Chapter 746: Queen Anne has come to harm the world again (?ω?)

"Wow! What a bad smell, it's really annoying here..."
Looking at the big sea fish-like monsters at the pier in front of me that were lifted by various huge wooden winches and cranes, which are larger than the blue whales on the earth, look at their huge With the hideous teeth, the skin cut by the sharp blade, and the bright red fleshy muscles inside, Annie couldn't help covering her nose and pushing a few steps away, not daring to move forward.
Because the pungent smell made her feel very uncomfortable...
At this time, looking at the past, the seawater of the entire port has long been stained red by the blood of the large and small huge marine fishes and monsters located in the slaughter rooms all over the dock... The sea water in the harbor is like all blood, it is terrible!
And in the distance, almost every side of the slaughter pier, there are round blood tanks of different sizes. The blood of the giant marine fish monsters after being slaughtered, except for a small amount of seawater that flows directly to the port. In addition, the seawater near the port was stained into a "sea of ​​blood", and most of the blood was collected by the complete facilities in the blood tanks that were like a salt pool.
Then, the workers at the piers were busy stirring, solidifying, and separating them. They were very skilled at dividing the edible parts, medicinal parts, or other parts of the sea monster blood into small pieces. In the barrel, let the porters move away in time...
Obviously, they are already familiar with this kind of work. At this time, they are efficiently and quickly dealing with the huge sea monsters, doing their best to squeeze every piece of flesh, every bone and tooth, even every drop of them. The blood of all of them will become part of the commodities that can be converted into profits!
"Little girl, isn't the Blood Harbor spectacular? Our Kegu Bay is just like this. After a long time, you will naturally like it slowly!"
"Here you! This is the forehead tenderloin of the serrated sea monster. A pound sells at least one gold coin. There are almost two pounds more than this. Because it is an illegal channel, so, the three small gold coins you just gave me. You can only buy so much! Now, take it and go quickly, go to the restaurant where you came here and let the lady boss steam it for you quickly, it won't taste good if it's late!"
"Also, don’t blame me for not reminding you. For outsiders like you, it’s best to act fast. Don’t go to the side streets and alleys alone, and don’t wait until dark and you are still outside here, or else ...Huh!!"
After a cold snort, the sea monster butcher who stole the meat privately to sell it to the little girl to earn extra money, quickly waved to the little girl and motioned to the other party to get off quickly, and don’t continue to stay outside his slaughterhouse. Obstructive, so as not to be seen by the stingy captain of the hunting ship?
He turned back impatiently and returned to his job in the distance, intending to continue with his apprentices. Before dark, the sea monster sent back by the lucky captain was slaughtered and decomposed before it stinks. .
"Huh! What's so good about here, who would like it?"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Looking at the fish in her hand, Little Annie's cheeks twitched, and her cute little brow wrinkled. In the end, the attributes of food-eaters defeated the traces of wanting to throw away from her heart. Its impulse...
If it hadn’t been for the restaurant’s wife just telling herself that only by coming here to find the fat bald butcher at the slaughter pier, she would be able to buy the freshest and most delicious delicacy, she wouldn’t have come here to suffer!
This kind of dirty, smelly, and smelly place, the undead would like it! !
"It's time to go, Tibbers!"
"The side task of buying meat has been completed. Let's go back and let the weird lady boss cook for us. If it doesn't taste good, I will definitely give you a little bit!!"
"Don't even think about fooling me... Just now, your hand must have been wiped with a layer of powder ground from the bones of a certain beast, so that when the friction heats up, the remaining magic power will be stimulated and the weak will be emitted. Shine...or else, you take away your black cloth to show me, I guess, there must be something like dust on it?!"
A guy who has no magic power on him, and only knows a little magic knowledge, dare to come to her Queen Anne, come to her omnipotent arcane archmage to play these little tricks, how could this deceive her?
This kind of thing is definitely impossible, she won't be as easily deceived as her little bear!
?(ò?ó?)? Protest! !
After hearing the little girl's words, the old witch's expression froze instantly, and the loose muscles on her cheeks twitched...
"Go away and go away! Since you don't want to count, that's it... Little girl, go to play elsewhere, don't come to my place to make trouble, or else, be careful later and really put a spell to curse you and let you grow up Become the ugliest person in the entire Runeterra?!"
In such a concealed way, the "magic" that had flicked countless sailors and captains was actually seen through by the other party. This made the old witch look at the little girl up and down again for several times, and then felt that the other party was probably the kind that had been suffered With a good family education, knowing all kinds of secret common sense, and even really knowing the mysterious and unpredictable knowledge of magic, she waved to the other party a little frustratedly, planning to let go of the little fat fish in front of her. ', drove the opponent away.
Then, her eyes began to focus on the alcoholic people around her, intending to earn money for tonight or tomorrow from some strange-looking and stupid guys...
"I won't grow up, any curse you use is useless!!"
o(?3?)o Humph!
The regular power of time gems has been entangled in Annie's body and has been entangled with the power of time in various worlds. Therefore, unless Annie takes the initiative to remove those powers of time, whether it is time or the magic of time, all are It won't work for her!
The fake old witch didn't have the energy to pay attention to the little girl anymore, but was a little absent-minded and waved gently to the other party, beckoning the other party to get out and stop coming to delay her own work.
Because, tonight, if she doesn't want to get a little money, I am afraid that at the latest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, she will really be starved to death! An old and frail guy like her really has no other way to survive besides begging or being cheated...and the most terrible thing is that Bilgewater has no mercy here. Those begging to make ends meet. Beggars, they basically died in an unknown corner before her for various reasons.
"Grandma, witch, I must know many, many things in this city, am I right?"
Annie didn't want to watch the other party play with those boring magic tricks to deceive children, she wanted something else that was indeed interesting.
"Little girl, what do you want?!"
I have already admitted just now, and I don't plan to try to fool each other in any way, but why is this little girl still reluctant?
Therefore, the old witch glared at each other helplessly!
"I won't give it to you, you'd better go, stay away from here, and find your parents..."
She is different from this kind of child who comes from a wealthy family, is carefree and does not lack food, just like if she has no income tonight, maybe she will be hungry tomorrow, and then she can decide which day she will The decaying corpse will appear on a remote beach in Bilgewater, and let the piers on the piers get on the shore, and the fish-headed rats that got off the sea will gnaw mercilessly!
She has lived for several decades, she has had a good time for a while, she has been more desolate than now, and she has seen too many things, but in any case, she still doesn't want to die, and she wants to continue to live stubbornly. , Until the illness, or death, or the sea monster of'Ms. Beard' came to take her away!
"I'm not leaving!"
"Can you tell me the story of this city? I can give you money!!"
"You want to hear the story of this city..."
Hearing the word'money', the old witch was finally taken aback, and her expression was no longer as impatient as before. Then, after a while, she suddenly realized that she nodded, and her tired eyes flashed again. The cunning and treacherous light at the beginning.
"Our Bilgewater..."
"Little girl, let me tell you, it's a unique port city in the world of Runeterra... This is not only a paradise for sea monster hunters and dock gangs, but also for the'capable men' like me in the whole world. Paradise..."
"If you want to hear stories, then you have found the right place... I'm afraid no one here is more familiar with those great legends and stories than I..."
"My story is not cheap...Little girl, do you have money? If you don't have money, I don't have the strength to tell you those interesting things..."
"You may not know, I am a fortuneteller, but I have always been busy?"
If you have money, everything is easy to say, if you don’t have money, then you will never have the chance...
After all, here is Bilgewater without the king's law, a paradise for those lawless people! Here, if there is no money and no certain self-protection ability, then no one can continue to live! Therefore, the top priority for this old witch now is to use all means to successfully swindle money from the little girl or someone else!
And if it weren’t for this tavern now, and some things are not easy to handle, I’m afraid she would abduct the little girl in front of her, or she might have searched all the places where she could hide her belongings by force. Up.
"Here! Here you are, is this enough?"
Several round and golden gold coins collided with each other and turned around, and Xiao Annie threw them in front of each other. After rolling two laps on the thick ship board wine table, they got stuck. In the gap between the carved patterns on the tabletop, only half of it was exposed under the dim light of fish oil candles, exuding a mesmerizing golden light.
There is no doubt that they are indeed gold coins, a gadget that everyone likes to represent wealth and purchasing power!
Seeing this, the old fortune-telling witch was really shocked!
She also slightly opened her mouth full of yellow teeth, and then it took a while to react, and then suddenly stretched out her hand, using a movement that was a bit quicker than ordinary young adults, simply and neatly. I searched all the gold coins on the table into my pocket in an instant, and firmly covered it with my other hand.
Then, calmly she, after suppressing her beating old heart and thinking about it, she carefully grabbed another one with her other hand, carefully held it in her palm, and hid it. Tucked, carefully approached him, and carefully observed the heavy, round and flat thing lying in the palm of his hand from a direction that would not be seen by others.
"It's really a gold coin... Is this the Golden Sea Monster?"
The value of a gold coin and the purchasing power of this Port of Bilgewater can be roughly seen from the full 1,000 gold siren on the bounty list of the Blood Harbor Ghost Pike.
Therefore, seeing that I was just fooling around, I was able to successfully swindle several gold coins from a little girl. This kind of thing, for her'old witch' who has been known to be abducted all day long, That was a windfall that was enough for her to spend several years!
of course,
If someone else knows it, this is also enough to wipe her neck in a dark alley and take away the source of their evil!
"This seems to be the gold coin of the Noxian people, you...couldn't you come from that Noxian Empire?!"
After taking a few glances by candlelight, the old witch quickly saw the pattern and text above. First, it was not the iconic sea monster pattern of Bilgewater Harbor she was familiar with, but Noxus. That kind of sword and shield badge pattern and strange words that make her feel a little strange? Moreover, the thickness of the weight of the gold coin seems to be lighter and thinner than the Golden Sea Monster?
Therefore, thinking that this little girl was a family member of a certain maritime merchant from Noxus, she was in ecstasy, barely suppressing the excitement in her heart, turned her head and looked around again, and found no one. After noticing the two of them, he asked carefully.
The name of the Noxian Empire has a terrible influence in the entire Runeterra, so she must confirm some things.
"certainly not!!"
"Then why do you have these..."
The old witch is very cautious. Not only does she suppress her voice very quietly, she even dare not utter the sensitive word "gold coin" at will, for fear of being heard by someone with a heart, and then she will give herself a knife and force herself. Take away the windfall that you just got from yourself?
"Oh! Are you talking about the gold? They were actually found in the lair of a huge dragon..."
The industrial metal gold ingots in Anne’s bag from the Kepulu area have almost been given away randomly, and there is not much left...
However, the gold coins, silver coins, gems and other utensils, etc., obtained from the lair of a hapless old dragon, are still well hidden in the half-plane space in her bag, and they have never been there. How many opportunities to use, there are many, many more!
of course,
In addition to the collection of the old dragon, she also has a lot of Jin Jialong hidden, seems to have more than one million? However, it is a pity that this is not Hogwarts, so she just subconsciously took out the few small gold coins that she had ‘legally’ seized from the old dragon and belonged to this world.
Anyway, for those occupying positions, she is not rare...
Basically, every time she goes shopping, if the other party accepts gold, she will use some? However, it is a pity that many of the worlds she has visited did not accept gold... Those people either only accept those light and strange papers, or they accept electronic money that is invisible and intangible. She wants to buy more good things! !
"In the legend, no one can get gold coins from a giant dragon's lair. They all died without exception. They died under the terrible breath of the dragon, not even a single corpse was left!!"
The old witch obviously couldn’t believe the little girl’s claim that the little girl was taking gold coins from the dragon’s lair....Because of that kind of thing, it’s better than those guys who went to sea without paying tribute to the bearded lady, and then paid It is even more outrageous to be able to come back alive!
Is this just as weird as someone who tried to steal the tithes paid to him by the captains from the sea monster in Bilgewater, the snake mother, the sea beast, or the lady with beard? Obviously, the fate of their daring ones is no better than the fate of the guys who steal the wealth of a giant dragon!
"Under normal circumstances, of course it won't work... But if you burn the old dragon to death before picking it up, then it must be okay!"
"I'm telling you, I took away all the treasures it hid, and there are still a lot in my pocket!"
"If you want, then you have to exchange your story with me... Well, a story. If I think it sounds good, I will give you a gold coin. What do you think?!!!"
While talking, Annie stretched out a tender finger and gave a solid start to the fake witch who was getting a windfall.
The story told by the little girl, obviously the old witch is not very willing to believe, but she is willing to believe those heavy gold coins! !
"Tell a story..."
"If you want to hear the story... little girl, I think it would be a good idea to start listening from the legends of Bilgewater-from Nautilus, Fitz, Tam and Pike. ?"
"Undoubtedly, in addition to them, there are also the famous pirate king Planck, and...Ms. Beard, the demon in the ocean we believe in, the Lord Nagakaboros ?"
In Bilgewater, no one would have trouble with money, and of course she was no exception to this fake, poor old witch!
and so,
After confirming that the little girl might have more gold coins, and confirming that the other party would indeed buy for the kind of story that almost all the Bilgewater people knew well, she was in boundless excitement. , Trying to lower his voice, holding the wine table with both hands, leaning to the front of the long shipboard wine table, leaning to a position where the little girl can hear more clearly, then began to speak in a low voice Up.
Today, she should make a fortune...
Therefore, she decided that before this weird but very rich girl, probably from the Noxian Empire, she must tell a few more interesting legends and stories, and strive to win the opponent. Earn a few more gold coins in the house, and then...her future pension money is basically available. Can she leave the slums in the harbor and go to the mountains in the island to live in peace?
"The story is very long, we can say one by one..."
"Now, let's talk about the deep-sea titan first, and talk about the terrible guy... the legendary beard lady's royal tax officer Nottiers..."
Telling stories can make money, and it is a good deal for a full Noxus gold coin... Obviously, there must be no easier and faster work in this world!
Therefore, in order for her patrons to have a better experience, the old witch began to lower her voice, and in her negative tone, she began to patiently tell the little girl the kind of'bedtime story'. Come, so that after speaking, what kind of commission?
"Nottilus? Deep Sea Titans? Lady Beard?!"
Annie said these are very strange, she has never heard of them! Moreover, she can't imagine at all, do women really have long beards?
Is it possible...
Those guys of them, like the dwarves in Azeroth or Middle-earth, are guys with big beards?
It's late at night,
The harbour tavern in Bilgewater is still very lively, but more and more people here get drunk and go out, and fewer and fewer come in again!
What is different from those who come in to drink or to make money are:
In a corner of this tavern, an old witch who looked very desolate was talking to a little girl enthusiastically, and then, from time to time, people could still see that flash between the little girl’s fingers. One or two breathtaking golden lights... Then, it was quickly snatched by the old witch, and disappeared quickly, completely preventing the "hearted people" in the tavern from seeing it more clearly...

After the instigator hurriedly'ran away', in the Noxus Fortress barracks south of Barue, most of the Noxians who passed out due to a little girl's misconduct, they were rushed to resist. The army was successfully captured in a coma...
This barracks fortress was also taken over by Navori’s rebels, and it was announced that the entire island of Barue was completely restored, and the Ionians successfully regained the first piece of land occupied by the Noxians!
And this will undoubtedly be a brilliant victory in Ionia's history! !
At this time, it can be said that the nine-tailed demon fox that indirectly caused all of this, Ali, sat silently in a large quiet but spacious room, letting a female officer of the Resistance Army give her nakedness. Yes, but on the delicate body covered with terrible wounds.
Layers of magical potions were applied to her stinging, even bleeding wounds that turned white after bleeding, reducing her physical trauma a little bit, so that she would not wake up like she just woke up. It was so uncomfortable.
Although the wounds on her body, under the action of the highly effective potions and thick rune cloth bandages of the Resistance Army, have slowly recovered and no longer hurt... But, she still remembers all the things before. , And made the pain in her heart that is more tormenting than the pain cannot be healed for a long time...
Although, now she has indeed gained a powerful force, a powerful force she never dared to imagine, but she has also killed countless people for this, especially those Noxians... They directly or More than a thousand people died indirectly in her hands! !
And there are hundreds of people who have absorbed her life and spirit...
Those huge memories and complex emotions are mixed together. From the time when I woke up in the evening until now, she has been deeply troubled and tortured. When she closes her eyes, she can see the faces and countless snarling faces. Memories of chaos came one after another.
This kind of thing, for her, is endless torture...
Once upon a time, she finally got rid of all that slowly, and made herself less dependent on the evil "Magic Hidden", but in the end, she was accidentally transformed back into that cannibal monster. ?
It is precisely because of this that now, she will be alone in this inner room of this fortress, by the corner of this bed, and let the female officer of the resistance army do her without saying a word. , My mind is dizzy, I don't know what I should do...
She really doesn't know what she should do now...
Because all her previous efforts seemed to be in vain? Without thinking, she is now the cannibal monster, the nine-tailed demon fox that can scare and cry children in the legend! !
"All right!"
"You can take a good rest now. Our guards are outside the door. What can you tell them directly?"
After finally dealing with the terrible wounds on the opponent's body, the female officer of the Resistance Army secretly marveled at the opponent's tenacious vitality, while staring at the opponent with an admiring gaze and said this softly.
It's a pity that after seeing that young Vastia's sister was still cowardly shrinking in the corner of the bed without saying a word, she could only sigh softly in her heart, then nod her head, turn around, and close it gently. The door of the room.
However at this time,
In the castle hall of the fortress barracks in Noxus, a wandering archmage is arguing fiercely with the leader of the resistance of Navoli...
"I repeat it one last time!"
"Your Excellency Archmage Ryze, I still insist on my point of view just now: If her power is so shocked that it will invade the land of Ionia and the people here, then we will naturally try our best to stop or eliminate her? "
"But now she is behaving normally!"
"If she can continue to use her power to help us protect this land and eliminate the evil invaders who invaded our homeland in Noxus, as she did during the day, then there is no doubt that she is our sister. !"
"Indispensable sister!!"
The leader of the rebellion, Irelia, the blade dancer, stood high in the main position that originally belonged to the Noxus general, condescendingly against the archmage in the middle of the hall.
After all the dust here settled, she led her subordinates to rush here with flying mounts. Then, after discovering the shocking scene here, more resistance forces nearby came here and successfully occupied Here, almost all the Noxians were captured!
"Ms. Arelia! Are you crazy?!"
"I can assure you that her current state is very unstable! Also, if you rush to put the power of the runes into the war, you are likely to destroy this world... At that time, cast the present. The fire of the world will surely destroy this whole world once again, as well as this piece of Ionia under your feet!!"
Ryze wanted to use her own power to forcibly seal the Vastaya fox girl, or to forcibly correct the ‘erased’ mistake that shouldn’t exist!
However, when the Promise Swordmaster chose to stand on the side of the rebels, after a certain instigator's little girl disappeared, he was isolated and helpless, besides intending to use words to persuade the other party, there was basically no better way Understand.
"I don’t know if the world will be destroyed. We only understand: if we can’t destroy the Noxians and drive them to the sea as soon as possible, it will be us, our homeland, and The whole Ionia!!"
It was hard to find an amazing Vastaya sister who could almost wipe out the entire Noxian camp with thousands of defenders. How could she easily let it go?
In her opinion, dangerous runes or the destruction of the world are nothing more than some kind of alarmism from the other party, she would not believe in words that the undead would not believe!
"The demise of a few people is better than the collapse of the entire world..."
"Irelia, please think twice?"
Ryze was a little desperate...
They have been arguing from the evening to the present, but the other party still has no intention of compromise, and has probably made a clear attitude. They are determined to cover the Vastaya fox girl, and are determined to cover the nine-tailed monster fox. !
And he Ryze is alone, what can he do when facing the most powerful resistance force above the entire Ionia? After all, no matter whether it is personal force or quantity, he cannot have any advantage.
"Huh! Ridiculous!"
"Archmage Ryze, may I ask: If we Ionians, our humans and Vastaya are all destroyed by the Noxians, if even the Ionia on which we live is destroyed by the evil invaders If it’s gone, then what do we want this world to do?!"
"So, if you have nothing to do, please go back..."
"Our Ionian affairs, we will take care of it ourselves, don't bother you to worry about it."
Irelia, who didn’t want to argue with the other party anymore, was impatiently sitting on the head of the Noxian general, and then a little impatiently faced the one below who had a relationship with herself. The Wandering Archmage issued an eviction order.
After years of struggle, she saw the dawn of victory. She would not easily let go of such an excellent opportunity! She vowed that they would be able to expel the Noxians from their Ionian land soon, and work hard to integrate this chaotic, torn apart, hostile and frequent civil war. And unite as one outside?
" You have to understand what you are doing, you are dancing on the edge of the cliff!!"
Seeing the elite rebel fighters and spellcasters silently encircling him from both sides, the wandering archmage Ryze finally became uncomfortable and unceremoniously used that harsh and disrespectful vocabulary.
"Thank you!"
"Old Master, although I have been learning to dance before..."
"But...huh! Ever since the Noxians came here, ruined our homes and killed our family, I have sworn that I won't be dancing anymore, whether it's on the cliff or in other places. The place!!"
Irelia felt that, at least, before eliminating the Noxians, before integrating the torn apart Ionia, she would not jump again?
"Oh...Why is this runeland so cute and so stupid..."
Ryze sighed in despair, then turned around silently, ready to leave here first, and then think of other ways?
"Old Master, this is not ignorance, but you are too stubborn!"
"A wise man in our Ionia once told me:'Now the world has changed, and today is no longer the same, there is no need to hold on to it anymore'!"
"Now, I will give you this sentence?"
Looking at the other side's lonely back, Irelia, who seemed a little unbearable, stood up from her seat again and persuaded the archmage who was walking outside the door and gradually disappearing into the darkness.
The other party did not give her any reply, until the blue figure gradually disappeared into the distant fire...

? Ask for a ticket?
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