Chapter 709: Joker and Bear Shield

In Gotham City, in a night bar in a remote street, in this empty two-story building, the muddy air is filled with alcohol, cigarettes, sweat, various perfumes and crazy twists. The messy and unpleasant hormonal smell emitted by the moving men and women...
Boom! Boom! Boom!
That cup of red and willow green wine glasses and various drinks brought out by the waiter from the bar, those noisy and heart-sounding dj music, and the dancers, the crazy obsessive movements of the girls on the high stage, in this Under the distorted and dim environment, most alcoholics temporarily forget the pressures they face in real life.
They and them only know that they are crazy drinking, singing, and making noise here...exhausting all kinds of negative emotions in their hearts in a way that they think is reasonable, living this drunken nightlife, and expecting to escape forever. Those worries and sorrows...
But obviously, that is impossible!
Now, even if they are here no matter how to vent, no matter how hysterical, when they wake up from a hangover tomorrow, they still need to face all kinds of pressure and all kinds of troubles from real life... , They should go to work or need to go to work, they still need to work, no matter what, they can't get any change from alcohol.
Of course, they may not understand, or perhaps they already understand?
Therefore, they enjoy everything here and now, and the joy that the environment here brings to them...
At this moment, in a small half-shielded box of this bar, a strange pair of men and women touched each other's cups lightly, and then they began to get together and whisper to each other talking.
"Shazam, don't we have a good bar in the city of Nachonel? Why do we have to fly to this city so far this time?"
"What's so special about this bar?"
About this matter, Supergirl Kayla Danvers actually wanted to ask a long time ago! Anyway, she didn't understand why the other party had to bring herself to fly here. Is there anything different from the bars in their city?
However, she had just observed for a long time, and she didn't seem to think there was any better place here. It seemed to be no different from the messy bars she had been to before. She didn't think it was any different whether it was the people or the environment, or the snacks she drank.
"You ask this..."
"Of course we also have bars in National City, but...Kayla, we all fly anyway. It's nice to come to Gotham City occasionally to play, don't you find it interesting?"
"This is Gotham City where crime is rampant. Maybe, when we go back, we can punish some villains by the way?"
After Carter turned into a hunk, Shazam, after sucking the lemonade in the glass, he ignored the weird gaze that people around him looked at him, but he smiled reluctantly and got close to his girlfriend. This is the same as herself, the superwoman who wears ordinary clothes explained in a low voice.
Actually, the reason why he came here was just to avoid being touched by acquaintances.
After all, in National City, he himself is fine. If he changes into Shazam, his personal recognition is not high, but the superwoman next to him is different. Up.
If the other party walks on the street or in such a crowded place, without any disguise, the ten will be recognized by others!
Of course, there is another meaning, he himself meant to avoid the surveillance of his mother Kate! After all, in National City, the other party’s news eyeliner is a bit too much. If he is photographed in the middle of the night with the Supergirl, he will definitely be pulled off the next day. It's a lesson.
"But I still don't understand... Dear Shazam, since you have invited me to this Gotham bar here, why don't you have a glass of wine? Look, you keep holding a glass of lemon Water, but I have already drunk two glasses of brandy and a glass of Bloody Mary. If you continue like this, isn't it a bit bad?!"
First pointed to the two brandy goblets and a triangle-shaped cocktail glass in front of him, and then pointed to the large wide-mouthed lemonade in front of the other party’s table. Superwoman Kayla Danvers is very good. Some complained in a low voice.
To be honest, since the other party doesn't drink, why do you have to bring her to this place?
"But, I really don't want to drink now..."
Carter didn't want to drink, but didn't know how to drink at all, didn't dare to drink!
After all, he is just a little boy. He is also afraid that he accidentally drank and drunk and said something wrong, or other terrible things happened, or accidentally changed back to his original body... , No matter which kind, it will be a big problem.
Moreover, recently, he often ran out of "Fighting Evil" without sleeping at night, which already made his mother Kate have an opinion! If the other party smells that scent after drinking and going back, he will really be dead, and it will be useless for him to say anything good at that time!
"But, if you don't get me drunk, how can you have a chance?"
I stared sadly at the hunk sitting next to me, watching this man who can talk to me on almost most things, and he is even better than a man whose match is as high as 99%. After the meeting, Superwoman Kayla sighed quietly.
She thinks it, the other party seems to be very good in everything, and she matches her well and makes her very satisfied!
However, it seems too uninteresting in certain things...
"Opportunity? What opportunity?"
The little Carter, who had turned into a Shazan macho, was confused, saying that he did not understand what the other party just said.
"No! Nothing, you continue to drink your lemonade..."
Some self-pity supergirls did not intend to continue talking too much on this issue, and she did not want to be too active, so she turned her head slightly to the other side.
I don't know why, she suddenly regretted having come here with her tonight...
She always felt that after all this time, she and this Shazam became less and less like a couple, but more and more like siblings? Although their feelings are getting better day by day, and they are familiar with each other day by day, but it is definitely not love!
In other words, it seems difficult to move forward from friendship?
In short, sometimes certain behaviors of the other party are so naive that she can't laugh or cry...It always makes her feel that she is just associating with a big boy who hasn't grown up all the time, making her very twisted, but I don't know where the problem is.
"Shazam, take a look, that person... wouldn't he be the all-wicked clown in Gotham City back then?"
Turning her head, she was wondering if she could find a chance to say goodbye, and then went home to sleep a long time, the superwoman Kayla Danvers suddenly found out:
At this time, from outside the door of the bar, a weird man with a hideous makeup painted on his face and two scary wounds on both sides of his mouth appeared, leading a group of guys who knew they would not be good people at first glance. Walked into this bar hall, and the other party got involved with a fat man with a big belly?
And the weird man with clown makeup on his face reminded her of the shocking news from the past at a glance... After all, she is now the female assistant to the president of Karker Media. Due to work needs, she I am very sensitive and familiar with these things.
At that time, it seemed to be the native hero here in Gotham City, the night knight, that is, the well-known Batman, that guy caught the clown, and then he was locked up and locked in the Arkham Asylum …In this regard, it was reported on the news that year, and there is also a record in the database of Kac Media!
But now, what makes Superwoman Kayla do not understand is why the other party appeared here?
"It's not him?"
"I remember that ‘clown’ was very bad. He killed so many people. How could he be released from prison?!"
Carter (Shazam) is somewhat reluctant to believe that the villain will be released. It stands to reason that the other party's crimes are at least enough to stay in jail for a hundred years!
Although he is young now, he can't remember what happened in Gotham City before, and he has never seen the big news of that year... But he was once a big fan of Batman, but he has not yet transferred to the Supergirl fan club. Before embracing, he had studied all the deeds of Batman Master, and he also knew that a villain called the Joker was once caught by Batman and locked up in a mental hospital dedicated to lunatics.
"Well, let's wait for now, let me overhear and see, what are they talking about?"
After frowning, the somewhat puzzled Superwoman Kayla Danvers reached out and patted the back of Shazam's hand next to her, indicating that the other party should not worry, she intends to use their Kryptonian super hearing Go overhear and hear what the guys who are suspected of villains are saying!
If the other party is really the legendary ‘Joker’, then she will definitely take action, even if this is Batman’s territory!
She, Kayla Danvers, just can't see those evil guys wandering around in this world, but can't understand how those bad guys can be happy everywhere after they do evil!
Because she is a superwoman, she is the incarnation of justice, she is the existence of maintaining peace on the earth!
Moreover, she is also an agent of the Deo Special Operations Department, a ‘staff’ affiliated with the federal government. She cross-border law enforcement is reasonable and legal, and no one can accuse her!
Although her range of activities is still very small so far, and it is far from reaching the level that her old cousin Clark can maintain the safety of the entire planet... But she will definitely continue to work hard, she promises!
"Ok, no problem, you have the final say!"
Carter (Shazam), who is now very familiar with each other and already knows each other’s abilities, did not dare to speak much, and sat aside honestly, waiting for the superwoman and his nominal girlfriend, Kayla Denver. Si used her super hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation between the group of people in the distance.
And himself...
Although Solomon’s wisdom has given him a wealth of knowledge, perception, understanding and insight, he has been busy fooling around with Supergirls and going to school recently, and he has to deal with the Kate’s mother at home. Obviously he has no time to be serious. Studying the powers he gained...So, what are the "suspected bad guys" in the distance talking about, in this noisy environment, he can't hear a single word.
'Welcome home……'
Slightly squinted her eyes, filtered out other noises with her super hearing, and looked at the Superwoman in the corner of the bar far away from the bar. She saw the fat man approach the guy with the clown face and gave it back The other side gave a big hug.
‘Boss, I know you are coming back today, so I have prepared a good wine for you! ’
"Okay Monty..."
‘Let’s follow the old rules, should you at least talk about that? ’
'what? ’
‘Talk about that? No, no, boss, it’s been too long, you have been imprisoned for too long, let’s not talk about that now, we should celebrate now! We all know that it was not easy for you to get out of the Arkham Asylum where lunatics were held. Therefore, we should celebrate first! ’
‘I listened to you before, now you should listen to me...’
'Oh? It turns out that you want to celebrate first...’
'Hey! However, what you said seems to be correct. I just came out and it’s time to celebrate first...’
‘Haha! ’
‘Yes! Come on, drink this glass first! ! ’
‘And you, others will come with me, today I’ll treat you, drink whatever you want, and you’ll take the dust away for my ‘ex’ boss! ’
‘Former boss...Monty, you have changed a lot! ’
'Thank you for your compliment! ’
‘On the contrary, it’s you, boss, you don’t seem to have changed much over the years? Why, life is not easy in Arkham, right? I've heard that there are a bunch of desperate lunatics in it... Someone was saying that there are people tortured to death every day? You might as well talk about what you were like when you were inside, and why were you suddenly released? ! ’
Hearing this, the Superwoman finally became a little uncomfortable, and quickly turned her head to look at her companion Shazan.
"We guessed right, it's him!"
"Shazam, I heard that fat guy, the owner of the bar called the with the clown face called the boss, and, I also heard them celebrating each other's release from Arkham?!"
"So it must be correct, he is the'clown'!"
After confirming that she had not misheard the conversations of those people, Superwoman Kayla Danvers took a breath, and hurriedly looked at Shazan next to her with horrified eyes, and shared what she had just learned. Breaking news.
If she goes back tomorrow to report to her boss, Ms. Kate, after thinking about it, this news will definitely make the headlines, right?
It’s just that she is a little bit unable to understand that the guy who caused so many terrible tragedies that year had no goal, no rules, didn’t care about money, and didn’t seek fame and fortune to create countless terrible explosions and massacres, why did he still appear it's here?
Moreover, listening to those conversations of the other party, it is not difficult for her to guess that the other party definitely did not escape by herself, but it seems that she was truly released by that lunatic asylum prison in a fair manner?
What are the guys who take care of the lunatic asylum prison, are they crazy? !
"Are you sure it's him?!"
"But, Kayla, what are you going to do to get him up again? Or beat him hard? If that's the case, you'd better act lightly later, he won't be beaten by you..."
Although the clown has done a lot of evil things, he is still just an ordinary person, so if you don't want the other person to be beaten to death, then you'd better be more careful when you make a move? For example, he Shazam's own super lightning or those super powers must not be used casually, accidents will definitely happen!
To deal with the Hulk or the "Seven Deadly Sins" demons as before, or to deal with the alien guys who escaped from the Krypton Prison "Rosburgh" prison, just forget it, because those monsters no matter they are Whether there is lightning with his fist, it must not be easily killed, and if he is replaced by ordinary criminals in the distance, he is reluctant to shoot, because they can't help but fight!
Those guys are just a group of ordinary criminals. Not only are they unable to effectively harm him and Kayla, they are also extremely vulnerable. If they are not careful, they may be beaten to death.
Superwoman Kayla Danvers did not speak, nor did she rush to act. Instead, she frowned and glanced at the distance and crossed her shoulders and walked behind the curtain of the performance stage. It seemed that she was going to talk about some shameful things. Obscene fat man.
She is still a little hesitant now, because Gotham City is under the control of that Batman. Whether it is she or Clark, they will deliberately avoid the city and try to avoid this Gotham City as little as possible to avoid going with the person who specializes in it. The dark knights who haunt at night are in conflict...So, if she now intervenes and deals with the villain who seems to have been released from the lunatic asylum, will it be a little bad?
After all, she is a superhero in National City, and she doesn’t know much about the situation and laws in Gotham City. Now the clown seems to have just been
released from prison
and has nothing to do. It's a heinous thing, so maybe she really hasn't taken a shot to subdue or seize the right of the other party?
"I don't know whether we should make a move or not, although he seems to be the clown, but..."
"Oh, God!!"
But Kayla did not continue to say, because she seemed to have heard some terrible sound, and then directly raised her head, stood up and looked at the curtained performance stage in the bar with a little astonishment. Whether in her special vision or super hearing of the Kryptonian, she'sees' and'hears' the terrible things that are happening inside!
Therefore, she exclaimed naturally, with an incredible look in her eyes...
"what happened?"
Seeing that the face of the female companion next to him suddenly changed, Carter (Shazan) also got up curiously and turned his head to look in the direction of the curtain.
However, he didn't see anything unusual...
Here in this bar, the lights are still feasting, and the djs are loud, he can't see or hear what is worthy of Kayla's face!
The next second, without waiting for the superwoman to say something, she silenced the group as a whole, and then Carter also saw in horror:
A fat man with muscles, blood vessels, meridians, and yellow body fat was peeled off in all places except the neck and the soles of his hands and feet. He was caught by the green-haired male clown and others. A female clown with a hat, who was still performing just now, staggered out from behind the scenes, and fell onto the stage all of a sudden, shivering, and there was only one sound in her throat of unknown meaning. sound.
Then, after struggling with a ferocious expression for a while, he finally collapsed on the stage at once, his eyes wide open, as if he was not alive...
Just now, a okay big fat man was skinned to death by those two terrifying'clowns' on the stage in such a terrible and painful way!
"My friends, listen to me..."
At this time, after seeing that his work was not moving, the whole bar was quietly silent, and even the music had stopped unknowingly, the male'clown' whose hands were still full of blood finally spoke.
"I am very, very sad now..."
"You can see this from my face, I promise, I must be sad..."
On the stage, the clown who was slowly taking off his gloves, pointed at his grinning face, smiling cruelly, and said with a sad expression.
"When I was leaving..."
"Giving this city into the hands of such a capable subordinate... But as a result, they turned their heads and took them away from me?"
"Hum hum……."
"Maybe, they don't know, this city, it belongs to me... Gotham City, belongs to me..."
"right now……"
After throwing the blood-filled gloves on the blood-filled skinless corpse on the stage, the clown stepped on the opponent's big butt, which was full of bright red muscle and fat, and his eyes were oozing light. Once again Sweeping towards the chilling people under the stage.
"Now! Gotham City belongs to us!!"
However, before the clown could continue to say something, a group of people dressed in black and wearing sunglasses in the evening suddenly filed in from outside the door of the bar, and they directly interrupted the clown on the stage arbitrarily. The performance, standing proudly in the direction of the bar exit.
"No, it's them!!"
The superwoman Kayla Danvers who just wanted to subdue the evil clown who committed the evil deeds had to stop again at this time, and looked at the familiar guys who suddenly came in in amazement.
"Ah! So it was them..."
Carter (Shazam) also exclaimed, but his tone was not as panic as the Superwoman Keira, but with a trace of embarrassment? Anyway, what is certain is that he must also recognize the men in black who broke in!
"You... are you trying to challenge my position?"
"Hey! Maybe tonight, I need to show more shows?"
Seeing that his performance was interrupted by outsiders, the clown naturally turned to look at the group of However, not only was he not angry, but instead he turned and looked at the group with a smile. Very active man in black.
"Xiong Shield Bureau is working, and the unrelated people will leave immediately!!"
The man in black ignored the provocation of the clown on the stage, but walked directly out of a woman in black and sipped coldly towards the still at a loss for the alcoholic audience.
When a kid, Carter, and Supergirl fool around in a bar, when the clown stripped a former subordinate alive and went with the black agents of Bear Shield, in the house of domineering female president Kate Grant, Little Annie summoned a big, dark-skinned bald head in the living room.
"Respected master!"
"My Er Heizi dare to swear to the abyss, that is really not what I did, I really didn't do anything!!"
"Those things are all good things made by the of Diablo. I have just elected the head of the Bear Shield branch. He summoned the devil and directly took the little one to the sky..."
"The little one is wronged, the little one doesn't know anything..."
Yes, except for his Er Hei Zi Yan Demon to roll up some public funds to have a happy life, everything belongs to his second-in-command, the King of Fear, Diabo. He is on vacation during this time and he doesn't know anything. Those things must not be counted on his Er Heizi's head!
If the little master wants to be held accountable, then go find that Diablo, he will definitely get into trouble! !
"What are you doing so nervously, I just ask, did you say to blame you..."
"Little Master Anne..."
"Actually, the small ones are also a little bit of credit..." Fupin Chinese
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