Chapter 573: Detected a fusion strike in transit?

? "Annie..."
"Did you not eat a lot of snacks when you were on Normandy II? Why are you looking for something to eat now?"
Miranda didn't understand. How could this little guy with small arms, calves and stomach look more edible than her?
Kailin on the boat?? Dr. Jakovos had clearly checked this little guy. Apart from her excellent physical fitness, strong power response, and strange magic, she seemed to be at odds. A normal human little girl is about the same, and her metabolism has not found any difference. How can she know what to eat all day long?
"You still mentioned this to me, you just ate more than I did! It doesn't count if you ate all of your own, and you still huddled together to exploit my bag, so that I am not full now!"
Eating and sleeping is fun. This is what Annie wants to do the most, and eating is the first thing. She now wants to eat. Only when she is full can she have the strength to sleep. Go play, this kind of simple truth, this Miranda so hot, doesn't even know?
Really... stupid! !
"I just ate one of your extra!"
Miranda almost laughed. This petty fellow has been doing things so long ago, and he is almost finished digesting it. This kid is still thinking about it?
"It's two, two!!"
When the other party lied about the number, Annie quickly stretched out to repeat! Less than half an hour has passed since this incident, she will never remember wrong!
"my God……"
Miranda covered her forehead and turned her face away, not wanting to leave this pesky kid again!
"I'm sorry, we are here in a military camp. Except for the right-handed amino acid food suitable for our Turians themselves, there seems to be nothing else..."
"Maybe I remembered it wrong. Anyway, they are there. You can go and see? However, I don't recommend that you humans eat it casually... Although they are not fatal, they will at least make you humans uncomfortable. It's been a long time."
Standing intently in the middle of his own bunker-like command center and standing in front of the console looking at the military map, General Corinthus, the Turian, was obviously not in the mood to receive the human child, so he was just Ran his finger to a corner of this bunker command center.
There, there are a bunch of metal boxes and chubby things littered on the ground. They are all kinds of canned military ready-to-eat food! Some of them have been opened and eaten up, and some of them are completely new and untouched. They are piled in a mess in the corner like that, and no one wants to organize anything.
"Huh? Is there really something delicious?"
?? (????`??)?
Under the boredom, I was idle anyway, thinking that it was Annie who really had something good, so she leaned over, picked up a can and began to look carefully.
哐! !
However... Within a few seconds of picking it up, she quickly threw it back a bit disgustingly and grinned disgustingly.
"I don't eat your canned bugs. I feel so disgusting to look at it!!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
If it's delicious, it doesn't matter whether it is a right-handed amino acid food or a left-handed amino acid food, Annie can go and eat it correctly. Anyway, foreign protein or something will definitely not poison her!
What the are there like the disgusting sticky bugs printed on the shell of the canned food in front of you? Anyway, it must not be eaten by humans!
No matter how delicious it was, she would be insensitive to the bugs that these sharp and crooked stars eat...
Although Little Annie herself has stood at the top of many world food chains, she has eaten everything from giant dragons to small fishes and shrimps! But bugs and the like... things that look disgusting and nauseating, she is sure to exclude them from her little recipe for the first time, and she will never choose them!
The Turian's General Corinthus just turned his head and glanced at the other side, and soon turned his head back.
He still has a very important military situation to deal with, because every moment, countless Turians or people on Palevin are slaughtered by the Reapers; every second, their land will be more contaminated. The blood of their Turians!
Therefore, he has no time to waste time talking to that little girl!
He can only pray now, hoping that Shepard can repair the communication tower on time, and then let the other party contact their new patriarch of the Turians, so that the so-called reinforcements can come and rescue them!
What he doesn't know is, where are those reinforcements now? Are they on Menel’s orbit, or outside of the Palevin galaxy, or are they farther away, without jumping through the Mass Effect repeater?
He knew nothing about this...
"Ha! Little guy!"
"If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense! These cans of insects are the top military ingredients of the Turians. If you buy them outside, you can buy a can of almost ten thousand stars. They are more expensive than the ones we usually eat. too much!"
"And I also heard... they are delicious. The average Turian can't eat it even if they want to eat it?"
Miranda, who did not follow Shepard to repair the tower, also followed Xiao Annie somewhat boredly, but she, who was well-informed, recognized at a glance that this canned food belonged to the special military offerings of the Turians. Only those troops who are at war with the enemy are eligible to enjoy it. Most people, even if they have money, can't eat it.
Of course, this kind of food that is a symbol of honor in the army, its appearance is a bit poor...
When I remembered that these Turian soldiers grabbed the slimy, maggot-like bugs covered with green mucus from the can and put them in their mouths. Big Doying, even Miranda couldn't help but feel a little sick. Feeling nauseous...Perhaps, this is the difference in customs between creatures of different races, different cultures, and different aesthetics?
Just like most of them on earth like to eat fish, but there are a small number of people on earth who insist on the tradition to refuse to eat fish. They also think that people who eat fish are the kind of evil, disgusting, and shameless guys?
"Is it so delicious? Then you can eat it now?"
In the blink of an eye, Annie suddenly possessed and picked up a can. She was about to open it and handed it to this big sister Miranda... As long as the other person eats a piece in front of her, she will recognize this as a good thing!
Of course, she would never eat with each other herself.
For lunch or something, it’s better to wait until they finish fighting the Reapers here and return to Normandy No. 2, before eating the delicious lunch prepared by the chef sergeant uncle for her!
"Ha! Thank you, but I am not hungry now!"
"You'd better take some back and feed it to the archangel Galas who was almost killed by you! In that case, I think he will appreciate you very much."
Seeing the harmless look on the little guy’s face, Mengmengda kindly handed a can to herself, Miranda hurriedly took a step back carefully without a trace, and then haha ​​to the guy who wanted to look at her. Suggested Tao.
She is not a Turian, how could she eat this kind of food?
Think of the Galas on Normandy II, his kind of unlucky guy who died and eats food from other races is a lesson!
"I didn't fix him. It was obviously that he had to come and beg me for snacks, so what is my business?!"
Anne doesn't carry this pot, but she never thought of going to the crooked star named Galath!
At that time, that shameless guy, he gulped so happily when he asked himself for snacks. Who knew that the other person would be so useless, and even vomited bile after a while?
Such things are disgusting to think about!
"But we all feel that you deliberately misled him like that?"
Miranda hugged her arms and stared at this sly little guy jokingly. She wouldn't be fooled by the other party just like that Galas.
"I didn't!"
This Miranda villain is just talking nonsense, anyway Annie will definitely not admit it!
"You...not good! Squat down!!"
boom! boom!
Rumble! ! !
When Miranda wanted to say something, she noticed that there was something wrong with the electricity, so she subconsciously shouted and squatted to the ground with her head in her arms for the first time!
At the same time, almost at that instant, outside the turian command center like this bunker, a few huge explosions violently sounded, and then... countless fragments exploded with the red flame. The blasting debris, sand and steel fragments swept in directly along the shooting port, causing several Turian soldiers and officers who did not respond in time to be destroyed on the spot by the Mass Effect shield and directly wailed and fell into a pool of blood.
"It's not good, many monsters have fallen from the sky... It seems wrong to say that, they should be deliberately dropped by those reaper bad guys?!"
∑( ̄□ ̄

When I saw the red fire and energy exploding outside, Annie thought it was these unlucky Turians, and their base was bombed by the Reaper's spacecraft again!
But what do you think, that turned out to be a new landing method for the Reaper monsters. They don’t use landing craft to land, nor do they use that kind of monster aircraft to fly, let alone use other modes of teleportation, but directly smash them from high altitude. Come down, by the way, can it be used as a bomb bombing?
(Little master, this little one knows!
That is actually the advanced application of the Reaper to the Mass Effect Field. They can not only cause explosion damage to the enemy, but also control the impact force within the range that those modified monsters can withstand, so that they will not be directly smashed. Death to death?
Because those reapers don't need to care about the life and death of soldiers, plus the deep teleportation matrix without Protoss, they like to use this simple and rude way. And this knowledge, Tibbers and his little master has actually seen it, but... Some awkward guy doesn't take this boring thing seriously, but Tibbers himself remembered it secretly. That's it. )
"Quick! Hurry up and fight back and destroy them!!"
Seeing that the reapers had accurately found their command center, General Corinthus couldn't take care of the others. He hurriedly shouted out those commanders and soldiers who were not injured or not slightly injured and quickly took up weapons and prepared to fight back!
As for the guards standing guard outside, he has no hope anymore...
Under that kind of serial explosion, many of them in the command headquarters were seriously injured before they had time to escape, let alone the soldiers outside.
Da Da Da Da! ! !
At this time, the sentry cannons on the top of the surrounding buildings and the countless large and small mechanical turrets on the ground have begun to violently fire countless red mass effect bullets or blue energy pulses, and they have begun to frantically suppress those who want to raid their surprise headquarters. Reapers.
"Quick! Stand up and take up your weapons!!"
General Corinthus picked up a sharp Mass Effect rifle, and shouted at the soldiers who were still lying on the ground and howling.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
The two Touareg soldiers who had bottomed out on the Mass Effect shield just picked up their weapons and opened the iron door and rushed out. Before they could find a shelter, they were knocked over by the enemy on the spot, and Miranda next to him hurriedly kicked. And lock them directly from the inside.
As for whether the two hapless guys outside were dead, she wouldn't care!
Seeing this situation, General Corinthus couldn't help lamenting in his heart...
From this point of view, the information rumors from the outside world, as well as the claim that the Reaper monster has a high IQ shown in the data, must be correct!
Their headquarters is so concealed that they can be discovered by those harvesters and come by surprise?
If, coupled with their disturbed communication tower, it is not difficult to imagine: those reapers, who have made it clear, are going to paralyze the command and communication of their Turians, and put their Turians’ command in chaos, and then Assault the command center of large and small, and then divide and strangle their Turian bases one by one, and finally annihilate their entire Turian race?
The other party's strategy is very vicious, very efficient, but also very practical!
However, even if he knew the enemy's plan, he had nothing to do now! Because... the enemy is now outside, and his command post has suffered heavy casualties. If the soldiers from other parts of the base can't support them in time, then they will die!
Even if the Turian warriors finally wiped out the small group of enemies who raided the base, by then, the opponent's goal had been achieved, and then... everything would have no meaning!
Da Da Da Da! !
Miranda got up and hit a few bullets that looked like a monster like a Turian, and then quickly retracted when her Mass Effect shield issued an alarm.
"I have warned you, why is the reaction so slow?!"
After discovering that there was a sudden death and injury in this headquarters, and that he had just gone out and ran out to die, and there was only a Turui general left, Miranda couldn't help but cursed in grief!
Just now, she had clearly shouted for the first time to make everyone squat down.
But the result...
At that time, except for this general Tu Rui who responded in a timely manner, the other Turians still stood stupidly, and were successfully attacked by explosive fragments from outside. They were swept into the bunker by the shrapnel from the horizontal shooting port. As for now, there is no helper to help stare at the shield and shoot to suppress the enemy!
It's all right now, only the three of them are left intact, but the monsters outside seem to be determined to take down the command of the Turian. What can she do now? !
"Who made you so spicy? Look at me, you don't have to squat down, but those fragments just couldn't blow me up!"
Annie hurriedly moved over an iron box, learning Miranda's appearance, and reprimanded these idiots.
She didn’t squat down at all just now, but her height was not as high as the shooting port of this command bunker, so the fragments swept in after the explosion just now couldn’t hit her at all, just from her. Some stones and iron shot over his head.
And this is the advantage of a child, the target is small, the body is short, and the enemy's attack can easily hit her!
Of course, lack of height is not without its disadvantages. For example, now, Miranda Sister and the Turian general with poor marksmanship can already shoot outside, but she can’t see the outside situation, she can only first An iron box was brought to place under his feet, only to barely reveal a half of his body from the shooting port of the bunker.
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
General Corinthus now has no time to pay attention to the complaints and ridicule of the little girl’s mouth, nor the wounded officers and soldiers. He just stood silently on the other side of Miranda, using his own hands. The rifle inside, cooperate with the earth woman to suppress the Reaper monster who wants to rush in from the other side of the bunker!
They must persist until the soldiers discover the situation here and rush to reinforce them, or the guard turrets have successfully cleared the raid troops of the Reapers! Otherwise, once the enemy rushed in, they would all be dead.
"Huh? It doesn't seem right!"
"Are those really Reaper monsters? Why do they look like you crooked people?"
!!? (??''????)??︻デ═一呯!
Finally leaned to the shooting window. Just as she was about to shoot, Annie discovered that the Reaper soldiers who attacked here seemed to look exactly like the Turians? Although they look a little uglier, it is clear that those bad guys are the same kind of creatures as the Turians, and there is definitely nothing wrong with them!
So, after smashing the opponent with one shot, she turned to ask the general Turian who was squatting down and waiting for the mass effect shield to recover.
Da Da Da Da! ! !
"Those, we call them ‘predators’... they were transformed by the reapers after our soldiers died..."
"You have to be careful. The shields on their bodies are stronger than those of our fighters. They are also using our Turian-style assault rifles called Phaeston! And, remember to knock off their heads. , Otherwise they will infect fallen companions or soldiers with each other, thus directly'resurrecting' them! Also, they will release each other's troublesome power shields!!"
After firing a round of bullets, but still unable to kill the marauder in the distance, the general Tu Rui could only sigh and retracted to wait for his shield to cool down, because those guys are really too difficult... Even if they have a defensive advantage, the situation is not so good!
Therefore, he vaguely felt that if the Shepard did not call for reinforcements soon, I am afraid that their base might not last long.
Huh! !
"But, they don't seem to be great..."
∑(??△`)? !
Three Reapers were lining up in a tactical formation, trying to consume the shield of a companion in front of them and wanted to rush in. After being shot by Annie, they easily strung three heads, and then fell all softly. On the cold ground in front of the fort.
She killed three with a single shot. It seems that they are also very ordinary. She didn't think that the reapers who turned from Turians were so powerful!
"That's because your weapons are too powerful!"
"Hurry up, Annie, don't be stunned, quickly concentrate on cleaning them up, we two will cover you!!"
Found that the 20mm caliber sniper rifle in Little Annie's hand was surprisingly effective against those predator monsters, Miranda quickly came up with an effective tactic, and cooperated with the Corinthus general, turned the muzzle and started shooting those The guy who is too close to the fortress suppresses the opponent's speed, but does not require that he must be killed.
She believed that Annie, a powerful guy, would be able to solve them easily!
Da da da! ! !
General Corinthus the Turian didn't say much, but cooperated silently.
He also didn't think that this human being's little point, the other party was not following to make a fool of him, but was really capable? Looking at the opponent's shooting skills in every shot, it is obvious that he is at least an elite sniper?
Could it be that... the training of warriors by mankind has already started with children?
"No problem! Don't worry, Sister Miranda, none of them can get in!"
(??????????) ︻デ═ One good!
The part above the chest of the predators who wanted to rush over while firing directly exploded with the sound of gunshots!
"You guys are optimistic about it, I am here, and I am sure that none of them can fight!"
(??︶??).. ︻デ═一.:??
With her, the great head Anne, here, the two of them will definitely not die! However, those guys who were accidentally blown down just now, then she can't care about them.
Huh! Huh!
Reaper monsters, the monsters that look exactly like the Turians, fell to the ground one after another...
Soon, with Anne’s efficient shooting, the monsters began to be killed one after another on the way to the charge, lying down in a large fan-shaped area outside the bunker!
They were all shattered or lost their heads!
And the remaining ones finally did not dare to rush towards it without thinking, but under the suppression of the three of them and those sentry machine guns, after they retracted into the bunkers, they began to fight with this Turian. The command team shot at a stalemate.
Obviously, they have high-level intelligence, they are impulsive right now, and they don't dare to rush...If this continues, it is only a matter of time to be eliminated.
"Huh! Thank you for your help, now the situation is finally stabilized!"
General Corinthus finally breathed a sigh of relief, and replaced his rifle with a thermal magazine.
Outside, there were at least hundreds of Reaper monsters. After dozens of them were killed by this little human sniper, the remaining ones were finally afraid to appear! I'm afraid they also know that it's useless to charge any more, they can only fight with other soldiers from a distance.
He believed that, wait a while, those Reaper monsters who dared to attack their headquarters, those predators, don't even want to run!
boom! ! !
At this moment, another red flare fell quickly from the sky. After it exploded, it directly exploded the sentry machine gun position in the distance into a mess of debris!
Immediately afterwards, the red light and explosive flames dissipated, and a huge ferocious monster and a group of corpse puppets suddenly rushed out of it! Especially the huge monster, the opponent rushed directly to the top of a building, and with just one shot, it easily smashed the violently shooting Turian soldier and the twin-mounted large-caliber machine gun tower into one. The broken pieces of the beach!
"Then, what is that weird thing?!"
Miranda dare to swear that she has never seen such a monster in the Normandy 2 or Star Alliance database! And looking at the other person's size and the amount of violence displayed, she knew without thinking that the guy in the distance was definitely not easy to mess with!
Seeing that it was raging in the distance, destroying a monster with turrets and automatic sentry machine gun positions between charging and bounce, General Corinthus's face became pale...the monster, they had seen it before. At that time, the opponent even rushed into their array to kill and wound them suddenly and a whole squadron, more than a hundred soldiers!
What's more, the opponents are all cruel attacking methods of crazy and cruel ramming, tearing, and smashing, which is a very serious blow to the morale of their troops! If they hadn't had a lot of heavy weapons on the periphery at the time, I'm afraid the lines of defense outside the base would have fallen under the impact of a large number of monsters.
However, now they have not arranged heavy firepower inside their base... So, he suddenly feels a little desperate now? Or are they going to risk rushing out now, taking advantage of the outside predators not suppressing this place too much?
"That is the ‘Ferocious Beast’..."
"They may be formed by combining the bodies of Krogans and the heads of Turians with supernatural powers... But it is not important. What is important is that they have powerful armor and shields, and they are huge. The power and violent charging speed... What's more frightening is that ordinary light weapons can't deal with them..."
"Look at..."
At this time, in the distance, countless machine gun posts kept pointing their guns at the fierce beast, and at least several bullet chains were shooting violently at the opponent! However, the opponent just shot it with the bullet chain, and kept hammering the sentry turrets into a pile of tatters, until there were no more automatic weapons to shoot it!
"Not good! It's over! It's coming!!"
Miranda also tentatively shot a round of bullets at the other side with the powerful rifles of the Turians, and stopped until the thermal magazine turned red. However, she was surprised to find that even if she shot It was very accurate, and no bullet was missed, but the other party really seemed to have nothing, and he slowly turned his head, and stared at her with bloodthirsty and cruel red eyes?
Did Miranda accidentally provoke hatred? !
‘Howl~ Howl! ! ’
Sure enough, the fierce beast first roared towards Miranda, and after the terrifying sound swept towards this side, it was short, and charged towards this side at high speed!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The sound of huge footsteps sounded on the ground, and caused a sense of tremor... It seems that the other party is planning to directly hit the bunker where they are hiding? And that a little thin metal gate, definitely can't stop the opponent!
Singular point! !
With a fierce blow, Miranda mobilized almost half of his abilities, cast a dark sphere and created a high-strength mass effect field, and slammed it directly in the direction of the monster's travel! As long as the enemy approaches, they will be sucked into the sphere, temporarily unable to make any actions, and then they can take the opportunity to destroy it when the opponent does not have a shield!
"Run! It's really going to crash in!!"
Seeing that the other party was not afraid of the power she released, and instead charged more violently, Miranda was so frightened that she threw down the torus rifle in her hand, and turned around and planned to pull up Annie from another door of the bunker. Get out.
As for whether the Turian General Corinthus could run or not, she couldn't care too much now.
Huh! ! !
There was a gunshot that Miranda was familiar with, and then...
There is nothing then!
The sound of the monster that Miranda was worried about hitting the door did not sound. Instead, it was a ‘pouch chick’ with a stretched tone. It seemed that the sound of a heavy object falling on the ground and rubbing the ground in a certain week rang?
And when she turned her head to look outside the bunker, she discovered that the big reaper monster called the fierce beast had fallen to the ground. After a few violent convulsions, she finally couldn't move?
"That guy is stupid. Does he think I can't hit him if he retracts his head?"
The big Turian’s head was shrunk in the gap in the armor of the shoulder armor. Although the gap was not very large, Annie still managed to directly and accurately hit her 20mm high-power bullet into it. Then, if the other party lost his head, he would definitely die!
She swears that she didn't really cheat just now, just using the powerful lethality of the ghost rifle in her hand to kill the enemy.
So, it turns out that no matter how powerful a monster is, it must protect its head. Once its head is knocked out, no matter how strong the body is, no matter how thick the armor is! As long as you lose your head, you will die!
"Well, I have forgotten what you are a little guy!"
After being sluggish for a while, Miranda came back to her senses, and then she was relieved to sit on a box next to her, and began to calm her heart that had just fluctuated sharply.
She was so dizzy just now, she almost forgot what this little guy was capable of!
This little human girl... how could she be so powerful? Kill a fierce beast with a single shot, and still use a headshot? !
However, this is also good...
The Turian General Corinthus, who doesn’t know what his opponent is, can only squat aside silently like Miranda, holding his weapon, watching the one who is still standing on tiptoes on the box. The little girl is like playing around, shooting the remnants of the reaper monsters outside, the looters and the scattered corpse puppets one by one.
In this situation, there is no such thing as his general who is not very good at fighting.

The God Castle Space Station, now in various cities, blocks, passages, and rooms, sirens calling for emergency evacuation are resounding everywhere!
At this time, the five David district city of the God Fort has now completed the work of closing the arm guards, and it has shrunk to form a huge cylinder that is solid! That's right, the council intends to use the tough shell of the fortress to resist the fierce attack that the Reaper may be coming.
In this terrible situation, they really have no other better way other than passive defense like this!
"How is the situation now?"
"Those reapers, how did they come to the star field of our God Fort?!"
Senator Ashali rushed to the Council’s Turian Senator’s office in a panic, and behind her was the Senator Serra Rui.
At this time, the human councillors, the Udina and Turian councillors, had been waiting for them for a long time.
However, seeing the two people coming, the human councillor Udine did not speak. First, he opened his mouth slightly, and finally, he glanced at the same silent Turian silently, and then shook his head and stood silently. .
At present, the main force of the Fortress fleet is commanded by the Turians, and whether it is the Human Star Federation, the Asharis or the Serraru, their fleets have already returned to the star regions of their home planets to resist the Reapers. went! Originally, the Star Alliance could send some fleets to garrison here, but because the route was cut off by the Reapers, the arrival of the large fleet would definitely cause a reaction from the Reapers, so it has been dragged until now.
After all, no matter whether it is the fleet of the Star Alliance or the fleet of the Hero Federation of the Kepru District, they cannot be directly invisible like Normandy II, and then unknowingly mix into the giant snake under the eyes of the Reaper. Nebula’s God Fort space station is here.
Although the warships of the Star Zone Hero Federation can perform the so-called leaps themselves, they must not dare to use long-distance teleportation without positioning and exploring this strange galaxy. They can only rely on those qualities first. After the effect repeater arrives in each star area and completes the detection work, they get accurate data and the trajectory of the stars, and they can make those ultra-long-distance leaps!
"The situation is terrible, in fact, nothing is worse than it is now..."
The Turian Congressman finally shook his head helplessly, and now he has no good idea.
"They jumped out suddenly, and then cut off the communication without waiting for our response and destroyed our guard fleet. No one was left..."
"And the hundreds of cruisers gathered by our Turians and the various races of the Divine Fort will certainly not be the opponents of the twenty Reaper ships... Just now, the general of our Turians also said , The twenty overlord battleships of the Reapers are already enough to destroy our fleet until they completely occupy this fortress space station!"
"and so……"
Having said that, the Turian Senator was silent...
Now, he once again understood the power and horror of the Reaper!
Think about the overlord Reaper battleship that Salron and Jies acquired at the beginning. It was just one ship, and they almost let the other party succeed and occupy the castle of God! At that time, there were even two dreadnoughts from the Turian fleet in the castle of the gods, as well as the Asari’s "Destiny Transcendent", plus a thousand cruisers and frigates, and even the reinforcements of the human fleet...
But the result?
They were just facing an overlord. The Fortress fleet almost wiped out the entire army, and even the most powerful "Destiny Transcendent" almost fell, and if it weren't for the human Shepard to kill Sarron in time, If you smashed the opponent's conspiracy and luckily destroyed the overlord, I am afraid that now, the castle is not theirs!
Since the castle of the gods in the heyday of their strength can be treated like that tragic face when facing an overlord... Now, when facing a total of twenty identical Reaper Overlord battleships, they are again What can we do? Is it just relying on the remaining hundreds of cruisers, frigates, and patrol boats to make up the number?
The Turians’ battleships originally stationed here in the Fortress of Gods, they have long been dispatched back to the Palaven Galaxy to guard against the Reapers; and the Asari’s Destiny Transcendent also returned to their Athena Nebula at the same time. , Returned to the second planet in their Panisa galaxy; as for the Serraruites, don’t mention it, they don’t have many decent fleets at all!
Finally, it is human...
In the castle of God, although Star Alliance only has less than ten frigates, but in the solar system, it is said that their fleet now has tens of thousands? However, the distant water cannot save the near thirst. If there is no accident, their fort will be completely occupied and destroyed by the harvesters without waiting for any rescue to come!
What's more, they can't send any information right now...
Those reapers, those overlord battleships, when they jumped into this star field, they interfered with all communications in the area around the Fortress Space Station, and used their powerful main guns to accurately destroy all communications around the Fortress. Beacon, successfully prevented them from sending any messages!
Although the Reaper’s moves are very old-fashioned, they always interfere and block communication for the first time wherever they go... However, it cannot be denied that this is almost already known by the entire galactic higher civilization race. The trick is very effective!
In the face of absolute strength, the opponent's tactics are simple, crude, and tried and tested!
Even if they know it, they can only call Naihe...
"We are trapped here now by the Reapers, and there is no support..."
Senator Tuy sighed, turned around silently, looking at the scenery outside the window.
On the left is the deep space universe outside the circle area, beautiful and deep, still so fascinating...
On the right, there is a cylindrical pipeline closed to form a closed state. Countless personal lifeboats, large and small spaceships, cargo ships, etc. are madly fleeing into the universe outside the castle through the gap in the ring area. ...
He knew that it should be the high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen who evacuated here before the arrival of the harvesters, but now no one wants to stop them.
Because even the C-SEC department of the God Castle is now beginning to fluctuate, and each is busy preparing for the evacuation. There are not many people sticking to their posts anymore...but if it weren't for a large number of security robots and those' If the caregiver is still working diligently to maintain order, I am afraid that there will be chaos in the sanctuary city, right?
"Then what should our parliament do now? Should we organize an evacuation immediately, or..."
Senator Ashali just wanted to say something about asking for help or a big retreat, but after thinking about it, she felt a little fainted, so she stopped talking.
Because, now that the communication with the outer space of the castle has been completely cut off, they can't find anyone to rescue their castle! And evacuation is almost an impossible task, and the Reapers will not give them that time!
The situation of their fort is as embarrassing as Senator Turian just said! Or even on the verge of being destroyed at any time?
"Hey! If only I could find out sooner..."
"Congressman Tunee, I think if our fleet can buy us enough time, the Fortress Space Station should be able to evacuate this Serpent Nebula directly?"
After looking at Senator Asari, the member of the Serraru pondered for a while, and then stepped forward two steps to speak.
As the members of the Fortress of God, all of them obviously know: When necessary, the Fortress of God space station can move by itself and jump to other places! After all, the fortress of God has a tough shell, and it is now completely closed together, even if it is a reaper, it is impossible to easily penetrate the protection of the fortress of God!
It takes enough time for the fleet to prepare for them, at least, it should take one to two hours?
After all, this Shenbao space station is really too big...The population alone is more than 20 million people (13.2 million in the sanitary area + more than 10 million in the foundation world), so jump to another star area for the Shenbao space station Said that it was a huge and difficult challenge. It was not like an ordinary spaceship, and you could go as you please.
Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will lead to a huge disaster! !
"No way!"
"Our fleet may be wiped out in less than 30 minutes!"
The Turian Congressman turned around, staring at the Serraru with piercing eyes and said.
He just talked about this option with this human Udine, even if they can really abandon the Serpent Nebula, which is located in the center of the galaxy, and jump directly to a safer place, it also requires a lot of preparation. time!
But now, what they lack is just time!
Because the reapers came too suddenly... they didn't have any advance preparation at all! Originally, this option was planned to be implemented after the fall of the more outer star areas and mass effect repeaters, but who would have thought that those reapers would even use their elite small fleets to raid the castle for thousands of miles. This kind of bridge?
What's more frightening is that they seem to have succeeded? !
"Then what should I do now?!"
"Members, the importance of the castle is unquestionable! I will never give this place to the reapers. I must find a way!"
Senator Ashali expressed her views aloud, although she seemed a little hysterical, but her determination to stick to the castle and even die here is irrefutable!
She will definitely not abandon their homeland that has been colonized for countless years like a bereaved dog like the bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen who fled in panic!
For the Asaris, the Fortress Space Station is their home! And they have always regarded themselves as the masters here, the real masters!
Because they have lived and colonized here for more than two thousand years... Although they still don’t fully understand every place and detail here, there is no doubt that the castle belongs to God in name. They are Asari, she believes, people of other races think so too!
"Yes! The castle of God is very important to our plan!"
"If we can't get it, then our plan will be stranded, and then the reaper can use the castle to control the repeater, and lock us in one star area until they completely destroy us. until!"
"So you, when necessary, I suggest...Even if you destroy it, you must never give it to those reapers!!"
Udina said with a sullen expression, and said that he wanted to destroy this sacred space station!
In fact, after their council negotiated the terms with Shepard, they acquiesced in lending the Fortress Space Station to Star Alliance when necessary, and lending it to the Hero Federation to activate the'Sky Furnace' and deal with the Reapers. ! Of course, that must be carried out under the supervision of the Castle Council!
While they were patiently waiting for Shepard, who was on a rescue mission to the Turian home planet, Palevin, to reply, and then prepared to implement the plan to counter the enemy, fate made a big joke with them!
Those Reapers, they don't want to give them a chance... They directly crossed countless star areas and successfully attacked the castle here, and once they shot, it was a total of twenty powerful Overlord-level Reaper battleships!
"Everyone, now the Reapers are invading our asteroid-modified space station, and most of them have landed there and are slaughtering our soldiers..."
"But! Actually, we still have a chance now, the last chance!"
Seeing that everyone was silent and there was no better way, the Turian Congressman finally turned his head viciously. Although he spoke slowly, his eyes flashed with bloodthirsty and decisive red light. !
Yes, he has already thought of a way to deal with the Reaper!
Although it may be cruel and unfair to the soldiers who are fighting with the Reapers in front of them, but... they have no choice! Because that is their only chance! Once missed, there will be no chance of defeating the enemy!
By then, the entire galaxy will be forever...
"What's the solution?!"
"Say it quickly, Senator Tunee, please don't sell anything at this time!!!"
The Asari and the Serraru eagerly asked the Turic with a grim expression.
Although they could see that the other party's current mood and state were a bit wrong, no one was going back to care about those details now! As long as they can successfully resist or repel the Reaper warships, no matter what the cost, they will unconditionally agree!
"Blow it up! Blew up the space station, along with the overlord Reaper warships that landed there!"
"Blow them all up, leave none of them!!!"
The Turian Congressman panted heavily and raised his fists terribly.
Although I know that there are many Earthlings, Asari, and Serraru in that space station, there are also more Turians and soldiers of other races!
But now they have no other better way!
Even if they don’t do anything, in the end, those warriors will definitely be destroyed by the huge monster Reaper Overlord battleships lying on them... Since the results are the same, it’s better to make the final contribution to the castle. ! That is-let those soldiers who are in battle be destroyed together with the Reapers! !
Although it is cruel,
This is war, and the most ruthless thing in this universe is war! ! !
Udine did not speak, because he had already known the plan before. He watched Mr. Turian set up everything. Therefore, his expression was a bit ugly, but he was not too surprised.
As for the Asari members, their expressions are much more ugly, because on the huge space station transformed from an asteroid, there are at least tens of thousands of them! Although it only occupies a small part of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, this kind of decision...
She couldn't bear it, and didn't know if she should do that...At this moment, her heart was disturbed, and she was no longer a qualified politician or diplomat.
Therefore, silence became her last choice.
"This, how should this be done? I'm sorry, Mr. Turian, I think we seem to be powerless?!"
"Those harvesters, they won't give us the time to arrange, our space station does not seem to have a self-destruct procedure..."
Senator Serraru thought for a while, and quickly shook her head. She didn't think it was a feasible idea.
"I see, is this the reason you let me Grande come here for a meeting?!"
At this time, in the horrified gazes of the Serraru and the Asari, the Krogan rebel leader who had never shown up, and the meeting was only using holographic images, and that now the Third Guard City Autonomous League The lord of, the Croman Grant, who threatened to blow up the castle and exchange for an entire city in the Third Guard, brought several of his own men to the office of the council member of the castle.
"I knew that you guys must have been hitting my three darlings with the idea, am I right?"
Grande walked in unscrupulously, and got into a chair with great magnificence.
"It's not impossible for me to take action to eliminate the overlord Reapers who are clinging to the space station. UU read and they will all be over!"
While talking, Grant stopped, a sly light flashing in his eyes.
"I want a seat as a member of Parliament, now I want it!!"
"Huh! I advise you to hurry up! After the overlords leave the space station transformed by the asteroid, if Ivan is detonated in the universe, the damage range will be very limited, if the overlords are far away. , Maybe there will be several ships left by then?"
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