Chapter 834: Queen Anne’s "Shan Hai Jing Recipe Collection"? (...

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"Shan Hai Jing Recipe Collection"
(↑Dashang Dynasty Wild Animal Edible Research Institute and the authoritative work designated by the Plant Medicine Association!!)
Recipe 1:?? Steamed Roasted Pork??
specific methods:
First of all, caught a live wild, unrefined adult lynx!
Slaughter before eating, take two catties of tender meat inside the thigh, chop it and place it in a steamer, add 50 grams of old cinnamon bark, cut into small strips, add 100 grams of crushed powder of leaves or flowers, and put Add a little juice to remove the smell, a little soy sauce to taste, grasp it with your hands and stir and let it stand for ten minutes.
Afterwards, put the steamer on the Jiulong Shenhuo cover, add an appropriate amount of spring water from the spring of Cuiping Mountain Izuun Peak that received the first morning light in the morning, put it in the steamer, cover with the bronze lid with small holes for ventilation, and use the real fire Heat and steam on a low fire for at least three to four hours, wait until the minced meat is completely rotten, and when the whirling counterclockwise spiritual power cyclone appears in the pot, you can take it out and eat it!
Food effect:
Clearing heat and detoxification, improving the liver and improving eyesight, replenishing spiritual energy, reconciling yin and yang... People who eat it can strengthen the body, strengthen the leg muscles, improve blood circulation in the head, strengthen the cranial nerves, and enhance the sense of direction so that people are good at identifying directions. It can make it difficult for road fans with a bad sense of direction to get lost.
Moreover, its taste is very, very fragrant, the meat is smooth and melts in the mouth, giving people the ultimate taste bud enjoyment, no less than the dragon liver and phoenix marrow above the heavens!
(????﹃`??) really fragrant~????
Recipe origin:
①The swaggering mountain has beasts, its shape is like a husky with white ears, and walks on foot. Its name is 狌狌, which is good for food.
②There is wood yan, its shape is like black and black, its four photos are Hua. Its name is "bewilderment", not to be admired.
Inventor of the recipe: Little Bear Tibbers?????????????? (responsible for catching scumbags and giving some bad ideas for the ingredients), chef Xiaobai (responsible for cooking and reviewing and matching recipes and Make relevant finished products)!
Remarks: General cooking fire and spring water are also acceptable, but it will damage part of the effect of the medicated diet... (It is rumored that the effect will be better with the six divine fire, one of the four sky fires in the Bagua furnace?)

"Ha! I'm full!!"
ε=(??????)))?? So delicious...
Just now, Little Annie accidentally wandered into the nine heavens in her sleep, and met an interesting grandfather administrator who interfered with herself without authorization. Then, she was still negotiating with each other for a long time in that boring place, both parties At the beginning, I almost fought because of the conflict of ideas!
She didn't even think that the old administrator, he didn't want to be reasonable, and he wanted to drive her out of this world directly and arbitrarily?
But in the end, after Xiao Anni used those'big principles' to move with affection and understand them, the other party finally had to give up the rude behavior at the beginning, and had to listen patiently. She is'reasonable'.
Then, Queen Anne, who was'reasonable', succeeded in persuading the other party and let the other party extinguish the unreasonable thoughts that drove her away from this interesting world, allowing her to continue to stay in this world. Go on, and it's the kind of treatment that you like to play until when and how long you like to stay!
Of course, it doesn't matter what specific methods she uses!
Anyway, the Queen Anne, who is loved by the family, the flowers are blooming, the clever, well-behaved, and the lovely Queen Anne succeeded in getting everything done without the last violent option of using force! As for whether it is threatening or temptation or something, then there is no need to elaborate on it.
After waking up and eating a delicious, delicious, tender and appetizing steamed minced meat, she unexpectedly discovered that outside her Queen Anne’s house, in front of the lawn in front of the big rock, It seems that there are a lot of strange weird guys out of nowhere? !

??)????? ?
What's the situation? Why is it so lively?
"Huh? That..."
"Tibbers, what's going on outside? How come so many weird things come to our yard. Is there any weird festival or special event here today?"
∑(??△`)? !
The top of Izumo Peak of Cuiping Mountain is where Annie’s home is located. So, of course, this top of the mountain has directly become her home’s yard, and the lively situation outside makes enough to eat and drink and prepare to run out of the waves. Annie felt a little very strange and wonder...
Because, she had seen it secretly and found that those guys seemed to be waiting for something? But she has lived here for so long, and she didn't find any special place on the summit of Izumo Peak...
Not to mention watching the sunrise or something!
You know, after she woke up and had enough food and drink, it was past noon. If it weren’t for the branches and leaves of the ancient high mountain pine trees on the top of the mountain where a few people couldn’t hold each other, it would be the sun. People are almost dead in the sun, how could they come here to watch the sunrise of Rao Shizi? !
(Dear little master...or else, think about it first, and see if you have forgotten something important today?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
For a horrible little master who wakes up, eats and drank, and forgets everything, Tibbers is already numb and doesn't want to comment anyway...Anyway Ah, no matter how it says it or how to correct it, it's useless. The little master of his family is that kind of virtue, or the kind who can't change it in life or death, and can't change it! ! )
"Is it important, is there such a thing?"

(′口`)Let me think...
A certain little girl who is very prone to sleepiness after eating, the blood in the whole body actively circulates to the stomach, and the memory begins to decline severely temporarily. Even the effect of ‘steamed 狌狌肉’ may not be cured, and fell into contemplation.
"Tibbers, it's weird, it seems that people really haven't forgotten anything particularly important..."
Little Annie said confidently, because she had just sorted out what to do today carefully!
For example: she just ate very full and did not forget to eat; then, when she just woke up, she is currently more energetic, and she has not forgotten to sleep; also, she just planned to go out and did not decide whether to go. Where to play, and yesterday did not plan in advance, therefore, she is also very sure that she has never forgotten to play somewhere...
Therefore, Queen Anne finally said that she has a good memory, and she really did not forget any important things, absolutely not! Yes or no! !
(Little master...)
(Have you really forgotten? Didn’t you tell the Jingwei bird yesterday that you are going to teach it at the top of Izumo Peak outside today, teaching it magic, such important things, you shouldn’t really forget Right?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
I didn’t say it, that incident must have been forgotten by some nasty little master...So, Tibbers now, besides kindly reminding the other party, what else can it do and what can it do? What? Fortunately, the strange and weird guys outside didn't know, otherwise, they would definitely blow up their nests, right? You know, their poor guys have been waiting outside for a long time. )
"Huh? Ah! Right!!"
"I remembered that there was indeed that thing. I seemed to have said that yesterday... But, Tibbers! That's not an important thing. You shouldn't have always remembered such small things. !!!"
In the world of Little Annie, there is nothing important at all except eating, drinking, sleeping, and trying to make yourself happy! Therefore, just now, a badass little bear said that he had forgotten something important, and he kept misleading himself so that she couldn't think about it. It was extremely hateful!
How could her Queen Anne have a good memory, how could she forget those important things? That is absolutely non-existent, at most, it means forgetting some trivial things, such as the lecture that will be held today?
"Well then! Tibbers, since we said we are going to teach them, let's go out and teach them a little spell now, it shouldn't take much time!!"
Since it was something that was promised yesterday, although it was not a major event, Queen Anne, who would not easily ruin the promise, said that she was ready to go out to meet those weird guys, and then talk something.
However, she hasn’t figured out what to teach...
The guys outside look so excited and expectant, it must be a misrepresentation!
Because, I have always hated meetings and classes the most, and has always been Queen Anne, who is late and leaves early, and definitely won't spend too much time teaching them too many spells to the messy monsters.
After all, teaching students or something is really too much trouble! !
Yesterday she obviously only agreed to the guy named Jingwei Bird. Why are there so many weird guys today? Is it possible that those seven aunts and eight aunts who are all that strange bird are not? It's a pity, the guys outside are all the kind of wise monsters, and they don't seem to be able to eat them. Otherwise, you won't have to catch small animals tomorrow...
(It's like you went out to catch...)
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers said that most of the food in the past few days was obtained by Xiao Bai running out and hunting, and the ones that Xiao Bai couldn't beat were the uncle Tibbers Xiong himself and let Xiao Bai fly out to fight. Who died and caught it back, what happened to a nasty guy who only had fun?!)

‘! ! ’
‘Brother Ape, are you here? ’
‘Three-headed pheasant, are you here too? ’
‘Brother Ape is really amazing. I can climb up such a high mountain. I admire him! ’
‘Where is it...Below is definitely not as good as your hairy wings, brother Pheasant, but you can fly. ’
Looking at the surrounding mountain spirits and wild monsters, most of them are the kind of flying bird spirits. Although that one has become a spirit, its path is not deep, and it does not even know how to escape. It will only run rampant with its own powerful power. The monkey Jing couldn't help sighing. This time, if it hadn't been cultivating in Cuiping Mountain by itself, and if it had the moon near the water tower, it would definitely not have time to climb up to Chuyunfeng this time.
‘Have you heard that? ’
‘What did you hear? ’
‘The Great Flame Immortal defeated Chentang Pass, burned the real Taiyi, and took away the Nine Dragon God's Fire Cover! ! ’
'Humph! If I haven’t heard of it, I’m waiting for so many real cultivators to come here? ’
‘Haha! This brother Diao is right! ’
‘Ahem! ’
‘ guys, would the Flame Fairy teach us true skills this time? ’
'do not know……'
Soon, after arousing the conversation, those mountain spirits and wild monsters were waiting impatiently, and finally began to talk with each other, using different accents of the Dashang monster slang.
The truth of the Fa is not spread outside, these mountain spirits and wild monsters know a little bit, otherwise, they would not rush when they heard that the flame fairy on Izuun Peak of Cuiping Mountain was about to open the altar. The earth came here to try their luck. Isn't it all because these little monsters have difficulty in cultivation, have no way, and can only rely on their instincts to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to cultivate, and they can only struggle for survival in the wilderness?
These mountain spirits and wild monsters are mostly crooked melons with no footing, no talent, even if they want to devote themselves to the three major teachings, and seek ways, such as the kind of teaching and non-classified in Biyou Palace. Being a disciple of the four generations and five generations under the Dajiao, or even a miscellaneous, so that you can hope to pay homage to the Three Purity Dao Fa, I am afraid no one will ask for them!
So, now that they get the news, there is really no better place to go except to come here to try their luck.
‘! ! ’
‘Quiet! The Flame Fairy is out! ! ’
Finally, as the sun began to drift to the west, when some monsters were already disappointed and ready to leave, a little girl who had eaten and slept did not continue to take a nap, but was expected by the monsters. In his eyes, carrying a plush toy bear, he swiftly walked out of the strange cave that was like a drop of water.
Seeing this, the monsters closed their mouths one after another, and began to sit cross-legged on the lawn that was full of dangdang, and didn't even dare to breathe more.
She jumped to the boulder and stood, just glanced at the strange guys around her, Xiao Annie's face was straightened, her good mood and patience disappeared instantly.
She found that none of the people here now look like people, and none of them are worthy of the audience. They are all strangely-looking half-human and half-animals, or just a bunch of animals? And now, the yard of her Queen Anne's house is a zoo at all? !
Suddenly, Xiao Annie saw an acquaintance... Oh, no, it should be a familiar demon? That is the giant salamander who was caught by her and was almost roasted! It's just that she is a little strange, why did the other party appear here, and still climb such a high mountain?
"The big fairy is here, the little demon is polite here! This is the little demon's Shu Xiu'Father's Fish'..."
Finding that the other party seemed to recognize him, a certain fat giant salamander hurriedly moved awkwardly, and placed a wooden tray and several fishes with fat bodies and small tails respectfully on the boulder and placed them on the small. The girl's feet, and then hurriedly lowered her head and walked away.
"It's you, I recognize you..."
"This is Jingwei's Shuxiu, "Zhu Yu Zhicao" and Jia Guo..."
The giant salamander just stepped back. The shape is similar to the crow, but the head has a beautiful pattern, the beak is white, and the claws are red. It also holds a bunch of chive-like weeds and a few attached to the branches. The fruit on the top flew up and was placed in the wooden tray with the father fish.
This is fish and vegetable again. Little Annie suddenly felt that it seemed that the dinner for the evening or tomorrow was basically certain? In this way, it seems that it’s good to be a teacher. Take a look. She hasn’t had time to speak, and she didn’t even want to ask these guys to pay tuition or tuition fees. These two familiar guys are already Take the initiative to vote for what she likes, and hand it in for delicious food?
and so,
With the example first, Little Annie stopped her pre-class speech or self-introduction. Instead, she eagerly looked at the mountain spirits and monsters all over the ground, waiting for them to make offerings to herself, and then who If she is satisfied with what she gives her, who can she teach a little more?
If there is no such thing as the example of the giant salamander and the guardian bird, then, this time, Annie must have not prepared that thing... But, as the saying goes, there is nothing to worry about. ? It would be fine if everyone didn't hand in for repairs, but now that someone has taken the lead in handing in, then the rest will be justified by reason!
Of course, Queen Anne doesn’t want any good treasures or money, she knows what to eat, it doesn’t matter how much it is, as long as it is rare, it just means eating!
However, what made Little Annie feel astonished and angry is that those guys actually stared at small eyes with big eyes, or stared at double eyes with one eye, you look at me and I see you, none of them are ready to get up and take action, obviously they didn’t bring gifts. , All came with the idea of ​​listening to the class for nothing?
"You...are you all coming empty-handed? What about your kind of bundle repair, hand it in, I'm waiting for it!!"
"Look at it! Look at all!!"
"That big salamander, it brought me a few big fat fish that looked delicious, and it only quarreled me with the big bird that I hadn’t slept for several days. It also brought me a bunch of fruits and a String... grass? But what about you guys? Wouldn't they really come empty-handed?!"
Originally, tuition was not necessary, because Little Annie never thought that there would be so many weird guys here! Therefore, after someone took the lead, she suddenly felt that in order not to be entangled by certain guys in the future, it is absolutely impossible not to pay tuition fees! !
Monsters, look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say for a while... because they only heard that there is a great flame fairy preaching and preaching here, but no one said they would bring something...
Besides, it seems that there is no such precedent for preaching to bring gifts to teachers.
o(`^??)o Humph!
"Fuck off! Don't want me to teach you guys if you don't bring delicious food! You all give me a lesson, except for the two guys, you and I will not teach any of you, get out!!"
For some guys who don't wink at all, Little Annie is definitely not polite!
Therefore, after finding a reasonable excuse to drive people, she stretched out her finger and directly cast the prophecy causal teleportation spell, and all the mountain spirits and wild monsters except the giant salamander spirit and a certain big bird disappeared instantly. , She was directly sent back to the place where they came from.
Now she is in class, she is a teacher, she just wants to eat and take cards, that is, she can do whatever she wants, is to change the way to collect benefits and collect tuition, those who want to come to the class but do not give benefits, she just prevents them from listening , Just don’t teach them, what can they do with her?
Unexpectedly, a certain flame fairy was even more powerful than the rumors, and just pointing it out, all the hundreds of mountain spirits and wild monsters disappeared, which made a certain giant salamander who had been crowded and stood. The Jingwei birds on the branch couldn't help being taken aback. While they were lucky in the secret path, they couldn't help being shocked.
Only by that, they knew that they had come right this time! !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(I don’t know why, Tibbers suddenly felt that his little master seemed to have accidentally learned some bad habits on the earth... You know, the teacher is a "preacher and karma to solve puzzles", but now, there is no When necessary, it drives people in the name of accepting Shuxiu, which is very bad... Of course, even if it is not good, it dare not talk nonsense...)
"Huh? You two guys..."
!? (??''????)??
As soon as she turned her head, Xiao Anni found that the lawn under the pine trees on the top of Izumo Peak in Cuiping Mountain, which had become clean again, except for a certain giant salamander and another Jingwei bird sitting quietly on a branch. There is a weird man covered in elder bark and a pudgy little girl with long furry tail and ears?
"Hey! Why are you two guys still here? Why don't you leave?!"
Little Annie said she couldn’t understand that her spell was actually not effective on the two guys in front of her. So, while asking, she jumped off the stone and walked directly to the short and ugly old man and the long. With a weird tail, there was a little human-like girl who looked at it.
He was very ugly with a wooden cane, all the kind of crumpled bark face and hands. The weird old man did not speak, but was a little worried and guarded the little girl with the furry tail and ears behind him. .
"I, we live here, ooh... I, I am the squirrel spirit on this tree, the tree is always the pine spirit, we have been here for many years... singular, the tree is a dumb, always He can't speak, you, you must not bully him!!"
Although she was a little scared, she knew at a glance that it was a chubby little girl monster whose animal turned into a nondescript and nonhuman form. She gritted her teeth and bravely stood out from behind the pine tree spirit, and opened her mouth to someone who seemed very powerful. Flame Daxian explained.
∑(??△`)? !
"There are so many monsters in this world. A pine tree and a squirrel can become spirits? Really, it's a pity..."
Posing her lips, Little Annie expressed regret...
She had long discovered that the big pine tree in front of her house and a certain fat squirrel on the tree were very fat, all day long, she knew that she would have eaten enough to sleep, and had enough sleep to continue eating! She originally planned to get bored another day, so she would pick up some pine nuts, and then let Xiaobai fry herself a plate of squirrel meat!
Now that she knew that some ugly old man in front of her was a pine tree spirit, and that the fat little girl was a squirrel spirit, her original plan had to be announced in advance... After all, her Queen Anne does not eat intelligent creatures, and even more I won't eat the pine nuts on the ugly pine tree! !
The thought that the pine nuts had been picked from the dirty-looking old man made her a little nauseous, and she had no idea of ​​eating.
"one two three four……"
"Since there are only four of you guys left, but you two guys can't drive away... forget it, let's teach together!!"
Regardless of two or four, little Annie, who was just teaching a little magic to fool them, after thinking about it, just did it. These four guys will be her students in the future! Moreover, it is the kind that does not need to be responsible, regardless of whether it is taught or not.
Anyway, it's probably the kind that you can fool around, don't take it too seriously, like those commercial cram schools on the earth or other messy classes, probably that's it! Of course, Little Annie feels that she is still different from those who scam money. At least, she didn’t swindle money. She only collected a little delicious food, and then she was going to teach these four monsters real spells, absolutely not. That kind of fool! !
"Great Salamander, how did you run up to the mountain? Your home seems to be quite far away from here..."
Suddenly, Anne remembered one thing, that is, the home of a certain giant salamander was on Longhou Mountain in the northeast, and Xiao Anni caught the other party there. How now, the other party can only say it yesterday. Want to go to class, can you be here today?
For such a long distance, she didn’t believe that this big fat fairy with a distance of more than two meters could run or fly. If the other party had the ability to soar through the clouds, she would not have been easily caught by herself. !
"Teacher Kai!"
"The giant salamander had accidentally obtained the water escape technique bestowed by a Taoist in Biyou Palace, please see..."
The giant salamander did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly handed a piece of jade inscribed with the key to the water escape to the hand of the curious flame fairy.
At the beginning, when it was caught and roasted, it also wanted to use the water escape method to escape...but unfortunately, the other side's little hand seemed to have some great power, which made it only struggle in vain but to no avail In the end, he had to speak out for mercy when he was grilled by the fire, and escaped a life by luck.
"The technique of water escape? Biyou Palace?!"
Little Annie knows how to urinate, because she didn't want to have meetings before, and she didn't want to use any interesting and effective moves in class!
However, as for the Biyou Palace and the technique of water escape, Annie said it was a bit strange, so she grabbed the piece of jade directly from the opponent's hand without any kind of politeness, and began to frown and read quickly. Related content inside:
‘In the five elements, water is the first, no need to sail or sail, the earth will arrive in no time, and the legend of the saints in the palace...’
"Okay, I get it now!"
"It turns out that it is an alternative teleportation spell using water as a medium?!"
After just one glance, Xiao Anni understood, and then directly threw Yu Jue into the hands of the big fat giant salamander.
She understood the principle of the "Water Escape Method" at a glance! However, although which kind of spell is very useful, it has too many limitations. Once it hits a place where there is no water, it will be blinded. Its applicability is definitely not as good as space magic.
However, no matter what period the earth is, there are a lot of water in the rivers, oceans, land, and even the air. The root is a water ball. The technique of water escape is still very useful. At most, it is in water vapor. Transmission is slower in thin places, and faster in rivers, lakes and seas.
"Now let's talk about it, why do you want to learn spells, and what kind of spells do you want to learn?"
Now that the reason why the giant salamander came here is clear, Annie doesn't plan to ask about the remaining three monsters. After all, two of them live here at all, and the other is annoying every day these days, and sometimes stays in the forest behind. It's no surprise that it can easily fly up from under the Cuiping Mountains.
"I want to fill the sea! I want to learn the spells that can fill the East China Sea!!"
There is a record in the Beishan Jing of the "Shanhaijing": the mountain of the dove, on which there are many woods, there are bird yan, its shape is like a black, the head of the text, the white beak, and the barefoot. Stubborn. She is the girl of Emperor Yan, her name is a girl. The girl swims in the East China Sea and never returns, so she is Jingwei. She often holds the wood and stone of the West Mountain, and she is in the East China Sea.
Therefore, for Jiang Nvwa, the daughter of the Yan Emperor whose only obsession is to fill the East China Sea, her soul turned into a "Jingwei" bird after death, the meaning of existence is to fill the East China Sea! If you want to learn the purpose of spells and the spells you learn, you must match her purpose! !
"But why do you have to fill the sea?"
∑(??△`)? !
Although I have read "Shan Hai Jing" and know the origin of this Jingwei, Xiao Anni still feels that the other party is drowned in the East China Sea, and she will provoke her anger to the East China Sea. Is this a bit too arrogant?
You know, there are more people drowning on the earth. If everyone is like this Jingwei, they have to fill up the rivers, lakes and seas, then the earth might have been truly worthy of its name. 'The ball!
"Because the East China Sea drowned me, so I vowed to take revenge, I just want to fill it!!"
Jing Wei didn't say any more reasons, just fluttering wings nervously on the branches.
Because filling up the East China Sea is her long-cherished wish, her obsession. There is no reason, nor any additional reason. Maybe, this is also because she has visited many famous teachers for many years, and no one is willing to teach her. The reason for the law?
But in any case, if the flame today does not teach her, she will continue to hold stone branches and other things, continue to fill her East China Sea, until one day the East China Sea is filled by her! !
"But, who made you run into the sea without knowing how to swim?"
"I don't care! I just want to fill it up! The Flame Fairy, just say you can teach it!!"
Jingwei Bird continued to jump on the branches arbitrarily and unreasonably. Obviously, her patience seemed to be running out, and she turned her face and flew away to fill her posture in the East China Sea with a big disagreement.
Now that she has taught, she must be taught. Little Annie never breaks her promise!
As for whether the other party will go to really level the East Sea after learning the skill, she won't care about it! After all, Donghae and her Queen Anne are not relatives, what does it matter to her if she is punished?
Besides, in the future, after thousands of years, the land on the earth will become expensive. Uncle Coleson and others have said that a lot of land as big as a toilet can be cheated of a lot of money after a tall building is built! And most of the coastal cities on the earth are reclaiming the sea to make land. Now let Jingwei level the East China Sea, and get a large piece of land ahead of time to benefit our children and grandchildren. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, right?
"How about you?!"
The reason why Jingwei Bird wants to learn spells and what kind of spells he wants to learn, Xiao Anni said that she already knows, so she now looks at the giant salamander just now.
She suddenly discovered that this giant salamander seemed to be less and less annoying, and the more he looked at it, the more honest and honest, he wanted to bully him bitterly?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Teacher Kai!"
"It has been more than three hundred years since my giant salamander began to acquire spiritual wisdom and learned to absorb the essence of the sun and moon to practice with great concentration..."
"I wait for monsters to survive hard, Dadao dare not extravagantly, I just want to learn one or two tricks to save my life for time, if I can live for a long time, I will have no regrets in this life..."
"Hope the teacher has pity!!"
The wide-bodied giant salamander Jing said that he burst into tears with his nose and threw himself directly on the ground. While kneeling and bowing, he also kept secreting that slimy liquid. I didn’t know it was true. One is crying or pretending.
Little Annie, who heard a little dozing off, said she was aware of the urgent desire of the giant salamander.
This cunning and cunning guy, looking honestly, is actually a thief-hearted guy, just like his slippery appearance, he is slippery to the touch, and looks a little disgusting! !
"As for you..."
"Forget it, I won't ask you anymore!!"
( ̄▽ ̄)~
That chubby little girl pine tree spirit and that skinny and disgusting old pine tree spirit, they both happened by accident. If the other's house was here and stayed here earlier than yourself, they might have been given by Xiao Annie. Driven away, so she did not intend to ask their opinions.
Two pitiful, weak and helpless old pine spirits and little squirrel spirits who have been nakedly discriminated against, but there is no other way, the two monsters look at each other pitifully, and then continue to stay where they are. What else can they do besides teaching the other party?
After all, this is for nothing, you don't listen to it!
Besides, their home is here, the thousand-year-old pine tree beside this big rock. Even if they don't want to listen, I'm afraid they can't do it...
"Let me think about it, what should I teach you..."
??(??????~????)o←Thinking hard...
Now that I have decided to teach, then it must be the kind of spell that is the most, most worry-free and labor-saving, and it is best that these monsters cannot learn by themselves and no longer have to trouble her! After all, her Queen Anne’s time is so precious that she is not in the mood to take students all day long!
It’s just like her students, the sisters Tosaka Sakura and Tosaka Rin, their cousins ​​of the two little guys, and the fellows like Ilias Phil, didn’t she also teach for a while. I got impatient, and then threw them to that Altria, and to that sacred Griffin Camelot Kingdom?
I just don't know, how are their little guys now?
and also……
When those little guys know that they have been ruined by her, they will never grow up, and their bodies will always be fixed at the same time, don't you know what their expressions are like? In this regard, Xiao Annie said that she was really looking forward to it...
"It's really annoying, I don't seem to know what to teach...Let's do it, you brought me delicious food today, and I will give you some delicious food first!"
She didn't think of a good way for the time being, but she was afraid that those people would wait too long and was embarrassed, so she generously took out four little peaches and threw them to her four students who are not students. Hands.
"This, what is this?"
Obviously, whether it's a giant salamander, two pine tree spirits, squirrel spirits, or the one who has a grumpy temper when they don’t agree, they know that the peach in front of them must be good stuff!
"This is flat peach!"
"Ha! I thought about it, you guys wait!!"
Suddenly, little Annie seemed to think of something she had neglected for a long time. UU Reading www. Then, she started to cast the spell with her eyes closed, preparing to get an interesting thing to come here, and let the other party teach her temporarily recruited new students for herself.
"Haha! Want to escape? I caught you!!"
When the four little monsters didn't know how to eat those four amazing peaches, suddenly, a big ball of light was grabbed from the void by the cheering flame fairy! !
"Listen well!"
<( ̄︶ ̄)↗??
"This thing is called the Lord God! It is a good thing I just caught! From now on, it will be my agent. If you want to learn any spells, just look for it!"
"However, if you want to learn spells or get some good things, you have to complete the sect, that is, the task given by my Anne Flame Fairy in exchange for points!"
"I have given the four of you the authority to use it. Ask it if you don't understand it yourself. Don't bother me! Goodbye~!!!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
After speaking, Little Annie flashed directly and disappeared, obviously she didn't know where she went to go crazy.
As for the main god...
Well, she was taken directly from the space of the Devil Team, and she was also contracted for enslavement. Now that thing is completely owned by her! As for the future, whether there is still a main in the main space, or the only thing that there is no main in the space of the devil team, what is the matter with her Queen Anne? !
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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