Chapter 538: Inner ring

   "Attention, all crew members!"
   "Normandy II is decelerating at the port, be careful of falling down!"
After finally getting the security code authorized to call at the port and determining the docking area of ​​the port, as the spacecraft's mass effect engine began to gradually turn off, other decelerating auxiliary engines began to work and start the deceleration procedure in reverse, quickly approaching Normandy at the Fort God space station After adjusting its direction and posture, No. 2 slowly flew towards the distant space station like a giant octopus with open tentacles, relying on inertia.
Soon, the Normandy II spacecraft slowly docked on an empty semi-open pier in the harbour around the Fort God military zone, and as the spacecraft gradually approached and stopped, dozens of fixed on the pier The huge manipulator arm dedicated to the ship was automatically stretched out, and then it didn’t take long for the blue magnetic discs on the manipulator arm to firmly attract the upper and lower bulkheads of Normandy II, and directly moved the ship The spacecraft was firmly detained in the harbor.
   "The port procedure has been completed, and all the engines of Normandy II have been turned off. You can now leave the ship and land in the port!"
"Roger that!"
With the voice of the bridge navigator coming from the landing boat, in the next second, a UT-47 landing boat took Shepard, Miranda, Annie and others who wanted to go to the castle for the first time. Or a dozen or so crewmen who were trimmed, under the surveillance of the surrounding guard of the God Fort Mechanical Soldier Post, slowly flew from the top of the spacecraft and flew to the port personnel registration area 100 meters away.
   That’s right, the castle does not provide pick-up service here. If you want to leave the ship and land, you can only rely on a small landing craft or a shuttle!
Because, the castle here is not the interior of the planet, but just a super large space station. Although all buildings or tall buildings are strictly air-tight structures, only a few of the breathable atmospheres are about seven miles above the ground. The thickness of about meters...they are restrained by centrifugal force and a layer of dense and colorless sulfur hexafluoride gas film, while being positioned and controlled by the precisely adjusted mass effect field.
   Therefore, if the people of the visiting ship do not want to suffocate to death, or are caught by the sudden change of gravity and fall to death, then they can only use small landing craft to complete the work of getting on and off the ship and supply.
   Of course, some dignitaries can dock in a closed harbor, and then they can freely enter and exit the spacecraft or perform maintenance on the ship, without the need for troublesome shuttle boats! But it was clear that a certain former ghost Shepard, who was in fact dead, but now suddenly came alive, would definitely not have that treatment.
Because some of her privileges that belonged to the ghost of the castle were written off as early as two years ago when they were declared dead by the Star Alliance and the castle council. In theory, she is now a People who don't exist!
   "Free action, come back here to report this time tomorrow, we don't have much time to waste!"
   As soon as she jumped off the small landing craft, Shepard reminded the crew members who had left in twos and threes, and explained the approximate time she planned to set sail.
   "Yes, sir!"
   "Shepard, I'm leaving now, see you tomorrow!"
   Soon, including Miranda, it was not the first time that some crew members who came to the Fortress of Gods, they all walked to the security checkpoint in the distance, leaving only Shepard and a little guy beside her.
   "Wow! This is the castle of God?"
"Well, it looks very beautiful... that... if that's the case, I'll go play now, bye~ see you! The stingy Sister Shepard, I will call you when you are leaving. I!"
I finally arrived at this place. After watching the surroundings for a while, I looked at the surrounding port facilities and the armored steel ground full of science fiction, the mass effect constrained grating window, various advanced holographic equipment, and the coming Often with all kinds of machines, plus those crooked stars who look better than a sorry audience, Annie suddenly cheered loudly and raised her beautiful universal tool, regardless of whether the other party understood it or not. What did I mean by making a'phone call' I just turned around and let my legs go, planning to run to the automatic door with a flashing holographic icon on the wall indicating the direction of the exit.
   Now, she has seen those huge and beautiful sacred cities in the distance, presumably there, there will be delicious and fun things she wants!
   So, she just turned around and left, so she shouldn't stay next to the sister Shepard, who is said to be going to a meeting later, and also stingy! Before, she said badly, the other party refused to give her any more money, just so pitiful ten stars, what can she do?
   In short, there is nothing in this world that can be difficult for her. Later, she will definitely find a way to get what she wants.
   just took her little bear and ran out without a few steps. Before she had time to run far, she staggered suddenly and was immediately pulled back alive by someone grabbing her little arm!
   "Let go!"
   "What are you doing? You are not willing to give me money, don't you allow me to go and play by myself?!"
As soon as she turned her head and saw that she was holding her with a palsy face, who was cold all day long, and what was even more annoying was Big Sister Shepard who refused to give her money, Annie said angrily. One side pushed away the opponent's hand forcefully.
   "Go to register your identity first and get the access permit! Otherwise, you will definitely be caught by the in-service C-Sec patrol police later!"
Now this little guy has no identity information at all. Even the name in the universal tool that the other party is using and the identity card of the war refugees are just added by the technician on her Normandy II. , Whether it is in Star Alliance or God's Fort, or anywhere else, it has no records, and it is simply an invalid certificate!
So, such a little guy, let alone want to go to the five guard zone arm cities of the fort to play, under the security system and sensors all over the fort, I am afraid that even the port area If you can't get through the third gate, you will be caught by the police, right?
   "I am me, I am the greatest and greatest flame queen Anne?? Hasta, what identity has to be verified? Let's just save the troublesome thing, I won't mind anyway!"
  (ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~
   Hearing that it turned out to be such a small thing, Annie waved her hand indifferently, turning around and wanted to run away.
   She still couldn't run away this time, even she was caught again and dragged back brutally without even taking the second step.
   "You don't mind... but the police will."
   Shepard didn't let go this time, but just grabbed the opponent's hand and walked forward.
In the front, the C-Sec security inspection room that has been vacated is opening to them. It is a special passage specially prepared by the castle for their undocumented "Normandy II", and her fellow crew members just now They are all gone.
   "I am the great Queen Anne, you can't do this to me, I have privileges, I don't want to check, I want to play now!"
   "Ha! It's useless if you are the Queen of the Galaxy, come with me honestly!"
   After looking helplessly around the port staff who were looking at her curiously, Shepard dragged the other side amusedly and continued walking.
   "I am really the queen of flames, I am amazing!"
   "Yes! No matter how good you are, you must go to the security check first!"
   "I am still the head of the Kepulu region! If you do not allow me to play, be careful that I call my invincible fleet to scare you to death!"
  What are you kidding me? Her great Flame Queen Anne, the saviors of several worlds, the master of the sanctuary world, the head of the Federation in the Kepru region, did not even have any privileges. What kind of security check? This is really unreasonable, she didn't want to be checked by those guys!
   It’s not that she blows it. Her Majesty Queen Anne herself is the most dangerous explosive. The ragged security equipment is definitely not detectable. This is a waste of her precious playing time.
   "Unless this castle belongs to your house, otherwise, you just follow me honestly!"
   Shepard doesn't care about this little guy's nonsense.
   What did the other party say belong to the queen and the head of state, and return the fleet? Don't be kidding, this little guy is afraid that she is not living in a dream. If there is a fleet, how could she still be trapped on the AN-5367 planet, and still send pitifully signals everywhere for help?
   She estimated that it should be the dormant compartment loaded with some kind of brain protection device, allowing the other party to enter a virtual environment while sleeping and spend the long dormant protection time, right?
   "As long as I want to, this dilapidated castle will become my home at any time!"
  Waving the little bear she was holding in her hand, Annie expressed serious protest to the stingy big sister Shepard who dared to underestimate her behavior!
   As long as she thinks about it, it won’t be difficult to win this fortress! She can do it easily, whether she uses skill or force.
   "Good! The entire galaxy is yours!"
   While pulling the other party forward, Shepard responded with a smile.
   "It's not! My territory is only in the Kepulu zone!"
  Occupy the entire galaxy or something, although it sounds fun, but it may take a long, long time, she has no time to spend so long on Kepulu.
   "Kepulu impression, where is that?"
   Shepard frowned and thought about it hard. She didn't seem to have heard of this area in the Milky Way. In short, she knew that it would definitely not be the area where the planet AN-5367 was discovered by this little guy.
   "The Kepru region is in the Milky Way..."
   "I don't know whether it is in the Sagittarius spiral arm or the Perseus spiral arm. Anyway, on the edge of the galaxy, my federation occupies an entire cantilever!"
   This thing is really not to blame Annie, she is not interested in remembering the names of those strange planets and cantilever names! Now, it’s good for her to remember that the capital of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District is in Haven. After all, Her Majesty Queen Anne is very busy. Where does she have time to think about so many trivial things?
   "Okay, I see...little guy, don't dream first, come and go through the security check with me!"
The entire galaxy has already been detected by the castle of Gods. They have never heard of any country or alliance that can occupy a whole cantilever. If there is such a strength, the castle of Gods has long been under the control of the other party. In it!
   "Damn it! You let go, I didn't dream!"
   "Regardless of whether there is or not, come and stand for me quickly!"
   However, Shepard did not let go. In fact, she would definitely not let go of the other person until the end of the security check.
   "Huh! I tell you, I'm very powerful, you'd better give me a little money, I can give you a warship generously in the future, it must be better than the rags outside you!"
  ( ̄^ ̄)Huh!
  Annie has always been brooding about the ten stars! This stingy stingy guy even gave himself such a small amount of pocket money. What use is that?
   "Okay, I know you are great!"
   "As for money... let's talk about it another day..."
   When it comes to money, it’s no good...
   It's not that Shepard doesn't want to give it, but that she really has no surplus in the family of the landlord! I can’t say that, until she finishes dealing with the things here in the castle, she sees the people she should meet, and after she has said what she should say, she may have to go to certain planets to search for a few times, and get a little rare precious metal or even more scarce. The zero element, otherwise, maybe their little action funds are really not enough?
   "You are a petty fellow!"
   "Come here, now there are only two of us!"
   "I know you... the famous galaxy hero, the savior of the castle, the former ghost of the castle-Chief Shepard?"
At the entrance of the security check, a Turian sergeant was waiting a little impatient... When he saw that Shepard, who had been declared dead for two full years, finally dragged the man and wanted to mess around. After the little human girl who ran came over, he finally couldn't help but laughed and teased.
  Of course, the smile of a Turian might not be obvious to humans.
   "Do you mind if I do my official duties now?"
   After making a gesture with the flat long stick pattern detector in his hand, the Turian official asked a little bit crampedly at the ghost of the former fort.
   "Of course, please hurry up!"
She looked down at a little guy next to him, told him not to run around, and after successfully harvesting a big grimace from him, Shepard smiled indifferently and walked to the detection position indicated by the Turk. it is good.
   "Sir Shepard... It's a pity that my testing instrument actually shows... You still seem to be a dead person?!"
Frowning, he spent more time scanning and testing Shepard back and forth three times than testing others. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his own instrument, the Turian official was surprised to face the living standing opposite him. The female class said.
  Because he is sure that there is no problem with the results detected by his scanner!
   But, the analysis results show that this Shepard is actually a dead person? But if it is a dead person, what is the matter with the other party now having a heartbeat and blood flow?
   "Yes, I died once!"
   "But Cerberus rescued me again. I don't know what method they used! So, what I am in now, I am afraid I don't even understand."
   Shepard had known about her abnormal body. She had tested it many times when she was on Normandy II! She can’t be considered a dead person, but she’s not a living person... It’s said that Cerberus could have resurrected her a little bit better, but the time was too rushed, and the reaper was staring at her, plus people with ulterior motives. It was sabotaging in private, so in the end, they had to wake her up in a hurry.
   But no matter what, Shepard didn't really mind it.
Although I don’t know what method Cerberus used to resurrect her who was already dead, she is already very satisfied if she can live again and continue to work for the survival of this galaxy and the Star Alliance. Understand.
   "Let's test this little girl first..."
   I don't know what to do with Shepard's Turian officials who struggled for a while, and planned to finish the last task first, and then consider the others.
   However, the reality is cruel...
   After he scanned the scanner in his hand around the little girl's body routinely, and read the identity information of the other party's universal tool, he again didn't know what to do.
   "I can't detect any information about her. It's incredible... Did you find her from a primitive planet?"
   You need to know that now the castle has shared data with the Starlink of the earth. After an earth person is born, all the information will be linked to the database of the castle at the same time, and then it can be queried! In the castle of God, all the information of all legal citizens of all the member states of the castle of God is stored, whether they are alive or dead!
   But now, the data of a living human little girl is blank, unrecognizable?
   "Sorry! This little girl is a war orphan I ‘saved’ back on planet AN-5367. It can be said that she is now a refugee, so..."
   Shepard saw that the other party was embarrassed, so he quickly explained such a sentence.
   "Even if you are war refugees, it shouldn't be like this... Forget it, your business is beyond my jurisdiction. I think only my commander Captain Bailey can give you the right to pass through the castle..."
   "Don't worry, he is also an Earthling from Starlink, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you."
   After thinking about it, the Turians had to transfer their affairs to his chief. To be honest, it was the first time he encountered such a strange situation after working in the castle for so long.
"Okay thank you!"
   "Hey! Annie! Please don't run around, come here with me!"
   "Isn't it finished yet? It's really troublesome..."
   ̄へ ̄
   "If you don't pass the inspection, you will be unable to move in the castle of God. If you are caught, I won't have time to save you!"
   "That is impossible, I can go wherever I want, no one can catch me!"
"is it?"
"of course!"
   I don't know why, Shepard suddenly knew a little bit why Miranda would avoid this little girl.
"That's right! Big Sister Shepard, don't you really buy my big Ivan? I tell you, they are very powerful, as long as one, "boom", this castle will be gone! "
   "At a young age, don't learn from those terrorists!"
   This little guy just wants to cheat his own money in a different way. She is definitely not fooled by Shepard. In short, no matter what the other party said, she would never give out even one star coin!
   "Huh! Don't pull it down!"
   "By the way, I just heard that you are a ghost agent?"
   "Little Annie, come on, what tricks do you want to play?"
With a sigh, Shepard had to stop in front of the office of Captain Bailey that the Turk official said, and he held his arm and looked at the clever kid in front of It seems that there are some ghost suits that suit you, do you want? "
   "They are very good, and they are made of special materials. They are not only comfortable to wear, but also have the function of shield generator and invisibility. They are much better than your tattered'N7' suit. Do you want it?"
   "Does a set cost 10,000 stars, pay first before delivery?"
   No need to guess, Shepard can imagine what the other party will say next.
   "The ghost suit is a bit cheaper, a set only costs five thousand stars!"
   "Okay, come in!"
   Shaking his head, Shepard didn't say anything any more, just pointed at the office door that opened automatically.
   "Huh! I know you won't believe it!"
   "Unless you can take it out, I believe it!"
   "If you don't give me money, I won't show it to you!"
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