Chapter 639: Hello Aunt Cersei, my name is Annie! (?...

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The Andal who was born in Kaiyan City, and now the Cersei of King’s Landing?? Queen Lannister, she is carrying a group of heavily armed Royal Guards, the maids who serve, and her own personal guards. That Robert?? Sir Si and the others, staying at the edge of this small lake not far from King's Landing, looked at the calm lake, the snow slowly falling from the sky, and the mess that was still in the distance. The dark brown scorched ground...
Not long ago, her man, her twin brother, James Lannister, was here, in the mess in the distance, in the open place where there are still many traces of the battlefield, leading the soldiers and the daring Daenerys who peered at her Iron Throne?? Targaryen's army had a battle!
Originally, they could win the army of King's Landing, but they almost won...
It's a pity that there are really three fire-breathing dragons under that slut. The other party used that kind of cheating-like means to let the dragon's breath spit down from the sky and ruin her Cersei's thousands of Kings. Elite army!
Now, the traces of scorched earth on the opposite bank of this small lake in the distance are the most powerful evidence of the cruel fighting and the ferocity of the enemy's dragon fire! !
It's a pity that now, her twin brother James Lannister, the who used to be here with the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen and the dragon battle, betrayed her again!
That bastard...
When she needed him the most, when she saw that Cersei refused to send any army north, she refused to fulfill the promise, and planned to sit and watch the chaos in the north... He even kept saying that it was for fulfillment Oath, so I left myself and the child, and went north alone, so I would leave her and the child in his stomach at King's Landing here?
Maybe he is a good knight, but he is definitely not a good man!
Therefore, from now on, Cersei swears that she will never forgive that fellow in this life, and will never trust her twin brother who is the same as her compatriot! From now on, she only believes in herself, and she can only believe in herself!
She swears: she will never be bothered by the prophecy of the witch witch "toad" Witch Ji in childhood, and she will never let any tragedy happen to her again! She will kill the freak brother Tyrion, and then try to destroy the dragon mother Daenerys?? Targaryen and the opponent's army, including the dragon, and destroy the younger and more beautiful man in that prophecy. woman!
By then, that stupid prophecy that has troubled her for half a lifetime will definitely be self-defeating.
She Cersei Lannister is the legal guardian of the seven kingdoms monarch hairpin, the queen of the Andals and ancestors, and the true master of the Iron Throne!
As for the Daenerys who didn’t know that came out of that corner, Targaryen, she was just relying on three dragons. If the other party doesn’t have those dragons of hers, Cersei has a way to deal with that. Naive bitch! !
Of course, now the opponent seems to have only two giant dragons left...
According to the news sent by the scouts and spies sent by King’s Landing in Winterfell and further north by the letter crows, it is said that...the reason why the alien army can successfully break through the section of the East China Sea of ​​the Great Wall is that The dragon mother Daenerys?? A dragon killed by Targaryen!
This shows that those fire-breathing dragons can also be killed!
at least……
They can be killed by those powerful ghosts, and at the same time they can turn the slain dragon into an equally powerful corpse dragon?
But anyway, now she Cersei?? Queen Lannister only knows one thing: that is, now that woman, the dragon mother Daenerys?? Targaryen's strength has begun to suffer, and she is still preparing to fight After the alien ghost army battles, without the natural danger of the Great Wall for defense, the possibility of defeating those alien ghosts is already very low.
Those who go north will definitely not end well...
Although, Cersei once wanted to let go of prejudice and defeat the most threatening ghosts first? However, after thinking about it, she finally made up her mind: First, she must settle for the inside! She must take advantage of the ghosts and those in the north to fight, while everyone has no time to go south, and take the entire six southern countries in one fell swoop!
At that time, no matter what the situation in the north has evolved, she can relax and concentrate on preparing for battle, and wipe out all the people in the north, including ghosts!
She believes that she is capable of doing it!
Moreover, even if it fails in the end, it does not matter, because she can sail directly to the Midsummer Islands to the south, or to the Free Trade Federation to the East, to Braavos, etc...
As long as Cersei still has soldiers in her hand and has a strong presence of force, whether it is Ersos or Sosros, that huge continent that is many times larger than Westeros will always have Where she is.
At that time, it doesn’t hurt to leave this Westeros continent directly to the strange ghosts. They can fully replenish their vitality and wait for a hundred or eighty years. When Changxia comes back, they can let their descendants kill. That's the land under my feet.
After all, those strange ghosts are said to only appear in the long winter when there is almost no sun. Once the summer comes, the hot weather and the sunlight in the sky will be their biggest nemesis!
Looking at this vast land, watching the snow flakes falling in the sky, Cersei could not help but sighed slightly, and stretched out her hand to subconsciously stroked her belly, where she and her were pregnant. The fourth life of his twin brother James.
Originally, Cersei had two sons and a daughter...
It is a pity that the eldest son, Joffrey, was poisoned to death by Tyrion, and she believed that was the case; while the second son, Toman, was bewitched by the church. After seeing what she had done, she jumped off the building stupidly without thinking about it. In this regard, she gritted her teeth with that church!
As for her daughter...
That poor guy, her beloved daughter Joffrey, was poisoned to death by the villain, Aralia Shad, and died on the way back to King’s Landing. In James' arms.
Originally, they, her sons and her most beloved daughters, could have seen the first snowfall in King's Landing in their lives... It's a pity that they died one by one, one by one. Only her mother who was tortured by pain, sorrow and betrayal was left...
It is precisely because of this that Cersei has done so many things, retaliated against so many people, and gradually became no longer willing to trust anyone! Now she only believes in herself, only in her own rights and the force she can control! And this is the real reason why she is unwilling to send troops to the north to fight the strange ghosts with the Stark family and the dragon mother.
"Ning to teach me to bear the world, don't teach the world to bear me"
Although Cersei didn't know this kind of remarks, she should look for it now:
She would rather go alone to fight the ghosts and be on the verge of destruction, than risk being betrayed again and being watched by others to fight with those enemies!
After all, whether it is from the Stark family or the dragon mother Daenerys?? Targaryen, both have a big feud with her Cersei and the Lannister family! This kind of thing, the other party will definitely not forget, and she will never forget Cersei.
If she can't sit firmly on the Iron Throne of King's Landing, if she can't get the highest power on the Westeros continent, then she would rather destroy everything by herself than let any outsider get it!
"Come here, what is going on over there, why is it noisy?!"
Immersed in my own thoughts, looking at the distance without focus, watching the snowflakes falling in the sky, Cersei, who was planning to prepare for what she had to do next, was suddenly taken away. A noisy sound awakened.
Then, she turned around a little bit displeased, and looked over the tall body of Sir Robert Stans who had been standing next to her. When she looked into the distance, she found that her royal guards seemed to be Arguing with a little blond girl in a little red skirt?
A little girl...?
Therefore, she asked the maid next to her curiously, wondering what was going on over there.
"Your Majesty..."
"That was a little girl of unknown origin. She said she wanted to come in and eat something... So, she was stopped by Yulin Tiewei."
When a maid from King's Palace heard Queen Cersei's question, she quickly replied with lowered eyebrows.
She has just prepared lunch for the queen, and is preparing to put the tableware, waiting for the queen who is king of them to eat, where can the unidentified little girl get in? Then I don’t know whose children, who are not relatives, dare to come in and find something to eat?
Cersei didn’t speak, she first looked at the silk shed on one side, looked at the food on the simple table inside, and then turned to look at the distant one who seemed to be staring at each other with a certain Royal Guard Little girl, and finally, after she sighed, she made up her mind.
"You, let her in..."
Looking at the little blond girl, and thinking about her own daughter, the same blond Messiah, the poor daughter who died tragically at the hands of the wicked woman, Cersei dropped her eyelids somewhat sadly, and whispered quietly. Take a breath.
And in the end, she waved a little sadly and motioned to the maid to bring the little girl in.
In her opinion, that little guy, at the age of the other party, can’t hide things in his little skirt, and only has a stuffed toy puppet in his hand, which is definitely not a threat to her, and it won’t be. Assassin killer or something.
Cersei still remembers that when her daughter Mesela was a child, she was just like such a well-behaved little guy, beautiful, pink and tender... However, in the end it was when she was very upright. Was killed by a dwarf and those villains!
That's right...
In Cersei Lannister’s eyes, in addition to Aralia Shad, who had harmed her daughter, she also had her dwarf brother Tyrion Lannister. Nister! At the beginning, it was that guy who spurred her daughter Messala to be sent to Dorn to marry Tristan of the Martell family, and eventually led to the poisonous death on the ship returning to King’s Landing...
Everything, it's Tyrion's fault!
He killed their mother Joanna, poisoned her son Joffrey, shot her father Tywin Lannister, and indirectly killed her second son and eldest daughter...
So, Cersei would never forgive Tyrion that guy, absolutely not! !
What's more, after the death of their most beloved father, Tywin Lannister, the other party is now even worse, and even ran to become the mad king’s daughter Daenerys Targaryen’s imperial court The Prime Minister, who is still bent on not dealing with himself, even almost helped the other party to capture King's Landing and plot his own Iron Throne?
How could she easily let go of those new and old hatreds? !
The reason why she hated that Tyrion Lannister and wished to eat his bones, eat his flesh, and drink his blood was not entirely without reason.
?? (????`??) Something delicious?
While Cersei was stunned and distracted, the little girl in the distance, wearing a little red dress with a plush toy bear in her hand, had happily passed the leading maid and ran to the silk shed first. She didn't mind sitting in the position of the queen who originally belonged to her Cersei, and at the same time she stretched out her hand unceremoniously, picked up the various foods placed on the exquisite silver plate, and stuffed it directly into her little In the mouth.
"What is this, it's so delicious!!"
Ψ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Annie is a bit hungry...
Because, little bears, they actually said that they had slept in a world without time, space, etc. for more than a year? So, now the first thing she does after waking up and coming into this world is to find something delicious or try something that she has never eaten before!
For example, here is the food that has been placed in the shed, waiting for her Queen Anne's favor?
"Then, that's Queen Cersei's, can you..."
When I found myself inattentive, I let those carefully prepared queen lunches ran over to eat by the little girl who didn't know who it was. The maid who was slowly following behind finally became anxious and wanted to go quickly. Before, I was ready to reach out to stop pulling the opponent!
Because, once Queen Cersei gets angry, it's no joke.
Before she could step forward and pull the little girl away, she was stopped by Cersei, who was standing aside with a smile, and was stunned watching the little girl eating.
"Let her eat, I don't have any appetite now."
Yes, Cersei, who is upset now, is indulging in all the pains of the past, where is she in the mood to have a picnic here?
Seeing this little girl eating with her hands, even her face was stained, and I don’t know why, Cersei suddenly remembered when her daughter Messiah was young...
At that time, that little guy seemed to be like this...
Of course, her Messiah should be fatter, and her cheeks should be rounder and fatter than this little girl?
Looking at it, I don’t know why, maybe I think of my own daughter, maybe seeing such a little girl who is not restrained in front of me makes me feel happy, or...I'm pregnant, motherhood Cersei's brilliance once again fell on her body, and she couldn't help but pick up a plain white tablecloth, gently stretched out her hand, and gently wiped the little girl's round and pink face.
Yes, at that moment, Cersei almost regarded this girl who looked pleasing to the eye as her own daughter...
Therefore, she who reacted quickly, sighed sadly in her heart, then gently put down the cloth towel in her hand, pulled a chair by the way, and sat opposite the little girl with interest, just watching The other party doesn't have a meal, not a lady's alternative dining method.
Although the other party's food looks a bit rude, Cersei can also tell from the details that the other party must be a little girl from a big family, and must not be a child of those common people.
"Huh? Thank you auntie!"
After taking a look at the other party, she stretched out her hand and wiped her face casually, so that the mouth that had just been wiped clean by the other party was stained with food residue again, Xiao Anni thanked her, and then she ate her head indifferently again Eat it up.
To be honest, in Annie's opinion, the food here is definitely not as good as that of Qiantang County in the previous world, and even less than the good things she had eaten in Wuzhuang Temple and Tianting Yaochi! But, these things are at least novel, they are new species that she hasn't eaten in other worlds, so she can barely eat them.
"What's your name and where is your home?"
Cersei sat across from the little girl, looked at the other person for a while, and then asked curiously.
Because this little girl, through her previous observations, has been convinced that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person! But... she couldn't tell which family the other party belonged to in terms of the other's behavior, clothes, and that kind of carefree behavior! Because the other party's clothes did not have any obvious or unobvious family crests, and the fabrics, stitches and the like were completely different from those on the continent of Westeros.
Even the leather shoes on her feet were made of something she had never seen before.
So, she was very curious about this matter...
This little girl who seems unusual, no matter her temperament or anything else, is very different from the kind of children she has seen who wince in front of strangers! And this successfully aroused her curiosity.
"I'm not a little guy!"
"My name is Annie, Annie?? Hasta! My family lives in the voodoo land of Valoran continent!"
Although Annie has been to many worlds, she also has many homes of her own...
But, she still feels that no matter where it is too long, no matter where she is now, there will always be only the gray order residence in the land of voodoo, the small castle with the garden courtyard is her own real home.
Because if you have your own family and where your parents are, that is home!
The others are nothing more than houses called'home'. She has a lot of such things. She may have forgotten after changing the world, but the one in the land of voodoo, she is sure I won't forget it.
Now she is still hesitating, when will she go back again?
(ˇ??ˇ) Think~
Okay, that kind of troublesome thing, Annie doesn't want to think more now, she has decided, and she will make other plans when she is full...
For example, now, she has even forgotten why she came to this world! Someone who called her name and accidentally let her hear the unlucky one who had found it has been forgotten by her gorgeous and beautiful!
As for Tibbers...
(It means: things that have nothing to do with its little master, it won’t waste time mentioning it! What is it about other people’s life and death? It’s just a stuffed bear, do you want it to save the world? ?)
"I have never heard of this surname, and I don't know there is this family... As for the Valoran continent..."
While speaking, Cersei Lannister couldn't help but shook her head.
"I only know that the continent we are on is called Westeros continent. In addition to our continent, there are the continents of Essos and Sosros, as well as countless other islands. and many more……."
"But, I have never heard of a piece called Valoran Continent..."
Yes, Cersei is very skeptical!
And if it wasn't for this little girl to feel naive and straightforward, and she still blurted out her words directly, not like lying, I am afraid she would start to wonder: Is the other party specially sent to approach her by a certain killer organization?
Of course, Cersei's own instinct now tells her that this little girl is just a little girl and didn't come to contact or approach her on purpose.
"You're right if you haven't heard of it, that place is far, far away..."
Yes, Valoran Continent is in another plane world, if they don't have their own coordinates, people like them, even the kind of magic that can travel through space and the world, will definitely not be able to reach.
So, she was right when she said that she was far and far away, but she didn't want to explain too much. Anyway, the other party couldn't understand it after explaining it. It would only become more confused as she listened, so it would be better not to say it!
"far away?"
"You came to King's Landing by boat?"
Cersei nodded reluctantly, thinking that the other party was someone from a small place that had just landed recently. When she was going to go back, she asked people to go to the port to check if there were new merchants in her King’s Landing. Check it out, is this little girl from those merchants?
She felt something was wrong again, because the temperament of this little guy and the feeling he gave her didn't seem to be that kind of little girl from a merchant. Moreover, this place is a little far away from Junlin City. How did this little girl come here without any family members?
So, now Cersei is very contradictory, a little confused about what this weird little guy is all about.
"It's not a boat, I came here alone!!"
Annie flew to the King’s Landing here after opening the portal, so it was not wrong to say that she was here.
Nodded, Cersei stopped asking, she had regarded this little girl as the kind of little guy who couldn't speak.
And it is natural for the little girl to like to fantasize, just like Cersei herself, when she was a child, didn’t she have a crush on Rega Targaryen, the prince of Dragonstone Island and the heir to the Iron Throne, fantasizing about one day, being able to board the other family The fire dragon, flying in the sky?
Although, there were no dragons in the Targaryen family at that time...
"By the way, Little Annie, I found... you don't seem to be afraid of me?!"
Cersei knew that she herself was feared, cursed and abused by many people. Of course she knew why she was so, but she didn't care!
Because, as her father Tywin Lannister said: ‘Lion, never mind the opinions of sheep’!
But Cersei, who has experienced all kinds of things, has a deep understanding of this.
She only knew that as long as she still had power and mighty force, and as long as her ‘lion’ fangs were still sharp, the flock of sheep could only be swallowed by him forever! She will always be a lion sitting on the Iron Throne, overlooking her subjects, overlooking the sheep!
"Why should I be afraid of you?"
∑(??△`)? !
"Why are you afraid of me?"
For a moment, Cersei was stunned, looking at the little girl's blue eyes, the natural look and strange expression, and then suddenly laughed.
This was the most sincere smile she had in this year from the bottom of her heart, not the cruel sneer or insidious sneer as before!
. Wonderful book house
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