Chapter 689: It's all about the big event (‘-ω??)

Sea rays, also called manta rays, are also called manta rays or blanket rays.
It belongs to Cartilaginous fishes, Manta rays...
Under normal circumstances, the sea rays are diamond-shaped, with a body width of more than six meters. The whole body is generally blue-brown, but also blue-white... Its head is huge, and the eyes are on the lower side of the head. It can be viewed from the side and down. , There is also a pair of pectoral fins on the head side, and protruding forward, the dorsal fin is very small, almost none, and the pectoral fin is wing-shaped, the tail is slender as a whip, and there are sharp tail spines, which are like one open in the sea Like a huge bat with wings.
This organism has been included in the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" and is one of the marine organisms that are prohibited from fishing.
Of course, whether this creature is endangered or not, Little Annie doesn't know!
Anyway, she saw a lot of these creatures in the underwater world, in the waters around the ocean capital of the Kingdom of Atlantis, and a team of soldiers were like patrolling soldiers in and outside the city of Atlantis. After wandering around..., she finally couldn't help being curious. First, she followed a group of sea rays that were suspected of being'wild' for a long period of time before finally in an uninhabited sea outside Atlantis. I found the opportunity and shot and caught the biggest one.
"Tibbers, do you think this thing is really delicious? Why does it smell like that unpalatable great white shark?"
Before catching this sea ray, which was at least ten meters in diameter after spreading its wings, Annie drooled and followed for a long time, but now, after a frozen stream of water fainted her, she looked at this animal. The big guy on the seabed, she is a little bit troubled again...
Because, she found that this thing seems to be like the great white shark that smells like urine, and the whole body exudes that unpleasant smell? If that's the case, maybe, she would have to give up the big guy that fell in her hand and instead catch a big turtle?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(Tibbers didn’t take care of his own mischievous little master... one is because he doesn’t like being taken to play in the deep sea, especially when the other party is directly soaked in the sea without any protection; , It discovered that the
behavior of its bad little master should have been caught by others...)
∑(′△`)? !
Using her own bear, Tibbers, reminded that Annie also found out:
Around me, groups of great white sharks are emerging from the surrounding coral reefs, seaweeds, reefs, and deep-sea silt and are coming towards me! Of course, the soldiers of the Undersea Kingdom wearing beautiful blue and white armors with sci-fi sensations on the backs of great white sharks are definitely indispensable.
"What are you doing, isn't it just catching one of your sea rays? And I don't know whether it was raised by you or wild, and there is no collar or mark on it. Can you blame me?"
Looking angrily at the group of Atlantis soldiers who were surrounding her, Annie stuck her waist and glared at them a little angry and dissatisfied.
As she just said, she really just saw a few big rays wandering in a team in the sea, and thought that the other party might be delicious, so she confidently looked for a chance to catch the leader which was the strongest and the strongest. What's more, she didn't kill them all, let alone chasing down the remaining small sea rays that fled.
She really can’t blame her for this. After all, the ocean on the earth is so big, and she is a marine creature caught outside the city of Atlantis. If they dare to say that she is a thief, she will definitely beat them. !
She didn’t hire anyone and didn’t mess with anyone. When she was considering whether to pack the big guy she caught and take it home, she was caught by this group of blue and white armor, riding a shark, holding that kind The Atlantis soldiers with energy weapons surrounded menacingly, and they were in a bad mood.
"Invaders from land!"
At this time, among the soldiers of the kingdom of Atlantis on the seabed with great white sharks, one of them, headed by a soldier in a red armor, drove the shark forward, first using an instrument in his hand to stand against it. The little the sea ray scanned it again, and after confirming something, she said irritably:
"You attacked the soldiers of our Atlantis Kingdom before, and now you have broken into the royal forbidden area of ​​Atlantis, and you hunted and attacked the precious royal sea rays without authorization. Now I declare: You landman has been killed by our Atlantis. The Landis Kingdom Anti-Smuggling Team has arrested!"
"Now, your fate will be handed over to our great King of Atlantis, and to King Aum to pronounce the sentence!!"
"take away!!!"
Surrounded by hundreds of his own soldiers, this Atlantis red-armored elite captain, who thought that the opponent would definitely not have the ability to resist, and certainly did not dare to resist, waved his hand and motioned to the soldiers to come forward. The land man who had smuggled from the land was taken away and brought to their King Aum.
Land people are definitely not able to move, breathe and speak freely in the ocean. Therefore, this Atlantis elite soldier captain can already be sure: the other party must be those who were rescued and injured before. The strange land person that Chao's soldiers had reported, or was it a rebellious descendant of the sea tribe?
But no matter what, the opponent should always press in front of King Aum first and let their king deal with the opponent.
"Arrest me and go to see your king?!"
Hearing the other party saying that he was going to arrest him, and seeing the soldiers faintly guarding against him, Annie almost wanted to give them a good look and let them know why the flames are so red!
I don't know what wrong idea she thought of, anyway, at the moment when she was about to do it, she abruptly suppressed the anger in her heart, pretending to be harmless.
"Just leave, but let me tell you, I am not afraid of you!!"
(????-)? Hey...
Little Annie, who didn't know what she was making, had her blue eyes gurgling in the deep sea water, as if she had thought of something very interesting? Therefore, she did not resist and let a shark rider come forward, dragged her to the back of an empty shark mount, and handcuffed her hands tightly with an energy handcuff.
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
This kind of handcuffs that can only limit part of the energy movement, in Xiao Anni’s view, are just things that can be easily broken away with a little bit of strength. Therefore, she did not put it in her eyes at all, just like that. He sat down on the back of the big shark, followed in the queue of shark soldiers, and quickly swam in the deep sea, preparing to take a trip to the palace of Atlantis.
(Dear little master, what do you want to do this time?!
Never thought, nor dared to think that a bad little master would be so honest this time, instead of relying on a powerful force to do whatever he wanted, Tibbers, after hesitating for a while, finally I had to stop the'cold war' state between myself and my little master, and asked aloud in private, puzzled. )
"I just didn't tell you!!"
This little bear is too nasty lately. Every time she goes to the bottom of the sea, she pretends to be dumb, which makes Annie feel like a fool talking to herself every time. So, she decided, this time, what she wants to do. I just didn't tell the other party and died in a hurry!

What made the overbearing female president Kate Grant never expected was that none of the two bear children in her family would make her worry!
This is not,
While she was busy in the headquarters building of Kac Media, when she was busy with afternoon work and endless meetings, the adopted daughter Annie of her family was on the bottom of the sea, in the lost Atlanta. The kingdom of Tes is going to meet King Aum of the Kingdom of Atlantis. I am afraid no one knows what will happen afterwards.
And her youngest son Carter is even more powerful!
Now, the other party has become the superhero, the "Superman White" Thunder Shazam, and is fooling around with her secretary, assistant, and the superwoman Kayla Danvers. Expand With a vigorous, indecent love that crosses the age?
"Huh! I finally came back to this place again!"
Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar dark surroundings, the dark rock caves, the shadowy caves, the dim magical flames set on the rock walls, and the muddy air filled with nasal cavity, Carter, or rather Shazan finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
If he was alone, with his courage, he would definitely not, and he would not dare to come back to this place... But now he has the tights, red skirt and red cloak beside him. Superwoman, that's another matter.
By her side, Carter can feel particularly safe!
Although, even if he Carter, he, the Thunder Shazam, may be far more powerful than the opponent in terms of strength. However, he still has not adapted to his identity, and subconsciously feels that there is a super heroine who has his own admiration. Will the admired superwoman feel a little more secure by her side?
"'s here!!"
"You have seen it too. This is the place I told you. Welcome to the secret base of our Council of Ancient Wizards to protect the earth and explore the mysterious place of the universe-the Eternal Rock!!!"
Carter, that is, Shazam proudly stretched out his hands, not at all, he did not see the outside world. This base, the ancient wizard council has kept the secrets for thousands of years, and thus fully revealed the superwoman Kayla Danvers, showing To this woman who has nothing to do with the Wizarding Council.
If the ancient wizard Shazam can still feel it after his death, I am afraid that someone will be brought in casually by some heir to let an alien woman peek at the secrets of the Wizarding Council, and get alive again. Are you here?
"Wow! That's cool!!"
Superwoman Kayla Danvers first glanced around, when she saw a completely different environment from here, when she saw the dark cave and the large and small wooden doors standing on the rock wall. Can not help but sigh.
"I don't understand..."
"Shazam, how did you manage to do it? I remember that we were still high in the sky in National City, but in the next moment, we suddenly came here?"
"This is not a phantom, is it?"
In hesitation, the superwoman Kayla Danvers was shocked and unconsciously took a few steps forward, gently stroking a wooden door closest to her, and feeling that the wooden door was real, she was in shock. Twisting the doorknob, she gently opened the independent doorway with mysterious symbols painted on it that she couldn't understand.
It's just that there seems to be nothing inside the door, just a cloud of fog. I don't know what the fog is? It's just... What makes her feel astonished and puzzled is that after opening such a strange wooden door, what she saw after opening it was not a rock wall, but another broad world?
"Of course not a phantom, I am a wizard, that is space magic!"
Carter wouldn't tell the other party that it wasn't space magic at all, and he didn't know any space magic himself. It was just the ability he inherited, and he could freely enter and exit the place of Eternal Rock anytime, anywhere.
"Wait! You..."
"Be careful!!"
Carter, who just wanted to show off something, turned his head, when he saw the superwoman Kayla actually opened a wooden door, he was so scared that he couldn't even say anything, a flash of lightning in his hand went directly to the wooden door. He hacked into the mist, and promptly charged a certain strange tentacle that was emerging from it back!
He rushed forward with trepidation. Before the young lady Superwoman Kayla Danvers could react, she closed the wooden door with mysterious magic runes and dangerously blocked a certain A terrifying monster planning to rush out!
"So, what is that?!"
At this time, some terrified superwoman Kayla Danvers finally recovered.
If she remembers correctly, just now, she herself seemed to be shocked by the monster in the wooden door, so that she never reacted to it, and even at that time, she couldn't remember what it was?
"I do not know either!"
"But you'd better not touch anything here, they are dangerous! Very dangerous!!"
Of course, Carter himself didn't know what the world or monster was in the wooden door just now. Anyway, the other party wouldn't be anything friendly.
And this is the main reason why he has not dared to return here alone! Because this place is really too dangerous for Carter, for him, an incompetent wizard who has not received the inheritance of the ancient wizard Shazan for a few days!
If he could, he would never even want to come back here again! !
"I, I know..."
Thinking of the terrible feeling just now, Superwoman Kayla Danvers finally felt scared in hindsight and stepped back unconsciously, seeming to want to stay away from the wooden door that was just opened by her and that side. There are more wooden doors on the stone wall, uncountable.
Just now, she just opened one of them randomly, and the contents inside were so terrible...If it were the other ones, what would there be in them?
In this regard, she was a little afraid to imagine...
"Come on, go this way. Leave this cliff alone. As long as we don't open those wooden doors, things or monsters there will never get out!"
Is it true? Carter can't guarantee...
However, he knew that before he left here, in a short period of ten or eight years, as long as no one died to open those wooden doors, they would definitely not have trouble so quickly.
"Over there, is that the hall of the Wizarding Council you mentioned?"
Nodded, Kayla Danvers, who didn't dare to hit the cliff again, quickly followed behind Shazam, planning to stay away from the source of danger.
"of course!"
Seeing that it’s too slow to walk directly, and the Rock of Eternity is too dangerous and full of uncertainty. Carter, who is more anxious than Superwoman, grabs the hand of this young lady Kayla Danvers and directly Flew forward at high speed.
He just wants to quickly finish the task of coming here, take away the books and things he wants, and then leave here and never come back!
"Look, those are the seven thrones..."
After flying into this large cave like a hall, Carter immediately pointed to the sloping rock seats on the high platform of the stone steps:
"That is the seats of the seven members of the Council of Ancient Wizards, they are all big people!"
"They are: Solomon, the of wisdom, Hercules, Atlas, the king of gods, Zeus, the hero and demigod Achilles, Mercury, and my teacher, the ancient wizard Shazan? "
"I don't know if it's true or not..."
"But it shouldn’t be fake, because the power I inherited from myself, whether it’s the power of Zeus’s thunder, the power of Hercules, or the bravery of Atlas, they are all real, even if I can Is it only a small part of it?"
Anything can deceive, but the real power will definitely not deceive! Therefore, Carter didn't feel that the knowledge and introduction he gained when he accepted the inheritance would be false. After all, he knew the power of that kind of power.
"and many more!"
"I heard... Shazam, your name is inherited from your teacher, and your strength is inherited from those powerful guys? Then you are definitely not Shazam, but what is your original name? what is it call?"
Nodded and shook her head again, Superwoman Kayla Danvers didn't take the other party's words too seriously, but she didn't take it seriously either...
Because, even though the ancient gods with famous names, their'temple' is such an inconspicuous place, it always makes her a little bit unbelievable... But the power of the other party is real. Yes, that is indeed a little stronger than her superwoman.
"This one……"
Carter suddenly felt a little embarrassed.
"If it is not convenient, you can leave it alone!"
"It's not that it can't be said, but it's not suitable now..."
Carter is not unable to say, but he is afraid to say!
Because, he Carter Grant’s name, this lady Supergirl must be recognized. Once he really says it, what will happen and what will happen, he himself dare not go. miss you!
Anyway, it will definitely not be a good choice!
"Well, you don't have to take it too seriously, I just ask casually, maybe you should introduce me something else now?"
Seeing the tangled expression on the opponent's face, Kayla remembered the tragic ending of a certain wizard and wizard in the games she had played because her real name was known by the enemy. She thought that the opponent was also in that situation. I quickly changed the subject and didn't intend to push the other person too much on this issue.
This is like she didn’t want others to know her identity before she was exposed. Everyone always has their own privacy and always has their own difficulties. She shouldn’t persecute too much, because she and this Shazam are still just It's just an ordinary friend, some things are better to leave a little room.
"of course can!"
Carter was relieved and quickly followed the other party's words and introduced other things:
"You just saw the portals outside the door. They are very dangerous. It's best to never open them!"
"Because, they are said to be able to lead to heaven or hell? But unfortunately, there are too many of them. I don't know which one of them leads to heaven and which one leads to hell..."
"There is..."
"Those sealed demons, their statues are here, you can see...???"
"Oh! Damn it, awful!!!"
Carter, who was about to introduce the "Seven Deadly Sins" demons, finally realized:
Originally, fortunately, the demons who were turned into stone statues and were sealed in the cracks on the left side of the hall as decorations, now they don't know when they disappeared?
Of course, not all of them are missing, but the six intact stone statues are gone!
And now the only thing left is the one that was said to have been burned by his sister Annie, and the burnt-shaped demon statue is still in its original place...
Now, together with the six demon statues have disappeared, and at the same time the demon's energy orb? !
"what happened!?"
Kayla also saw Shazan with a sudden change in face. She couldn't help but clenched her fists, and her whole body became tense.
"It's over!"
"Something happened, Kayla..."
Seeing the missing demons, seeing that the monsters that should have been sealed turned out to be the poor guy who was burned to the point that it was said to have been unable to recover for thousands of years, Carter knew that he had a big deal this time!
The duties of the ancient wizard Shazam and the Wizarding Council were actually responsible for guarding and sealing those monsters. However, now the monsters have escaped from prison collectively, and when they disappeared, he doesn't even know? !
"What exactly is going on?!"
The suspicion and anxiety in Kate's heart became stronger...
"Those ones……"
"Those demons... they are gone..."
"They, they escaped!!"
The Rock of Eternity is the closest to the earth, and the space barriers can be said to be completely undefended from the inside out. Therefore, Carter, an incompetent guardian, can know where the six demons will go without guessing. ! ! !
"You mean, the sealed demons, they escaped?"
"should be……"
"Where did you escape?"
"you sure?"
"Maybe... because here is the closest to the earth..."
"Oh! My God!!"

(?′▽`)??? tickets?
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