Chapter 736: Run when you get it? (?)?

Our clever, cute, well-behaved and savvy little princess Anne from the gray order, she followed a certain long-bearded mage with a blue skin and a light head, in the freezing cold of Freljord. I played on the earth for many days, and I still get along more happily.
At least, it was like that at the beginning, but as for the result...
During that period of time, at the beginning, she was with the old bald archmage Ritz, in the caravan with the merchants of Avaros and a small number of merchants of the Winter's Claw tribe, in the world of ice and snow. After a few days of business... Then, she personally shot a lot of frosty flames that were said to not be afraid of the cold, the huge worm that is unique in the snowy field?
Then, on the same day, she had a fierce fight with a demigod ice crystal phoenix called Anivia, although at that time, she almost beat the opponent to death. The other party was miserable, miserable, miserable... But in the end, the big bird who was reborn in Vani had to thank her very much?
Even, she was still on a snowy night, let her bear Tibes??(エ)??ノ?, burned to death a large group of attacking cannibals, including the troll king , Including the guy called Trundle, none of them could run away, and now they are all buried in the thick ice near the ruins of the ice castle that may have collapsed.
In short,
In that frigid world of ice and snow, on the land of Freljord, although Annie could not find the kind of snowman that a badass mother Amoryn had said many times that would eat children, but always In other words, she still had a good time playing.
In the end, when she found the little village where the World Rune Stone is located with the old Ritz monster, she still secretly and unscrupulously ran away by herself...
Although she said that the great and omnipotent Queen Anne didn't run into some unprovoked enemy, and there was no great guy in that village, she still had to run!
She finally got her wish and got a runestone full of magical and extremely powerful energy world, that is, the kind of rune that has some mysterious connection with this runeland world?
Obviously, the one that she got in hand was the one that the old bald master Ryze had originally planned to retrieve! !
When a bad old man who was not a good person went to a'friendly' negotiation with his old friend, when he failed to'extort for free', he fought and strangled the unlucky barbarian tribe chief alive. , When the barbarian old mage was strangled...some Queen Anne who couldn’t see it, she kindly put the stone from the state of
for temporary storage, and Almost at the same time'swish', it was directly teleported from Freljord's alpine snowfield to the far east of Valoran Continent, separated by the vast ocean of Ionia, the first-born land!
Anyway, a certain bad old man must have found her easily in a short time.
Originally, in her plan, she also wanted to go to a large frost castle north of Freljord to play, play, or try to find a legendary Snowman... But, because she was worried that it was too close to a bad old man, in order to avoid being discovered by the other party, she had to abandon her original plan regrettably and directly teleported to Ionia. Here on the island mainland.
Just now casting a spell from a long distance and jumping out of the portal, she successfully teleported to this nascent land, teleported to Ionia, an island land full of natural beauty and primitive magic, and little Annie, who is not known somewhere here, is listening. After a certain little bear inadvertently said'murmur', she was so angry that she almost didn't throw the guy who was eating inside and out into the pool in the distance!
But anyway, she didn’t rush to punish a bear who made her angry. Instead, she hurriedly took action to erase the trajectory of her teleportation spell and avoid a magical magician who is also proficient in teleportation spells from being able to use traceability. Find yourself?
"This is obviously the stone I found myself, and it's not from the old man Ritz I deliberately grabbed!!"
o(′^`)o hum!
"Also, the old barbarian mage was clearly killed by the old man Ryze, so it has nothing to do with me! Is that guy dead, can't I take the broken stone he left behind? I'm telling you Say, I didn't go to take the'relics' of their tribe for nothing, but I have left several magic snowmen for their barbarian tribe? They can completely protect those people to continue living in that place!"
This is what it is!
How could she, a well-behaved, clever, smart, cute, and considerate Queen Anne, steal other people's things? It was obviously that the old man of Ryze couldn't ask for the rune stone, and he fought with the leader of the barbarian tribe, the old mage outrageously!
That bad guy, he strangled the opponent alive even if he hit it? !
Seeing the pitiful appearance of the remaining people of the barbarian tribe with more than 90 people, seeing that those people are likely to lose their shelter in the icy world and die tragically by those cannibal frost trolls. In her hands, she secretly shot, setting up a lot of snowman magic puppets around their tribe to ensure that they would not be bullied by the trolls.
In return, she reluctantly took away their worthless stone that had lost its owner?
That's right, in fact things are like this.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
In short,
Her Queen Anne used the fairest trading rules to get the current world rune, she didn't it from the hands of the big bald head of Ryze or someone else. Regarding this, she Very, very sure! Therefore, the incorrect words that a certain villain bear just muttered is absolutely impossible!
She is definitely not as bad as the guy who eats the inside and out! !
After reprimanding a little bear who likes to eat inside and out, Annie began to look carefully at the world runestone she was holding in her hand, and studied it attentively.
What she held in her hand, which was the size of her several small fists, was a rune shining with orange-yellow marks. It kept radiating powerful magical powers, and she also discovered that, This is exactly like the bald old man Ritz said: does it have some kind of weird power that can corrode people's hearts, or affect the state of mind and soul?
It is both magical and dangerous!
Of course, that level of danger is simply not worth mentioning to Little Annie!
Because, in this world of Rune Land, and even in countless planes, things that can corrode and corrupt her spirit and soul are definitely impossible! Whether it's the ancient gods, the demons from the abyss hell, or some kind of power in the void, they won't work! !
But, it's not that there is nothing that can seduce her...
For example, that kind of particularly delicious food or creature?
(?′?﹃?`?) Hehehe...
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"So this is ah……"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"This kind of stone is just a little bit of fairly strong power, it can be used as a continuous source of magic power, it can increase the agility and reaction speed of the holder, and it can strengthen the spirit and will to a certain extent. It is nothing remarkable. of……"
Just a few more glances, Annie probably figured out what this kind of thing is!
It is probably the same thing as those infinite gems in Annie's own bag!
It's just that, the infinite gem is the product of the rules of the entire world, and the tattered rune in front of you, it seems that it can only have a powerful enchanting effect on this runeland planet?
It is different from the terrible situation where ordinary people like the infinite gemstone will be flushed into the body by endless energy just touch it and cause it to be directly unbearable and disappear. The runestone in her hands now does not have that kind. An extremely overbearing cosmic power, is it just the embodiment or resonance of a certain magic power rule in this Runeland planet? It can gently transform any ordinary person who touches it, and give it the kind of powerful magic power that can almost fight the big bald Ryze Archmage?
In general, it is not as powerful as Infinite Gems, and its scope of action is very narrow. It can only be used in this Runeland world, which has a certain reference significance... But for the knowledgeable Queen Anne, she I obviously don't need them~!
"Ah! If I knew it was such a thing, I wouldn't have taken it away!"
ε=(′ο`))) alas
After reading it, Annie, who felt not so rare, grabbed the runestone in her hand that was shining with a certain mysterious mark and dissipating mighty power, and threw it casually, as if she was holding a very Ordinary stones, not the treasures that most mages in the entire Runeterra dream of.
in fact,
At the beginning, she just wanted to study these magical and powerful runestones. She had never thought of drawing its power, and there was no need to draw its power!
For Annie, this kind of thing is just a little toy with a sense of freshness. Before she got it, she tried every means to get it in her hands! Anyway, the more the old Ritz didn't want to give it, the more she wanted to get it, and once she got it and understood it, she soon wanted to throw it away and it was not worth it!
"This Ionian land is really good. Like Sona's sister said at the time, magic really fills everything here. It is much stronger than that boring Demacia Kingdom. of!"
Annie casually tossed the broken stones in her hand while carefully observing all the flowers, plants, and animals on the land that she could see so far.
If it is said that before she was secretly moved by her Queen Anne, the Demacia Kingdom was a forbidden country without magic, now, the place where she is is exactly the opposite of that Demacia, almost in Above two different extremes?
Of course, the extreme of the Demacia Kingdom now, their bad habit of hostility to magic, has been kindly corrected by her Queen Anne. She has never been accustomed to leaving names for doing good things, so thank you Whatever, just save it!
(Σ`?′) σ Ha!
If she is free, she might go back to Demacia to see Big Sister Sona and Miss Lacus, by the way, look at those fun and interesting Pokémon and Magic Babes?
"That little sister over there, you can come out now, I have found you for a long time!!"
After studying the world runes in her hand, and marveling at this first-born soil filled with magic and natural spirits everywhere, Annie naturally headed towards the clear pond not far away, towards a certain I just washed up in white water from which red water, with a large fluffy tail and the same fluffy pointed ears. At this time, he was hiding behind the big tree secretly, spying on some of her little sisters. Jiao groaned.
She had discovered the other party a long time ago, but just now, she successfully got the rune from under the eyelids of a certain bald old mage. She was in a state of excitement and excitement, and didn't want to take care of that being disturbed by her own teleportation spell. The strange lady with a long tail is just that.
For a long time, behind the big tree opposite was still quiet, without any movement...
Obviously, the other party must have heard Anne’s question just now, but he still continued to hide inside, even gradually holding his breath without breathing, reducing his sense of existence to the greatest extent, and wanting to continue hiding there like that. Behind the big tree, pretending not to exist?
"Miss Sister, don't hide anymore. I've seen the way you were just now. If you hide like this now, you will catch a cold and catch a cold!!"
"Don't worry, come out quickly... Although you look a lot like a fox, you are more like a human... Therefore, I or my little bear Tibbers will definitely not eat you!! "
Just now the other party was taking a bath, and when he heard what he was doing, he hurried out of the pond to put on clothes. It must be uncomfortable to be wet now?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(Uncle Tibbers Xiong said that although he can see everything clearly, the other party’s white body is like a hairless pig, but it’s even thinner and doesn’t have much fat. Uncle Xiong himself will definitely not be interested! Because even if it is really washed and peeled, it is not enough for him to eat at one bite, so he will not eat any fox people...)
"You don't seem to be from us Vastal...Who are you little girl and why do you appear here?"
After hearing the other party’s words, knowing that the other party has indeed discovered him, and felt that it is no longer necessary to continue to hide and hide, he has a pair of wet plush ears on his head, the same black wet hair and nine dancing ones. The wet girl with a white furry tail still dripping with water drops finally wrapped her tight-fitting rugged clothes, carefully padded her bare feet from the back of the big tree, and held the tree of the old big tree. Pi, walked out vigilantly.
Her eyes were full of vigilance and curiosity.
Be vigilant, because she smelled a hint of danger from the strange little girl...
The reason for curiosity is that the strange symbol that the opponent is throwing in his hand, and the magical stone that is constantly exuding powerful magic...
"My name is Annie, Annie Hasta, I am a mage! Just now, I was trying to avoid a bad and bad bald old man, so I sent it to your place called Ionia. Then I accidentally disturbed you until you took a shower, please don't mind too much!"
Annie promises She really didn't intentionally scare the other person just now, she just sent it randomly, who knows that this place sent to, there is such a beautiful and strange young lady fox secretly in the wild How about taking a bath?
That guy looks so weird...
The other party not only has a pair of furry ears, but also has nine big tails, which will definitely be heavy after being wet. Isn't it too tired for the other party to drag his ass? Moreover, when she first saw it, she almost thought it was the big-tailed wolf grandmother from a fairy tale, and she was shocked!
"How are you..."
After hesitating for a while, feeling the dangerous smell from the other party's body gradually dissipated, the wet fox-eared girl who stood up finally introduced herself:
"I, my name is Ari, this is my home..."
A little girl, but also a mage, and teleported here?
Ari knew what a mage was and what magic was from the memory fragments of the prey and human beings looted by her before. Therefore, after hearing the explanation of the other party, she was very concerned about why the other party suddenly appeared in her Things in her homeland were not too surprising...Finally, she was no longer so confused, and began to look up and down carefully at the small girl who was wearing a thick blue and white fur clothes.
She thinks the other party is really weird...
Because, her garden here is not very cold, on the contrary it is a little hot... But why does the other party wear that way? Is there any difference between that kind of little girl and these Vasayas?
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