Chapter 559: Tinder plan

? "Hurry up and go over here!"
A group of Star Alliance soldiers and several armed citizens were frantically rushing up the original stairs of the building, and under the chaotic footsteps of his door, some infiltrating monsters howled faintly.
Obviously, those monsters named Reapers were just behind them, just under their building, and were chasing them up.
Da da da! !
"Howl~wow~! ’
"No! They are catching up again!"
After hearing bursts of gunfire from downstairs, rustling footsteps and loud roars that became clearer and clearer, the faces of the group of people turned pale one after another, and then began to speed up running at night to hope to leave The monsters chasing down the stairs are a little further away.
"not good!"
"Second Lieutenant! The maintenance staircase leading to the opposite side of the platform was blown off. This is a dead end. We must rush out quickly!"
A leading soldier ran to the edge of this huge balcony, took a look down from the broken window sills, ran back quickly and reported horribly.
"We can't rush out..."
"Everyone, get ready to fight! Let's fight them this time!!"
The Star Alliance officer who had just withdrawn from the building aisle to this balcony smiled bitterly, and finally looked back at the countless monsters that emerged from the aisle, and resolutely gave the order to fight to the death.
Now, apart from blocking this exit and fighting the enemy to death, they have already pierced their wings and cannot escape! At this time, there is no Star Alliance landing craft to support or rescue them from the air. The rescue channel they are familiar with has long been silent...
Da da! Da da da! !
"No! Sir! There are so many of them, we need support!"
"Please call for support, sir!!"
A Star Alliance soldier who hit the red assault rifle of the "Avenger" assault rifle was changing the ammunition while facing the officer who was actually not their direct officer. He just met halfway through, and happened to The ensign with the highest rank of the opposing party asked.
"Brothers, fight with them! Who has pulse bombs, throw them all out!!"
The second lieutenant sighed sadly, if he could call for support, wouldn't he do that? Based on the information he knew, the senior leaders of the Star Alliance were probably destroyed by the Reaper’s battleships...
Now that the scattered Star Alliance troops don’t know who is in command, who is he calling for help? Who can provide them with support? !
boom! boom! !
"Sir! There are too many of them, we can't keep it!"
"We have nowhere to go!"
"Hold it up! You have to endure it if you die!!"
Da da da! !
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !
Cang Dang!
"Huh! Huh!"
"Quick! Nairn! Hurry and hide in this vent, don't come out!!"
A little boy was pulled into the square of the air-conditioning vent marked with the number '2' when his father, who was holding a hot weapon in his hand, was still fighting at the balcony gate. In the channel. He found that this pipe was relatively narrow and it was supposed to be the ventilation channel of the building's air-conditioning host, but now there is no wind at all. It must be the air-conditioning host or the power supply that was blown up by the harvesters!
However, it doesn’t matter whether there is wind or not, because this place is small enough to allow his little son to get inside, and other people, whether they are adults or those monsters who invade the earth, must be Can't get in!
This is the only way for his son Nairn to survive! !
"Nairn! You have to remember: You must never run out until you ensure absolute safety outside, or you see soldiers from the Star Alliance coming to search and rescue!"
"do you understand?!"
After pushing the little boy arbitrarily into the ventilation duct, listening to the roar of the monster behind him getting closer, the sound of the opponent’s weapon shooting became louder and louder. Seeing that the group of companions was about to be unable to withstand it, the middle-aged In his anxiety, the man sternly told the little boy in the harshest and harshest tone:
"Put away your useless tears!"
"Nairn, you are a brave guy! Hurry up! Climb to the bottom, don't be afraid, and don't make any noise, as long as you stay inside, those monsters will definitely not find you!!"
After speaking, this middle-aged man with his face covered in dirt and blood stains grabbed the steel vent of the vent, reinstalled it on top of the vent, and finally took a look at the vent that had been blocked by the vent. After hearing crying or other sounds in that small pipe, he resolutely picked up the weapon he had placed on the ground and rushed towards the temporary comrades who were fighting the enemy in the distance.
He was originally just an employee of a company, and he was good at the management and maintenance of mass-effect low-altitude vehicles... But now, at the critical moment when the earth is invaded by alien monsters, he must not only play the role of a father, but also continue to use it. The weapon he touched for the first time in his life, went to fight those fierce monsters in the worst battle!
At this moment, he did not have any hysteria, nor did he blame others. He just ran back to the Star Alliance soldiers at the fastest speed, risking being shot by that terrifying red energy pulse, and firmly moved towards The hideous and ugly enemies fired.
Da da da! !
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !
boom! boom!
The little boy who was stuffed into the pipe pressed his mouth tightly, and slowly backed away, until he turned into a corner of the pipe, so that no one or monster outside the pipe mouth could see him anymore. Stopped.
‘Howl~ woo! ! ’
It the monster rushing into this platform?
'what! my stomach! ! ’
Da da da……
‘I’m out of bullets! ’
‘Go away! You monster! ’
‘Hahaha! Let's die together! ! ’
boom! ! !
‘Oh~ Hurry~! ’
The little boy held his ears tightly with his hands, and stunned at the corner of the ventilation duct. He was hiding in the dark, and he obediently made no sound, nor was he afraid or crying... He just opened his eyes and looked at the corners next to him, the red light or blue light of Yingyingzhuo shining through the vents, and listening to all kinds of terrifying sounds outside.
The sound of gunshots, explosions, the roar of monsters, and the verbal abuse and rage of his father and other uncles...Of course, the verbal abuse and screams of unknown origin made him hiding in the pipe. , Hear clearly!
That terrible sound made him unable to do anything except hiding in this corner of the ventilation duct and clinging to his ears.
The chaos outside did not last long. In just a short time, about ten minutes or so, he could only hear the'click' when the flame burned outside, and it was obviously not human. 'S messy footsteps and roars...
In this situation, his head went blank, and he continued to squat in the pipe like that, clinging to his ears, staring at his knees sluggishly but could not do anything, and did not dare to do any unnecessary things. .
He doesn't know how long it will take...
Maybe it’s only ten minutes, maybe half an hour, or maybe a half day?
Hidden in the dark passage, he has fallen into a state of mental confusion. He has no concept of time. He doesn't know what happened outside, let alone what happened to his father and those uncles... He just Silently obeyed the instructions of his father when he was stuffed in: Before ensuring absolute safety outside, or seeing Star Alliance soldiers coming here for search and rescue, he must never run out, let alone leave this relatively safe place. !
Huh! !
Just when the little boy felt that it might be safe outside, he couldn't help but want to sneak out from the corner of the vent passage to take a look at the situation, a gun shot!
In this situation, he was so frightened that he quickly extinguished the plan that had just arisen, and then retracted again, and firmly covered his head with both hands, and curled up in this small aisle motionlessly.
‘Oh~ Hurry~! ’
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Not too intense, but very determined gunshots sounded after the roars of the monsters, and they fired at a speed of almost one shot per second...
Soon, the little boy was stunned to discover: Outside, the gunshots and the roars of monsters that he thought would last for a while, unexpectedly stopped again?
He didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't dare to think of going out and have a look easily...Because, now that it is no longer safe outside, it is likely that those monsters still haven't gone far?
Huh! Huh! Huh!
However, there was a sound of undisguised footsteps, and it was getting closer and louder... It seemed that the other party was walking towards him, and then stopped outside the outlet of the vent pipe, towards Peeping inside?
Yes, it must be right!
Because, through the narrow inner wall of the pipe converging and radiating sound waves, the little boy seemed to vaguely hear the other person's breathing? It's just that he didn't know whether he was looking outside the pipe towards the pipe where he was hiding, whether it was a human... or that kind of terrifying alien monster?
Although, in his position, the opponent would definitely not be able to see him... But would the opponent already smell him? The evil monsters that invade the earth, if they use equipment or have the same sensitive nose as a dog, they can definitely spot him, right?
He heard from the school teachers that many aliens have more sensitive noses than dogs!
For a while, the scared little boy didn't know what to do...
He suddenly had the urge to start crawling to a darker place behind him, but he was worried that if he started an action at this time, the sound he made would attract the monsters to pursue it unwillingly? Therefore, after thinking about it, under the great fear, he could only stare wide at his eyes and cover his mouth tightly. He didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that a monster would suddenly appear at the corner of the pipe. Evil head.
Even if he knew that this pipeline was so small that ordinary people or monsters could not get in, he still couldn't help thinking about it.
Humm! Humm!
Suddenly, two sounds like iron rods lightly hit the steel inner wall of the ventilation duct and made two clear sounds.
It's over, it must have found me! !
The little boy’s heart was aroused. He didn’t care that the sound at this time would cause the monster to pay more attention. He turned around with difficulty and started to crawl down in the narrow pipe. Crawling deep into the pipe.
However, a voice that was clearly a human being stopped the little boy Nairn.
"The little kid inside, I advise you to come out by yourself, all the enemies outside have been killed by me, and the inside is so dark, are you not afraid?"
There are battles everywhere in this city, there are guns and guns everywhere, and the shouts of humans and monsters. There are countless unlucky guys or reaper monsters being hit and down all the time...
Although Annie has killed countless Reaper monsters so far, when she came here during her search and battle, there was nothing in this building except for a kid hiding in a pipe. Besides, it seems that there is really no living person.
In the area where she was active today, most of the reapers she saw had been killed one by one by her! And those who are alone, under their loneliness, are also being strangled by the nearby armed citizens and sporadic Star Alliance soldiers. For the time being, they do not pose too much threat.
And this building is the last place Annie repaired. After finishing the weapons and resting for a while, she will go to other places to continue walking!
Finally, when Annie was waiting impatiently and was about to turn her head to leave, she cowered and exposed her small head in the pipe, and stared at her who was lying outside the pipe.
When the other party saw her attire, saw the tight red and white ghost suit she was wearing, with eyepieces on her head, it was indeed not the kind of reaper monster, and then slowly crawled out... But, Not knowing why, he was only halfway through the climb, and then stopped again in doubt.
"You... are you a soldier of the Star Alliance?"
The little boy Nairn was only halfway through his crawl, and he was stunned to discover that the opponent did not seem to be the kind of Star Alliance soldier in blue armor he was familiar with. Not only did the protective gear and the
he was wearing were very strange. I can't recognize it, and there is no Star Alliance badge logo. The most important thing is that the other person's body shape and age seem to be at most just a young lady who is one year older than him?
So, he hesitated a bit, not knowing whether he should go out now, so he could only ask in a low voice timidly.
"Star Alliance soldier? No! Of course not!"
"I'm not a soldier of the Star Alliance, I am the head of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District, and I am also very powerful!"
︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
In this short period of time, Annie has started from the previous Refuge No. 63, and has swept all the way here. Even if there are not 10,000, there should be thousands of Reaper monsters eliminated!
Fortunately, she has a lot of various weapons and ammunition in her own inventory, so she doesn't have to worry about things that affect combat efficiency for the time being.
It's a pity that even though she herself has been fighting very hard, the number of enemies has not decreased much! At most, it is just that in the area where she has been active, the Reaper monsters can no longer continue to rise!
Therefore, she intends to move on, first to the big warship that bombed the enemy!
But, how to explode, she had to think about it...she needed to destroy the enemy's warship, but couldn't let it explode or fall down to some unlucky ones?
Like that kind of huge thing, whether it is smashed after being destroyed or fell directly, it will definitely cause serious secondary damage! What's more troublesome is that there seems to be that kind of special brain waves that can affect ordinary people around the opponent's battleship?
Anyway, Annie must be able to think of a good way herself! She is already thinking very hard now, and I believe she can definitely think of it before she gets there, so she really is not in a hurry.
Hesitating, the little boy who didn't know if he should run out suddenly exclaimed, and then he almost didn't retract directly!
Because, he unexpectedly saw that behind that strange young lady, a terrifying monster like a metal skull with teeth and claws rushed out, planning to pounce on the opponent? That kind of terrifying monster, he shredded a strong uncle when he saw him! So, seeing this situation, seeing the monster's hideous head, scared him almost to pee his pants on the spot!
Huh! !
"Huh! It's really troublesome, these guys are too many!"
Annie didn't turn her head back, she squeezed the big gun against her petite shoulder, and killed the opponent with one shot! The bullets of the powerful 20mm Gauss rifle, the powerful kinetic energy immediately after being ejected, directly shattered the monster's head and turned into flying debris!
A half-metal half-skeleton robot monster fighting the five scums, dare to run behind her Queen Anne arrogantly? She doesn’t know how many pieces have been broken today!
After firing at close range, the huge gunshots vibrated and resonated in the pipe, and directly shook the little boy hiding in the metal pipe to his head, and had to cover his ears and screamed and fell to the cold. Metal pipes.
"That... I'm sorry, I forgot that my gun has just taken off the flame arrester!"
( ̄▽ ̄)~
Because of the frequent shooting, the flame arrester with silent function, etc., was broken down by Annie long ago and thrown away! Because that kind of thing will seriously affect the heat dissipation of the barrel, shooting distance and accuracy, she doesn't want that kind of thing to get in the way!
"Miss sister, you killed those monsters just now? You will always protect me, right?"
After a while, when he saw that the other person was still staring at himself at the mouth of the pipe, the little boy Nairn thought for a while, and then he asked with a cringe while enduring the ringing in his ears. .
If the young lady outside is willing to protect him, then he will follow him out! Because, don't know why, he always feels that the other party seems to be a good person who can be trusted?
"Yeah! Little kid, I don't have time to protect you all the time! This queen is very busy!!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Her Queen Anne shot and killed at least thousands of collector monsters today. She can't remember how many people she has helped. Where can she bring such a crane tail guy with her? !
Besides, in this situation, I am afraid that the entire earth is waiting for her to save her. How can she take care of it?
She must quickly think of a ‘reasonable’ way to deal with those nasty Reaper battleships, otherwise, the people on earth will become even worse!
Hearing that the other party was unwilling to continue to protect himself, the little boy Nairn stopped the urge to continue crawling out.
"What about my father and those uncles? They were still outside just now..."
Not knowing what had come to mind, the little boy asked about it suddenly.
"I don't know, maybe it's dead or ran away? Anyway, when I came here, I only saw those monsters!"
Or maybe the other party can crawl out and look for those messy corpses on the ground? Of course, it may never be found!
Because Annie discovered that the unlucky ones who died on the earth were quickly turned into half-metal skeleton monsters by those reaper baddies with something like spikes, which reminded her of the undead natural disasters. And made her hate those reapers even more.
Nairn was stunned, and then directly stunned...
Although, when he was in the pipeline, he had heard that terrible sound, and vaguely realized something... However, he still did not want to believe that his father and those uncles would not be able to defeat those monsters. , They must be to protect him, so they pulled the monsters far away, it must be like that.
"Boy, I tell you, no one can protect you all the time, you can only learn how to protect yourself! This is what my mother Amorim told me!"
Annie replaced her emptied sniper rifle with a new magazine, but her barrel still looked slightly red and smoked from the gunpowder. If she hadn't used magic to enchant a strong attribute, I am afraid that a high-intensity attack like hers, even if it is not directly blasted, will have an extremely serious impact on accuracy, right?
"But... I don't know..."
If the opponent was not a soldier of the Star Alliance, nor did he come to search and rescue him, then Nairn decided to follow his father's instructions and continue to hide here, and wait until he is completely safe.
"If you can't, hurry up and learn! If you don't try it, then you will be a useless dumb guy in the future!"
You know, Annie learned to protect herself when she was very young, so she didn't want the other party to hide so uselessly!
However, the little boy didn't pick her up, he just bowed his head and curled up inside, not knowing what he was thinking.
"Here, there are a lot of weapons dropped by those hapless people over there, as well as the laser guns of the Reaper monsters. They should not have much recoil. You can definitely use them!"
"Now I'm leaving, you have to learn to protect yourself, and I'm still busy to save the world, goodbye!!"
After that, Annie jumped straight out of the window, and opened her armor's single invisibility ability to refract light in mid-air. All of a sudden, she disappeared from mid-air. She didn't know if she fell or used it. Go somewhere else?
Nairn knew that there was definitely no way outside this platform, and how did she dare to jump out of that little sister?
He didn't understand this matter a little bit...because this is a place with a height of a dozen stories, if there is no means of transportation or a slow-down backpack, if you just jump down, you will be dead!
However, after all, he didn't have the courage to go out and check. Before he felt safe or saw the uncles of the Star Alliance soldiers coming here, he would not leave here, let alone take up weapons to save himself! Therefore, after thinking about it, he silently retracted back into the corner of the ventilation duct and continued to stay quietly inside.
(Little master, you have been playing now, and you never thought about saving the world!!)
"Nonsense, I have it!"
"I obviously gave the space gem to Galen, who knows why he hasn't summoned an army now?!"
She really can't be blamed for this matter!
Because, Annie is only a little bit worse than others when it comes to arranging troops or commanding battles. So, she thought that kind of thing was a bit troublesome, so she generously handed over the decision to that stupid guy, Galen!
As for when he will send an army out and how to fight, it is up to the other party to decide!
Now, what she can do is to find a way to deal with the biggest and largest Reaper Octopus battleship. As long as she finds a way to burn it, the number of Reaper monsters in this city can be reduced by at least half!

"Oh, God……"
"Those disgusting reaper monsters, for every second they stay here on earth, thousands of people will die... Chief Anderson, I’m sorry, after all, I haven’t been able to stop the conspiracy of those reapers. Do what I should do before they arrive..."
Following Admiral Anderson and the Galen, who had opened his way with a shield and armor, and powerful strength, ran all the way to this huge sky port by the river that was originally a tarmac, Shepard only saw a mess. The ruins of... Numerous burning large and small flying vehicles have crashed on this starlink apron like a huge dock unloading area.
Here, there is nothing they need!
Looking around, she saw nothing except the ruins full of barbarians and the ground full of the corpses of human Star Alliance soldiers and citizens...and there was no convenient aircraft for them to transfer, nor did she come to respond. Their Star Alliance soldiers!
Because here, it has already been captured by the Reapers...
"Shepard, you don't have to blame yourself, in fact you have done a good job!"
"You have warned us many times as early as two years ago... Speaking of it, I am afraid that I am also responsible? It is because I failed to persuade the Castle of God Council and the Star Federation Council! To blame, it should be It was I who screwed up everything...I failed your hard work and trust!"
Seeing the sight in front of him, Anderson was also very sad...However, he still barely cheered up, patted the other side's shoulder two steps and said with comfort.
Because now, it is not the time for them to grieve or blame themselves. No matter he is the senior member of the Star Alliance, Shepard, who is a human hero, must cheer up and continue to fight the reapers at this difficult time. .
Shepard did not speak, but walked forward with a slightly dim expression. The current form was obvious, and she could see that if there were not strong enough reinforcements, the fall of the earth would only be a matter of time!
After thinking about it, she looked at the figure in power armor that was turning the ruins in front of him. She didn't know now, that General Galen, would they be willing to send troops to rescue them at this time? She didn't even know what to do to get help from the other party.
If that little guy is here, I'm afraid it will be easier to ask the other person, right? After all, she and Annie are more familiar with the little guy, and the General Galen in front, she has only met twice before and after. There are some things, even if she pleads, the other party will definitely not be easy. Accepted.
"Ha! Another group of craps are here!"
"Shepard, you deal with the things in the sky, and I rushed to hack them to death. Do you have any questions?"
It may be that Galen turned over the wreckage of the fighter plane or the building fragments when the movement was too loud. Soon, he found a large group of enemies from all directions on the individual radar in his helmet, surrounding them from all directions!
However, fortunately, there are not many enemies, at most there are only dozens of them?
However, the insect-like monsters flying from the sky are a little bit troublesome...After all, his long-range attack method is really nothing but a big move! However, for a few monsters that can only fly, it is obviously not appropriate to use the big move directly, it is too wasteful.
"Are you sure the weapons in my hand can kill them?!"
Of course Shepard also saw those monsters. In fact, she also saw a lot of monsters dropped by airborne units like Reaper like flying transport ships! If she could, she would have wanted to lay down the opponent!
But, like that kind of huge monster, the kind of guy who is several times larger than their landing craft, surely it can't be easily defeated by the single weapon in her hand?
"Were it not for the planet's gravity environment and atmosphere to severely limit the power and range of Gauss weapons, we could even take down enemy warships!"
Hearing that the other party dared to question his baby rifle, Galen proudly showed off.
In fact, if you give him a team of Marines, and as long as the enemy's armor is not too thick and will not fight back, theoretically, he can indeed directly shoot down the huge octopus spacecraft in the distance!
"Okay! I will know what to do!"
Nodded, after Shepard cleared up his mood, he stopped thinking about other things. He quickly loaded the unfamiliar weapon and unlocked the insurance, then took two steps forward and hid behind a broken spaceship door. With a little effort, he raised the muzzle and aimed at the two flying monsters in the air.
Shepard always felt a bit silly to use infantry's small powerful weapons to defend air.
"Then, the show is ready to begin!!"
Galen nodded and closed his mask and the shield in the mask. He planned to wait for Shepard to solve the enemy in the air, and then rush out to clean up the distant Reaper monsters.
Shepard didn't say much, and silently pointed the sight of the heavy rifle multi-purpose sight in his hand at the first insect-like flying monster that flew in the air, and then made a good resistance to that powerful recoil. At the same time, he pulled the trigger slightly.
Da da da! !
The sound remembered that a few eight-millimeter ‘Spiked’ Gauss bullets fired by a small three-shot, the kind of depleted uranium bullet known as the ‘U-238 cannonball’ whizzed and hit the enemy in the air in a flash!
The first bullet hit the opponent's mass effect shield and ability barrier flashed, and then the second bullet that came back instantly overloaded the opponent's two shields and knocked one on the opponent's body. The blue weird'blood hole', and the last third bullet directly knocked out one of the opponent's limbs, causing it to stagger in the air, almost not directly falling down!
This gun, so powerful, can it really shoot effectively in the air?
Seeing that her attack was surprisingly effective, Shepard ignored her shock, and hurried to make persistent efforts. After a few short bursts of fire, two enemy flying units that were originally flaring in the air were shot down directly by her. One was wounded by her when she turned and fled and fled the airspace in a panic...
In fact, just now, as long as Shepard played a little more resolutely, or replaced Galen shooting himself, even if there were two more monsters, as long as the opponent did not find them the first time, then don’t even want to run. Drop!
"Good job, not bad..."
"Forget it, now it's my turn to perform!!"
Galen was a bit dissatisfied that Shepard even let go of an enemy. However, when he himself had just stood up and was about to launch a death charge against dozens of enemies around him, he was quicker again. Shrinked back!
He found that within the scanning range of his individual radar, around the three of them, there were actually dense red spots surrounding them? That terrible number is beating under the map of his holographic battle mask. It has four digits now, and the number is still beating up? !
"Damn, why are there so many enemies here?!"
After opening his face mask, Galen shrank to the hiding place of Shepard and Anderson, cursing like that.
Obviously, the reason for this situation now is that they either plunged into the enemy's encirclement, or they took the initiative to get into the enemy's heavily protected or attacking hinterland!
"Can your Normandy II be contacted now? Maybe we can try to summon that amazing spacecraft?!"
Don’t need Galen’s reminder, just a scan with the naked eye, Anderson knows how bad they are now!
There are at least thousands of densely packed enemies, right? Moreover, most of them are the kind of evil and terrifying multi-headed monsters, and they will use that powerful pulse weapon to shoot. If such an enemy is not supported, they will definitely not be able to rush out.
"No way!!"
"Sir, the signal is very disturbed. Unless they dare to fly into the atmosphere, we will definitely not be able to contact them!"
There are so many Reaper battleships here, plus, the other side is always interfering, unless Normandy II lands and it is not too far away from this city, otherwise, she must not be able to contact the other side!
What worries Shepard now is that she doesn't even know if her Normandy II is still there! After all, the Reapers are now breaking into the atmosphere and are madly attacking the city. Who knows if her spacecraft is like those falling spacecraft fragments, being beaten into a ball of fire by the Reaper's fleet?
In this situation, with so many Reaper ships attacking the earth in an all-round way, she is pessimistic about the survivability of Normandy II...
"Wait! What is that..."
At this time, in Galen's visor, he suddenly saw many bright spots rushing towards them from a distance, which made him have to remind the two of them to point in one direction and ask.
"that is……"
"Great, that's the Marine Corps and Air Force of our Star Alliance! Those guys, they are finally slowing down!"
After a squint, Anderson said excitedly when he saw the conspicuous blue and white spaceships in the distance. That is the large-scale air force of their Star Alliance and the UT-47 drop-down shuttle landing craft "Kodiak" spacecraft!
He believed that in those seemingly densely packed spaceships, there must be at least thousands of elite Star Alliance Marines transporting! And if there are those reinforcements to help, maybe they don't have to worry about the army of harvesters around them?
‘Admiral Anderson! We will support you right away, please hold on! ’
At this time, there was a communication from Anderson's universal tool. Obviously, the formation of the Star Alliance fighter planes and the transportation landing craft must have detected Anderson's location and supported it.
"Oops! What kind of guy is that!?"
However, Anderson was not happy because he saw that, in the distance, among the tall steel buildings, a huge spider-like monster actually launched this shot towards their Star Alliance's combined air formation. Dao fierce and deadly red energy particle beam?
That kind of terrifying attack like the secondary gun of the Reaper battleship, just a few shots, at least shot down a dozen fighters and UT-47 drop-down shuttle landing craft!
Later, I saw the appearance of large enemy units. Except for dozens of fighter planes leaving the formation and flying towards the huge enemy, the remaining landing crafts were still shooting frantically on the enemy's ground, risking the landing crafts to be shot down. The risk, forcibly rushed towards Anderson's side!
"not good!"
"Which one of you is the commander? You are not their opponents, I order you to retreat immediately! Repeat, I order you to convoy immediately!"
As if he had realized something, Anderson's face changed drastically, and he quickly gave the order to retreat to his universal tool again!
Because he could see that the air formation of their Star Alliance would definitely not be the opponent of those enemies! If you really want to rush over by force like that, I'm afraid you will lose more than half! By then, not only will he not be saved, but he will die here for nothing!
There is no response in his universal tool!
Perhaps the commander rejected his order and still wants to rescue their general from the enemy's siege! Perhaps, in the first round of the enemy's attack, the commander's fighter plane or landing craft had been destroyed, and the remaining troops were still acting in accordance with the original order.
"How could this be……"
Shepard put down the weapon in her hand with a little frustration. She saw that the Star Alliance fighters that rushed towards the huge war machine were all shot down by that terrifying particle beam at this time, and they rushed over without death. Those Star Alliance landing crafts, one after another, were smoked and fired from the ground by the countless Reaper soldiers, and one after another exploded in the air or fell directly to the ground...
This casualty is really too heavy! !
"General Galen!"
"If it can be done, please summon the army of your federation immediately! All your conditions, our Star Alliance, and our Earth will accept them all unconditionally!!"
Looking tremblingly at those in the distance who did not want to die in order to rescue themselves, planning to break through the enemy’s line of fire and rush over, even if one after another was shot down by the Star Alliance warriors, Anderson took a deep breath. , He resolutely turned to look at the federal general in power armor beside him, and respectfully saluted the opponent.
No one can save their planet now. If there is no strong reinforcements, they are destined to fight an impossible war! And their warriors are destined to fall under the cruel enemy's attack on this land that has long been stained by human blood...
So, now the earth is almost gone, then Anderson doesn't need to estimate anything.
"Admiral Anderson!"
"Excuse me, can you really decide this matter?!"
After concentrating on it, Galen also solemnly gave the other party a military salute before frowning and asking.
This matter is not a trivial matter, although he Galen also wants to help the earthlings in this world, but...a war, not he alone can decide whether to launch it! In fact, even with their head of state, there is no such high power!
A war that crosses the plane and fights against that kind of destructive enemy. If there are not enough benefits and suitable reasons, the federal staff headquarters and parliament will refuse to send more reinforcements, even if he Galen forcibly orders him The troops directly under the army will definitely not be able to avoid the final defeat... Therefore, he needs to be responsible for the Federation, and he needs to be responsible for the soldiers of the Federation. Without the promise of the other party, even if he risked fighting alone, he did not Thought about summoning their army!
Come to think of it, this is probably the reason why their head of state directly handed over the decision-making power to him, right?
"General Galen! You have also seen...All the people who can decide are dead...So, now I have the final say on the earth!"
"I now decide: We Star Alliance, our Earth unconditionally asks you for assistance! Please be sure to help us, help us Earth!!"
Anderson took a deep breath and saluted the opponent again.
In fact, it should be the same Admiral and more prestigious Kerhart who can decide the matter! But now, who knows if he is there again, is he dead? Therefore, Anderson decided that he had to exceed his authority to agree to all the conditions of the Hero Federation!
For the earth, for the Star Alliance, for the entire human race to continue to thrive in the galaxy, even if he becomes a sinner, even if he is scolded forever, he will not hesitate!
"Don't you really listen to our terms first?"
After hesitating, Galen asked the other one last. After all, the conditions put forward by their federation are not simple, and he is also a little worried that the other party will go back in the end, making both parties unhappy or even antagonistic?
Anderson did not continue to speak, but stared directly at the opponent with his flushed eyes.
"alright, I got it!"
"It's just that, let me first declare that I can only summon ground forces and small and medium-sized war units. If it is a large fleet, we still need the help of our little head of state."
Galen's own strength is not enough to support the super large space gate, and there is no way to open the large plane gate outside the planet and let their war machines leap over!
Therefore, he now intends to summon troops for a ground war, first clean up the earth, or at least the enemies in this city, and wait for the little head of state to find them before summoning the number one in their capital military district. Joint fleet?
In the distance, even though Star Alliance’s transport ships had lost nearly one third, they still rushed toward this side at high speed as if they were desperate! In addition, several ships have landed next to the Anderson trio, and dozens of Star Union Marines ran out of them.
They soon built a defensive circle around the and prepared to fight a life-and-death race war with the encircled enemies!
Galen is no longer wordy, knowing that wasting time is killing the soldiers' lives, so he took out the blue space gem on the spot and began to inject his divine power into it and activate it!
"I am the power of Demacia-Galen! I am a five-star general of the Federation, with authority number 0013!"
"Now, I order: The Tinder Project officially begins!!"
A huge portal with a radius of about ten meters was opened and maintained by Galen. As his communication was connected and a set of codes was sent out, soon, a series of ferocious siege tanks and women Demon fighters, Viking fighters, countless Marines, Reapers, Marauders, and even Thor, etc., roared out from that space gate with imposing roar!
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