Chapter 531: Kingdom of Sacred Griffon Camelot

Queen Altria Pendragon of the Kingdom of the Holy Griffon Camelot sits high on her throne, wearing a griffin and dragon-shaped golden crown belonging to the king, and wearing white wolf skin and blue silk cloth. Cheng's Greatcloak looked majesticly over the kings, lords, or envoys representing the kings and lords of her brother's national territory in the auditorium of her castle.
Those of them were crowded in this auditorium, and witnessed with their own eyes the Archbishop Padric of the Diocese of Britain and the other temple nun, who is said to be from the Archbishop of Rome, the Lord Merrie Ambrosius. The young the throne completed the coronation, blessing and protection ceremonies.
If people like them used to complain about Camelot being occupied by a woman, now, when they see the head of the huge white dragon above the gate of Camelot, they often fly over the sky. The powerful griffins that passed, plus a certain huge red dragon in the rumor...Under these factors, I am afraid that they dare not complain about this woman's throne.
What's more, the opponent is a brave man who can fight directly against the dragon alone. Countless people have witnessed the heroic appearance of the opponent when fighting the white dragon in the sky, including many kings or lords who are currently on the scene. This thing is Surely they can't do fake things, so if they can come here at this time, they have already tacitly agreed with this matter.
For them, although some traditions are very important, when the other party has absolute strength, the traditions can be changed slightly. After all, people always need to constantly accommodate others when they are alive.
"Everyone, welcome to Camelot and participate in my coronation ceremony!"
After the archbishop and the temple nun finished all the ceremonies and stepped aside, Altria stood on the throne with the hilt of the holy sword "Sword of Oath of Victory" on her waist with her left hand. Get up and glance at the kings, lords, nobles, or other representatives who have returned to their positions and sat down.
"Now, let's discuss another issue. Due to the urgency of the matter, I won't be circumspect!"
"Britain is now in danger. People living here, whether we are Celts or Romans, our lives and safety are under the most serious threat!"
"This is definitely not alarmist!!"
"I believe that as long as your news is not too closed, you should know something!"
"Yes! In our north, the most powerful, evil and terrifying enemy we have ever seen appeared! Yes, those terrifying undead!"
"It's like a shadow, covering our northern part of Britain!"
At this point, Altria paused and began to examine the people under his throne.
Just as she thought, there were more or less worried and scared expressions on their faces...Of course, there were also some who thought far away, using thoughtful and inexplicable expressions. Looking at her with a look, it seemed to be thinking of what she would say next?
"The two border territories of Lugu Anding south of Hadrian's Great Wall and Korsdelin are now completely occupied by the undead, and there is no one among the people!"
"Even now, even Ebolak, an important town in the Northland, has fallen into a semi-chaotic state!"
"If one of your territories is close to the north, you must have noticed, those northern residents who fled south in a panic?"
"So! The current situation in Britain is very dangerous. We must unite, unite under one banner, and work together against the coming shadow of death!"
"and also!"
"Even more terrible things have happened here in Britain! You should also be aware of those mysteries. They are awakening on our land. This is already an irreversible fact! Whether it is land, sea or sky, those more and more Too many monsters are proof!"
"If we don't do anything, what is waiting for us in Britain, waiting for us Celtics or Romans, will be ruthlessly destroyed, and there will never be another ending!"
"and also……"
Two steps forward, Altria waved her hand and spoke in a firm tone while speaking loudly, while beginning to talk about everything she knew.
"and many more!"
"Your Majesty Queen Altria, I want to know, what do you want to do after saying so much?"
However, when someone with a crown, who was condescending on the throne and looking down at everyone, wanted to continue to say something, an old duke with a white beard stood up from his position and used it directly. His old voice interrupted the unfinished speech.
Obviously, he seemed to understand a little bit, and guessed what the girl above wanted to say.
"I need your help, I need to integrate all the power of the entire Britain! Just like the kingdom of Camelot in the past, just like my father, Youther Pendragon, I need you to unite in my Griffin and Under the banner of the red dragon, concentrate all your strength to deal with the coming threat!"
After staring blankly at the old jazz who interrupted his speech for a while, Altria thought for a while, and then said his plan in a sonorous tone every word.
This requirement is not too much!
Because, if it weren't for being opposed by the guys below because of her being a woman, she would have been able to command and command the whole of Britain when she pulled up the handle of the sword of the king more than a month ago. !
"With regard to this matter, if everything follows the old rules of King Uther, then I have no opinion."
"It's just... Your Majesty, what can you give us?"
The rise of Camelot is inevitable. Therefore, his small territory with only a few thousand people is not too far from Camelot. The old duke obviously has no ability to resist, so he took advantage of the situation. this matter.
However, he still wants to fight for any possible benefits or benefits.
"Well, I knew it would be like this..."
However, compared to the old duke's first stand up, the others did not choose to say anything for or against at this time, but they started to get together in small groups and talk in a low voice.
"Please be quiet!"
After extending his hand to signal everyone to stop the meaningless discussion for a while, Altria explained for the first time:
"After Camelot integrates the whole of Britain, although I cannot give you any more benefits, I can give you the necessary protection!"
"I firmly believe, and you should have reasons to believe that I can do what I promise you!"
"Similarly, in addition to your obligations, I will never ask you to do more!"
"This is the only way for us Celtics and Romans to survive under the threat of more and more mythological invasion, as well as the Saxon barbarians in the north and those shadows of death!"
"As long as you remain loyal to me as you did before to King Yusser, I, Altria Pendragon, swears that I will do everything I promised!"
"Please be sure to believe me. Now, we have reached the most dangerous moment in Britain. The choice left to us is the only one left!"
Speaking of this, the certain dumb queen finally stopped, waiting for the response of those guys.
"This won't work!"
"She... She is a woman!"
"Then what do you say?"
"Think about it again..."
However, even if Altria has already spoken to this point, even if she has already been very good, but at this time, the people below began to discuss again, most of them still seem to be reluctant... And their only reluctant reason is that they still don't believe that a woman can be their king.
Even if the opponent is strong, even if the opponent's strength is stronger than almost everyone of them, there are obviously some things that can't be easily changed overnight.
"Sister Daomao, what do you tell them so much for? If you don't join, let them eat it for the undead, anyway, those guys will definitely not be able to resist it!"
At this time, staying aside, seeing that this meeting hadn't ended for a long time, little Annie felt a little impatient.
So, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she activated the big sand table in the middle of the auditorium, and the colored magic sand in it began to flash, and then... soon there was a topographic map of the northern part of Britain, and started It played slowly, allowing the indigenous people of the ancient earth to watch a 3D magic movie for free.
And as she designated a certain location gradually enlarged, a horror scene in northern Britain soon appeared:
Whether it is Lugu Anding and Korsdelin south of Hadrian’s Great Wall, or some large Saxon tribes to the north, they are beginning to be constantly invaded by those endless undead, they are hideous and evil, covered with bones. , Rotten meat and distorted body and cheeks...their numbers are all over the sky, covering the sky...
Even under the manipulation of Annie, they saw the terrifying sight of tens of thousands of undead directly submerging a large Saxon tribe, and submerging thousands of living people inside!
Thousands, this is an incredible number!
In southern Britain, it is equivalent to all the population of a small country or a lord with a large territory!
Obviously, it is conceivable that in the future, it is only a matter of time for those undeads to turn around and attack south. When that happens, who can stop them?
Therefore, everyone is silent now...Although they don't understand what the sandbox is, they still understand the content and the real information that appears above.
"Now, please state your choice!"
"Are you willing to stay loyal to me, regroup under the banner of Camelot, and unite and fight for the future of Britain and our future, or do you want to isolate each other until the moment of destruction?"
"To deal with the undead, as well as to deal with those fantasy species that appear more and more frequently, please believe me, it must be a long process!"
"We have no other way!"
Because Altria has already learned from the British power and related knowledge that he inherited from the white dragon that was beheaded by herself. In the future, Britain will surely become a legacy of the gods of the entire earth. The focal point for creatures or monsters!
At that time, what will become here, even she herself can't imagine!
However, judging from the current situation in Britain, in the future, it will certainly not be too optimistic.
"But, please believe me, as long as you are willing and with your help, I will definitely be able to protect our country and our British land!"
"I would swear in the name of Griffin and Dragon!"
The sonorous words began to resound in the auditorium of this castle...
"As you wish!"
At this time, after the participants were silent for a while, another lord or king stood up.
"I am happy to help you, Queen of Camelot!"
"So are we!"
"There is no other choice, is there?"
"I hope you don't make Yusser worse..."
Soon, under the leadership of some, more and more kings, lords or messengers started to stand up from their positions one by one, expressing their willingness to reunite with Camelot. Under the banner.
At this moment, Mei Li (Merlin) on the side did not speak.
However, she now faintly feels that if the other party has unlocked the red dragon's power seal and gained the white dragon's inheritance power and knowledge, she seems to be able to protect Britain. land?
A country protected by a giant dragon, there are only more and more griffins and the mystery that cannot be dissipated temporarily. If other countries can really gather around the other side, maybe they can really Change the originally doomed tragic fate?
After all, now, everything has changed...
It seems that the barbarians want to invade Britain and slaughter the Celtics.
First of all, those barbarians who want to invade from the European continent are likely to miss the increasingly dangerous ocean; secondly, the Saxons in the north are now unable to protect themselves. They are on the line with Hadrian’s Great Wall. The undead fought fiercely, and there was a faint tendency to be completely defeated and retreated to the island of Ireland in the west. It must not last long.
This shows that in the future, it is likely to develop into a three-legged confrontation between [Holy Griffin Camelot Kingdom]-[Irish Saxons]-[Shadow of Death in the North]?
Of course, the premise is that Altria, the other party can maintain the somewhat difficult front of the Second British Administrative Region of the North and the undead?
But no matter what, today, Camelot Kingdom is finally back on its original track.
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