Chapter 642: ? (?????????)?

The severely cold north wind whizzed sternly. Although the heavy snow covering almost the entire Westeros continent had gradually stopped, the temperature was still falling day by day, and the winter clouds had begun to cover this land.
Winterfell City, which was not too big in the first place, has become crowded and noisy again today.
Because there are more and more soldiers here...
The number of soldiers from the North who fled or supported in Deep Forest Castle, Torun Square City, Terror Fort and Kaho City on the edge of the Great Lakes in the North Land, they add up to 50,000. All supported to Winterfell, ready to fight for their homeland and survival!
In addition, there are the advance troops of Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, the 10,000 Dothraki barbarian cavalry and more than 8,000 elite Innocents! They landed at the Baigang Wharf at the mouth of the frozen Bailan River to the south of Winterfell, and went north along the road in Kalin Bay that had not been blocked by wind and snow. They arrived in Linyi in time. Winter city.
In addition, it is said that there are a steady stream of tens of thousands of Dothraki barbarian cavalry, Dorn, and the Huajia Allied forces, who are willing to follow Daenerys Targaryen. They will continue to continue. From the sea, from Baigang and Kalin Bay to the north, and will arrive in the next few days.
If we also add the scattered warriors from countries south of Westeros who have spontaneously come to reinforce after hearing the news, by then, the total number of soldiers here in Winterfell will be expected to reach a terrifying figure of nearly 200,000!
At that time, the warriors fighting for survival in Westeros will be willing to unite with the soldiers under the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, and they will not be able to detect any more than before. The number of the hundreds of thousands of ghost army is even less!
Perhaps this is the real reason why Cersei Lannister, who is in King's Landing, has been afraid of the North and unwilling to cooperate, right?
Of course, it takes time to gather so many soldiers, and the number of ghost army has long since ceased to be more than 100,000! After they conquered Black Castle, Crown Town, New Land Grant, Hearth City and other places and obtained a large number of corpses, their number has definitely doubled several times, and a conservative estimate may be about 300,000!
That will be an extremely terrifying number, and it will always only increase...
and so,
At this time, in the hall of the Duke's Castle in Winterfell, big men from all sides gathered, including:
The Andars, the Loenas and the queens of the ancestors sitting on the main seat, the guardian of the seven kingdoms queen hairpin, the Kalixi of the Great Caohai, the shackles/chain breaker, the queen of Mirin, and the dragon stone island Daenerys Targaryen, the princess, the unburned, the mother of dragons, Misha, the silver-haired queen, and Daenerys Targaryen, who has returned safely to the north, successfully hooked up with the queen, and can still sit next to each other. Wang Qiongen? Snow!
In addition, sitting in the lower seat, there is also the legal owner of Winterfell City, the largest city in the north, the duke Sansa Stark of Winterfell City, and the German who was rescued by the dragon mother. The power of Marcia Galen and Arya Stark, Bran Stark sitting silent in a wheelchair, Davos Seaworth who bowed his head and thoughtful, Brienne of Tarth, etc. .
And from the side of the dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen, there are also the handmaiden Missande, the loyal Sir Jora Mormont, and the little demon Tilly who rebels on King’s Landing and'good birds choose woods to live'. Ang Lannister, the chief Varys in charge of intelligence, the commander of the Unsullied Legion, and the Grey Worm, one of Daenerys’ most trusted men, plus the Queen’s Royal Guard Barristan Selmi Et al.
Now the meeting has not officially started. The mother of dragons Daenerys Targaryen, who is sitting in the first place, is talking with Jon Snow, Sir Daves Silvers, and Barristan Selmi. The intelligence just received was checked and analyzed, combined with everything that the magical Bran Stark had seen, and prepared to discuss with everyone a reasonable, parallel and effective combat plan.
Therefore, here is the lowest status, but the strength is arguably the strongest individual, and Galen, who was lucky enough to be eligible to participate in the meeting, naturally found someone who was said to be the native, who was riding a fire dragon. Queen Daenerys Targaryen's former prime minister-Tyrion Lannister:
"Hi! Hi Sir Tyrion!"
"Are you a certain race on this Westeros continent? Are all the people in your race like you? What is your race's name?!"
"Is it a dwarf... or a dwarf?"
Being idle is boring anyway, and Galen doesn’t want to listen to Jon, who is standing up to give a speech, talking nonsense!
After all, he is not from this world, and he has no sense of belonging...
In fact, the life and death of the creatures on this continent Galen didn't feel too much, so he didn't want to discuss with these natives about the intrusion of the alien army. He was seeing that Sansa? Star. Kerr and Arya Stark were sitting in jeopardy, watching the people discussing matters in the main seat. After ignoring the slightest intention of his big Galen, they had to turn their heads to find such a person sitting on himself. Tyrion Lannister, the little dwarf beside him.
He is not familiar with this world, and in the advanced human society of the Heroic Federation, there does not seem to be a genetic defect patient such as dwarf. Therefore, he thinks that the opponent is with the Zerg, the Protoss, or the Turians and Serraru in the Mass Effect Wait a minute, Galen, who belongs to this planet and belongs to a different race from humans in Westeros, leaned over to the other side with a grin, and asked with a smile.
Because he seems to have heard their great little head Annie said that in a world called Azeroth, there seems to be a group of dwarves called dwarves and dwarfs? Maybe those populations are the same as Tyrion Lannister in front of me?
"This galen knight!"
"I want to correct it: I am not a certain race on this Westeros continent, there is only one race on this continent, and that is human! And I, of course, is also a member of our humanity, not a different one. Ghosts or other dwarves!"
Had it not been said that this was called Galen, this "righteous knight" was very powerful. Not only was he tall and powerful, but also had some special abilities. Even two days ago, he used it on the snowy field south of Long Lake. With his own power, if at least thousands of alien ghosts were forcibly killed before and after, and if they could survive the breath of the alien dragon, maybe Tyrion had already hit the opponent's crotch with a fist, making him Feel the ultimate nirvana of a dwarf!
"and also!"
"You are joking about a dwarf's height defect like this. It's not an act of politeness or reputation. What do you think, Honorable Knight Gallen?"
Tyrion certainly knew that his deformed body had always caused him many problems and troubles, such as his sister, his father, his mother, etc...
However, even if it is a dwarf, even if it is congenital deficiencies, even if it is born cursed, rejected by his family, and despised by the world, but his little demon Tyrion did not scorn or abandon himself, but constantly improve himself!
For example: He likes to read books, use his mind to think about problems, solve problems, and is especially good at certain strategies, etc.?
It is precisely because of this that he will successively serve as the former prime minister of King’s Landing and the
hand of the king
of the Queen Daenerys Targaryen. He just relies on the identity of a dwarf and is better than Westeros. Important positions for most normal people!
"Yes, although my legs are short, my head is big, and finally my head is quite suitable for me. With it, I know what I can or cannot do!"
"It's a weapon that belongs to me alone, my advantage... It's like you Galen has your great sword and righteous power, Queen Daenerys has her dragon, and I have my head. ..."
"And if your powerful power is as stupid as your head, I believe that next time, even if you kill tens of thousands of ghosts, you will eventually die by their hands! At that time, it won't There will be a dragon descending from the sky to save you!"
Yes, his Tyrion has always spoken so harshly, and he hit the nail on the head, without leaving any affection, no exception to anyone, of course, including his queen Daenerys...
Precisely because of this, he used to offend others easily, and he would often incur a lot of disasters for himself. There have never been too many friends who can really talk and are willing to associate with him on an equal basis. Except for his brothers James, Varys and Bolong, there seemed to be no one.
But the good thing is: their Daenerys can listen to the opinions of his subordinates very well. As long as he can tell some truth, he will always accept the convenience humbly, which is comparable to a previous nephew Joe who was poisoned to death. Foli is so much better.
"I'm sorry, I thought..."
I just asked him casually as if saying hello, but I didn’t expect that the other person would have this attitude, and the reaction was so strong... This made Galen stunned for a while, and then finally thought of something. What kind of him, he came back to his senses suddenly and hurriedly wanted to explain and apologize.
Because, he almost forgot: This is not the Kepulus area where their technology is highly developed, and it is not even Haiwen Star! This is just a backward and obscure primitive planet. Dwarfism caused by genetic defects is indeed an incurable malignant disease for the people here, and it is a lifelong defect. ...
Therefore, the kind of thing he suddenly asked just now is indeed something not right.
"No need to say more, Knight Galen!"
"Actually, I have long been accustomed to the same look in the eyes of strangers... You may not believe it. I am not only discriminated against, disgusted, and cursed by strangers, but also by my father, my sister and Hated by all relatives except my brother!"
"So, that night, I personally shot him with a crossbow..."
Thinking of the night he escaped from King’s Landing, thinking of the kind of thing he had done with his own hands, he couldn't help but flashed a trace of sadness in his eyes... In fact, Tyrion had a trace of regret and grief in his heart...
However, in order to survive, he had to do that!
Because, they wanted to kill him, they wanted to impose all the crimes of existence or nonexistence on Tyrion Lannister, just because he was a freak, a born At that time he killed his mother's freak! ?
Didn't those who hate, abuse, and hate him ever think that Tyrion himself really wanted that? He was born like this, what can he do and what can he do? He himself is just a poor victim!
"Well, don't worry..."
"Um... if I can go back to Kepulusian area in the future, maybe our Havenstar hospital can help you?"
A man who accidentally provokes a congenital disabled and grumpy guy makes Galen a little embarrassed and a little guilty...So, he doesn't know what comfort to say, and he doesn't know how to warm up. , He scratched his head awkwardly, and hesitated to say his compensation plan.
Anyway, it's just a blank check. Galen can't go back now, so it doesn't matter if he talks about it! Of course, if he really can go back, with his power, helping this native is not like playing?
"Thank you for your kindness! I don't believe you can help me, is it possible... You can still make a dwarf grow taller and look like you?!"
Yes, all of his Tyrion Lannister's misfortunes are because of his height, because of his identity as a dwarf! If he can, he himself would like to grow taller, even if he is not as tall as this Galen or his brother James Lannister, but as long as he is about the same height as the little Arya. There is no need to suffer so much suffering and endless rolling eyes!
But it's a pity...
The Lannisters have long invited countless famous doctors and wizards, and people like Tyrion who were born like this, I am afraid that there will be no way to grow taller in a lifetime.
"Of course no problem! Why not?!"
What the other party thinks is impossible, in Galen's eyes, is no big deal!
With the advanced technology and biochemical technology in the Kepulu region, it is not too difficult to turn a dwarf caused by a genetic defect back into a normal person.
It is nothing more than stuffing the whole person into the culture chamber, dormancy and genetic modification, correct the missing genes, and then use the culture fluid to stimulate the body's cells to regenerate, allowing the other person to sleep well in the dormant chamber for three to five years. After opening his eyes again, he must be a tall and handsome guy.
What’s even more amazing is that as long as this Tyrion Lannister himself is willing, that kind of training cabin can not only turn him into a man taller and stronger than himself, but also change him from male to female, or not. Male or female?
Anyway, there is no problem!
"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's listen to their opinions first!"
After blinking and looking at this seemingly serious Gallen Knight for a while, Tyrion Lannister spread his hands in a mockery of himself, beckoning the other party not to whisper such meaningless words to himself. Now, it is better to listen to the speech of Jon Snow who is standing up.
He just saw it, their Queen Daenerys Targaryen had winked at herself many times, wanting to concentrate on listening, and then later make some suggestions that are beneficial to the situation?
Anyway, he felt that the other party thought so.
Now that hundreds of thousands of ghosts are coming, what can he do, a dwarf who can't fight? For this kind of head-to-head battle, it is better to find generals who are better at leading the battle!
He Tyrion Lannister didn’t know how to fight. Otherwise, when he was at the Battle of the Blackwater River, he would not specifically let him lead the soldiers, and then let him lose to that Stannis very'reasonably'. Baratheon.
"The above is the severe test we are currently facing! Now, ask Daenerys Targaryen's former prime minister to analyze it for us?"
Finally, Jon, who was standing and speaking, finished talking about all the things he knew. When he saw that the generals were just looking down and thinking, and there was no special way, he had to turn around and look at someone who was always there. While whispering, it seems that the little dwarf prime minister has a clear mind.
"Everyone, now, let's start discussing business matters!"
Tyrion Lannister tightened his clothes, cleared his throat, then walked in front of everyone with a short step, raised his head, and looked up at the ones that were much taller than him. Generals from all sides.
'report! ’
However, without waiting for Tyrion Lannister to say some valuable nonsense, a soldier strode into the hall and reported loudly to Jon and Daeneryshui on the main seat:
Daenerys Targaryen did not speak, but looked at the king of the north, Jon, who was sitting next to her, because the soldier who came in was the opponent's subordinate, a soldier of Winterfell, not hers. Grime or Dothraki barbarian cavalry.
"Say it!"
Jon didn't understand, what exactly was worth disturbing himself in the meeting at this time, so he waved his hand a little impatiently and asked.
"Report! The people from King's Landing are here!"
"Oh? The people of King's Landing are finally here, how many are there, and who led the team?!"
Jon was taken aback for a moment, first opened his mouth somewhat unexpectedly, then quickly nodded and continued to ask.
"Report, just one..."
Although a little embarrassed, the soldiers stammered and told the truth after struggling for a while, and did not dare to conceal the least.
That's right, there is really only one soldier from King's Landing to support the Northern Territory! Moreover, it seems to be a crippled knight? !
"How many?!"
Jon thought that he had misheard, he couldn't help but stood up again on the table, then he flicked out of his body and asked inconceivably.
Actually, he didn’t think about it. He also felt that the woman Cersei in King’s Landing would definitely be perfunctory. It is likely that only a small part of the troops would be dispatched, and then the main force would stay in King’s Landing, waiting for the battle in the north to decide the outcome Something like... But how can I think that the other party is so ruthless, and only sent one person?
That woman, is she crazy? !
"Really only one! Still a handicapped..."
The soldiers who reported were also entangled with their bitter face, and looked at their king...seriously, if the other party held up the banner of King’s Landing and kept saying that it was on behalf of King’s Landing to fulfill his promise, maybe he wouldn’t be needed. Come to the meeting to report, the city gate official can drive the opponent away directly!
Jon and Daenerys glanced at each other, and each saw the look of worry and horror in each other's eyes.
"Ha! If I didn't guess wrong, it must be a guy named James Lannister, right?!"
When he walked in front of the soldier, Tyrion, who was already somewhat psychologically prepared, sighed in his heart, and asked half-surely.
In fact, he had known for a long time that his cunning sister would definitely not be able to fight side by side with them honestly, but he didn't expect the other party to do such a good job... And what bad ideas the other party is playing now, he also Can guess it roughly. Therefore, it seems that there is no possibility for anyone to come here alone except for his brother, James, who is really straight and willing to abide by the spirit of chivalry.
"seems like it!"
The soldier thought for a while, nodded, and affirmed the little prime minister's question.
"Your Majesty, I have nothing to say about strange ghosts. I believe that all the adults here must be better than me who is not good at fighting! So, please let me receive the reinforcements from King's Landing?"
In addition to reminiscing about the past, going to see James can also hear some valuable things from the other party's mouth. This is what Tyrion, the little demon of the Queen Prime Minister, must do.
"Alright, you go..."
Daenerys Targaryen, frowning, is expressing confusion over that Cersei Lannister’s defiance of life and death, and openly refusing to send soldiers to the North Union League. Therefore, she, who is worried in her heart, is concerned about mentioning Leon's request didn't take much action, he just waved his hand to indicate that the other party could go out first.
"I'll go as well!"
Brienne of Tarth, the tall female knight who is no worse than an ordinary knight, also strode forward, letting her armor make a clanging sound, and then she did not wait for Jon or Daenerys. In response, he strode after Tyrion and chased him outside.
Jon and Daenerys looked at each other again.
Obviously, both of them were shocked by the rebellion of a certain evil woman of King's Landing, who refused to send troops to the alliance on this important matter concerning the life and death of Westeros, and refused to fulfill the obligation to fight against ghosts!
Because this matter is very serious!
Every time I think of them, when they are preparing to fight hard or fight with strange ghosts, in the south, in their rear, there is such an elusive mad woman, Cersei Lannister, who is always ready to act on them. Staring at me... That terrible feeling, whether it is Jon or Daenerys, has a chilling horror.
To be honest, if it wasn't for King's Landing to be too far away from Winterfell, or if the ghosts were about to come to the city, maybe they really wanted to send troops to take down King's Landing first, destroying the rule of a certain woman and integrating the seven kingdoms, then Turn around to deal with those ghosts.
But it's a pity that they can't and don't dare to do that now!
Because they have no time...

After two days and two nights, the snow in King's Land finally gradually stopped.
Then, in the eyes of all citizens, this huge and prosperous city was covered with a silver coat for the first time... the kind of very rare, cold and soft snow-white snow, paved The roofs, balconies, roads, stairs, trees and so on of the entire King’s Landing are filled.
At this time, wearing a light blue winter thick cotton skirt, the surrounding cuffs, skirts and the hood on her head are decorated with snow white mink fur, a little girl is happily in King's Landing. The palace, playing on the square in front of the Red Fort.
Yes, this little girl is Annie!
And, now she is stacking her own snowman! Although she hadn't seen snow before, but, looking at something as clean and white as she wanted to be, she naturally went back to play.
‘I have a little snowman I’ve been riding...’
Little Annie, who piled her own snowman and hummed a song in her mouth, didn't care at all about other people's opinions and the little kids in the city looking at her in the snow in the distance.
She wants to play her own, so she doesn't need to go with those dirty guys!
(Report to the little master...)
(The little one just discovered that the group of human imps over there are discussing some incredible things, as if they are going to disadvantage you?!
Tibbers dutifully ignored his little master's interest. After discovering some interesting things, it suddenly opened his mouth to remind his little master. )
∑(′△`)? !
"Tibbers, don't bother me with such little things, haven't you seen me making a snowman?!"
Annie raised her head too much to look at the group of little shy kids not far away who looked at her with a little cringe, and soon lowered her head again, preparing to pull out a large mass from the snow under her feet. Snowball, and then make a head for the snowman that is half finished.
Of course, the other parts of the snowman, such as the arms, nose, hat, and tail, are also indispensable!
Those little kids in the distance are just a bunch of ordinary kids, and she doesn't need Queen Anne to be distracted! So, it's better for her to focus on her own affairs now! As it is now, without any magic or special abilities, just using your own hands to build your own snowman, it is really fun.
(You will regret it...)
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Snapped! !
Sure enough, as soon as Tibbers' words of schadenfreude fell, a big snowball hit from a distance and accurately hit the forehead of Little Annie, who was having fun by herself. The ice cracked her face. Although there was no harm, it was cold, making her look very embarrassed.
This unexpected situation made Annie a little confused...
Then, when she raised her head in a puzzled manner, she saw the group of kids opposite, and now everyone had a ball of snowballs in their hands, and one of them was a fat man with a snot. The hand is empty... Obviously, the snowball that hit her face just now is a good thing the other party did!
Originally, Annie can actually avoid...
However, she was having fun, thinking that if there was a danger, Tibbers would definitely help herself... Besides, she also had extremely high warning measures for danger, so she had been playing with confidence. With...
But how could I have thought that I would be smashed by a little snowball without any threat? !
"Why are you smashing me?!"
Annie is a little angry...
She didn't hire anyone and didn't mess with anyone. She just played with herself in this square. She didn't pay attention to the group of kids, and she didn't even think about playing with them. Why should they hit themselves with snowballs?
"You are a bad guy, we are going to smash you!!"
"Yes! Bad boy!!"
"Bad guy! Shame, shame!"
"Little dwarf, no friends!!"
"The one who lives with the female devil Cersei is the villain!"
"Let's hit her with a snowball!"
"Yes! Hurry up, everyone smash her together!!!"
Soon, the group of kids on the opposite side unexpectedly yelled and laughed at Annie. Of course, more snowballs were like hail, and they were caught by the group of about a dozen kids. Jihuo smashed towards the sluggish little Annie!
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! !
There was a sound of a snowball landing or breaking on the body. Annie, who did not take any protective measures, was naturally hit by more than 50% of the children’s first round of attacks, which was quite a few. Two snowballs hit her body and head, and splashed snow all over her.
"I am angry……"
Seeing that group of little boys fought in a fire and team battle, it’s not too much, but they started to be possessed and paddling on the snow again, ready to make the second wave of snowballs and attack herself, which made Little Annie a little unhappy Up...
Those hateful guys don't want to be happy, then they don't want to be happy either! !
"Come out, my snowman, ‘dead’ them!!"
Since these little kids want to have snowball fights and want to bully the less, then of course her Queen Anne will not be polite!
Then, as she stretched out her finger to the snowman she had just piled up, the snowman who had just completed half of it was quickly squeezed out by an invisible hand, quickly At the same time it formed, and moved, a snowball instantly formed in the opponent's hand, and then was quickly smashed toward the little fat man who had thrown another snowball and stood up!
"Wow! What kind of monster is that?!"
"What to do? How does it move?"
"That, that, that... that little girl is really a badass, she can do evil witchcraft!!"
A group of children stood in the distance, looking at the moving snowman hesitantly, not knowing what to do for a while.
"Humph! You are the bad guys!"
o(′^`)o hum!
"Let me show my hands now!!"
As Annie’s voice fell, in the next second, snowmen appeared on the snow?????? They surrounded those little ghosts, and then they used snowballs towards the of the little kids who wanted to attack Annie. , Face, head and other places attacked away!
"it hurts!"
"What the is that?!"
"Fight back, fight back! Kill those bad queen's accomplices!"
Soon, the snowball battle between the kiddie group and the snowman began to come and go! Possibly, because of the jokes, Annie didn't give the snowmen too much power, so that they were just able to fight against those little kids with snowballs.
But even so, not a group of children can parry!
Soon, I don’t know what Annie did. More snowmen? She got up from the snow, and of course, more snowballs slammed into the children’s formation, making them snow. The ball exploded on their faces, heads, bodies, buttocks, etc., causing those cold snow to pour all over them headlessly!
"It's cold!"
"I'm not playing anymore!"
"Wow! Run! There are so many of them!"
"Everyone, run!"
Soon, this short snowball fight lasted for less than two minutes. When the little kids were covered with a layer of cold snowflakes, they finally persuaded them and screamed and broke away. Leaving the square where the king is adjacent to the Red Fort, fled towards the streets.
And behind each of them are the chubby snowmen who are constantly attacking and killing them with snowballs?!
Especially the snotty fat man who first smashed Annie's face before, there were several heels behind the other party??????, they just chased after the little fat man reluctantly, without paying any attention. The horrified expressions of soldiers, citizens, vendors, etc. along the way kept hitting the little fat man with snowballs, and made him cry and fall on the snow many times!
Then, he climbed up again, and fell down again, until the figures of both sides completely disappeared in the distance of the street, and could no longer be seen...
"Look at you in the future, dare you dare to say that Queen Anne is a bad child?!"
A group of little broken children dare to slap her Queen Anne's beard, just waiting to be "hunted and killed" by the snowman to come home!
"Go! Tibbers, let's go back and get ready to sleep in!!"
( ̄▽ ̄)~????????
This winter the weather is so cold, so little Annie, who feels that she has had enough fun today, decided to go back and sleep well, and can't get up until dinner at night!
She is warm and loves the fallen quilt of living people. Her Queen Anne has always wanted to defeat the opponent soon!
"Oh, it's really interesting!"
Queen Cersei, who had been watching on the wall, suddenly laughed out of her voice when she saw the little girl bouncing in the snow and running back towards the castle.
To be honest, she almost thought that little guy would get angry and burned out to kill him! But who thinks, although the other party has a bad temper, likes to be naughty and self-willed... However, that kid seems to be a good girl, just like her original daughter, Messiah, Cersei...
That's it!
After watching for a while, looking at the snowman that the little guy used that so-called magic to transform???? The'army' chased and killed those little urchins with snowballs all over the sky, and the army was defeated and never dared to fight After Annie put it right, she nodded and shook her head, and turned and walked into the castle.
This king is here, but with a population of nearly a million, it is really too much...
In Cersei's view, it is time to implement the colonial plan on a large scale!
In that case, when it's time to deal with ghosts, you can be more free?
Only, this time, she may give priority to moving the families of those soldiers and officials who are willing to follow her first, then those citizens who are willing to support her, and finally... those who are not willing to obey her, those People, she doesn't try to force her, let them go if she doesn't leave!

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