Chapter 767: They beat theirs, let's see ours (*^?^...

Those thick fogs that tumbling and spreading from the depths of the sea in the southeast, the black as ink of the evil curse, have finally gradually enveloped the entire city of Bilgewater Bay Freeport, gradually increasing the population of the entire Python Islands to the south. The sky of this city, the streets built against the mountains, the bridges of the mountains, the houses and the docks on the sea, etc., are all covered in the dark and cold fog.
It didn't take long before the black fog that was originally a little thin became thicker and thicker!
If anyone looked into the distance from home at this time, the lights of the entire harbor city that were originally dotted on the sea surface that were connected to the sea surface in the past have disappeared in the slightest? Between the sky and the earth, apart from the dark silence, there seems to be only the endless chill and the vaguely cursed evil spirits hidden in the black mist and the wailing tips of twisted souls. The sound of howling.
Water grave area...
In Bilgewater City, people with a certain status or status, after their normal or abnormal deaths, actually do not go directly to the land for security, but are uniquely classified as part of the port area. In the sea area of ​​the water tomb area, it is sunk into the deep sea, protected and hidden with sea water and decaying aggressive fish schools, and finally returned to the embrace of the'Ms. Beard'.
Of course, they are not just thrown into the sea. People in Bilgewater will also attach a buoy that can float on the water forever on the top of the sunken body. The name and death of the sunken body are written on it. Wooden epitaphs such as the reason and date of the name. Of course, besides these, the epitaph can also be a captain’s hat, a bounty medal, a weapon, a small lighthouse, a bell or a flag that can represent a name, etc...
But the water cemetery is not something that all Bilgewater people can enjoy, because even if you don’t mention the expensive sinking costs and sunken buoys that are required for water burials, it is only for the gangs who occupy the water cemetery. The cemetery fees, labor fees, sea area planning fees, buoy management fees, cleaning fees, guidance fees, and other messy fees paid are enough to discourage ordinary Bilgewater people!
and so,
Those Bilgewaters who had lived very humble, after they died, were either eaten and rotted by the wharf rats in a certain water ditch, or were thrown directly into the sea, but not everyone can Those who can afford the "cemetery" in the water cemetery area enjoy the "high-standard" treatment that can be remembered or talked about after death.
At this time,
Beneath the black mist, the silent sea in the water cemetery area, which was full of all kinds of buoys, suddenly heard strange crying like seabirds...Of course, there were also those sharp tremors. The bell rang! !
The tombstones of various sizes that floated with the buoy on the sea suddenly seemed to spasm, and began to sway back and forth and tremble...
Thinking about the current situation in Bilgewater, it is not difficult to imagine that the noble sunken corpses floating under the buoys must have come to'live' together, and want to break the cage that binds them and break free of those The heavy water coffins, anchors, gun barrels, gravel pile nets, rusty shells or pounded buckets and other devices tied to them and climbed to the shore?
It's a pity that they are in the sea and can't swim. At this time, they can do nothing except struggle in the sea and let the buoys sway together! However, this thing has to be said to be ironic?
Because, those who originally wanted to hide in the sea under the care of the'Ms. Beard' and get rest and sorrow, they were the first victims of this extremely serious night of soul eclipse, and they became again and again. A member of the cursed undead who came alive...
But in any case, the dark shadows rolling over the sky of Bilgewater, the conflicting fog in various streets, and the faintly cold mist on the sea, etc., are enough to explain a fact. That is:
The terrible cursed black mist that spread from the Shadow Island, the most terrifying soul-eclipsing night in the daily culture of the Bilgewater, those black mists, they are here!
Moreover, it is more serious than ever! !
In this gang stronghold transformed from a large warehouse, the owner, Sarah, Miss Doom, and the gang leaders and leaders of the gangs under her are cautiously, holding their breath, standing or standing or Squatting, hiding in groups of three or five in this large room that is already covered by the shady, with no fingers visible, basically without any extra light.
hiss! call!
Except for the vague, heavy breathing, they didn't dare to make even the slightest sound at this time!
Some people only dare to be careful when they breathe, hold their breath, and try to keep themselves quiet... However, the muzzle of the musket in their hands does not remain still, but allows it to move towards any moment at any time. There is a strange noise, or the breathable windows that may be broken in by monsters!
Although, even they themselves know that those invisible cursed souls, undead, or other monsters that drifted with the black mist to the Shadow Island of Bilgewater, if they want to break into this wooden house, they must be They will not be blocked by the walls of those rigid plank wooden houses, but they still subconsciously pin their hopes on those solid walls, subconsciously like trusting those obstacles that can give them a little sense of security. , This can be seen from the fact that almost everyone is stuck to the wall at this time.
Just as Miss Doom, Sarah and her unreliable gang leaders waited for a long time without encountering any danger, nor seeing any undead coming in, not even the cursed black mist pervading them. How much spread in, thinking that the undead could not find them, and allow them to continue to live here, thinking that they can persist until dawn...
Finally, at this time, an uninvited guest visited this not too hidden place where they were hiding!
A blue transparent ghost, making the kind of low groan and twisted pain that can make the fainthearted feel the trembling of the soul, while slowly sneaking in from a wall to the south.
‘! ! ’
‘! ? ’
In this situation, everyone present was so scared that they unconsciously turned their respective loaded muzzles, and while continuing to hide their bodies in the dark, they also aimed at the intruder. Uninvited guests coming in.
It was a vain black smoke that had a faint human outline, but with an abnormally distorted face, it was not very clear, but it kept emitting a faint blue fluorescence, A weird guy who is translucent, like a cloud of black smoke.
It really is the cursed undead from Shadow Island! !
In an instant, everyone's breathing seemed to have stopped temporarily...
Because, according to some good Bilgewater people, in the night of eclipse, if you hold your breath and hold your breath, can the souls ignore their existence in the night?
Regardless of whether this trick is useful or not, now, at such a terrible time, no one is stupid enough to question the authenticity of such rumors! !
Anyway, including Miss Doom Sarah, everyone instantly took out the super breath-holding ability that they only used when diving! Each of them instantly closed their mouths, and stopped the gas communication between their noses, lungs and the outside world. The whole body was out of the muzzle of the hand and the eyes were staring at the intruder. The ghost of the undead, besides being vigilant about each other's every move, the rest of his body was frozen and motionless.
The blue figure, like a cloud of smoke, first turned around in this study that was transformed from a large warehouse, and then wandered aimlessly. It seemed that he really didn't find the people present? But it seems to be determining the number of living people hiding here? !
But no matter what it is doing, in this case, no one dares to act rashly at this time! !
The ghost of the evil monster on the Shadow Island is still wandering non-stop, the air is filled with the cold and spiteful curse... And fortunately, none of the people here are particularly courageous. Otherwise, , I'm afraid they will blow up the nest by themselves before waiting for any actual action from the other party?
‘Oh oh oh...’
The ghost circled the room aimlessly...
It really doesn’t seem to be able to find anyone hiding here, because it hasn’t touched anyone’s body, nor has any extra time stayed in front of a certain person. The eyes on its twisted face, It also didn't really focus on anyone's face or body.
‘Oh woo.....’
But soon, it used its actual actions to tell everyone a cruel fact, that is:
In the face of these cursed undead souls, any superficial moves, whether it is hiding in a house, a box or a cabinet, or closing your eyes and holding your breath pretending to be dead, are all useless! Because they can smell the smell of living people, hear the sound of their heartbeat, and feel the warmth of their body that makes them jealous!
‘Hiss! ! ! ’
After the ghost floated around for a while, it first stopped lightly, pretending to be nonchalant, and stopped in front of one of the gang leaders whose body was shaking the most and whose eyes were wide open, even the head of the gang started to sweat. Then, it suddenly swelled its entire body and turned into a fierce look, and then screamed at it!
"Go away!!"
The gang leader who could not help but wanted to shoot, finally became stiff at the same time!
So, he directly clenched the weapon in his hand, directly raised the muzzle and squeezed the trigger severely towards the monster that jumped over, causing the hammer of the musket to hit the fire door of the musket, and Amidst the blast and the flames of gunpowder burning that appeared unusually shiny due to being in a dark room, a metal bead that is said to be able to cause damage to the undead went from the muzzle of sparks to the ghost. The hideous transparent head shot out.
Bang! !
‘! ! ’
‘Oh~! ’
With a gunshot, in the ghost's wailing sound, after the bullet passed through the head of the ghost without any substance, it stopped suddenly, and then unexpectedly The whole soul body was like a pierced blister, directly exploded?
After the gunshots, the room quickly returned to calm, and again fell into the darkness... Of course, the difference from just now is that the rapid breathing now seems to be getting more and more. It's heavy.
Because almost everyone can feel that the air around them seems to be getting colder and colder?
‘! ! ’
‘Look! They are here, not good! Fire! Hurry up! ! ’
Bang! Bang!
‘I have it here too! ! ’
‘The other side, shoot all! Kill them! ! ’
‘Haha! Monsters, don’t you guys want to take away my old smoker! ! ’
‘Scum of Shadow Island, go to death! ! ’
Bang! Bang! Snapped! !
Maybe it's excitement, maybe it's hysteria caused by fear?
Anyway, when the gang leaders hidden here discovered the kind of projectiles fired by the weapons in their hands, and found that the gadgets can indeed cause effective damage to the undead, they moved on to more ghosts from the walls on all sides. While pouring in, they began to roar and open fire, and soon the Baigang Wharf warehouse was immersed in gunpowder, fire, and bursts of excitement.
Of course, there must be the gunshots one after another, after all, there are more than twenty people in it.
However, what their gangsters who were screaming loudly and cooperating in a fierce battle didn’t know was that when they were busy shooting and shooting in the dark against the undead of Ankang, a red-haired woman actually shot. After smashing one of the ghosts and the window sill behind the ghosts, he seized the opportunity to jump out of the house amidst the flash of fire?
As for the bandit leaders who were firing alternately, they didn't even know their leader, their Miss Doom, who had already taken the lead at this time and ran outside the house, leaving them all alone. .
A bunch of idiots! !
She spit in her heart, Miss Doom, who jumped out of the house, did not dare to continue shooting easily. She hurriedly saw the massive ghost monsters flying in the dark fog towards the place where they were hiding. I grabbed it into my ammunition bag, and suddenly spilled a piece of special ammunition that was proven to be able to restrain the undead. After repelling the ghosts who were blocking the road, he turned around and disappeared into a small area in the dark. In the alley.
Behind her, in the warehouse house on the wharf, there was still the sound of one after another muskets, the flash of fire from the muskets and the silhouettes reflected on the windowsill, as well as the madness that was rushing towards that place. Going, there are almost thousands of scary ghosts at a glance.
Sarah knows that those idiots may be worse off!
And now, she must take advantage of the chaos, the screams of people in various places, the screams of living people being attacked, and the surrounding fire before they completely disappear, and run to a safer place! For example, the dense residential area on the mountain where more people share the pressure, or... on the top of the mountain near the temple of the must-beard lady Nagakaporos?
"Hum hum……"
"Desperate Knight, under the power of Shadow Island, your life is just a burden, and I...will generously give you true freedom!!"
The shadow of war, the death ghost rider Hecarim of the Iron Group brandished his huge and heavy war blade straight, and kept kicking on the hard rocky ground of Bilgewater, coldly. With a grinning grin, he looked at the golden-clad sao-packed knight in front riding a tall golden-armored horse, wearing the same golden plate armor, and holding a broad sword that exuded the golden flame energy that he hated. Said mockingly.
Hecarim has been imprisoned on the Shadow Island forever after being swept by the Curse of Destruction on Fuguang Island hundreds of years ago. He and his iron group have been imprisoned on the Shadow Island forever...and he has been sealed for hundreds of years. In this weird reconstruction of the body and the war horse before his death!
Driven by that icy curse, Hecarim apart from patrolling the Shadow Island in angrily that he once wanted to conquer, and following the shadow island's outwardly diffused black mist to fight and fight everywhere, He and the ghost army of the Iron Group have not been able to fight evenly matched enemies for a long time, nor have they been able to fight happily and recall his long-lost glory.
And now, a powerful enemy is in front of him, and he is also a knight, which makes Hecarim very interested in cutting off the opponent's head, and granting him eternal death, joining his group of iron Here, enjoy the eternal suffering with them! !
"Evil undead!!!"
"My great sword, it is called the Ashbringer, and it is also the nemesis of your undead! I will use its power to help justice in this land! I firmly believe that I will drive us out of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Just like the Scourge Legion, wipe out you and your undead legions from this island!!"
"I will firmly believe in this!!"
After speaking, Alexandros Mograine, the Ashbringer, the High Lord of the Paladins, and the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand, exploded the power of the Holy Light in his body, making them and the'Ashbringer' in his hand. The radiance and radiance of each other made him engulfed in bursts of golden holy light flames, just like the same golden war descended from the gods, it seemed to possess very mighty and mighty power!
At the same time, under the shining of his golden holy light, the surrounding black fog and the undead flying around with the black fog actually retreated one after another, in a large area of ​​damage illuminated by the golden light. Inside, there was a large open area and the fierce undead who was confronting him.
He Alexandros Mograine is not afraid of each other, at least, not afraid in the current one-on-one situation! And the reason why he hasn’t activated the amulet given to him by their Anne lord, and the silver hand knights who have not summoned them, is actually to be able to fight with the guy in front of him before that. Fight! !
After all, if you count it seriously, after the Scourge in the world of Azeroth "turn the chaos" and was controlled by the former prince of the high elves, the new Lich King Kael'thas, he Alexandros Mogra It has been a long time since Ni hadn't been able to confront a worthy opponent, especially the evil undead in front of him!
and so,
Now he is facing the enemy, it is not at all lower than the distinctive death knight opposite! It's just that he doesn't know how good the opponent is, is he as strong as the former Lich King Arthas who killed the master and killed his father?
"Hey! Which one of them will win?"
Fitz, the murloc, is sitting enthusiastically on the largest balcony railing on the second floor of the house with another disgusting little girl, watching the two facing each other in the small square-like garden below. The two cavalry opened their eyes and discussed.
The ordinary undead around now dare not get close to her or the little girl next to her, so Fitz is happy too. He can learn from each other with great care, and go directly to the railing, dangling his feet, looking at the underside. The kind of duel between knights that broke out.
"Of course it's Uncle Mograine!!"
For this kind of thing, Annie felt that there was no need to consider it at all!
Because, that Uncle Alexandros Mograine is hers. If the opponent really can’t fight, she will open the portal immediately and let a large group of cruel and cruel Paladins rush out and turn the car over. Drop that ugly centaur undead knight! !
She can also help cheat secretly, such as stumbling the centaur secretly when no one can detect it, such as a stone that made it run, accidentally being caught by flowers, grass, or pebbles. Did you bump into it?
(● ̄ ̄●)
"But I think it's the one with four legs, because it has a stronger body and more feet!!"
The little fisherman Fitz doesn't agree with the little girl Annie's opinion, because when in the ocean, when those deep-sea monsters fight, it is the larger, more tentacles or legs that can win the battle! And those who are thin are often defeated and eaten even more!
The two below are in fact, obviously the big blue-green guy is a little stronger than the golden one, and the chance of victory should be a little bit bigger?
"One, two, three, four... If you count the horses, Uncle Mograine has six legs in total. He has more legs!!"
Annick has never thought that fighting can win with more legs, but if that is the case, it seems that the uncle Mograine who she summoned from Azeroth has more feet?
"Yeah... it seems that he really needs two more legs... but he is thinner..."
If it’s bigger than the size, what I didn’t say is that the undead knight must be a bit stronger, but if it has more legs, the golden guy has two more, so Fitz, the little fisherman, felt a little embarrassed , I don’t know how to calculate this matter, who has a bigger winning side?
"In short, Uncle Mograine will definitely win!!"
With little Annie helping secretly cheat, she had no idea that Uncle Alexandros Mograine, the Paladin, might fail.
"Do not!!"
"I still think that big man will win!!"
After struggling for a while, the little murloc still feels that the undead knight full of various hideous skeleton decorations, no matter it is above or below, is even Mograine will win! "
"Four legs will win!!"
The little fisher Fitz expressed dissatisfaction! !
‘Four-legged! ! ’
Fitz still insists on his point of view!
In this way, the two of them didn’t mind sitting on the balcony on the second floor, facing the spacious flat ground below, facing the two below who were facing each other. The filthy plate armor, but the monster with the power of the ice-cold necromancer in it was arguing.
(● ̄ ̄●)
(Little master...someone is here again, on the roof behind you...)
(Finally, Tibbers still couldn’t help reminding someone who was arguing with his playmates and didn’t care about the surrounding situation at all. He thought, if someone else dared to be so careless, I’m afraid I don’t know how many times I have died, right?)
"Hey hey..."
‘I still think that little fish is right. Hecarim will win? ’
A gloomy and hollow laughter suddenly sounded behind the two of them, as if it were a sound coming from a distant and profound void.
∑(△`)? !
In the next second, whether it was Little Annie, who was reminded by Tibbs, the little bear, or Fitz, the little murloc who was surprised by the yin laugh, they all turned their heads towards the roof on the balcony behind them Look.
There, floating in a red mage robe, wearing the same red high hat, holding a thick book in his left hand, and holding a long staff in his right...Lich? !
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