Chapter 740: Looking for the missing vixen (???)

The weather in Ionia today is very good, at least, in the area where this mountain forest is located.
Above the sky, the wind is light and the clouds are pale, the blue is like washing...
Sunlight shining in obliquely from the branches and branches of the lush towering old tree, for this shady and dim piece of magic, flying with all kinds of glowing magic elves, as well as the hidden and active shrubs of countless wild animals and low areas. The dense forest environment of the vegetation brings that indispensable light.
However at this time,
In this piece of woods full of magic, flowers, wild creatures, forest vegetation and the kind of towering ancient trees, a blue-skinned, long-bearded, energetic bald old man is leading a little girl who looks a little dull. , I didn't know if it was trampled by human traders or other Vastayas in the vicinity, groping forward slowly.
The one who has been leading the way ahead, and stopping to sense or confirm the direction from time to time, is the blue-skinned bald wanderer Ryze! And behind him, he was carrying a stuffed toy bear, his face was reluctant and impatient, and his mouth was pouting, stopping from time to time to kick the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside. Or suddenly threatening someone out of the bushes to observe her wild animals because of curiosity, it is obviously the little Annie who was raised by a certain bald master!
Annie doesn't want to follow a certain awkward old man on this beautiful Ionia island in a hurry and purposefully... Her Queen Anne just wants to go crazy and play well and go everywhere. Go shopping, or go everywhere to make others mess?
Of course, you can also eat all kinds of cute little animals on this big island full of that kind of original magic atmosphere?
Anyway, she just didn’t want to be controlled by others, especially a horrible old man with a light-headed man who used the
for the world
for the countless creatures
and so on to fool her, just to let her help in vain. That kind of nonsense to deceive children!
"Hey! Grandpa Ryze... It's so hot, big world, how troublesome to find someone... Can you find it? Or, let's just stop looking for it? Anyway, Miss Ari, I feel She is pretty good too, maybe, after ten days and a half, she will be back to normal, maybe?"
That’s right, now Annie is a little bored, so much so that she doesn’t want to save any money to follow this old man Ritz to find the little fox with nine long furry tails who had previously taken the opportunity to escape and had long since disappeared. sister!
Of course, if she really wants to find it herself, she can be sure that there is a way to easily find the escaped Miss Ari! However, she didn't want to do that, because... the old Ritz monster once said: ‘For the safety of this world, all the rune stones found must be sealed! ’, ‘If it cannot be sealed, then it must be destroyed (she)’?
Although, under normal circumstances, runestones are definitely not easily destroyed...
Because ah, they contain some mysterious rules and extremely powerful forces in this rune world. If they are rushed to destroy them forcibly, the power they burst out will definitely cause great damage to this world. This situation is almost equivalent to starting a rune war that almost destroyed the world a thousand years ago! !
Now it is obviously not the general situation.
Ryze, who was leading the way in front, responded casually without comment, and continued to lead the way.
The reason why the situation is different now...
That was because the runestone had already been destroyed by itself. It was inscribed into the body of a nine-tailed demon fox named Ari for unknown reasons, and gave her extremely powerful power... Of course, the opponent’s. The brain must be a little abnormal... Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's controlled by power, or a certain emotion is extremely magnified?
Anyway, after hearing that kind of thing, Ryze always felt that the situation seemed a bit familiar?
Remember before,
He Ryze has a disciple who once vowed to find and guard the stones with him and protect this beautiful world of Rune Land together...
However, it is a pity that although they started on the same path, in the end, they went in completely opposite directions?
At that time, that person was originally a very ordinary, simple resident from the Freljord barbarian, but at that time, after being tempted by the powerful power of the world rune, he quickly converted Become another terrible creature!
That is a kind of flame monster controlled by world runes...
Therefore, after learning about the occurrence of another tragedy, Ryze had to act immediately, intending to deal with the nine-tailed demon fox who was said to have been frightened away by a certain little girl and still does not know where it will appear!
"You know, I have seen it before, and I know it better than anyone... Thousands of years ago, the war started because of the powerful power brought by the world runestones...because the human heart is greedy , After they get a part, they will always want more..."
"I have also seen that, under that terrible power, those lustful flames burned an entire city and people to death..."
"The annihilation of a majestic city and its people, the annihilation of countless creatures, was only in the blink of an eye..."
The former disciple of Ryze became such a terrible cursed monster because of his greed for runestones... The opponent’s soul has been completely burned out, and his originally strong body has become a vessel of flames. Only a twisted body was left walking on the ground.
And now, the same thing happened once again in the peaceful land of Ionia, to a woman of the Vastaya fox tribe? Therefore, he must find the other party and try to seal the other party before he is familiar with the terrifying power and uses them to cause greater disaster!
Or, if they are not strong enough, they will be completely destroyed? !
Little Annie also responded casually and listlessly.
Because, rune wars or something, she had actually heard Ritz's talk about it many, many times when she was in the freezing world of Freljord. Almost every time it was the same content, and then it came out blindly, and her ears were about to become calluses!
and so,
If she can, she just wants to stay away from this bad old man and never play that kind of boring game of saving the world with him! After all, there are so many powerful guys in this world, and there are even more powerful guys than the other. Is he guilty of having nothing to do all day, so he can deliberately wander around and take care of those trivial things?
Anyway, Annie thinks that there are so many powerful guys in this world. If you want to destroy the world just by relying on those rune stones, I am afraid that it is a little bit worse? Besides, this rune world is the home of her omnipotent Queen Anne. She will definitely not let anyone destroy it!
It’s just that, she won’t be like the old man in front of Ritz, staring all the time and working hard all day. At most, she will only help when the destruction comes. All the bad guys get down?
"It's like this..."
Little Annie dealt with it casually, she didn't listen much at all, because ah, she is now considering whether she should sneak away quietly when the light-headed nasty guy in front is not paying attention? If you put a real magic mirror to follow the other party, when waiting for Ritz to find out, I am afraid that the time has passed for several days or longer, right?
Of course, now she is not in a hurry to do that, she intends to bear with it again... When she is really intolerable, she will definitely do it the way she just thought, and she promises not to Easy to find by the other party! !
"Annie, those world rune stones, they are something that shouldn't have appeared in this world..."
Ryz, who was walking in the front, probably didn't notice the impatient face of a little girl behind him at all, and was still talking about...
Or, he knew it a long time ago, but he didn't show it at all and didn't care too much?
Because Ryze himself doesn’t seem to be sure if he is the opponent of a nine-tailed demon fox who has absorbed the power of world runes, and if he is going to destroy or seal the other party then, he is very It may be necessary to use the power of the little girl behind, and to get help from the other party!
And this is exactly what he used to try to run against each other before, asking him to follow him, help himself, and hunt down the nine-tailed fox creature that was said to have escaped before he arrived.
The reason why he talks so much now that he just talks to himself, is nothing more than intending to forcibly instill some of his own ideas and the concept of safeguarding the world into the strong and special little girl behind him... As for whether the other party can accept it. Accept, he doesn't really mind, he just needs the other party to hear it.
When needed, he believes that those concepts will always unknowingly affect the behavior of the other party.
"in fact……"
"We are all fools...before, we thought we could control those rune stones and use their power to seek better welfare for us and our world?"
"Facts have long proven that the power of mortals is always unable to control them..."
"Even the most powerful warriors among us, the most knowledgeable scholars, and the most determined wizards can't resist their temptation... So, those arrogant and greedy human inferiority, they almost took this The world is on the verge of destruction..."
While talking, Ryze couldn't help but mention the terrible rune war that year...
He also knows that he has indeed mentioned it many times... However, he feels that mentioning the terrible disaster many times is not something to be ridiculed at, because there are some things that can only be known by personal experience. bitter……
Even the most determined people may not be able to withstand what he has seen before.
"I would never allow that kind of thing to happen again..."
"So Annie, please help me find the nine-tailed demon fox, and then try to help seal or destroy her as much as possible! Otherwise, let'a moving world rune' roam the land of Ionia If that happens, no one can predict what kind of disaster will happen then."
Having said that, Ryze stopped again and began to observe and sense carefully...
It's a pity that two full days have passed. From yesterday to now, they have searched the surrounding woods for a long time, except that he intermittently sensed the faint power emitted by the'active runestone' when the power fluctuates. Apart from the fluctuations, he found nothing, and has been unable to successfully capture the opponent's exact position...Anyway, every time when he hurried to a place where the opponent had been haunted, he was always one step late?
"Grandpa Ryze..."
"Don't worry, Miss Ari is not that kind of bad person. She is just in an unstable state. I guess she will recover on her own after a while... because I have scared her. Once, if you keep chasing her like this, if you frighten her again, it won't be fun!"
Annie had been in contact with the little sister Ari for half a day. She knew that the little sister was not the same as the normal Vastalians, so she firmly believed that the other party would eventually be able to get rid of the control of the rune. He recovered and became very powerful!
Of course,
When will it be possible to recover, then she doesn't know... Maybe a few days, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred or a thousand years?
Anyway, no matter how urgent it is, it’s useless. She doesn’t want to take this horrible old man named Ryze to find the trouble with Miss Ari who is in a state of confusion...but it’s not because of something, or Some worry that this old man Ryze would really find the young lady and fight each other, I am afraid she would have run away now, so she won't follow a bad old man in this kind of deep mountain and old forest like headless flies everywhere. !
"No... she will never recover..."
"A person who has touched that kind of power and wants to get rid of its control can only be determined to get rid of that kind of powerful power at the same time!"
"That kind of thing..."
"In the past countless years, I have seen it many times. Once someone has gained that kind of power, there is almost no one who can take the initiative and give up it willingly!!"
of course,
It's not that there are none at all...
In addition to his own freedom from the temptation of those runes and the ability to successfully resist the temptation of their whispers and power, there is also the little girl behind him, Annie, who is slowly following him! He was quite sure that the other party had held the world rune for at least a short period of time, until she handed it over to the nine-tailed demon fox named Ari, and she was not corroded by the rune stone in any way.
Because of this, Ryze dared to conclude that the little girl Annie who was following him must have a strong and pure heart!
That little girl's pure heart and soul can really help Ryze to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving and protecting this rune world? If possible, he really hopes that someday in the future, he will solemnly hand over the guardianship of the rune stones that he has properly preserved to that little guy?
Of course, that kind of thing is definitely not now...
Because he Ritz is still alive and living well, and can continue his own tasks and responsibilities, he can't just put this heavy responsibility on the other's immature shoulders, because it is not realistic!
In any case, before he falls, he will continue to walk along his ‘road’ until the end of the road...
Or, towards the light,
Or, directly meet the dark abyss of destruction...
"It's not rare for people to have that little power in the broken stone!!"
This is not Anne's bragging, because she really has no interest in those rune stones!
Let’s not talk about the original infinite gems obtained from the first cosmic world she went to. It is just that a lot of replicas of six-color gems that she made using the rules of real gems, which one is not Better than those tattered world runestones?
The infinite gems they copied not only contain the basic rules of the universe that have a strong reference in any world, but also have powerful power, and more importantly: they are very safe and efficient to use, as long as If the holder does not take the initiative to die, he will generally not die!
Although, their stones are only one-off, and they will be destroyed directly when their power is used up, but even in that way, they are countless times better than the tattered magic rune that will bewitching people's hearts!
(● ̄ ̄●)
Ryze did not continue to speak, but continued to walk forward in silence.
Actually, this is the real reason why he is optimistic about this little girl mage named Annie, from the Gray Order!
The opponent not only possesses a terrifying magic power that is stronger than him, but also has always been adhering to the heart when facing the temptation of powerful forces. These two points alone are enough to make him treat each other differently!
The other party is just a little girl, undecided, eager to play and delicious, and impatient to do things, regardless of the consequences (such as: beating the half-god ice crystal Phoenix Anivia, stealing his rune stone because of curiosity, and then taking it indiscriminately I gave it to a Vastal woman?) He couldn't hear people's words and so on... These problems, it can be said that Ryze has always loved and hated him.
He has also thought about training the other party well, and he has also intentionally or unconsciously told the other party some great principles, ready to lead him in the right direction... But in the end, he often returns without success... And, the other party Refuting his words from time to time, always making him a little dumbfounded, even speechless?
"Grandpa Ritz, it's getting late now. It's time for us to prepare lunch. I still want to eat the big colorful bird like yesterday!"
The big bird that was roasted last night was delicious. Although I have eaten it once, Annie still wants to continue to eat their delicious big ‘drumstick’ with very plump and tender meat! !
Of course, wings are also possible!
"There are no more colorful crows around here. You attacked them actively. From now on, in this forest, their entire race will never come here again..."
Ryze twitched the corners of his mouth and directly rejected the little girl's proposal. He no longer wanted to recall the terrible scene last night.
"Their wisdom is very high... In fact, everything in this entire Ionia has a very high spirituality, even the ancient trees around us?"
At that time...
There is a group of Ionian crows, a very large group, they just stop on the branches of their campsite and sing... the sound is very nice, very sweet, so that Ryze sitting by the campfire has a kind of place The special sense of peace in the peaceful sea of ​​flowers... Because that kind of animal is a magical little animal called the "Ionian Choir". In his opinion, it is a rare experience to hear their singing. Spiritual enjoyment?
He believed that the little girl Annie must feel that way too.
When the birds finished singing and were about to leave, something unexpected happened to him...
A certain stubborn little girl blatantly threw a small fireball at the largest of the group of colored crows above the tree, and instantly knocked down the largest colored crow?
And then……
The other party even vowed to claim: ‘cute animals are just for people to eat’, ‘because they are called so good, so I want to see if their meat is also delicious’?
"It turned out to be like this..."
I won't come if I don't come, it's a big deal. In the future, her Queen Anne can go to other forests to eat them? Anyway, as long as she wants to eat, no matter where they go, they are useless! At most, can she eat those bad names next time?
"Grandpa Naruzi...Let’s go eat those big turtles carrying the house? I just seemed to see many big turtles in the grassy plain that flows with the magic tide, they go so far. Slow, it looks stupid, now it must be no problem to eat them!!"
Since the flying in the sky is scared away and can't eat it for the time being, now I should go eat the ground crawling instead! Such simple things must not be difficult for her great Queen Anne! Although those tortoises are very big and look fierce, most people certainly can't deal with them, but she is definitely not included!
As long as this Uncle Ryze is willing, she will immediately teleport to the flowing strange red grassland, kill those big tortoises, and then use magic to cut off a tender piece of meat and bring it back for this cooking skill. Probably the old Ritz monster who is up to 80 minutes will cook for himself?
"Ann, Annie...the turtles carrying the big house, they are the most important domestic animals and companions of the'dryland fishermen'. They will definitely not let you hunt their home turtles..."
"I remember that the tortoises on that red prairie are actually owned by them. Whether they are carrying the house or not, I advise you to stop thinking about it..."
Shaking his head, Ryze sighed and continued to lead the way.
It’s still early, and he plans to find another nine-tailed demon fox that once appeared in this forest. After sunset, if they can’t find it, they will find a place to rest, and then continue tomorrow. Find……
As for lunch or something, just pick some wild fruits or the plump wild vegetables on the side of the road for a meal! Anyway, in this magic-soaked Ionia, in this first-born soil, they must have nothing to eat.
Annie never thought that those big tortoises that didn't carry the house were raised by humans?
Just now, she really thought they were all wild, and then the farmer uncles built their houses on the backs of the big tortoises that also moved with the magic tide and the red grassland in order to save trouble, and then they got a free set. Yes, there is no need to refuel, no feeding, no taxes, and no need to charge a large RV!
"But... if I buy with gold coins, wouldn't that work?!"
"Cereals and fruits can be bought, but they don't sell them..."
While speaking, the wandering teacher Ryze, who was planning to continue walking, suddenly stopped, and then began to carefully perceive some kind of strong, seemingly residual energy fluctuations around.
Because, he felt that this place really seemed to be the direction that the nine-tailed demon fox they hunted down once came from?
"Are they really not selling it?"
What a pity...
There are so many, so big tortoises walking slowly over there. It doesn't seem to have much resistance or any ability to escape, but it happens to belong to someone else's house...
That kind of thing is really too big, even if she wants to ‘quietly’ take it away and eat it, it doesn’t seem to be easy to operate!
(● ̄ ̄●)
"Wait, something! On the left?!"
Finally, Ryze, who was hesitating, refreshed, and then ignored the complaining little girl, and ran forward quickly!
Because, he was pretty sure that there must be some clues they needed ahead! !
"Hey! Wait for me first!!"
Thinking that there was something funny, Annie didn't care about hitting some big tortoises again, and hurriedly chased the back of the big bald head in front of him, and quickly chased after the fork in the front left. .
After arriving at this fairly wide fork at the fastest speed, a figure leaning over the root of a big tree caught Ryze's attention.
"this is……"
For the first time, Ryze saw this kind of corpse that made him feel a little disturbed...
Actually, for a vagrant who is well-informed and has seen countless terrible things and disasters, even if the corpses of thousands of dead are listed in front of him, even if a certain city has been slaughtered. Can't let his weather-beaten heart have too many waves... But now, he has to be surprised by the strange corpse of a murdered stranger!
The flesh and blood of this whole body has become shriveled, and only one person who looks like a mummy is left. Her shriveled face does not have any pain on it, but shows a strange smile? This person... She seems to have died peacefully in a state of extreme pleasure?
Only at the first glance at the corpse, Annie knew that it must have been the hand of the little sister Ari!
Because, the other party's vitality and soul essence have all been taken away, and will do that, except for the vixen in the chaotic state, it seems that there is really no one else.
Besides, she also felt the breath of that young lady near here, but the time was already before yesterday, and now the other party is obviously not here.
Annie suddenly felt that she should have really taken off accidentally before...Perhaps, she has to find a way tonight or tomorrow to help the old man Ryz find the little sister Ari, and then think of another way Let the other party return to normal, or temporarily seal it up?
Surprised, Ryze, who had never seen such a situation, squatted next to the corpse after pondering for a while, and then began to use his own magic power, covering the top of the corpse, intending to check it carefully After a while, let’s take a look at what kind of power this mummy-like body was formed soon,
Ritz was surprised to find that there seemed to be no complete soul fluctuations in this corpse? The opponent's soul seems to have been brutally torn apart and taken away from the body, just like what some necromancers did?
Now here, except for the little remaining power of the world rune that he can feel, he doesn’t seem to feel any traces of the evil undead spells used...this kind of thing, let He couldn't help but hesitate, and didn't know what the situation was like... Therefore, he was ready to study it carefully and explore this strange corpse.
At this time, the wanderer seemed to perceive something, and also heard the exclamation of the little girl behind. However, before he could react at all, he found a shadow of someone dragging a long sword. Mang slashed at his head fiercely!
Ryze, the wandering teacher with his back to the enemy, had no time to stand up or cast other defenses or evasive spells. The precise and extremely fast, white sword light that came in an instant has reached the neck behind him...
'evil! ’
‘This will be a painful lesson for you! ! ’
At the moment when Jian Mang was about to touch the skin of the back of his neck, a cold and angry voice could reach Ryze's ears.
However, it is too late to hear now...
Huh! !
The mighty sword light swept past! ! 2k reading network
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