Chapter 86: Quel'Danas

   On the Isle of Quel'Danas, there is one thing that the whole family of high elves depend on for survival and cherish the most. It is called: the well of the sun! It is the most important source of magic power for high elves!
The Sunwell is the source of powerful magical energy covering the entire Quel'Thalas region. It was made by one of the bottles of water from the Well of Eternity that the ancestors of the high elves stole from the Well of Eternity using Illidan Stormrage. Made.
About 6,800 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the high elves exiled by the night elves came here. They occupied this place they called Quel'Thalas and named themselves the high elves to show them The difference with the night elves! Then, they built this special magic well and began to establish their glorious magic civilization!
With the almost infinite supply of magical power from the Sunwell, the high elves who came to Azeroth have been greatly strengthened, so they are just north of Quel'Thalas, near Quel'Dana The place on the island built their main city: Silvermoon City.
  As their power continued to grow, they applied magic to the "Eternal Song Forest", bathing them in the eternal spring light. The wizards of the elves built the so-called "runestone" on the border of Quel'Thalas-these huge stones constitute a magic shield, allowing the magic of the elves to hide behind the magic shield, avoiding pretenders from outside the world At the same time, they can also protect this land from aggression.
  The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, except for a high-intensity war with the Amani trolls about two thousand eight hundred years ago, there has been almost no major war in the past three thousand years! As for the war that the orcs sneaked into Quel'Thalas and dug up the runestone more than ten years ago, it could only be regarded as a low-intensity local war. The high elves at that time did not lose much.
   And now, after countless years of peace, Quel'Thalas is finally about to usher in an all-out war that will affect almost all the high elves!
  The enemy of their elves this time is a huge and boundless army of undead without fear of death, and the goal of their undead is their most treasured treasure: the well of the sun!
   So, now on the Isle of Quel'Danas, countless high elves, elite rangers, royal guards, a large number of spellbreakers, and high-level mages are all waiting! They intend to be here, to give those undead who dare to peep at their fairy treasures a good look!
   The current king of the high elves is Anastrian Sunstrider, and the first king of the high elves, the pioneer Dasrema Sunstrider, is his great-grandfather. Anastrian ascended the throne in the late stage of the Troll War, and it was he who signed a contract with the human kingdom of Arathor that was able to defeat the incredible Amani troll at that time!
   And now, the old covenant has long been broken. When the high elves are facing undead natural disasters, the evil fruit he planted is finally time to swallow it himself! Opposite the threat of the undead, their elves can only resist alone, without any help from the alliance! After all, he was the first to tear up the covenant!
   On the platform of a magic tower in the Sunwell Heights, King Anastrian is discussing the details of the defense of Quel'Danas with his courtiers.
On the platform above this magic tower, in addition to King Anastrian on the main seat, all the members of the Silvermoon City Council sat below them. Most of them are high-level mages. Most of the elite combat power of the high elves have been concentrated on this island!
"Your Majesty, according to the information from the Dragonhawk scouts in Silvermoon City, the death knight and his undead army did not go north to Silvermoon City, but went west to the Western Temple. The intention is unknown!" A previous piece of information was released, and it began to be read out to the king and the rest of the lawmakers.
"The intelligence also said that the ranger general Sylvanas seemed to be helped by a powerful human mage. The mage set a fire and destroyed the main road to Silvermoon City. The continuous fire made the undead. Did not change the route of travel, which may be the reason why they went to the Western Temple."
"Well..., the magic wave in the south of Yongsong Forest, I believe you have all felt it, this level of magic power, and you can cast a large legion strategic spell with you! If not all of you are here, I I even thought, did the little girl from your mage group sneaking to help the windrunner’s house release a large-scale rain of flames? Alas...! I can’t figure out, when will the short-lived human race emerge again Such a powerful wizard?"
   Anastrian who was sitting on the main seat sighed, and finally shook his head. He couldn't figure it out! He didn't know or why, suddenly there would be such a powerful wizard to help them high elves!
   This is unreasonable! You know, the relationship between their high elves and the Alliance of Human Lordaeron is very stale, especially not long after the end of the second orc war, Anastrian was the first to stab and take the lead to withdraw from Luo. After Dan Lun Alliance...
   "Let's talk about it, why does this powerful human mage come to help us Quel'Thalas, what exactly does she want from us?"
   This is what Anastarian is most concerned about! Having been a king for almost three thousand years, his political sense is extremely sensitive! So, when I saw a human being rushing to help a lot, the first thing he thought of was: the person is not good! The other party must hope to get something from the high elves!
   "Your Majesty, I may have some different opinions." An old mage of the Silver Moon Council stood up, and after seeing the king had no objection, he continued on.
"After my observation and detection, the fire in the southern part of the Yongsong Forest can be released by at least a master who has refined flame magic above the legend, and it takes a lot of preparation time! But the intelligence said it again. , The opponent has completed the cast in just a short period of time. If this is the case, at least it must have the power of a demigod! But as far as I know, human demigods seem to be the only mysterious mention The guardian of the Risfa Council-Medivh! But he seems to have been killed by their humans a long time ago! There should be no guardians for human beings now! So..."
   At this point, the old congressman took a breath and looked at the other congressmen who were discussing privately after hearing his words, as well as the king who was silent and thoughtful.
   "Go on, please." Anastrian seemed to have thought of something, and raised his hand to indicate that he could continue talking.
"So, I doubt it! The little human girl who came to help us in Quel'Thalas, she may not be a human at all! And, I believe you should read what is written in the intelligence, how could she be eight years old? Human demigod mage on the left and right? This is simply ridiculous! It is absolutely impossible!"
   Anyway, this old congressman absolutely does not believe that humans have eight-year-old demigods! The magic knowledge of their human beings was still taught by the high elves!
   The old congressman himself was one of the special envoys who went to Thoradin to teach human spells, so when he first saw the intelligence, he felt that it must be a bad joke! That little girl can never be a human!
  Although the old congressman also admitted that some humans' magical attainments are even about to catch up with their high elves, such as the Antonidas in Dalaran, the opponent's certain attainments in arcane arts do indeed surpass the high elves. But that is only a special case! He never believes that an eight-year-old human girl can reach or exceed this level! If there is such a thing, wouldn't he have lived in vain for thousands of years?
   "Then, sir, do you think that powerful little mage is...?" After discussing it with the people around, a young congressman finally asked.
"I believe you should all know that, according to records, the guardian dragons that are given powerful and mysterious powers by the Titans can be transformed into any race at will! Whether they are humans, elves, or dwarves, or something. So. Now, the true identity of the little human girl who is still staying in Silvermoon City is open to question."
   After saying this, the old congressman nodded and sat down. He has said everything he should have said. Now he has to take a break! After all, he is several thousand years old.
"Yes! If that's the case, then it makes sense! I also know that some ancient dragons are very good at fire magic. It would not be too strange if the fire was caused by a dragon!" After echoing, other lawmakers also nodded and agreed to this speculation.
"Okay! This topic ends here! Whether the opponent is a human or a giant dragon, at least, so far, she has come to help us Quel'Thalas resist the undead. This is enough, so stop discussing it! Start! Next issue."
   Anastrian also nodded, roughly agreeing with the old congressman’s speculation. Now that the mysterious and powerful wizard is here to help the elves, let's wait until the war is over! No matter what she is or what she wants, the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas will show enough sincerity to repay this kindness.
"Your Majesty, there is also a report of the high-level mage Filendre who stayed behind in Silvermoon City against the ranger general Sylvanas, do you want to?" After crossing the issue just now, another member stood up, and then He was holding a secret letter with a clay seal in his hand. He didn't know if he should read it out now.
"Oh! Interesting! Why don't you take it out and have a look, everyone will listen to it for the first time." At this time, it's really rare to hear someone's accusation against the highest officer stationed in Silvermoon City. King Nastarian almost laughed!
"Yes! Your Majesty. Uh..., the letter said, the ranger-general Sylvanas issued the emergency recruitment without anyone's consent or any discussion with the left-behind officials when he took over the city defense. The order, and..." After opening the letter and seeing the content behind, the congressman was a little surprised, and then continued to read.
   "And at the same time the city-wide mobilization order was issued, she prepared all citizens for a major retreat...".
   "How can this be? Who gave her this right?"
   "It's a mess! Is she going to leave Silvermoon City? Is she crazy?"
   "Oh! The little girl from the Windrunner's house is really messed up this time! What a mess!"
Before King Anastrian had time to express his opinion, the members of the parliament below quarreled themselves first. Some refuted the ranger general's insurrection, some clamored to send someone to take her command right away, and even made suggestions. Those who were immediately arrested and sent to prison for questioning, of course, there are some who plan to defend her, but their defense seems a little weak.
   King Anastrian said nothing. He just squinted his eyes half-smile, letting the members of the council quarrel together. No one knew what the king was thinking.
   "Okay! Shut up! This is temporarily put on hold in advance, and will be discussed after the threat of the undead is over! Next..."
   Waved, Anastarian didn't plan to take any action against the ranger-general Sylvanas now, after all, changing generals before the battle is a big taboo!
  Moreover, among the high elves of Quel'Thalas, only the little girl from the Windrunner's house started from the first gate and has been resisting the invasion of the undead. Generally speaking, it was pretty good!
   Among the high elves in the entire Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, she is the only one who knows the undead the most, right? Anastrian believes that she did that, there is probably a reason she had to do it, so let this matter be put aside for now!
"Your Majesty, the following is a question about material reserves. Now on Quel'Danas Island..." When another member of the logistics council was about to report on the details of material reserves, an intelligence officer hurriedly asked It ran up at high speed down the spiral staircase of the tower.
"Your Majesty! Sylvanas Ranger General Sylvanas sent Dragonhawk scouts to send emergency information: The undead army built the ice bridge on the sea out of thin air. Hundreds of thousands of undead army has set off from the Western Temple and destroyed it in less than an hour. Now they are preparing to go north to Quel'Danas Island. The general wants us to prepare early!"
"Absurd! The Frost Bridge? I bah! Are you a spy? Dare to give false information? Do you know how far the bay of the Western Temple is from Zhuri Island? No one can build such a long bridge out of thin air! The mages are not good! What's more, the human prince! Is he still a knight?"
   The intelligence officer just finished speaking, and after everyone was silent for a while, a grumpy congressman came out on the spot and spit on his face!
  In the eyes of this congressman, no one can build an ice bridge from the bay of the Western Temple that can pass hundreds of thousands of dead souls! That shouldn't be the power that mortals should have!
   is actually not only this grumpy congressman, but other congressmen at UU Reading may doubt or frown at the intelligence officer who is half kneeling on the ground. The news he brought is indeed a bit outrageous!
   "Your Majesty, I suggest to interrogate this intelligence officer! He..." The grumpy congressman just wanted to make a proposal to the king, but was interrupted by the king's severely raising his hand.
   "Don't make a noise! ​​He didn't lie! Because, they are already here!"
   King Anastrian abruptly stood up from the high platform of the throne and looked at the beach by the distant sky with serious expression! You can see it clearly from this tower platform! Where, there is a huge ice bridge instantly formed on the beach!
  Many high-ranking councillors also found anomalies, one by one stood up from their positions, with shocked faces, and looked at the distant coast with incredible eyes. The sea water there was instantly frozen into solid ice! Surprisingly, there is really an ice bridge?
   The direction of its connection is obviously Zhuridao! The Sea of ​​Undead can really build a frost bridge from Zhuridao to here! In the distance of the bridge, countless dead spirits are rushing along the bridge. They are like black ink, gradually filling the white ice bridge, and then rushing along the bridge towards Quel'Danas Island. The direction is a little black! They will land soon!
   quickly! They are so fast here!
   Anastari sighed in relief. Just as the Dragonhawk Knights had heard the news on their front feet, they came on their back feet! Don't give any more time to react! Don't these undead really need to rest?
   "Get ready to fight..."
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