Chapter 63: Stare and die! Are you afraid!

   "Ah! Ann, Professor Anne! Hello!"
   Harry, who was standing at the outermost part of the crowd, hurriedly greeted them when he saw Anne walking towards them, and he stepped forward and helped Ron to get out of the middle of the aisle.
   The rest of Ron's body has almost recovered, but the right hand is still pointing forward stiffly, which looks a little funny. When she walked over, little Annie looked curiously at him.
   She suddenly thought this person was so funny! Annie could see that there were still some traces of the cast on the big boy's fingers, and the magic of the whole right hand was still in confusion! Could it be that the spell exploded in the finger? what! It seems that he must have been defeated by the failure of casting! There are people who use their fingers as magic wands? What a stupid person!
   "It's Annie! Did you know? A terrible thing just happened here!" Hermione and Annie are familiar with each other. As long as she is not in class, she calls Annie directly, without the title of professor.
   Now that I see Xiao Anni appear here, she immediately seems to have found the backbone, and there is no need to worry about being framed at will! You know, Little Annie is a very short-term master! Don't talk about the framing, even if it was her that Hermione really killed the cat, the little girl could settle it!
   "Mr. Filch's cat didn't know who was murdered by someone! It was the one hanging on the wall over there!" Hermione explained the situation to Annie, while helping her three to get rid of the suspicion! After all, this cat was indeed not killed by the three of them, they just happened to ran into it by passing by here!
   "Huh? Murder a cat?" After hearing Hermione's words, Annie was a little stunned, and then looked at the wall, where there was indeed a dirty cat hanging upside down! And there seem to be some words written on the wall?
   Annie walked forward curiously, and when she observed it, she also wondered who was so bored that she was going to murder a cat? What is the murder of cats? If you are not happy, just drive it away! Or can it be burned if you get into a rush? Now I still have the mood to hang a cat here. How boring is this person? Even Annie herself, she has long stopped bullying these little animals! She usually only bullies those big and cruel animals!
"No! It's not dead, it's just being petrified! And I'm sure, I can dispel the magic! But they won't! Uh..." Seeing that there is a chance to act, Guidro Lockhart risks again He came out, but unfortunately, the people around ignored him, so they had to retreat awkwardly.
   "Anne, what did you see?" Dumbledore asked from the side, in fact, he knew the words right from the beginning, and it was the same back then! Now he probably knows what made this cat like this!
   He originally thought that he would deal with it when he was free, but after seeing that Harry was there, he suddenly had an immature plan! Maybe a little bit of brewing, this thing can be used to train the boy he likes: Harry Potter?
"Um...! That's right! This cat is not dead! It has not been completely petrified! It is in a strange semi-petrified state! It's like... the soul is frozen! So it can't move!" Annie checked After Mrs. Loris, she lowered her head and thought for a while. This state is very magical, much like a story her father Gregory once told her! She used to think it was just a story! I didn't expect to see a similar situation here!
   It is rumored that Noxus has a young daughter from a certain family. After being infected by the venom of a Shurima mausoleum guard, she became a terrible creature with a snake body! Her eyes have also undergone special changes, and often only a glance can bring death!
  During the war against Demacia, countless ordinary Demacia soldiers would be completely petrified and lost their lives when they saw her eyes directly! And those who indirectly see her eyes will become semi-petrified like this cat! What is her name? Cassiopeia? probably?
   "And then?" Dumbledore motioned to her to continue speaking after discovering that it didn't take long for Annie to see so many things! He himself had been carefully inspecting for a long time before he detected that the cat was in a semi-petrified state, but he did not see that the soul was frozen or something!
   "If I am not mistaken, this is not caused by magic! It should be caused by some nasty creature!" Annie said excitedly, pointing to the cat that was hanging upside down.
"In our Valoran continent, there is a snake monster with a human head and snake body that can cause a similar situation! People who directly see the snake monster's eyes will be petrified by the sight and take their souls and lose their lives! What you see indirectly is like It is like this! Because the deadly petrochemical sight was only seen indirectly, and its power was not enough to take away its soul, so it was frozen! It should be that way!"
Annie turned her head and looked at the surrounding environment, and then she found the water in the corridor, "Ha! I know! There may be a snake monster here! Then the cat saw the snake monster from the reflection in the water Eyes! That's right! It must be so!"
   "Snake, snake monster?" Upon hearing such a terrible thing, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hurriedly moved closer to the crowd. Unexpectedly, there would be such a terrifying monster in Hogwarts Castle! Will you die if you see your eyes? Can't see it indirectly?
   After listening to Annie, Snape lowered his head in thought. He hadn't realized it before, but after Annie's words were spoken, the words Snake Demon reminded him of some rumors. So he quickly raised his head and looked at Dumbledore. Sure enough, the expression of the old man confirmed what he had just guessed!
   Hmph! Snape snorted coldly! This old man knows what happened here better than anyone! It's just that he doesn't want to say it, he wants to keep everyone in the dark! Who knows what he is making? The virtue of this old thing is as bad as ever!
   "Snake demon's eyes are so powerful? So! Is there any way to avoid harm?" Unexpectedly, it would be such a terrifying creature, Guidro? Lockhart was a bit unable to sit still! This is a terrible thing, how can he not be nervous?
   Harlott knows his abilities best, this kind of creature that may be life-threatening when he sees his eyes cannot tolerate him not to be nervous! Just looking at it will be fatal! This is too exciting! What vampires and werewolves are talking about in his book than this snake monster? Besides, those books were all made by him! If he really meets the snake demon, I am afraid it will be the rhythm of death in minutes!
"Well... it seems that you can only use your own magic power to resist, right? If the magic power is strong enough, you can carry it hard! Otherwise, just don't look directly into its eyes!" Annie Of course, knowing the weakness of this monster, its petrified sight is nothing more than a talent for magic power! As long as your strength is strong enough, you don't need to worry at all!
   Annie is confident, even if she looks directly at it, she will consume a little bit of magic at best, and then she will feel uncomfortable for a while! After that, you can burn it directly! Anyway, in Annie's eyes, there are no creatures that can stare themselves to death by looking at them!
   Annie has also seen the battle report before! When Noxus fought with Demacia, the female snake monster named Cassiopeia could only petrify the heroes of Demacia for a short while! And it was only a short period of time for petrochemicals! Not fatal at all!
   It can be seen that this petrochemical sight is not a panacea! It can only play a miraculous effect when it has a weaker creature! And the sight itself still needs magic power! Otherwise, if they stare at who is dead, what gang fights do they fight all day long? If it's okay, send the snake girl out for two rounds, and the entire Valoran world is their Noxus!
   "This...magic is powerful? Do you resist?"
   It doesn’t seem like you can carry it hard, right? Guidro Lockhart felt that for the sake of his own life, he should buy a pair of sunglasses and wear it at any time after returning! If you have glasses, it shouldn't be regarded as looking at each other directly, right?
   "That's it! So, Severus, do you have any way to get rid of this state?" Dumbledore felt that the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber seemed to be of some use, and now only needs to be monitored secretly! So he quickly changed the subject and didn't want to go into more details about it!
   "The school's herbal medicine room recently received a batch of mandela grass seedlings. When they mature, they should be able to make a panacea for all petrochemicals or abnormal conditions!"
   Snape untied the petrified cat from the torch holder and held it in his hand with his tail. He needs to study it carefully after returning, and dispense a suitable potion for its current state to ensure that it is foolproof!
   "Ah! Mandela grass! I'm good at this! I am particularly good at mixing Mandela-related potions!" Guidro Lockhart, who was not willing to idle for a moment, came out again, wiping out his presence.
   "Sorry! I'm afraid I'm the teacher of the potions class!" Snape didn't give Lockhart a good face, and stared at him coldly.
   He has long been displeased with this bragging little white face! In fact, all the little white faces are not pleasing to his eyes! What's more, this also robbed Snape's dream of being a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class! Forget it if he robbed him, now he still wants to interfere with his duties as a professor of potions class? This is really outrageous! Had it not been for now in school, Snape would have wanted to draw out his wand and give him a ruthless one!
"Okay! That's it! Minerva, take the students back to rest! This matter needs to be kept secret for the time being, try not to cause panic!" Dumbledore didn't want to worry about a cat anymore. , He still has to spend some time on the basilisk thing! So he quickly called on Professor McGonagall to protect Harry and the three of them back to the Gryffindor lounge, and told them to keep it secret!
   "Okay! Everyone is gone, too!" Seeing McGonagall leaving with the three students, Dumbledore also Apparated back to his principal's office.
"Please wait, Professor Snape, next Friday night, I plan to host a fun duel club, I wonder if you are interested in coming to guide?" Seeing Snape carrying the cat and walking away, Loha Te hurriedly stopped him.
   "Oh? Duel club? Huh! I think I will go!" Snape looked up and down Lockhart, as if thinking of something interesting, nodded in agreement! Then he shook his black wizard robe that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, turned and walked away quickly.
   Filch also followed Snape, because of his pet cat, Mrs. Lorice was still in Snape's hand. He must be going to guard it!
   "Then, Little Professor Anne? What about you? Are you interested?" Lockhart turned and looked at Annie. At this time, he and Annie were left in the corridor.
   "Duel club?" Annie tilted her head and thought about it, UU reading www. directly refused and said: "I don't want to play with Uncle Wei! Goodbye!" After speaking, the flash disappeared, and the next moment it was directly transferred back to the luxurious suite on the top of her castle!
   blame, uncle blame? Ok! Don't come if you don't come! He Harlot is still a little worried that this little girl will affect his performance too much! It's better not to come! so be it!
   When everyone was gone, the corridor became quiet again, and Lockhart was the only one left here! After looking at the dim surroundings, remembering that the snake demon who was dying for a glance had appeared here, Lockhart was so scared that he slapped him on the spot, and quickly lowered his head, and only dared to look at his toes. , And then started to leave quickly!
   As he walked, he whispered in his mouth: "Don't come out the snake demon! Don't come out! We have no grudges in the past and have no grudges! Don't come out to scare me! Bless Merlin! God bless..."
  Where does Harlott care about the wizard's belief in God? Merlin definitely believed it! As for whether Merlin has the function of blessing the believers, he is not sure! Think about the wizards often ridicule Merlin's beard, Merlin's pants and so on. Now Merlin has been played badly and turned into a tone of voice! Surely Mei Lin will not bless him again after he knows it?
   As for God..., Harlott suddenly remembered an interesting thing. Back then, the church burned the witches and wizards, right? Then why do their wizards still celebrate Christmas every year? what! It seems this is a good project! Maybe I should write a new book on this topic? The title of the book is: Harlott's Discovery of the Century?
   ask for various recommendations
   One more afternoon
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