Chapter 487: The melee at Camp Roger

Now the Logger camp is getting more and more deserted, because, apart from the mixed old and new Logger female archers who are stationed here with less than three thousand people, there are only some helpers and nuns in the Chaxi Blacksmith's shop. A small number of outlying members of Kane, Archangel Auriel, and her apprentices can freely enter and exit the military camp, while other refugees and adventurers have moved to various towns around the camp Went with the village.
Recently, a little girl feels more and more lonely, because her sister Anne hasn’t come out of that wooden house for a long time. Even if she wants to go in, it’s impossible. Those guards, except for Cha Outside the West, no one is allowed to enter, including her, Qiao Hannah!
   "Teacher Auriel, do we have to practice like this every day?"
   After completing today's basic physical training, the little girl Johanna started those boring basic exercises again. There are only a few movements that come and go. Now she can make standard gestures with her eyes closed.
   So, after posing her own posture, she was a little distracted while practicing while asking in a tone of expectation.
   "If you don't practice like this, then how do you want to practice?"
   Hearing the little girl's question like this, the archangel Auriel frowned in confusion.
   Although this little human girl is a little stupid, a little stupid, but Auriel still likes the other person. At least, the other person is relatively obedient during this period? And another human little girl, Annie, is a little different. The naughty and lawless little guy is simply a disaster... Sometimes when she is teaching her little apprentice, the other party always inadvertently messes up. Distorted what she said, and more importantly, was there such a twist on what the other party said?
  So that, once let her education work become passive, she had to find ways to change places to avoid the opponent every time she trained!
   Of course, there is no need to hide for this period of time.
   Because, the other party is now working on some kind of powerful weapon, and also said that they are going to study the whole set of runes in this world... Therefore, the other party has no time to come and disrupt her teaching activities. However, looking at the small wooden building in the distance that was heavily guarded by the trial shooter, Roger and the barbarian guards, Auriel couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help but feel a little worried...because the opponent made it. The movement was a little bit louder, and even ordinary people nearby could almost feel it.
Therefore, of course Auriel can clearly feel that the energy fluctuations made by the other party are like invisible tidal waves, sweeping wildly around, every time she sweeps her own body, she can always She couldn't help but frown.
  This kind of movement is too obvious to the angels who are in the form of pure energy, soul and spiritual will! If it hadn’t been for Auriel to know what the other party was doing, I’m afraid she would really think it was a powerful demon who stole out, or else, it’s the evil rituals of human beings. Right?
   Although he knew what the other party was doing, Auriel couldn't help but faintly worried. Because this kind of powerful energy fluctuation, if one accidentally loses control, it will definitely be a huge disaster!
Thinking of this camp, the safety of everyone around, and even the survival of the entire shelter world are tied to the hands of a carefree little girl. Once the other party makes a mistake or shakes hands, it will be flooded with that powerful energy. Below, the power that bursts out, it must be amazing! Therefore, Auriel has been worried for a while...
   But, she didn't dare to break in casually to interrupt or stop the other party, because in that case, it would only be more dangerous than she feared! Maybe, once it was interrupted, it would immediately cause an irreversible event?
   So, besides teaching her pupils on time every day and waiting silently for some unpredictable result, she can do nothing, and she also doesn't dare to go in casually and disturb her.
   "Sister Annie told me that the more powerful swordsmanship, the more beautiful you will be!"
"She also told me... the more powerful the sword, the more shocking it will be when it hits? Like the kind of sword energy that is littered, jumping up and down, and the sword body glowing? Then a sword cut it over, Can the devil and the earth be cut in half?"
Because, Qiao Hannah once heard her Miss Anne described to her a kind of powerful swordsman in the world of fighting game machines. Before they were ready to use swordsmanship, they all shouted, for fear that others would not know he was going to prepare. It’s the same attack, and then it puts on a special move to let the endless energy converge on the sword, and the whole world is blinded for a moment... Then, it rushes towards the enemy, even if the enemy is blocked, it can’t be blocked. Live, at least have to go to the blood of a small half grid?
   Although Johanna doesn’t understand many words, she agrees with the saying that the more powerful swordsmanship is, the more beautiful she is! Anyway, it's definitely not the way it is now. Coming and going are just a few small movements, and she has practiced for a long time and is very proficient.
   "It's nonsense! The thing that can stab the enemy to death with a single sword, why do you throw your sword qi, jump up and down, and the sword body glows to split the earth... Isn't that a waste of your own strength and being stupid?!"
   Whether it is using sound and light magic or pouring power into the sword, it is a waste of own energy, no warrior will choose to do it at will!
   "Johanna, listen to me, whether you are facing an enemy or a devil in the future, you only need to pay attention to one thing: use your fastest and least effort method to solve your enemy!"
   "Now what I give you is the best swordsmanship in the world! Your sister Anne's words, please don't listen to them, she is just kidding you!"
   "Okay, now concentrate on continuing to practice and raise your hands!"
   After saying this, Auriel shook his head and said no more.
Now this little guy is only five years old and he has no own opinion at all. It is normal to be easily influenced by other people's opinions. In the future, when this little guy reaches the adult age of a mortal, she will naturally understand that Olier is today. The value of what is taught.
   "Huh? Wow!!!"
When Johanna was sullenly responding and was about to continue repeating the boring training she had to carry out every day, suddenly, she saw several golden beams of light shining straight from the sky to the ground not far away. The light emitted by the strong golden beam made her feel very beautiful!
   "Teacher Auriel, look, what is the light over there?!"
Qiao Hannah can't take care of training now, showing that she stared at the upright beams of light not far away that were shining straight on the outside of Sister Annie's Xiaomu Building, and then hurriedly pulled the skirt of the big angel teacher next to her. , His little face was full of surprise and excitement.
   She didn't see what was wrong with those light beams, she just thought it was beautiful, amazing and fun!
   Without the reminder of her little apprentice, Auriel saw those visions in the distance for the first time, and she even knew exactly what it meant!
  Because, that is actually their exclusive teleportation spell from the highest heaven!
Of course, only when angels legally use the power of the Supreme Heaven to teleport to the mortal world through formal channels, teleport to this sanctuary world to perform official duties, or teleport to to attack the devil. Use this fast and accurate Pillar of Light to teleport.
And like before, like her semi-legal behavior when Auriel came to the sanctuary world, she could only use a little bit of ordinary teleportation circle to secretly teleport to the coordinates of the Horadim mages. Point. And if you replace it with a guy like Tyrael who disregards discipline and lays down privately, he will definitely not be able to use the Supreme Heaven’s teleportation circle. He can only use his own power to forcibly break through the planet’s atmosphere, like It was directly and forcefully smashed like a meteorite!
   "Teacher! What happened to you, teacher...?"
   After pulling a few times, I found that my teacher Auriel was still frowning and staring at the golden beams of light falling from the sky, but there was not much reaction, Johanna couldn't help but raise her head again and asked curiously.
   "Johanna, now you just stay here, don’t go anywhere, understand?!"
After being silent for a while, Auriel probably understood who the teleportation would be. Then, after her expression changed a bit, she gritted her teeth, squatted down and pressed Xiao Qiao Hannah’s shoulders, facing each other’s eyes. Such a sentence.
   "Good, good..."
   Seeing her angel teacher's expression suddenly become so ugly, Johanna nodded in fright.
However, when she just responded, her archangel teacher was teleported and disappeared in front of her directly. When she turned her head and looked around, she realized that the other party had now teleported to the distant building. Not far from the beautiful wooden building, he was walking towards the golden beams of light in the distance.
In the horrified eyes of the people in the Rouge camp and the surrounding small towns, the many golden beams of light inserted directly from the clouds in the sky, after a long time, finally began to slowly weaken and gradually Dissipated... If it weren't for the fact that the Rouge camp had been completely separated from the adventurers and the refugees, I am afraid that countless people would have rushed to the place where the golden beam of light appeared to watch?
   However, now they can't get in to Log Camp!
The gatekeepers, although they were curious and wanted to see what happened, they still guarded the gates with due diligence and arbitrarily rejected any non-sisters’ core or periphery. Requirements for personnel entry!
   "The great blind eyes... are they actually a group of angels?!"
   "A lot..."
   "Why are there so many again?"
   "What are they...what do they want to do?!"
"do not know……"
After the golden light was completely dissipated, Roger and the barbarian guards who were defending here were surprised to find that after the hope that the archangel Auriel came to the camp of Rouge, today, it has come down here for more than 20 years. The golden armored angel who is waving wings of energy and light like red flames?
   If it weren’t for the deterrence of the opponent, and the menacing, not as kind as the archangel Auriel, I’m afraid they would have surrounded them and cheered long ago?
Therefore, at the moment, almost all the guards here can only stand still and watch those silent and suspended in mid-air about two or three yards from the ground, and they are all'looking' at Xiang Qi's hands. It is very likely that the angels who hold ferocious weapons are not here to help the Angels at Camp Rogge.
   "Stupid mortal!"
   "You want to steal and abuse the power of this world. I advise you to stop your crazy actions immediately, otherwise, you will endure the merciless anger from the highest heaven!"
The first tall and strong angel whose whole body was hidden in the golden armor, scanned the surrounding ordinary Roger, the women in black cloaks, and the eight barbarian guards who stood in front of them. After a short while, he stirred his wings, took a few steps from the angel array, and screamed at the barbarians who seemed to be human leaders!
   He can't tell who the humans here are in charge, so he can only do that.
   got it! At this moment, both the barbarians and the Loggers understood in an instant: the other party, now definitely is not here to give them the warmth of the human community! On the contrary, the angels with flaming red wings on the opposite side, each holding a spear, a broadsword, or a long sword and shield, are obviously here to find trouble at Camp Roger!
   Besides, it's still a big trouble!
   As for what the other party said about stealing and abusing the power of this world, their barbarian guards said that they did not understand what the other party was saying. If the other party is a group of demons or something, it would be much easier. Maybe they would have already shot arrows or drew their big swords and slashed people forward, right?
   But, now is a group of angels, which really makes the barbarians and Loggers guarding here a little at a loss.
In addition, there doesn’t seem to be a position high enough to be a big boss like Akara, Ansar, Flavi or Kasha, so they can only stand on the ground for a while and look at each other. Dare to act rashly, as if intending to wait until Akara and the others are here before making a decision?
   It's a pity that these menacing angels do not intend to give them too much time to think or wait.
   "I'll give you one last chance to immediately stop your stupid and crazy behavior, otherwise, we will attack directly!"
When the leading angel saw that these mortals were still there. You look at me and I look at you, and didn’t come forward to take care of him at all. He thought that the other party was scorning his authority, so he viciously waved his spear. , And let the upper burner burn with a blazing sacred flame, indicating that he was very impatient and was ready to attack.
If these mortals do not give themselves a satisfactory answer, then he will lead the battle angels to rush in directly, destroy the house, destroy the rituals inside, and destroy all the humans in the house, all of them. Do not stay!
"what's the situation……"
"What's going on?"
   "Don't ask me, I don't know..."
   "Did we do something bad? Even angels want to attack us?"
   "I don't believe in any angels, if they dare to come over, I dare to slash the sword over!"
   Yes, this word is the true thoughts of Roger and the barbarian guards who are here now! All of them didn't know what the other party meant, and they didn't seem to have done any harm in the Logger camp. Why did these angels threaten to attack them when they came out?
   In the eyes of Loggers, the only thing in this house right now is the little witch and little nun Anne from their ‘blind eye’ nun! Moreover, they did their own enchantments well, and let Kasha and the others wiped out many big monsters including Andariel with those equipment. Now they have already hit the east, ready to find Diablo trouble!
   It can be seen that the little witch is very, very important to Loge Camp, and everything he does is all great and good, so why is it getting in the way of these angels who are not doing business?
   It stands to reason, that little girl, shouldn't have conflicts with these angels, right? Look at the hope archangel Auriel. During this time, hasn't he got along well with their little girl?
   "Huh! Stupid mortal, my patience has run out!"
Seeing that his warning had no effect, those mortals still did not have the slightest response, and did not come out to negotiate. This situation made the angel mistakenly believe that the other party had rejected his own kindness, so he just did nothing. He waved his spear, motioned the battle angels behind him to follow him, ready to break through the obstacles of these human guards, and rushed into the house to see, what audacious existence is there?
   Anyway, they can't delay it too long!
Because he just discovered a similar embarrassment to the three demon gods of hell: their angels are in this sanctuary world, in the continent of Saint Huari, which is suppressed by Inaris with the world stone, every minute For a second, their angels were suppressed and lost their own power, especially their angelic posture in front of them was suppressed even more! Therefore, they must fight quickly, and then return to the highest heaven as soon as possible.
   "Hurry up! The guards, as well as other trial shooters, stop them immediately!!"
While the others were still a bit at a loss, the little Roger Mako, who was specially arranged by Kasha to guard the place under Flavie’s, hurried to the front of the wooden building and ripped off his own. The cloak, directly bending the bow and pulling the arrow with a magic long arrow to warn the angels, did not forget to greet the barbarian guards and other trial archers loudly!
   As for her ordinary Roger, she didn't report any hope for the time being, because those sisters would definitely not be able to deal with this powerful creature.
   Half a month ago, she was arranged by Kaxia to protect this house and the little sister Anne inside! And now, since the priest Akara and the others did not rush here, and Captain Ansar is still at the gate, it will take a while to get here. In this case, she must assume the responsibility of command and block the opponent. Until the priest Akara arrived here to preside over the negotiations!
   "Please step back!"
   "Stranger angels, no matter what you want to do, no matter what your purpose is, please stand back immediately! I am ordered to be stationed here, no one can enter, including you!!!"
   The young Roger May firmly pointed the arrow of the magic long arrow on the Wrath of the Stars precisely at the leading golden archangel.
   Now the distance between the opponent is about fifty yards. If the opponent dares to approach within 30 yards, then she will immediately launch an attack without mercy, even if the opponent is an angel!
Some time ago, she accompanied Kashya and Captain Flavie to sweep most of the hinterland of the Kingdom of Kanduras. In that month, the demons and demons under her Mae Ke were killed. Other monsters can have eight thousand even if they don't have ten thousand!
   So, don’t look at Mei Ke as just a teenager, but she is now superbly skilled, rich in combat experience, and hard-hearted! For the angels who threatened to attack the house she is in charge of guarding, she will start later, and she will never show mercy!
   When the little sister Annie talked with them before, she said: ‘Only the dead enemy is a good enemy! If you encounter a bad guy and want to beat you, regardless of whether you have made a mistake, you must first defeat the enemy before discussing with the other party! Otherwise, you will be over! ’
   For this, Mei Ke expressed his approval!
   "Ha! It's really interesting, are we finally ready to fight an angel?"
Although it was funny, the barbarian leader Kesos pulled out his long sword from his waist without any slowness at all. With such a'choking', a broadsword shining brightly left its sheath instantly. And aimed at the angels who were slowly coming over.
   "Boss Kesos, this will definitely be exciting today!"
   "Yes, although our body is not as powerful as those trial suits, we will not be afraid of those birdmen!"
   "Kill them!"
   "I can really kill one, we are real warriors!"
   "Shut up, be careful! Don't let them rush in, and don't be careless, they are crowded!"
   "But, boss...what about their flying high?!"
   "Don't worry! Those who can fly will naturally have the trial archers behind to deal with them!"
   "Yes, that's right!"
A group of barbarian guards clamored, and they walked forward like that. The eight directly stood in a row and stood in front of Loggers, and viciously drew out their shining slapstick broadswords. Put on a fully enclosed helmet and set up a defensive posture.
   As the name suggests, since they are the doglegs of Lord Anne Witch and are responsible for guarding this place, then even if they are asked to fight the angels, they will not be persuaded! Besides, their barbarians are the ‘sons of Burkeso’. The only ones who worship and believe in are the Immortal King, and they are definitely not the Archangel of Rauch!
   If there is a real fight later, these people, but they will never be merciful, just cut to death! If you can hack two to death, you will definitely not only hack one!
Seeing that the human guards began to bend their bows and shoot arrows and drew their weapons in front of the angels, the tall archangel in the lead and the angels leading behind him did not flinch at all. Hesitate! They are so slowly on guard to threaten the past, ready to attack those humans at any time!
   Even if the opponent’s weapons and equipment seem to be very powerful, but since they are here today, there is absolutely no reason to shrink back! What's more, in front of them, it was just a group of mortals.
  Because, what these humans are doing here has seriously affected the safety and survival of the Supreme Heaven! So, no matter what, they must destroy this house, destroy everything in it and prevent mortals from doing similar things again.
   "Please stop, Impris..."
When the barbarian guards squeezed the broadswords in their hands, and when the trial archers faintly pointed the arrow at the famous holy angel, suddenly, a young human woman teleported and flashed to the right. They stood in the middle of the human beings and the angels who were about to start a war, and while reaching out to stop the angels, the name of the leading archangel was revealed.
   It turned out that it was the Archangel of Hope who had been staying in the Logger camp to observe-Auriel, who was flashing here and stopping him.
   "Huh! So it was you, Auriel... But why are you still here?!"
Although the opponent is now in human form, the heroic angel Impris, who is familiar with each other's breath and soul fluctuations, recognized this important member of the Angliss Council at a glance, this woman who represents hope. Archangel Auriel.
   He still remembered that the last time when a meeting was held to vote, the other party negotiated with Isriel, and wanted to go down to preside over the investigation of the energy fluctuations here. Then, until now... As for why the other party is still staying here, Impris is very confused? What made him even more puzzled was: it is impossible for this Auriel to fail to see what happened here! But why, she was so indifferent before her, she didn't even report to the Supreme Heaven or the Angris Council?
   "Please retreat, Impris..."
   "Please believe me... and, as you have seen, humans are not a group of lambs to be slaughtered, and you don’t have much advantage today..."
   "We who are hostile to the Burning Hell should no longer have any conflicts with human beings. What you did... is unwise!"
  If you are in heaven, with a steady supply of energy radiation from the crystal dome, Auriel feels that these humans may really not be the opponents of those more than twenty angels! But now, this is in the sanctuary world, and even the Queen of Pain was killed by them... Then Impris and the others, there must be little chance.
Here, there are ten trial shooters and eight barbarians guarding. Once the two sides really fight, wait for those humans who rush over after hearing the news, especially the nearly twenty people in the direction of each city gate. Those trial archers, when they feel it, they will definitely shoot these angels on the spot!
   Anyway, she doesn't think that the power of the stars' fury is something these angels can easily resist! Because what those bows and arrows use is the energy of this world!
   "It's ridiculous! You actually let me go?"
"Archangel Auriel, are you sure you are not joking? I am the heroic archangel Impris, we are performing our sacred mission! And you, for these humans, want me to retreat and stop me from performing The great duty of our angels to maintain peace in this world?!"
  He is the speaker of the Angris Council, the commander of all the fighters in the high heaven, and the nominal leader of the opponent, but now, the opponent dares to disobey him like this?
I don’t know why, Impress just feels that his anger is rising... he just doesn’t understand, how come these archangels after descending to the world are changing their tricks with him. Right? First, Tyrael, the archangel of justice, the twenty-five sons have been against himself in these hundreds of years, and they have come to this sanctuary world to make troubles and plot certain conspiracies many times in spite of the laws and regulations!
   And now, this Auriel has only been down for about a month, how can he stand on the opposite side of him? Could it be that this sanctuary world of mortals has a certain evil curse that will infect angels?
Take a look, in the Angliss Council, there are two more archangels who oppose him at once. The leader of this council is about to become a polished commander. You don't need to think about it in the future, don't think it will be passed. of!
   Maybe, there is a curse in this land!
   This thing, think about it, it is really possible! After all, this is actually the world created by the traitor Inaris and the demon Lilith using the World Stone, and all that survives here are the evil offspring of the traitors and the demons who made peace!
   "Of course I am not kidding!"
"Imperius... I myself know why you came here, but as a member of the Angliss Council, my opinion is: I hope you will immediately stop this meaningless hostile action and stop the Any human behavior that may cause conflicts between the two parties!"
   Although these Loggers do not represent the entire human world, Auriel does not want to see any hostile behavior between the two sides, especially the vicious incident that is about to start fighting as it is now.
   "Because I, who have been here for so long, understand something better than any of your angels, so..."
   Of course she knows the actions of a little girl that caused turmoil in the world!
However, now Auriel can only choose to believe in that little guy. After all, this is the effort made by humans to fight and defeat demons. There is no need for their angels to come out to take care of their business at this time, even if it is Impri. Nor can it.
   "Auriel, it is not a vote resolution of the parliament. Your opinion is invalid!"
"I will definitely attack today and use force to stop the reckless and daring actions of mankind! Auriel, do you have any ideas, you can wait until you return to the highest heaven, and then go to the parliament to protest and join other archangels. Let’s explain! But now, please let us go!"
Before he was about to launch an attack, he encountered an archangel in the highest heaven and blatantly opposed his orders. This made the heroic angel Impress suddenly feel like he could not advance or retreat. Of course, more, or Angry!
   First Tyrael, and now this Auriel, no matter whether these two people have any conspiracy or are deceived by humans, or their own wishes, this is what he Imprison does not want to see! He who insisted on upholding the ancient laws was repeatedly opposed by his own subordinates. He was fed up with that kind of frustration!
   "Believe me, you should retreat for the time being... The heroic angel Impris, you shouldn't be here today, and humans shouldn't be our angel's enemies..."
Although Auriel also knows that the heroic angel Impris is the most stubborn, arrogant, and at the same time the archangel who despises or even hates humans, but she still wants to persuade each other and does not want humans. Clash with this powerful warrior who is the bravest in the highest heaven.
   Otherwise, in the future, it will be another huge disaster... At that time, maybe the demons in the burning can only be seen jokes?
   "What if I insist?!"
   After staring coldly at the hope angel Auriel who was standing not far in front of him for a while, Impress asked slowly.
   "Then I... will be your enemy!"
After speaking, a pair of beautiful azure wings appeared behind Auriel, which was the color of the sky, and began to slowly levitate until they were at the same height as the heroic archangel Inpress, until they faced each other. To look at each other.
   It's just that she just released her light wings to show her attitude, and did not change her human form into an angelic posture more suitable for combat. Obviously, Auriel still had some fluke in whether he could successfully persuade the other party to retreat, and he didn't want the two parties to fight like this.
   "Auriel, are you crazy?!"
   The other party dared to say such a thing, which really scared Impress.
   She knows, this Auriel, as the most cheerful and kind person in the Angris Committee, has almost never quarreled with other angels for countless years! But this time, why did the other party stand so firmly on the human side? Is it possible that this is really another Tyrael, and these humans really have a certain evil ability to infect or curse angels?
   If this is the case, then today, he can't let these mortals continue to behave here and touch the power of the whole world without authorization!
   "No, I'm not crazy!"
   Auriel is silently mobilizing her own strength, silently guarding against the opponent, beware of the sudden action of the opposite Impris or wanting to rush through her own block, so she is so resolutely blocking the front of the house.
   Actually, Auriel wanted to say that she was actually saving her colleagues!
Otherwise, if the two sides really fight in the meeting, even if this heroic angel Impris can defeat Roger and the small number of trial shooters here and forcibly break into the house behind him, once they wait for those who hunt the devil If the Judgment Order returns, the battle between humans and angels will be inevitable!
   And she, Auriel, really doesn't want to see conflicts between angels and humans, especially now that the forces have launched a full-scale attack on the sanctuary world and are planning to break the balance.
   "Please get out of here now, Auriel! I now order you in the name of the leader of the Angris Council!"
   Putting on a scene of an angel infighting in front of tiny mortals is not something Impris wants to see. Therefore, he directly used his identity and issued his first command to the archangel to Auriel who was in front of him.
   "I'm sorry...I refuse!"
   "Imperius, please listen to my last sentence, you really shouldn't be here today, go back soon... Our common enemy should be the demons that burn hell!"
"Auriel, I think, you don’t even understand what’s going on here! It’s the house behind you, where stupid humans intend to manipulate the entire world! Even, they might even rely on it. This has caused severe damage to this world, including our highest heaven!"
  Imperius, who is extremely sensitive to energy, discovered this when he was in the highest heaven.
Originally, after knowing that Auriel had gone down to investigate, he was not very worried... But now, those human beings have become more and more intensified, and even after the energy of the whole world has begun to oscillate, he has to quickly lead Some angels directly teleported to this world, intending to stop those crazy mortals.
  If those human beings were just in the sanctuary world, tossing on the continent of Saint Huyari, even if the place was blown up, he would not take a second look at it! Even, he would clap his hands and celebrate?
   After all, in the Angris Council of heaven, he most wants to destroy the world created by the rebellious angel Inaris and the demon Lilith, and all the evil humans in this world with the blood of angels and demons!
  In the eyes of Impris, the existence of those human beings is a naked blasphemy against the holy angels! However, it is a pity that all the votes he initiated to destroy this world were rejected by one vote, one against, and three abstentions.
   The other party was originally just tossing around in this sanctuary world, that's fine, but now, after discovering that the other party might reach the highest heaven, how could he, the leader of the Angris Council, still be able to sit still? !
   "You are wrong, Imprison, of course I know what is going on here, I have stayed here longer than you, and I know everything here better than you!"
There is no need to remind Impris, Auriel herself still knows what the little girl wants to do. She thinks that the other party should conduct deeper research on those runes and... and then to the whole world. What do you want to learn from it?
   But, even if she knew this, she didn't think like Impris, she just wanted to see the result and let the flow go, nothing more.
   "Since you know, why don't you let me go quickly?!"
Imprison waved the heroic spear in his hand impatiently. If it weren’t for an archangel in their highest heaven, and he had never done anything wrong, he would have to change to Thai. Rael, that bastard, he had already shot it.
   But no matter what, his patience is about to run out now.
   "I still said that, Impris...please leave here as soon as possible!"
   Auriel, who maintained his human form, looked at each other silently. Of course, there was no expression of joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face, and he looked straight into the eyes of the other party's armor mask without any sorrow or joy. She had to do this, because if she broke in without authorization now, it would only cause more serious consequences!
   For example, that little girl, really accidentally made a mistake after being disturbed, and then really caused terrible disaster to the world? So, no matter what, she Auriel has the responsibility and obligation to stop the angels like Impris from rushing to this sanctuary world.
   "Auriel, I order you to leave immediately, otherwise, on behalf of the Angris Council, I will remove all your duties and put you on trial!"
   His own authority must not be violated again. In any case, today, his Imprison will defeat these mortals who dare to stop them, and then destroy the crazy behaviors these mortals are doing!
   "You have no right to judge me, Imprison...I did not do anything wrong, it was you who was wrong..."
   With a light sigh, Auriel felt that looking at the opponent's posture, today's battle has become inevitable.
   "You will regret it!"
   Impress raised his spear and prepared the battle angels behind him to prepare for the battle.
   "No...On the contrary, I feel that I am following the will of the world..."
   "Because, I see some kind of hope..."
   "In this world, conflicts and fights have been going on for too long, too long...Now, the conflicts may be resolved, and some good changes are worth looking forward to..."
   "Imperius, believe me, this world is undergoing some kind of change... and all we need to do is to conform to it, otherwise, it will be self-defeating!"
For thousands of years, the battle between angels and demons, demons and humans has been going on for too long, and countless creatures have perished. Although, she is not a pacifist, and she never evades battle, even more so. Seeing that conflict is the essence of this universe... But she is also willing to see, when some new changes occur, will the world become better?
   Now, the opportunity for change lies on the human side, so she wants to take a closer look and see what it will become in the end?
   "I don't know what to say! Angels, attack, let's go in and destroy them!"
   "We want to see what those mortals did inside!"
   After running out of patience, with a wave of his hand, Impress gave the order to attack the battle angel behind him.
   "There is nothing in it! Listen to me, Impris, please go back quickly!"
   Seeing the angels began to wave their wings and put on an offensive posture, Auriel hurried forward and stopped in front of Impris, wanting to make the last effort.
"Step aside!"
   Impress raised the brave spear in his hand and pointed it at Auriel's throat.
   The other person’s human posture made him feel nauseous! That's right, he doesn't like humans, and he also doesn't like Auriel who turns into a human but wears angel wings!
   "If you really want this, then I am happy to accompany..."
   In the next instant, Auriel summoned his weapon-Soamyesh of Hope, and at the same time summoned his brand new azure armor.
   Auriel's Blue Saint Cloth
   sacred armor
   Defense: 29997
   Required level: 99
   Need strength: 300
   Durability: 100 to 100
  +300% defense enhancement
  +300 points for all attributes
   +30 points for all skills
  +80% quick attack again
  +100% high-speed flight
  +80% of all resistances
  +50% extra fire resistance
  +180 accuracy rate
   All damage reduced by 500
  +15 Illumination range
  +100 maximum endurance value
  +10000 life limit
   80% chance to cast a level 25 lava shield for ten seconds when being attacked
   can't freeze
   cannot be bound
   cannot be destroyed
   Passive Skill-Righteous Fury: Put down the Summon a burning holy sword, and attack with additional sacred flame magic damage, and greatly increase the attack range!
   Active Skill-Holy Shield: Bathe the target in a holy light and be immune to all types of damage within ten seconds!
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