Chapter 550: Still want to run? !

Da da da……
'commander! We are surrounded by enemies, ask for support! ’
'Request support! ! ’
‘No support, defend your defensive turrets! ’
‘Damn it! Shepard and I are still surrounded by the enemy. The guy who defends the military facilities still has the face to support? ’
Da da da! !
Whoosh whoosh...
boom! !
The battle in the Horizon colony is in full swing, fierce gunfire and pulsed particle beams are fighting back and forth. The battlefield is full of the roars of collector monsters and the howls of unknown meaning, and the Normandy No. 2 side The battle channel is also very lively, and many technical teams who stick to the planetary defense turrets have also asked for help. From time to time, it is also mixed with the screams of a hapless Marine who was shot and Miranda's angrily yelling.
The battle continues until now, and the competition is which side has more endurance! If the Normandy side controls the turret first, then they will win! On the contrary, if the collectors break through their defenses first, then their battle will be defeated!
At this moment, whether it is those collectors who opened shields, or those pioneer elites who were controlled by a certain collector's leader using mental powers to remotely overtake, they were repeatedly killed by Little Annie, and they still cannot change the current battlefield. The situation, the collector's side, has always occupied the absolute initiative on the battlefield.
Countless collectors and soldiers, who are not afraid of death, rely on their relatively skilled movements and formations, and use bunkers one by one to garrison Shepard and Miranda, Little Annie and Galas, and others. The Marines in the defensive turrets of the planets outflanked and sieged!
Even if they did not achieve too many victories, their offensive momentum has been suppressed, but they have an absolute quantitative advantage, the offensive strength has not weakened, forcing Shepard and others have been struggling to cope, and gradually there is a kind of resistance. Signs of living...
What’s more terrible is that now there are more various collector monsters pouring out from the collector spaceship that was parked far away...In this case, the number has already exceeded four. The number of enemies has skyrocketed again at least doubled! Therefore, they made Shepard and Miranda's defense of the colonial cabin, which was cut through a hideous gap, increased in vain, and the other groups of land and marine teams couldn't help but ask for help!
So, this is where the chaos appeared on the battle channel just now.
However, the arrival of the new force of collectors in the distance may take a little while, and before that collector used a heavy particle beam to cut the Shepard’s colonial cabin, but it made them a little lucky. Became a lot easier?
It turned out that now they can extend the muzzle of their weapons from the gap that has been cut, so that the load on their Mass Effect shield is reduced to a minimum! Because, in the chaotic battlefield, it is difficult for the enemy to accurately hit them from the small cutting gap, so that they can even stand calmly in the gap and keep shooting at each other, but only a few. Pulse or assault rifle bullets can hit their shields by chance.
Da da da! ! !
With a few shots of the automatic pistol in his hand, he fell down two teeth and claws, and wanted to rush up to play with the red corpse puppet monster that blew up. Miranda was changing the magazine and taking out the M-6a'executioner' that he had never had the opportunity to use from his back. After he loaded the bombs and put them aside for later use, he finally praised a little guy in the channel when he was free:
"It's awesome!"
"Little Annie, how did you manage to do it just now? Killed three powerful monsters and the guy with the ability shield!"
Those monsters just now, no matter what kind of thing is surrounded by lightning, or the kind of annoying guy who can open a shield, if it is in a one-on-one situation, whether it is Miranda or Shepard, she will not necessarily be afraid. They have the confidence to defeat each other! Because, in addition to being a skilled fighter/agent, they are also a powerful superpower!
Therefore, they don't really care too much about the few collector monsters that just appeared! In comparison, they may be more afraid of the disgusting guy named by them as the "banshee", who will use abilities to impact and teleport in short distances.
However, in this battlefield now, those collectors obviously won't give them any chance to fight one-on-one... They are just around them, there are hundreds or even thousands of soldiers. People can take advantage of their numbers to gang fight them! Therefore, in this chaotic and dangerous battlefield, once they encounter the powerful collectors just now, it will make them feel very uncomfortable!
The automatic high-rate weapons in their hands often need to fire several shots at the enemy's mass effect shield or ability barrier. After breaking the shield, they must attack several shots to cause effective lethality on the bodies of those collector monsters. hurt. Because the opponent is not a normal creature, if it does not cause fatal or enough damage to the enemy's vitals or the body, those collector monsters will not fall, and will still launch the most ruthless attack on them!
After all, they are not snipers like Galas or a little guy. They can hide from a distance, safely and comfortably aim and shoot at the vital parts of the enemy. They can only be in chaos. In the battlefield, do your best to attack any part of the enemy that can be attacked.
So Miranda feels that if she can learn the little guy's abilities, her own comprehensive combat effectiveness can definitely rise to a big level, right?
‘It’s very simple! ’
‘Because, people just used a very powerful magic, they can ignore their shields, and they must be killed by a single shot! ’
Just as Miranda asked, she heard the crisp but hateful childish voice of a little guy ridiculing herself on the battle channel...At the same time, she could also see through the diagonal gap that was cut. In the distance, the collector soldier who wanted to rush towards his own place, and that hideous red or blue corpse puppet was killed by a certain guy at a precise location.
Obviously, that must be a good thing that little Annie did!
During the short period of time that the fighting continued, whether it was Miranda or Shepard, they could already see: Those who often need two to three shots to solve an enemy, and they are not attacking the vital parts. Yes, you don't need to guess to know that it will be Galas's pen. The other party uses that powerful X-92D'Mantis' sniper rifle with a slow fire rate.
And those precise ones are often deadly with one shot, fast and ruthless, either through the head of the collector monster, or the bullet that directly breaks the neck, it must have been shot by that talented little guy!
"Then please, you little magician, continue to use your powerful ‘magic’ and help!"
Obviously, Miranda and Shepard who heard the nonsense of each other, or the other Marines who heard the adorable childish voice of Little Annie, certainly no one would believe that little guy's words!
So, after Miranda froze for a while, she smiled and cursed at a whimsical little guy in the channel.
In Miranda's view, at most, it is the little guy's extraordinary talent or keen intuition for shooting!
That's something mysterious and mysterious, and it's difficult to explain clearly with science... Just like Cerberus at the expense of resurrecting Shepard?
What they see in Cerberus, apart from Shepard’s reputation, abilities, and the most familiarity with the Reaper, is nothing more than a certain trait in Shepard, and they believe that the other party can rely on that magic but cannot go. The explained'things' lead mankind to crush the conspiracy of the Reapers, so that mankind can continue to exist in the galaxy, instead of being harvested and slaughtered by those nightmare-like reapers.
Of course, what Cerberus wants to save is only the human beings on Earth. As for other alien races, it has nothing to do with them! Even, they Cerberus would like to wait for the reaper to harvest all the aliens clean?
‘I’m not a little magician! ’
‘I’m telling you secretly, they are very powerful arcane mages! As long as I want, there are not enough collectors for me to fight! ’
The arrogant voice of a certain little guy rang again in the battle channel.
"Haha! Good good!"
"Respect, Your Excellency the Great Mage Anne, please be sure to help. Hurry up and wipe out the collector monsters outside?"
What kind of messy ‘magic’... Anyway, Miranda would definitely not choose to believe it stupidly!
She is more willing to believe that the little guy has a certain ability, and then can use the other's magical talent marksmanship? For example, she and Shepard, as well as other sneakers and pioneers, etc., can use the abilities that are mutated by the zero element to achieve some magic that others cannot do well. thing.
‘Kill all at once? That will not work! ’
‘Where can it be so fast? My barrel is already a little red, and the thermal magazine you mentioned is not good at all! ’
The little girl complained in the battle channel with a somewhat angry tone!
Obviously, the little guy felt that that kind of unused weapon had severely restricted her combat ability? She feels very uncomfortable about exchanging heat cartridges without firing too many shots?
"Who told you not to bring two more guns before?"
"Look at me, I have two automatic pistols and a hand-held artillery! Shepard is even more amazing. The freak she brought a full five weapons, namely: heavy rifle, shotgun Guns, anti-material rifles, hand-held artillery, individual missile launchers!"
"She brought all those different kinds of weapons!"
Hearing the little girl's complaint, Milan laughed and cried and retorted.
When on Normandy II, Miranda once persuaded the little guy to bring an automatic pistol or rifle for self-defense in case of emergency, or to replace the weapon in time when the weapon is overheated, just like the Turian. Sniper Galas, that guy also brought an extra heavy rifle as a spare!
In fact, the weapons they use now that can replace the thermal magazine to aid heat dissipation are already very good! If it was replaced by a few years ago, when the Divine Fort race did not touch and encounter those Jies, the weapons of the Star Alliance or other races in the galaxy would overheat the barrel after continuous attacks to a certain extent. Temporarily cease the fire and wait for it to cool... In that case, even those weapons that use electromagnetic rails and rarely touch the barrel with their warheads will not solve the big problem of friction overheating in the atmosphere during combat! After all, when the mass effect accelerated warhead rubs the air, the heat generated is also terrifying!
Later, when those Jies began to haunt frequently, and after being led by Saron almost succeeded in the assault on the castle, the efficient heat-dissipating magazines of Jies weapons, the kind of small invention that proved to be'very effective', finally gradually became the galaxy. Each race absorbed and connected to their own standard weapon system.
"Let me bring two more guns...that kind of thing..."
‘Anyway, they are too heavy, I don’t want to bring them! ! ’
Little Annie's languid and mischievous tone rang again from the battle channel.
Actually, she can't bring more weapons. At this time, her space bag is still piled up from the inventory of at least half of the arsenal of the Guards of the Hero Federation! However, whether it is a space pocket or other things, she does not want to be known by them for the time being, at least not yet!
So, if you want to carry it on your body at any time, a sniper weapon is enough. If there are too many, her petite figure will definitely get in the way.
"Miranda and Annie, don't talk, the new enemy is coming up again!"
In the distance, the countless collector soldiers who had been retreated by their fierce counterattack before, when they received more force support, again howled and rushed towards them.
Shepard, who was about to say something to boost his morale, suddenly shifted his gaze as if he had sensed something, and looked in a certain direction in amazement:
‘Hiss! Roar~! ! ’
They did not wait for the enemies who had re-enclosed to fire, nor did Shepard and Mirandado wait. They suddenly heard that in the direction of the towering cylindrical collector battleship in the distance, faintly heard. There was a roar of some kind of monster... Then, with the auxiliary eyepieces on their eyes, whether it was Shepard or Miranda, it was easy to see the one in the distant sky that looked almost the same as the collector. , But there is really an octopus or spider underneath him, and a weird monster that can fly?
"Damn it!"
"What disgusting thing is that guy?!"
After a while, from his eyepiece, Shepard stared at the strange thing again, and then couldn't help exclaiming!
Because she knows that that guy is definitely not a small role!
The supernatural power fluctuations emanating from that monster made her, who is also a superpower, clearly feel it so far away!
That guy...except that his head looks almost the same as an ordinary collector, the other parts are like a weird, semi-mechanical, semi-biological spider! And, to make matters worse, in the strange pouch or mouth of the opponent, there are actually human heads hidden?
It's like... unplug it from the corpse puppet and install it under its belly? They capture humans, is it for this, to create that kind of powerful monster? !
"The new monster..."
"Shepard, whatever it is, I think we better not let it get too close?"
Of course Miranda also saw the monster in the distance that was gradually approaching them. She was so scared that she leaned over and brought the M-6a ‘executioner’ holding the artillery that she had put aside to her side.
Later, she might rely on her heavy weapons to fight against the monsters that can fly and fluctuate incomparably powerful with abilities alone!
"Ready to fight!"
"Miranda, I don't want that kind of thing too close, but what else can we do besides staying here now?!"
Hearing Miranda's words lightly, Shepard retorted the other party rudely.
After all, now, although the collector monsters and soldiers outside of them have been beaten by their attacks and the sniper of the little Annie in the distance, the number of enemies is there. This is from their universal tools. The dense red dots around the battle map can be clearly seen, it is absolutely impossible to fake!
That is the accurate data scanned in real time by Normandy II, which is staying above the orbit of the planet. There is absolutely nothing wrong, or even more?
If they dare to rush out now, they will definitely be sieved on the spot by those collectors and soldiers! At that time, no one can save them! Therefore, whether they want to prevent the monster in the distance from approaching, or want to retreat away from the opponent, they can't do it, they can only continue to stay here!
"Hey! Little Annie!"
"Did you see the flying collector monster in the distance? Hurry up, see if you are not sure to kill it directly?!"
Miranda, who also had an ominous premonition in her heart, did not argue more with Shepard, but directly asked a little guy who was hiding in the distance on the channel.
‘Are you talking about the weird guy who can fly like a spider? ’
"Yes! That's it!"
‘But it’s flying too far now, this broken gun can’t hit it... wait until you bring it over and land! ’
In the channel, Little Annie spoke slowly in an unhurried tone.
Obviously, she also saw the collector monster in the distance that could only fly with abilities! However, due to the various restrictions and poor range of mass effect weapons in the planet's atmospheric environment, she now can't help the monster that is slowly flying.
The initial velocity of mass effect weapons in this world is too high, frictional heat generation, vainly changing projectile mass and air resistance have too much influence on the range of the rifle, so that at a distance of thousands of meters, it is as strong as Annie and can only wait. Just keep the other party close to the right distance... Or is she willing to use more outrageous cheating methods?
For example...
When he didn't agree with him, he threw a blast of fire or lightning bolt that was locked with mental power?
"That's right, I'll beg you later!"
After speaking, Miranda no longer cared about the other party's reply. Instead, she hurriedly picked up her two automatic pistols and shot through the fissures of the colonial cabin towards the agitated collectors outside. .
Shepard had already started fighting, and Miranda had to cooperate with the attack, otherwise she would definitely not be able to defend this small place by herself.
‘Σζδργ, ιφκκδβαΘΥΤ! ! ’
(Go ahead! Destroy those humans!!)
Leaving the spaceship and flying far in the air, before the end of its own destination, the flying collector monster issued an angry roar towards the entire battlefield. The sound was almost instantaneous. It spread throughout the battlefield.
Although the collector archon didn’t know what the humans had just done, and what advanced weapons they used to attack the four'pioneer' soldiers it had overtaken, but now, it has I don't want to worry about it anymore... Just destroy those enemies, destroy the opponent, and then from the opponent's brain and the leftover spoils, it can naturally get everything it wants to know!
Therefore, it ordered those collectors and soldiers who still had a certain wisdom, but flinched in battle, to issue a mandatory order for a full-scale offensive at all costs.
"Aaagh! aaagh!!!"
In the next second, after countless collectors and pawns received the most severe orders from their leader, they began to roar to the sky one after another! Afterwards, they began to rush out of the bunkers desperately, charging violently towards the hiding place of Shepard and Miranda, while attacking frantically, even if they could not hit the ones that were hidden well. Enemies, even if they are knocked down one by one by enemy rifles and precise long-range sniping!
"Damn it! They are crazy!!"
After discovering that the enemy had gone mad, Miranda threw away the automatic pistol in his hand, and instead grabbed the hand-held artillery that was originally intended to deal with the boss-like monster, and quickly opened the insurance. From the window, he directly pulled the trigger toward the densest position of collectors and soldiers in the distance.
boom! !
Then continue to reload and bombard again!
boom! ! !
An explosion sounded, and the charge of the Collector soldiers tens of meters away suddenly stopped, with the help of Shepard’s strafing attack and the help of the little guy Galas and Annie in the distance. , They finally suppressed most of the collectors at a distance of more than one hundred meters from them.
The collector soldiers who rushed in sporadically could only be overwhelmed by snipers or rifle shots in vain.
boom! boom! boom! ! !
However, Miranda’s bombing did not stop. When she shot all of her seatless grenades at once, she looked at the situation outside and did not get much better. Shepard's tactical backpack snapped off the opponent's grenade and quickly loaded it into his hand-held artillery.
Now that the collectors have begun to charge intensively regardless of casualties, where does she dare to continue to have reservations? If you don't explode the enemy quickly, block the opponent's offensive, and wait for the opponent to jump in from the window, then the two of them will be dead!
She still didn’t want to die, nor did she want to lie on her stomach with the bare feet. She was protected by Shepardella before, and now she is acting like a little girl in a strangely motionless posture, taken away by the collectors as a living specimen. Research or be researched after death.
"Miranda, the flying collector just now, I seem to be familiar with the language and pronunciation it speaks... As if where I heard it?"
While fiercely cooperating with Miranda's bombardment and shooting the collector soldiers who could still rush over after being bombed, they broke the barrier and fell to the ground and burned, while Shepard said a little puzzled. Tao.
She firmly believed that she must have heard the language spoken by the collector just now, but for a while, she couldn't remember it?
"Please, Shepard, don't care where you heard it!"
"right now……"
"Damn it! They're really crazy, we're going to be finished soon! Hurry, hurry! Give me your missile launcher!!"
After hitting nearly a dozen grenades with artillery in a row, it was discovered that even if the collectors and soldiers were killed or wounded by dozens or hundreds of them, they were still desperately rushing forward, Miranda shrank from the window. Back, while avoiding the enemy’s shooting and restoring the shield, he stretched out his hand again and forcibly took the ML-77 individual missile launcher from the tactical weapon position on Shepard’s back. .
Now they can fight whatever they have, and use whatever weapons are powerful. They have long been ignorant of what to do after the fight! If you don't find a way to suppress at least hundreds of collector soldiers who are rushing over at any cost, then they will have no future!
"We only have this rocket, attacking those energy fuel piles in the distance, and detonating them directly!!"
Shepard, with sharp-eyed eyes, saw at a glance the material storage place where the madly rushing collectors and soldiers passed by... There, the metal box shell of the stacked materials clearly reads "Dangerous and explosive materials." 'The logo! Although they are not easily penetrated or detonated by bullets, if they are small missiles, they can definitely make a big move!
This was already the best way she thought of in a hurry, presumably, it would definitely buy them a lot of time.
"Ha! What a great idea!!"
Whoosh! !
Without thinking about it, Miranda glanced at the ground and sky in the material storage area, there were countless collector soldiers who were running or leaping with jetpacks and flying over, and laughed slyly, directly making the hair appear red. The tail flame rocket flew over the place fiercely!
Da da da! !
Whoosh whoosh! ! !
"Aaagh! aaagh!!!"
Mass effect bullets and pulsed energy beams are flying and shooting at each other in the air. A famous collector soldier rushes or flies violently, even if the enemy's grenades or rifles smash them to pieces, even countless ones. The friendly soldiers running at the forefront were accurately knocked off their heads and necks by distant snipers and fell to the ground. They were still rushing forward frantically!
Because their collector archon has given them a strict death order: destroy the two humans hiding in the house at all costs, and then go to pick up the snipers further away! Today, all the humans who came to this colony to make trouble for them, those small groups of enemies, don't even want to run!
Whoosh! !
A rocket missile dragged the tail flames, flashed past the collectors who were charging wildly, and then plunged into the pile of materials that marked'dangerous and explosive', and exploded violently. Up!
boom! !
In the next instant, the martyrdom happened...
Rumbling rumbling...
Under the detonation of small high-energy and high-explosive missiles, those dangerous and explosive materials burst suddenly!
A large orange mushroom cloud composed of flame red began to expand and slowly rose up, and released an explosive shock wave that could reach hundreds of meters, as well as various killing tablets, gravel and debris, etc.! The fierce fire light even directly flooded the surrounding collectors and soldiers in a radius of more than two hundred meters, causing them to lose at least about half of their troops!
The ruthless flame swept across, even Miranda and Shepard hiding in the building had to squat down to protect themselves with their respective Mass Effect shields and an unknown beautiful chick who could not move. .
However, whether it is Miranda or Shepard, they are not too happy...
Because they all know that even if they lose at least half of their troops, the collectors now have at least 1,000 soldiers. They are less than three for the Marines of Normandy II, and for their groups. The ten-person team is still an overwhelming absolute advantage!
"Wow... those things, they can explode..."
! Σ(⊙▽⊙
Seeing the magnificent flame mushroom cloud in the distance began to slowly dissipate, as well as the fire that almost covered half of the colony and the countless collectors and soldiers burned to the ground, laughed while Annie exclaimed, but she also had some regrets. He slapped his mouth and took the opportunity to replace the heat dissipation clip of his sniper rifle.
Now the fire covers a large area, and it looks like it should be caused by some kind of fuel... Anyway, in a short time, those collectors and soldiers must not dare to continue charging like before. This makes Annie finally be considered I got a little free.
Before, in order to help the two big sisters, Shepard and Miranda in the distance, the gathering rifles in her hand were all fired with red barrels and the alarms were repeated. If it weren't for them, they would detonate those things and temporarily stop the monsters. If she’s charging, maybe Annie herself really had to use her large-scale magic to strike the enemy mercilessly.
As long as she thinks about it, if a blazing storm goes down, the entire "Horizon" colony will be burned!
"Tibbers, now let's take a look at the strange collector that flew over. Has it survived the fight?!"
Without a suitable soldier to sniper herself, Annie wasn't in a hurry, because now the collector who looked so tired and looked like a flying spider in the distance finally flew over.
As long as the opponent gets a little closer, she can try to see if the opponent's abilities are so powerful that she can't stand her weapon.
(For a certain young master who opened the armor-breaking enchantment, Tibbers no longer wants to comment too much! It can already imagine what the unlucky collector leader in the distance will be like in the end, anyway , Tibbers can now predict it.)
‘Eti, how is the turret now? ’
‘We need support. Those fires can’t stop them for long, you have to as soon as possible! ! ’
When Xiao Annie estimated the enemy's distance and was about to fire a long-range fatal blow, Shepard took advantage of the gap where the collector did not continue to attack, and urged the artificial intelligence EDI in the battle channel with an anxious tone.
'Has been completed! ’
‘GARDIAN anti-ship gun battery has been charged up to 100%, and the cracking progress is 99%...100%...’
‘Commander Shepard, I have successfully controlled the turret now. Do you want me to attack the enemy’s warship first or clear the enemy’s soldiers first? ’
Finally, in the voice of Shepard’s impatient questioning, the artificial intelligence EDI on Normandy II finally brought good news to Shepard: those defensive turrets in the planet’s atmosphere built by the Star Alliance are finally regarded as After cracking and successfully charging, it can be used immediately.
‘Don’t worry about the collector warship, first destroy the soldiers of the collector, we need support! ’
In the current situation, where does Shepard have the mind to manage that warship?
If Yitty doesn't move a little bit faster, the reorganized Collector soldiers in the distance will be able to rush to their colonial warehouse that has been beaten full of bullet holes in less than twenty seconds!
But this time, their hand-held artillery and missile launchers have no ammunition. With the assault rifles and automatic pistols in their hands, they will definitely not be able to hold the next wave of enemy desperate charges.
‘Okay, Commander Shepard! ’
‘The data of the enemy’s target has been successfully collected, the turret is changed to ground attack mode, the shelling will start after twenty seconds, and the high explosive warhead has been filled, please pay attention to avoid it! ! ’
Soon, the voice of artificial intelligence Itty rang again.
'Request support! ’
‘Great, the turret will clean up the collectors in front for us first, they have to rush in! ’
‘Our side too! ! ’
‘EDI, please hurry up! ’
‘Damn, they’re coming again, I’m afraid we won’t last that long! ’
Da da da!
Da Da Da Da Da! !
The chaotic voices of Shepard and the other Marines began to ring in the combat channel. Their anxious voices and the sound of gunfire when they fired violently resounded in the combat channel... At this time, people around the base Before the defensive artillery began to attack, the collectors and soldiers had begun to launch their second wave of desperate charges in all directions while the flame spreading half of the base gradually decreased!
Cang Dang! !
A heavy impact sounded when a heavy object landed on the steel, and successfully attracted the attention of Shepard and Miranda who were firing.
‘Ъёсд, σζδργ, ιφκκδβαΘΥΤ! ! ! ’
(Go ahead! Destroy those humans!!!)
Finally, the large spider-like triangle-headed collector monster leader successfully flew to a place about a hundred meters away from Shepard and Miranda, and then it was covered by a huge blue shield. Standing on top of a large iron box like a container, when it roared again and ordered the collectors and soldiers who were patrolling outside the fire to give new orders, its eyes flashed a strong light at the same time.
This time, it will directly use its incomparable power to directly annihilate the humans hiding in the colonial cabin far away! At this distance, its attack can easily crush the enemy, but the enemy can't break its shield!
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
Sure enough, at this moment, sniper bullets violently hit its shield, but it couldn't help it!
'commander! Please note that my attack has no effect on it! ’
'repeat! My attack has no effect on it! ! ’
On the battle channel, Galath's panicked voice rang.
Just now, he quickly slapped a whole magazine of bullets towards the huge target in the distance, but... the other party’s shield did not even flash. After he quickly replaced the thermal magazine, He could only continue to attack in vain the monster that threatened Commander Shepard and the others in the distance, the leader of the collector.
Zizi! !
Finally, the two eyes resembling lightning and beams of particles, the blue eye rims as thick as human thighs illuminate the energy light waves, instantly forming in front of the two pale eyes of the collector archon, and directly on While two deep gullies were plowed on the ground, they shot towards the two human hideouts that were still fighting in the distance!
In the places irradiated by the
Eye-Edge Laser
, whether it’s a solid house, a box or those Collector soldiers who assaulted forward, they were all like pieces of paper under those two Eye-Edge lasers. Melting or cutting, there is no sense of blocking at all!
With a muffled sound, the collector’s shield broke after being hit by Galath for a long time without any response. Then, the huge and ugly triangular head of the collector’s archon was instantly tilted, and at the same time , Those two terrifying power rays also stopped abruptly before the colonial warehouse where Shepard and the others hid...
Afterwards, its four spider-like steel limbs trembled slightly, and finally couldn't maintain their balance, so they crooked and planted from the top of the large iron box like a container toward the ground.
Another sound of heavy objects hitting the ground sounded...
One of the leaders of the collector, the majestic archon of the collector battleship, the existence of the collector general who is still on the battleship, that has not had time to declare his presence too much, that can The monster that controlled the soldier remotely and upgraded the soldier to become a powerful "pioneer", was shot down by the little Annie and successfully died in the colony of the "Horizon".
"It's so boring, Tibbers, that guy seems to be a little bit unsatisfied. He died with a single shot. It's so casual!"
Originally, Xiao Anni thought how powerful and cruel the other party was, but how could she think... the other party couldn't even stand her shot? Thinking of that guy really disappoints the audience too much, it's not fun at all!
(That is the leader of other collectors, it's just... it was beaten to death by your cheating method.
The leader of the collector was originally very powerful. Anyway, Tibbers felt that if it hadn’t been for this messy little lord here, with Shepard’s people, he really dared to rush in like that. If you fight with collectors in the'Horizon' colony, it is estimated that not many people will be dead enough. )
"Huh? The leader of the flying monster without feet, only head, body and four spider legs?"
"Tibbers, are you sure you are not kidding?!"
( ̄△ ̄;)
How can the leader be so spicy? Can a guy who seems to have no fighting capacity really be a leader? Anyway, in the impression of Little Annie, those who can be the leader are those who are long and brutal, big, and capable of fighting, such as the big demons of the Burning Legion that you have encountered before?
Like the kind of Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, or Sargeras, who is so powerful and has a hot planet, is it the leader of the bad guys?
(Obviously, they are the leader, and its energy level is at least a hundred times higher than that of ordinary collectors! It is also dozens of times higher than that of Shepard and Miranda! He is a real leader-level monster, just mind If you're not stupid, Shepard and the others can't beat that guy together.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Like the power of Shepard's abilities, fighting can only rely on shields and evasion, and can't open Wushuang, and can't be an ordinary warrior. In Tibbers' view, it must be better than that just now. Only collector monsters. )
"How do I know..."
"Forget it, who made it so spicy that it will die if it dies, it deserves it!"
Annie wouldn't admit that it was the reason for her cheating, so she could only blame the other party for being too indifferent. There was nothing wrong with it, it was just so spicy!
The leader died instantly, and the pressure of the mental abilities blessed on the collectors and soldiers disappeared invisible, which also caused them to become confused... Some collectors continued to rush forward, while others stopped blankly. In the end, Shepard and Miranda finally got another chance to survive.
‘Target calibration is complete and bombing begins! ’
‘All Marines, please pay attention, the planetary defense turrets are beginning to shell, please pay attention to avoid fragment damage! ’
With the reminder of the artificial intelligence EDI, the four double-mounted, scary-caliber planetary defense turrets in the atmosphere began to flatten the muzzle and quickly bombarded!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The dull and far-reaching cannons sounded, and then, one after another violent explosions blew up in the colony! The Star Alliance’s planetary defense weapon for the ‘Horizon’ colony failed to withstand the threat from space warships. Instead, it started bombing the place it originally needed to protect...
boom! boom! boom! ! !
A round of high-explosive shells, mass effect solid electromagnetic projectiles, and large pulsed energy beams began to violently bombard all the collector soldiers and the corpse puppets in the entire colony base, causing them to explode in groups of fire and light. It wailed in the energy, and was instantly torn into pieces, exploded into pieces, or simply melted and evaporated.
boom! boom! ! !
Fire, explosions, smoke, and blue energy clusters became the mainstream here... Those collectors and soldiers in chaos became more and more chaotic, and they could only avoid and run away. However... in the face of powerful weapons of the planetary defense level, any of their actions are destined to be meaningless.
'not good! ’
'fast! Itti! Go and hit that spaceship first, but don't let it go! ’
Now that the collectors are in chaos, Shepard is no longer worried that they will pose too much threat to her and Miranda, or other team members, so he starts to worry about the collector's ship!
Because at this moment, the collector spaceship started roaring and igniting. Obviously, after the opponent was weak in combat, it seemed that he wanted to escape directly? !
‘Yes, commander! ’
‘Start attacking! ’
The planetary defense turret began to quickly charge and operate and lifted the cannon holes, and then the huge double-mount, which can directly attack any planetary defense cannon that enters the atmosphere, aimed at the one standing in the middle of the colony. spaceship.
Boom! Boom!
boom! boom! boom!
A mass effect electromagnetic counter-ship solid shell, or a beam of energy particles specifically designed to attack the shield of the ship, violently bombarded the outer wall of the spacecraft! Soon, the shield above it began to emit fierce flames, and the entire spaceship that stood upright shook.
‘The collector battleship barrier is overloaded and offline...’
‘The outer wall of the Collector’s battleship is damaged! ’
As the four planetary defensive weapons violently bombarded the stationary collector battleship, the EDI report was promptly reported in everyone's battle channel.
Rumbling rumbling...
Then, after all, the bottom of the collector spacecraft was like a rocket, ejecting a powerful stream of particles. Bingran's huge spacecraft began to accelerate and lift off quickly like a rocket. Obviously, the collector might be frightened. When I arrived, I planned to forcefully take off and stay away from this'horizon' colony.
At this time, the four defensive turrets were obviously unable to blast down the thick outer wall and accelerate the escape of the Collector spacecraft...
"Ha! Those bad guys still want to run?!"
How can I see that the other party is going to run? If she really ran away, how faceless her Queen Anne-sama?
So, Annie looked at it as if no one noticed herself, she secretly stretched out her little hand, and slammed the spaceship that was flying higher and higher with a long blue tail flame!
In the next instant, the opponent's spacecraft shook suddenly, and then the tail flames at the tail of the spacecraft disappeared strangely? Then, after the spacecraft leaped for a certain distance in the sky with its inertia, it was like a high-altitude projectile, and it landed on the ground...
I think back then, her Queen Anne, but even the more powerful Protoss Mothership was caught and planted on the ground, and that awkward Collector spaceship wanted to shake the sky?
Rumbling rumbling...
After a while, it seemed that the collector's spacecraft had finally fallen to the ground, so there was a vaguely violent crash.
‘Itti! What is going on? ’
"Did you successfully destroy it?!"
Miranda was a little puzzled. It was obvious that their artillery did not cause much damage to the enemy. It was obviously far away, and it seemed that it would soon be able to run into the universe. Why did it suddenly take off and crash? !
Could it be that a certain shell magically hit the vital part of the enemy?
‘According to monitoring, the energy of the enemy’s spacecraft suddenly appeared in a mess for unknown reasons...’
"Well, then we should be considered a complete victory!"
Miranda breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the cannonball hit the enemy’s energy heart, so she hit the ashes on the ashes ground, and reached out and twisted the face of the still motionless chick next to her. The other party showed a relaxed and proud smile.
"Yiti! Immediately turn the muzzle and clean up all collectors in the base!"
"Normandy II, lift the camouflage, I order you to enter the atmosphere immediately, go to the place where the collector spacecraft crashed to monitor and bombard any collector soldiers who escaped!"
"Other team members, continue to clean up the enemies in the base!"
Shepard's orders were passed on one by one.
‘Yes! ’
"Ha! I forgot, we have to save the hapless people who were taken away... Hey! I hope they haven't been thrown to death?"
"Hey! Little girl, how do you train your body, how can it be better than mine, who regularly exercises and fights?"
When Miranda was bored, she started to molest and lay on the side. Shepard had just dragged the young and beautiful little Nizi confined by the poison bee, and looked at the other person's body. Even if she is not Lala, but she also has the urge to bully the other person!
Especially, when the opponent can't move at all?
However, the other party couldn't speak, and could only give her Miranda an angry look of sadness and anger.
"Miranda, I remember!"
"I found new evidence again! The leader of the collector just now, the language it speaks, seems to be the ones I've heard in Proxian's beacons before!"
Suddenly, Shepard became excited, his eyes filled with excitement and explained to Miranda who was sitting on the ground.
"The former Proxian must have been harvested by the reaper, and then turned into that kind of monster?"
"Of course, there are also those corpse puppets..."
"I think that if we humans are harvested, it will definitely become like that! Those Jies should also get the Reaper's spiked transformation technology from the overlord?"
"It's a pity, it's just our speculation. The Castle of God will definitely not win your trust!"
Nodded, then shook her head. Miranda unceremoniously gave Shepard a basin of cold water. She was not optimistic about Shepard's guess, because there was no real and valid evidence.
"Hope, there is enough evidence in the crashed Collector spacecraft?"
"Maybe... we should catch a few living collectors?"
After putting the hot weapon aside, Shepard frowned and thought about it.
"Catch alive? Good idea!"
"But, I think we'd better catch a collector with a high enough status?"
Miranda's eyes flickered for a while, nodded and gave a suggestion.
"it is good!"
"Yitti, hurry up and clean up the enemy in the base, send two landing craft over, we must go to the place where the enemy spacecraft crashed as soon as possible!!!
Shepard agreed with Miranda's suggestion and ordered EDI as soon as possible.
‘Yes, Commander Shepard! ’
‘The landing craft has set off and will arrive outside your colonial barn in five minutes. ’
'what? ’
‘Are there any fun things? I also need to go! ! ’
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