Chapter 483: (Д)︵What do you want

The last descendant of the lone seedlings of the Mage Horadim, the bearded and bald-headed Dika Kane and the little girl who just rushed into this Akara’s tent by himself are looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Except for the brief introduction that Akara just made for the two of them, no one spoke first.
Kane didn't want to speak, because he never thought that the talented Roger he just promised to teach would be such a small thing?
He felt that Akara must be joking, he must be! ?
After all, in his own view, the knowledge of runes in the sanctuary world is a very profound subject! Although there are only thirty-two, each rune and the meaning represented by each figure have profound meanings that humans cannot fully understand so far! It can not only be used in the sanctuary world of Saint Huyari, but also exist in the highest heaven and the burning hell. It is the highest profundity that composes the entire world, there is no one!
Think back then, the mages organized by their Horadim had spent several generations of effort, but they had collected and systematically researched out their writing and depiction methods, as well as the 78 usable Rune Languages. It's just a combination.
As far as he Kane knows from them, if he wants to successfully draw a rune and enable it to have powerful power, the requirements for a rune mage are very high! Whether it is the strength of mental power, the strength of mana, the basic skills of drawing, and the selection of runes, these factors are indispensable!
And this is why most of the runes circulating in the sanctuary world and even so far are carved on a kind of white stone! Because the thing called the pseudo-world stone, the precious white ore contaminated with the atmosphere of the world stone, is the best material for carrying runes! And once they switched to other materials, the Horadim mages found that their success rate of portraying would be horribly low.
As for the combination of Rune Language, it is even more mysterious...
Those four series, a total of seventy-eight sets of Rune Language, were the most valuable and effective combination found by their Horadim mages after countless hard attempts!
Moreover, Kane also saw from their ancient books that the combination of 78 Rune Languages ​​is far from the culmination of rune applications! Because, the Horadim mages vaguely discovered that, in addition to combining and bursting out powerful power, those runes may also be the core of this world!
It is a pity that the power of mortals is limited, and the mages of Horadim are no exception...Those pioneers, who have spent their entire lives, have not been able to take a step forward or half a step in this great conjecture... They, in the end, could only stop in the seventy-eight sets of Rune Language, and then the entire organization of the Horadim wizards quickly fell apart.
Regarding the application of the language of runes, Kane said that he himself has done a little research. For example, to form a language of runes, "The Heart of the Lion King", it needs no enchantment, but has been engraved with the corresponding enchantment patterns and three-groove armor. , If the three runes of Haier on the 15th, Loum on the 17th, and Farr on the 19th are stably inlaid on the armor according to the order and time requirements, you can get the lion based on the original attributes. Heartland Rune Language Effect:

Lion Heart
Requires three groove armor
Haier Lum Farr
Requirement level: 41
+20% enhanced damage
Demand -15%
+25 strength
+10 energy
+20 stamina
+15 agility
+50 life
All resistances +30

In Kane's view, this attribute is very good!
Of course, this is just a rune language inlaid with ordinary three runes, and there is a more powerful rune language in Kane's mind! That kind of powerful combination often requires five powerful runes to combine!
For example, if you have all the necessary runes, and a rare long handle or sword weapon with five grooves, then you can form an artifact-level ‘destruction’ weapon!

Need five-groove long handle/sword
Vax Luo Bei Joe Co
Requirement level: 65
23% chance to cast a level 12 volcano when hitting the target
5% chance to cast a level 23 lava boulder when hitting the target
100% chance to cast a level 45 meteorite when you die
15% chance to cast a level 22 new star when attacking
+350% damage
Ignore target defense
+100-180 magic damage
Steal 7% of mana per hit
20% probability decisive blow
20% chance to double strike
Prevent monster self-healing
+10 agility

Take a look, this is the great result of the study of runes by the mages of Horadim; this is the power of the use of runes and the language of runes! The five runes are combined according to the order and certain requirements, and one artifact is in hand. Does it seem simple?
Unfortunately, sitting up is extremely difficult...
It is precisely because of this that Kane feels weird and funny about Akara letting such a little guy who may not even understand the words to learn Runes and Rune Language from him! He suddenly felt that Akara was confused? In comparison, I am afraid that Kane himself is a little older, right?
What's more, his Kane was still tortured by the demons alive in Tristram for several months, and his mental and physical conditions were far inferior to him.
Annie didn't speak either, she was looking curiously at the strange old man who was said to know everything.
The other party should have been washed yesterday. He is no longer the disgusting old man who smells stinky poop. Instead, he has become a thin and shriveled old man, and he seems to have one blind eye? Anyway, the other party looks pitiful now. Fortunately, Sister Kaxia and the others rescued each other in time. Otherwise, maybe they would die at some point?
However, Annie doesn’t want to worry about this now, she just wants to get the knowledge about runes she needs from the other’s mind, and then...then what he loves to do, she doesn’t. Continue to play with this kind of weird old man, it is meaningless!
"Little girl, what are you doing looking at me like this?"
I don’t know why, Kane always feels that he is straightened by the little guy in front of him. The other’s eyes are very cunning, just like a little devil, not at all like the naive and ignorant little girl. Look like.
So, in doubt, Kane tentatively asked such a sentence.
"It's nothing!"
"I just want to know, why the demons did not eat you on the spot and let you live until now?"
For this matter, Annie is really a little surprised.
Because she had heard Flavie and the Loggers say that none of the people who fell into the hands of the devil could come back alive! Many Rogers were thrown into the cauldron by those evil sinking demons and boiled. And like the thin old man who doesn’t have any flesh on his body, the demons shouldn’t let him eat even if they dislike him. The other party has been alive until now, and he has been rescued, right?
Anyway, Annie felt that the other party was suspicious, there must be a problem!
"Who knows, old man, I am not a demon, how do you know what they think?"
"It's a bit strange to say, those demons, at the beginning, they often sent some demons who could speak our human language to interrogate me about the Soul Stone, but since then, they never came to ask again."
"The reason why I can live till now, maybe it is really a fluke..."
In fact, Kane didn’t care much about the little girl in front of him, but after seeing that Akara who was pretending to be drinking was also paying attention to the situation here, he could only sigh and reluctantly explained. Such a sentence.
Then, thinking about the tragedy in Tristram, he couldn't help but shook his head and lowered his head. It can be said that after Diablo, the King of Fear, was released, in the tragic city of Tristram, the original citizens were almost out of ten!
By analogy, it must be a similar situation in this land of the Kingdom of Kanduras, if it is ravaged by demons, right? The millions of people in the entire huge kingdom, apart from the fact that the blood wasteland was sheltered by the Loggers and survived, how many other places could survive?
"No! I think it might not be like that!"
Little Annie said suddenly and confidently, nodding her head from time to time.
"Well, what do you think... Your Excellency Sister Anne?"
Seeing that the other person's performance is almost like a little adult, Kane joked a little bit dumbfounded.
I don’t know why, Kane saw this little girl’s naive but very cunning eyes, which always made him a little uncomfortable... Originally, this feeling was not too obvious just now, but now, Kane felt as if he was being stared at by a certain demon?
"I'm not a little nun, I'm an arcane mage! Sisters or something, they are obviously talking nonsense!"
Annie herself would not be any inexplicable nun. In addition to being a powerful arcane mage, she was the great Queen of the Flame, the cute lord of the Flame Alliance, the head of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District, and Huo. The honorary professor of Gwarts, the big brother of the Bear Shield and the major shareholder of the chairman, etc...
Anyway, it's definitely not a nun!
The nuns are just the titles Akara and Kashya have imposed on them. She has never said that she wants to join them in that strange ‘blind eye’ monastic order!
"Arcane Mage... A mage who studies the profound meaning of the world? This is the first time I have heard of this novel term, but it is indeed very vivid..."
"The ancient wizards in our Hradeim Wizards' Guild, don't know if they count?"
After hearing the little girl's words, Kane was a little surprised, and then he muttered to himself. It was the first time that he heard the strange word'Arcane' from someone else's mouth. Maybe it was possible. Is it a new school of wizards?
Thinking about it, Kane started to think again.
Being able to fall into thinking anytime, anywhere, without anyone else, is the latest skill he Kane learned during this period of being captured and imprisoned by the devil, otherwise, he himself would not be able to persist until now.
"Ahem! Kane?"
Seeing that an old guy started to fall into contemplation, Akara glanced at the other side and shook his head, pretending to cough to remind him.
"Ah! Sorry..."
"By the way, kid, where did we just say?"
After finally regaining his senses, Kane smiled awkwardly at Akara, and then turned his head to look at the little guy who was standing in front of him, who was said to be coming to learn runes with him.
Later, he must first test the opponent well, if the foundation is too poor, even if he offends Akara, he will definitely not teach! Because if you don't have a certain foundation, you won't be able to teach no matter how you teach, and it's just a waste of time.
"We just said: The reason why you haven't been eaten by the devil is because you are too old and don't have much meat on your body, so the demons want to raise you for a while?"
Blinking her eyes, Annie began to grin wildly.
This old guy looks a bit abnormal, his memory is declining, and he is developing in the direction of Alzheimer's. Therefore, she is very worried, did the other party forget the knowledge of those runes? But don't just save an old fool and come back. If that were the case, then she might be happy for nothing.
The movement on Akara's hand froze for a while, and then continued to drink his own things, still sitting quietly on the side.
"Is that so?"
Kane felt that just now, what they were talking about shouldn't be this...
But, anyway, these are just trivial things, and he doesn't plan to continue pestering this little girl.
"Hey! Grandpa Kane, can I ask you one more thing?"
Suddenly thinking of something that made her wonder, Xiao Anni leaned forward so thiefly, then opened her big talking eyes and looked at each other so cutely.
"of course can!"
Kane thought that the other party was going to ask Akara to teach him about the knowledge of runes, so he sat up slightly, and planned to take a good look at the other party's ability to let Akara come here. Tell yourself about this?
Now, he is ready.
Although, I just had a good night's rest, Kane felt that his energy is still strong now, and it would not be a big problem to barely deal with the questions asked by a little girl. After all, Duo Fan Zuo is just a little girl, so what profound questions can he have?
"I want to know: What exactly did you eat to survive? For so long, do those demons find something for you to eat every day?"
That's right, Annie, who is a snack food, thinks of it at this time, of course, is related to eating! For a prisoner who was caught by the devil for several months, she really wanted to know what was delicious in that time.
"This... believe me, you definitely don't want to know... it will be a terrible nightmare in my remaining life..."
Originally, Kane almost wanted to hypnotize himself to forget about this, but now, a certain little girl made him recall it with a bit of pain.
Suddenly, he remembered his food during the months when he was captured, and then his face gradually turned pale, his stomach seemed to be rolling violently...
In fact, at the beginning, although the demons would find him a little food from time to time, it was still normal bread, bacon, or cheese, which was left over by the citizens of Tristram... and then, to In the later period, his daily meal was upgraded. It turned out to be the kind of luxurious worm meal rich in protein and chicken flavor that was burned by the demons?
When he just changed his meals, before he figured out the specific source of them, Kane himself actually ate happily every day, because they were nutritious and delicious, and only needed a small plate for him to replenish for a day. The heat and continue to live.
In this regard, Kane was pleased for the demon's humane treatment of captives?
Later, when he Kane saw some familiar things crawling all over from the corpses of the citizens of Tristram who had died under the claws of the devil under his own cage, he never I never thought about it, and wanted to go on a hunger strike to protest... But as a result, his food is still those grilled insects that are rich in protein and exude an attractive fragrance. There is a large plate every day, and it is getting bigger every day. only!
So, he Kane didn't want to say much about this sad question, he couldn't even think about it! Otherwise, how could he still be hungry to the skin and bones under the condition of excellent food treatment?
Although both Akara and Annie were dissatisfied with the stubborn Kane's refusal to explain the treatment of the demon diet, in the end, they did not question each other excessively.
"You guy is not fun at all!"
"Then let's hurry up and write all the graphics and descriptions of the thirty-two runes you know, and the combinations of the language of runes to me!"
Annie became a little impatient. After solving the matter, she still had to concoct the Johanna who wanted to betray the organization again, but there was no time to grind here with this innocent old man!
However, what made Annie feel angry was that after the other side looked at herself for a while, he even shook his head and said to Akara:
"Akara, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to arrange this little guy to learn runes from me... You may not know that whether it is rune or rune language, it is a very mysterious and advanced magic knowledge. The requirements of scholars are very high...and now this little guy, she probably hasn't even understood all the words, right?"
This is why Kane feels that Akara is messing around now!
The other party would send a child who was still in school to learn from him the most profound knowledge of the Masters of Horadim. In his opinion, it was absolutely ridiculous! Kane thinks, just this little guy in front of her, at least, she still needs to go back and study for 20 to 30 years before she is qualified to study runes with her own advanced research notes?
"You thin, bald old man, don't look down on people!"
Seeing that the other party dared to look down upon herself like this, Annie became angry on the spot!
Regardless of her enchanting skills or the study of runes, Queen Anne is the top existence in the Rouge camp! Those Roger and the adventurers, can't wait to catch them every day, crying and asking themselves to enchant them with one or two good things, where is it like the other party said, can't even recognize the words?
Her body is constantly proficient in language, and no matter which world she goes to, she can quickly understand the other party's words and language! Moreover, even if she does not know the language, she has countless other means to quickly master unfamiliar languages ​​and characters, so she will definitely not be the illiterate little girl the other party said!
Kane is not talking, however, his expression has betrayed him! He just looked down on the little girl in front of him, and he was not willing to waste time giving his rune knowledge to the other party to mess around.
"Akara, take your pen for me!"
Feeling uneasy, Annie pulled the rag hat in front of her from a shelf of the Akara tent, and then lifted the brush to sketch on it.
"Give you!"
Soon, in less than ten seconds, Annie finished the sketch and threw the dirty hat in front of the opponent bitterly.

Know how
Otter Sol
Defense: 4
Durability: 12 of 12
Requirement level: 27
+1 all skills
+10 energy
+2 points of mana gained after every enemy killed
Lightning resistance +30%
Damage reduced by 7
+2 Illumination range

"This is impossible!!"
Kane screamed on the spot because he saw something illogical: a little girl used an enchanting pen to draw a rune language on her cold-proof felt hat—'Knowledge '? If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it, would he?
Or, he felt that he must have not woken up yet? Otherwise, how could such an absurd thing happen? That's right, it must be like this! It is absolutely impossible for this little girl to easily do what the ancient Horadim mages could not do, it must be impossible!
In the most glorious period of Master Horadim, only those rune masters were able to draw runes on stones of non-specific materials and make them work to a limited extent! But now, this little girl, under his Kane's eyelids, in a short breath, painted a combination of ‘knowledge’ on his hat? !
"It's possible!"
"Stop talking nonsense, give me all your research materials on runes immediately! Including all the rune patterns and all the rune language combinations you know!"
You only need to know the correct combination of patterns and rune language, and Annie can naturally study it herself. There is absolutely no need for this stinky old man who dares to underestimate herself!
Kane ignored the little girl, just kept flipping through his hat, seeming to want to see how the two runes were drawn?
"Some things, you will understand later, now, as we said before, give her what Annie needs?"
At this time, Akara couldn't stand it anymore.
After reaching out to signal Little Annie not to worry, she persuaded Kane, who was still in shock. Now there are so many new things in their Log Camp, and there is even a living archangel of hope here! But now, Akara didn't want to talk too much to the other party, for fear of accidentally scaring this old friend who had just escaped.
"Although I still can't understand... But, Akara, I will follow what we just said... It's just that the ancient books that record those contents have long been destroyed in Tristram, so if I rewrite If it comes out, it may take at least ten days and a half months..."
"Don't worry, it's really not that I'm trying to shirk... Akara, you have to know, thirty-two runes and seventy-eight sets of rune language, as well as the connection and deduction between them, etc., I You must remember to write it down."
After staring at the little girl standing in front of him with his intact right eye that hasn't had cataracts for a long Kane sighed a little bit desperately.
He suddenly felt that after he was imprisoned for a few months, how could things in this world suddenly change, making him a little bit unable to understand?
"Then happily decided!"
"Remember, grandpa blame, I will let someone come to you to get the book in five days. If you dare to do bad things, you are dead!"
After that, after making a face at the other party, Annie turned around and ran out impatiently.
"Akara, that little girl, what is she...?"
After a while, Kane recovered from the state of despair.
"Don't ask, Kane, you should cultivate well in the past few days. When that happens, you will understand some things yourself."
Regarding Anne's matter, Akara did not want to say more.
Anyway, after a while, after Kasha and the others come back, everything will be clearly displayed in front of each other. At that time, there is no need for her to say anything, this wise old friend, this Horadim Those who are descendants of the mage, the university, will naturally know.
"Well, maybe I really need to rest for a while..."
After a blow from these things today, Kane suddenly felt a little sleepy. As Akara said, after being tortured by the devil for so long, he really needs a good rest for a while.

Didn’t you say it last month? This month’s update is unstable, starting today
( ̄▽ ̄)~?
I came back at 18 o'clock in the afternoon, and hurriedly rushed 7000 words, without modification...
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