Chapter 578: ∑ (tsu ° Д °;) 哎呀,

Shepard’s Normandy No. 2 ship is slowly advancing in space. This spacecraft did not sneak forward in stealth today, but flew so grandly... That’s actually because it was next to it. Fly that ship known as the strongest warship in the Kepru region-the great'Führer'!
   However, what is different from the tense combat atmosphere in the past is that the atmosphere in the two spaceships today seems to be different from the past, especially in the dining hall of the Normandy II battleship, the atmosphere of joy is particularly strong! Including Captain Planck of the Führer and some federal officers, they were all invited to gather here, preparing to celebrate the annual holiday with their Führer.
   It’s a pity that...
   Some little girl who occupies the best place in the middle of the big table in the cafeteria, seems to be full of unhappy expressions?
   "Why do we have Christmas and there are so many things that look delicious?!"
Looking at the sumptuous food on the table, the yellow roasted whole pig with an apple in her mouth, and the golden roasted turkeys... Then, she looked at the large group that gathered here. The important crews of Normandy II and Führer and a handful of crooked stars also came to join in the fun.
   There are delicious foods, Anne likes it very much, but... she is a little unhappy about giving birthdays to a she doesn’t know inexplicably?
   "Of course it was the birthday of Jesus!"
   Shepard said with some uncertainty. She is not a religious believer in the strict sense, but this does not prevent her from celebrating this holiday.
   If she remembers correctly, Christmas can also be called Christmas Day, Jesus’ birthday, or "Christ Mass"? Mainly the traditional festivals in the European and American regions of the earth. It seems to have originated from Christianity. It is stipulated that the date is December 25th in the Gregorian calendar of the earth.
Anyway, it’s okay to hold a dinner from the evening of December 24th to the 25th every year. It seems to be very similar to a large New Year’s Eve festival in the East, except that there is a time difference. Just months? As for the more specific, Shepard didn't want to care so much.
   "Is that because of your religious beliefs? The birthday of the of Jesus?"
   Little Annie doesn't have any beliefs herself, and no who ate the bear heart and leopard dare to come and fool her to take refuge, because she has long seen what a is!
Whether it’s the creation Iluvita, or Thunder God, Cthulhu, or Odin, the king of the gods, she has seen them, but in fact they are just like that, their strength is just so-so. Now... those guys will, and Annie will! Even some of them won't, and Annie herself will too!
   Even, she still grabs a world that belongs to her completely. She never needs the belief of others, and likewise, she will not believe in another.
   Shepard herself is not a religious person, let alone a sincere believer. Where does she know so much?
Anyway, since it is possible to use the name of a certain to gather all the comrades in arms and friends to have a dinner together and dignifiedly embezzle public funds to increase the meal, this is excellent, as for the other things You don’t need to care too much!
For so many years, this holiday has passed every year, even if the war is busy, or when they are busy saving the galaxy as they are now, they will not forget this important day, whether it is her or other Star Alliance fighters. , I'm afraid they are all used to it.
"Well, I will definitely not let go of so many delicious foods, although I don't know that Jesus, and I've never seen him... But no matter what, I reluctantly give it to the guy I don't know. One birthday!"
   After visiting so many worlds, Annie has not been able to successfully meet the person called Jesus. Maybe, if she has time, after she has channeled a certain world with the other party, she can visit her or something?
   "Annie, don't you have a certain belief in Kepulu?"
   Miranda was a little puzzled. Since the humans in the Kepulu region were also colonized from the Earth on another cosmic plane, they should have similar similarities to these humans on Earth.
   According to the theory of parallel time and space, there should be a high degree of consistency in questions, beliefs, language, etc. between different planes of the earth! And judging from the contacts between the two sides over so many days, the humans in that Hero Federation are actually similar to their terrestrial people, at best they have some differences in language grammar and accent.
   "I am a very powerful arcane archmage, I would not believe in the kind of gods you said!"
"Some of them are not as powerful as I am, and they can't beat me. Why should I believe in them? Let me tell you that a guy named Cthulhu was beaten by me and my little bear, and the hammer man named Thor was also beaten by me. Fear me! It's just as if his hammer is missing, blame the poor..."
   "Also, gods will die too, what is the name of Odin, the king of gods, he seems to be dead!"
  As for gods or something, Annie herself is not very rare, and she would not look at it differently, because she has seen many of them a long time ago, and they are actually the same thing.
   "Annie, there really are gods in this world?!"
   Liar Turui craned her neck, leaned toward the little girl and asked curiously.
   As a superb Ashali Lori who covers almost all disciplines, it can be said that she knows almost everything! And because of that, she is cautious about beliefs and other things.
  According to her own understanding, that is: Anything that hasn't been seen or verified, she will not easily admit it! And this, of course, also includes the goddess their Asaris themselves believe in!
   And, because of the rich elements of the zero number of their Asari home star, Sesiah, almost everyone of their Asari has powerful and incredible abilities! That kind of magical ability, if it can be infinitely powerful, is it a so-called god?
   Therefore, she has always thought that the goddess their Asari people believe in is nothing more than a powerful individual that has appeared in history.
   "Of course there is!"
"Look at me, those thunder gods, evil gods, or goddess of death, they are no better than mine! So, those gods are like me! Isn't it strange that living gods sit in front of you? Hurry up , You pray to me right away, maybe when people are in a good mood, they will directly satisfy your wishes, maybe?"
   It can be said that Annie herself is undoubtedly a god, otherwise, what can be considered as the existence of the evil and thunder in the world of Bear Shield?
   It’s just that, she never claimed to be that kind of weird thing...she was Annie, Annie?? Hasta! At the same time, it was the Fire Element, Her Majesty the Queen of the Flame Kingdom, and the Lord of the Head of the Kepulu region, nothing more.
   The nicknames she herself agrees with seem to be just two of them, and the other messy things are just given to her by others, so she won't admit it! Even if someone enshrines her idol in the temple, she will not admit it, let alone satisfy the wish of those so-called believers.
   She's just a little girl, she can't manage it herself, where can she take care of the guys who are chanting her name all day long and wanting to make a difference? If you can achieve any wish by believing in a fellow casually, she herself would like to find a fellow to try and believe in it!
   "Haha! Little guy, you can really make a joke!"
   "You kid!"
   "Don't think that your magic is not a supernatural power if your magic is a little more powerful, but also a just keep blowing it?"
In the next second, whether it was Shepard, Miranda or Ashley and Liara, they were all amused by the little guy's arrogant manner... So the atmosphere of this Christmas dinner finally became harmonious. Happy up.
   "Then what do you so-called arcane wizards do? What do you believe in?"
Liara is more curious about the daily life of professionals with different systems like Little Annie. During this period of contact, she vaguely knew that the kind of magic that the other party said was really a kind of system. Ability use? Anyway, it must be much deeper than their Asari's research and application of abilities.
  Like themselves, relying on the advantage of their home planet Circia, they are just a distance ahead of other races in the galaxy in the use and strength of their abilities.
   "I didn't seem to be doing anything, that is, learning spells, studying the truth and various rules of the world?"
   Other mages are probably like that, and Annie herself, that means she knows to play all day long, and then she learns and collects interesting things by the way?
   "I see, it should be another discipline different from science and technology!"
   "It is very possible that the so-called magic is just a different direction of exploration of the world on the basis of abilities? For example, two different aspects of materialism and idealism?"
   The more she talked about Liara, the more excited she became. She faintly felt that the abilities of their Asari could also develop in a different direction from science and technology?
"certainly not!"
   "You two guys..."
   "Don't say anything, this is the end of the matter, now let's start eating!"
Just as the two loli, one young and one young, were preparing to continue discussing magic, abilities, or gods, Shepard quickly raised his hand to signal the two of them to end the topic they didn’t understand, and start quickly. Today's theme, that is-eat a big meal! !
   "Eat! Eat!"
   "Aha! I have been waiting for this sentence for a long time!"
   "Hey! Gallas, what you did with Kayden, have you forgotten the last lesson?!"
   "Then I just watched you eat and drink here today, but I can only watch?"
   "No way, we are just a Turian..."
   "Gailas, you can use a universal tool to check if you can eat it first, and then do it?"
   "Thank you..."
Soon, a group of Normandy II and Führer crew members, marines, and senior officers began to eat a lot... and a certain Turian could only watch other people's big Doying with eagerness. While busy searching for the name of each food in the universal tool in his left hand, such as:
  ’Who knows if turkey turu can eat it? Waiting online, very anxious! 'some type of?
   "This turkey...who took the test?"
   Annie snatched a big turkey leg. However, she just knocked the roasted golden brown and smelled like it, stuffed it into her small mouth and took a bite, then she was stunned...
   "How does it taste, isn't it delicious?"
   Shepard looked expectantly at this little guy who likes delicious, wanting to be recognized by him! Because, she cooked that turkey herself, and it was delicious and delicious. Although she had not tasted it herself, she was confident in her cooking skills!
   So, she is ready to accept the words of praise from this little guy, and she will definitely not be too proud.
"It looks good, and smells delicious... But why is there no smell? Who roasted this turkey, and didn't even remember to put the salt? That bad guy is either stupid or lazy, so disgusting! "
  (ノω<.)ノabandoned☆.. ~
   curled her lips, Annie directly threw the bite-bite chicken thigh back onto the plate! Want to cheat her to eat something that is not salty?
   Miranda suddenly laughed out loud and presumptuously, ignoring the frosty face of their Chief Shepard.
   Because of course she knows who made that turkey!
   "Haha! Don't worry about me, I will laugh for a while..."
   The two battleships only accompanied one night, and waited until the next morning...
The remarkable magical battleship "Führer", nominally belonging to Little Annie, first emerged in the battle on the planetary orbit of the Turians Palevin, and was used by the Turians and Normandy II. The warship that the crew of the number envied was now completely gone.
The captain named Planck, nicknamed a bad old man and a drunkard, after knowing that a certain earth woman was always thinking about his precious spaceship, she entrusted the Protoss to him and asked him to consign something. Use the transport boat to squeeze into the warehouse of Normandy II!
   Then, he drove his "Führer" in the first place and ran out of sight! When I left, I also sent a message and claimed that it was: Going out to fight guerrillas against the Reapers, in order to distract the attention of those powerful enemies, and reduce the pressure on the gods' clan and the federal main fleet?
   Anyway, that guy said that. As for whether or not it is, then I don’t know...
So, the place of the Asari’s called the Athena Nebula, he will not go to Captain Planck for the time being, and he will leave it all to the Protoss along with the relief of the Panisa Galaxy and the Celsia To solve it, there is no need for his Uncle Planck's "Head of State" to be dispatched!
   He thinks that if his Uncle Planck’s battleship went to fight guerrillas and harass the Reapers everywhere, it might better reflect its value?
In short, in order to prevent anyone from worrying about his baby battleship, the drunkard named Planck, it is very likely that he will not let his "Führer" appear again before completely defeating the Reaper. In front of the evil woman of the earth named Shepard...
   Judging from the other party’s message, it probably means that.
   This incident makes a certain ‘evil woman’ Sheppard, who has a protagonist’s halo, and is lucky enough to be reborn even if he is dead, feel very sorry...
Therefore, she could only continue to drive her Normandy II, which was completely useless except for being invisible, and continued to sneak through several star regions controlled and occupied by the Reapers, with the help of those mass effects. With the help of the repeater, he quietly submerged into the Panisa Galaxy in the Athena Nebula.
   Here is the birthplace of the Asari’s civilization and the home galaxy. It is also the most important place for them. It is the cradle they can't give up anyway!
   Especially the second planet in the second orbit of the galaxy-Thessia!
It is a life planet very similar to the Earth. It is about 0.94 astronomical units (AU) from the stars in the Panisa Galaxy, with an orbital period of about 330 Earth days, an orbital eccentricity of 1.025, and a rotation period of 27. ~28 Earth hours, the standard atmospheric pressure is 0.96 standard atmospheric pressure of the earth, the average surface temperature of the planet is 26 degrees Celsius, and the mass of the planet and the surface gravity are extremely similar to the earth!
   Therefore, it can be explained by the data: The reason why this Asari's home star can bred the most developed and advanced civilization in the world of Mass Effect is definitely not accidental, it is actually because all its conditions are extremely similar to the earth! And this is exactly the reason why the Asari are extremely similar to the human beings on the earth in all aspects!
   Of course, when the Asari people developed civilization and occupied the fortress, the earth was still in the period of ignorant wooden sailing ships! Therefore, it can also be said: The reason why the earth can give birth to human beings is actually because all the conditions and environments are very similar to those of the Asari’s home planet, Sesiah?
Now, Circea, the political and cultural center of the original largest economy in the galaxy, this rich planet with extremely rich reserves, the civilized capital of the Asari people, the enviable place of the galaxy, even smuggling Want to come to the planet to see its face, but at this time there is a beacon, and it is in chaos!
In the cosmic space of the Panisa Galaxy, between the mass effect repeater and the orbit of Circea, especially in the open area between Circea’s second and third orbits, there are those floating everywhere The wreckage and debris of the warship...
Among them, with the exception of a few that are obviously the Reaper’s battleship wreckage, most of the others are the fragments of the beautiful blue and white spacecraft that are unique to the Asari people... They just float in their current state. In the orbit of, a fragment area of ​​large and small like an asteroid belt was formed.
   There is silence in space...
   The battle here was settled before the arrival of Normandy II, and there was no scene of the battleship between the Reaper and the Asari fleet.
   Whether you want to admit it or not, all the Normandy II crew and soldiers who saw this scene know a regrettable fact, that is: the Asari fleet, they have failed!
   At this time, the final destination of Normandy II, the planet Circea, was directly caught in the almost same ending as the Turians: a whole planet was enveloped in the flames, explosions and smoke of the battle!
Detecting the past with optical instruments from space, on the planet’s land, there are traces of hideous warfare after being invaded and destroyed by the Reapers...Even, the situation of the Asari is even worse than that of the Turians before. many!
   Obviously, the Asari fleet and their home stars have already fallen under the powerful offensive of the Reapers...
The military strength was originally not as strong as the Turians. After all, they could not wait for the rescue of Normandy II. They were wiped out by the Reapers and almost all the warships were wiped out, and they successfully made at least hundreds of Reapers the size. All the battleships successfully landed on the surface of the planet Circa!
Although I don’t know how long it has been since the Reapers landed in Circa, anyone can tell that the home planet of the Asaris will not end up better than the Earthlings who were raided by the Reapers. !
However, one thing is certain now, the Asari on the planet Circa, they did not give up resistance. This can be seen from the endless fire and shining explosion on the land above: this moment , The battle on the planet is the most intense time. Normandy II is actually not too late?
  If we can put in powerful reinforcements in time, maybe, those Asari, those Asari who were originally aloft, overlooking all the races of the galaxy, maybe they can barely save it? However, even if they were successfully rescued, the huge damage already caused by the war would definitely be impossible to recover.
   "No! How could Sersia become like this..."
   "Shepard...we, are we late? Please, help us quickly..."
At this moment, Liara, the big Lolita of the Asari, was sipping tears in her eyes, and she was holding her mouth tightly with her hands at the same time, her wide-eyed eyes staring at the wall in horror. Which group of is capturing the non-stop planetary images through the optical equipment of Normandy II:
   On the planet Circia, fierce battles are everywhere at this time!
Fires, explosions, the corpses of the incomplete Asari, the broken walls of the building, and of course, there are also ships landing on the ground, and from time to time they fired secondary artillery bombarding buildings, or bombing groups defending Ah. The Giant Reapers in the Sari stronghold...
   Fire, heavy smoke, entangled soldiers from both sides, various war machines, flying bullets and shells, and various abilities have become the themes on this planet!
There, the Ashali home planet Sesiah, originally called the "jewel of the galaxy's crown", "the pinnacle of democracy", and "the heartbeat of galaxy love", has long lost its original prosperous beauty and extreme beauty. An artistic scene...In its place, it is the mess after the war and the reaper monsters who are slaughtering and conquering the Asaris!
   Judging from the spread of the fire on the planet, the battle may have entered the most intense stage. If it is later, I am afraid there will be no hope of salvation...
   "It's not too late!"
   "Don't worry, Liara! We will complete the landing in 20 minutes! Believe me, we will definitely succeed in saving your planet like Menel who saved the Turians this time!"
   "We have reinforcements, which are said to be stronger than the Zerg!!"
   Shepard took two steps forward lovingly, gently hugged Liara, who seemed a little out of control, and then turned to look at the dark-haired female player on the other side:
   "Ashley, what's going on now, are our goods loaded yet?!"
This time, whether they can successfully rescue the Asari’s home planet of Celsia, whether they can eliminate the reapers that have all landed on the planet or the warship that wiped them out, depends entirely on the Planck’s shamelessness. That important'cargo' on the ship!
  Actually, Shepard felt that if the ‘Führer’ could accompany them to rescue Circia, they might have a better chance of winning!
It's a pity that since she accidentally leaked the mouth yesterday and wanted to fool the little guy Annie into letting her be the captain of that amazingly powerful magic warship, the old drunk man Planck never gave her again. Good look! Therefore, after the opponent hurriedly transported the thing, he ran away without any shadow. I don't know where it is now, let alone whether the opponent is really engaged in a harassing guerrilla battle with the Reaper. ?
   "No problem, the goods are now loaded!"
"But Commander... I can't guarantee that it will be shot down by the enemy during the landing? So, Shepard, even if you have an opinion, I will stick to what I just said: we'd better choose one. In the outskirts, choose a place that was not attacked by harvesters and land secretly?"
   "The landing point you just instructed, I think it's definitely not a good idea!!"
   Transporting a cargo that is not too large to the surface of the planet Circa is actually not a big problem.
Under the current situation where the ground and air superiority has been taken over by the Reapers, if they swagger directly into the important city of the Asari, who knows whether the Reapers will find and directly bombard with a few laser beams. come?
Although the main guns of their battleships are currently unusable due to the landing, no matter whether it is the spider war machine or the dense secondary guns on the Reaper battleships, they are not something they can afford now. .
   She would never believe the other party’s beam energy weapons, the kind of high-powered secondary guns with a very long range even in the atmosphere, and would not be able to hit the UT-47 drop-down shuttle landing craft with a landing speed of only a few hundred yards per hour! In any case, as a veteran, Ashley will never be as lucky as those recruits.
  Because, anyone who dares to think like that, they are all dead!
   And she is still alive now, not just because of luck or skillful combat skills, she also has a clear mind and a meticulous combat attitude that never easily ventures into danger!
   "Time is tight now. In order for the reinforcements to arrive quickly and to preserve some of the information in the Ashali building we want to get, we must fly directly to our destination!"
   "Of course, Ashley, you are right!"
   "We can't mess around! But, I think...We should fly into the city from the outskirts at low altitude and make full use of the shelter of those buildings to avoid the enemy's sight and those powerful anti-aircraft weapons?"
   Of course Shepard also knew the seriousness of what Ashley was talking about, so she gave a more compromised plan. The landing destination will certainly not change, but she can slightly make the dive action a little more conservative.
   "Well, you have the final say, Commander!"
   shrugged, since the other party didn't plan to rush down directly to find death, then Ashley did not refuse to perform the task.
   "However, in order to narrow the target and avoid being spotted by the enemy, this time we only send a UT-47 pull-down shuttle landing craft, and there are not too many personnel to log in!"
Since the current home planet of the Asari is not like the Menel of the Turians, compared to the time when the Turians were in battles with the Reapers, they still had a more complete organization and the base was fighting those Reapers. Here on the planet Circa, the fate of the Asari is much more miserable!
From the pictures of the multiple sets of ground conditions that were just broadcast, it is clear: their Asaris are not only the end of the fleet, I am afraid that even the organized mass resistance on the ground is also in the Reaper’s Lost effective resistance and organization under crazy attacks!
  They are almost all fighting on their own!
Whether it’s the city’s streets or the military defense facilities, they are all messed up now. They are not like Menel of the Turians. There are countless large and small military bases and large defense facilities, and the army is systematically resisting the harvesters , And at the same time ensure that their Normandy II Marines can land relatively safely from the air?
   Therefore, in this bad situation, when conditions do not allow, the necessary streamlining of players is a good choice!
   "My goddess..."
   "The big thing is not good, Shepard! I found that I couldn't reach the matriarchs on the ground in Circa. I sent out multiple sets of signals, but I couldn't receive any reply!"
   At this time, Liara suddenly exclaimed again, causing Shepard, who was about to arrange the personnel who followed him to land on the planet, to turn his head and look over again.
The Asari’s mantra "my goddess" is actually because they themselves believe in the goddess Athame, which is probably almost the same as the of the Starlink human beings. It is caused by cultural heritage. It's just a mantra, and it doesn't represent the specific beliefs of Asari.
   At this time, Liara exclaimed, which proves that she is messed up now.
   "Can't get in touch? Is the communication interrupted by the Reaper?"
   Shepard was not too surprised for the Asari who could not reach the ground. After all, this trick of the Reapers is actually quite old-fashioned.
Every time, no matter if they are harvesters or those previous collectors, they go to a certain galaxy or a certain planet, they always like to cut off the communication there first, until their purpose is achieved, and the planet is completely destroyed. !
   "No! No!"
   "I may understand...Those harvesters, they must have destroyed the communication infrastructure of the backbone network of Ashali's social electronic democracy on our planet Sesiah! It must be that way, that's right!"
   "Shepard, we have to be faster, otherwise it will be bad!"
   Even the backbone network was successfully found and destroyed by the Reapers. Then you can imagine the terrible situation of the Asari on the ground now! I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with the images just now, they are indeed all in a state of fighting separately!
  If they are not happy anymore, maybe the resistance will of the Asaris on the planet will soon be completely disintegrated by the Reapers. When that happens, everything will be all night...
Because their Asari’s backbone network, the high-level automated facility, is not only a means of communication, but also related to their supply of energy, water, and food. Once destroyed by the enemy, it will be completely chaotic from the entire planet. In fact, it is not far.
   "We will leave in ten minutes, and now I will immediately arrange people to follow!"
   nodded, Shepard didn't say anything any more, turned his head directly to look at the friends who had been ready for a long time, and planned to arrange the combat team who followed her to forcefully land on the planet Circia this time!
  Originally, before they gathered here in the hangar, they thought that the Asari fleet was almost the same as the Turians, and was strenuously and effectively resisting the invasion of the Reapers! But then I thought that the other party was embarrassed to the present situation?
   The Asari, known as the military strength of the galaxy, Di Erqiang, have all become like this. The other races are even more unimaginable!
   "Are we going to play the game of finding someone else's patriarch again? I don't want to go, it's not fun at all!!"
   Before, when I went to the tattered planet Menel of the Turians, Annie was already very annoyed to find the patriarch called it, and it took a long time to find it!
   But it's fine now. When I came to the Asari's place, I have to look for it again? If that were the case, then her Master Anne would not go down at all. She doesn't like to play the game of hiding cats now, it is really not fun at all!
   She's not a kid anymore, so she doesn't like to play games that find people like hide and seek!
   (Little master, but you are obviously a child...Ah!!!
  ! ! Σ(`??′ノ)ノ
  However, Tibbers didn’t finish what he said. After he was beaten with an unwarranted charge, he was hit by a white and tender fist again and again...)
   "Our Asari patriarchs don’t need to look for them like the Turians..."
"Because we Asari generally have three stages, namely, girls, women, and matriarchs...As long as we reach the age, they are all patriarchs! long as we can reach the ground, it should not be like a Turui People go looking for it for a long time, our patriarchs are too many..."
   "At that time, we only need to report to summon reinforcements, and there is no need to seek the consent of a certain person!"
Yes, the political system of the Asari is different from other races. The Asari government, that is, the Asari Republic, they implement the'information democratization', relying on the one that just made her nervous. The backbone network facilities destroyed by the Reapers!
   In fact, in the Asari republic, except for the ambassadors and congressmen of the castle, they do not have any redundant politicians, officials or inefficient election activities! They only have one freely operating, wide-ranging law enforcement agency, and all Asari citizens can freely choose to participate or not to participate? And the channel for their participation is to rely on the backbone network and the ‘information democratization’ forum implemented by the network-like interconnection facilities!
In the same place as the forum or contact tool, political debates are going on almost every day. Whether in official chat rooms or private chat rooms hosted by virtual intelligence, all political actions are referendum , Very efficient... and in the debate, those Asari are more inclined to trust the opinions of the matriarchs present, that is, those wise women with more than a thousand years of experience.
   Those older Asari, they are all patriarchs!
   At the same time, they are also the people they need to look for after they land on the planet! However, you only need to find some people to explain their intentions. Just like Liara said, there is no need to find someone with full authority like the Turians, so their task is also difficult. It's a lot simpler.
   "It's like this..."
   "Um...Are you the patriarch? If so, just ask you to decide not to do it, so you don't need to discuss it with others!"
   (?? 乛?? 乛??)
After blinking, feeling that he had beaten enough of some badass bear who dared to disobey the owner, Annie suddenly jumped off the big cargo box, and then looked up and down the blue skin, no hair, and looks a little like that. Liara, who is a German draenei, watched it for a while before she asked cutely.
Now that there is a ready-made Asari here, and since the other party has so many patriarchs, the great Master Anne came up with a very good idea: All things are decided by this Liara. You don't have to run down to find someone else!
   "No, I'm only over a hundred years old now, and I'm still a child..."
   Liara hurriedly waved her hands and explained with a green face.
   Yes, she is only over a hundred years old, she has never been in her teenage years! If calculated strictly, she should indeed be regarded as the kind of elementary school student from the earth.

   "Are you a kid? Don't you want to lie to me!!"
   "Look at you like this, it's so spicy, it's not much shorter than Shepard and Miranda sisters, how could you be a kid?!"
   It's still the little bear who just said it right, her head Anne is a child herself!
   The crooked star in front of him, Liara, is almost taller than both of her. How could she be a child? Is she trying to bully herself for having less knowledge?
   (Tibbers really wants to talk back again: Since the little master, you all admit that you are a kid, why did you just shoot a kid...)
(It’s just that, after thinking about it seriously, it gave up the idea of ​​protesting loudly, because if it really did that, it would definitely continue to get a lot of fists later. ! Little Master Annie is right at all times, wrong and right, right and wrong...)
   "But I'm really underage..."
   This matter, Liara really feels a bit wronged...
   She lived more than a hundred years old, and she was really just a child. This is a fact that can never be wrong! How could she not know her own age? Although, she had already had something indescribable with Shepard before, but before the next generation of the two of them was born, she would not be a woman, but a girl!
   Generally speaking, the age of an Asari into a womanhood is at least three hundred and fifty to three hundred and eighty.
   "Well, Annie, Liala, let's talk about other things when we come back!"
   "Now let's start the roll call! Due to the limited space of the landing craft, I only need four members to go to Circa with me! Let me think about..."
Time is running out, Shepard, who wants to rescue the Asari’s home star, Sesiah earlier, to avoid the heavy losses of the other party and affect the plan, directly interrupted the insignificant conversation between the two, intending to look at them one by one The elite Marines and the'N7' standing in the hangar with their chests tall, intend to arrange personnel as soon as possible and prepare to set off!
Because of the'cargo', the UT-47 drop-down shuttle landing craft numbered ST01 must be crowded. Except for the driver, they can only take five people at most, which is just enough for one. Squad, no more, no less just right!
  Who to choose for specific personnel is a question!
   Shepard and Liara must be going! Then, there is the little Annie who likes to trick or treat but is very powerful, and it must be indispensable!
   And the last two places left, she has to consider it carefully...
   "It's very easy to roll your name, let me do it! Let me choose it!!"
   Choosing people to perform tasks together, Annie herself is very good at it! So, she rushed over and squeezed in front of Shepard excitedly, looking at the players who were dumbfounded like a little adult.
"That one……"
   "Men stand on the left, women stand on the right, and all women go! That's it! Look, it’s perfect, right?

Annie has just counted them. She herself, Big Sister Shepard, Big Sister Miranda, and Big Sister Ashley, plus a certain crooked star who is definitely going to go, who is over a hundred years old and has a face posing as a big The girl's Liara, all five places are available, where does it take time to choose?
  What a simple thing, she is not like that Shepard, thinking about it for a long time!
   "That's not right, one, two, three, four... how come there are only four people?!"

   "That kid named Liara, aren't you female, why don't you stand up together?!"
   At this time, Annie suddenly exclaimed. No wonder she counted it and saw that one was missing. It turned out that it was the one-hundred-year-old crooked star ‘little boy’ standing on the spot and didn’t follow him? Doesn't that guy want to rescue their Asari's own planet? !
   "Because I am not a woman..."
   Liyala was a little aggrieved. The other party only said that the woman stood on the left, and did not say that she should stand on the left. Of course, she would not stand over.
  ╰(°▽°)? !
   "Could it, you, you are a man?!!!"
  Σ(っ°Д°;)っ! !
  , who took a breath of air-conditioning, little Annie began to scan the other person's body with suspicion and horror:
This is obviously over a hundred years old, and she dares to be more shameless than Queen Anne herself, and even dared to pretend to be a child alien... Whether it is the face, the two lumps on the chest, or the chubby Big ass, they seem to be the same as Big Sister Shepard...
   The other party, she is obviously a woman! !
  Sure enough, this kind of crooked star is a bad thing. I just fooled myself to pretend to be a child, but now I want to trick myself into pretending to be a man? She has been to so many worlds and has seen all kinds of weird corns, and no one looks the same as the other side!
"that is because……"
   "We Asaris are actually genderless... and there is no concept of different genders... Even myself, can't be strictly counted as a woman..."
   Liyala also knows that maybe her statement sounds incredible, but it is true!
Although their Asaris have a maternal instinct, all ethnic groups can choose to breed offspring by themselves, but the natural difference between them and humans or other divine fort races is that they can mate with any gender of any race. Like, she Liara and Shepard?
   Therefore, she cannot be counted as a woman, nor can she be counted as a man. Their Asaris have no concept of gender at all, but other gendered intersex races forcibly classify them into the ranks of women.
   "I see, it turns out that you Asari are a group of monsters!!"
   After tangling for a while, Annie still got her point of view soon! You know, even those animals, although their meat is equally delicious, but they are also divided into male and female, definitely not the same as this kind of Asari!
   "You two guys give me enough, there is no need to discuss this issue!"
   "Then, just as Annie said, Miranda, and Ashley, you guys quickly get ready, we will set off later! The others are on standby on the spaceship, ready to support!"
   Shepard reached out with a headache and interrupted the debate between the two girls, big and small, and directly issued her latest order.
"Yes, sir!"
   "Yes! Sir!"
   While the people couldn't help being amused, they also stood up loudly and replied, saying that they had no objection to this arrangement.
   "Oh oh..."
  ’Report, report! ! ’
  ‘Commander Shepard, and Ms. Liara, I think you’d better take a look at this first? Take a look, I seem to have found something amazing! ’
  ‘Seriously, I wish I had read it wrong...’
When in the weapon room at the bottom of Normandy II, when those Shepard and others who were preparing to land and checking the equipment in the team were busy, when others were silently watching the holographic projector on the wall. When the Circa ground battle was worrying... the helmsman clown maneuvering the spacecraft in the bridge suddenly exclaimed in the channel, and then quickly let EDI play another video next to the video that everyone was watching. A set of pictures in the universe.
It was a lot of space junk floating quietly. From the shimmering energy from above and the bodies of the dead Asharis floating in the battle, it could be seen: It seems that there is no end time for the battle in space. Too long? This kind of thing can be seen from the light of energy and matter escaping from the hull of that dilapidated warship.
   Of course, that's not what the clown needs to show them!
As the picture keeps getting closer, finally, whether it is Shepard, Liara, Ashley, Miranda, or Annie who is just staying bored and beating her bear, they can see it clearly. The wreckage of the huge "Cross" shuttle-shaped warship that was continuously drawn by the helmsman clown and marked with a virtual red line...
"that is……"
   Miranda felt as if she had seen the wreckage of the spaceship somewhere, but for a while, she really couldn't remember it.
   Anyway, it is indeed a bit familiar.
   "Yes, it looks familiar..."
   Ashley stopped her weapon preparation, squinted her eyes for a while, and then shook her head helplessly. The other party had been blown into that empty shell by the reaper, she really couldn't recognize it.
   "I don't know! I haven't seen it!!"
   Annie also leaned over, nodded and shook her head pretending to be a little adult, and then also expressed her opinion. A pile of broken copper and broken iron, it's strange that she has seen it!
   In fact, even if it wasn't blown up by the reaper and displayed it in front of her, she wouldn't recognize it.
   "That's the Extraordinary Destiny!!"
   "That's the Extraordinary Destiny!!"
   However, Shepard and Liyala clearly understood why the clown had such a weird tone in an instant, so they almost exclaimed in unison!
The two of them, Shepard, as the ghost of the castle, of course, has seen the Destiny Transcendent many times, and more than two years ago, when Saron raided the castle, she could see it almost being overlord. The'heroic' shot down by the Reaper is of course a deep memory!
   As Liara is an Asari, of course she will not fail to recognize the pride of their Asari!
   It’s just that the Destiny Transcendent now seems to have become a thing of the past... Except for the cruciform wreck floating in the space, nothing is left now.
"How could this be……"
   Liyala can't accept the fact that she is in front of her, a series of blows made her almost collapse...
   She never thought that even the most powerful battleship like the Destiny Transcendent would become the miserable look in front of her?
  If you say that, the tens of thousands of Asari crews on the Destiny Transcendent, aren’t they all already...
   "Oh! It seems we have to hurry up!"
   "Miranda, Ashley and Little Annie, we will check the equipment for the last time, and we will land in Circa now!"
Shepard originally thought that the Asari’s fleet was at best lost and ran away after being defeated... But where did she think Now even the Destiny Transcendent has fallen here, Doesn't that mean: The loss of their Asari is far more serious than she thought?
   So, in a state of anxiety, she waved her hand and walked bitterly to the cockpit of the landing craft.
   Now she is going to drive the landing craft herself to land on the planet Celsia in the fastest and safest way, and use the cargo in their cabin to rescue the Asari before they completely collapse!
   "Go! Tibbers!"
   After hanging the bear who had been beaten by herself a few times on her waist, Annie jumped into the cabin of the landing craft for the first time.
   I don’t know why, Ashley always feels that the team’s configuration is not very good this time...
  Because, whether it is she herself, Shepard, Liara, and Miranda, they are all supernatural beings... The only output seems to be the little kid Annie?
   "Ashley, hurry up!!"
   Ahead, Shepard in the cockpit is already urging.
   "Okay, sir!!!"
??????(Merry Christmas??
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