Chapter 82: I'm going to read the article and hold back the big move

A tall skeletal warhorse with the death knight on its back roared in a low voice, and charged at high speed towards Annie, who was slowly falling to the ground with her back facing it. Before Annie could react, she slammed into her body. Tibbers, a giant flame bear braving the flames of shadow!
  嘭! ! !
After a loud crash, the unprepared skeleton warhorse and his owner were directly hit by the giant bear with one claw and rolled sideways for more than thirty or forty yards, and the flame giant was also a black line when the death knight charged. The sword light directly pierced the entire abdominal cavity, and a large amount of shadow flames were surging out from the breach in the chest and abdomen!
   "Huh? Tibbers! Are you okay? Damn it!"
  Anne didn’t realize until now that it turned out that Tibbles the bear took the initiative to protect her! Just now, she was careless! Unexpectedly, she did not notice that a dead knight charged her with death!
   After seeing the huge wound on Tibbers' chest and abdomen, Little Annie became a little angry. How dare he hurt her little bear? Burn him! Burn him! Must burn him!
"You are fat, dare to hurt my little bear? Humph! I can't spare you!" Annie instantly grabbed a huge shattered fireball. When she was about to smash it, she found that Tibbers was directly in front of her. , Watching the death knight who was about to get up from the ground vigilantly, Tibbers covered himself with its body.
  Annie! Be careful! Go all out! Don't use these jokes, this undead... is very difficult to deal with! If you are not careful, you will die!
   After hearing the message from Tibbers' link of mind, Annie noticed something was wrong, and began to look carefully at the knight who was climbing from the ground.
   Waiting for her to look carefully, she realized that the other party turned out to be a death knight above the legendary level, even reaching the level of a demigod? Wow! In this way, she was really too dangerous just now! Just now, he turned his back to a demigod death knight who was charging? If Tibbers hadn't run out on his own, it would really be a fatal loss!
   After seeing the situation and understanding the situation, Annie was so scared that she hurriedly slammed the fireball on her hand at the death knight who was about to get up from the ground! Without paying attention to the result, he quickly cast a scintillation technique directly and flashed under the high tower steps behind. She found that there was a group of living long-eared elves fighting against the undead, presumably they should not be enemies, right? It should be safe here.
   It was really too dangerous just now, she almost lost her life, this is something that has never happened before! After ensuring that the distance was far enough, and there was no existence around her that could threaten her, Little Annie looked at the distance with lingering fear, the death knight who was walking out of the flames of the bursting fireball that she had just hit?
   Sure enough, her level of attack just now can't help him! Look, his body is surrounded by a layer of ice blue with a layer of black mist. It is this strange death power that protects him from the fire.
   "Hehehe... That's it! Is the summoned mage your last resort? General Elf Ranger?"
Arthas walked out slowly from the flames, his pale hair falling in the wind, his cold eyes looked at the huge flame bear in front of him, and then stared at the distance, which had already escaped by flashing The little human girl under the tower.
"Tsk! What did I find? You summoned a demigod mage? Ha! This is really interesting, too interesting! No wonder you dare to stop here like this, I thought you were really not afraid of death Yeah! But, stupid spirit, if you think that only a demigod can stop my army of death, then I tell you, this is just wishful thinking!"
Seeing that the little girl mage had run to a safe distance and was fully guarded, Arthas knew that he had already missed the best one-shot kill, and he might not have a second chance. ! As a result, the death knight Arthas switched to the mouth cannon mode, trying to shake the opponent's resistance will with words!
   After all, he had missed his opportunity now. Under the current circumstances, Arthas did not have the slightest certainty that he could destroy the little human girl, that was a demigod mage! Leaving aside other things, her ability to escape is absolutely top-notch when she is prepared, is that kind of flashing or teleportation? That kind of cowardly trick!
   What's more, there is a giant flame bear that is at least legendary! Fortunately, it is not one-on-one now, and Alsace is not alone! There is a huge army of undead behind him, and she can't kill her to death! Otherwise, with that powerful flame bear restrained, the first thing to think about how to escape, it is probably Arthas!
   After thinking about it, Arthas glanced at the giant flame bear that stood in front of the tower and his death army. Although it just shot itself and Invincible directly, it would not feel good, right?
   Looking at the huge cut on the opponent's chest and abdomen was cut by his own sword, he smiled triumphantly. In the collision just now, even though he looked more embarrassed and was swept away by one claw, he did not actually suffer any damage! On the contrary, it was the bear. It suffered a serious injury. The power of Frostmourne is not something anyone can bear casually!
   Arthas, who had just bloodbathed the entire Lordaeron, is now at the peak of the demon life! You know, besides the divine tool Frostmourne, his current strength also counts the Lich King Ner'zhul who is always remotely assisting him! This is the remote assistance of another demigod Lich King, adding BUFF, transmitting power, and wise assistance, let alone how high-end it is!
   Before Illidan Stormrage went to smash the ice block on the Frozen Throne before he set off, Arthas was now firmly ranked first in the melee list! At least possessing the strength of a demigod is definitely not a blow out! Even when he was finally hacked to death on the Ice Throne in the future, he was probably not as strong as this period!
   "Who are you? Honorable mage? I remember, all I want to summon is a little Balrog..."
   Sylvanas did not pay attention to Alsace's question, but questioned the little human girl who had just flashed to her side.
   She didn't know at all, why did she only summon a runestone from a little flame demon, but in the end a powerful mage came out instead? That death knight even said that this little girl is a demigod? Or a demigod mage? Perhaps even Quel'Thalas does not have a demi-god mage in the magical kingdom of Ten Thousand Years' End, right? Is this little human girl the guardian of Tirisfal?
   More importantly: Is there a rune stone in the world of Azeroth that can summon a demigod to help fight? Why is a demigod running out after a fire element summoning runestone is activated? If there is such a thing as a demigod runestone, Sylvanas must be generous with her wealth, even if she mortgages the Tower of Windrunner, even if her family is bankrupt, she will have to buy dozens of yuan to suppress her shock!
"Hey? My name is Annie! But, don't worry about such small things! What's the matter with these undead? Why are there so many?" Annie started to calm down after she recovered, she was already thinking about how to do it. What should I do, maybe, she can send and run away directly?
   However, the space in this place seems to be very unstable, as if a large enchantment has been damaged? Then the energy here is messed up, the space is extremely unstable, and long-distance transmission is definitely not good! Annie has no coordinates for other locations in this world yet! Where should short-distance teleportation go? This is a problem! If you are not careful and continue to bump into the undead pile, it will not be very fun, she doesn't want to be teleported out and be charged by a knight!
   "Because they are attacking my country, our Quel'Thalas..."
   Seeing that the undead had temporarily stopped attacking, the relaxed Sylvanas seemed to have lost all of her strength, so she slumped on the steps, slowly recovering her strength. She just looked at the undead in the distance, they are regrouping, it seems that they are preparing to launch the second wave of attack!
   "Is that so? Then, do you know which direction is safe? I will release a mass teleportation technique, and I can take you all away immediately!"
   Xiao Anni wouldn’t foolishly follow a large group of undead troops here to go shopping. Now her first task is to plan to escape first! Seeing that this big sister of the elves allowed herself to slip out of the land of flames in advance, she decided to help her and take them along with her in a while. Anyway, this is just a incidental matter, and it doesn't get in the way!
   Sylvanas looked at the little human girl in surprise, she didn't expect this powerful human mage to have a way to take them all away! However, looking at the surging army of undead in front of her, she was silent again...
   Behind her is their country, their Silvermoon City! As a ranger general, she must not just leave, even if she is dead, it is always good to be able to buy one minute and one more time for her compatriots!
"This is a teleportation runestone from Silvermoon City. There should be the coordinates you need in it. Although I don't know why you are summoned, I am very grateful for your move. If you want to leave, you will be troubled at the end. You once, help me take away the wounded, we will continue to stay here!" Looking at the undead in the distance, her eyes are still so sharp, she won't just leave, she will stay here forever Until the last moment...
   Looking at the wounded man who was completely disabled on the ground behind him, Sylvanas sighed, then took out a teleportation rune from her pocket and handed it to Annie.
   This precious teleportation rune is a precious item exchanged by the Windrunner family from a master of Silvermoon City. It can easily teleport her back to Silvermoon City alone. This was originally her last means of life-saving, but she never thought of using it. She is the Ranger General! She would never leave her ranger and escape alone!
   "You are crazy! You can't stop them like this! There are so many of them, even I am afraid of them!" After Annie took the rune stone, she was shocked by the thoughts of the big elves! They still want to resist here? You are looking for a dead end!
"You can see it! They are preparing to organize the next attack. Are you really not going? You will really die!" Annie pointed to the death knight who ran back into the undead array in the distance. He was commanding some more Undead, ready to form a new formation, it is estimated that the next attack is coming soon!
   "No! Thank you for your kindness! Maybe, this is my destiny! My people are behind me, and I have nowhere to go..."
   Rejecting Annie's kindness again, Sylvanas picked up her bow and arrow again, and stood up with her tired body. During this time, she recovered a lot of strength. Maybe she can draw the bow a few more times to kill more undead?
"You are! Forget it! I'm afraid of you! I'll help you one last time! After a while, I will put a big fire and burn all of this place, maybe it can stop them from a long time? This is better than you die here. Are you too much? Now you should be willing to go along with you?"
   Annie thought about it seriously, she was still reluctant to just watch this beautiful big sister die here, and finally made a decision, and finally helped them once! Ok! Just this time! Not more!
"If you can stop them for a long time, you will be our most honored guest in Quel'Thalas! All the high elves will remember your kindness forever!" Hearing Annie's words, Sylvanas' face finally appeared. A hint of joy, and solemnly bowed a Quel'Thalas gift to Annie!
   "Okay! Alright! I'm ready to cast the spell right away! It may take a little bit of time, hey! Tibbers! Be careful! Don't let that undead riding a horse come near here!"
   Annie is ready to start reading a magnifying move! If a demigod has to read the big tricks, I ask if you are afraid? Therefore, she specifically told Tibbers to pay attention to that powerful death knight. In case Anne was casting a spell, he would rush to him desperately, but it would be no fun. Interrupting the spell would cause injury!
   Tibbers roared and stood firmly to the forefront of the steps. Although it may not be the opponent of the death knight in a heads-up, it is still quite certain if it is only delayed for a little time!
   "Honorable mage, I will be in front of you too!" Seeing Annie preparing to cast a spell, Sylvanas bent her bow and shot her arrow, and did not hesitate to get in front of Annie.
   "Uh mmmmm......" After seeing Tibbers getting ready, Annie closed her eyes, she was about to start her big move!
A huge red magic circle began to form under her feet, and it spun sharply, one by one, profound arcane runes began to light up in the circle, and the chaotic and free sunwell energy outside began to converge sharply. come.
   "Huh! Attack!"
Of course, Arthas couldn’t hide the vision of the tower on the opposite side. He saw the huge bright red magic circle and felt the magical energy gathering in the air. He knew that the demigod on the opposite side was casting a spell, so now It's time for him to attack!
   Hmph! silly! Seeing that the opponent dared to release strategic-level spells that required a long time to guide under his nose, Arthas ignored the slow-moving army of undead, directly waved his hand and pulled the invincible rein, dropped the slow army of undead, and rushed ahead. Past...
   As long as there is no such little girl to cast spells and deterrence on the side, as long as he rides over the obstructing giant flame bear alone, and cleans up the elf ranger, then the demigod girl is dead!
   This is really a chance to come here. Without the heavy protection of the army, she would dare to cast spells like this in front of him? Arthas felt that his undead natural disaster was about to add a powerful necromancer! I don't know, after resurrecting her, does she still have the power of a demigod? Or, can she and Kel'Thuzad be thrown into the sunwell and resurrect at the same time?
   "Hoo~!!!" Tibbers jumped directly!
   "Hmm! The opportunity is here!" Seeing the giant flame bear pounced as he wanted, a sneer flashed across Alsace's mouth! This bear was really fooled, and he was waiting for this moment!
   When Tibbers was about to hit him, Arthas jumped up from the invincible, allowing his undead horse to be hugged by the giant bear and bit his head!
Tibbers shook off the crushed horse's head, turned his head anxiously, and saw that the undead knight had jumped far in the air, but he was still entangled with the dead horse on the ground. I can't catch up! It can only roar angrily!
  Annie! be careful! ! !
Just as Arthas was about to climb the stairs, a bit of cold light flashed. Sylvanas, who had been waiting for a long time, exhausted all her strength and shot the last burst magic arrow, cold light went straight. The head of the death knight left...
   Damn it! It's just that little difference again! Just a little bit!
   Seeing this deadly arrow, Arthas could only sigh in his heart, and quickly raised his sword to block it! This arrow rushed to his head. If he didn't stop it, he would probably die here. He didn't want to be a headless horseman!
boom! With a sound, the arrow hit the back of Frostmourne's sword, and it was directly exploded into powder under the huge force, and the power of the arrow and the recoil of the explosion also caused Arthas to be bounced directly! He missed another chance to kill!
   Although this arrow only won for less than a second, it was enough for Tibbers!
As soon as the death knight landed, Tibbers rushed forward, ignoring the long sword that the opponent had pierced into his body, hugged the opponent directly, and then bit on the opponent's shoulder with one bite. Fully released the shadow flames in the body! At this moment, Tibbers was violent!
   Anyway, it is Xiao Annie's contract pet, anyway, its soul has been bound to Xiao Annie's body, and it can't die anyway! So, as long as Little Annie is fine! So, who is Tibbers afraid of now? Fight it! It's also worth it! It's a big deal to cultivate for a while!
   "Okay, done! Let's go!"
Just as he was burned to look a bit miserable, and there was a huge savage wound on his left shoulder. Alsace, the death knight, will be shot and turned into a toy bear. Tibbers is from the blade of Frostmourne. When it was thrown away Annie's voice rang in time. Then, a burst of blue arcane magic circle light shined from the soles of all the living elves nearby, and in the next instant, all the elves disappeared, including the teddy bear Tibbers that was thrown away by Arthas!
   "Asshole! Another coward's spell!"
   Alsace's Frostmourne had only time to cut to Annie's original position, causing a huge crack in the floor. However, people here are already empty! The whole tower became empty in an instant, and there was not even one living thing left!
Oh! In fact, it's not right. The only thing left here is the huge fiery red magic circle still running at high speed on the ground!
Looking at this huge red magic circle on the ground, Arthas felt a little bit helpless for a while. He was originally just a Paladin, but now he is a death knight after being transferred. He really doesn’t know what happened to Lord Fa. what! He couldn't understand this visible but intangible thing, so how could he destroy it? Or, can he use Frostmourne to chop two swords and try?
   "Alsace! Run! Run! Get out of here now!"
Just as the death knight Arthas was thinking about how to deal with this circle, a voice rang quickly from the ashes containing Kel'Thuzad in his rucksack. It was the voice of Kel'Thuzad... ..
  At the same time, above the sky of Quel'Thalas, a huge flame meteorite whizzed down towards the position of the red circle below the tower...
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