Chapter 575: O sea, you are all bugs! ?(′?`)?(…

?The Reaper’s giant machinery was caught off guard by a corner of the giant thunder beast, and when it was about to get up again, the giant monster that knocked it over to the ground stepped on it heavily. One of the thick metal mechanical limbs made it squeaky and squeaked, and it was almost broken without being trampled on!
The Reaper monster did not panic or fear, nor did it easily give up resistance. It still used the red laser pulse particle beam on its head to keep moving towards a mechanical giant that had already trampled on it. The head of the huge unknown creature with leg arthropod lashed away!
Buzzing! !
The powerful and dazzling red particle beam swept across the Lei Beast’s head accurately and cut through the sky, and shot down a few alien dragons that were rushing out in a hurry and caught off guard, frightening the others to fly around and away from the red one. Coarse particle beam! After all, that red thing is no better than the heat ray of the Protoss Colossus, and their thin-skinned aerial units are better to stay away.
The attack of the Reaper’s giant war machine is not only on the hard shell like a copper wall and iron wall of the Thunder Beast, but also on the huge and tough diamond-shaped chitin shell on the Thunder Beast’s head, leaving an oblique, deep Nearly one meter deep, beyond the terrifying gully that was hot and red, it did not cause any effective fatal damage to the Thunder Beast.
Because the thickness of the hard shell of the Thunder Beast is thicker than when a member of the human Marine Corps or a Protoss fanatic stands up, it has a thickness of at least two to three meters! Moreover, that kind of carapace is still a multi-character composite structure composed of foreign compounds and organic tissues. It has an extremely light texture and incomparable thickness. It has excellent defense against energy attacks and blasting shells, and it only faces armor-breaking. The effect of high-powered shells is a bit not good.
Therefore, since the Reaper Giant Spider War Machine did not successfully attack the slightly fragile head of the Thunder Beast in the particle beam attack just now, its fate is basically. It's already doomed...
‘Howl! ! ! ’
The Thunder Beast, which was burned in pain and unbearable by the enemy's attack, first roared angrily, and then it began to violently wave the four scary-looking giant bone blades that grew on the front of its body!
Regarding these bone blades of Thunder Beasts, in the Kepulu region, both the Protoss and the humans have studied it many times! It's just that what makes them incredible is: those huge hideous bone blades, those arc-shaped things that are at least twenty to thirty meters long, are they kind of single-molecule biological blades?
Moreover, after testing, those single-molecule bone blades evolved from the Zerg, whether in terms of hardness, cutting ability or toughness, are not inferior to the same-level single-molecule daggers carefully crafted by humans with technology! Therefore, when Thunder Beasts wave them, they can easily split walls, sever iron pillars, break through the new steel alloy plates of battleships, or even rarer alien substances, etc.
Of course, if the Thunder Beast wants to attack the warship, it must be stopped on the ground, otherwise they will definitely not be able to accomplish the great feat of dismantling the warship by hand... After all, they have not been selected to evolve usable wings. Carry their extremely heavy bodies.
and so……
Huh! Huh! Huh!
After three consecutive loud crashes and breaking sounds, the Reaper Spider Machine had not been able to struggle to stand up with its only three powerful huge steel limbs, and it was easily cut into one by the Thunder Beast and only one round was left. The huge metal sphere of the head!
If it’s a Protoss or stellar human that has been hostile to this thunder beast, they must tell this unlucky Reaper mechanical monster: At any time, if you can’t ensure that you can successfully avoid the opponent’s attack, then Never go to play close combat with giant monsters of this kind who are extremely powerful, capable of tearing battleships and extremely sensitive!
In that case, the end will be miserable!
However, when the metal limbs of the Reaper's war machine were cut off by the roaring thunder beast, its destiny was already doomed and there was no chance to regret it...
‘Wow! ! ! ! ’
At this moment, Thunder Beast roared and stood up.
The huge bone scythe of the upper body and the two thick and strong hooves swung a few times in the void. After venting the anger and excitement in its heart, it violently stepped on the monster's remaining huge head. !
After a huge sound, the Leiju's body directly plunged into the steel head of the Reaper War Machine that was about the same size as it, and stimulated bursts of energy vortex and explosion!
‘Howl! ! ! ’
However, after the thunder beast’s front hooves and upper body fell into the head of the Reaper Spider’s machine, it was just a trembling tearing action, three or two in the fire of electric sparks and explosions, directly from that The enemy's head burst out from the explosion, and continued to shoot against the reaper ogres and predators ahead, roaring and rushing towards the front!
While turning over countless corpse puppets and other reaper monsters, he stepped on the two fierce beasts that dared to charge towards it directly into two beaches of flat and strange flesh in their footprints...
'Roar! ! ’
‘Roar! ! ! ’
Soon, behind this Thunder Beast, more Thunder Beasts followed it and rushed forward!
Obviously, they seemed to be eyeing the huge Reaper Overlord battleship farther away, and eyeing the enemy spaceship that was clinging to the surface of the Menel planet like a black tower.
Because, the new queen of the Swarm, the Zagara who became the new queen of the Swarm after Sarnagar Kerry went wandering with a cowboy willingly, ordered that they must get to the huge ship far away The semi-mechanical and semi-biological Reaper battleship, or get the enemy's genes!
Even if it may be dead, even if the other party's organization may not be reformed or has long lost its vitality, but their new queen still needs it! Moreover, if it is really impossible to keep the opponent's entire spacecraft, it is okay to eat a few pieces of meat.
The insect swarms, who are sensitive to biological information, immediately felt the benefits of the Reaper warships in the distance! They have already smelled the taste of that delicious gene... The battleship transformed by that huge creature, even if they are dead, has endless benefits for the insect swarm!
Those battleships, they have tough bodies, powerful psychic powers, and terrifying spiritual power... That is exactly what their insect swarms demand! The lords of the insect swarm would know without guessing that it must be the corpse of a highly intelligent species standing at the pinnacle of the universe. For this, they eagerly wanted to obtain a relatively complete DNA sample and genetic data from each other in order to give them the insect swarm. Inject new vitality and powerful evolutionary power!
and so……
‘Howl! ! ! ’
‘Roar! ! ’
‘Ooooooooooo! ! ’
While the thunder beasts continued to charge forward violently, they used their hooves, huge bone sickles, incomparable strength, and super-heavy shells that can withstand almost all individual weapon attacks, and ran away indefinitely!
Behind them are mainly those that are overwhelming and gushing out like tides. They are even squeezed into a mass, insects, springworms (puppies) and Hydralisks stepping on the other. They.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
A reaper ogre constantly uses its energy pulse weapon to shoot at a zergler that leaps on the rocks on the surface of Menel’s low-gravity environment and dashes quickly, even though it hits hard. Quasi, almost the level of the most elite soldiers of the Star Alliance, at least seven or eight out of ten shots hit the target it wanted to attack!
The Zergling (puppy) was unexpectedly stubborn. Even though the ogre’s shooting left a bleak red spot on the Zergling’s body, it still did not cause much fatal damage to it, and eventually Let the Zergling successfully jump to its front.
‘Quack! ! ’
Finally, the Zergling jumped to the cliff to stare at in threes or twos, and opened its mouthparts and the two arthropod blades on its head, fiercely directly on the reaper ogre who had been shooting...
Da Da Da Da! ! !
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
A group of reaper monsters, that kind of predators are shooting at each other with a group of Hydralisks!
Although the mass effect bullets fired by the looters’ turbid assault rifles have successfully beaten the Hydralisk into masses of broken corpses braving the corrosive blood, countless Hydralisks’ counterattack They were quickly pierced by the overwhelming toxic armor-piercing spines. They were pierced through shields and armor by the bone spurs that could penetrate two-centimeter-thick alloy steel plates even at the farthest range, and penetrated their bodies, destroying machinery. The energy link was nailed to the ground and turned into a corpse of a Turian who had lost the ability to move.
'Roar! ! ’
‘Hiss! ! ’
Even the Reaper’s ogres transformed by the Bataris and the predators transformed by the Turians still violently shoot at the zebras rushing up like a tide, even if they work hard to perform With the mission given to them by the reaper, however, they are facing too many enemies at the moment... Therefore, they can only be in vain to be overwhelmed and torn by the swarms of insects that rush towards them violently. Piles of bits and pieces...
Similarly, the alien dragons in the sky are not far behind at this time!
Compared with the spring worms and hydralisks on the ground, as well as other insect swarms who are restricted by space gates and have to squeeze out worms, they are much more comfortable to fly freely! Therefore, they can easily fly out from above the portal, and soon densely cover the sky of most of the battle area!
Countless Reaper alien creature spaceships were easily torn into pieces by their fierce mouthparts... and their living weapons were even more extraordinary!
The kind of living symbiotic blade insects that were ejected from the ovulation organs with spikes in their tails, like bombs, were thrown from a high altitude to the Reaper troops on the ground! Subsequently, whether it was a corpse puppet, an ogre, a predator or a more powerful beast, those enemies that were originally powerful for the Turians were all destroyed by the blade insects that quickly collapsed and exploded after landing. Those spattered fragments exploded to death or injury!
If you think this is the end, then you are very wrong!
Those reaper monsters on the ground, even if they were not hit by the explosive fragments, or the shields blocked the kinetic energy damage, they were quickly corroded by the corrosive acid from the terrifying creatures from the different planes. And dissolve, and then, after some vital energy and control parts in their semi-mechanical bodies are ablated, they fall to the ground and can no longer move a bit...
In this way, the insect swarms pressed the reapers all the way to the distance with an unstoppable posture, just not giving those reapers a chance!
At this moment, the Turian soldiers who were stuck in their original defense line could only hold their weapons in a bewildered manner, watching those who were almost squeezing them and rushing past them at high speed. All kinds of insects and monsters are speechless...
If it hadn’t been for the previous order that they had sent these so-called ‘reinforcement’ illustrations to the universal tools in each of them, I’m afraid now, they would have been scared to shoot blindly with their guns?
After all, no one will think of such monsters as peaceful, friendly, harmless and kind creatures...These are boundless monsters still rushing out of the huge and weird blue portal, Looking at their size, muscles, long blades and sharp mouthparts, it is clear that they are some monster races specially born for killing!
And they are sure that this kind of creature has never been seen in the known races in the galaxy...
"I never dared to imagine this kind of picture..."
"Little guy, how many worms are there? Why are they still coming out? These are at least hundreds of thousands, right?"
Seeing those densely packed, large and small, all over the sky and the earth in the field of vision in front of them, and directly occupying the land and sky, Miranda was dumbfounded for a long time before he asked with a bit of a tongue.
Fortunately, she doesn't have that intensive phobia, otherwise, she must have goose bumps now!
Up to now, the Reapers in the field of vision have been completely overwhelmed by the insect swarms... However, the insects still seem to continue to rush out of the portal, as if the endless will never end. It completely subverted Miranda's cognition!
She was already thinking: If they were the reapers, how long could they last under the attack of such overwhelming terrorist creatures? I'm afraid... it won't last longer than those reapers without fear, right?
"I do not know either……"
"It seems that I heard that idiot Galen said that there should be many, many! This time... there may be hundreds of millions of dollars?"
Annie only knew that the plane space portal she opened this time would last for a short while!
Then, from now on, it has rushed out so many insect swarms in less than ten minutes. Judging from their scale and number, it really should be hundreds of millions in the end? Then, if they continue to multiply here slowly, then more.
Anyway, she wouldn't be foolish to count them! Maybe, only the bear who has nothing to do will do that stupid thing?
(It was true that Tibbers was bored, so he subconsciously used its mental power to scan and perceive the number of insects, but where did it think, it was discovered by the bad little master of his family... It's really unreasonable, she doesn't count it herself, and she doesn't allow it to count Tibbers Bear?!)
"Several billions?!"
"You're kidding, why are they so many?!"
Miranda exclaimed again...
She really didn't expect that this little guy would throw out hundreds of millions of insect swarms as soon as he took action. In this case, would the harvesters still survive?
‘Of course there are so many! ’
‘Master Anne...I’m really not a silly Galen, an idiot, or an idiot Galen, I’m the wise general of the Federation Galen! I am one of the most powerful generals in the entire Hero Federation...! Please keep this in mind! ’
At this time, a voice suddenly rang!
It turned out that it was a communication device that Annie didn't remember to turn off before!
So at this moment, the holographic image of Galen appeared in front of everyone, and together with other people, looking at the overwhelming crazy scene in the distance: where the eye can be seen, there are those layers with layers everywhere. , An ocean of scary bugs of various colors...
They are like billowing waves, one wave after another, constantly sweeping around the entire planet Menel...
If judging by the size of the Menel planetary satellite, I am afraid that within a day or two, they will be able to completely submerge and drive out all the Reaper enemies on the planet, and it is absolutely guaranteed that one will not remain!
‘You may not believe it? ’
'In our Kepulu region, they are now flooded. We humans and Protoss have been protesting that they occupy too many resources and living space... It is said that their number may have exceeded 10,000 Billion, right? ’
Having said that, Galen himself in the holographic image sighed a little tiredly.
Since the constellation peace, the insects have no foreign enemies, and basically have no consumption of endless war, so the speed at which they thrive is even more terrifying...
Had it not been restricted by resources and planets suitable for insects to live in, I am afraid that their number would not be a mere trillion, but would be more? The ability of insects to lay eggs quickly and to hatch and grow up quickly can definitely throw away tens of thousands of streets from humans and protoss, even the distance from the earth to Neptune!
Anyway, the census or something, whether it is for the humans in the stellar zone or the Protoss, it is a very simple thing. It only takes a few years to get it done slowly!
If you want to check the number of bugs, no matter whether it is Zagara, the new queen of the swarm, or Izsha, Abathur, or other lords, no one will be willing to do such terrible things. !
With the most of them, they can only roughly count how many ethnic groups there are, how many planets each ethnic group has, and so on... As for other data, such as the specific number, they dare not and will never have a way to completely count it!
It is precisely because the insects that have flooded have completely piled up their planets, they will continue to urge the Federation to expand outside these years, and this time, after learning that there is a new galaxy to explore, He took the initiative to take up the arduous task of fighting the Reapers alone on the front line.
Yes, it is alone!
This time, they plan to bloom all over the planets, sprinkle the seeds and bases of their swarms, cover the planets with the fungus blanket, hatch ships of Corruptors and Brood Lords, and then destroy those who dare to follow them. The swarm is more evil than the number of reapers!
Their swarms must let the harvesters know that if they compare their numbers, they will absolutely not persuade anyone! As long as the resources are sufficient, their swarms dare to use numbers to kill those harvesters! Are 100,000 Brood Lords and Corruptors enough? If it's not enough, it doesn't matter, they can work harder to lay more eggs or larvae, and at that time, whether it is a million or tens of millions of ships, they can get it out!
Of course, this matter needs time and more resources. They need to come slowly...
And now, the bugs who came to the Turian planet to rescue and intend to take this Menel by the way are just the vanguard!
After they successfully drove away the harvesters here, rescued the unlucky Turians and knew how to digest the world’s special zero element, their newly hatched brood lords would set off with countless larvae and worker bees. Go to the'unowned' planets one after another. At that time, what will happen in the end, I am afraid that only the bugs themselves will know!
Anyway, Galen would definitely not tell the Turians who had invited reinforcements right now.
"My God! There are really trillions of bugs?!"
In trillions, what kind of concept is that?
Miranda couldn't imagine, so after exclaiming, she could only continue to look at the swarms of insects that were still rushing out...she didn't know what to say now...because, from the current situation Look, it seems that GAY Lun's statement just now seems to be true.
and many more!
The word GAY Lun was not talked about by Miranda, but was discussed by their Normandy female crew members in a very boring way! Think about it... A federal five-star general, who is in his thirties. Not only is he not married, he has no girlfriend, but what is GAY Lun?
Of course, this kind of little secret between their girlfriends and comrades-in-arms, she would definitely not tell outsiders.
"How could there be such a terrible thing..."
"In my opinion, they are definitely more terrifying than the ancient Zergs that were exterminated in the materials of the God Fort space station, and more terrible than the Reknais!"
At this time, the knowledgeable Asari's little Lolita Doctor Liara also spoke out with some emotion.
The Rickner War was clearly written in their Asari history textbook. Of course she had learned it herself and went to read the whole story carefully!
It is said that in that year...
After the Asari’s sacred expedition team activated a dormant mass repeater by themselves, the highly developed ancient intelligent Zerg, the Reckner Swarm, was discovered by their Asari ancestors... but who ever I think that the Leknerian Zerg may have a language barrier, or it may be due to its nature, or it may be because the Lekner Queen insect lives under the surface of a poisonous planet, which makes the Asari, who is willing to negotiate with the gods Negotiations for this race of Rekna have never been realized, and the insect swarms who misjudged the true intentions of the castle are full of serious hostility towards the castle council's repeated attempts to "attack" their queen!
As a result, the Lekner Swarm quickly mobilized, and through that repeater, other races in the galaxy were involved in a terrible war that lasted three hundred years...
Until 80 AD, the Lekner War was still going on!
Immediately afterwards, in order to fight against the swarm, the Cylarians began to make the first contact with Krogan. They controlled the Krogan to become the cannon fodder soldiers of the council on the condition of providing advanced science and technology. Let them go to a battle with the almost endless number of Rekner...
After two centuries of brutal warfare, the Castle of God was finally able to let those Krogan people who could adapt to the environment of Reckner’s home planet rush into Reckner’s home planet lair, and put someone in it that had been sleeping. The unlucky queen worm and the worm eggs are all burned!
Ever since, in 300 AD, Lechner was declared extinct by the Council of the Castle of God!
In order to thank the Krogans for their assistance during the Reckner War, the generous council at that time gave the Krogans cannon fodder a brand new garden planet, allowing those cannon fodder to escape from the harsh planet of Tutzenka for the first time. Radiation living environment!
But who would have thought that the Krogan people immediately turned their faces and refused to recognize people. Not only did they begin to multiply their descendants at a rate of population explosion, they also began to challenge the authority of the castle, and eventually led to the more terrifying Krogan War...
Of course, that is another story, and it has nothing to do with the Lekner Swarm! Because they have been declared annihilated!
So, now when the Asari’s Liara saw the swarms of these heroic federations, she couldn’t help being a little surprised and worried... She was a little bit unimaginable that the people in the Kepulu zone, they could actually interact with each other. Such beast-like insects live in harmony?
How did their stars and humans do it?
Because Liara could see that these insects in front of her eyes, except for those few high-level insects, exist like that kind of zerglings and hydrangeas, their wisdom is obviously not high, at most It's just a little better than the beast?
The Turian General Corinthus certainly knew about the Reckner War. However, when he frowned and watched the swarms of insects sweeping the entire planet of Menel and beating the Reaper’s ground forces to be crushed for a while, he finally He just sighed and said nothing more.
These terrible reinforcements were invited by the patriarch of their Turians himself, and Corinthus himself agreed, so no matter what happens in the end, they have no choice but to accept the result. ...
Regardless of how these populations will develop in the future, at least for now, their Turians have kept their homes and saved their race from the terrible fate of being destroyed and harvested by the reapers, allowing their race to continue to reproduce. It’s enough to live on!
"Sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about, but I can tell you clearly: these Zergs, these Zergs, they are nightmare-like species, they are highly evolved alien creatures, killing art Gears of War! ’
‘Whether it was before or now, they have always been...’
Even if it's not the first time to face insects, it's not the first time to see them launching such frenzied attacks on enemies, but Galen still feels a little frightened and shocked looking at it now.
In the past, when he was a small captain of the Marine Corps, they had faced such a flood of insects, and eventually had to reluctantly abandon the planet rich in high-energy crystal mines and gas and be embarrassed. And escape...
Thinking about it now, at that time, they were probably in the same despair as those reapers, right? So, with feeling in his heart, he began to slowly continue to say:
'You have seen that all kinds of Zergs form a swarm. They once obeyed the command of the worm's nest lord... Of course, now the swarm’s lord had invaded the Protoss Lord Star Al’s battle. In the process, he died with Tassadar, a certain archon of the Protoss...'
‘Look, they are endless in number, just like locusts...’
‘In those days, they swept across the Kepulu region and destroyed countless planets... wherever they went, all that was left was death and scorched earth...’
At this point, Galen stopped.
If you think about it carefully, from this point of view, those bugs seem to be no different from the current harvesters? If enough resources and time can be given, I am afraid that only the developed insect swarms can push the Reapers to the ground, right?
It is precisely because of the more he knows, that he Galen and the humans and protoss in the constellation will be more jealous and grateful for the insect swarm... If it weren’t for a coincidence, their constellation was given to them by their great head Anne If it is unified quickly, in time, whether it is a Protoss or a human, I am afraid that it will not be the opponent of these terrible, terrible creatures that will continue to evolve!
'I still remember……'
‘In the past, their ruler was a Queen of Blades named Sarah Louis Kerrigan? It's just that she now abducted a cowboy and didn't know where she went...It was the credit of the Queen of Blades that made the process of the unification of the constellation much faster! ’
When he said this, Galen stopped again and shook his head slightly.
At first, it was with the help of their head Anne that they successfully captured the Queen of Blades of the Swarm, and finally caused something behind...
just. He didn't understand, the guy named Renault, the man who ran to a broken planet to become a police officer after disbanding the Ranger organization, what's so good about that? That guy, actually hooked up with Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades and Sarnagar?
This kind of thing, whenever they make their old guys bragging and farting, they always sigh...
Thinking about it this way, it was probably only that Renault who was the biggest winner in life who showed his prowess in the chaotic time of the constellation? Hey! Look, even the queen of the swarm and the newly promoted creator have been hooked up by the other party...Looking at it this way, compared to the achievements of other people, it seems that there is nothing to worry about if they are really alone?
Sure enough, eating soft rice or something is indeed a good business to make a fortune, at least less than tens of thousands of hard-working people like them!
Because of this, he Galen even thought about hooking up with the woman named Shepard? Because not only is the opponent not bad, he is also very beautiful and heroic, and he is also the hero of this galaxy? If he can hook up to the hero of the galaxy, then it must be enough for him to go back and scream, right?
It's a little pity: The other party is said to be unclear with the Asari woman named Liala... It seems that there is a little problem with the orientation? That's why he has been unable to make up his mind... When he thought of this, he also subconsciously glanced at the beautiful woman with short red hair and the blue-skinned Asari.
It is said that the Asari woman, the one named Liala, is still in the childhood state of Asari?
Galen couldn't even think of this kind of thing... Therefore, he could only dispel some unrealistic ideas with some regret.
"The queen of their swarm ran away?"
"Then who is directing them now? Is it your federal government, or..."
When asked about this, Shepard couldn't help turning his head to look at someone who was bored. He was forcibly grasping the ferocious claws of the Zergling with his arms, as if he wanted to ride on the other's back, intending to put that ferociousness. The monster is a naughty little girl playing as a mount.
Since the other party can control and bully such terrible creatures so recklessly, then, those bugs must be ruled and controlled by the other party, right?
If that is the case, then Shepard can rest assured!
After all, little Annie’s temperament is very clear to her, and the other person’s nature is actually not bad, except for sometimes a little playful, untuned, and a little bad temper...In short, the little guy is actually very good. , After all, flaws are not concealed, and no one is perfect, they can't demand too much.
"Look at what I do, do you want to play horseback riding with me?"
Annie glanced at the weird people who were staring at her. She was squatting halfway on the back of the hapless spring worm, grasping the opponent's wings hard and clapping the opposing head.
After thinking about it seriously, she felt a little uncomfortable, so she stood up slowly on the other party’s back and changed to grabbing the two long arthropod bone spurs behind the other party’s head, and then she was barely satisfied. Nodded.
"If you really want to play, I can call out a few for you!"
"But you have to be careful. Their backs are stiff and have such troublesome spikes. If you are too stupid, you will surely be pierced, and then your butts will bloom. The red one!!"
After finishing talking, Annie jumped directly from the Zergling's back, then kicked the Zergling's and drove away the other party directly.
That kind of Zerglings is not fun at all, they are too small, they look like a big dog! What's more, their backs are too narrow, with diamond-shaped carapace and sharp spikes, even if she can only stand or squat on them carefully, she can't ride and play at all!
Therefore, she is now ready to hit the big and cruel Thunder Beasts...
"Do not!"
"Now the queen of the swarm is me! I am the new queen of the swarm-Zagara!"
At this time, a deep and vigorous female voice sounded behind everyone!
Then, when they turned their heads in amazement, they saw a huge, at least several meters high, more than ten meters long, with a hideous insect body, a green ovipositor sac, a human-like upper body, and horns and horns. The huge monster with sharp teeth is slowly climbing up towards the cliff of the Turian base where they are standing.
"I see you again, the great head Anne... Queen Kerrigan told me about your strength and deeds... I Zagara is here, and I pay high respects to you..."
Zagara, the powerful new queen of the swarm, is absorbing human genes and evolving. The queen of the swarm with some human characteristics slowly bowed her head towards the little girl who was planning to look for a big thunder beast to serve as her mount. We saluted respectfully.
Yes, she is now the new queen of the Swarm, in charge of the mother star Char of the Swarm in the Kepulu region and most of the Zerg!
Others are led by the lords of other insect swarms. Although those guys are not her direct subordinates and do not listen to her orders, they belong to the Federation at the same time, so they can always be in peace. .
"Oh! You are good too!"
Annie actually didn't know each other. She didn't seem to have seen each other before, and she didn't even have any impression. Therefore, she just nodded and greeted each other. After knowing each other, she quickly turned her head.
It's just a female bug, she doesn't want to chat with the other person, the other person looks too ugly, and she knows that it will not be too fun!
"Sorry for disturbing you……"
"The Queen of the Swarm, may I ask, those troops in the distance, what are they doing? Is it your special attack method?"
At this time, seeing that the queen of the insect swarm was an object of communication and communication, and even spoke the language of the people of the earth, Liara the Asari was relieved once again, but she was a little confused. The queen who was facing the insect swarm asked carefully.
The other party's body is a little big, giving her a sense of oppression, so she only dared to be so careful.
Because she saw that in the distance, under the feet of the huge battleship Reaper, there were countless huge, round and big bugs. They were putting together a pipe-like soft mouthpiece. , Projected onto the huge arthropod tentacles of the Reaper Overlord battleship, and was firmly connected to the opponent.
Others were also very interested in this, so they looked at the queen Zagara who had just arrived here.
"Yes, I saw..."
"Those are the infectors of our swarm, they are infecting that enemy's battleship with nerve parasites...We now need several warships that can carry our swarm..."
The queen Zagara looked into the distance, her excellent sight quickly understood what the blue-skinned alien was referring to, and then slowly explained.
Infected persons are important units in their swarms. They can not only move submergedly, but also spray the terrible nausea disease infectious fluid towards the target, or parasite the infected body in the body as they are doing in the distance. Invade the enemy's battleship and control the nerve tissue of the creatures in the spaceship to achieve the goal of controlling the enemy!
Especially like the semi-mechanical spaceship with creatures in the distance, if they are controlled, they will be more handy! If the cultivation of the Reapers is a more concealed and advanced way, then the nerve control of their swarms is a more efficient and arrogant way!
"But, don't you own a spaceship?"
Liara asked curiously, she herself didn’t seem to have heard of spaceships with insects appearing in the combined fleet in the solar system. Could it be that... these insect swarms in the Kepulus region can only survive on the planet, No ability to navigate between stars?
"Of course there is!"
"But this portal is too small. Our Wormhouse Lords and Leviathan creature battleships can't get through..."
Therefore, before they can hatch new Leviathan creature battleships and Worm's Nest Lords, they can only grab one or two Reaper battleships for emergency.
"Who makes you big and spicy?!"
These bugs, are their warships so big that they dare to blame her for opening the door too small? Take a look at the other Protoss. Their Spear of Arden is bigger, but it can be directly transmitted through the matrix without having to go through the portal first!
Anyway, Annie will never bother to open the huge portal that is several kilometers wide, they don't even think about it!
"Madam, can you let me take a bite?"
At this time, Zagara did not dare to talk back to the little girl who was afraid of them even Queen Kerrigan, but suddenly lowered his head to the blue-skinned woman, to the little Ashali Lori Liyala Asked expectantly.
Because, it discovered that there is a certain magical power in the opponent's body, and the cell regeneration ability is also very strong. If the queen can successfully obtain the opponent's complete gene or a piece of active flesh and tissue, then it will They must be able to evolve their Zerg population ability.
"You, what do you want to do?"
Liara took a step back in fright. She thought that the other party was hungry, so she wanted to eat her! How can that kind of thing? She is not stupid, how could she give herself a bite to a huge monster?
Therefore, she asked for help at the first time and generally looked at Shepard and the little girl who was looking into the distance and didn't know what she was looking for. I hope they can help her quickly!
"Huh! It is a race that wants to obtain your genes and then evolve their bugs!"
At this time, Galen in the holographic image suddenly gave a cold snort, and explained it unhappily.
These bugs are just like that, they are especially greedy for the genes of novel or valuable creatures! And this is probably the real reason why these guys want to come to this mass effect world so actively this time!
The nonsense of "I want to share the worries for Lord Anne" is probably all false!
They simply want to obtain biological genes that are different from those of the galaxy creatures in their Kepulu region, especially races with special abilities like the Asari, they are even more eager! Galen could tell from the greedy eyes of the other party who wished to directly eat the other party.
This group of Zergs were tired of eating humans and protoss in the star zone, so now they want to change their taste?
"So this is ah……"
Liara, the Ashali, finally relaxed, but it is definitely impossible for the other person to take a bite. Who knows how big the other's bite is?
"Or, if you have time another day, I will give you a tube of fresh blood of mine. That's all right?"
Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to let the other party take a bite!
But if she doesn’t give it, she feels that it’s a bit bad to be remembered all day long by the other party, plus they always have a chance to get so many bugs... Then instead of letting them secretly hurt her other people, it’s still Why not take the initiative now and just give it to the other party.
If you just need to study genes, a tube of blood is definitely enough, and there should be no problem! At least, they are now allies. Make each other stronger so that it can be easier to deal with those reapers, which is also very good!
"Really... Thank you very much for your generosity..."
Nodded in satisfaction, Zagara turned his head to look at the Turians.
Then, it quickly turned its head a little disgustingly...
Because, the corpses of Turian soldiers are everywhere on this battlefield... During this short period of time, they have already had a lot of Zerglings that have successfully eaten the opponent’s flesh and blood, and used neural links to connect the opponent’s flesh and blood. Many genes have been shared in the Zerg’s biological gene bank, so it is not rare for Turians now!
"The Queen of the Swarm, I found that your Zerg does not seem to have a shield?"
After watching for so long, Shepard also discovered that the worms rely on a hard shell and huge power and certain sprayed substances to fight. It is completely unlike their world, almost all powerful creatures are Some kind of power barrier?
"Believe me, our swarm will be there soon... we will continue to evolve..."
Yes, as long as the genetic samples of the creatures with supernatural powers in this world are obtained, whether it is those of Turians, Reapers, or some powerful Asari, as long as the resources are sufficient Down, their Zerg swarms can quickly evolve the kind of efficient organs that can release power barriers, and they are better and more efficient than the power barriers of their harvesters or Asari!
And it believes that with their extremely fast evolutionary speed, mutation and evolution of a supernatural barrier will definitely not be long.
At that time, no matter if it is a zombie, a blaster or a Hydralisk, etc., they will all have a powerful ability barrier and a super high regeneration speed! By then, the combat effectiveness of their insect swarms will be raised several levels again, and it will definitely not be worse than the new equipment developed by the Protoss and the Academy of Human Sciences!
Over the years, even the Marine Corps members of the humans in the star area have had the ion shield of the Protoss, which has put a lot of pressure on them! It's fine now, and soon, their swarms will also live beyond the power barrier!
At that time, everyone wore the shield together and returned to the same starting line together, and no one would be ahead.
Only the balance of strength will prevent their insect swarms from losing their status in the constellation federation. Even if they don't need to accumulate in numbers, they can quickly close the technological gap with the Protoss and humans.
"What are these weird things?!"
At this time, Ashley and others suddenly exclaimed!
It turned out that they saw a group of slimy, super disgusting maggot-like weird things crawling around them, there were at least thousands of them! Coupled with their disgusting tentacles, mouthparts, and slimy mucus, many of them were scared and backed away for a long time.
"That is the larva of the swarm!"
Of course, Little Annie also saw some disgusting little bugs that were about the size of a puppy, and then she didn't need the queen Zagara who was the queen of the swarm to explain, she first explained it.
"Larva? What use are they?"
Ashley didn’t understand, but now it’s a high-intensity race war in Reapables, just let the powerful or large number of adult bugs fight just now, but now, let these seem to know that there is not much use. What's the use of the larvae?
"They are of no use to combat, right? Maybe, I can kill them with a single shot?"
When these guys grow up to be able to fight, it is estimated that the Reapers have been defeated, right?
Therefore, Ashley felt that the Zergs were simply adding chaos to the young worms, and she didn't think they were of any use.
"Then fight it, if you can beat it to death, I will let that old man Anderson be a general for you!"
What's a joke, just the useless fire stick in their hands, they also want to kill the most important insects of the swarms, they think it is her Queen Anne, do they have powerful magic?
"What do you say?!"
Ashley was aroused by the little Although she didn't believe that the other party could really be her general, she didn't believe that she would not be able to kill a larva that looked like it could be killed by a stone!
Therefore, while loading her weapon, she looked at the little girl and the queen of the swarm, seemingly intending to seek the other's consent! As long as she is allowed, she will blow the head of the larva with one shot!
"of course!"
"Please feel free!"
The Swarm Queen waved her hand casually, and let a thinner-looking larva crawl up to Ashley.
‘This is not a good idea, Ms. Ashley...’
At this time, it seemed that he didn't bear the ugly face of the other party, and Galen's holographic image kindly reminded the eager Ashley.
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