Chapter 92: Little Annie who grows mushrooms

   When the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad encased himself and Arthas in an ice shield, in the distance, Little Annie was still standing on Tibbers' shoulders, and continued to look out towards Silvermoon City.
Just after hearing that the powerful mage had dropped a bomb before leaving for the city, Sylvanas and the remaining members of the ranger army were also curious, or silently looked towards Silvermoon City. .
   Last night, their high elves lost the Sunwell on the Isle of Quel'Danas, their king and all members of the Silvermoon Council, plus most of the elite army of Quel'Thalas! It can be said that they Quel'Thalas lost almost all the top of the country, the most elite national defense force and the most important source of magic power!
   And today, in just over three hours in one morning, their high elves have lost their most prosperous capital, their Silvermoon City!
Now that they Quel'Thalas have lost their homeland, their armed defense forces have almost been wiped out, and the capital has been occupied by the undead. The high elves have become homeless refugees. What will it be?
   Thinking of this, many rangers became silent and hesitated!
   They just followed their ranger general, looking at the direction of Silvermoon City with a dull expression. Now, they don't know what to do!
  The remaining 200,000 people are crowded in this small Darth Wiese Bay, I am afraid that even housing can not be provided! If there is a future, where is the way for their high elves? Or do they have no future at all? Those endless undead will arrive here at night at most. They don’t have any rest or anything like that. When the time comes, what else will they take to resist them? Armed civilians?
   "Ah! My eyes!"
The entire world of Quel'Thalas seemed to be quiet for a while, and then, in the next moment, a burst of white light that seemed to illuminate the entire world was instantly swept away, and the Eagle Eye technique was being released to observe the city of Silvermoon. Annie, feeling a sudden pain in her eyes, squatted down and hugged Tibbers' head with one hand, and quickly covered her eyes that were beginning to weep with pain.
Next to him, including the ranger general Sylvanas, the elven rangers who followed Annie and watched Silvermoon City also covered their eyes and fell to the ground and wailed. The glare that had just swept across their eyes It has caused serious damage, and it is estimated that it will take a while before it can hope to recover.
After this blazing white light comparable to a powerful flash bomb swept through, after a while, Annie began to feel violent vibrations in the direction of Silvermoon City, and then, ignoring the discomfort in her eyes, She quickly released a healing spell on her body to relieve the pain, and quickly continued to look up at the past...
In the distance, a huge white ball of bright, incandescent light was rising from the vaguely contoured Silvermoon City. Although the light was not as dazzling as it was when it first swept away, it was still very bright and bright. Got white!
While shining, the ball of light also started from a small one, slowly became huge, and slowly expanded, and then it rose higher and higher, and the color slowly changed from white to dark red like a flame, with entrainment Bursts of black smoke and lightning!
   Finally, it slowly turned into a huge black-red mushroom with dark red flames inside and billowing black smoke outside! It rises higher and higher, expands more and more, then gradually rises into the sky!
And under its huge fireball, there was a shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye. It was centered on it and swept all around. Whether it was a city wall, a building, or a tall golden oak tree, all were affected by the invisible shock wave. Torn to pieces!
At the same time, a huge mixture of dense smoke, dust and flames followed the shock wave, and then continued to spread around. The spreading smoke and flames started from the center of Silvermoon City and spread rapidly in the direction several miles away. , Like an army of thousands of horses, the flames are full of smoke, whizzing and pushing around, until the chocobo breeding farm is almost six miles away from Silvermoon City, the power slowly Weakened...
   After a while, the huge mushroom cloud gradually turned from red to black. It seems that the explosion has ended, and its light radiation, shock wave and flames have all been released! And above it, the clouds above that high altitude were even swept open in a big circle by the expanding air when it exploded...
   "Wow! That's cool! Tibbers, did you see it! What a big mushroom! What a big donut!"
   Annie's eyes widened, looking at Silvermoon City in the distance? Well, there may be no Silvermoon City now! Under the power of such an explosion, Xiao Anni felt that there was no longer a possibility that Silvermoon City would exist...
   Annie just sighed with emotion. A violent wind finally hit, the surrounding trees, weeds and bushes were swayed by the strong wind, and some small trees with shallow roots were even uprooted by the strong wind!
   The slowest walk is under the mountain, and the elven refugees who are less than ten miles away from Silvermoon City are even more unbearable! Except for some clever elves who could find obstacles to avoid in time, those who did not react in time were directly blown by the strong wind and began to roll on the ground!
At the intersection, the rangers had just built several wooden guard towers to defend against the undead. They were all blown by strong winds and fell directly to the rear. After a few crashes, the rangers on duty and below stood guard. The guards were so embarrassed that they almost died...
   "Tibbs! Tibbs! Look at it! Haha, it turns out, this bomb is so powerful! It looks so small, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce once it exploded!"
   Looking at the huge mushroom cloud rising higher and higher in the distance, Annie was still crying, and her eyes were still full of excitement! This is really fun! She hides such a powerful gadget in her space, but she never knew it!
   This... is beyond imagination! I think, if possible, we must go back to New York again to find the black charcoal-headed cyclops and get more of these things! When there is nothing to do, it is not bad to throw one or two out to hear the sound! Tibbers also stared at the mushroom cloud in the distance, and it never thought that that humble bomb could be so powerful!
   "Absolutely not! In the world of New York, the one with the hammer must be waiting for us! He will definitely come to grab our gems!"
   Little Annie didn't even think about it, she directly rejected Tibbers' proposal! You don’t need to mention anything about going back to New York. If you go back, it’s easy, just wait for the gems to charge up! But it's hard to figure it out again, the uncle who holds the hammer will definitely come in the first time!
   Okay, as long as you are happy! Tibbers was also a bit persuaded that Asgard Kingdom, after all, the opponent has a lot of people and home court advantage.
Annie bit her finger and continued to look at the big mushroom in the distance with excitement for a while. After the rumbling noise faded away, she came back to look at her side, those who were still lying on the ground with their eyes and howling. More than three hundred elves in the world.
   Little Annie was suddenly flashed just now, and she didn't even know that the bomb would emit a strong light! Therefore, no one will tell these high elves that they must not watch a nuclear explosion at such a close distance without eye protection! Otherwise, the end will be serious!
  In addition, the high elven rangers have always had good eyesight, so take a look, like them, after being suddenly illuminated by strong light, it is equivalent to throwing a big flash bomb in front of them! At this time, they must have suffered a lot of damage, and their eyes, it is estimated that they will definitely not be able to recover in a short time.
   "Huh? Um..., we seem to have accidentally gotten into trouble again! Tibbers, what should we do now?"
   Annie felt that she must have caused a disaster!
   Look, a random thing thrown out not only blows up the undead, but also destroys other people’s main cities, and has turned the surrounding miles into a sea of ​​flames! Now, even here more than ten miles away from Silvermoon City, the strong wind has blown it into a mess! This must be a disaster!
   What else can I do? Run quickly! Let's slip away as soon as they have not recovered now! If you don’t run now, when will you wait? Tibbers quickly came up with a bad idea. In fact, it has long since been happy that its owner, Annie, stays here to help these long-eared elves fight, and the danger is not to say, the most important thing is: there is no return! Why did Master Annie help them fight so hard? Tibbers was stabbed by the death knight!
   "Run? Yes! We can run! So where should we go? Should we teleport randomly?"
   There is the sea to the north and the mainland to the south. Go south! When Tibbers was following Annie, he saw the military maps of those elves in the city defense meeting room of the elves. It knew that it was a whole continent to the south, and it would be okay to send it to the south!
   "Okay! Then let's slip away!"
After making up her mind, Little Annie immediately began to cast the teleportation spell. The single teleportation spell did not require much preparation time, so after only three to five seconds, she locked a long-distance coordinate that could be determined to be safe. After that, Annie and Tibbers disappeared in a burst of blue arcane light.
After Anne and Tibbers left for a while, on the mountain, the strongest ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner was the first to recover. When she opened, she was still stabbed with tears. With painful eyes, when I saw the huge mushroom cloud above Silver Moon City in the distance, I was immediately shocked by the sight!
   She knelt down on the grass like that, Sylvanas half-opened her mouth, staring blankly at the distant city and surrounding areas still shrouded in smoke and flames...
   "General...what the is going on?"
After a while, the rangers of other high elves also gradually recovered. When they saw the terrifying scene like apocalypse in the distance, they had never encountered such a situation before, and they did not know what to do. How to do it, just stand or sit on your knees, looking at the big mushroom in the distance in a daze.
   "It should be the bomb thrown by Mage Annie... By the way! Where is Mage Annie now?"
   After a while, Sylvanas, who came back to her senses, immediately thought that this might be a masterpiece of Little Annie. Then, where is she now? After looking back four weeks, the general ranger did not find little Annie.
"do not know……"
   The others also looked around blankly. The rangers didn’t find the powerful mage. They were all flashed by the bright light just now. How could they care about the surrounding situation?
   For them, this mage is really too mysterious. From yesterday, she ran out so inexplicably to rescue many of them, and also helped to set a fire to stop the undead army from the north. I helped them defend the city this morning, and then I helped them retreat. Now at the end, I gave the undead in Silvermoon City a ruthless look, and then, disappeared now?
   As for why Annie left, Sylvanas also said that she didn't know. She actually wanted to thank her face to face. After all, the bomb that the little girl threw out was a great help to the high elves!
  Don’t talk about anything else, it’s just the undead in Silvermoon City. Under this level of attack, I’m afraid they are all dead, right? Then, they must have no extra troops to encircle them again! As for the Isle of Sun or the Isle of Quel'Danas, how many undead can there be?
   This is hard-won time, just give her Sylvanas a month, she can pull out tens of thousands of troops from the refugees! Tens of thousands of elven troops, even if they are only recruits, are not too easy to deal with the scattered undead!
   Although Silvermoon City is gone now, there are still people among their high elves! There are still 200,000 original Silvermoon urbanites on Darth Vaiser Bay! As long as they are given time, a new Silvermoon City will be established again!
   "General! What is going on in Silvermoon City? Why is there such a terrifying explosion?"
   While Sylvanas was thinking silently, the ranger lord Lor'themar rushed up from the bottom of the mountain with several rangers. The explosion that just happened scared him very much, this kind of power to destroy the world is simply not what mortals should have! He desperately wanted to know who had attacked the undead in Silvermoon City?
   "That is Master Annie's masterpiece..."
   "It turned out to be Master Anne! This is no wonder! This is great!"
   Hearing that it was the ruthless hand of his own helper, Lor'themar slapped her palm fiercely, which is really good news for their elves!
   At least the undead and natural disasters have absolutely no extra troops to come over to Darth Vaiser to make trouble. They have gained precious breathing time! As for Silvermoon City? Lor'themar felt that if it exploded, it would explode. The city can be rebuilt if it is gone. It is better to explode it than being surrounded by undead natural disasters!
   "By the way! Where is the Lord Anne?"
   looked around, Lor'themar did not see the shadow of Master Anne around, he was about to express his sincere thanks! This is a great kindness to save the elves, as long as he is within the range of Lor'themar's ability, he will do his best to repay! You know, when he withdrew from Silvermoon City in the morning, he emptied the elf's treasury, and brought a lot of good things out of it. As long as Mage Annie needs it, she will pick it up!
   "She seems to have left..."
   Sylvanas struggled to get up from the ground, wiped her eyes that were still tingling and weeping, and then took a deep breath.
"Lor'themar! Go straight down to maintain order, and then organize two teams of capable rangers and wizards with spare power to let them go to the vicinity of Silvermoon City to investigate the undead's intelligence immediately after the smoke is cleared! I need the first Time knows: their specific circumstances! How many died? How many are left?"
   "Yes! I will do it now!"
   The night elves can be said to be cousins ​​of the high elves, or they can be said to be two brothers who have turned against each other due to different ideas. Unlike the high elves who blindly worship magic and power, the night elves worship Elune, the goddess of nature and the moon!
   Because almost all night elves worship Elune, the Moon Temple, an important building for worship and prayer, is definitely indispensable! Under the World Tree, a magnificent stone-wood palace is the Moon Temple where the night elves enshrine the moon Elune. It is now located on the sacred mountain of Hyjal.
   The elves' huge world tree Nordrassil covers everything here, including the Moon Temple. This magical world tree provides the night elves living here with almost eternal life! From the War of the Ancients to the present, they have lived here for almost 10,000 years!
   In the Temple of the Moon, the most elite sentry of the night elves is guarding the night elves’ leader, priestess Tyrande. At the same time, the Moon Temple is also the most important core of the night elf faith. All night elf warriors will come here before going out to pray for the blessing of the goddess. In the hearts of all night elves, come to the Temple of the Moon God, come here, to find the final peace of mind.
  In the tens of thousands of years, the night elves have overcome one difficulty after another under the protection of the goddess Elune. Under the moonlight, they prayed and talked to the statue of Elune, or wandered and whispered in the distance. They believed that the moon goddess Elune would always guide their way. To their night elves, this was a sacred The place!
But today, the door of the Moon God Temple was suddenly pushed open in a rude manner. Not only did the opponent rush in without notifying him, but he also brought Tyrande, the priestess of the Moon, who was praying to Elune alone inside? Shocked, interrupted her prayer to the goddess!
   No one has ever dared to break into the Moon Temple so rudely! there has never been! Tyrande decided to punish this rash and rude person severely today!
"It's you? Malfurion! Why did you wake up suddenly by yourself?" When Tyrande saw her long-lost husband Malfurion? After Stormrage, the original angry color on her face immediately changed to Surprise!
Since Malfurion Stormrage learned the way of druids, and was allowed to enter the Emerald Dream by the queen Ysera, the guardian of the dragon, all druids, including Malfurion, he Malfurion He and other druids have explored this dreamland for hundreds of years, or stayed there for hundreds of years! She also made her the High Priest Tyrande a deep widow for hundreds of years, and kept her widow for hundreds of years! Take a look! The bananas are dried!
   In Tyrande's view, the Emerald Dream is just a reflection of the world of Azeroth. What is worth studying? Just check it a few times!
   These druids are just doing nothing, or just want to go to sleep! Look at them. After sleeping for hundreds of years, they are covered with moss! Tyrande looked a little dissatisfied with the patches of moss on his husband's skin and the tangled vines behind him. If this continues, he will almost become a tree man!
"Because, while I was asleep, in the emerald dream, I suddenly heard a cry from the land of Azeroth! Tell me, Tyrande, tell me, what happened again in the main material world of Azeroth? What? Why can I feel the earth in pain?"
   This is why Malfurion suddenly woke up. He thought that the Burning Legion had invaded or the Well of Eternity had exploded again! So after waking up, he hurried to ask his wife Tyrande.
"No! Malfurion, I haven't noticed any abnormalities lately! Oh, yes, it's not nothing at all. Recently, the sentries found a group of strange humanoid creatures in the south, they were cutting wildly. Forest and began to build buildings. It seems that they are preparing to settle here for a long time! The demigod Cenarius has planned to lead a group of sentinel troops to destroy the creatures that invaded the forest. As for the reason you are looking for, I will I’m not sure!"
   The night elves have lived in the forest of Kalimdor for tens of thousands of years, knowing nothing about the outside world, and they are not interested in knowing it. Therefore, even Tyrande, who was the leader of the night elves, did not know what caused Malfurion to wake up!
"No! It's not in the south! It's in the east! On the eastern continent, something terrible is happening from time to time! Just now, the earth is still wailing! Tyrande, please, prepare the best and fastest for me! Ship, and some sentinels, I want to lead a group of people across the endless sea as soon as possible to go to the eastern continent to investigate the situation. It is best to do this as soon as possible!"
   "Huh? Well, as you wish, my Malfurion!"
   Tyrande turned and left with a gloomy face! Since this Malfurion has practiced the Druid's way, it doesn't matter if he has become human or ghost. It's fine now. He has slept for hundreds of years and is about to go to the far eastern continent as soon as he wakes up! How could she not have any complaints about Tyrande?
Dalaran is still this beautiful and peaceful human magic city. Kael'thas? Sunstrider can't stay in this magic city anymore. He needs to go back to Quel'Thalas quickly. Now, he is Specially came to Dalaran's chief archmage-Antonidas to say goodbye. Now, he is starting to worry more and more about the situation in Quel'Thalas in the north!
   "His Royal Highness Kael'thas, what do you do?" Antonidas asked the elf prince who suddenly visited after introducing the other party into the reception room of his mage tower.
"Your Excellency Chief Archmage, I am here to bid you farewell. I am going to return to Quel'Thalas soon. You must have felt it too. Just in the middle of noon, there was a violent vibration from the north! , Something big must have happened! I must go back and have a look right away!"
   Just now, when Kael'thas was about to enjoy a delicious lunch, he suddenly felt waves of vibration from the north, like an earthquake!
   Although Dalaran is a little far away from Quel'Thalas, he still clearly felt it under the keen perception of the wizards! The direction from which the shock came was the kingdom of Quel'Thalas of their high elves! Coupled with the fact that he just tried to contact Silvermoon City but couldn't get any response, the anxiety in his heart became stronger! He must go back and take a look! She is now a little worried about what Jaina said to him in the morning!
"I can feel this too. Indeed, something must have happened to the north side!" Antonidas nodded and agreed with Kael'thas' judgment. When he thought that the undead natural disasters had indeed led troops to attack Kui. After the death of El'Thalas, he immediately understood Kael'thas' eagerness to return home.
   "Well, I will explain it, let Dalaran's long-distance teleportation circle open to you." After thinking about it, Antonidas finally approved Kael'thas' request to return home.
   After all, people have been in Dalaran for so many years and have taught a lot of human knowledge. Recently, they have participated in the encirclement and suppression of the dead and contributed a lot. Then, now it is reasonable to let him use Dalaran's long-distance teleportation circle.
   "Thank you for your understanding, then I won't bother you." After achieving his goal, Kael'thas nodded and left. He still needs to pack a few things, and then notify his followers.
   Let us return to Silvermoon City again, well, there is no Silvermoon City now! Here, where the former Silvermoon City site was shrouded in smoke and dust, this has become a big pit still exuding hot temperature and terrifying radiation! Before the Great Pit of Dalaran appeared, Silvermoon City was the first to reach the Great Pit! This great epic achievement! Enough to be recorded in the annals of history and Azeroth chronology!
   What about the hundreds of thousands of undead crowded in the city? Well, there are actually no dead souls here!
Here in Silvermoon City, the undead near the big pit were all vaporized by the high temperature; the farther ones were burnt to ashes by the high-temperature flames; the farther ones were burned into various weird humanoid cokes; the farther ones Yes, whether it's zombie ghouls or skeleton stitching monsters, they have been torn into pieces of rotten meat or piles of useless bones by the powerful shock wave...
At this time, near the northern beach of Silvermoon City, there was a torn armor, and most of the flesh and blood on the left half of his body had been torn away. Arthas, a half-skeleton and half-zombie death knight, was slowly moving from the beach. Struggling to stand up.
   Next to him is the legendary Lich Kel'Thuzad! At this moment, the Lich also looked miserable. There were only a few wet pieces of cloth left on his robe. His upper body and the skeleton arms disappeared, and even his soul was even more affected. A small trauma, within a period of time, will definitely not recover!
   Fortunately, at the moment of the explosion, Kel'Thuzad put a tough ice shield on himself and Arthas with all his strength, and then he continued to supply energy to the shield, which allowed the two of them to survive!
After the explosion, they were fortunate enough to be knocked apart by the high-pressure shock wave directly together with the shield and blown away in an instant. Otherwise, if they were to be included in the high temperature and high pressure in the nuclear explosion, they would now have bones. There is no scum left!
   "Kel'Thuzad! What is that... just now?" There was a trembling sound in his tired words.
Alsace just wanted to stand up, but his left leg with only bones on his left staggered and could not stand, and almost fell directly into the sea. If he hadn't hurriedly supported the ground of the beach with Frostmourne, he would have to Fell down.
   "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I don't know..."
   Kel'Thuzad silently looked at the Great Pit of Silvermoon City in the distance, still trembling with fear in his heart! The situation just now was really too dangerous!
   If he didn't believe in his instincts and directly put the strongest shield on himself and Arthas, he would probably be dead!
  What is that thing? Why does a little thing explode so terrifying? Is it a super weapon made by the high elves? Do they still have similar things? How many more?
   Kel'Thuzad dare not think about it anymore! He suddenly felt that Quel'Thalas is really too dangerous here, the water here is too deep, and he must not stay here any longer! Go back to Lordaeron to complete the task assigned by the Lich King!
   "Your Majesty! I will use the remaining magic power to prepare a teleportation spell, let's go back to Lordaeron now..."
   Kel'Thuzad decided that he could no longer stay here, he had to send it back to Lordaeron to heal his injuries! As for the undead troops remaining here in Quel'Thalas, he no longer wants to care!
   They can't take care of them anymore, how can they take care of those dumb puppets? Besides, with the situation of the two of them now, maybe, as long as a few Elf Rangers come over, they can easily clean them up! So, hurry up, Quel'Thalas is too dangerous here! Those elves still have this incredible super magic weapon!
   "Alright! You start, teleport back to Lordaeron's palace, I'm tired..."
   Alsace supported his broken body with Frostmourne, and sighed deeply. He was really tired! Tired! He led his troops to Quel'Thalas this time. Apart from laying down the Sunwell, resurrecting Kel'Thuzad, and smashing the home of Long Ears, everything else was lost! Including his invincibility! Including his army of undead! And his face! Now he has to add half of his body! Lost it all here!
   ask for a recommendation ticket
Note: There are 4 external pylons under the wing of the Russian Tu-95MS. Each external pylon can mount 2 nuclear strategic KH-102 cruise missiles (the explosive equivalent of the nuclear warhead taken care of by the KH-102 cruise missile is 200,000 tons) Therefore, given that the technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. Reunion 1 is relatively advanced, the equivalent of Anne’s tactical nuclear bomb is set to 200,000 to 500,000 tons for the time being!
  Effective killing distance=Cexplosive equivalent^(1/3)......(C is the constant of proportionality, ^(1/3) is the cube root)
  When the equivalent is 100,000 tons:
   Effective kill radius=1.49388510^(1/3)=3.22 kilometers
   Effective killing area=pi3.223.22=33 square kilometers
  When the equivalent is 1 million tons:
   Effective kill radius=1.493885100^(1/3)=6.93 kilometers
   Effective killing area=pi6.936.93=150 square kilometers
   Therefore, the effective kill radius of a 500,000-ton nuclear bomb is probably within five kilometers! It's enough to flatten Silvermoon City. Think about it, Silvermoon City, where 200,000 people gather, has a radius of up to 3~5 kilometers, right? After all, the cities of the Azeroth world of magic cold weapons need to be easy to defend, it is impossible to live too scattered! The buildings included in the city walls are denser!
   One chapter is updated every day about ten thousand words~ Just like this chapter, excluding the following digressions, there are more than 8,000 words! I'm too lazy to divide it into two chapters with more than four thousand words
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