Chapter 583: ?

? Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
From time to time, battleships of different sizes from various races in the galaxy jumped into the solar system one after another through Charon repeaters, and then soon, they received the Starlink checkpoint as soon as they jumped out. Broadcast announcement:
‘This is Starlink’s Charon repeater checkpoint, welcome to the solar system! ’
‘When you come to the ship, please report to the checkpoint in time, accept the Star Alliance’s boarding inspection and receive a new combat identification code! ’
‘After the inspection is completed and the identification code is received, please follow the planned route and sail at idle speed. Do not change the channel at will, and wait for the notification of being incorporated into the fleet! ’
'Note: In the next half month, you are likely to spend it on the battleship, although this may not be too pleasant... If there is a ship that needs to be supplied, please use the newly received identification code of each ship to contact the star in time With the joint logistics headquarters, we will meet all the requirements of each ship to the greatest extent! ’
‘For ships in need of repair, please contact Mars’ Federal Logistics Office, we have the most advanced Starport that can provide maintenance services! ’
'At last……'
‘The great head Anne taught us: As long as we are united, united as one, we can defeat the evil reapers and smash their reincarnation of the advanced civilization of the galaxy this time! We must believe that victory will belong to us! Belongs to our entire galaxy! Belongs to all our higher races that have developed a glorious civilization! ! ! ’
'repeat! ’
‘This is Starlink’s Charon repeater checkpoint, welcome to the solar system! ’
"Come on, please..."
The Starlink checkpoint located in the same orbit of the Charon repeater continuously uses precise short-distance pulsed beam broadcast communications to transmit the above communication content to a new ship until the other party accepts Starlink. Soldiers’ boarding checks and successfully obtains new ship combat identification codes.
Around the Starlink checkpoint, there is a huge formation of human battleships in the stellar area. They have about a thousand warships stationed here. In addition to being alert to the scattered Reaper ships that may appear, they are also responsible for deterring all jumps. The thorns who dared not to obey orders or not to accept examination after coming out.
"Who is the head of Anne, and what race is it? How come I have never heard of it?"
On the bridge of the Krogan cruiser fleet leading to the Alliance, several curious Krogan leaders gathered together and muttered while watching the inexplicable Star Federation broadcast.
"I don't know! Which Asari may it be?"
"Idiot! There is no head of state in the Asari Republic, they only have one councillor and a large group of matriarchs!"
"It's definitely not those Turians. Their new patriarch's name is Victors. I have nailed his photo on my shooting range a long time ago. If I have a chance, I will definitely blow his white mask face. !"
"Could it be from Star Alliance?"
"Huh! What nonsense are you talking about? The leader of the Star Alliance is a Premier of the Galaxy Alliance Parliament named Amur Shastri! But he seems to be dead now and was blown to death by the Reapers! Now, it is said to be a man named Anderson. The admiral is leading, you should remember him, the new member of the castle who took office two years ago!"
"So it's him..."
"But, who is that head Anne?"
"I don't care who she is, we are here to ally and desperately fight with those harvesters, why should the humans of Star Alliance check our ship?!"
"Ah yuck! Tell the fleets outside! See you? Those ‘T’ shaped battleship formations, their main guns are bigger than our hull!!"
"Shut up all to me! Their soldiers are coming to check. Those translation tools can understand the dialect of our Krogan people!"
Here in the solar system, between the earth and the orbit of Mars, there are almost all the fleets of the Star Alliance, the Federation of Heroes and the Protoss gathered here, the number has reached a shocking number of hundreds of thousands!
Moreover, there is a steady stream of ships from all races of the galaxy coming. They are all coming to respond to the call issued by the Star Alliance and the original castle council, come here to meet the alliance, and are ready to unite and fight against those who are attacking. Reapers of the higher civilizations of the entire galaxy, and give them a fatal blow!
It's just that, this huge combined fleet, those warships that are so massive that they almost affect the trajectory of the Earth and Mars, most of them are human battle fleets from the Kepulu region and the Protoss golden fleet! Even if the Star Alliance scoured almost all of their homes, they barely managed to get together dozens of dreadnoughts modified by many "merchant ships", plus various cruisers of nearly 3,000 in size. A mixed fleet composed of frigates and other warships.
As for the other races, they are still on their way intermittently, so there is no statistics available yet! However, according to General Hackett of the Star Alliance, after being ravaged by the Reapers, the races of the entire galaxy survived and had the courage to join the alliance. It is estimated that there will be no more than 30,000 ships?
Therefore, in the foreseeable future half a month, all their fleets combined will not exceed 200,000.
This terrifying number of warships, although it looks terrifying, compared to the huge Reaper fleet, the gap is still a bit too big! So, this makes Matt Horner, Galen, Anderson, Hackett, Atanis, Cerandis, Zeratul, and Turian and Ah, who are returning to the solar system for meetings on the Spear of Arden. Senior generals or representatives of various races, such as Sari and Serraru, felt very troublesome!
Because the Reapers came too quickly and fiercely, almost all members were overwhelmed, and no chance of luck was left to the various races of the galaxy, and they were even more reluctant to give the Protoss, humans or Zerg a little bit. Let's go to eat them again...
The enemy's posture of the whole army's one-shot air pressure made them basically unable to do anything except having to bite the bullet and prepare to gather the fleet to fight.
"Looking at the sporadic intelligence gathered from the five-person reconnaissance spacecraft, the number of Reapers...should be at least three times as large as ours. In other words, they may be about 600,000 ships, or even more..."
"Although I am a little frustrated, please forgive me for saying some frustrating words...I just want to know, do we really have a chance of winning now?"
After seeing a report from the Star Alliance on the upcoming Reaper delivered to their delegates, the patriarch representative of the Asari asked a little bit worriedly.
Seriously, their Asaris were really shocked by the power and terror of the Reapers this time! If time can go back, they will have smashed that Saron's conspiracy, and they will definitely use the precious two years to order the entire galaxy to make all kinds of spaceships and battleships! In that case, the number of warships they can gather now can at least double up several times.
"There are too many of them..."
Among the various races of the original castle council, it is probably only their Asari who suffered the most heavy losses!
After the destruction of Asari's main fleet and the destruction of the Destiny Transcendent, most of their fleet has already been lost, which can be described as traumatic!
Therefore, in this general battle, the fleet that the Asaris can gather is very limited... In fact, their remaining fleet and the main force of the Serraru intact, the rest of the Turians after the war, including the Star Alliance Together, the fleet assembled by the four parliament races, all combined, is only about 10,000 ships...
At the beginning, the Treaty of Farixen (Treaty of Farixen) in the "Castle of Gods" respected by the Asaris severely restricted the construction of dreadnoughts by the fort race, so that now, their Asaris finally tasted their original seeds. The bitter fruit!
Now, if it weren’t for the Hero Federation’s fleet as the main force, I’m afraid they wouldn’t have to fight anymore. With so many Reaper warships rushing forward, their tribes might not be able to do anything except try their own way to escape!
This is the reason why their patriarch and Star Alliance, Serraru and Turians jointly formulated the Ark plan! They transformed four dreadnought ships of various races, each carrying a different race, and each led more than 20,000 sleeping and dormant humans, Asari, Turians and Serraru, and were preparing to Andromeda, heading towards that 220,000 light-year in diameter, 2.54 million light-years away from the earth, and also the closest extragalactic galaxy to the Milky Way—the Andromeda Galaxy!
Their idea is actually very simple: since the Reapers harvest the Milky Way once every 50,000 years, they will never be chased by the other party to harvest if they run outside the Milky Way?
Although it will be a long journey of nearly six hundred years... However, with the technology of the Asari people, the kind of dormant warehouse they developed is enough to support the arrival of the Ark in the Andromeda!
Regardless of the outcome of this war, those four "arks" who are tasked with the task of civilized fire will depart when the battle between their alliance fleet and the Reapers officially begins, preparing for the worst for the galaxy. The survival of the advanced civilized race leaves the last hope...
Of course, they did not raise this matter with those quarians, Klogans, or other races. After all, the Castle Council races have cooperated for so many years, and they have established a more reliable friendship with each other. Believe in the non-parliamentary races who are often bullied by them.
As for what races outside the galaxy, or whether they are more dangerous than the Reapers, that’s not something they need to consider...because, they now have another plan to preserve the continuity of the race, that is Follow the Star Alliance, retreat to the Milky Way on another plane, and retreat to the Hero Federation star field in the Kepulu region.
However, due to the rush of time, they can't transfer all of them... Except for the millions of people of various races who have reached the earth now, they can't get more, and they dare not get more... Otherwise, it will cause serious panic!
Maybe, under the chaos, there will be opportunities for the harvesters to take advantage of it?
For those tribesmen who have been faintly abandoned by them, they have no good way. They can only be cruel and prepare for the upcoming battle of this vitality! If they are lucky enough to win, then all of them can be redeemed!
And once it fails...
Then everything is over...At that time, the fleet of the Hero Federation will all retreat, directly withdraw to another parallel universe and close the portal, allowing the Reapers to harvest this time's higher civilization races calmly, just like they were fifty thousand years old. What they did before...It is conceivable that at that time, their Asaris, Earth humans, Turians and Serrarus, etc., will become the objects of excavation and archaeology for the next civilization, and they will be flooded in the literature. Words and arrogant reasoning, to talk about the reasons why they will become extinct?
"The gap between the enemy and ours is really a bit big. Although your Federation's fleet is very strong, the disadvantage in terms of numbers will smooth the gap..."
The Asari matriarch doesn’t care at all that saying such things will hurt morale at this time, because the current high-level combat meeting originally needed to discuss the worst situation first, so she didn’t need it either. Consider too much.
"It's hard to say..."
"But even if we really can't win, we don't have to worry too much! At that time... your fleet will withdraw one after another, and then we will be responsible for blowing up the mass effect repeater of the Arcturus space station. I think that will definitely make the harvest. Those who suffered heavy losses!!"
At this time, Matt Horner, the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, said with a relaxed face.
Blow up the thing that contains the powerful zero element, and once it is blown up, it can affect the entire galaxy. As a fleet combat commander, he has long wanted to do that!
Arcturus Space Station, it was originally the command center, headquarters and strategic fortress leading to the solar system of the Star Alliance fleet! Because it is located at an important position in the central structure of the mass relay network composed of multiple mass repeaters. At the same time, it can also guard the Arcturus mass repeater leading to the earth! Therefore, the position of the Arcturus galaxy, in this galaxy where technology is abnormally interfered, is particularly important for defending the solar system.
It is precisely because of this that the main battlefield they unanimously identified is the Arcturus Space Station!
That superior geographical location makes the Arcturus galaxy the most ideal battlefield location for defense against long-distance jumps in outer space and defense against Reapers entering the solar system! As long as they stay there and shoot the big fleet blocked there, the Reapers can't easily reach the solar system, and they have to jump the main fleet to fight their allied forces as they think!
Then, once they can't beat them, they will directly detonate the big bomb, and run away, let the reapers bear the painful consequences of the blasting of the relay devices they left behind!
"I also agree with the mass effect repeater that blows up Arcturus when necessary!"
"In that case, the powerful energy erupted after the destruction of the repeater is no less than a rapidly expanding red giant! By then, all Reapers entering the Arcturus galaxy will probably be destroyed instantly!"
Even if the Arcturus galaxy is an indispensable strategic location for the Star Alliance, at this time, Admiral Anderson took the lead two steps forward and vocally agreed with the crazy plan of the commander in chief, Matt Horner.
As long as the Reapers can be successfully eliminated, the most important solar system of their Star Alliance, and their home planet Earth, the Arcturian galaxy and the Arcturus space station will explode...Anyway, the tens of thousands in the Arcturus space station People have now begun to evacuate in an orderly manner. Except for a small number of staff and robots that can be evacuated at any time, they will not arrange any non-combatants in the galaxy that may be destroyed.
As for the treaty stipulated in the "Holy Fort Convention" that no person or organization can attack (destroy) Mass Effect repeaters in war, it has long been selectively forgotten by Anderson and left behind!
That kind of regulation can't limit them to the upper-class people who make rules!
Besides, now they have lost even the fortress space station. Two of the four members of the fortress council are dead, one betrayed, and one escaped? Therefore, the Fortress Council has long existed in name only, and the location of the Fortress Space Station is still unknown. So what do they want the
Fortress Convention
to do, is it fun? !
"I agree!"
"In order to defeat the Reapers, our Star Alliance is willing to bear the cost of losing the Arcturus galaxy, because it is worth it!!"
Admiral Hackett also quickly and loudly supported Anderson's proposal!
In fact, as early as the last time he led the second, third, and fifth fleets on the Arcturus space station to resist the reapers who invaded the Arcturus space station and fell into despair, he had thought about blowing up the mass of the Arcturus. Repeater in order to prevent or delay the idea of ​​the Reaper’s invasion of the solar system!
However, due to the fact that there were too many Reapers and they were not sure to successfully blow up the repeater, and at that time, the main fleet of the Hero Federation came to aid in time and easily eliminated the enemy, so he could not destroy that. Extreme ideas are put into practice.
"Although the explosion of the Arcturus repeater will have a certain impact on our Star Alliance's navigation, but the price is worth it!"
Hackett won’t tell others that their Star Alliance is ready to merge into the human forces in the stellar zone. After the Reaper is eliminated, they will definitely get the kind of mid- and long-distance discount that does not require Mass Effect repeaters. Jump technology, even without the Arcturus space station, they can still come and go freely in the entire galaxy! At most, it means spending a little more energy while sailing, and no longer enjoy the convenient and fast repeater free ‘bus service’?
"Blow up the repeater? But if that's the case..."
"Then why do we plan to line up the enemy at the Arcturus space station and arrange a few asteroids or large-yield nuclear bombs directly, and when the Reaper enters the Arcturus galaxy, just blow them up?"
At this time, a representative of the Querians also took two steps forward. In the splendid Arden Spear command hall of the Protoss, the urn spoke with an uncanny voice! Wearing highly sophisticated biochemical protective suits and helmets, their voices became very dull when they spoke, even more uncomfortable than the feeling of the Protoss as if they were speaking directly in the human brain.
"If a war is to be waged first, even if we succeed in retreating in the end, it will cause extremely serious losses!"
Ever since the parent star Lenoch was occupied by Jies, the Querians have been living in the immigration fleet, in a huge wandering fleet composed of various starships!
Although their fleet is very large, it is claimed to have tens of thousands of ships to the outside world... But among them, only a thousand ships can be used for combat? Moreover, they rarely have warships of the dreadnought class, mostly broken and backward cruisers and frigates, and even a large number of armed small gunboats!
Therefore, for the quarians who have become accustomed to picking up rags, in their opinion, the loss of any warship is something they don't want to see! If they can, they even hope not to fire a shot, and when the Reaper jumps to the Arcturus galaxy, they will directly detonate the mass effect repeater and blow up all the enemies as she just said!
In that case, their precious fleet of quarians can be preserved! You just need to wait here in the solar system to clean up the dead enemies and sit on the fruits of victory.
Maybe after the war is over, they will be able to reap a home star that can settle down with their credit?
For example, the Bataris and their galaxies that have basically been declared annihilated? Anyway, their Bataris are almost dead, so after they win and drive away the Reapers in the future, will they be able to allocate all the Batari territory to the Querians who have made credit for them?
Even if they can't occupy all of them, it's okay to harvest half of them, and it will definitely be enough for the Quili people who don't have too many populations to settle down! Especially the second planet of the Kate’s Nest star cluster Hasan galaxy, the home star of the Bataris, but a green home star with a good environment, it must have been especially suitable for them to live in by the Querians. ?
Even if the card's shirt may have been harmed by the reaper now, they would definitely not mind the quarians! After all, the quarians can repair and repair broken warships or spaceships for many years, let alone a post-war planet. With a little modification, it is their new home for the quarians!
The representatives of the quarians also feel that they are thinking a little bit more now...but this kind of thing is always not bad first. Their main force of the quarians is now participating in the alliance and fighting against the Reapers together. You can't get any benefits in the future, right?
The territories of other people's homes, like the territories of the Asari, Turians, Earths, or Serraru, the spheres of influence of the four gangsters of the gods, the quarians must have no guts to look! But now, since the Bataris are about to be wiped out by the Reapers, their quarians don't persuade them at all to those who are about to become rare species!
"It exploded directly? I'm afraid it won't work!"
"The Reapers are not stupid. If our fleet is not ready for a head-to-head battle with them in Arcturus, they will definitely not jump all the fleet into the Arcturus galaxy at once."
Before the quarian wanted to say something, the Serraru representative set out to refute the whimsical idea of ​​the quarian woman.
Admiral Matt Horner of the Hero Federation’s navy was right. If their fleets don’t go to the Arcturus galaxy and wait for the Reaper to arrive, they will definitely enter the Arcturias and jump to the solar system in batches The Charon repeater is seeking a decisive battle against their alliance fleet!
At that time, even if they blow up the mass effect repeaters of the Arcturus galaxy, they will at most eliminate a small part of the Reapers. That will not change the overall situation much, and they will not allow them to occupy the fleet. To any too much cheaper! The Reaper Fleet can still make a detour to the nearest galaxy, and then slowly fly into the solar system, presumably it will not take a month or two.
At that time, they were trapped in the solar system. Except for the cruel battle with the Reapers on the orbit of the Charon repeater, there was nothing else to do, and they couldn’t blow up. That Charon repeater in the solar system!
If they really do that, they and the earth will be destroyed directly!
That kind of terrible thing, whether it is the Star Alliance or the Hero Federation, I am afraid that it will definitely not agree.
"Sorry! I didn't think of this layer just now..."
The quarian representatives retreated to their own quarian team, but fortunately, they all wore masks, and no one could see how embarrassed she was.
It’s no wonder that their Querians have been wandering in the universe for too long, and it’s been centuries since they left their home star Lenoch. Large-scale battleship operations are already very far away... So, for a while, She didn't think that those basic loopholes were justified.
"I also have a question."
Seeing that no one was speaking anymore, the Turian general Corinthus also stood up.
"Set the Arcturus galaxy as the main battlefield, where it will give the Reaper a headache and test the enemy's combat power. I have no opinion on this! The strength of your heroic federal fleet, the strength of the battleship pairs and the golden fleet, we have already seen After being here, I am totally in favor of giving those harvesters a good look!"
"I also firmly believe that we have a great chance of defeating them, at least half the chance to win, that's great!"
"I have some questions, then... if Admiral Horner tells us to withdraw and blow up the repeater first, what should your own fleet do?"
Now the Turians still retain at least half of their strength, and the number of warships is nearly 5,000. Therefore, they are very confident and do not have much opinion on fighting the Reaper.
However, he did not understand that the small fleets of their races would retreat early when the situation was unsatisfactory. It would be no problem to use the mass effect repeater to escape back to the solar system. It was technically easy to operate, but the humans and the Protoss of the Hero Federation What about the hundreds of thousands of fleets? With so many fleets, does the Reaper allow the opponent to easily retreat from under their noses?
Whether it is the powerful battleships or the spear of Arden, which is much larger than the Fortress Space Station, what should these battleships do? Even if they have the ability to flex without a repeater, it is definitely not easy to retreat in the state of war.
On this point, he is very puzzled by Corinthus!
He didn't understand, what kind of means could the opponent use to leave the Arcturus galaxy by then?
"If your losses are too great, we will completely lose the ability to continue fighting with the Reapers. We must be cautious about this matter?"
After all, they are still very grateful to this heroic federation who saved the Turians!
Now their Turians are ready. When they defeat the Reapers, they will definitely announce that the Turians will join the heroic federation unconditionally, and the province will be squeezed out or the distribution of benefits after the war will appear. What's the contradiction? Moreover, it is now foreseeable that there is definitely no need for the God Castle Council to continue to exist in the future. This galaxy must be the opponent's federation who has the final say, because people have the strongest strength and can fully preside over the affairs of their galaxy!
Moreover, he also believes that other races must also think so!
Since the Hero Federation has three populations with different appearances and cultures: Humans, Protoss, and Zergs, and it is rumored that the Star Alliance can still be added, then there will be no problem with joining the other fort races! In the future, everyone will be a family, so it is necessary to care a little about each other now. Mix up a little favorability earlier so that you will not be too difficult to mix in the Federation in the future?
Of course, he is more worried about the other party messing up, and then the other party can leave, but the vast majority of their Turians, there are at least tens of billions of Turians left on the planet Palevin. People, I am afraid, under the reaper's butcher knife, they will be processed into specimens or those'predator' soldiers.
"Please do not worry!"
"Our Federation's battle fleet, with the coordinates set in advance, can easily forcibly jump and evacuate at close range in battle. It will definitely not be slower than your withdrawal!"
For this, Galen is very confident!
Because, since the humans in the constellation have absorbed the technology of the Protoss, they have made considerable development and progress! In particular, their folding technology was enough to allow the warships to forcibly leave the Arcturus galaxy on the way to the battle and evacuate back to the safe orbits of Earth and Mars.
As for the Protoss' Golden Fleet, there is no need for him to worry about it.
The Protoss even the individual units of the Templar warriors can be transported away in time when they are seriously injured. Now, it is only a matter of transporting warships during a battle, technically it is much easier, as long as they are not on the spot. Destroyed, the Protoss fleet ran up, that was the fastest!
"I can rest assured that!"
Nodded, since the other party has the confidence to evacuate in time, then Corinthus, a Turian who doesn't know much about the other party's technology, certainly doesn't need to speak again.
"We don't have any problems now. We are willing to unconditionally accept the arrangement and dispatch of the Hero Federation and Commander-in-Chief Matt Horner!"
After having a glance with his new Turian chief, Victors, Corinthus simply looked at the commander-in-chief Matt Horner and swore an oath to say that the Turians were willing to accept the command of the other party unconditionally. , Work hard together to fight the Reapers!
"And our Asari and Serra Rui fleet too!"
"It's the same with Querry!"
"We Hana are also willing to send the entire fleet!"
"We Klogan too..."
The representatives of the Divine Fort Council races at the scene finally expressed their positions one after another, and all passed this brief combat arrangement meeting.
After all, the fleet of the Hero Federation is the main force of the war, and they are just helpers who are waving the flag and shouting. Seeing that the situation is not good, they can take the lead to return to the solar system through the repeater. Then what can they be dissatisfied with? ?
"It's a pity to think about it. If the Reapers can give us a year, I think the Zergs alone will be enough to clean up those hundreds of thousands of Reaper fleets, what a pity!"
Matt Horner shook his head. He said that he was really sorry that the Zerg had no chance to participate in the station, because they can't be lazy now, they must fight head-on with the Reaper in a big battle!
While this made him a little excited, he was also a little worried...After all, fighting is deadly! The humans in their star zone are not like those of the stars, as long as they don't die directly, they can always teleport away instantly! If the Zerg can participate in the war, their casualties will definitely be reduced to the lowest point!
It’s a pity that now, Zergs seem to have only hatched hundreds of Corruptors. They are far from becoming a big climate, and they are of no great use. They can only let them attack the reapers alone and try their best to give the enemy. Just add some chaos...
After all, resources and time have severely restricted their development. Without proper resources and sufficient time, it is still a bit difficult for them to explode.
"You are talking about the insect swarm of Queen Zagara..."
" our Menel satellite has been completely occupied by them...even, they also occupy several of our resource stars and home planets... if it weren't for their leader to restrain the insect swarms, I'm afraid our Palevin will be taken by them to build a nest..."
The Turian Corinthus shook his head dejectedly. For those Zergs, they can be said to love and hate the Turians...
Love, that's because they Zerg helped their Turians drive away the Reapers and saved their entire race!
And hate, because those guys don’t seem to want to leave, they are still occupying and squeezing the living space of their Turians. What’s more frightening is that the other party’s ability to reproduce is extremely strong, even if it was previously known as the reproduction ability of the entire galaxy The strongest Krogan is probably beyond the reach of the dust!
This is only a short period of less than a month. Their Zerg swarms have spread to several galaxies and planets... That kind of terrifying time reproduction speed, if there is another year, let alone Reapers are now, I am afraid that all their races combined are not enough for those Zergs to fight!
Of course, this premise is: the insect swarms have enough resources? Because the speed at which they consume resources is extremely terrifying!
"General Corinthus, please rest assured! This galaxy is very large, and we will all be a family in the future, and they will not dare to embarrass you!"
Seeing that someone finally knew about the resentment of the humans and protoss in their star zone towards the insect swarm, Galen laughed in relief.
It's just that, at this moment, his gloating eyes are not so likable.
"hope so……"
Regarding the Zerg problem, the Turians can only eat coptis dumb, and they cannot tell.
After all, the Swarm reinforcements were originally introduced by him, the Turian general and the patriarch, and the current dilemma is the price they need to pay! Originally, they thought that at most they would just contribute a few galaxies or home planets... But now, it seems that the price they need to pay is more?
Fortunately, after the Reaper ravages, the living space will definitely become a lot more abundant, and their Turians don't need to worry too much about the insect swarm now.
"If it's okay, everyone will end the meeting!"
"Remember, during the time of assembly, restrain the respective soldiers and don't let them cause trouble."
Seeing that all the clan representatives reached a consensus on the issue of the Reaper’s decisive battle, Matt Horner declared the meeting adjourned on the spot!
Because he has more important things to deal with. It is not a trivial matter to command such a super-large fleet to conduct a decisive battle. In addition to coordination, he must conduct multiple simulated command battles!
That is, the StarCraft game system developed by the former Hope. Before the arrival of these various races of reinforcements, he had only commanded the Protoss and human fleet to fight the Reaper more than once! And now, since there are more than 20,000 more fleets, he must continue to conduct multiple simulated battles with the Federation's Protoss and human officers!
Of course, it is also necessary for officers of all races to simulate coordinated operations together. That will be a lot of work and must be completed before the Reapers arrive in the Arcturus galaxy. Only then can the odds of their combined fleet be increased to one. How satisfied is it! Otherwise, when the pay and the return are not proportional, he Matt Horner would rather not fight and leave this galaxy to the Reaper to harvest, and they simply led the fleet to retract to the Kepulu region?
"Everyone, I have a little thing is this: our Star Alliance now needs a lot of medium and large transport ships, the bigger the better, the more the better! If possible, please transfer to the solar system as soon as possible. ?"
At this time, the Star Alliance General Anderson, who suddenly remembered something important, suddenly asked the representatives of all races for help when everyone turned around to leave.
That's right, now their Star Alliance needs a lot of transport ships, not battleships!
"Transport ship?"
"But, Anderson, I don't understand, what's the use?"
The representative of the Ashali was a little bit uncomprehending, she didn't think it would be useful to have a transport ship now! At the same time, the representatives of other races also turned around curiously and stared at the Admiral Anderson of the Star Alliance.
Medium and large transport ships are generally used to supply supplies or transport troops to land on the planet.
But now, they are about to engage in a decisive battle between the fleets in the universe. What use is it for so many transport ships? In the super-cosmic decisive battle that determines the outcome, there is no time for the transport ship to function, and there is no need for midway supplies in the fierce battle!
"I think you must have seen relevant information? Now, we have a large group of Transformers robots on the earth. They are also very useful for the battle, and they need to participate in that big battle!"
"We need to transport them to the battlefield first?"
Of course, there may be shipped back after the fight?
Because those Transformers flying short distances are almost the same as fighters, but if it is a decisive battle across the galaxy fleet, it is better to transport them to the battlefield first! Those troublesome things don’t need a professional fighter carrier at all, just a transport ship!
Therefore, Star Alliance now needs a large number of transport ships to get all those Transformers with flying and space combat capabilities to the Arcturus Galaxy! At that time, those powerful robots that can dismantle battleships with their bare hands will definitely give the Reaper a good look.
"Ah! I remember..."
The Asari representative was taken aback for a while, then nodded in general.
She did remember that there seemed to be those powerful and weird mechanical beings that were said to have swept the entire planet and completely wiped out the Reapers in a short time!
"But, Anderson, although there are many of them, if they are directly mounted on the battleship in batches, wouldn't it be enough?"
"Maybe, we can..."
Whether it is their Asari warships, warships of other races, or the huge'T'-shaped battleships of the Hero Federation, since they can carry warplanes, they can definitely carry those Transformers robots. So, why is there a special preparation for transport ships? Isn't that a trivial matter with a total of about 200,000 warships and even tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Transformers?
Transporting such a small number of combat robots will not have any impact on the maneuverability and combat readiness of the battleship!
However, before the Asari's suggestion was finished, it was interrupted by the Federal Admiral Matt Horner hurriedly.
"That's absolutely not possible!"
"Unfortunately, Madam Ashali, I swear, I will never let those robots that can only make trouble run into my fleet! No one will work!!"
"I also advise you not to do that!!!"
Those Transformers who like to dismantle the deck, dismantle the deck and embed it on themselves, and even can'eat' certain instruments and blend with themselves, those weird robots, he Matt Horner swears: Absolutely Will not let them get close to any of his warships!
Especially the Autobot leader named Optimus Prime, that hateful guy, took advantage of his inattention not long ago and used that so-called fire source to transform his entire 100 battleship fleet at once. They all become Transformers!
He has always hated that matter! One of his elite battleship formations, before they had time to fight the Reaper, was changed by the opponent...
If the opponent can turn the battleship into a giant Transformer and can switch between the battleship forms, then he Matt Horner will definitely not be too opposed!
But the result?
The other side turned their baby battleships into a pile of small Transformers the size of a few people, and dismantled their entire fleet in an instant... all turned into a pile of small, unusable little ones. Guy...that thing, he was so angry that he almost shot that named Optimus Prime!
He would rather have a powerful battleship than the Transformers broken down into hundreds of thousands.
Therefore, he will never allow those guys to be carried into his ship again, absolutely not allowed! This point, he must write it in the battleship regulations!
"If it's just a transport ship, there must be no problem!"
Although I didn't understand why the general was so nervous, after taking a look at the others, the Asaris agreed to this little thing on behalf of the other races.
Whether it is a military transport ship or a commercial transport ship, there are many of them of various races, and most of them are well-preserved and not attacked by too many harvesters. And since Star Alliance wanted it to be beneficial to the battle, they definitely had no reason to refuse.
"Thank you so much, then!"
Anderson himself had long wanted to dismiss the Transformers who only knew to make troubles on the earth, and constantly dismantled the metals, machinery, buildings and vehicles of their earthlings to make new members! Because the damage they cause to the earth is no less than the Reaper!
And now, it would be great to find an opportunity to pack them all away from the earth. When you finish fighting the Reapers, let those guys find a planet to develop on their own, and don't come to their earth to toss around!
Perhaps, after defeating the Reaper, he can send those Transformers robots to the metal-rich planet Alpha Centauri orbiting the planet Cybertron that the Star Alliance has not had time to develop? In that case, those guys who like metal will definitely be happy?
This is a good note, he Anderson happily decided that he should do it! Anyway, those Transformers must not be allowed to return to Earth to make trouble! After there is no threat from the reaper, can it be said that Anderson will also ‘hid the bird’s bow and hide’ one time?

"Is this Proxian who has lived for fifty thousand years in this can of post-grey? It doesn't seem like there is anything great!"
When the Normandy No. 2 transport team carefully carried the big iron box onto the deck, Annie rushed over with a cheer.
However, she just glanced at it and turned her head in disgust, frowning, and asked Big Sister Shepard and others who were watching the iron box.
Fortunately, she thought it was fun here, but it turned out to be just an ordinary crooked star sleeping in the dormant warehouse of the iron box. Where is there any fun?
This is not as good as the new ghost suits that the players over there are unloading! Those ghost suits that are urgently developed to match the abilities of this world and the zero element are definitely suitable for those who like to use abilities like Shepard and Miranda, even if they don't know how to use them.
"Annie! Don't touch it!"
Seeing that the little guy was going to brute force to open the dormant warehouse containing the Proxian, Miranda hurried forward and grabbed the opponent.
Now it is very likely that there is only such a prosperous life treasure left in the entire universe. If they accidentally be killed by this little guy, they can't find a second one! Even if it is cloned by technology, it is useless. What they need is the information in the other party's mind, not the fact that they need the other party to live.
"No touch, no touch, what's so great?"
After knowing that there was a sleeping Proxian inside without having to open it, Annie curled her lips and ran to the other side for a long time, adding chaos to the Marines who were unloading.
"Sorry, Shepard, I don't understand this instrument of their Proxian..."
Carefully opened a lid of the Pluo Xianren's dormant cabin, and found that there was an energy interface in it. Asari's Lori Liara looked at it for a while, and shook her head regretfully.
This thing may be preserved in the ruins of Proxian and supplied with energy, so it can be preserved so well? However, before she understood the meaning of the buttons on the operation interface, she didn't dare to operate it casually, otherwise, if someone accidentally killed the person inside, then she would have nowhere to cry!
"It's weird... It may be that the Proxian beacon I obtained before is working. I actually... saw the original picture and the information remaining on the dormant warehouse? And..."
As soon as she touched the Ploxian dormant warehouse, Shepard was shocked to discover that she seemed to have seen all the scenes at the time. Fifty thousand years ago, the Ploxian fought with the Reaper and was finally lost. Have to confess their fate and lie down in this dormant warehouse?
That kind of weird, obviously not part of her memory, made her feel weird...
"Forget it! Just open it!"
Settling his mind, Shepard took a deep breath, and quickly operated on the operation interface of the dormant chamber with weak energy.
Flutter! !
Following Shepard's operation, soon, the relic of the Proscien, the dormant warehouse that has existed for 50,000 years, unexpectedly began to ring, and opened the precision buckles, and at the same time, bursts of water were ejected from the inside. High-pressure protective gas as steam.
Then, the jet-black dormant bin split open from both sides, revealing a Prophet with a triangular head in a red armor, which was exactly the same as the collector soldier they had encountered and fought before!
"Really is!"
"Sure enough, it's a Prophet!!"
"Is he still alive?!"
At this moment, whether it was Liala, Miranda or Ashley and the other players, they exclaimed a little closer, as if they wanted to see if the other party was really alive and could stand up and speak?
"You give me a favor..."
"Don't smoke so close, maybe he can't stand the bacteria you carry on your body after 50,000 years?"
At this time, before the Proxian could respond, Dr. Moding from Serraru squeezed in and waved to the laymen to stay away.
"His vital signs are normal, and the floating ice on his body is slowly vaporizing... There should be no problem. This dormant chamber is fully functional. I think he will wake up soon."
Modin, who is a PhD in biology, operated on his universal tool for a while, and then scanned the opponent's body once, and found no adverse reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief and signaled Shepard Wait patiently for a while.
He could see that the Proxian was very strong and well-preserved, just like lying in it for hundreds of years, as long as the opponent's immune system can withstand their environment, then there is no problem! Of course, even if there is a problem, he Moding can cure the opponent!
In any case, he Moding, the Doctor of Biology, is not a joke. Regarding medical issues, he is no worse than the marine doctor Kailin Giacovos.
"It's exactly the same as the collector we've seen! However, the color is not the same, it's not the black of the collector, he really is alive!"
Shepard stared at the other party's ruddy face, especially the areas with mucous membranes such as the nostrils and eyes, which were not like the disgusting black bumps of the collectors, and she was relieved.
The other party is alive, as long as they can communicate, then there is no problem. She believes that this time, she can definitely learn what she wants to know from the other party!
Now, they just need to wait patiently. Presumably, it may take a while for the other party to fully regain consciousness? After all, the other party has slept for a full 50,000 years, and it is understandable that he needs a little recovery time.
Finally, Shepard and others waited quietly for about ten minutes. When they were almost impatient, the other party's closed pale yellow eyelids finally opened slowly, revealing the inside. Different from the golden eyes and black pupils of the collector's pale eyes?
There are still double pupils in the two big and two small eyes of the other party? !
Obviously, the Proxian saw Shepard and the others watching him for a long time. After he realized what had happened, he moved!
The opponent slammed into action, and at the same time a blue light of ability flashed on his body, even more conspicuous than Liara, the Ashali who is extremely good at abilities!
The next moment...
The abilities exploded from the opponent's mountain, and people like Shepard, Miranda, Liala, Ashley, and Dr. Moding who were watching the aliens all screamed and flew out!
After being knocked into the air by the shock of the power explosion, for a while, none of them could stand up?
∑(??△`)? !
(??▼ノ▼)ノWant to die!!
Little Annie, who was messing up with the uncles of the Marine Corps who were giving Baiyun supplies, turned her head and found that her older sisters fell together and wailed. Holding the Proxian Crooked Starman's neck, he used magic to lift it directly into the air.
If the other party dares to hurt her big sisters, then they must be bad guys!
'fast! alert! ’
'guard! Enemy attack! ! ’
‘Catch that bastard! ! ! ’
At the same time, the Marines who were not bombed around and the soldiers who were unloading all took out their weapons and loaded them up, moving towards the distant one who seemed to be hung in the air by the little girl Annie with a power. Struggling aliens surrounded them.
", hurry up, put him down! Don't hurt him!!"
At this time, seeing Shepard, who was in excellent condition, quickly stood up shaking his head dizzy by the explosion, and said to the little girl with difficulty.
If this continues, UU reading might be strangled by the opponent!
Since Big Sister Shepard and the others were all right, and the other party had said that, Annie could only throw the other party back into the dormant warehouse again with some unhappiness.
That crooked star freak with a triangular head, four eyes and eight eyeballs still wants to make trouble in her Queen Anne's territory. Isn't she tired of life?
She is staring here now, and if she dares to fool around, see if she doesn't blow its triangular head!

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