Chapter 554: ?Not so easy?

"Congressman Ashali, and Senator Serra Rui... why are you two also here?"
The Turian Congressman received an urgent call from the Ambassador of the Council of Humanity Anderson, saying that there is something very important to inform him today, so it is best for him to come to this meeting room of the Council on time!
That's why he took time out of the chaos and rushed over... But how can I think that when he came in here, he actually had two council members? Could it be... they were also fooled by that Anderson?
"This one……"
"Congressman Tunee, you also came here after being summoned by Anderson?"
Senator Serra Rui stopped talking in a low voice with the Senator Ashali next to him, and with his big eyes with a strange look, he looked at the Turian Senator who had just arrived here.
"So, you should be too?!"
Member of the Tunisian was still a little unclear, so why did all the council members come here today? He had never heard of any important meeting today that required all the MPs to get together... Then, he quickly understood something.
Fortunately, he thought naively before that it was really the human congressman who wanted to talk to him privately!
"I understand……"
"That Anderson actually sent a private message to all of us at the same time. He initiated an illegal meeting against the rules! I think he must be trying to persuade us to believe in his'reaper threat theory'. Right?"
Senator Ashali looked at the same puzzled Serraru and Turian for a while, and then she quickly thought of something, so while she was annoyed in her heart, she also felt a little tired and There were already enough things in the castle of God, she didn't understand, why did the human Senator Anderson still miss those unnecessarily reapers?
"In this way, he might be going to conduct a meaningless lobbying and defense against us later?"
"Although I am not very busy now, I hope he will not waste too much time?"
The Serraru also shook his head slightly. Now the mobs in the third guard area are celebrating victory in the outer city! That good piece of city, after being taken over by the other party, was directly made into a miasma. If it weren't for those ‘guardians’ responsible for maintaining it, I’m afraid it would have been worse, right?
All sorts of troublesome things have been pressing on their hearts for these two days, so why would you feel in the mood to listen to the human legislator repeating those things that weren't there at all?
The so-called'Reaper' is nothing but a hypothetical existence invented by their human beings through the'Overlord'. After all, they can't stand scrutiny... Anyway, they don't really believe that there is something in the universe. Are these powerful enough to directly oppose the existence of all higher civilizations?
"They humans are simply wasting my time!!"
Senator Tuy, who had been so busy for the past two days, heard that it was this kind of thing again. He snorted on the spot and prepared to turn around and leave here.
This time, in the rebellion of the sacred fort poor in the third guard area, the Turians suffered the most damage. As the ambassador to the sacred fort and a council member, the pressure and controversy that he has endured are increasing. Is it from the castle of God or from their Turians!
So, where is he in the mood now to listen to those human nonsense? !
Senator Ashali and Senator Serra Rui also glanced at each other silently, and seemed to have a vague plan to leave directly?
It's just that they are still relatively free now... Therefore, after the two of them exchanged tacitly with their eyes, they decided to wait patiently for a while. If humans are not saying something important, then they will It's not too late to politely find a suitable excuse to leave.
Up to this time, in the case of asymmetric information, apart from the first-hand information from the Shepard and Bahak galaxy received by the Star Alliance, other races wanted to get news of the arrival of the Reaper. I'm afraid it will take a day or two to do it, so they don't know what happened right now.
After all, whether it is a Reaper or a Collector, their usual method is to directly intercept and interfere with the communication of an entire galaxy. Except for the human base of the Star Alliance, it was discovered that the Reaper jumped to the Bahak Galaxy through a repeater in time Apart from the information sent, I am afraid that even the Bataris themselves are not sure why they lost contact in their own colony, right?
"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, because I just took some time to settle the transaction..."
"Congressman Tuy, please wait patiently!"
When the council members guessed or wanted to leave with dissatisfaction, Admiral Anderson, dressed in the dress of the Star Alliance Admiral, stepped in vigorously from another door that opened automatically in the conference room. .
Then, at the same time he pleaded guilty, he stretched out his hand and shouted loudly to the Turian Congressman who was ready to leave.
At this meeting, Anderson did not come here alone. At this time, he was following behind him, and the one who was frowning, his spirit was a little low, his eyes were a little wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Advisor to the Udine Congress in trouble.
"Please relax, I won't waste a lot of your time today, because I am very busy now!"
Seeing that the Turian was just standing in place and didn't go out, but he didn't mean to come in, Anderson didn't try to force each other, and directly confronted the two puzzled Asari and Serraru. While talking, the congressman took out an information terminal and gently placed it on the table in front of the two congressmen.
"Although I also know that you don't like to hear this, I still want to say it again: Now, those harvesters, they have come, and we have enough evidence!"
After putting away all the information that he had backed up for these stubborn guys, Anderson sighed slightly, but he still spoke in a loud voice.
"Sure enough, it's this again..."
"Congressman Anderson, I'm sorry, I've been really busy these past few days, so just...?"
The already impatient and exhausted Congressman, who was already unbearable when he heard that it was indeed such an obscure thing, just waved his hand a little and prepared to leave here after an angrily apologized.
Now his situation is very bad, and the position of this parliamentarian is likely to be removed soon if it is not handled well! So, why is he still in the mood here to listen to those stupid humans chattering about such imaginary things?
Whether it is a reaper or a collector...
That kind of thing, let him worry about it...because he has already received definite news, whether it is him or the general who is in charge of garrisoning the castle of God, both of them will soon be demoted and relegated by the high-level Touareg. Dismissed, and then have to get out!
No longer being held accountable for other responsibilities, and just replacing positions, this is probably the best result they can achieve.
"No! Please wait a moment!"
Anderson again drank loudly to stop the Turian who had just walked a few steps, and successfully made the opponent turn around and glared at him very dissatisfied.
"Don't worry, believe it or not, I have to go back to prepare for the battle after finishing the last two sentences, but I have no time to waste time with you guys!"
Regardless of the astonishment and dissatisfaction in the eyes of the Asari and the Serraru, Anderson still said loudly and carelessly, using that kind of terrible vocabulary that was rude, like turning his face on the board.
"Now those'Reapers' that you don't think exist, they have successfully invaded the Bahak Galaxy! The number of them is tens of thousands of ships captured by our Star Alliance alone! And, They all look almost the same as the'Overlord' that attacked the Fortress of God!"
"Everything I said, all the evidence, they are here!"
Anderson pointed his finger at the instrument he had just put on the table. It contained everything he wanted these politicians of the Castle of God to see! However, he doesn't have time now, nor is he in the mood to explain too much to these stubborn guys.
Anyway, the army of Reapers has descended into the galaxy. It is already an established fact. It doesn't matter if they listen or not, believe it or not, that doesn't make much sense! Before the imminent catastrophe, it is always right for the Human Star Alliance to do its own precautions.
"The last thing, I need to inform you!"
"Just now, while you were waiting for me, all the authority of the council members of the Human Fortress Council was officially handed over to our Udinese consultant! Now, he is arranged by the Star Alliance on the Fortress Council Human councillor!"
"I am going to return to the solar system and participate in the highest-level preparatory meeting of our Star Alliance. So, my former colleagues, goodbye!"
"If you have anything you don't understand, just ask Congressman Udine!"
"Seriously, in the past two years, I have had enough of you guys who are not acting... Good luck to you!"
After speaking unceremoniously to the three stunned council members, Anderson, who finally felt refreshed, nodded contentedly and turned to leave.
At this moment, he finally vomited the resentment that had been held in his heart for the past two years!
Anyway, now that he has completed the transfer of the authority of the ambassador and congressman, he has also indicated to these guys his intention to step down, and at the same time indicated his successor. He is about to return to the Star Alliance and is ready to command the fleet. You don't need to look at the faces of these people, let alone what they think of yourself.
If it weren't for these stubborn guys, how could the Milky Way and their Star Alliance be reduced to such an embarrassing situation today? How can you wait until the Reaper’s army has arrived before rushing to prepare for the battle in a daze?
Moreover, Admiral Anderson is actually very worried now, and he is also very desperate!
Because, if each of those Reaper’s battleships is as powerful as the'Overlord’-level Reaper battleship that attacked the God fort, it has eight main artillery, and the battleship of the God fort and the Star Alliance fleet almost can’t find the north. At that level... Anderson himself is very pessimistic about whether he can successfully resist.
Now I think about it, when Saron conspired to invade and control the castle of God, the opponent had only one Reaper battleship, but the result?
In that battle with fewer enemies and more enemies, the Sacred Fort fleet suffered heavy losses. The Turians lost more than 20 cruisers and killed more than 6,000 people; the Asari’s Destiny had not been for Hackett. If you rush to rescue, you will almost be beaten alive...
At that time, the Star Alliance’s fleet that rushed to help the Fortress of God lost a full eight cruisers. They were: Shenyang, Atten, Jakarta, Cairo, Seoul, Cape of Good Hope, Warsaw, and Madrid. Wait for the ship...
In the end, after Shepard's efforts and the sacrifice of countless brave Star Alliance fighters, it was barely considered as the human being's status in the castle today.
But nowadays, there are more spaceships of that kind of Reaper in the galaxy. The number of them is endless. It may be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands... This kind of powerful enemy, their Star Alliance or other races. , How to deal with it?
"Congressman Anderson! Please wait a moment!"
After a moment of stunner, Senator Asari hurriedly stretched out his hand and called the Anderson. Although she hasn't looked at the so-called ‘evidence’ yet, she felt that this matter would definitely not be a trivial matter just by listening to the other party’s words.
"Are you sure what you just said... is true?"
If the other party continues to be the same as before, and wants to persuade her to believe in the existence of the Reaper, she must say a few words euphemistically and leave the field directly. But now, after the other party dropped a piece of "evidence", he turned his head bizarrely and left. There was a pair: "You love not to see", and also threatened to go back to the posture of preparing for war. Apart from the consternation, a little panic faintly arose.
Ashali’s instinct told her that what the other party said this time is probably true!
Anderson stood before the door of the opened conference room, but he did not look back, nor did he look at the wonderful expressions of the three council members, he just sighed and said softly:
"I'm not here to prove their existence to you, because they have indeed come...I am just telling you about the enemy today? Seriously, I have had enough of you guys!"
"Shepard has warned you several times, but...because of your self-righteousness and delays, we lost at least two full years of preparation time!"
"And now, our Star Alliance navy will not waste more with you here!"
After speaking in one breath, Anderson hurriedly walked out, leaving only the tri-racial councillors who looked at each other and the former adviser of Udine who had been frowning.
He is now going to board a cruiser of Star Alliance, and then lead a small fleet to make several jumps, return to the Charon repeater in the solar system, and then rush to a space station led by Star Alliance and held in geosynchronous orbit. Have a summit meeting!
"Udina Advisor..."
"No, now I should call you Senator Udine? Excuse me, what Admiral Anderson said just now, are they true?!"
No way. Seeing that Anderson had hurriedly left, Senator Asari could only look at the Udine Human Senator who came in with Anderson but remained silent from beginning to end. He seemed to be a little frowning. The consultant asked.
Now, this special adviser to a human congressman has finally succeeded in taking the position, and has transformed himself into a council member. It's just that the other party doesn't seem to want to celebrate this matter now, and she and other parliamentarians obviously have no intention to care about this kind of matter at this time.
"Everyone, I advise you to take a look at this first... Admiral Anderson has already said very clearly about this matter, and I don't want to comment on it anymore, because... Now our Star Alliance has indeed begun to fully mobilize and Urgent preparations..."
Shaking his head, Udine did not explain more, but just took two steps forward, pressed down the instrument that Anderson had put down, and began to play the evidence collected by Shepard and Star Union that has not been recognized by the board. .
"The Reapers have come to our galaxy, and they should still be in the Bahak galaxy now! However, they blocked all communications there, and we can't contact our base now..."
"Now, it is said that the Bahak Galaxy and some surrounding star clusters have also lost contact...In the face of the facts, we can no longer ignore their existence, as for other..."
"Oh! Let's take a look first. I hope you can pay attention to this matter and act sooner? Believe me. If we can't resist effectively, what happened to Proxian is likely to be our end..."
After pressing the switch, he sighed and shook his head, Udine pushed aside and allowed the three council members to get close to the instrument.
Although, now he has indeed gotten his wish from Anderson, a guy who doesn't understand politics, and has obtained the position of human councillor of the fortress council, standing on the top of the power structure of the galaxy!
I don't know why, but now he is really not happy at all?
"this is……"
As Udine pressed a certain button, the little instrument storing the holographic image projected the evidence found by Shepard and Star Alliance himself in this conference room.
However, at the first glance, the three council members exclaimed at the same time! Because, from the images above, they saw extremely horrifying scenes: countless ships of the original
battleships that looked almost exactly the same, almost covered the entire Batari α repeater. And the surrounding area.

Miranda was leaning close, looking carefully at a little guy sitting at the table eating snacks.
Now, Shepard is in the conference room on the other side and the General Galen, who is said to have been summoned by this little guy by opening a space door, is part of the Hero Federation...what are those two people talking about, Milan Da can probably guess it too, so she doesn't want to care about that kind of thing either.
When she wanted to come, it was nothing more than understanding the situation and preparing for the next war.
After all, Shepard is now just a "ghost ghost" hired by their Cerberus. Except for this ship, in fact, the other party does not have much rights, and it must be impossible to talk about practicality. The content of, at most, is nothing more than introducing this group of upcoming new forces for God's Castle or Star Alliance.
Therefore, rather than those boring things, Miranda now wants to study the little guy in front of him more.
To be honest, even Miranda did not expect her to take a look at herself. The messy things that this little guy usually brags about are all true? !
Those magical magic, a powerful federal state, and countless warships?
Although there are some things that she hasn't seen with her own eyes, Miranda actually believes most of them now.
This little guy who was rescued by them in the first place actually came from another galaxy, or a parallel universe? This is no wonder, no wonder the other party does not have any identity records...
As for the multiverse, Miranda herself has certainly heard of it!
In those theoretical texts that are always endless to learn, the multiverse described is a collection of finite or infinite possible universes. They include all existing and possible things... But between parallel universes, It should be neither overlapping nor intersecting, which is equivalent to two parallel straight lines. The two sides can never reach and interfere with the opposite side.
But now...
This little guy, how did she get into their galaxy from another galaxy? With this matter, Miranda couldn't understand what he thought about cosmology, who was originally not good!
However, this does not count!
That little guy not only got into their universe by himself, he could even open the space door to summon others, even, it is said that he could also summon the Federation's cosmic fleet?
This makes Miranda very confused, how did that little guy do that kind of outrageous thing? What is that so-called magic?
Is that an ability? Or something else?
All these are things that Miranda wants to figure out!
Of course, some things are not in a hurry now. She has reported to the Phantom Man, the leader of Cerberus, and now the other party’s new instructions have not arrived. Before that, she had only stayed in this spaceship and waited for her to fly. Outside of the solar system, she can do nothing.
So, when she was bored, she began to study this amazing little guy who had been in contact with them for many days!
"Hey! What are you looking at, is there something dirty on my face?"
Annie, who is eating, can't stand it!
This big sister Miranda, after just knowing that she had summoned a heavily armed Galen out and ran here to watch the excitement, she began to stare at her as she is now, like a monster, which made her feel very Very uncomfortable!
After that, Annie subconsciously wiped her white and tender face. Just after she finished the ice cream, she obviously remembered to wipe her face. Now she is just drinking a drink, her face is clean, where could it happen? Dirty?
"I'm looking at you!"
"Little Annie...I still can't believe it, you really are the head of the Hero Federation of the Kepulu zone?!"
Squinting, Miranda re-examined the other party for a short while, still not seeing the difference between the other party and ordinary little girls.
The little guy in front of me, no matter how she looks at it, she feels that the other party does not look like the kind of superior head of a country. Whether it is temperament or demeanor, this is clearly just a willful and nonsense human being!
Anyway, except for the talent in sniping, she really didn't see the difference between the other party and the ordinary little guys she had seen. For example: likes to eat sweets, active, playful, slept in, willful, shameless, etc., all the problems of ordinary children, they all have them!
"What's so strange about this?"
"In fact, I still have a lot of forces and a lot of helpers. What I say will scare you to death!"
Annie's own hole cards are really too much!
Whether it’s the world of Azeroth or the Bear Shield, if she summons a magical army and a random green guy who can be hundreds of meters high and can dismantle the battleship with her bare hands, she will definitely be frightened. Rare and weird guys, right?
Therefore, after curling her lips, she didn't want to continue talking about this, because she didn't like fighting or something!
Anyway, as it is now, if you encounter Big Sister Shepard and they need help, and if you are bored, then you can help them a little bit, but how to help, it’s up to the guys Galen to talk about it. Forget it, she didn't bother to care, and didn't understand the mess.
In war or something, she still likes to take her fire element army, rushing forward in swarms like herding sheep, and then don't care about the logistics, formation, and offensive routes! It's a pity that the theme of this world now is cosmic war, and those fire elements that cannot fly out of the planet are definitely not suitable here.
"I understand, I guess, your dad must be the last head of state, and then he passed the position to you?!"
Miranda began to speculate maliciously.
She felt that this little guy must be like the second generation of the evil official in the Star Alliance, directly gilded and inherited from his father? Or, the other party has done a little bit more ridiculously, directly adopting the dictatorship, and blatantly pushing his little daughter who is a few years old to the position of head of state, must that be the case?
"No! The Hero Federation was obviously created by myself!"
Annie's father, Gregory, is a mystic warlock, and in terms of ability, he must be worse than her now! When it comes to forces, let alone! That little gray order is at most equivalent to half of Dalaran. How can it be compared with her Queen Anne's Azeroth world?
Anyway, she won't inherit the gray order of their two bad guys, that's not fun at all!
"That's right!"
At this time, Galen, who had finished talking with Shepard, the commander of the small spaceship, walked over and agreed.
"I can prove it!"
"Our Heroic Federation in Kepulu was indeed created and unified by Master Anne! Without her, there would be no peace today in Kepulu for hundreds of years!"
This is the real reason why the three tribes of the Kepru District are willing to unconditionally respect this little girl as the life-long head of their federation after the political system has gradually entered the right track and perfected! If it weren't for the efforts of the other party, the Kepulu region must still be in chaos. Humans, Protoss, and Zerg will continue to fight for planets and galaxies, right?
It is precisely because of this that in the current Kepulu region, in addition to this little guy’s NO.0 level of authority, their federation only has the highest level of authority of NO.1, which is the acting head of state every five years... …As long as the other party is willing to return to the Kepulu region, the position of acting head of state will automatically be transferred to the federal prime minister.
From this we can know that the little guy has a high prestige in the Kepulu region!
Although not all people unconditionally support her, at least part of the army, people who desire peace, and a considerable number of high-level federal officials firmly support her.
"Are you finished talking now?"
Seeing the big man in armored suit Galen coming out of the meeting room, Miranda stood up and asked politely.
"Ah! Yes, but in fact there is nothing to talk about, just to understand some basic information!"
Galen said indifferently.
He wanted to please the little Annie that he hadn't seen for a long time, but it was a pity that the other party was busy eating and didn't have time to bother him.
"Shepard? Everything is straightened out?"
Miranda looked at Shepard who came out again. She could see that there still seemed to be some worry on the other side's face?
"The General Galen said that my status is not enough, and some things are indeed beyond my control..."
"So, I'm afraid we need to go back to the Star Alliance headquarters first... It just so happens that I can also report this matter to General Anderson, I think he will be very happy to hear about it!"
She just talked for a while with Galen, who was said to be General of the Hero Federation. Most of them were asking about the situation, and she was answering them. Whenever she wanted to ask when the opponent sent troops, she was always given by the opponent. Decline or consider it...
Obviously, the other party is not like a little girl, she can directly decide something important when her head is hot... She can see that she is a battle-tested veteran, and the aura that appears from time to time is also very strong. Shocking, definitely not the kind of general commanding general, but a warrior who can go to the battlefield!
Maybe, the other party also has some kind of ability? !
"Just send troops directly to help us fight the Reapers. Is this matter so troublesome?"
Miranda looked at this weird guy who was still wearing armor, two heads taller than herself, and was covered in very thick armor!
The opponent’s armor looks more hideous and bulky than their light and close-fitting Mass Effect armor. Obviously, their armor must be prepared to deal with a wide range of high-intensity frontal wars, not quite like them. Like the mainstream armors of Normandy II or other races, they mainly rely on mass effect shields for protection.
"I am a five-star general of the Federation. This Ms. Shepard is just a captain. Apart from getting some information from her, how do you think I can talk to her?"
It is not so simple to decide this kind of thing to support a plane universe, but also to wage a full-scale war!
Although, as long as the army comes over and finds a place with resources to quickly deploy the forward base of the three races, their combined fleet will be able to obtain a steady stream of supplies and the ability to fight sustainably, but... now only with the captain Just talk about sending a large fleet over, I am afraid that we have to fight with the natives here before we can go to war with those so-called harvesters?
Galen knows what will happen when a force of unknown origin comes into the sphere of influence of others to mess around, he knows better than anyone else!
This is like the UED of their universe, those unwilling guys, once again sent a large second wave of expeditionary fleet to their Kepulu area from thousands of miles, and they didn’t say anything, they just started doing it. Beaten up alive?
After all, a group of menacing militants drove their huge ships and cannons and ran to their sphere of influence in the Kepru region. Do they still want to make them believe that the other party is here for friendly negotiation and exchange?
Therefore, he Galen will definitely not make that kind of low-level mistake!
Besides, sending troops on a large scale is not that simple.
Although now, since there is no war in the Kepulu region, there is no longer any battle for each other's territory. After the beginning of continuous expansion, the demand for territory has become more and more urgent. It has even gradually come into contact with some UED activity areas. Without UED to fight them again, they have to continue the third round of war against UED in order to survive?
Of course, this matter is not very urgent, and it will certainly not start so quickly within one hundred and eighty years!
Humans in the Federation are now working with Protoss and Zerg to develop genetic medicines, preparing to greatly increase the lifespan of individuals of various races. This is the primary task of their Federation, and there is no rush for the UED war! Then there is... This time, after he saw and understood the magical mass effect and the other party's magical application of the zero element in this parallel universe, Galen had some other ideas.
Galen suddenly felt that maybe they could build a colony for the Federation in this parallel universe?
Of course, this matter requires a breakthrough in the research of the plane space gate by the Federal Academy of Sciences! The Protoss had already mastered space gates and the like, but the plane space gates needed them to study well, and they couldn't let their little head of state use magic to help every time.
Anyway, Galen believes that in order to send troops to the universe on a large scale, the problem of plane teleportation must be solved first!
Magic and science are two different systems. Except for the rarely seen Sarnagar, Sarah Kerrigan knows what the magic used by their head Anne is. But it has always been only half-knowledge...It's like the'Demacia's power' used by Galen, which is a spiritual ideal force. The special institution of the Federal Academy of Sciences has studied for many years, but nothing has been seen. The results come out.
In short, some things cannot be decided so quickly and need to be done slowly.
"What else to talk about?"
"Your head of state is here. She has ordered the dispatch of troops. Can you send troops directly?"
Miranda was a little puzzled and angry, and the other party's words reminded her of those God forts and Star Alliance bureaucrats who like to buck-kick.
"Ms. Miranda, things are not as simple as you think! Oh, sorry, I think I'd better stand..."
After sitting down and accidentally flattening the sofa in Shepard’s office, Galen remembered that he was still wearing armor. This new set of two or three tons of equipment was not something that their furniture could bear. .
"War is no child's play!"
"Master Anne has the highest authority of the Federation. This is an indisputable fact! to fight, it is not me or her that has the final say!"
"Our Federation's foreign warfare will naturally be evaluated by the Staff, and then the authorization of your Star Federation and necessary negotiations? Only when the conditions set by our Staff are met, I think our Federation's fleet will be dispatched!"
After smiling, Galen tried to explain in words that the other party could understand. How can a large-scale war be as simple as this female soldier imagined? What's more, it is not an ordinary war. It is an all-out war involving the entire galaxy. It is not so easy to make a decision.
"She is the head of state, not even what she said?!"
Miranda bitterly pointed at a little guy who was looking innocent next to him and asked loudly.
"I'm sorry, your Excellency Head Anne does not have the authority to directly order and command fleet operations..."
If there are few enemies and a small fleet of one hundred and eighty ships is mobilized, then there is nothing to say, he can make a decision and pull him over now! However, now we are going to go to a large-scale battle with almost hundreds of thousands of Reaper warships, it will be a protracted and vast war, and at least more than one-third of the Federation's combat power must be mobilized!
Even the head of state Anne cannot easily directly authorize and order things like that!
Anyway, Galen feels that there must be sufficient benefits to allow the Federal Staff to decide whether to use force against the world! And that kind of thing requires them to negotiate with the so-called Star Alliance or God Fort.
"Little Annie, you really failed as a head of state!"
"Look at you, you don't even have the authority to order the fleet to fight, so what do you do as the head of state?"
Miranda thought bitterly for a while, and suddenly became agitated, teasing a little guy who was watching a play. She originally thought that she could directly bring in a large fleet, and then help their Star Alliance humans to beat those Reapers for free!
But how can I think it would be so troublesome? And it seems that it is still similar to that of the bureaucrats of the castle?
(What else can you do, it's nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun, hunting in the mountains, fishing in the sea, sleeping until you wake up naturally, and just wandering around the planet and cruelly torturing small animals!)
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Huh! What's so great about commanding fleet operations? I tell you, I don't even need a fleet, I can directly lay down an entire country with hundreds of planets!"
Anne is not good at commanding fleet battles. She has never lost a large-scale fleet battle in the StarCraft developed by Hope! At most, the casualty rate is slightly higher?
"I don't believe it!"
Miranda almost laughed out loud. She lay down hundreds of planets without using a fleet. A country of this size might not even have so many Star Alliances now, right?
"Humph! If you don't believe me, pull it down!"
"That one……"
"Not to mention, this matter is indeed true... Master Anne once used the smallest price to directly calm the entire Kepulu region..."
More than ten years have passed, and now some top-secret files of the Hero Federation have gradually been unsealed. Galen relied on his position and identity, of course, from the trust of the head of the federal secret service department and ghost chief and the Federal Special Operations Intelligence Agency. The director, Major General Nova of the Ghost Force, learned a lot of top-secret information from that year.
Up to now, the high-levels of their federation basically knew how a certain little guy back then conquered the three races with little blood.
"This... how did she do it?"
Miranda was suddenly a little curious. Seeing that Galen looked serious, she seemed to be talking nonsense?
"Of course it is magic! I am very powerful!"
In fact, this thing is super simple, that is, grabbing the enemy's leader, and then pulling out the other's soul to stamp a stamp, and then, the enemy will become his own, and the enemy's country will naturally become its own country!
In fact, the same can be done with reapers!
It's a pity that no one knows who the boss of the other party is and where they are. Otherwise, I'm afraid she won't have to summon troublesome guys like Galen, and run over to grab him, and then the world will be peaceful!
"How big is your hero federation? Did you talk to Little Annie and occupy the spiral arms of the galaxy?!"
Miranda rang out some things from the past, and now thinking about it, out of curiosity, she asked that Galen.
"I haven't occupied a whole cantilever..."
"It should be only half of it? But the surrounding cantilever is also a bit dabbling, but I am not in charge of this matter, so I am not too clear."
He is now the garrison general of the Haven Star Capital Military District. Foreign and colonial affairs are not what he should worry about as the chief security officer of the capital.
"Then how many people do you have?"
Astonished for a while, Miranda asked another question of interest.
"I don't know, maybe it's at least trillions, right?"
This number is really not easy to count. Anyway, humans are now at least 100 billion, and the celestial spirits are more than tens of billions. As for the Zerg... those who can keep laying eggs, ghosts know how many they are. !
"How could there be so many?"
Miranda and Shepard were stunned. With a population of trillions, what kind of concept is that?
The current Star Alliance, I'm afraid it is thirty to fifty billion, right? Moreover, most people are still concentrated in the relatively safe solar system, and few are willing to colonize the outer galaxies... After all, if you can live well in your homeland, there is no one who is willing to go to a dangerous planet. Colonization.
Those pirates, hostile aliens, unknown attacks, etc., all kinds of things can make most people afraid to run outside the safe solar system.
"Little guy, how old are you?"
Miranda is still a little reluctant to believe that a little guy has actually laid down a country that is comparable to the sum of all the races of the Fortress Council? !
A federal country with the entire galaxy cantilevered, it is definitely much larger than the Castle Council!
You know, the total area explored by all races in the castle is only about 3% of the Milky Way! The area they reached was only a small part of the surrounding galaxies radiated by the activated mass effect repeaters, and the remaining 97% were foggy areas without any exploration records.
And a whole cantilever, let alone a fraction of the Milky Way, right? Aside from other things, the opponent's territory alone must have all the races of the Castle Council combined many times.
Annie stretched out two slaps, thought about it, and quickly broke off two fingers.
Miranda sighed, folded her arms, and retracted into the sofa a little angrily. A little girl did something that Miranda could not even think of. What else could she say?
Regarding the age of their head of state, Galen didn't know what to say.
When they first served as marines on the colonial ship Hope and captured the other’s lifeboat, the other side looked like this... and it has been more than ten years since the Kepru star area left the other side. Look now, that little head of state still hasn't changed at all, no matter his appearance or temperament.
However, he had also asked before, after the other party left the Kepulu zone, playing in various worlds, at most, less than two years?
Sure enough, the flow of time, the difference in space, and the different planes, etc., are indeed a new subject. From their little head, they know that they are profound! Anyway, he Galen was just a warrior, and he certainly didn't understand such complicated things.
"Okay! Now some things go back to the castle of God!"
Shepard interrupted these people's conversation.
Miranda was apathetic and didn't want to talk.
"I also want to go back and report to the Council and the General Staff, and wait for you to have a talk with the Star Alliance before calling me!"
Galen nodded, and after putting his armor on his face, he raised a blue gem in his hand, slightly stimulated his own'Demacia's power', and directly opened a space door, and then took a heavy step. , Strode in.
That was the gem that little Annie gave him before, and it could open the space door leading to the head of the Kepulu area, so that he could go back at any time. As for when he came...then only waited for Annie's next call.
"Hey! Wait, didn't you say go on vacation first?"
"Anne, things are urgent now, shall we go back to the earth for a meeting first?"
Shepard explained in a whisper.
"It's another meeting..."
"Then when will you go to the fun planet you mentioned?"
"Wait until after the invasion of the Shattered Reapers?"
"Sure adults like you are all liars..."
"That one……"
"Annie, why don't we get to the earth, I will take you on it for a few more days?"
"Is the earth here delicious and fun?"
"Of course there is!"
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