Chapter 764: I am angry?? (?`^′?)??

Bang! Bang! !
I don't know which one of the inattentive set the fire maliciously, or it was caused by the weapon of one of the two sides accidentally igniting some flammable products?
Anyway, when the whole body is filthy, the straight suit has long become full of broken holes, folds and stains of filth, and even part of the hair is burned into piles of withered and twisted things. Together with his new temporary boss Sarah, they rushed out of another street in embarrassment and found a place to hide on the corner. The only thing that remained behind them was the flames and darkness. The smoke billowed, like a flame snake like a burning street.
‘! ! ’
‘There’s a fire, put out the fire! ! ’
'water! Where is the bucket? ! ’
'on fire! Come on! ! ’
"How dare you burn my "black hat" house, you are fat, want to die? ! ’
Snapped! !
'Wow! ! ’
'Well? Who? ! ’
‘Asshole! Fire! There is an enemy over there, kill him first! ! ’
Bang! !
‘There are enemies here too! ! ’
'not good! They are crazy, get out! ! ’
right now,
Countless people who were originally just hiding in the dark, or hiding in their houses to watch the battle between the two sides have nothing to do with them. Now they can no longer remain indifferent. , Ran out of their hiding place one after another, and tried their best to start using the nearest water-holding tool they could find to shout for fire fighting.
After all, the city of Bilgewater is a crowded city almost entirely made up of wooden sailing boats and ship slabs. Once the fire spreads, it is very likely that it will be spread by the fire in front of you. To be burned!
Therefore, people from far and near came to fight the fire, and it became their only choice...
Of course,
There are also some grumpy Bilgewaters who are copying their knives, guns and clubs, fighting with some suspected arsonists or bounty team members!
Suddenly, somewhere in the shadow of the firelight, hot bullets, fast-flying bows and arrows, whistling and whistling throwing axes, and short spears that pierced viciously toward the human body were on fire here. You come and I clash in the streets of the city, but it relieves a lot of pressure for Coleson and Sarah who just fled out in a hurry.
However, it is precisely because of those people joining that the scope of the chaos has become larger and larger...The messy or ill-intentioned people began to create more chaos in this originally chaotic Birgewater. .
"Be careful, behind you!!"
After a thrilling escape from the enemy’s another round of chase and interception, Miss Doom Sarah, who was urgently putting projectiles and gunpowder on her double guns, suddenly found a group of enemies in the distance, and she has not yet completed the loading work. , Who was unable to shoot, she could only shout loudly at the quick gunner who could fire a weapon not far from her in exclamation.
Speaking of which, compared with the Hextech weapon that can be fired continuously or the exquisite mechanical gunpowder fixed ammunition weapon in the hands of the companion Coleson in front, the two double guns in her hands are Although'shoot' and'ah' are very powerful, they can also perform super-loaded special effects shooting that some ordinary weapons can't perform... However, above the shooting speed, it is really much better than Not those Hex weapons or the mechanical fixed gunpowder pistol in the hands of Coulson beside him.
Regardless of asking, Coleson suddenly turned his head in the direction indicated by the companion Sarah in front of him, and then suddenly noticed:
In the distance, there was indeed a small torch in his hand igniting the kind of "hand-throwing cannonball" that was backward but extremely deadly. He was grinning and seemed to be preparing to throw bombs here. Enemy with names together.
! !
Therefore, you don’t have to think about it. Seeing that the other party’s hand has a short matchstick, which is already burning with sparks at this time, and seeing that the thing is being lifted high above the head by the other party, and it is storing At the moment when Li was about to throw, Coleson whispered a terrible cry in his heart, and then he raised his hand and shot it far away! !
Whoosh! !
A nine-millimeter round-headed bullet with fire and a faint smoke of gunpowder spouted out at high speed from his precise rifling muzzle, and the enemy in the distance had not had time to take the explosive weapon in his hand. Before throwing it out, it hit the opponent's wrist precisely.
‘Uh! ! ’
A sharp scream was heard clearly after Coleson's gunshot, and then an object with sparks fell on the rocky street ground in Bilgewater and rolled to the side.
‘? ? ’
'what! ’
'not good! ’
‘Run! ! ’
Boom! ! !
Then, the exclamation of a group of strangers and the sound of the bomb violently exploded... Before they had time to run three or two steps away, a large cloud of black smoke and fire light instantly engulfed the place they occupied.
boom! !
Immediately afterwards, when the villains who intended to launch a bombing attack with the ship's bombardment were caught off guard, they were wailed by the shock wave of the explosion and were about to get up from the ground. The sound of explosions continued again. It blew up in that place! !
boom! !
boom! boom! Booming...
Clouds of black smoke, pieces of explosive metal fragments, blazing orange fire light spreading, and wood debris, rock particles, or human tissue fragments that were blown up all over the sky, etc., began It was raging crazily in that place, and soon the corner of the street, including those gang members or bounty teams who had not had time to escape, was directly included in the flames, smoke, and chaotic explosions.
Only this time, the enemies who tried to kill Coleson and Sarah were ruthlessly swallowed by the large box of shells they had finally brought from the ship...
"Good job! Mr. Coulson, I didn't expect that you are not only a quick shooter, but also a great sharpshooter? Don't worry, after we successfully rush out, I will definitely reuse you in my gang! "
"At that time, you will be in charge of this pier!!"
Click! !
Sarah, who had finished loading the ammunition and turned the hammer of the pistol, couldn't help but exclaimed a little overjoyed when she saw the situation. At the same time, she did not forget to drew a big picture cake for the other party, and gave this piece of land that did not belong to her directly to the other party.
"My'Miss Doom' tells the story, you can just follow me with peace of mind!!"
Sarah's interest is very high now, even the sense of frustration and resentment that she had to fight for after being chased by others has weakened a bit.
She felt that if it weren’t for a whim today, she went to the tavern to ridicule and fooled her, who was also listed on the bounty list by the fast shooter Coleson, who was also on the bounty list, and invited him to join her gang. She certainly wouldn't be able to break out of the enemy's siege from that tavern and come here so easily.
Although, they are not safe now...
However, after rushing here, there are not too many enemies left. She almost has the chance to win. As long as she works harder, she will definitely be able to rush out. When the time comes, her counterattack will definitely be Surprised some guys!
Then again,
Through today’s siege battle, as long as she does not die, as long as she can walk across the'Butcher’s Bridge' alive, she will be able to make her'Miss Doom' Sarah famous in Bilgewater, and then establish her presence in Prang. After Ke's fall, that belonged to Sarah's new dominance? !
"thank you for your kindness……"
Reuse or not reuse anything, in fact, Coleson doesn't mind!
The reason why he joined the other party is just to be able to safely escape those inexplicable people from chasing him. He has never thought of becoming a gang leader who manages the dock in such a small place in another world!
After all, he is a tenth-level agent of the Bear Shield of the Earth plane, the successor of the future Bear Shield, and the candidate for the deputy director!
Had it not been for the first night when he had just arrived in this strange world, he would have had to defend and shoot down those roadblocking robberies, not only wanting to make money, but also murderous bastards, but also a little luck. It's not so good. If he was accidentally hit by someone, where would he agree to join him?
Thinking about what happened that night, and thinking about the group passing by at the time holding the octopus flag, those soldiers who were said to be temple soldiers, Coleson couldn't help but shook his head with a little bit of laughter and tears... There is no doubt. The reason why he was put on the top of the bounty list, he must be inseparable from the people of those temples!
"It's time to talk!"
"Miss Sarah, what did you do and why did you provoke so many enemies?!"
Coleson is looking down to check his remaining magazines, he seems to have run out of ammunition...
If he can't rush out later, I'm afraid he will have to pick up those backward gunpowder weapons! It's just that it's not clear how much power those lagging weapons can play in Coulson's hands, it's a terrible thing he can't imagine.
"Mr. Colson, what are you talking about, aren't they here to hunt you down?!"
Bang! !
"Ha! I always go first!!"
It's done~! !
Sarah got up quickly, took two shots directly, and used two large-caliber lead bullets in the two flaming gunpowder smoke to open fire at the two enemies in the street behind who dared to catch up with her. After they flew out and fell to the ground motionless, Miss Doom Sarah retracted to the corner of the street and quickly loaded her weapon with ammunition, so she had to spend her spare time, which also became full of gunpowder. The pretty face, who was already invisible, teased the other side.
There are some things, but she won't explain it honestly...
"My god... Miss Sarah, do you really think I am a fool?"
In fact, Coleson had just reacted to it a long time ago. Those enemies who were chasing, chasing and intercepting them were definitely not targeting him Coleson!
At least, most of them didn't come to him at first?
It's a pity that at the beginning, under the situation of unequal intelligence between the two sides, it was due to Coleson's own mistakes in judgment that led to this bad situation... But since things have reached this situation, Even if he really wanted to go out and explain to the enemies who were still unwilling to give up, he didn't want to get involved in this matter today, that would be useless!
at the moment,
After the two sides had already got red eyes, especially after Coleson killed a lot of people on the other side, he must have been completely tied to the cunning Miss Sarah beside him. I have to be regarded as belonging to this cunning woman.
But anyone who came to this strange world the next day was deceived and had to fight a battle with others, this kind of thing is always not so pleasant.
"Of course you are not a fool!"
"Mr. Colson, I swear, you are the fastest shooting speed, the most accurate head and the best at avoiding projectiles I have ever seen!!!"
"Besides, you have a pair of breathtaking eyes, which I like very much..."
This is the big truth!
In the eyes of Miss Doom Sarah herself, the other party’s gestures of holding a gun, shooting movements, and the simple but very effective way of evading the enemy’s shooting, etc., must have been tempered and incapable of fighting. The picky ones are definitely suitable for use in gunfights!
If, before, she just wanted to take advantage of the other party and share the pressure on herself... Now, she really recognizes the other party's abilities! Compared with the man in front of him, her men are simply a bunch of trash!
She is now very eager to draw the other party slowly and put it under her own command, even if she uses the beauty trick and sells her own hue at that time? Anyway, she was really a little interested in this funny strange man.
Ah! This guy……
Seeing that the other party started to change the subject again, he didn't pick up the key words he just said. Coleson didn't care too much, but he sighed helplessly, not going to talk to the other party's sly eyes. Look at each other.
He is a dignified ten-level agent of the Bear Shield. There are some things that he can almost guess without the other party's confession! But guessing is useless. In the current situation where the two sides are not safe, the two of them must support each other and fight the enemy's encirclement together. That is the most important thing. Other things can wait for everything. After the end, go to settle accounts slowly?
"Miss Sarah, we can't go on like this, you should figure out how to rush out quickly..."
First, he ejected the magazine from his pistol to check the ammunition, and then quickly inserted it back after the investigation was correct. He said: He has already finished the rest on his side, and they should prepare to continue to attack.
As for the meaningless words that the other party praised him, he didn't take it too seriously.
After all, he is an agent. He used to fight with people when he went out on the field. The power, rate of fire, or accuracy of the weapons of the thugs or Hydras on the earth are far more powerful than people in this world. too much! If he is not good at shooting and evasiveness, and if his tactical actions are not in place, I am afraid he would have been dead for countless years now!
"I have unfortunate news here!"
"Ms. Sarah, I still have two extended magazines at the end. Counting the guns, there are only 52 bullets in total... Now you can talk about it. Is there any good way to get out quickly?"
Fortunately, Coleson would subconsciously bring a little more ammunition every time he went out on the field or on a mission. Otherwise, he would have to stare at him with an empty gun now!
Although he, a Level 10 agent of the Bear Shield, can basically use all weapons, he certainly does not include the backward gunpowder and projectile weapons in this world!
If you change it to him, it is absolutely impossible for Miss Sarah in front of you to skillfully complete the loading and accurate shooting of the double guns in a few seconds! Even, he probably didn't even understand how much gunpowder went into the barrel of the specific fortress, as well as those with weird ballistics. The bullets were not straight-line guns, right?
Wait a while, if the bullets are finished and haven't rushed out of the siege, maybe he can only use those improvised explosive devices that the enemies have repeatedly thrown over to blow them up to fight?
"Hurry up and get out of the way?"
Sarah was shocked when she heard what the other person said.
What a joke!
If there is really such a way, will she be here now desperately with those gangs? The entire Bilgewater people know that bullets don’t have eyesight! And if there is really a good way, would she still use her own life to make jokes, and still fight and take risks in the rain of bullets?
"Mr. Colson!"
"I also have to tell you an unfortunate news: I don't have much ammunition now, and there is another even more unfortunate... the barrels of my two guns, they are very hot!!"
After speaking, Sarah raised the two steaming large-caliber pistols in her hands and gestured towards each other.
Just now, it was the second time that she had forcibly soaked the barrel of the gun into sewage for cooling...
If she continues to forcibly cool down like that, I am afraid that the strength of the barrel will deteriorate, and then it is likely that she will not be able to withstand multiple alternations of cold and heat or high-intensity shooting and burst! But it's useless not to cool down, because now, after the barrel is hit by her again and it starts to get hot, once she can't continue to reload later, it is likely that she will temporarily lose her two amazing weapons.
At that time, if she had to change to the ordinary weapons left by the enemy, the power and accuracy of her shooting would not be guaranteed.
"I remember that……"
"Didn't you say before that they only chased us for at most three or five streets to reach your site? But how many streets are there now, Miss Sarah, where are your people, where are they now?!"
After following the opponent to continue running, and discovering that the situation ahead seemed a little uncomfortable, Coleson was a little bit desperate, and could only hope in grief that the opponent had promised him the support he had promised.' The friendly forces' bodies.
After all, with fewer enemies and more enemies, the pressure is too much for him and the companion around him! So, if possible, he really hopes to be able to get the support and response of the ‘own’ reinforcements as soon as possible. He does not want to be able to beat the enemy, but at least he should be able to rest for a while?
"That one……"
"I'm sorry! Mr. Colson, you may also know that sometimes things are always a little unexpected, so please don't be too anxious?"
"But I think there shouldn't be many enemies in the front, do we still need to cross this street?"
My own reinforcements, my own wall-riding subordinates, and those who had previously promised to join me and even participated in the attack on Planck and blow up the other’s ship. Why are they still Sarah didn’t come, really didn’t know...
But she only knows: instead of relying on the help of others, it is better to try to do what you can do!
Regardless of whether the other party will come or not after receiving her subpoena, she always needs to save her life first, and she will have time to think about other things after approaching or rushing through the front'butcher's bridge'. Such as the trial of traitors or afterwards related liquidation rewards?
Got it!
Another street?
Hearing this, Coleson knew: It is very possible that the ‘reinforcements’ he had originally hoped for before are not counted on! He and this Sara, the two of them, after all, still need to rely on their own strength to escape from here, and until they get rid of the enemy's chase and interception, until they are completely safe!
Now his ammunition is running out, and the barrels of his companions seem to be reaching their limits. So, what should they do to escape their lives in this life-threatening battle?
It's a pity, it would be great if there were satellites on the planet in this world...
If that's the case, I'm afraid he can directly use the Bear Shield contact tool to contact the little girl he is looking for. If Annie, the powerful Avenger mage can help, wouldn't Coleson be in this city? Walking sideways?
"No! Coelson, they seem to have found a wizard!!"
Finding the big wooden square boxes on the corner of the street where the two of them were hiding, and realizing that they were floating out of thin air, Sarah was shocked, so she yelled anxiously and ran at high speed almost at the same time, to guard against any possibility. The coming magic attack.
"Yes, there are mages?!"
Coleson subconsciously squeezed the pistol in his hand and glanced at a place in front of noisy people.
Of course he knows what the mage is!
Because he has or has seen many powerful mages in their Bear Shield! Whether it’s the Strange Doctor who often refuses to obey orders and refuses the command of the Bear Shield, or the evil Loki who has been caught by them before, or the little guy he is most familiar with, their kind of wizard. There are all kinds of unbelievable terrible methods that are unknown!
So, Coleson knew that now, they two might really be in serious trouble! At this time, he also remembered, this world is the hometown of Little Annie, is Valoran's world? So, there are mages or other supernatural powers here, that's normal!
Whoosh! !
At the moment when a blue arcane missile was automatically suspended in those wooden boxes and flew up, it viciously rushed towards the place where Coulson was from a distance, even if he was under the size of Miss Doom Sarah. He had escaped to the other side in time, but he was still too late...
boom! !
With a blast, the arcane energy violently blasted the surrounding wooden boxes and shattered the surrounding wooden boxes, and knocked Coleson, who was unable to avoid it, to the edge of a broken wooden pillar. His head tilted. He fainted directly.
"It's you?!"
Sarah didn’t bother to look at the distant Colson who had fainted. Instead, after standing on the other side, she held a gun at the distant one who was walking down from the Butcher’s Bridge, wiping her entire head. The tall but slightly thin figure hidden in the cloak asked in surprise.
"Huh! Why, Planck is dead, do you want to continue to sell his life to Okao?!"
Sarah recognizes that guy!
The other party was Okao, the leader of the large gang and intelligence organization in Bilgewater, and Planck's friend who was bombed to death by her. At the same time, he was also a mad dog under the Snake Mother Temple who was obliged to follow! However, it cannot be denied that the other party is also a very capable mage. Although the spell has not been learned, it is already very impressive compared to her. Anyway, it is a difficult opponent!
"Miss Doom you really think Planck is dead? Did you see his body?"
A long voice came from inside the cloak.
Obviously, perhaps he was extremely confident in his own spells, perhaps because he felt that the opponent would definitely not be able to escape from his hands today, so he didn't intend to conceal the facts he knew.
"Are you the only one to stop me? How about your men?!"
Sarah frowned, did not worry about the other party's specious words, but raised her eyes to look behind the steps up to the'Butcher's Bridge', intending to see how many people are still behind the other party. .
If the other party has more helpers, then she may really have to jump into the sea to survive today...Although the chance of surviving by jumping into the sea is lower than the chance of defeating the other party, but now she has nothing else. select!
"I sent them to deal with a new little mage..."
"Come on, dear Miss Doom Sarah, don't use your little tricks to delay time. Your subordinates, they have abandoned you. You have no chance, so surrender! Just before it's too late. ?"
Okao continued to walk forward step by step, and silently prepared his spell.
Now in a one-on-one situation, as long as he continues to go a certain distance, he can catch the opponent alive! Because the true man of the temple is very optimistic about the Miss Earl in front of him, he doesn't want to risk the anger of the true man to kill the little woman in front of him.
"So you did the ghost?!"
Bang! !
Raising her hand was a shot. The large-caliber musket in Sarah's hand burst into flames and thick smoke, and then, a huge projectile blasted towards the chest of the enemy opposite!
A soft sound, with huge kinetic energy, seemed to hit a one-time magical protective force field on the opponent's body. While directly smashing the blue spherical shield, it was also bombarded by the tough magic. Got out.
"Sarah, it's useless, give up!"
The weapon in the opponent's hand still has a bullet! !
After his own spell successfully blocked the opponent’s blow, he showed his face to the mage hidden in the cloak, and hurriedly put a simple arcane shield on himself, and then continued to use his own means, Those wooden boxes stood behind the opponent, blocking the opponent's retreat.
Now, he is ready to catch alive...
Sarah did not speak, but took a step back a little nervously, but soon she stopped again...because, at this moment, behind her was a wall made of that kind of square wooden box! !
"You are dead, Okao!!"
Gritting her teeth, Sarah raised another gun in her hand and pointed her muzzle at the opponent's chest again.
"Let's wait and see...?"
! !
Before the mage was about to finish speaking, two gunshots that were shot at the same time reached his ears...but at this time, it was too late!
Because, while his shield broke and canceled out the large-caliber musket projectile of Miss Doom Sarah shot from the front, another smaller bullet had accurately penetrated his Skull.
With a trace of red and white blood bursting on the head of the mage wearing the cloak, Coleson, who had passed out on the other side, also put down the gun in his hand and sat slumped. On the ground, leaning on the broken wooden stake, he coughed hard.
Fortunately, the enemy is over!
"Good luck, I won't favor fools! Okao, you still have too many words!!"
Quickly rushed forward, kicked away the opponent's cloak, and after seeing the opponent's familiar face, Miss Doom, was relieved and gleefully cheered.
Sarah saw the waking Colson, and saw the pistol raised by the other party. Then, she who could already trust the other party, had a cruel heart. The moment the other party raised the gun and stopped, she resolutely shot. , Shot the last bullet in his gun without hesitation.
"Cough...cough, cough!"
At this time, Coleson’s right hand just holding the gun was lying on his feet, and the other left hand was firmly covering his own left chest, as if he was suffering from some kind of hitting pain, the bright Mediterranean forehead. The cold sweat on the floor still kept flowing down.
Now, he is almost running out of strength to lift the pistol in his hand that is only a little more than a thousand grams with the bullet...
"Hi! Colson!"
"Can you still stand up now? We have to hurry up, because the group of scumbags behind are catching up again!!"
The formidable enemy blocking the road in front was killed so smoothly, which made Sarah in a good mood blow her whistle with pride, handed the other gun to her left hand and grabbed it together. In front of the man on the pile, he stretched out his right hand towards the opponent with a caring smile.
Sarah seems to really like the man in front of her. On the way, the other party can really surprise her everywhere! !
"Sorry... Sarah... I'm afraid it won't work..."
Looking at the small hand full of gunpowder and sulfur temperature that the other party stretched out embarrassingly, for a while, Coleson smiled a little hard, and labored to uncover the collar of his suit jacket...
Following his movements, he soon revealed the shirt inside him that had been stained red with blood... There, in that deadly position, a vicious wooden thorn was so deadly that it happened Good to pierce his chest from the back of his heart, and also reveal a sharp wooden head with scarlet blood on his chest?
Obviously, although his heart is still beating stubbornly and continues to provide his body with a minimum of blood and energy, but Coleson can't hold on for long, let alone stand up again.
Sarah's dirty face collapsed in an instant, and her eyes widened soon, her ruddy face turned pale at the same time, as ugly as it was!
"Hey... forget it, it's a pity..."
After hesitating for a while, all Sarah finally said turned into a faint sigh.
"Thank you! Coleson!"
Then, she turned her head and looked at the group of enemies who were chasing down the long street behind. In the end, she gritted her teeth and went forward two steps directly, taking away the weak right hand of the opponent. Sophisticated mechanical fixed-load ammunition weapons. After taking away the last two full magazines of the opponent by the way, he finally leaned over and kissed the opponent's forehead, then resolutely turned around and swiftly headed towards the Butcher’s Bridge. 'The other side speeds up and ran.
Now, she has successfully broken through the enemy's encirclement, and on the other side of the'Butcher's Bridge', there are no more enemy personnel!'s a pity that her novice, who had just been taken by her own eyes, fell here at the last minute.
"You're welcome..."
Seeing the other party abandoning himself and leaving, although Coleson felt a little bitter in his heart, he did not say much, nor did he blame the other party...because he knew that that was the other party's best choice! After all, he was not saved by Coulson himself. Instead of both of them dying here, he might as well run out one!
And the only thing that makes Coulson a little regretful now is that he did not hesitate to come here across the plane world, but in the end not only failed to complete the task successfully, but failed to find a little girl who saw the end of the dragon, but even took it. Is it your own life?
Looking at the ferocious enemies holding various weapons around him, and seeing the other angrily, after Coleson muttered a certain name in his heart, he no longer planned to struggle, but slowly closed. Own eyes.
!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ? ?
At the same time, on a pier street below Bilgewater, a little girl in a red skirt suddenly stopped to watch the personal performance of a little murloc Fitz in the distance, turning to a little confused. He looked up and looked at the'Butcher's Bridge' on the top of the stone mountains in Bilgewater.
Little Annie just received a regretful sigh from above, and she was taken aback? !
"That is……"
The cry of the murloc Fitz and the gang members in the distance, Annie did not care, but frowned and began to use the powerful consciousness and perception that she often did not use, towards the'butcher' above. The bridge swept over.
That place, seems to be the direction from the fierce gunfire just now?
(Yes, respectable little master, that guy is Coleson, he is your uncle Coleson, but now, he is dying, he is about to die...
(● ̄ ̄●)
Tibbers, who was even more careless than the other party, didn't wait for the confirmation from one of his own bad little masters, so he uttered mercilessly and increased his crit damage. )
"Is it really Uncle Coleson?"
? ?
Little Annie still didn't come back to her senses, because for a while, she would not understand, how did the other party come to the world of Runeterra and come to this Birgewater?
(Yes! That's your old bald uncle!)
Annie's consciousness swept over again, and then she who had confirmed certain things, another exciting spirit, hurriedly ignored the others, flashed directly, and disappeared instantly.
"Hey! Don't you come to help...?"
Fitz the murloc just wanted to turn around and ask for help, because she was a little uncomfortable with fighting on land, but how could she think that when she turned her head, the nasty little human who was still behind was gone? !
"Then I don't care, let them all sink into the sea!!"
Seeing that the helper who had originally intended to ask for help disappeared, Fitz, the little murloc, was also cruel. While avoiding the shooting of those enemies in the distance, she finally gathered the seastone trident in her hand. He used the powerful water magic, and made the entire trident begin to light up.
"The tide has reversed, let's all swim together!!"
Fitz, the little murloc, who was fierce and completely reckless, pointed at the scarlet slaughter pier bay in the distance after the power on his seastone trident reached a certain level!
The next moment,
They rose up frantically without wind, and kept raising the scarlet high waves, until the waves became higher and higher under the eyes of all the Bilgewaters who sensed something wrong, and became more and more terrifying. After that, it finally collapsed, and roared and flooded towards the Biljiwotou port area in the low place!
That's right, Little Fish Fitz is about to flood Bilgewater Avenue now! !
Rumbling rumbling...
‘! ! ’
‘Tsunami? ! ’
‘No, run away! ! ’
‘Help! ! ’
‘Run! Run! ! ! ’
Whether it’s the dock gang members who are still fighting the enemy in blood, or the birgewater sailors, boatmen, butchers, or others who have nothing to do with them, they are seeing the scarlet full of sea beast blood When the color sea roared and washed over, they all screamed, and subconsciously turned around to escape.
However, their speed is definitely not faster than the speed of the huge waves!
So soon, in Bilgewater, where the little murloc Fitz is located, in the low street at the foot of the mountain, the dock gang members and other people who had shouted and killed her before, screamed and disappeared. In the big tsunami that washed by...
Of course,
What disappeared together were the countless wooden houses... and some of the sailboats that were towed to the shore were once again washed into the sea... Suddenly, in the chaos, due to the dissipation of magical power and the laws of physics In the gradual receding wave, hundreds of sailing ships floated on top in various gestures, and there were also Bilgewater people exclaiming inside, looking like hundreds of horses vying for the current, so spectacular! !
"You bad guys... why are you bullying my uncle Coleson?!"
While the little murloc launched a tsunami, UU reading www. uukanshu. A little com carrying a stuffed toy bear in her hand almost instantly teleported to the "Butcher's Bridge" on the hillside of Bilgewater, and sternly stopped the group that was surrounding the bridge. Bad guys waving various weapons in their hands.
In front of them, there was a man in a suit with a Mediterranean haircut with his head hung down and sitting in a pool of blood.
"Wow! I can't spare you!!"
Never imagined that his Uncle Coelson would be beaten like this by a group of bad guys when he was not paying attention. ! !
So, now Annie is angry, and the consequences are serious! !
(● ̄ ̄●)
At this time, what the people from all sides and the residents here in the battle in Bilgewater did not know were:
In the deep sea to the southeast of the Anaconda Islands, in the direction that was originally called Fuguang Island but now renamed as'Shadow Island', a large area of ​​terrifying black shadows that are filling the sea and sky are accelerating. Approaching Bilgewater, approaching towards the Python Islands...
Calculating according to the speed of the terrifying black fog of howling ghosts and wolves, if it is fast, it may only be one or two days, if it is slow, it may be three or five days at most. They can almost reach the city of Bilgewater at the southernmost point of the Python Islands ! !
Of course, it is also possible... it only takes half a day or a half day?
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