Chapter 616: The road of life, dreams are like a long road (??ω`?)??...

It is the moment of hai, it is the time of "Ren Ding" or "Ren Jing"!
If Xu Xian, a half-hanging TCM doctor, is here, he will persuade some people who have not fallen asleep to hurry up and rest, because ah, traditional Chinese medicine thinks: Haishi is the time when the Sanjiao Jing is flourishing! The Sanjiao meridian is the largest of the six fu-organs, and it has the function of presiding over the qi and regulating water channels.
When the Haishi triple jiao connects all the pulses, you will get sick if you fail to do so!
If a person can go to sleep on time at Haishi, Baimai can recuperate and maintain the function of the human body's triple focus, which is very beneficial to the body.
However, at this time, in this huge Buddhist temple of Lanruo Temple, a group of noisy hunters had just finished their chores. They could hardly have eaten their dry food. Before they had time to arrange the night watch, they were caught Some abnormal movements in the attic of this side hall were shocked!
That kind of rustling, like the sound of a large object crawling on the upper board, is completely different from the sound of a mouse walking around. It can't deceive Li Gongfu and the group of martial arts, and the clever and eye-catching Qiantang County. Catchers.
"Li Tou! Listen, there is really something moving! It seems to be right above us!!"
"Lee, Li Tou...what is that? Is there a real ghost?!"
"Ghost? Don't scare me!!"
"This kind of noise, it must be loud and heavy. Could it be a bobcat leopard?"
"No! The lynx and leopard walk silently. This sounds more like the sound of heavy objects crawling on wooden boards!"
"Climbing? Isn't it a boa constrictor?"
"Not like..."
The catchers unconsciously looked up at the attic planks of the Buddhist temple above. From the dust that shivered off from the flames of their campfire from above, they knew: There must be something moving above! It's just that they are on the bright side, so they can't see through the dilapidated wooden board what is on top.
"Brothers, be careful, there really seems to be something up there..."
Bang! !
Suddenly, before Li Gongfu's words were finished, there was a cracking sound of the wooden board and the muffled sound of heavy objects falling on the ground. A black figure actually crushed the rotten wooden board in the attic of the Buddhist temple from above, and fell heavily?
"My mother, take a look, what the are those..."
"Really there is a ghost?!!!"
puff! Bang! !
"More? How come there are so many?!"
The sudden incident made the catchers not suspicious for long, because soon, the shriveled corpses were like dumplings, one by one from the dilapidated attic wooden hole above, there was dust and Buddha. The rotting yellow yarn in the temple fell heavily in free fall and hit the stone floor of the temple!
Cang! Qiang Qiang! !
Seeing this weird situation, those who were sitting on the edge of the fire to be vigilant, or listening to the movement above the temple, were shocked to jump up for the first time, and used the most in their lives. At a fast speed, they drew out the white-flowered swords in their respective waists.
In an instant, the light from the fire and the light reflected from the blade illuminates the small Lanruo Temple side hall, and the atmosphere naturally becomes dignified.
At this time, the prisoner who had been chained with the shackles also crawled on the ground for the first time and struggled!
It's a pity that his mouth had already been blocked by the arrestees with rags, and a knot was tied in the back of his head, so that he could not only make wailing whimpers and desperate struggles. , I can’t make any extra sounds or movements.
"Everything is silent!!"
After reaching out to signal his brothers not to panic, as a leader, Li Gongfu, who needs to lead by example, and some daring masters, immediately took two steps forward and carefully looked at the one who was slowly climbing up from the ground. Shaky, seemingly unsteady monster.
After just one glance, Li Gongfu felt a tingling scalp!
But fortunately, apart from the other side looking a little shabby, there doesn't seem to be much to talk about?
"What the is this, a moving corpse? Or a corpse?!"
As the head catcher who is in charge of anti-pirates and public security in Qiantang County, Li Gongfu knows more about dead people's corpses, skeletons, or mummy corpses, and he is not unfamiliar at all! However, the mummy in front of him that can move and make an unexplained whimper and growl in his mouth is the first time he has banged in these thirty years!
Maybe this is the kind of ghost in the rumor? !
Actually, now he is so scared that he is not so scared...After all, the other party looks like a moving and slow-moving corpse, just looking a little rare.
Anyway, after being startled at first, Li Gongfu is not so scared now!
He turned his head and glanced at the men behind him who were holding weapons, but hesitated one by one. After thinking about it, he could only frown and walk forward two steps again, looking at the continuous ruin from the temple. The zombies who fell down from the attic of the company looked up and down so close.
However, that's all, he didn't make any extra moves, just let the other party slowly struggle to get up from the dusty ground.
"Lee, head of Li..."
"That, that... that are ghosts, you really are not afraid of them?!"
Accompanied by the slight trembling of the teeth, a catcher's mouth struggled to say what most people felt at this time.
You know, fear can be contagious, and of course so can courage!
To be honest, if it weren’t for their crowds now, or if their Litou stood calmly at the forefront and looked at the slow-moving zombie monsters, I’m afraid the catchers would have ran out and escaped. , Where would he stay here calmly, watching the monsters that Yingying in the flames climbed up from the corner and forced them towards them? !
"Ghost? Just these things?!"
"Haha! Brothers, it's not me Li Gongfu said you guys...Compared to these slow-moving corpses, I think I might be more afraid of those robbers who will hold swords and weapons and dare to fight us!"
Yes, although these look a bit scary, these movements are slow, skinny and skinny. The monster walking and swaying and staggering is like an old man, which is scared when he suddenly falls. He just jumped!
But now, after seeing the other party clearly, where would he be afraid of Li Gongfu?
"Shut up! You are optimistic!!"
After finishing speaking, Li Gongfu also stopped paying attention to those who were surprised and bluffing behind him.
After staring at the monsters for a while, he snorted coldly. The steel knife in his hand began to forcefully and violently bullied himself in front of him. He swung open and closed and moved quickly and violently. The sword technique of the Golden Lock Knife fixed the necks of the monsters and slashed them forcefully!
Puff! puff!
A few shining blades reflecting the yellow light of the bonfire flashed past. After the blades, as Li Gongfu quickly turned back, the decaying heads finally tumbled and fell to the ruined temple. It's on the dusty floor...
Bang! Boom!
Then, after a few more muffled noises, the headless corpses fell crookedly toward the ground.
"Brothers, have you seen it? Just such a ghost can be used to scare women, children, old and weak. It's just a dream to scare me, Li Gongfu!"
Seeing that his attack actually worked, he really fought a few "ghosts" zombies alone, and after having overturned them in one turn, Li Gongfu was proud to turn around and put his sword into its scabbard. Some triumphantly showed off to their stunned subordinates.
It seems that the haunting of Lanruo Temple is true, but it is nothing more than that!
Anyway, his Li Gongfu just felt that the bones of those zombies were too brittle, or maybe his strength had become stronger recently? In short, he just passed with a knife and felt that cutting these monsters seemed to be easier than cutting off a dry bamboo. There was really no sense of blocking.
"Not good, Li Tou!!"
"You, look behind you... it, they are not dead..."
However, what surprised Li Gongfu was: he did not get the admiration of his men?
The dozen or so guys who were almost huddled together, even though they were no longer as scared as before, they were still a little frightened and gathered together and pointed behind him?
"Fucking, his head is cut off and he is not dead yet?!"
Turning my head in doubt, I saw that the zombie ghosts who had been beheaded were still on the ground and wanted to stand up. Even the heads that fell on the ground were stubbornly snapping together, seeming to want to bite. To what?
Discovering this situation, Li Gongfu was angry!
Therefore, he did not retreat but advanced, stepped forward, kicked a headless corpse into the distance with one foot, let it smash into the brick corner of the temple, and broke directly into one. With a strange shape, he couldn't get up for a long time.
"Brothers, hurry up! Take out our hooks, drag them out and burn them!!"
"Damn it, I just frustrated my bones and turned ashes, I see them still motionless? Just this kind of stuff, dare to come out to scare people? What are you guys doing in a daze, one by one, are you afraid of such ghosts?!"
Seeing those subordinates sluggish in place and dare not move, Li Gongfu was furious and pulled out his fellow again, and then took two steps forward, stabbing one of the skulls that was still trying to bite with a knife, and then Holding it high, cursing and making those subordinates who are still standing in place watching the show act quickly.
He doesn't understand, these are the disgusting things that move. As long as your hands and feet are a little more flexible, and your brain is a little more flexible, don't be bitten or caught by the other party. !
"Ah! Yes!!"
"Yes, Li Tou!!"
"You! You! And you, hurry up and hook its hands and feet, drag it outside to burn it!"
"You guys, get some firewood outside to make a fire right away, but don't go far. Who knows if there are any such ghosts nearby, we all will burn it in the yard!!!"
"Get a ladder, I'll go up and see if there is still in the attic!"
"Be careful!"
Under Li Gongfu's example, everyone began to feel that apart from moving, these ghosts seemed to have nothing to fear.
Therefore, it is the hunting fast. Many people have even seen blood, and the hunting fasts who have fought with thugs or bandits have started to take action: they dragged the corpse, kicked the head and kicked the head. Someone is looking for a ladder and climbing to the attic of this side hall with a torch, seeming to want to see if there are any zombie ghosts falling from above?
It didn't take long before a large bonfire was lit outside the side hall, and the limbs of the zombie ghosts, like dry wood, burned like firewood and turned into ashes. Gradually, he stopped moving.
"Just these guys, dare you come out to be scary? Brothers, clean up and get ready to go back to sleep. We have to go on our way tomorrow!!"
Standing on the steps, Li Gongfu nodded with a sense of accomplishment after watching his subordinates cheering like a festival and burning all the moving zombies.
What Lanruo Temple is haunted, what it said is the same as it really is, it seems that it is nothing more than that!
At this moment, whether it was Li Gongfu or the other hunters, their courage finally swelled to the point where they could not be added. At this moment, even if the ghost king and ghost will appear in front of them, I am afraid they would dare to copy the knife and go forward and fight with each other. Right?
"Ah... It turned out to be Yan Daxia, why are you here? Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just a few mummy ghosts, let's chop them up in twos or twos and burn them!!"
Turning around, he found that there was a dark figure standing in the corner of the corridor of the side hall. Li Gongfu was agitated and quickly drew the knife from his waist. Then, when he found that the dark figure was Yan Chixia, he He breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the other party in relief while putting the knife in its sheath.
"I saw it all."
"Yes, yes, it seems that you are courageous and capable, and ordinary ghosts really can't get close to you!"
Seeing that these hunters were not afraid of the zombies, they simply killed the ghosts and burned them cleanly. Yan Chixia's face with a beard, finally showed a rare smile and moved towards Li Gongfu with relief. Nodded.
"But you have to pay attention!"
"As long as you uphold your heart, your body is upright and your heart is upright, all evils will not invade! As long as you are not moved by foreign objects, no matter what monsters and ghosts appear in the night, they will not easily hurt you!"
Seeing that these arresters were a little different from the corrupt officials who had been embarrassed by wealth, Yan Chixia did not forget to remind them kindly while approving her.
"Daxia Yan, what do you mean...there are others like this?!"
Li Gongfu heard the other side's overtones, so he pointed to the campfire outside the hall that was burning with ghosts and zombies and asked in astonishment.
After all, they came here tonight but just want to rest for one night, not here to slay demons and slay demons. If there is a constant noise all night, then they might as well go on the road overnight now! Although these monsters are not a climate, and there is no threat, but being bitten is not a joke, he doesn't want to keep one eye open while sleeping!
"What do you think?!"
Yan Chixia asked rhetorically with a smile.
If there were only these zombies and skeletons in this place, where would the monks in this big temple just abandon it? Wasn't it because the bald thief were inadequate, no longer had the ability to chant, and couldn't suppress the lonely ghosts and demons here, so they had to abandon the temple and leave in embarrassment?
"Then Daxia Yan, why don't you leave?!"
Li Gongfu had some doubts in his mind, but he still didn't quite understand: If there are really demons and monsters here, then Yan Chixia has been staying here, and it seems that it hasn't been a day or two. What is the truth?
"The things in the world are too complicated, right and wrong are indistinguishable, and black and white are reversed. On the contrary, Yan likes to stay with these ghosts and gods. That would be more comfortable!"
After finishing speaking, Yan Chixia didn't give any more explanations, she just waved her hand, turned her head and walked to the lighted guest room not far from this side hall.
This is where he lives, and he won't always make do with these unfamiliar catchers! Although he used to be a head-catcher, after killing the corrupt officials, he hasn't asked about official affairs for many years.
Seeing that these catchers have the courage and basic self-protection ability, then he can go back and take a good rest and meditate! The life and death of these people depends on their own abilities. If something goes wrong at that time, it will not be too late for him to come out for emergency.
"What shall we do next?"
At this time, he took the lead to burn out a hunter of zombies, and ran over excitedly to report to their Li Tou.
What happened today is really too bizarre and exciting. After returning to Qiantang, they can certainly brag about it for a long time and envy those who can't follow them!
"What else can you do, don't you still want to celebrate?"
"Hurry up, take care of the surrounding area of ​​the bonfire, be careful not to let it spread, and then let's go back to sleep, we have to hurry tomorrow!!"
Li Gongfu is tired and sleepy now, so where does he have the heart to talk to each other?
Therefore, look at the dilapidated buildings of Lanruo Temple and the basil weeds that are taller than people. After thinking about it, he waved his hand tiredly, turned around and strode into the side hall. Walk on.
After being arrested by a pot of cold water, I felt that there was really nothing I could do, so I just went back in sorrow, beckoning others to get a fire barrier, and then I had to go back early and continue to sleep.
After tossing for a while, it was almost the end of Haishi...
Think about what their head catcher said, they were tired all day, and were frightened by these monsters for a while. Now that they burned them out and eliminated the threat, it was time to rest. Otherwise, how can I hurry tomorrow?
"What's that sound?!"
They were busy catching up. After hearing something, they couldn't help but stop what they were doing and began to listen to the sound.
‘Life’s beautiful dream is like a long road...’
‘The wind and frost in the road, the wind and frost are dry...’
‘In the Red Dust...’
Coincidentally, just as the hunters burned out the zombies and planned to return to the side hall to rest, the melodious sound of the piano and the sweet voice of women singing came faintly from a distance.
"Head! Why does it seem that someone is singing a tune?"
"It seems to be..."
"I heard it too, the sound is so beautiful, it's even better than the top card of the Yude Xianfang in Qiantang!!"
"You kid still has money to go whoring? Be careful, I'll go back and tell your lady!"
"Ouch! Brother, please don't hurt me!!"
"After returning to the Qiantang, I invite me to have a drink. I haven't heard anything about the bento box, how?"
"Okay, you all shut up!!"
Li Gongfu listened to the song for a while, and the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong with him. He stretched out his hand in annoyance on the spot and screamed at the noise of his subordinates, making them all quiet down.
"This big night... is still in this wilderness, where there is no shop in front of the village and the ghosts and demons, and it is in this kind of ruined temple. Where is the little lady singing?!"
"If you don’t sing early or late, I chose to sing at this time in the middle of the night. It must be those ghosts and ghosts who are making trouble! Okay, when everyone is ready, they all rush back to sleep, close the doors and windows, and let their ghosts continue to sing. Some of our brothers just ignore it, what can we do to see it?!"
"If you still dare to come to the house to be a demon, I, someone Li, killed it alive!!"
Li Gongfu originally wanted to see what was going on, but when he thought of the ghosts that were still burning outside, he thought about it as a ruined temple, and Yan Chixia just reminded him, so he instinctively sensed the danger and Something is wrong!
Therefore, after hesitating again and again, he immediately issued an order not to leave the house at night.
"A ghost again? No way?"
A young and energetic arrester is a little hesitant, he thinks, it seems we can go and see what happened together? Maybe, it might be the same as them, missed the Liangjiazi that Sutou had to stay here?
"Listen to me!"
"We just burned a bunch of ghosts to death. If anyone wants to die, go by themselves. Tomorrow, Li Tou and I will definitely collect the bodies for you!!"
At this time, without waiting for Li Gongfu to speak, one of the old and stable old catchers was about to speak first, staring at the young partner who wanted to get a closer look.
"Don't, I just talked about it casually, and didn't say I have to go!"
"Okay, don't make a noise, go to sleep! Don't sleep too hard at night, remember to let go of the knife, and divide into three teams to watch the night in turn!"
As Li Gongfu stepped into the side hall, he impatiently gave a last word.
"Knowing Li Tou, I will save it!"
"It's over, let this fire be set aside, it's cold in the middle of the night, and it will be extinguished by itself later!"
"Go! Go back and rest!"
"Don't say it, the singing is really good..."
After a brief discussion, the arresters returned to the side hall of Lanruo Temple one after another, closing the dilapidated doors and windows, and letting the melodious singing and piano sound from outside the window continue, they just couldn't get out...
Soon, with the exception of a few people who were vigilantly holding their weapons to watch the night, the others fell asleep one after another, and some even made waves of snoring.

Zheng ing~! !
After a long time, in another part of Lanruo Temple, a few big red lanterns were lit by the lake, and inside the waterfront pavilion decorated with white veil, a beautiful girl in veil was singing After a long time, after discovering that none of the men in the Buddhist temple in the distance paid any attention to her, he pounded the strings in a fit of anger and had to stop.
In the past, all the men who dared to stay at Lanruo Temple, when they heard her playing the piano and singing here at the pavilions, no one would not come to see the excitement!
Then, those living people who dared to show their affection for her, without exception, became a collection of people hiding in the ditches, ponds, grasses, or broken walls of Lanruo Temple and sucking the flesh and blood. Mummies!
But who ever thought...
The catchers who came tonight are a little different?
Not only did they easily clean up the corpses that were abandoned by them, but they were also not tempted by the magical voice of her singing voice, which made her sing like a fool for a long time, but the other party kept shutting the doors and windows and didn't want to care about her. ?
This is really... outrageous! !
Finally, after sitting for a long time, this beautiful woman dressed in gauze, about twenty-eight years old, sighed lightly and had to stand up from her position.
Now that her tried and tested tricks did not have the desired effect, she could only get up with regret and hold her paulownia piano, planning to leave here first, ready to go back to dress up, and then go straight to the door, using that kind Seductive means to test those men?
There are so many living people in that side hall, and I don't know how grandma will make arrangements later? It's definitely not appropriate for her to be seduced by herself, right?
"Miss Sister, why don't you sing anymore, keep singing, I think you sing really well!"
Suddenly, a little girl's clear voice sounded, and the girl with xylophone almost staggered and fell into the cold lake next to her.
Fortunately, when it was critical, she hugged the wooden pillars of the pavilion tightly, not allowing herself to be ugly.
"who are you?!"
Looking in the direction where the sound came from, the beautiful woman in light gauze was surprised to see: There was a little blond girl in a gorgeous silk and satin skirt, who didn’t know when she sat in the pavilion properly. On the pillar with the lantern hung, there are two small legs dangling, blinking those big beautiful blue eyes, looking at yourself with twinkling twinkles?
"Are you a ghost or a fairy? When did you come here?!"
The veil girl was really shocked!
Because the cultivation base is not too low, she has some magic power, but she has never found that little girl? When did the other party come and how did she climb onto the pillar, she didn't even notice it at all? !
"My name is Annie, and I am me, not a fairy or a ghost!"
"Miss sister, what's your name? You just sang really nicely. Keep singing, I'm still waiting to hear it!"
Although Annie could tell at a glance that this young lady was actually a banshee resenting spirit, but... she didn't care about that much!
Now that the other party sings a good song, she just keeps listening. Anyway, she has nothing to do when she is idle. It's dirty and it's not easy to find a place to sleep, so now there is a good little song to listen to to pass the time. , Seems to be a good choice?
"My name is Ning Xiaoqian..."
Although I don't know the origin of the other party, after hesitating for a while, Xiao Qian, who was wearing a gauze, still said her name.
"It's not safe here, girl, you should leave quickly."
Ning Xiaoqian looked at the little girl up and down, although she didn't know the other party's ability or why the other party appeared here suddenly, but looking at the other party, Ning Xiaoqian, who didn't think it was a villain or a monster, after hesitating for a while, Still kindly reminded the other party.
This kind of virgin, her grandma is the favorite, she doesn't want her to lose her life here in vain.
∑(′△`)? !
"Are you talking about the undead, wolves and treants around? Don't worry, I'm not afraid of them!!"
Annie doesn't want to bully those little monsters now, of course, she won't let them bully anymore! Now, she wants to listen to this young lady sing a little song here, and then pass this boring time?
"Are you really a fairy or a monster?!"
Listening to the other party's words, he was a little surprised that the other party actually knew that there were lone ghosts, wolf demons, and tree demons in Lanruo Temple.
It's just that no matter how she looks at it, she can't clearly see the other person's heels and feet! This little girl seems to be just an ordinary child, and Yan Chixia, who can scare her by simply looking at each other, is not the same at all. It is definitely not the kind of cultivation. By.
"I told you not!!"
Annie herself is just a little girl plus a powerful arcane archmage, nothing more! Those gods or demons and monsters are not rare for her!
"Hurry up! Miss sister, sing me another song, just one song?!"
"If you sing well, I will reward you!"
Little Annie, who has been sleeping in the long night without heart, just wants to listen to this super-singing young lady to give herself another song.
(Report to the little master, little discovery. The tree man in the distance seems to have noticed you. Would you like to set a little fire to burn it?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
After noticing that someone staring at his little master with malicious eyes, Tibbers dutifully reminded him. After all, an old tree man who didn't know the heights of the sky would dare to hit his little master's idea. This obviously didn't give him the face of Uncle Tibbers Bear, so he must clean up his opponent. )
"Hurry up, Miss Sister, give me another song?"
Annie didn't care about Tibbers' words, and she didn't even care about a treacherous person who wanted to beat her bad idea. She just used a delicate tone and pleaded with the cute little sister below.
"Well, I'll sing you another song..."
"But... you'd better leave here quickly after listening, because it's not safe here..."
Although I don’t know the origin of the other party, since such a well-behaved and cute little guy called herself her sister, Xiao Qian thought for a while and felt that there was still some time before her grandma called herself, so she sighed and sat again. Go back, plan to sing another song to the other party, and then persuade the other party to leave Lanruo Temple earlier?
(? ̄? ̄?) Good!
Annie will definitely leave here, but after finishing cleaning up the monsters?
Because, after noticing the little movements of the monsters who are just about to move, she started to think: later, will she burn them all with a fire, or should she beat them half to death and then burn them? ?
However, she can think about this troublesome thing later, because now the young lady named Xiaoqian has already begun to sing, and she needs to listen to a good song first.
‘The road to life, dreams are like a long road...’
‘The wind and frost in the road, the wind and frost are dry...’
‘In the red dust, how many directions are there in dreams..."
"Looking for crazy dreams..."
Finally, after UU reading stopped for a long time, accompanied by the melodious piano sound, the singing voice of a young girl, Qingling, sang again here in Lanruo Temple.
It’s just that, this time there is no fascinating voice that seduce men, and some are just the purest kind of feelings about life and death and their own encounters... Under the condition of singing carefully, Ning Xiaoqian’s This kind of soft, crisp, melodious, and pleasing to the ears, the voice of Yingsheng and Yanyu like a natural sound began to float here for the first time in Lanruo Temple...
At this moment, Yan Chixia, who was meditating in her guest room, suddenly opened her eyes, and the mana fluctuations contained in her eyes flashed away as soon as he opened them, as if they had never appeared before. !
After listening for a while, Yan Chixia's brows began to frown.
Because he can hear that the female ghost who is singing seems to have become a little different in the little song? Although he had listened to this song many times while Yan Chixia lived here, but this time, he didn't know why, he actually found it to be a little good, and his mood involuntarily fluctuated with the singing, and no longer Did he feel disgusted and disgusted as before? !
Although I don’t know what the female ghost is doing, Yan Chixia sensed it, and found that the catchers in the side hall next to her were still able to uphold their original intentions, and did not move out or be tempted. After arriving, he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.
As long as those trappers don't make trouble, then Yan Chixia won't take any casual actions, just let those female ghosts toss about!

(?ˉ?Εˉ??)? Ask for a ticket?
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