Chapter 605: This family is all monsters! ⊙0⊙

"Little benefactor Annie finally returned safely? That's good, that's good..."
At noon the next day, I don’t know if it was a monk of Fahai who was walking around on purpose or casually. When he met a little girl who was eating steamed crucian fish and West Lake hairy crabs in a small shop by the West Lake, he smiled and took a few steps forward. , Stood right in front of the little girl's table and announced the Buddha's name loudly.
The night before yesterday, the Li Gongfu and his wife had killed the Jinshan Temple aggressively, wanting Fahai to hand over this little girl who didn't know where to go to go crazy. At that time, he had to talk about it and reluctantly persuaded each other.
Looking at it now, things are really what Fahai thought. The little girl is back on her own. The other party's abilities are not bad, and they don't need to worry about it.
"Fahai has a big bald head, you have been sneaking around my house these past two days, what do you want to do?!"
Annie had noticed it a long time ago. In the past two days, especially after the group of shameless guys who inexplicably ran to her own house yesterday, these thief monks from Jinshan Temple did not know why. They stayed at her house all day. Wandering around.
Just like today's Fahai, the other party obviously came to her deliberately, and wanted to pretend that she had accidentally encountered it. Do you really think that Queen Anne is a fool?
It's just that the other party didn't seem to have done anything bad, so she didn't want to pay attention to it.
"Little benefactor Annie, you are mistaken, Lao Na is not sneaky."
Regarding the discovery that the group of scholars appeared in the house of Li Gongfu and his wife, that is, the little girl, Fahai did not intend to talk to each other more. Moreover, just as he had just said, they were not sneaky, just Do you want to provide protection?
However, after discovering that the strength of those people was not low at all, they had promptly evacuated most of the monks and the masters who provided protection, leaving only a minimum of peripheral observers.
"Hey, what you say is what you say, I don't want to care about you..."
Little Annie was a little sad, unable to lift her spirits.
Today, the monks who were staring at the big bald heads and brains were almost gone, and neither Annie nor Tibbers perceived the other's malice, so she didn't bother to take care of this.
"Hey! Fahai has a big bald head, do you want to eat some of these steamed fish and crabs? They are delicious!"
Little Annie pointed to the steamed fish and crabs at her table and said to the monk.
They are delicious, fresh and cheap. A small bunch of coins can make a round belly. This is her second time here. Although they don’t have too many seasonings, they are just the fish, shrimps and crabs salvaged from the West Lake that are directly steamed on the steamer, but the steamed fish is very tender and sweet, and the crabs are also very fatty. You may not be able to finish it yourself. Under the circumstances, it’s okay to give this big bald-headed grandpa who knows to be a vegetarian all day a little bit more evenly.
"Lao Na is a monk, he does not commit murder or eat meat!"
Hearing that the other party let himself eat meat, Fahai shook his head and rejected the other party's kindness.
If it was that kind of fruit, he would certainly not be polite, but... now this steamed white lake fish and the reddish crabs, he is not sensitive. For their Buddhists, not killing or eating meat is the most basic requirement, and Fahai will definitely not break the precept easily.
"But, they are not fishy at all, and they are already cooked, and you didn't kill them. Why don't you dare to eat them?"
"They are really delicious, would you like to eat one?"
In fact, Annie feels that the taboos of these monks are simply unreasonable!
Because, the rice noodles, fruits, vegetables, and beans that the other party eats on weekdays are full of insects and eggs. They actually kill and eat meat all the time, and the other party just pretends not to eat meat, just pretending to be ! Moreover, Annie feels that their kind of non-eating meat and fish is really not good for practice at all!
Think about it, how can they have other minds to do other things when they can’t eat well and can’t keep up with nutrition?
"The monks don't eat meat and fish, and the little benefactor's kindness, Lao Na, accepts it."
If you don't eat, you don't eat, so why is there so much? Anyway, no matter what the little guy said today was breaking the sky, and wanting him to relapse from Fahai's diet to eat meat and fish, he would never even think about it.
"But, the monks who came to my house these past two days, they all eat meat..."
Those guys who came to their house to eat and eat in groups are the people named Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk. They eat more meat and wine than anyone else. If her gold can buy a lot of delicious things, I am afraid they are all Can't afford to feed those guys.
"Amitabha Buddha, Lao Na dare not comment on this matter! Because everyone has their own conditions, everyone has their own way of practicing, and you can't force it."
Regarding the affairs of those few scholars, although Fahai didn’t know why they suddenly gathered here in Qiantang County five hundred years later, but...the monsters who are not serious monks, they are obviously not allowed to take care of them. Yes, I dare not care.
Annie is gone. This kind of old man is the most annoying. No matter what he says, the other party is reasonable, and even if it is unreasonable, he can draw a lot of reasons.
"Little benefactor Annie, looking at the gloomy look on your face, it seems that something is getting involved?"
Fahai sat on the opposite side of the little girl's table indifferently, ignoring the temptation of the delicious fresh food on the table, and asked the little girl curiously.
"Of course!"
"There were so many people living in my house yesterday. They all came here to eat. They don't work all day and they know how to eat, drink and have fun. It's really annoying!"
Although Annie doesn't work all day, she is a child and adults should go to work! But those people are okay, don't plan to leave after eating and drinking for free?
That's a group of fairies and monsters, how can they be more shameless than her?
and many more……
It seems that you accidentally said something wrong? !
"Little Anne, isn't it okay to have more people lively?"
Fahai doesn't understand it. If there are a lot of people, the house must be lively. Such things should be good for a child, right?
Of course, now Fahai and the others are more concerned about the reincarnated baby of Jin Chanzi and those people who learn from it! After intense discussions, they came to the conclusion: It’s best not to disturb the other party, and let him and his family settle down here in Qiantang County with peace of mind, until the other party grows up and then invites Buddhism? Therefore, now that this little girl has unpleasant thoughts in her heart, Fahai definitely wants to ask.
Although that matter was under the control of the elder Faming, it was understandable that he himself would interfere with the situation.
"A lot of people are good!"
"But among those people, there is a fairy, two female fairies, two bandits, a pig demon, and a thief monk, plus a little kid who can only cry, that’s not very funny, really It's too noisy..."
Especially that little kid, who knows crying all day long, if it weren't for Anne to hide quickly in the morning, she almost her all over, it is really unreasonable! Those guys, don’t you know that there is something called a diaper?
"Little benefactor Annie, if there are monsters, as long as they dare to do evil, Lao Na is willing to accept them for you!"
Fahai, an old Zen master, is his specialty in collecting monsters, so he had to express it.
Although he himself knows the details of the monsters in the other party's house, and he also knows that those monsters are definitely not something that Fahai can conquer, and he does not dare to collect them, but it's okay to just say it here. Run out to do evil.
"You can't do it, you can't beat them with a big bald head. Even if you have eaten flat peaches, your strength is now the same! You may not know that if they unite, that very powerful cow demon will be They ran away!"
The strength of this Fahai is just like that. Their spellcasting profession looks so-so, and it seems that they also practice physical skills, both physically and mentally, but the overall strength is somewhat average, and it must be impossible to beat Zixia. That big sister's!
"Wait, little benefactor Annie, you just said Pantao? Could it be..."
After frowning and thinking for a while, Fahai suddenly seemed to realize something bad.
"The ones for you that day are flat peaches!"
"You may not believe it. When I went home yesterday morning, the two door gods still jumped out and wanted to catch me to their heaven to meet that Madonna, but they were too useless and powerful. If they were not strong, I was beaten away. I don’t know when they will come next time?!"
Yes, now Annie is very irritable, and there are many things, so she just said it all.
She has a hunch, those bad guys, and those strange scorpions who want to catch themselves to the heavens will definitely appear again, but she is not afraid of them, she just waits on this earth to see them in the end When will you come again?
"Ann, Annie Little Donor..."
"The two peaches you ate for Lao Na the other day are really flat peaches from the Tianting Flat Peach Garden? But, didn't you say that they were picked from a high mountain?!"
Fa Hai suddenly felt a little bit horrified. Originally, he had always naively thought that it was just some extraordinary spiritual fruit! But how can I think that it is really the flat peach of heaven?
No wonder, it's no wonder they contain so many spiritual powers, just two, they almost made themselves a Buddha!
"Yes indeed!"
Those peaches were originally picked on the hill of a tall garden in the heaven, and she did not lie! That Pan Taoyuan was originally in the very high sky.
"That one……"
"Ann, Annie, little donor, how many have you picked in total?!"
Obviously, the flat peaches of the Heavenly Court will never come out casually. At least, apart from listening to his master, Fahai had eaten it at the feast called the flat peach feast, it is absolutely impossible for him to spread to the world. From the world! Therefore, the origin of the flat peaches in the hands of this little girl is obvious!
It must be stolen or robbed!
Of course, Fahai thinks that the former is more likely? However, this little girl is also capable. Even Tianting Pan Taoyuan's tightly guarded, full of institutions, and even places where various formations are prohibited can steal fruit. This is no one.
"It's not much, I picked up the best!"
Yes, the ones that were ripe in nine thousand years, have grown to be edible, have all been plucked by Annie, and there are only some flower bones and some newly grown peaches on those trees. Up.
"Amitabha, Lao Na knows nothing, and hasn't eaten anything!"
No, he is really going to make a slur in Fahai!
After all, this matter is too serious. Fahai, a little monk, really can't afford it, and he doesn't dare to get into trouble!
However, this little girl is really capable. It doesn't count as if she stole the flat peaches, and even the gods sent by the heavens were beaten away. What is it going to do?
It seems that in the future, Fahai will have to stay away from the opponent a little bit, so as not to suffer from the fish?
"What are you in a hurry!"
"I picked the peaches, and I must be looking for me first, so don't worry!!"
"Forget it, I won't tell you, I'm going back!"
Having eaten and drank enough, little Annie jumped off the bench directly, slapped a bunch of coins on the table, and hopped in the direction of home.
Fahai suddenly felt that staying in Qiantang County did not seem to be a good choice, and he had been out for a long time, and it was time to go back to Xiangguo Temple?
Yes, it does!
Fahai decided, and tomorrow he will go and say goodbye to Elder Faming and return to his Xiangguo Temple as soon as possible. The best choice is to stay away from this whirlpool. As for the little Anne's benefactor, she can only hope that her auspicious person will have a natural appearance, and that the evil will be turned into good fortune sooner.

"Tsk tut! That's great!"
"Thirty Niang, this child in your family is really well-behaved, but is it a little bad for a good child to call him Sanzang?"
Xu Jiaorong, who has never had children, really likes this spring 30 natal son, but she can't understand the other party's name!
Under this circumstance, is there another parent who would give his son this kind of legal name? Isn't this trying to drive his son to the empty door?
"There is no way, this is his destined thing, I still have a headache!"
My own son is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, and he will definitely take the Western Classics in the future. What should she do if she is in the spring of her 30s, and what can she do?
Her arms can’t reach her thighs. She is just a small millennium spider spirit. Some things about Buddhism have also been learned from the other two people who learn from the Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, the affairs of her son seem to be really doomed. , Cannot be changed.
"Why is that? Did someone give him a fortune? Then I have to tell you well, those fortunetellers are all liars, just like the old way in the west of the city, they will fool people!"
Xu Jiaorong was a little puzzled, so he opened his mouth and reminded the girl Chun 30 who was holding the child. She felt that such a good child could not be ruined by those crooks!
"The reason why he is called Sanzang is because he is our master!!"
At this moment, a fat guy who was half lying on a chair with a big belly full after eating, suddenly came up and said such an endless sentence.
"He? Return your master?!"
Now, Xu Jiaorong was even more puzzled!
A little bit of a baby who was just born a few days ago, only crying and drinking, and returning to their master, is this not a joke?
"He is our master!!"
Monk Sha also leaned in and agreed with his second brother.
"Gongfu, how are these people weird..."
Xu Jiaorong, who was hesitant in his heart, turned his head, and asked her husband Li Gongfu, who was sitting next to him, in secret.
"Just blame it. After a few days, after I find a new place for them, they will move out by themselves!"
Of course, Li Gongfu also knows that these people are weird, but since the other party is a friend that the little guy knows, and he rushed to him from the Western Regions for a long distance, he can't drive people out, right? Anyway, he doesn't need to pay for Li Gongfu. These guys have all the food and clothing costs, and the little aunt's grandmother has already covered it all.
However, what Li Gongfu didn't know was: these people, Xiao Anni is not too familiar, she only met for a few days, and the other party also flew directly from the Western Regions using magic techniques, the kind he imagined. Things seem a little different?
"Move? I think it's pretty good now, how lively it is, no need to move, right?"
The New Year is almost here, and Xu Jiaorong thinks it's good to have these people with him! Although some of them are lazy, and some look fierce, but the three little girls who are said to be a teacher-disciple relationship, she looks very fond of them, and the other side drags the family, it is not like What a bad guy.
"If I don't move out sooner, they can give me Li Gongfu poor!"
"Jing nonsense, don't think I don't know, Little Annie gave you a lot of gold again, just say, where did you hide?!"
"Hey hey! Don't tell me, there are outsiders watching this!"
Seeing his mother-in-law planning to move her hands and feet, Li Gongfu hurried to the side and hid away.
"Now I think it's pretty good. It's not that we can't live in our house. What's more, there are empty houses. It's nice to have more people."
Anyway, Xu Jiaorong is very satisfied with this lively home now, and only in this way can he be considered a home! Like usually, a huge three-entry mansion, she was left alone at home, and she did not even dare to go out to the toilet at night when she was at home alone. That feeling, let alone how infiltrating!
Although there is a little guy now, but the other party ran out twice in three days, and even lost home during the day, she had already felt resentful! The little girl’s family, stay at home and learn some female workers or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Wouldn’t it be better to have husbands and children in the future?
"They are not ordinary people! You haven't seen them, they have guys in their hands!"
"The one called Zixia, it is indeed very watery and immortal, and looks like a good person! But her two apprentices are not simple characters! They are fierce and murderous. Every move is infiltrating tightly, even when I look at it!!"
"As for the two men, I won't talk about them. They must be either robbers or thieves!"
"As for the two thief monks...Forget it, let's not talk about them! Fortunately, they even dared to say the words, "I have passed through the intestines, the Buddha sits in the heart," and they are not afraid of being blamed by the Buddha?
Who is Li Gongfu? He is the chief catcher of security and theft in Qiantang County. What kind of people and things have not been seen? Therefore, he doesn't need to check, just use his own eyes to feel the details of these people!
Of course, it doesn't matter who the other party is. Anyway, just know that they are from the Western Regions. Even if they are strong people, as long as they don't make trouble in the city, they will not go to Qiantang County!
"Is it as outrageous as you said? I see them all very nice, they are all real people!"
"Oh! It would be better if my brother Han Wen could also be at home. It's almost the New Year. I don't know how he's doing in Suzhou?"
While talking, Xu Jiaorong couldn't help but think of her younger brother Xu Xian Xu Hanwen, who was sent to Suzhou for three years because of the involvement of the fox.
Now that the New Year's Eve is approaching, I don’t know where the other party will spend the New Year. If I don’t have enough food and clothes, will I be bullied by the prisoners in charge?
"Don't worry, he is now a doctor in the Jirentang in Suzhou, and my brother is taking care of him. Life is very good, and he can't afford to lose!"
Seeing my mother-in-law pull out the brother-in-law's brother-in-law who was sent to Suzhou just a few days ago, Li Gongfu's head is a bit bigger!
In his view of Li Gongfu, that Xu Xian asked for him!
It’s not good for that guy to find someone to be a mother-in-law. He just went to a white house of unknown origin, and almost lost his head because of the exhaustion. Suffering, otherwise, that guy really thinks this world is so simple?
"I don't know if Hanwen lacks clothes now, can I have a good meal during the New Year?"
Seeing the female workers in her hands, Xu Jiaorong couldn't help worrying about her younger brother!
Originally, when she heard that the other party started a family, she was happy for a while, but who would have thought that Bai Suzhen was not a good girl, and her brother was so tired that her brother almost...
"That's it!"
"If you want to go, wait for a trip to Suzhou with you after the Chinese New Year. What's the worth?"
Now that Li Gongfu is rich, it would be great to find a comfortable carriage and the whole family to travel all the way to Suzhou.
Or, they can charter a big boat directly from Hangzhou to Suzhou via the canal. In that case, I am afraid it will be more comfortable, convenient and faster?
"What do you say counts?"
Xu Jiaorong's eyes lit up when her husband agreed to take him to Suzhou.
"Count and count!!"
Seeing that his mother-in-law had such an expression, Li Gongfu felt a little annoyed in his heart, so he could barely respond.
"Pig Bajie! What do you want to do when you come in with me?!"
When Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu were whispering together, suddenly, a sharp woman's voice attracted almost everyone in the hall.
It turned out that it was the Spring Thirty Mother holding the baby, and the fat fat-eared Zhu Bajie who was following the other side? Of course, because of the homophony of "Zhu" and "Pig", Li Gongfu and his wife always thought that each other was surnamed Zhu.
"Of course it is the master who protects my house..."
Zhu Bajie said of course that he was really afraid that this fairy would eat their master in one bite. After all, the other party was clamoring, "Eat one bite will make you immortal," and he should guard against it.
"I'm going to breastfeed my son, you get out of me right away!!"
Before entering the side hall, the spring 30niang gave a frosty warning before closing the wooden door heavily.
Well, this time, Zhu Bajie, who offended the master and his mother, could only hug his head, and walked back to his position in embarrassment and embarrassment amidst the mocking eyes of everyone.
"Jingjing! What do you think of me going to be the champion? Then, you will be the wife of the champion?"
Zhi Zun Bao began to make plans for his life in the Song Dynasty. After thinking about it, he finally felt that it was better to be an official and to make money faster?
There is a saying that is very good: "Three years to clear the prefect, one hundred thousand snowflake silver" being an official is a shortcut to getting rich, much faster than doing business or farming!
"Just you, still want to test the champion?"
"Ha! I advise you to be your bandit leader! Or, you can find a way to regain your own strength earlier and become your Monkey King Monkey again!"
Bai Jingjing smiled disdainfully.
For this dead monkey, she thinks that it is better for him to be the bandit leader or the real monkey, and the number one winner is really not suitable.
"What are you talking about Bandit Head and Monkey King?"
Li Gongfu, who was a little far away, just heard a little bit unclearly, but he still heard two key words, and when he was puzzled, he asked.
"It's nothing, it's just that this guy wants to be the champion!"
After Bai Jingjing glanced at a certain dead monkey, she smiled and walked to the room of her senior sister with her master.
"But when I talked about the champion exam, I remembered my brother-in-law Xu Xian, that guy, after taking the exam so many times, he couldn't even pass the exam, so let alone the provincial exam. It was a waste of reading so much. book of!"
"Brother, if you really want to take the test, I can nominate you then!"
Li Gongfu patted his chest generously. As long as the other party has the ability to learn from the truth, he can provide the other party with a little convenience to be convenient for others. Maybe in the future there will be time to ask the other party?
"Then thank you Brother Li!"
Unexpectedly, his own ideas could still be approved by others, Zhi Zun Bao quickly got up and gave a big gift to the official.
"But... Brother Zhi Zun Bao, I think you seem to have martial arts?"
Li Gongfu actually wanted to ask about this a long time ago, but he has never had a chance! But now, since the atmosphere is so good, he naturally asked for such an opportunity.
"On the side of the Western Regions, I am the leader of the Axe Gang, and the man with the child is our second master!"
At this time, after they chatted for a while, the three women in the room came out again, and the man he was pointing at took the child from the hand of Chun 30 Niang, and still shook his head and coaxed.
"Axe Gang? Second master?"
"How does this sound like a bandit or robber?"
Whether it is the kind of gang or the second-in-chief, Li Gongfu feels like a group of bandits and bandits, or a strongman who has fallen into trouble?
"Huh! They were bandits and bandits originally, do you think there can be any good people in the Western Regions?"
This matter Spring 30 Niang has the most say!
At first, in order to find the lower monkey grandson with three moles and the reincarnation of Tang Seng, she often stayed in the axe gang, naturally knowing what kind of people those guys are.
"Yes! But, I seem to have heard that there are a lot of demons and ghosts in the Western Regions. Are you not afraid?"
There are immortals and ghosts in this world, Li Gongfu knows. Even a while ago, they even saw Ku Yin flying away by himself for no reason. Even the Kushen he invited was useless!
"Of course not afraid!"
"Lee catching the head, let me tell you, this supreme treasure, he is actually a monkey demon, that fat man is a pig demon, that bald monk is a river demon, I am a bone spirit, and my senior sister is a thousand-year spider spirit, none of us are What a good person!"
Under extremely boring idleness, Bai Jingjing jokingly revealed all the details of everyone! Of course, she didn't dare to talk nonsense about the fact that their master was a fairy who went down to the earth in private.
"Haha! You guys can really make a joke! Then who is your master, that Zixia?"
A group of demons and ghosts ran into their own home. Li Gongfu didn't believe it at first. Naturally, he believed some of the robbers that the other party had just said.
"Our master..."
"She is the fairy in front of the Buddha's seat, and also our master Pansi Daxian, but a real fairy, how about it, what do you think now?"
"Even that little baby, he is the reincarnation of the twelfth generation of the disciple Jin Chanzi under the seat of the Buddha, amazing, right?"
Bai Jingjing shook everything out again, and a lot of anger or dissatisfaction fell on her.
" You guys are really good at joking, I'm going to have a drink now, who of you is coming?"
Li Gongfu, who didn't want to mess with these guys, patted his and stood up from his seat, planning to go to the back garden to have a few drinks, and then take a rest all day.
"And I!!"
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing raised their hands almost at the same time, and then ran after each other towards the back garden.
"These two brothers, I don't think it's a thing for you to be idle all day long. Or, I will find you an errand in the classroom?"
People can't be too idle, they will cause trouble when they are idle, so Li Gongfu feels that it is necessary for him to find an for these guys so that they will not be idle all day?
"We can't do anything except eat, drink and have more energy."
For Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, they are good at shouting and cheering behind the big brothers and fighting demons, but they can't really count on them too much for other things.
"I have great strength, I will ask you another day?"
In this year, the strength is great, no matter what you do, as long as you are willing to exert your strength, your life will not be too bad.
"Forget it, now we eat and sleep when we are full, and eat when we wake up hungry. How comfortable is this life..."
"How is that different from a pig?!"
"I was originally a pig, Junior Brother Sha, right?"
"Yes, my second brother is a pig!"
Well, Li Gongfu felt that he should go to the bar, and there was no need to talk too much to these two insecure guys.
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