Chapter 686: Hulk is not afraid of anyone except the little girl o((⊙?⊙…

Facts have proved that this world has never lacked news materials, whether it is about superheroes, or those supernatural events, or other...because they are always happening at all times, at any time When people are caught off guard!
National City,
On a not-too-busy street, the two wearing very similar and easy-to-identify bodies, both of which are highly recognizable blue tights, and two supermen with enlarged red capes, are talking to one A handsome and strong man with a red tights, a white short cloak, and a big lightning sign on his chest, looks like a man in his thirties.
Of course, there is also a very eye-catching big green guy who is wrecking havoc, breaking walls and smashing cars, and roaring at the three people who can fly freely in the sky!
At this time, the four people fought together in the block. In a short while, those wanton flying building fragments, cars, street light poles, etc., the whole block was completely messed up, and they almost gave it here. It turned into a ruin, and the Superman who flew in the sky didn't dare to engage in close combat with the green opponent, but instead flew in mid-air more than ten meters high.
With the help of two Supermen and another suspected Superman, the people nearby, they finally all evacuated safely before the situation completely deteriorated, and they did not appear because of today’s unexpected incident. Anyone was seriously injured or died.
However, for material losses, such as those destroyed buildings, torn or smashed cars, and various public facilities in the block, the Supermen cannot protect them temporarily...because they are fighting. Half an hour later, there was still no way to take that invulnerable, infinitely powerful, and indestructible green monster, the combat effectiveness was particularly strong, and the opponent's fierceness far exceeded their imagination.
"Let's try again, can we use heat rays to kill him together!?"
Finally, I just flew down to fight the big green man for the last time, and then he was caught again in a stunned beating and slammed into a building on the other side, directly piercing several walls. Superman Clark, who finally climbed out and flew into the sky to be dressed, advised his cousin, Supergirl, Kayla Danvers.
Since the city of National found the green guy, and then received his cousin’s request for help and rushed here as soon as possible, he Clark has no idea whether he can subdue or destroy the big green guy underneath. Hope...
Because, through the half-hour battle, they have found desperately: The monster below who is wrecking havoc and wantonly venting anger, can absolutely crush himself and his cousin Kayla from strength to join forces! Even if the guy with another white cloak assisted, the three of them failed to control each other, but were almost beaten out of a psychological shadow.
"it is good!!"
Superwoman Kayla Danvers responded, then clenched her fists and flew straight into the air. Her eyes began to shoot two red heat rays. Together with her cousin Clark, they accurately lased the big green man. On his body, two focal points of white smoke were burnt on his green skin.
It is daytime and the sun is shining. Although that kind of light is not the strongest time of the day, it is certainly not a problem for them to maintain high-intensity energy irradiation. Therefore, she also feels that flying in mid-air is facing the bottom It would be a good idea for the flightless enemy to attack with heat rays.
The hulk was so painful to be irradiated, and there were scorched black marks on the green skin. After eating pain, he quickly picked up a building fragment with reinforced concrete from the ground as a shield. , Directly blocked in front of him.
Then soon, he discovered that doing that didn't seem to have much effect?
Because, under the heat rays of the two Supermen, the building fragment and the steel bars were burnt and corroded within a few seconds to form a large melting gap. After the red magma flowed, four heat energy The rays hit him again.
After throwing away the fragments of the building, the painful Hulk roared towards the sky again, and then started running quickly among the ruins of the block below.
However, his speed is obviously faster than the beam...
Therefore, no matter how he ran, he was firmly focused on him by the four heat rays, condescendingly, so that he could only sprint left and right in embarrassment, and wailed constantly.
At this time, Carter, who had already turned into Thunder Shazan and had been flying not far from two Supermen, temporarily did not know what he should do. After seeing the tragic situation of the Hulk below, he hesitated for a long time. Yes, it seems that I remembered my identity, and finally couldn't help but struck a lightning bolt!
Of course, his goal is not the green giant who is being irradiated by the two supermen and the male and female, but the male Superman who is continuously irradiating the Hulk and is the most threatening.
The enemy who was staring at the ground with the thermal energy ray of his eyes continued to attack Superman Clark, and suddenly he screamed and had to forcibly interrupt his thermal ray.
Because, just now, a bolt of lightning struck directly from his forehead, interrupting his continuous attack, making him start to look up at someone not far away from him when he was astonished. Surrounded by the aftermath of thunder and lightning.
Obviously, the guy in front of him was shooting himself with lightning, and the other party had been pretending to persuade him before. In fact, he had been doing a disservice.
"Asshole, what do you guys want to do, help us for a while, and help him for a while, what is the relationship between you and him!?"
Just now I was fully committed, working with my cousin, Keira, to use their eyes to shoot the scorching rays of the Hulk’s Superman Clark on the ground. If he didn’t pay attention, he was caught in a red and white who had been disrupting the situation since the beginning. The guy in the cloak energized it, and almost didn't fall directly from the sky.
So, how can he not be angry?
He didn't understand, which side is this guy in the white cloak? I just helped them to stop the green giant from destroying in the city and brought it here. Why did he turn his head to deal with them in a blink of an eye? !
"I'm really sorry about this..."
"This is really a misunderstanding. Although he was brought by's not right. He was not brought by me. He was sent by a one-eyed uncle to do research? But I don’t know why. He suddenly That's it..."
"Anyway, you have to know that I don't know him well... and he is not a bad person. He was only irritated by you. As long as you don't hit him again, he will stop by himself in a while. !"
"I swear, it really is like that!!"
The sand that Carter turned into made some incoherent gestures and explained loudly. He actually didn't know why things turned out to be this way. It wasn't like this in the beginning...
He remembered that last night, the director of the Bear Shield, the black uncle named Nick Fury didn't seem to say that, that's another matter!
Anyway, Carter still remembered what the other party said at the time:
'Welcome you to be a member of our Bear Shield and the Avengers. For your arrangement...Let’s do this, boy, here is one of our Bear Shields that is particularly good at fighting, and the opponent is very similar to you, and at the same time a An agent of the Doctor of Physics, he should be able to dispatch to your National City to conduct basic combat training for you, a newly promoted first-level agent and the Avengers? ’
‘Believe me, he is a master of battle, very amazing...’
However, Carter never expected that the other party said that the other party is good at fighting and is a fighting master. How could this be? !
have a look……
That PhD in Physics named Robert Bruce Banner would indeed transform like Carter, and he was also very good at fighting... and even he was able to fight against two Supermen alone without losing the wind. Can you force two Supermen to not land?
Who knew that after the other party was transformed, it would be in such a situation, and no one would recognize it like a madman? Fortunately, he talked with each other all morning before, but just now, he was beaten a few times? That kind of terrible pain, just before he let Carter fly home, crying!
Anyway, he never wanted to experience the feeling of being caught by the opponent with a violent hammer...Of course, he would not allow the opponent to be bullied by these two supermen together. After all, anyway, the lower Robert Bruce Banner, like him, is a Bear Shield, a member of the Avengers!
Therefore, even if the opponent is out of control, he Carter, he, a high-level first-level agent of the Bear Shield, and his new Avenger, the powerful and omnipotent'Thunder Shazam', must be Can't just sit back and let the other person be bullied by two'outsiders' together.
At this moment, the Hulk suddenly roared!
It turned out that he took advantage of the two lasers of the superwoman that burned his skin and made him feel painful. He finally seized the opportunity and picked up a car with one hand, using a little force. , He threw it towards the Superwoman in the sky who was still shining towards him!
Hum! !
At the same time, he didn't let this opportunity pass, he strode forward, and after accelerating a few steps, his legs jumped vigorously, and he jumped up high, clenching his fists, like a green hair Like a huge cannonball from the ground to the sky, it ejected diagonally towards the superman who was about to continue the theory with Shazam!
Whoosh! !
With a height of ten to twenty meters, for the Hulk, there is not much difficulty at all. As long as he wants to, he can even jump to a height of hundreds of meters.
The superwoman Kayla just stopped the heat rays from her eyes, before she had time to recover the red skin around her eyes, and before she figured out how to deal with it, the car that was roaring and oozing noise had already been dumped to her. before.
"Oh! Be careful!!"
Bang! !
The car that swiftly struck was dangerously caught by the swift eyes, or Shazam, who had been prepared for a long time, flew forward and punched hard to help the superwoman whose eyes were slowly recovering. The car thrown by the Hulk slumped and smashed it again and flew back to the ground!
The car that had just flew up and was shot down naturally smashed a building that had run out of people a long time ago and collapsed several huge glass walls, broke one or two steel beams, and finally collided several times. This time, it fell to the ground on the verge of falling apart, and after igniting the high-priced gasoline in the mailbox, it finally caught fire with a crash.
"Oh, thanks!"
Seeing that the other party was so gentlemanly blocking for herself, and then looking at the car on the ground that had exploded and burned and was still emitting black smoke, Superwoman Kayla Danvers looked up and down the other party with some curiosity, and then Only slightly reserved and thanked.
Although the car didn't hurt her, the guy in the white cloak had taken care of and helped herself many times during this half an hour, and her heart could not help but feel good about it.
"Oh! God!!"
Having just thanked the strange man who had protected herself, Kayla exclaimed before she could say more.
It turned out that she saw the big green guy, who had been transferred behind her cousin Superman Clark, and raised her hands together with fists, just behind him? !
Boom! ! !
There was a loud bang!
Caught off guard, when Superman Clark had just been sturdyly electrocuted by a guy who was fishing for his little cousin, and he was numb all over, he was suddenly jumped up. The Hulk who had jumped so high used those big fists merged together to hit the back of his head hard!
Just for a moment, he was as if hit by a high-speed plane, he was directly bombarded onto the ground at an ultra-high speed, and instantly aroused waves of dust on the originally messy concrete ground and smashed it up. A large cracked human-shaped pit.
However, this is not the end...
The Hulk, who couldn't fly himself and landed soon afterwards, ran toward the opponent again before the Superman was silent.
"Ah! Not good!!"
Superwoman Kayla Danvers exclaimed again!
Because, she saw that the Hulk, who was not only big, strong, but not low agility at all, had ran to the cracked concrete floor after landing, before she could react. After punching her cousin, Superman Clark, who was going to get up, blasted his head with a hammer, and then grabbed the opponent's foot and started to whip it up?
Bang! !
Bang! Bang! ! !
Go back and forth quickly!
Just about to fly over, Kayla, the superwoman who had not had time to help, saw:
That Hulk, the other party actually took her old cousin Clark's feet, and slammed his feet back and forth towards the concrete floor? The penetrating sound when it hit the ground made her slow down unconsciously, and she who had originally planned to step forward to help her became hesitant.
When the Hulk once again let go of his big feet in tight red boots, whether it was Superwoman Kayla Danvers or Carter who transformed into Thunder Shazan, they only saw...on the dusty concrete floor. Above, there were four large cracked human-shaped pits, as well as a superman who was pumping straight in one of the pits and did not know whether he was alive or dead.
"Should you die?"
Carter was a little nervous and asked uncertainly.
If the Superman, the Dr. Bruce Banner who he brought here from the Bear Shield, was beaten to death by the guy in the Avengers who was said to be the "best hit", then he must be Carter himself Will become a sinner of the earth!
You know, they can't live without Superman!
And he swears that the reason why he brought that Dr. Banner here was just to hear that Chief Cyclops, and Nick Fury said that the opponent is very good at fighting, so he wanted to learn...
"of course not!"
"Clark is very strong, how could he die so easily?"
The Kryptonian Superwoman Kayla Danvers, she knows the strength and limits of her cousin Clark better than anyone. Therefore, apart from being a little surprised and wary of the Hulk, she is again vigilant to retreat. Besides raising the height, in fact, there is not much worry about Clark.
Because, both her eyes and her ears could see Clark's powerful heart still beating vigorously.
"Clark? You mean the Superman is called Clark?!"
The identity of Superman has always been well hidden, and this is the first time Carter has heard of it.
Because the other party didn't want to be like a certain superwoman next to Carter, she revealed her true identity within a month of her debut, and had to be evacuated from her mother's media company in embarrassment and never dared to go to work again.
"Oh no! Nothing, please don't mind this kind of thing too much!"
Seeing that she accidentally said the name of her cousin that only a few people knew, Superwoman Kayla Danvers hurriedly waved her hand to explain.
Fortunately, she didn't say it too clearly. If it was just a first name without a last name, the other party would definitely not know more.
"Ah! Look at it!"
"I knew that my cousin would not fail so easily!"
At this time, Superwoman Kayla Danvers exclaimed again.
Superman Clark took advantage of the Hulk's back to him, while the other side looked at the white cloak in the sky and his cousin Kayla, he suddenly launched an attack from behind, spreading his hands flat and fiercely. After hitting the opponent's back, he used his flying ability to push the opponent towards the sky at high speed!
"You will pay for it, the existence of evil!!"
The Superman yelled excitedly while holding his opponent flying into the sky.
Because, after this period of fighting, he has roughly figured it out:
The green giant in front of him, although the opponent has a strong and impenetrable body, he is incomparable, stronger than himself, and has super agility and jumping ability? However, it is a pity that the other party is a poor guy who can't fly!
If he Clark can take the opponent out of it, to his home court, and into an empty space where the opponent can't exert his strength...presumably, he can easily defeat the opponent!
Is this like the kind of mythical story of the earthlings that Clark had seen?
According to rumors, Antaeus is the Hercules in ancient Greek mythology. He is the son of the earth goddess Gaia and the sea Poseidon. He is powerful and invincible! Because as long as he stands on the earth, he can draw infinite power from Mother Earth, as long as he stands on the earth, he will never be defeated!
In the end, his enemy discovered his secret, and they lured him off the ground and killed him in the air...
So, now Clark himself plans to do that! He wants to be in the air and defeat or kill the green monster he is holding!
He believes that he can do it.
"Is he really your cousin? But, why do you look so much younger and more beautiful than him? He doesn't look younger anymore, but you..."
This matter is actually what Carter wanted to ask a long time ago!
While watching TV, he never understood why this young and beautiful superwoman in front of him seemed to be only about 20 years old, but her cousin was at least 30 or 40 years old? Anyway, this logic is very unreasonable, he has never been able to figure it out.
"Ah, thank you for your compliment!"
"This is actually a sad story...Let's do it, if possible, I will definitely explain it to you when we have a chance to meet again in the future or when we are free!"
The age issue between her Kayla Danvers and her cousin Clark Kent is related to the static space at that time, Krypton Prison Roseburg, and so on. This will be unexplainable for a while, even if you are talking to each other. There is a good impression, but at this time, it is obviously inappropriate to talk about it.
"By the way, what's your name? This is the first time I have seen you like this...Excuse me, are you a Kryptonian or another alien?!"
Since the other party can fly and also has superpowers, what hasn't been said is definitely a Kryptonian or similar existence like her Kayla, there should be nothing wrong.
"No! I am an earthling!"
"My name is Ka...Shazan, Thunder Shazan!"
Carter breathed a sigh of relief when he said the name in a low voice and cautiously, and realized that it was different from the situation when he shouted. Carter was relieved after he didn't knock down a thunder to knock him out.
"I'm actually a wizard, that's the kind of magician, just like the kind in the game! However, I am stronger than the ones in the game!"
" should have played games, the kind of console games or computer games?"
Thinking that the other party didn't understand, Carter asked him a little nervously.
Because many people don't understand the game very well. Many people would rather spend time playing outside than playing games at home like Carter! So, he was a little worried that the superwoman Kayla Danvers would not understand what she was talking about.
"Of course I have played, and there are many more!"
"Are you really that kind of magician? Wow, that's really cool!!"
Obviously, Kayla Danvers, the superwoman who had also been in online dating, was also an otaku, so she was quickly attracted by the subject of the other party and felt that talking to the other party was a relaxing thing.
"What do you think?"
"It's great! Do you know, I used to be envious of you Superman, especially you, I also thought about asking for your autograph and a group photo!!"
Yes, before Carter himself was turned into a "Thunder Shazan" by the little girl at home, he was indeed a big fan of Supergirl, admiring each other infinitely, and even dreaming of getting an autograph or a photo of him!
Of course, his thinking has not changed now.
"Oh? You are so funny!"
"But no matter what, thank you for your compliment!"
Superwoman Kayla Danvers suddenly felt that the muscular, tall, and flying guy in front of her seemed to be more pleasing to her eyes...
Because, she can probably see that the other person and herself are the same type of person, and the other person does not look bad, and there are common topics between the two... Maybe, she can get to know each other slowly and see Is it possible to become friends?
After all, in the world of superheroes, she only knows her cousin Clark at the moment. Now she has finally met this interesting guy, seeing the strong body, the identity of the mysterious magician and the handsome face. For some reason, her heart was a little confused for several times.
"In addition to being able to fly, having a body as strong as ours, and being able to release that powerful lightning power, do you really know other magic?"
Talking and chatting, whether it's Kayla Danvers or someone called'Thunder Shazam'. The two of them seemed to have forgotten something, they just flickered and talked with each other floating in the sky.
"I am very sure of that!"
"I am a wizard, and of course I can use other magic! For example...I can also teleport and open space doors?!"
Whether it's the Bear Shield Moon headquarters leading to another plane, or his own base "Eternal Rock", he Carter will start to go to the space gate! Especially the ability to go to'Eternal Rock' and come out is just like the talent obtained during the inheritance, as long as he wants, he can go in and out anytime!
It’s just that it’s a little scary in there, he doesn’t dare,
"I would have done more magic, but some are really too difficult to learn... Although there are a lot of magic books and magic rune slabs and carvings in my base... but there are still in the'library' A group of terrible demons, although they are all sealed, I am still a little afraid of them, because my teacher is dead, I don’t dare to go back alone..."
"There is no one there now..."
The Eternal Rock is very dark and infiltrating. In addition to the sealed demons, there are countless terrifying eternal portals leading to hell, the demon world, or other terrible places in the universe! Therefore, he Carter didn't dare to go back alone, which is why he had thought of letting that cheap sister Little Annie take him back again!
However, the other party rejected him, so that he had no chance to learn the various spells passed down to him by the ancient wizard...
"Spellbook? There are demons? dare not go back?!"
"Aha, Shazam is really interesting..."
"Well, if you are willing to show it to me, I think, I don't mind going with you to the secret base of your mage, anyway, I am not afraid of any demons!"
"Do you think it is okay?"
A big man was afraid of the devil and was too scared to go back...
For some reason, Superwoman Kayla Danvers laughed and joked about the other party. Although she didn't think that the other party would be willing to let herself see the other party's base or magic books, but she just talked about it casually. She didn't take it too seriously.
"Of course, it's so decided!!"
Surprisingly, Carter decided this matter happily in the opponent's consternation.
"Are you really generous, aren't you afraid that I will learn it secretly?"
To be honest, Kayla was shocked by the other party, and if she didn't make sure that the other party did not lie based on her eyes and ears, she would probably doubt the other party's motives?
I don't know why, she always feels that this man seems to be a little too simple, a bit out of tune with the other's age?
"If you can learn too, that would be great! Or, can we learn together?"
"Wow... it sounds pretty good, but I don't guarantee that I can understand it."
"Then we decided so happily! Now, can you leave your contact information, beautiful and charming Miss Kayla Danvers?"
"Of course, no problem!"
After blinking, and some understanding of the other's obvious thoughts, Superwoman Kayla Danvers hesitated for less than three seconds, and in the other's embarrassed gaze, handed a small card towards the other party. Above, there is her phone number, which is very personal.
"It's great! I will definitely find you when I have time!!"
Carter carefully put away the contact information of the other party for the first time.
What a pity, since the rise of Superwoman to the present, he has finally been able to get in close contact with the other party, and he has said so much, and got the other party's contact information! If you tell this kind of thing, you will definitely envy those students, right?
"So, Shazam, we are friends now, don't shouldn't persuade your green friend?"
Kayla Danvers could see that the Shazan in front of him definitely knew the green giant. Anyway, at least it would be an ordinary friendship, better than her and her cousin Clark.
"That one……"
"He and I are not friends yet, at most we just know each other... and you just saw it. I tried to persuade him, but he got crazy and even beat me!!"
At this point, Carter was furious.
He really tried to persuade him to fight, but in the end, he got a fat beating, and he almost got beaten and cried!
"Wait, what about my cousin and your friend Hulk?"
Looking around, Superwoman Kayla Danvers suddenly found a serious problem, that is: when she was talking and chatting happily with this Shazan, Clark and the Hulk who were in a death fight just now seemed to be All gone?
"I do not know either……"
Obviously, the two dog men and women who have seen the right eyes and are talking hotly, these two superwoman and Thunder Shazan who are hanging in the air, they have completely forgotten a certain superman and the Hulk in their minds. Later.
"But, I remember, it seems...they just flew into the sky?!"
Carter looked up at the sky, and spread his hands to each other...
The upper part is really too high. It hasn't been a few days since he has just learned to fly, and he is still a little afraid of heights. He will definitely not fly so high.
However, what "Thunder Shazan" didn't know was that the squinting superwoman Kayla Danvers just looked up and searched for a while, and found the two Supermen and the Hulk who had been forgotten by them!
At this moment, the two of them are high above the sky, but they are still rising...
A strong air current was whizzing around the ears of the two of them. The surrounding air rubbed the skin of the clothes at high speed, and gradually heated up as the ascent speed increased... However, the two of them continued to fly to the sky at high speed. The ground speeds up, even if it has broken the sound barrier, even if the surrounding heat is abnormal, but there is no intention to stop at all.
But, do you want to stop, that's the will of Superman Clark, not the Hulk who can't fly.
Superman Clark, whose palms are firmly holding the Hulk's midfielder, is accelerating continuously. It seems that he is determined to wreak havoc on the ground before. At first glance, he will throw it directly at the guy who knows that it will not be a good person. In space!
Because he found the important weakness of this guy who has no strength, he is very sure that his method can defeat the opponent.
This is the inspiration he got from the story of the death of the strangled giant Antaeus in ancient Greek mythology, and he is now more and more convinced that it is indeed a brilliant idea! Because, the guy who is flying into space by him now, is struggling, but can't hit him, he is really a stupid big guy who can't fly and has power!
The opponent has already lost! !
"I will kill you!!!"
However, Superman Clark was not happy for long...
Because, after the Hulk struggled for a long time, he finally caught a chance. He grabbed the hand of some nasty guy on his back, and then used his immense power to pull the opponent. Tugged in front of him, and let the other party see its big green face with a grinning smile.
A fist several points bigger than a casserole slammed Superman Clark's face fiercely. At the moment when the opponent's eyes came to Venus and gradually lowered his speed subconsciously, Hulk raised his fist again.
Bang! !
Second punch! !
In the sound of another penetrating impact, Hulk’s fist hit the other eye socket again, and then... before the other’s reaction, he quickly raised his big green fist again. Are you preparing to hit the opponent's nose for the third time?
Because Hulk has already decided: He must beat the opponent to death alive! !
As for the fact that they are high in the sky, if they fall down, they will not be thrown to death by Hulk at all! He just wanted to slap the guy who was holding his arm severely to vent his anger.
If you can, it's best to blow the opponent's head directly? !
Two parallel scorching red lasers irradiated directly from Superman Clark’s eyes, and lased directly at the big eyes on Hulk’s green face! !
A mournful whimper sounded...
Then, the Hulk subconsciously protected his big head with his hands, so that the two hot rays that made him feel painful and uncomfortable could not directly shine on his face and eyes, and then one foot was directed at each other's chest and abdomen at the same time. Bit kicked hard.
puff! !
After the green big feet touched Superman’s relatively soft belly, under the action of that huge force, the two of them quickly separated at a high speed, flew sideways to each other, and flew in two different directions high in the sky. It fell in a parabolic way.
It's just that the place where the two of them are now is very high, even if they really want to fall, it will probably be a long time later...
"That bastard!!"
After being kicked all the way, reaching the distance that ordinary people can’t see each other, and even getting so far away that they can’t even see the black spots, Superman Clark slowed it down for a long time before he finally managed to get over it. Come on.
Then, he shook his head first, let his eyes show the Venus, and his awkward head became a little awake, and then quickly searched for someone in the distance who was hurriedly waving his hands and feet with the omnipotent eyes of the Kryptonians. At the same time, he couldn't control the big green man whose body was falling continuously.
Superman Clark, who was hovering high in the sky using his flying ability, squinted his eyes and locked the enemy's position firmly.
"I can't spare you a monster!!"
Clark, who was not sure whether the opponent would be killed if he fell, thought for a while, and finally clenched his fists forward and rushed towards the green giant in the distance again at high speed!
The previous battle has proven:
All the attacks of their Kryptonians can't help the big green guy. This is beyond doubt!
Therefore, this time, he must take this opportunity to throw the opponent into space. At that time, even if the opponent will not die from suffocation, he will definitely stay in the high-altitude orbit for countless years! Or, can he do a little better, and directly push the opponent to the moon or elsewhere?
That's right, he should do that if he has done his job of eliminating evil!
After thinking about it, Superman Clark speeded up again, like a lightning bolt. After breaking through the sound barrier, under the effect of Prandtl-Grauer decondensation cloud, he pulled out a huge sonic burst directly behind him. And a long white track, slammed into the enemy getting closer and closer! !
Whoosh! !
puff! ! !
Soon, within less than ten seconds of flying, Superman Clark caught up with the Hulk that was falling at a high speed in free fall, and after a crash sounded, his fists slammed into the opponent's one. On the huge green belly.
"Uh oh!!"
Bang! !
It's a pity that the screaming Hulk reacted quickly this time under his anger!
Therefore, he slammed Superman's head with a fist, and directly knocked the opponent into the air again, at the same time, he also fell to the ground at high speed under the huge force...
However, this time, Hulk didn't mean to continue struggling. He just looked at the enemy coldly and was ready to fall to the ground.
Because, even if he is fighting like a beast now, he knows that in the sky, the strength of his Hulk can’t be used. If the opponent doesn’t get close to him, he can even use his own You can't control your body, let alone fight the opponent!
Therefore, he eagerly wants to return to the ground. Only when his feet are standing on the ground, his infinite power has room for exertion and dependence.
Seeing that blue and red figure rushed towards him again unrelentingly, after the Hulk roared, he clenched his huge fist tightly, before the opponent was about to collide again with high speed. Before he got to him, he swiped a fist at the opponent bitterly!
This time his attack seems to have failed?
It turned out that before the Superman Clark was about to hit him, he actually did a trick, suddenly making a ninety-degree turn and letting his attack miss? After all, his hand has a certain length, as long as the calculation is accurate, he is in the air and falling constantly, he must be unable to beat the opponent.
Moreover, what made the Hulk even more shocked was that before he could react, the opponent flew to his back dexterously, and again used his fists to re-support the spine of his back, holding him firmly. And once again speeded up toward the sky?
"Do not!!"
This time, Hulk quickly discovered that the position of the opponent holding him was very clever, no matter how he struggled, no matter how he waved his arms, he couldn't touch him again? Because ah, his muscles are too developed and too strong, so that he can't reach the part above his waist at all, and even more can't grab the opponent's wrist again to counter the opponent.
Whoosh! !
The two were still moving at high speeds at night. As Superman continued to accelerate and accelerate, the rain clouds that had broken through the troposphere reached a relatively open area, basically without water vapor, clear and cloudless, endless and rarely changing weather. Above the stratosphere where the plane is sailing!
"Coward! Let go of me!!"
The Hulk began to roar loudly, and the sound waves became unusually harsh under high-speed compression.
Superman Clark didn't care about the Hulk's struggles.
He still only supported the other person’s body silently, and under the continuous blessing of the golden sun above his head, he was constantly accelerating... He has made his mind and must do it today. Throw this green, destructive and undead monster into space, or onto the moon?
Although this place should be between 20 and 50 kilometers above the ground, if you fall directly, you may also have the opportunity to throw this big green guy to death!
After fighting with the enemy for a period of time, he was a little afraid of the opponent's ability, and a little uncertain, he decided to be more safe, and directly throw the opponent into space, and throw it into the universe far away from the earth.
At that time, even if the enemy is so strong that it does not need to breathe, it can survive in space, but without flying, outside of the earth's gravitational capture range, the opponent can only stare.
So, now Clark can be sure that the opponent's failure is doomed.
"Coward! Let go of Hulk!"
After struggling for a long time, seeing that he really couldn't catch the opponent, and there was nowhere to take advantage of it. After he couldn't get away anyhow, Hulk began to open his mouth and roar in anger, even if the strong air was in high speed. He rushed down to his mouth and did not hesitate.
Hulk swears now!
If he can return to the ground himself, he must hammer the head of the in the red cloak and blue clothes behind him into the heart of the earth!
He must let that know that anyone who offends Hulk must have no good end! !
Is the other party's name called "Hulk"?
It's a pity, what the name is, Superman Clark doesn't mind now.
Because the other party’s weakness was discovered by him...
Just like the Anteus who was strangled to death by Hercules after leaving Gaia, now, he also has to learn from the greatest hero in ancient Greek mythology and the Hercules, Hercules. Use tactics to defeat this seemingly invincible powerful enemy!
Although his Superman Clark can't strangle the opponent, he can throw the opponent into outer space, expel the enemy or throw it away in an airless environment and suffocate to death?
"Do not!!!"
As the altitude gets higher and higher, the noise from the surrounding air becomes weaker and weaker. After feeling the upward resistance and the temperature when the air is rubbed, the Hulk is not loose. With a sigh of relief, my heart became more violent and uneasy.
Because, according to Bruce Banner’s knowledge, he knew that the current altitude has probably reached the middle layer above the earth’s atmosphere. If it continues upward, it will be the warm layer and the dissipation layer. Then, he will not fly. , It is very likely to be thrown out of the atmosphere by the enemy and never return to the earth.
Superman Clark still didn’t have any reaction. He just saw the sunlight getting stronger, the resistance getting smaller, and his strength became stronger, he continued to accelerate, intending to rush the enemy into the atmosphere in one go. outer!
Now, with their faster and faster speed and altitude at this time, in a few minutes, he will soon be able to rely on his flying ability to take tricks and completely defeat the one above his head who can only twist his body in vain. The big green guy who was still roaring, but completely helpless.
It is impossible for him to let him go!
Because he is Superman, he is the patron saint of the earth!
He Clark absolutely does not allow this kind of monsters that can't be killed on the earth, are powerful, destructive, and unable to communicate, just like wild beasts that can only kill and destroy! Although the other party did not cause substantial casualties now, in order to prevent it, it would be better for him to expel this guy directly from the earth he guarded earlier.
"Do not……"
Watching the sky above turn from blue to black, seeing the sun's rays become more and more dazzling, seeing the wind near my ears almost nothing, even... from the corner of my eye, I can see the beautiful blue below. On the earth, after seeing the arc-shaped sea and the earth, Hulk finally realized that if he didn't think of a solution, he might really be finished!
and so……
There was a flash of red light in his eyes, and his hands began to stretch out to the sides. Before the enemy behind him could not react, he exhausted his whole body strength and slapped him viciously! !
boom! ! ! !
An almost visible shock wave finally exploded in a timely and fierce manner before the two of them saw that they were about to leave the atmosphere! In an instant, it hit the Hulk holding him, and hit the ears of the Superman Clark who was originally extremely sensitive and far surpassed ordinary people.
Maybe even Hulk hadn't thought of it, but he was slamming straight! Because... the sonic attack is very effective for Superman and Kryptonian and it is also very effective and multiplier with half the effort! !
Buzzing! ! !
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"
As if being hit hard in his head by a train, Superman Clark only felt that his eyes were dark in an instant, and he could only subconsciously withdraw his hands, and immediately covered his ears and mouth. Weeping loudly, gave up pushing the enemy and continued upward, but began to downward, thinking of the direction of the earth and fell away.
"Hulk, I can't spare you!!!"
Slowing down and falling together, there is obviously Hulk Hulk!
Therefore, after staring at the opponent fiercely and cruelly, he stretched out his huge green hands, and forced them together with the opponent's hands to pinch the neck!
at the same time,
The two huge and powerful legs also tightly entangled each other's feet and body, and the two people were twisted together in the high air, and once again began to slowly accelerate, falling toward the ground.
Superman, who was dazzled by his tinnitus, was attacked by a loud shock wave. After being pinched by the enemy and strangling his body, although he would not die immediately and would not suffer much damage, but...
In a short period of time, he can't easily recover or break away!
Therefore, he could only follow the enemy in vain, continuously falling to the ground again, and the strength to struggle and fly was temporarily gone.
"Kill you!!!"
At this time, Hulk was still grinning, pinched and hugged the opponent with his hands, and from time to time he used his head to constantly hit the opponent's head...
Bang! !
Anyway, before landing, he said that nothing would be broken away by the enemy, and it would not make the opponent feel better and recover.
And after landing, he Hulk must give the other a good look! He must let this enemy and people in the world know what will happen if he offends his Hulk! !
Whoosh! !
Falling from a high altitude close to the outer edge of the atmosphere, the two of them began to look like debris from a crashed space station or a meteor. The periphery of the body began to be rubbed by the air, generating bursts of high temperature and gradually beginning to burn like burning. The red, like a flame-like light.
Fortunately, neither of them were ordinary people, and things like burning clothes and hair at high temperature did not affect them much.
∑(△`)? !
"Tibbs, look at it, it seems that something has fallen..."
Just coming back from the underwater world, Little Annie, who didn't even have time to eat the Overlord Meal, naturally spotted two guys doing free fall for the first time.
Rumbling rumbling...
Before Xiao Annie had figured out what to do, a red light slammed straight down from the sky towards the ground!
After a loud noise, a small mushroom cloud stirred by countless dust and shock waves burst out on the earth...
Fortunately, this is not a city, but a desert area. Otherwise, at least several blocks will suffer fatal impact damage! At that time, the number of casualties will definitely not be the same as before.
Boom! !
Boom! Boom!咚咚咚! ! !
Before the diffuse dust had dissipated, in the center where a meteorite hit the ground, a burst of abnormal noise soon came out.
That voice...
It sounds like the sound of someone beating the ground constantly, or beating an unlucky person?
No need to look, little Annie knew what was going on inside.
Originally, she didn't want to control it, but...
Thinking about how Aunt Kate got rid of herself, and thinking about a certain green guy in it who she knew, she sighed after all, and had to flatten her mouth and teleported in towards the dirty place inside.
"Have you two guys played enough, do you want to come and fight me again?!"
Anyway, there is no one else in this deserted place. So, without worrying about being seen by others, Little Annie flew carelessly to a certain strange bird who was wearing her underwear and smashed, even The Hulk who had already smashed the opponent's head into the rocky bottom of the big pit when the two had just fallen from a high altitude, but still puzzled Hulk asked back.
Hulk, who had just cursed the word ‘roll’ and turned his head, before he had time to warn the visitor, he choked back embarrassedly as if he had been strangling his throat on the second floor.
"Huh! Hulk, don't fight with the little girl, Hulk, I'm going back!!"
Seeing that the incoming person turned out to be a familiar figure in a little red skirt, and after seeing the other's face clearly, the fist held high by the Hulk began to froze in the air.
Immediately afterwards, he seemed to think about it for a while, almost three to five seconds?
After that, I didn't know what terrible thing was thinking of, anyway, Hulk was very decisive in the end!
Because he can't provoke a little guy, he doesn't dare to provoke, it's full of shadows...
Therefore, after he quickly said a polite remark and expressed his position, he got up from the superman who was beaten up by himself, and then jumped vigorously, and soon in the dust. Among them, disappeared in this desert, and I don't know where it went.
"It turned out to be like this!"
Seeing the green back of the other party leaving, Annie nodded reluctantly after concentrating on it, she probably understood why the other party appeared in this world on a different plane from that of Uncle Coleson and theirs.
"Plane space... seems to have been accidentally opened by the kid Carter? Forget it, that kind of little thing is not a big deal anyway, just let them play it!!"
Finally, I took a look at the Superman who was still twitching in the big pit, the Superwoman who was flying at high speed in the distance, and a little guy named Shazan. Annie hesitated, but in the end she didn't do anything. Before the dust dissipated, he teleported directly and left this place that was watched by satellites all over the world.
Although the people who continue to stay here can't see her, she is hungry now and doesn't want to watch the excitement at all! Besides, there was no larger meat in this desert except for mice, so Queen Anne-sama did not stay to find some fresh or rare food at all.
"Clark! Great, are you okay?!"
From a distance, there was the whistling sound of the two objects breaking through the air at high speed, and then soon Clark heard the sound of his cousin, Superwoman Kayla Danvers, coming from a distance.
"Woo...I'm fine..."
"Ooo, ooo ... .. fast help me, help me to hum ...... ...... go head to pull out."
Superman Clark, who was slammed into the rock pit with his head upside down, asked for help with that dull voice after struggling for a while.
Because he found that his head seemed to be stuck in a crack by a tough rock? Moreover, this kind of head-down posture made his strength a bit unable to use...
Seeing the big cracked pit and the Superwoman who was helping to smash away the gravel, Carter of'Thunder Shazam' who flew here almost at the same time, she was a little surprised.
In this case, the Hulk should have won, right?
It's amazing! To be honest, even Carter didn't expect that the Hulk that Dr. Banner turned into would be so powerful, and he really defeated Superman!
But, where is he now?
That Dr. Bruce Is the opponent dead or ran away?
It depends on the situation, maybe it ran away?
Because, Carter, with sharp eyes, saw several very conspicuous huge footprints in this big pit.
But when he is free, he must ask the one-eyed Chief Nick Fury carefully! Moreover, he felt that he didn't seem to need any teaching, anyway, he certainly didn't need the guy who would catch everyone who wanted to fight after the transformation to teach himself!
If possible, it would be better to let S.H.I.E.L.D. send the Dr. Bruce Banner back?
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