew that some things were not something she should ask now, nor should she take care of herself. It would be better to just leave this old guy back and let Akara take a good look at this guy!
So, she waved her hand to let people come forward to unlock the chains of those demons, and then carefully put the other party down, and save the other party first! After all, this weird old man was originally their real purpose for coming here.
"at last……"
"Ah! I finally got out of this cage... But Kasha, where did you come from?"
When I saw the black-robed female warriors who seemed to be Roger put down gently, and wielded a gorgeous war bow, they split open the iron that had been imprisoned for a long time, and there was dirt and foul smell everywhere. After the cage, Kane was stunned, and before he had time to take a look at the opposing party's gorgeous bow that soon disappeared into the cloak, before he had time to see clearly, he was carefully supported by another female soldier Roger. Pulled it out.
Then, when he stood on the ground again, he seemed to be unable to stand still, he began to sigh with emotion and asked Kaxia. Think about how much he helped the ‘Blind Eye’ nun back then, Kane really did the right thing! Look, now I am in trouble, and there are still people who risked their deaths to come to rescue. And this is the advantage of having many friends and wide-ranging communication.
Communication or something, in normal times, you may not be able to see it, but look at it now, is it used? That's how he made friends with Kane, regardless of whether he cares about men or women, old or young, good or bad, flying in the sky and drilling in the ground, he makes all of them!
As long as you meet three or two reliable ones, you can save your life at a critical time, just like now!
"Where else can I come from?"
"Roger Camp, the military camp in the Blood Wasteland, it was Akara who made us come!"
Kasha didn’t say that it was actually because a little guy might need this old man, so he sent them to dress up and the 21 people came here as soon as possible. If it weren’t like that, they would not. Will come here so soon, but that is not necessarily true!
"Roger Camp? It's not close to here..."
"Oh! I see... it doesn’t look like you have been on a long distance. Then, you must be from the ancient teleportation formation in the rocky wilderness, right? Not bad, in that case, you can indeed It's been a long way to shorten the distance, and now there are not many people who know that place...It just so happens that I talked to Akara back then."
Seeing that these people weren't like the kind of long-distance travel and the dusty appearance, Kane quickly thought of something, and then, he began to scratch his chin with gratitude and grime. Moustache.
Fortunately, he had talked to the senior priest of Akara from the ‘Blind Eye’ nun about the rocky wilderness. Otherwise, he might be able to be rescued by these guys!
"Okay! Old man Kane, can you go back by yourself now?"
Seeing that the other party was let go by Roger, she picked up a piece of wood from the ground and stood tremblingly, which made Kaxia feel uncomfortable.
Because, she originally had other plans, but now... the other party is like this, maybe, she has to change her plan and the other party back instead?
"Of course! I secretly hid a precious teleportation scroll!"
"I thought I would never use it again... But it may take a while to reset the coordinates... By the way, say it again, where did you come from?"
When he was about to enter anchor positioning coordinates on the reel, Kane suddenly stopped.
Because he suddenly realized that after such a long period of time, he believes that many safe places are no longer safe. Once he randomly messes up, he might bump his head into the pile of demons, and then be dealt with by those cruel monsters. Beat it alive?
"Roger Camp in the Blood Wasteland..."
Looking at the scroll in the opponent's hand, Kaxia finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since the opponent can roll back on his own without their escort, that would be great!
Soon, in the eyes of Kasha and all the watchful Roger and Amazon warriors, the old Kane man, after fiddling for a while, quickly threw out his dirty teleportation scroll and opened it. A small portal that can pass one person at a time.
"Come on, little girls..."
"This is the coordinate that leads directly to the ancient teleportation circle in the Luoge camp. The duration is limited. I think we'd better be faster?"
Before reaching the portal, Kane, who was about to go inside, suddenly stopped, then turned around a little embarrassed and said to the female soldiers around Log.
To be honest, he almost wanted to run directly in by himself, and then completely closed the portal in the first time. If you really do that, then these young people who came to rescue themselves will probably be thrown here by themselves?
"No! Kane!"
"You can go back by yourself. We have a plan. We need to clean up the demons here first, including the Zakarum Cathedral!"
That's right, this is the plan that Kasha had agreed with Cassia and her other sisters before! They took three days to clean up this huge city thoroughly, and then took advantage of the trend to take the source of evil and ruin the Zakarum Cathedral!
At that time, they will use the teleporting scroll given to her by Akara, and then return to Rogge camp.
"Kasha... are you sure, you are not joking? Okay, I almost forgot to ask... In addition to your twenty-one young men, out there... how many troops do you have?"
Hearing that the other party was so confident, Kane asked carefully while looking up at the street that the other party had just rushed into after being sluggish for a while.
In this regard, Kane was a little puzzled...because, apart from the faint roar of the devil from a distance, it seemed...there was no more human activity or battle cry?
There is always something wrong with this... He thinks that since the other party is so confident, maybe there is at least an elite army of tens of thousands? If that's the case, it seems that he doesn't have to rush away, and he can barely witness the upcoming battle to recover Tristram with his own eyes, and witness this epic deed?
"Army? Sorry, there is no army!"
"What you see, these of us now are all of us!"
Although there are not many people in him, there are only 21 people, but Kasha is confident that in this not too big Tristram, with their super high combat power, rapid advance speed and achievable With the continuous fighting ability, they are absolutely sure to clean up this city within two to three days!
Then, they would definitely not let go of the Sakarram Cathedral that was entrenched by evil outside the city! And this is their final trial before they prepare to attack the monastery and prepare to kill Andariel, Queen of Pain.
"Kasha! Are you sure you are not joking? Do you know how many terrible demons there are in this city? Believe me, the ones you just met are just the tip of the iceberg, the corner of the forest! They are! The terrifying degree is far beyond your imagination!"
"And what is even more terrifying is that Zakarum Cathedral!"
"Countless undead, demons, countless dark cultists and evil creatures occupy where...Even, the power of Diablo, the king of fear, transformed the depths there into a burning hell-like apocalyptic scene... Although, The big demon has gone, but there is definitely not something ordinary people can break in!"
Kane couldn't imagine how they dare to face so many enemies with 21 little girls? Now, the best option is to leave with him as soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter how powerful these people are, the endless demons are guaranteed to tear them to pieces!
Think about that poor Griswald. Although the opponent is fat and blessed, he is powerful, and he is still a skilled old paladin, but the result? At that time, when the demons were attacking, they were thrown alive by a group of demons. There was no suspense!
"Huh! Of course we know!"
Kasha looked at this old man with disdain not to leave, and was still trying to persuade them. If she is not sure enough, how can she use her sister's life to make jokes?
However, there are some things, she really doesn't want to explain too much to the other party here, because it is a bit too troublesome.
"I advise you not to be arrogant? Don't let your anger go to your head, look, you are only 21 people now... Also, my portal can only last two more minutes at most, so , Please hurry up?"
Looking at his fairly stable portal, Kane quickly persuaded the Loggers behind him and around him. It's just a mere person, just wanting to fight the devil desperately, that is simply seeking a dead end!
Out of the unbearableness of these little girls, and the other party has just saved himself, so... Kane had to waste his precious time and talk to the other party, if he changed someone he did not know If he opened the cage, he had already used the portal to run away, how could he care for the lives of others?
After all, he only has a portal for escape, and he won't come back when he can't miss it. He definitely doesn't want to be locked in a cage by the demons, absolutely not!
"No! You should hurry up and go by yourself. We won't care about you later!"
"Moreover, we are very clear-headed now, and we know what we are doing! If you don't want to go, just do as you like, but we won't continue to protect you."
After that, Kasha no longer cared about the Dika Kane who was secretly anxious but wanted to persuade them. Instead, he tore off the black cloak that covered the Judgement Armor and the Stars' Fury Bow, revealing it. She is incomparably dressed up.
"Sisters, our hunt is about to begin now!"
"Today, we are going to use the flesh and blood of the demons in Tristram and the bell of the Zakarum Cathedral to ring Andariel's death knell!"
"Strike at full speed! Kill all the demons we can see!"
At last he looked at the dumbfounded old man Kane who was standing in front of the portal with a smile, and then he opened his hand and waved his hand to make the twenty-one golden trial shooters of them swipe through gold. The bright red light rushed towards the dilapidated street in the distance, and soon disappeared here.
"Angels are on...the ones just now...what is going on?"
Just now, Kane only had time to subconsciously glance at the exact same equipment and bow on the opponent, and then... before he could see clearly, he was left here alone.
At the same time, on the other side of the street where Kaxia and the others rushed in, the roar of the demons once again sounded. They seemed to be rushing towards this side at high speed?
Oops, life matters!
Hearing the movement from a distance, Kane was finally agitated. Without thinking about other things, he hurriedly shivered and crawled directly into the blue portal... and then soon, Before countless angry demons refilled the square that had just been swept by Roger and the Amazon fighters, he had cancelled the portal that had begun to be a little unstable.

After the Logger camp recovered from the chaos of the killer bees, in the afternoon of this day, I hope that the archangel Auriel, Akara and a little girl will gather again in this open hood of Akara, and then still As it was many days ago, the two adults sat face to face, while the two little girls happily got together to exploit the hot milk tea of ​​an old guy who had a special offer.
"You angel is so strange, why have you changed your shape again today?"
After sharing a large cup of hot drink with Little Hannah, Annie looked a little curiously at the weird big sister in front of her.
All of them clearly already knew the identity of this angel, so what's the point of the other party changing into this? It's just that, Little Annie felt in her heart that after the other party changed into the appearance of the beautiful big sister, it was much better than the faceless and shameless angel yesterday!
Now the other party looks more pleasing to the eye, which can make the unknown person feel good, and it can also make Annie have the urge to pinch the other party’s beautiful face. She wants to study and study the other party’s current body and its changes. What is the difference after the real angel?
"My pleasure!"
With a cold face, he patted the little hand that a little girl grabbed toward her face in a bluffing manner, and hoped that the archangel Auriel would say without expression.
Yesterday, after such a big ugly, now, even if she wants to be herself or pretend to be a little angelic, she can't hold that face down...Anyway, face or something, she still wants to take care of it. A little bit.
And since the majestic route of the archangel cannot be taken now, it seems a good idea to take the option of being close to the people? In fact, she is doing this now. From now on, she will meet people in this human form, without denying her identity as an angel, just like this, just contact these mortals.
"It feels... it feels like a real person!"
"It's warm and creamy...or else, Sister Angel, are you turning into an angel for me to touch it again?"
The other party turned out not to be a phantom item, but as if they had become a real human being. This situation made Annie very curious!
So, after touching the other person’s face in human form, she wanted to continue to touch the other person’s hand in angel form. Perhaps, that could give her some inspiration and benefit her understanding of the world. ?
"Don't think about it!"
After moving to the side for a while, Auriel refused the other party's unreasonable request only after being a little far away from the opponent!
This little girl is really unreasonable!
If it weren't for the fact that the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, and replaced by another adult mortal who dared to attack her suddenly and touch her face like that, she would have slashed past! Although she doesn't like to use swords very much, and she doesn't have a sword on her body, but Soameyesh of Hope can change into many forms, and smash one or two mortals alive, then there will be no problem!
Akara did not speak, she just silently watched a certain little life treasure interact with a certain archangel, and then began to think about how she would face this noble archangel of hope.
Although the opponent was a little bit so when he played yesterday... But now it seems to have recovered? Looking at the powerful sacred energy in the other party, she felt that this archangel would definitely not be a fake, it was indeed a genuine archangel!
The word ‘one’ seems inaccurate. She Akara herself, seems to have been crooked by some little guy.
"Hey! Do you angels also eat bad belly?"
"In this case, what do you usually eat when you are in heaven, is it good or not? Also, when you are in heaven, who have no faces and no mouths, what do you eat for dinner?"
That's right, now Annie is really interested in angel's body structure, angel food and so on! If it weren't for her own lack of abilities, she would have captured this big sister angel alive, and then stripped off her and studied it!
Anyway, it won’t die if you take a look, right?
"No comment!"
Auriel didn't understand it a little bit. How come there are so many problems, little human beings? She didn't want to discuss the shameful things of eating a bad stomach! Similarly, she did not want to discuss how to eat without a face.
Because, the angels of their supreme heaven, there is no such thing as eating and drinking Lazarus at all!
Their angels are born without eating or drinking!
And before Auriel descended to the world, where would she know that things about mortals could be so troublesome? In addition, a certain number of people like Archangel Tyrael and Archangel Aris had never told her about this kind of thing, otherwise, she wouldn't be so embarrassed as she is now!
"OK then……"
"Then what props or skills do you use to transform into a human being, can you always show it to me?"
Since the other party didn't want to say those things, Annie didn't want to go into it, but she was really interested in the props or skills that the other party could turn into a real-looking human! Because, it will definitely help her understand the world.
"No way!"
Auriel was already a little impatient.
This little guy, ever since he came in, has been wandering around him, and now he asks this and that, all the countermeasures she had planned before facing this Akara have been mixed up, and she is now , Some are not so good to use that tougher method.
"Why are you so stingy?!"
This doesn't work, don't say that, even if you don't even touch, Annie is really angry!
How could this guy be so stingy? Isn’t it all in the book that angels are helpful and don’t ask for anything in return? But now, the other party is nothing like the angels she had seen in the book before! This guy in front of me, maybe it's fake, like... Wa'gky?
I hope that the archangel Auriel is not talking, just sullenly, watching the angry little girl next to him, and beware of things like that the other party suddenly rushes on to make a mess.
"Alright, Annie... don't bother your Excellency the Archangel Auriel..."
After comforting the little guy and letting him sit down quickly, Akara shook his head and looked at the archangel of hope who was visiting again.
The other party will come here again, and Akara is actually prepared.
Yesterday, a certain archangel was embarrassed, and she still has a deep memory now... It's just that because a little girl who likes to be stubborn and messy suddenly made a move, everyone ran away in an instant... Then, the danger is, After all, a certain archangel did not show more ugliness in full view, and after having enough time to sort out his own affairs, today, when the other party has completely recovered, he really came to her again. .
"Excuse me, Lord Auriel, do you need a drink?"
After sorting out his thoughts a bit, Akara smiled and picked up the hot water bottle in his hand, and planned to pour a cup directly for the other party.
"No! I will never drink these things from your mortals again!"
Auriel immediately shrank back when he saw the opponent's movements, and then firmly reached out and pushed away the strange things that the opponent had poured most of his empty glass into.
She, who has already suffered so much, will never touch these things again, she swears!
"Akara, I'll tell you secretly, she actually...because she has a bad stomach that makes her look like yesterday! They are so pitiful angels who can't eat our human things!"
After ridiculing the opponent loudly, Annie leaned forward and snatched the cup in front of the opponent in the vigilant gaze of the opponent, and then took it in front of her before carefully adding a piece to it. Those sweet loot.
In fact, what Auriel wants to say is: their angels, not only can't eat mortal food, but also won't eat any food! They are a combination of pure soul, energy and spiritual will, in fact, they don't need to eat anything!
But, for this kind of thing, she didn't want to explain too much to a little girl who wouldn't stop when she asked a question.
"Next time, can you please stop doing that dangerous thing?!"
Seeing the two little girls who were eating and drinking in their tent again, Akara sighed helplessly. Of course she knows that a child is naughty, but... she has a headache like this kind of bear child who can be dead...
Think about that scary little bug, and then think about the chaos that the other party caused to the camp yesterday, Akara doesn't know what to say. She didn't understand. How could two cute little girls dare to do things that adults would not dare?
She had heard that the two barbarian warriors who were in charge of protecting each other were forced to jump into the river. They were not stung to death by bees, and they were almost drowned alive!
"Why? Where is it dangerous again?"
Annie doesn't quite understand what the dangerous thing the other party is referring to is. Recently, she hasn't done any dangerous things, just playing. Where is there to worry about?
"You know what I'm talking about, those killer bees...?"
Seeing that the other party still wanted to deny, Akara could only sigh.
This little guy, if she just went to play and make trouble with the children, she would not have asked, even if the children came to her in a group to file a complaint! Because, those behaviors, in her Akara watch, are still normal, at most, it is just a little bit mischievous, not a big deal.
Originally, she was a little worried that the other party would have no friends, but now that the other party can still be so good with this good boy named Johanna, she is a little relieved.
But, she would never allow her to appear again for the fact that the other two went to dig out their beehives! Had it not been for the two barbarians who appeared in time and carried the pot, attracting the attention of the bee colony, I am afraid that they would never be better with the two little guys!
Therefore, she didn't want to see this kind of thing a second time.
"It's not dangerous at all! Look, neither of us was stung!"
Little Annie pulled at herself and the little Hannah beside her, and then began to smile proudly.
She has always been cunning and cunning, how could she be stung by those bugs, it definitely does not exist! Anyway, she has 10,000 ways to escape the hunting of those little animals, and mislead the other's hatred to others!
"Well, let's talk about business first..."
Akara, who felt a little helpless for a certain little girl with a bad personality, could only take a deep breath, and turned his head helplessly to look at a certain archangel of hope who had been silent.
"Your Excellency Auriel Archangel, may I ask... this time, is there anything important for you to come to our Rouge camp?"
Now, Akara wouldn’t believe that the other party was talking about investigating the things about Diablo and King Leoric, and she reported from Loggers these days about the other party’s peeping at the artifact workshop. Look, she faintly guessed something.
This is also thanks to what happened yesterday. Now, she is much harder for this archangel, and she no longer has the strange feeling of shock and awe when she saw it yesterday.
After all... an angel who can have diarrhea, if you think about it seriously, the other party seems to be almost the same as the humans in their sanctuary world, and there is nothing remarkable?
In this case, those sense of awe and so on are obviously unnecessary. Now, she only needs to talk to the other party frankly and openly, as an equal, just like the high-ranking pastor of Zakarum Church that the other party had just arrived here a few days ago. same.
"Of course there is!"
"Your Excellency Akara, I won’t be circumspect! It’s like this: I’m very interested in the strange rituals performed in your house! I also like to know how you can make that kind of barbarian guard. The equipment? And the energy burst at a fixed time every morning?!"
Anyway, now that his identity is public, Auriel doesn't plan to observe it slowly, and directly uses his identity to coerce the other party. She believes that she will investigate the energy fluctuations by herself. As long as the other party is not performing any evil ulterior rituals, she will definitely give herself an explanation!
She does have the ability to oppress each other now!
Just as the three demon gods of will not be killed, her archangel, even if defeated by a mortal in this sanctuary world, will not die! Of course, she can feel that the other party will not be an enemy of her, and she also does not want to be an enemy of these mortals!
In fact, Auriel felt that among all the archangels, among all the members of the Angliss Council, she was the one who was the closest to and the most harmonious with mortals! Because she hopes the archangel Auriel, when the demons are ravaging the world, she deliberately teaches these mortals how to use hope and divine power, so that they can find the light in their hearts and use hope under the raging evil. To defeat the evil that deceives people's hearts!
Auriel firmly believes and sees that from those Loggers: As long as you still have hope, you will not be deceived and depraved by evil!
In the past few days at Camp Rouge, she was vaguely touched by the sacrifice and fearless spirit of the female Warriors Rouge. Even women in the mortal world can do so much and get rid of evil from this rich land. ... Then, why can't she, the archangel of hope, also learn from the archangel Tyrael or the archangel Aris?
And those female warriors of Roger who are full of hope are exactly what Auriel wants to see!
"This one……"
Hearing this, Akara looked at a little girl embarrassedly...These things are actually not a secret in the camp, and the other party should have inquired about it the other day, right? So, what is it that makes this archangel feel that they are actually doing a certain ceremony?
"Where is there any ritual in my house? It's just that I am enchanting with runes!"
Before Akara could say it, Annie, who was eating and watching the conversation between the two, burst out with a grin. She didn't understand, what the whole camp knew, why this strange angel had to make it so complicated?
"I do not believe……"
Auriel held a skeptical attitude towards the cunning little guy next to him, let alone believing him.
"It was like that!"
I am enchanting equipment on time every day, and I will be busy for two hours at most. Why is it as complicated as the other party's imagination?
Auriel is not talking just so sternly, squinting at a little girl.
"Well...Ms. Auriel, since you don't believe it, you will live in that house starting today?"
"Anyway, your tent is also broken... and, if you can't entertain you properly, it will make us feel sorry..."
Anyway, Akara now feels that there is nothing to hide, because those are indeed things that everyone in the camp knows. In addition, she faintly wanted to win the help of this powerful archangel of hope, so... she made this amazing arrangement.
Moreover, she also intends to show off to this angel their current martial arts in Rouge camp, especially the magical enchanting ability of Little Annie! In that case, she also wanted to see how this angel would react?
After all, some things will be exposed sooner or later.
"Huh?! I don't want to live with this idiot who can have diarrhea when eating!"
Frozen, Annie stood up again and protested loudly.
Akara closed his eyes and silently rejected the opponent's protest and dissatisfaction. Anyway, there are so many empty rooms in that wooden house, and she will live in Akara this time!
Damn little human!
Seeing that his goal was achieved, Auriel didn't say anything more, just glared bitterly at a certain little guy, and then, also received the fierce eyes from the other guy...

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