Chapter 723: Demacia’s magic will last forever?*??(???…

Jarvan III was once a great hero in the Kingdom of Demacia and even on the continent of Valoran!
He once led the elite troops of the Demacian Kingdom to fight countless tragic wars with the Noxian Empire, from the Gate of Sorrow to Nokmochi, to the forefront of the Noxian Great Plains. His footprints and blood and sweat!
No matter how powerful the hero is, there will always be a time when it is late!
Especially, these Demacians who hate magic and suppress extraordinary power?
Therefore, without the blessing of magic or other extraordinary powers, the short life and the increasingly withered body will be a major problem that Jarvan III must face!
There is no doubt that Jarvan III, the king of the Demacia Kingdom, is now very old...
So that
Now he, in addition to dealing with normal military and political affairs, spends his leisure time on watching flowers and birds, walking dogs and feeding fishes, so as to slowly kill off the awkward old life.
At this time, he was obviously feeding the fishes in the indoor fish pond he raised in Dawn Castle...
It's weird...
Jarvan III, who had fish food in his hand, did not continue to feed the carp that he had raised in the royal indoor pool, but carefully observed something.
He didn't know why, he always felt that these carps today are really strange, it seems that they suddenly became a little different from before... But, the specifics were different, and he couldn't tell, he always felt that those fish Are their mental states different from just now?
Because, they are not like before, arguing with each other on the water surface, desperately to grab the best and foremost position, so that when he throws the fish himself, he can grab that number in the first time. Not much delicious? But now, they are unusually calm, each of them staring at the huge carp eyes from the bottom of the water, and looking at him straight, with a very impatient look, seeming to make him this stupid old man hurry up Throw the fish food in your hands directly into the water?
Jarvan III didn’t know why he could
the expressions of dissatisfaction among those carps. Although it was incredible, he could really see it from the movements and eyes of those carps. That feeling, really It is very magical!
and so,
He decided that he should not rush to feed them first, but first study them carefully to see what they are all about today, why are there such strange eyes and conditions?
Clang! Clang!
However, before Jarvan III and his "royal carps" looked at each other and figured out why, one was wearing a silver heavy plate armor, a blue cloak, and embellishments on his head. The semi-enclosed helmet decorated with gold and white wings, the palace guard with only the eyes, nose and half-open mouth, slammed open the gate of this palace, taking hurried and heavy steps, under the feet of the full metal greave boots While colliding with the floor of Dawn Castle and making a heavy and dull sound, he trot quickly and came to the front of Jarvan III and said:
"Your Majesty! Something big happened!!"
The palace guard knelt down on one knee, his panting sound was very urgent, and his tone was flustered... Moreover, even if it was far away, Jarvan III could smell the unpleasant smell coming from the gap in the armor of the opponent. Sweat smell!
Therefore, obviously, Jarvan III didn't need to speak from the other party, and knew that the other party must have something major, so that he ran to him with a little disregard of etiquette like now.
He had just planned to bend down to continue feeding, he had to sigh lightly, stood up straight from the exquisite indoor pond, then grabbed the bag of fish food in his hand and looked at the palace guard. For the time being, I no longer care about the carps who seem to be glaring at him in the water.
"No need to be polite, let's talk, what else can happen now?"
Now that the Noxian Empire is in trouble, all important high-level leaders are kidnapped by a wizard organization in a small place south of the Valoran Continent, so that the opponent’s forces are having to shrink in an all-round way, and they have to temporarily extinguish and continue to invade Demacia or other places. Stupid idea!
When their Noxus returns to calm, resolves the domestic turmoil and returns, it is estimated that it will be several years later...
Therefore, Jarvan III is not worried about Noxus's affairs. Now, when the Demacia Kingdom has unexpectedly gained at least several years of peaceful development time, he does not think there is any important thing worthy of this. The palace guard ran up to him and yelled like this, and he rarely got a few days of comfort.
"His Majesty!"
"His Royal Highness Prince Jarvan has just been attacked. Although Galen, the title guard Swordsman, tried his best to save him, he unfortunately broke a leg and is now being carried back to the Dawn Castle!!"
Although knowing that His Majesty the King will certainly not be in a good mood next, the dedicated palace guard still reported what he knew in the simplest terms.
After all, he just ran in to spread the word, not the guard responsible for defending His Royal Highness Jarvan. Therefore, he was not worried about being scolded or punished by His Majesty the King. No matter what the result was, it would not have any influence on him. .
"Also... also broke a leg?!"
The bag of fish food in Jarvan III’s hand fell directly to the ground quietly, and spilled out a large amount of pellets about the size of a finger, directly spreading the coldness under their feet. The smooth silver-white floor of the Dawn Castle is a large area, and it is rolling everywhere.
"who is it?!"
"Who dared to attack my son in my kingdom, in my city, and let him break a leg?!"
In the expectation of this palace guard, King Jarvan III, after a short while, became furious.
Then, his big, old and shriveled hands unexpectedly grabbed the Demacia blue badge on the guard's chest and slid the opponent directly to him, making him even old. , But still looking tall and straight, after looking down at the opponent, spit out those spitting stars, glaring fiercely at the guard's pair hidden behind the helmet, and questioned loudly with eyes that looked a little scared.
At this time, he, Jarvan III, his father as Jarvan IV, the ruler of the Light Shield family, and he who had killed countless people during the Southern and Northern Wars when he was young, has now decided in his heart:
No matter what the reason, no matter who it is, those who dare to attack his son in his royal city will surely receive his harshest and cruel punishment! !
"Return to your majesty..."
"According to the replies of the guards and Sword Master Galen, the enemy...the enemy seems to be a bird? And, it has flown away, and we can't find it now..."
Yes, this thing does look like this, even if it sounds outrageous?
Just now, this palace guard ran back from the panic on horseback to the guard who reported the news, and it was exactly what he heard!
It’s said that it was the commander of the Fearless Vanguard Army, the Swordsman Chief Galen, the crown defender, in order to please their Prince Jarvan IV, so he brazenly attacked a big bird resting on a tree branch and prepared Hit down and make a barbecue lunch?
This kind of thing is normal in the kingdom of Demacia, in the army, and even in the daily life of the nobles! After all, hunting to improve food and other things, whether it is soldiers, nobles or citizens of Demacia, has never done less, and no one would think that the Galen Swordsman would have nothing wrong with running to fight birds. .
But as a result, something that astounded everyone happened:
That fat bird, after being attacked by Master Galen Swordsman, was not cut off by chance, unexpectedly launched a terrifying attack method, and issued a fierce magic attack-Air Slash. Almost cut the prince Jarvan with his back to it in two?
And if it were not for the sharp eyes and quick hands of the Swordsman Galen, who threw down their Demacia's lonely crown prince at a critical time, presumably, the current His Majesty King Jarvan III would not be in the current state of rage, but rather want to live and deserve Think about the question of whether the royal family of Demacia is extinct!
Of course, although due to Galen’s reasons, Prince Jarvan, who was negligent, was spared the miserable fate of being chopped down, the big tree that was chopped down and slid down still unfortunately gave them both The ground smashed, and then... the heavy crown and branches of the big tree successfully changed Prince Jarvan's calf into a strange shape.
"A bird, you are saying... was a bird attacked my son?!"
After hearing the words of the palace guard in a panic, the furious King Jarvan III first stunned, and then the power in his hand involuntarily slowed down a little bit, making the other's frightened face farther away from him. A little bit.
The amount of information is suddenly a bit big now. His Jarvan III’s son was attacked by a bird. He even broke a leg for this? !
"Is it a dragon bird?"
"I understand……"
"Are the leaders of the Dragonfowl Legion all a bunch of trash? They didn't take care of their mounts and let those big birds attack pedestrians everywhere in the city?!"
Naturally, he thought it was a specialty of Demacia, and thought it was those precious dragon birds that attacked his son, and then caused the opponent to break a leg. Jarvan III soon transferred his anger to the Dragonfowl Knight Legion and On the heads of some of the other officials.
In Jarvan III’s opinion, there would be no other creatures besides those dragons and birds that could launch a surprise attack and wound his son!
and so…..
"And you, so many people can't protect your prince, are you all a bunch of trash?!"
In the rage, Jarvan III tightened his hands again, dragged the innocent palace guard in front of him again, and asked viciously.
Now he is only worried about the safety of his only child, so after being dazzled by anger, he can no longer care too much.
After all, the prince of a kingdom was attacked in the capital. The nature of this kind of thing is much more serious than being injured on the battlefield!
"The Kingdom, Your Majesty..."
"It's not our Demacia's dragon bird, it's... it's just an ordinary bird! By the way, the person who came back to report said that it is a magical bird, a beast..."
"Or maybe it's a devil bird?"
"It attacked Master Swordsman Galen and His Royal Highness Jarvan, but with the help of Master Swordsman Galen, the two of them escaped a fatal blow in time. However, the fallen tree accidentally crushed them. ,and so……"
So the prince's leg was broken, it is like this!
As for other things, the guard didn’t elaborate, because now the king is angering the dragonfowl knights in Demacia. If he doesn’t hurriedly say what he knows, who knows how to deal with it. What else will happen?
"Ordinary bird?"
Demon bird?
Jarvan III will be a little stunned again...
At this shock today, he suddenly felt a little tired, and his heart couldn't bear it... Maybe, he was really a little old?
This is the Kingdom of Demacia, and it is full of the magical cornerstones of their country!
In the capital city of Demacia, whether it is streets, city walls, roadsides, buildings, gardens or other open spaces, there are forbidden magic stones that can absorb magic everywhere!
Therefore, Jarvan III is even more unable to understand why in their Demacia Kingdom, there are still such beasts or monsters? Even, the other party can still cast magic in the Demacia Xiongdu where the Forbidden Magic Stones are everywhere, and successfully attacked his son?
That kind of outrageous thing is absolutely impossible!
In short, Jarvan III felt some kind of conspiracy or deep deception in the making!
It must be some people, some guys think he is too old and faint to the point where he can't discern the truth, so after attacking his son, he was casually looking for someone to make up such a clumsy excuse to perfuse him?
"Do you think I would believe what they said?"
"I am the king of Demacia, and I am Jarvan III! Guards, are you sure that everything you just said is true?!"
Boom! Boom! !
At this time, there was a sudden sound of water, plus two sounds of an object bouncing on the ground. It was particularly harsh in this spacious and quiet palace with only two people.
I am preparing to continue to vent my anger, and I am going to let the guard in front of me call the leader of the Demacia Dragonfowl Knights and the city defense captain in charge of public order to reprimand him, and then let the other party see that he will be carried back to dawn When the castle’s son looked miserable, they unexpectedly discovered:
The royal carp raised in that exquisite little pond of Jarvan III actually jumped out of it at this time?
Moreover, it doesn’t count if the other party jumps out. Not only does it not want to jump back into the water, but instead it constantly jumps on the smooth stone floor, jumping towards his feet, even... even directly. How about going on the shore to eat the fish food that he just dropped on the ground?
It’s not uncommon for things like fish to occasionally jump ashore to die, but...
Like the one in front of me, it’s not too much to jump on the ground of the palace without water, but it can still search for food freely on the shore. This is really a bit surprising and refreshing!
If this kind of weird thing is changed to the usual, most of the time Jarvan III, who is idle and doing nothing, will definitely be amazed and squat down to study and explore to see what this fish is all about. , Why is there such a big change?
Now he is full of his own son being attacked and the tree breaking his leg. He just wants to quickly figure out the cause of the matter, and intends to wait for the other party to return. Look at the other's injury and try to recruit the best doctor to treat the other's broken leg!
and so,
Being upset, he kicked a certain one who dared to jump ashore and jumped,'eat dry rice' on the beautiful floor of his Dawn Castle, and got water-stained'carps' everywhere. He kicked back into the pool.
"Now, you immediately..."
Well? !
Some of Jarvan III, who had calmed down, pushed aside the palace guard who looked fearful even from the gaps in the helmet, and was about to give some important orders. Suddenly, he discovered that in the pool, there was another There is a new change?
In that delicate small indoor pond, which of the water in the pool in the middle of the palace seemed to be a big fish that he just kicked back into the water, it was trembling at this time, and it floated with its head and tail, still full of hair. Blazing white light?
This strange situation stunned the king and the palace guard. They had no idea what was going on with that strange fish, or what was about to happen.
But soon, without waiting for any other reaction from them, the strange carp that was shining, trembling and floating, became huge in vain, and quickly turned into a single fish in the more dull expressions and eyes of the two. ...A snake with a terrifying head like a dragon? !
That's right, if the monster with a dragon head, fish mouth and water snake body is not a snake, they really don't know what it should be called...
'Roar! ! ! ’
Next second,
Before the two of them wanted to understand why a big carp suddenly changed so much, so surprised and reacted, the huge snake-shaped "dragon fish" roared at the two, it opened. Suddenly a huge jet of water spouted from the mouth of the huge fish that was moving, and it swept directly towards Jarvan III and the palace guard!
"Your Majesty, be careful!!"
Wow! !
"Uh ah!!!"
"Help, help..."
Amidst the screams of the palace guards and the exclamation of the current King Jarvan III of Demacia, the endless floods, like a burst in the mouth of the huge snake-shaped "dragon", directly knocked them both People were completely submerged, and soon this large room with heavy palace wooden doors was directly immersed in a massive, endless flood.
Of course, there is also a large amount of water that is constantly gushing out like a waterfall from the windows of the outer wall toward the sea below the Dawn Castle.
‘! ! ’
‘Look! what is that? ’
'do not know……'
‘The pool in Dawn’s Castle is broken? ’
‘I remember, that place is His Majesty’s fish farm? ’
‘Yes, that’s the fish farm, but the water...’
This kind of thing must be hidden from the elite Demacian guards and palace guards who are on guard outside the Castle of Dawn! However, they didn't know what was going on. They could only look up in a daze, looking at the big water that was constantly pouring out from the windows of a certain palace on the height of the castle, and they looked like two waves. Like a huge fountain, it constantly gushes from those two windows, and then flies down into the sea under the cliff on the other side.
This surprising situation caused the guards below to talk about it, and they all said they couldn't understand...
Because, although they know that there are springs on the rocky mountain where Dawn Castle is located, they can provide all kinds of daily living water for hundreds of people throughout the castle, and they also know that there is a king’s fish pond in the castle, but they can never I have never heard of it, there is a huge reservoir in the castle!
So, they are very puzzled, do not understand why so much water is sprayed from the castle?
Rumble! !
Finally, it seems that the quality of the outer wall of a certain castle is not good, or it has received some kind of huge attack? In the next moment, the guards who were guarding and standing guard at the periphery of Dawn Castle, they only watched the excitement for a while, and before they could understand what was happening in the palace, they suddenly heard a loud noise!
The outer wall of Dawn Castle near the sea suddenly collapsed from the inside out, and countless floods and broken bricks burst out from the inside. What's more, the guards were shocked:
Then in the weird waterfall, there seems to be a huge snake-shaped creature mixed in? !
Soon, when the weird flood waterfall and the creatures in it plunged into the sea below and disappeared without a trace, their guards only saw a seepage appeared on the outer wall of Dawn Castle. Human's huge breach!
No one knew what was going on, the guards just stared at each other and waited patiently for the response of their commander or some witty ghost.
King Jarvan III of the Demacia Kingdom was not directly washed into the sea by the flood, because his palace guard dutifully grasped his neckline at the critical moment, just as he had just before. It's exactly the same when facing each other!
It's just that he just grabbed the opponent's neckline to growl, and now, his palace guards caught him and saved his life!
call! call!
"Just, just now, what happened here?"
After taking a few breaths and spitting out the sewage that choked into his stomach and lungs, Jarvan III finally came back to his senses.
It may be the reason for being too old. He is still a little confused now, and he still doesn't understand. How well, they were suddenly submerged in this dawn castle on the tall rocky mountain? Also, he just saw some strange hallucination?
it seems that……
Those ornamental fish in the pond can not only go ashore for food, but can also become a terrible snake? Moreover, it seems that the other party has spewed a huge amount of water that can instantly submerge this large palace?
"His Majesty the King... the carp you raised has just turned into a monster, and it has attacked you..."
This palace guard remembers clearly, just now, was it the monster that turned from a carp, or was it a monster? It spewed out a large amount of water with magic, and instantly submerged the place. It also broke through the thick outer wall of the castle and ran out. Now it must have run into the harbor water under the Dawn Castle and disappeared.
"You, can you be sure?"
Gavin III, who was lying wet on the ground, the crown was gone, and his hair was covered with dirt, asked tremblingly after reluctantly standing up again.
Now, he seemed to faintly believe that a big bird attacked his son and broke one of his legs. Because now even more unbelievable things have happened in front of him, in his Dawn Castle, which is full of Forbidden Magic Stones... Then, what else is impossible?
"Your Majesty, I saw it, I'm pretty sure!"
"I saw it turned into a huge red snake in a cloud of golden light? Then you also know... Flood water spurted out of its mouth. I guess it must be a terrible meeting. Magic monster!"
The palace guard is in a very embarrassed situation now. One of his iron armor gloves is gone, and the beautiful helmet on his head is also gone. It directly reveals his water-stained, determined face. Let’s be together. Short hair.
However, fortunately, due to the fact that his weapon was caught in a chain, it was still hung upright around his waist and was not swept away by the flood just now.
"My kingdom, what is going on here?!"
With the help of the palace guards, Jarvan III walked carefully to the wall of the newly damaged Castle of Dawn, and through the huge gap, looked at the capital city of Demacia outside his own.
It's different from the peaceful and peaceful situation. Now, from his muddy old eyes, he can only see the noise and chaos, as if someone is rebelling. Even, in some places, there are still fires and people's screams when they run away in a panic?
‘! ! ’
‘There are assassins! ’
‘There are magical fluctuations, hurry, go to the Demon Slayer! ’
‘Defend Your Majesty the King first! ’
‘The Castle of Dawn is attacked, hurry, sound the bugle, call all the guards! ! ’
‘Palace guard! Gather now! Gather now! ! ’
‘Everyone! When entering the castle, protect your majesty first! ! ’
'fast! fast! You go here, you go there, where's the messenger, where is he? ! ’
Finally, maybe the guards of the castle reacted, maybe they saw the embarrassed figure of the king who appeared by the gap above the castle, or they also saw the unexpected surprises in Demacia. Situation and confusion? Anyway, when Jarvan III looked at the large square directly in front of his Dawn Castle palace, he only saw the elite guards and palaces who were shouting and lined up, shouting slogans. Guards.
Today, the capital of Demacia is here, although no invading enemies have been seen, but from the city to the outside, from the port to every alley, even the army camp or the king’s castle of dawn, it is almost all in the same Time became chaotic...
But fortunately, not all places have that kind of flickering look!
In most parts of this city, it is still quite calm...Most of the people in Demacia continue to live in their homes. No one knows what is happening around them. Those who have not been exposed to'change' People who are still indulged in their respective peaceful and comfortable lives.

"Demacia...what the is going on?!"
When Lacus was still confused, she was driven out of Bouvier Manor by a wretched little girl, and then, on her mount, Xinghuo slowly paced back towards the manor of the crown guard family. She saw all kinds of sights that she hadn't seen in her life that almost made her chin drop:
The simple-looking blue turtles are playing around in the moat beside the road, but they are spitting out terrifying water arrows from time to time?
A few colorful butterflies that are as big as slaps together are actually chasing a few naughty children carrying nets and running around the garden?
A cat with a gold coin on its forehead stood up and waved its claws, scratching how many gangsters who seemed to want to rob it and fled?
Also, a citizen holding a kitchen knife, who seemed to be preparing to slaughter poultry, was chased by a group of naive, fat ducks in his house and lay down on the big tree and howled?
There are also all kinds of moving plants in the gardens or roadside flower beds in Demacia, flying ducks with green onions, moving mud lumps in the stinking ditch, and walking to move to the base. Grass, squeezing crabs on the road, flaming birds whizzing through the sky from time to time, mice with their tails on fire, chickens that fight the farmer inexorably, even moving rocks, etc. She was dazzled!
Of course, what shocked her the most was the group of horses with horns on their heads, four hooves and flames dragging on the back of their tails, and they were happily chasing the elite foot cavalry of Demacia. ! Because they seem to be wearing the heavy vests of Demacia's elite cavalry regiment?
And this can explain their origin and what they will be before!
"What exactly happened here……"
After allowing her love horse Xinghuo to carry herself to the gate of her crown defender's family manor, Lacus still stared blankly at all the weird things that were happening in the distance that she could see.
If she were not sure, this is the capital of Demacia, where she grew up, she almost thought she accidentally ran to a certain magic city, or ran through an invisible portal to the Bandars The magical Bandar City is too!
"Great, Lux, you are finally back!!"
Just as Lacus was at a loss, the door of her defending family suddenly opened from inside, and then her aunt Tiana, in uniform and iron armor, hurriedly walked out with a horse from inside and followed her. Behind him are several guards of the Crown Guard family who are equally well armed and not pretty.
"Aunt Tiana, what are you..."
Looking at the other person's appearance, thinking about the strange and terrifying things that she saw all the way back all the way, Lacus quickly opened her mouth and prepared to ask.
"You still don't ask, I don't have time!!"
However, before Lacus could speak, her aunt Tiana hurriedly reached out and interrupted her and grabbed the reins and dragged her and her mount Starlight to the gate of the manor.
"Now there is something wrong with Demacia, I am afraid you have seen it too!"
"Now, don't ask anything, stay at home, don't go anywhere! I now need to go to Dawn Castle as soon as possible. His Majesty the King called us just now!"
After talking and leading her guard to ride out the door of the defending family, Tiana suddenly turned her head before the heavy Demacia steel door closed.
"Remember, Lux!"
"Nowadays, many strange things have happened throughout Demacia. There have been many magical animals or other things... Of course, it also includes our home! So, if you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself, I I advise you not to attack or irritate strange things no matter how strange you see them?"
"Those things are still friendly for the time being, provided don't take action to deal with them first?"
After speaking, Tiyana waved her hand and led her family guards who were also heavily armed to rush toward the Dawn Castle!
Huh! !
Looking at the big iron door that was heavily closed by the family guards, Lacus could only press the words full of her stomach into her throat...
When this Demacia capital, and even the entire Demacia Kingdom where there were Forbidden Magic Stones, was in chaos, a certain instigator, a tragic little girl, was sitting in the grand square of Demacia at this time. At the very top of the bridge-shaped arch, with his legs dangling, he looked down and looked at the chaos of the entire Demacia capital.
Now, she is not afraid of being discovered by others!
Because, now the capital city of the entire Demacia Kingdom is instantly ‘occupied’ by various ‘magic and magical creatures’! Those Demacians who were clamoring about the Forbidden Demon all day are too late to deal with the Pokémon she has made. Where can there be time to care about her, the little girl sitting at the highest point of Demacian?
"Hey ha!"
"Hey! Tibbers, tell me, what should we do next?"
Although the city of Demacia is in chaos now, Annie does things on her own. It’s because the Pokémon magic creatures she made are not aggressive, as long as the Demacia don’t provoke them. , They will certainly not easily use their power to fight back.
And once the Demacians attacked those cute little guys, they would surely receive the same level of counterattack, that is beyond doubt! And now, those Demacians who have been hypnotized, temporarily petrified, paralyzed and poisoned are the best examples!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbs doesn’t want to speak now, because the horrible little lord of his family has not released its prohibition until now, so it will continue to fight coldly with the horrible little lord until tomorrow’s confinement. 'Until the time ends.)
"Ah! Tibbers, look at it!"
"Those Demacia steels are really good. After being burned for so long, they continue to hang on the flame horses...Ah! I really hope that the Demacia cavalry has a high enough fire resistance. Otherwise, they would definitely need to find the mount again."
ε=(??ο`))) alas
Looking down, watching the dozens of Demacia soldiers with full-body cavalry and heavy armors were chased by their mounts turned into blazing horses from the East City of Demacia to the West City in an embarrassing appearance. She smiled carelessly.
Then, feeling that gloating might be a bit uncomfortable, she put her face on the floor pretendingly, pretending to be ‘sad’, and sighed heavily as an adult.
"It's over, the Demacian gate is gone... Look, Tibbers, the gears on their gate have turned into a moving gear monster..."

Looking into the distance, to the east of the tall city wall of Demacia, watching the huge and heavy iron gate fall down with a rumbling sound, directly hitting the beautiful Baitiaoshi gate square. After blowing up countless rubble and dust on the floor, a huge and terrifying gear monster made up of a pile of city gate gears climbed out of it. Little Annie couldn't help but pretended to exclaim again, and said she was good The Macian mourned for a moment.
In fact, even she did not expect that in the Demacia’s capital, so many magical powers were stored in the Forbidden Magic Stones, so that she only activated them slightly and resonated with them, but in the end, It's so fun...oh no, it should be said that such a'serious' consequence?
Now, with that kind of magical creatures everywhere, those stupid Demacians will never go to ban demons anymore, right?
Sure enough, her Queen Anne is really a good person, so she can't see that other people's homes are too quiet and monotonous!
This is not She still rushed here to give this unmagical and pitiful Demacia Kingdom a super gift, and let them in a blink of an eye. Become a super magic kingdom with countless magic creatures? Anyway, this fact will definitely not be changed easily for countless years, because the cubs or eggs laid by the magical creatures must also be magical creatures!
In short, her Queen Anne has gifted them to the Demacians for free now about magic or something, and how to use it next has nothing to do with her. Her Queen Anne never left her name for doing good things!
Because, she needs to think about it now, how can she use the common materials that the Demacians can take everywhere to make a magic ball? Or, what should she catch her first Pokémon?
Anne hasn't thought about this matter for the time being, but there is no doubt that she must catch the big and brutal one! !
After catching it, she hasn’t figured out what is the use... Maybe, she can wait for a while, after the Demacians have to admit the existence of magic, and then teach them how to catch them. Fantastic magic creature baby?
As for what to catch...
Of course it is used to fight! !
Magical creatures that can't be used to fight must be soulless!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

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