Chapter 892: ?? Dragon Disaster in Academy City??

A stone was thrown fiercely with the LV4 level of space movement ability, and it accurately attacked a certain piece of glass on the first floor of the four-piece building in the night a few hundred meters away. Soon.
Puff! !
Soon, and not long after, although there was a slight error in the alignment due to the distance, the clear sound of glass shattering from a long distance came faintly, proving the building in the distance. It really exists, and that piece of window glass that is only used for ordinary buildings has been successfully crushed by the small stone...
"My sister, now I'm sure that Little Annie and Inticus must be right here! And I can guarantee: There must be something weird here! Otherwise, why would we wander around here? Can't get closer to it for more than an hour?!"
I stared at the building of'Sansawa Juku' in the distance, and was clearly crushed by a small stone by myself and heard the faint sound of glass breaking. However, looking at it from a distance, no piece of glass came out. The question is, Baijing Heizi, who didn't see the small stone he threw out, waved his fist and said with hatred.
Speaking of which, as early as an hour ago, her sister Misaka Mikoto, the sister of her Kuroko, used the hacking abilities that can control electronics to accurately detect that the little guy Annie was in the so-called "Misazawa Junior College", which is a so-called undergraduate study. Inside the class building! After that, they used her sunspot's LV4 spatial displacement ability for the first time, and came here after many long-distance spatial movements.
Then, something strange and incomprehensible happened to them both...
They were obviously only a few hundred meters away from the'Sanzeju' building, and they saw its existence at a glance. If they walked, it would take a few minutes to arrive, but...their sisters did not care. How can you not get there, you can only see but can't touch it forever, just like those flowers in the mist, or the moon in the water?
During this period, they racked their brains and tried every means. Whether it was her own spatial displacement ability, or they used direct walking or electromagnetic guides to walk in this fixed direction, they couldn't get close to that building. Half a step in the building of'Sansawaju'? Later, after Sunspot tried to use his teleportation ability to break through several times, but it was best to return without success, and almost fell into the cold river water at night, they gave up, and never dared again. Try it easily.
"Of course I know!"
"But Sunspot, what can we do now? Someone must have used some kind of ability to interfere with the audition or to confuse the perception, otherwise we wouldn't be able to come here inexplicably every time we walk inside!!"
Misaka Mikoto also stomped her feet bitterly, and then lightning flashed on her clenched fists, and it was ‘crackling’, which was especially conspicuous at this hour of midnight.
Whether it's Mikoto herself or Kuroko, they are quite sure that the building and the building are there, and there must be something incredible there, otherwise, the little guy Annie and Inticus would not be trapped in it. Never go back inside!
However, what made Mikoto feel a little angry and didn't know why. They couldn't get in anyway, and they couldn't even see the specific scene inside... and in this case, the two of them had never seen and never seen it. Heard of it! !
"Does it interfere with audition or confuse perception?"
"That one……"
Frowning, Shirai Kuroko thought for a while, and began to remember the similar ability that impressed her in her mind.
"My sister, when you say this, I also remember..."
"In our academy city, it is not impossible to have the ability to directly hinder others' cognition of the object in the eye. It seems that there is indeed the only person with the ability of'visual obstruction', but her ability seems to be only' Level 2'only, so at best, the sense of existence is weaker, and this ability can only hinder the cognition of the eyes, and has no hindrance to non-naked eyes such as mirrors and cameras..."
While talking, Bai Jing Heizi took out her vanity mirror directly, then turned around, turned her back to the'Sansawa School' building and made a playful gesture, and then soon, she It became frustrated again.
"But my sister, you see, the broken building in the mirror is still the same. Even if we use the mirror to walk backwards, it must be the same as the compass you just made with electromagnetic power. It can't go anyway. Go inside..."
"The ability to interfere with vision, hearing, and direction at the same time, and to allow us to come out involuntarily after entering, is not any recorded ability that we know!"
"Also, such a large range..."
"It is impossible for humans to intervene in the range. No matter whether it is LV4 or LV5, no one has this level of power... Even the kind of'heart control' that the bee eater at our school prays. Ability, it is impossible to affect our perception and change our visual memory at such a long distance!"
The more I talk about Shirai Heizi, the more frustrated she is, because all this has subverted her cognition, even if she has served as a member of the 177th activity branch of the member of the disciplinary committee for so long, she has never seen and heard Similar things.
Misaka Mikoto did not speak, but clenched her fists tightly, staring at the Siamese building shrouded in the night in the distance, not knowing what to do in her heart.
However, it is not difficult to see from the twisted electric snake that flashes from time to time between the fingers of her fists, she must be in a bad mood at this moment! Therefore, they worry about their friends all day and half a night, the Inticus and their classmate Xiao Anni, the two of them are now in the building of the "Sanze School" cram school, but they are There is no way.
"Why, my sister, use your'Super Electromagnetic Cannon' to go up to that building?!"
When there was really no way, Shirai Kuroko thought of a way that was not a way. He planned to force his sister to attack the building with a powerful "super-electromagnetic gun" to see if it could cause a big movement. Then destroy the strange phenomenon that prevents them from approaching?
"You guy, what are you thinking about? That's a school building. Is that what we can attack casually? Don't say that my coin can't hit that far. Even if I can get it, I won't go anywhere. Just bomb a building!!"
Slap~! !
Hearing that a guy who is a member of the discipline committee would come up with such bad ideas, and he wanted to fool himself to bombard a building, to attack a building that might have many students, Misaka Mikoto turned and turned towards something nasty. The guy slapped his head with lightning!
You know, because of her
Super Electromagnetic Cannon
after she runs away from her hand, it continues to accelerate and rub against the air and then heat and melt. Under normal circumstances, it only has an effective attack distance of about 50 meters. Once this distance is exceeded, damage will occur. The ability will decline in a cliff-like curve! Therefore, unless it is a "cannonball" that is more heat-resistant than ordinary coins or game coins and has a more suitable quality and shape, even if the speed of the "cannonball" is reduced, it will be no different from ordinary bullets after hitting the building. Up...
Besides, even if she can really beat her, she wouldn’t do it like that, because there are still their friends, Inticus and Annie, and there may be a lot of students from'Sansawa Junior College'. , How could she get it right? !
"That's no way, let's call the police, let the security team send someone to investigate and deal with it..."
After reluctantly sorting out her hair and double pony tails that were spilt out by the elder sister, Shirai Kuroko could only reach out again in frustration and took out her mobile phone from her pocket, ready to call The phone number of the Academy Urban Guard.
After all, there is no police in Academy City, but the two organizations of "Guardian" and "Committee of Discipline" are used to maintain public order. At this time, it is obviously unreasonable to find other student Discipline members to support. So, except for the guards, Heizi couldn't think of a better way.
"Huh? This..."
"But Heizi, have you figured out how to explain it? Let's go outside without going to bed in the middle of the night. Although there is a reason for it, the housekeeper will definitely not let us off easily!!"
Thinking of the selfless man who punishes the students with no mercy at all, and also very unkindly confiscates their two-month scholarship, Misaka Mikoto always has two trembling fears... Because, once Heizi really called the police for help, the behavior of the two of them sneaking out in the middle of the night would definitely be self-asserted and concealed, and then they would be all over.
"Sister, do you think we can do anything better?"
"Now the two guys, Little Annie and Inticus, are inside. They call and don’t answer. We can’t get in. We don’t know what is going on inside. Apart from calling in the guards for support, we still What can I do, just waiting here eagerly?"
Two of his friends have lost contact, and one of them is their classmate. In Shirai Kuroko's opinion, compared to the punishment of the housekeeper who may come, it must be Xiao Anni and Inti. The safety of Kesi's two guys is more important.
and so,
Seeing that his sister, the lord, soon closed her mouth and stopped interfering with her idea of ​​calling for the support of the garrison, Shirai Kuroko pressed it on her mobile phone and prepared to call out the commissioner for the garrison. An internal phone call, requesting the garrison to send a large number of guards to the'Sanzawa School' building to deal with the big problem they could not handle.
"I advise you not to call it better..."
Suddenly, when Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were at a loss, were about to call for help, a faint voice came from the empty street in front of them, and the two were shocked!
Misaka Mikoto yelled in a low voice, and a coin appeared in her clenched hand for the first time, and it was directly surrounded by lightning, completing the preliminary magnetization work, ensuring that it can be at any time against any possible enemy or Unidentified dangerous targets fired.
Baijing Heizi also closed the flip phone in her right hand for the first time, quickly put it back in her pocket and replaced it with three large metal arrows glowing with cold light, which are more expensive than the metal spikes she used before. Even bigger and scary.
Obviously, after some things, she upgraded and strengthened her offensive weapons, turning the original metal needles into half-finger-thick arrows with barbs, so as to target Who, then it goes without saying.
"it's me."
"Heh! Please don't be so nervous, trust me, I am not here to fight you now, and I have nothing to do with what happened here, I actually came here to investigate."
As the people approached, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko could finally see the appearance of the people until they stood still under the dim light of a street lamp.
"It's you?!"
"You guy!!"
Mikoto Misaka and Kuroko Shirai became even more nervous after seeing the person who came.
It turned out that the guy who suddenly stopped Kuroko's call for help and slowly'walked' out of the empty street, turned out to be the so-called magic that almost fought them at Tokiwadai Middle School yesterday. Master, that, like the other guy, is trying to take away Intiqs's "Church of Necessary Evil" who belongs to the Godschihuoori? !
"Relax, two people..."
Seeing the vigilant look of the two, they suffered serious injuries yesterday, and now they are unable to exert their strength. They can only observe and wait for the opportunity to provide necessary support, so they have to raise their hands. , Indicating that he did not want to be an enemy of the two opposing people.
Because from yesterday's incident, she has probably understood the strength of the two, especially the power of the LV5 superpower Misaka Mikoto! So, at this time, when Steele and the two students entered the "Sanzawa School" building for a long time, she really didn’t want to be out of line at all, and she didn’t want to be in front of her at this time. Any conflict between the two!
"Believe me, I have the same purpose as you, and I also came here to rescue the child of Inticus."
Although, at the beginning, the purpose of her and Steele was actually to come here because of the entrustment of the master of the city, the "magic". However, after knowing that Intiqs was killed by Oreo After Si got caught, her first priority was to rescue the child safely!
There is nothing else! !
"Do you think we will believe you?"
"Also, the thing that can interfere with our vision and make us lose our way and lose our judgment as soon as we walk in, is it made by you so-called magicians?!"
No wonder, it's no wonder that Baijing Heizi just couldn't understand what happened here. It turned out that these so-called ‘magicians’ from outside made the ghost!
I'm afraid that everything happening here at "Sanzejuku" must be the same as before when there was still a dormitory at the school. The other party had set up that kind of weird "dispelling idlers" spell, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't have been unable to get in just now, and they couldn't see what was happening inside!
"Let's talk, what is going on there and what are you trying to do?!"
Although he had briefly fought side by side with the opposite Shinsakuhoori, Misaka Mikoto did not list him as a friend or acquaintance! Especially here outside the building of'Sanzeju's school tonight, she is more hostile and vigilant towards the woman holding a long sword who appears at this time, just like Kuroko, and will not Easily believe the weak and pale words of the other party.
Kamikai Hoori didn't rush to speak, but frowned and looked at the two ability students who were extremely hostile to her.
"It doesn't matter to tell you about it. Anyway, this enchantment is about to collapse. Otherwise, you won't be able to hear the sound from inside just now..."
"This is the magical enchantment of the great alchemist Oreos?? Isad. He came and occupied this place three years ago, and today captured Inticus and launched a terrible taboo. The level of alchemy spells, more than two hours ago, Steele, the little girl, and a high school student entered to investigate, but until now, they have not come out, and no information has been sent out. "
Steer hasn't come out for a long time, and Shinsakuhoori said it's impossible not to worry!
However, in view of her own injuries and unable to exert her full strength, and according to the original plan, she must be on guard here and be ready to provide the necessary assistance to Steel and the others at any time, so she has been able to bear the long-rested heart. Here, and until she found Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, and until they were ready to alarm the city's defense forces, she had to show up to dissuade her.
"You guys came here for the little girl and the kid of Inticus?"
"If you really want to go in and help, I think I might be able to help you, after all, we all have the same purpose now..."
And now, the reason why she appeared was also the idea of ​​guiding the two of them into this magical enchantment, into the'Sanzeju's building' to investigate the situation and provide assistance to Steel and the others... After all, the present These two female students who have been fiddling with them for more than an hour unswervingly outside, but the powerful LV4 and LV5 abilities, if the two of them are allowed in, they can definitely help a little bit.
Anyway, now she has no other good options for her, and after waiting for a long time, her patience has already been consumed almost.
"Forbidden spells?!"
Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto looked at each other in surprise.
However, they don’t know if what the other party is saying is true or not, and for a while they don’t know what to do...because they don’t even know if the other party is the alchemist that the other party said just now. Aureos?? Isad is a group! Then, the reason for saying that is to trick them into it too?
Just when they couldn’t get in after a long time of tossing, and now a person who could help them suddenly appeared, but they were hesitating and vacillating. They didn’t know what to do. The change was hundreds of meters away from the attention of the three At the top of the building of'Sanzeju' happened:
Boom~! ! !
First, the conspicuous fire light flashed, followed by a violent explosion, and then a fierce flame rushed out from the top of the four-piece building towards the sky, and almost half of the school city was reflected in the red. city! !
"The barrier was actually destroyed?!"
Seeing the flames in the distance and hearing the huge roar and explosion, Shen Lihuozhi couldn't help but be a little surprised, because she didn't understand why Steele and the others would risk being discovered by the entire city to do that. thing.
"My sister, someone has come out!!"
Although I also don’t know why that happened and the terrible flame that almost blushed half the sky, Shirai Kuroko only knew that the building had changed in an instant, and they seemed to be revealed in an instant. The first floor is generally disguised, and finally I can clearly see the'Sanzeju' building that is everywhere, including the glass on the first floor that she deliberately broke before!
Immediately afterwards,
Heizi Baijing also clearly saw that the long-destructed door of the building a few hundred meters away, unexpectedly rushed out a blood-stained Steer, and the other party was desperate, heading in embarrassment. They escaped here.
"My sister, look, it's that red-haired thief magician!!"
For the red-haired and tall man, Shirai Kuroko was deeply impressed and hated! Therefore, as soon as the opponent appeared, she recognized the opponent at a glance, and when the opponent rushed towards her, she pulled her sister, and was ready to fight back or evade at any time.
Misaka Mikoto ignored the sunspot or the red-haired magician running at a speed of 100 meters and ten seconds, but frowned and looked at the dark door behind him.
She just wanted to know what happened inside, why was the red-haired mage so embarrassed? !
"Steier, what's wrong with you?!"
Before long, it was estimated that it was about half a minute. When Shirai Kuroko was alert, when Misaka Mikoto was puzzled, then the red-haired and blood-stained red-haired mage Steer had ran in front of the three of them, so, Kamikaro Hoori hurriedly asked.
"God cracked! Too late to explain, run!"
"and also!"
"You too, run away!!!"
However, the red-haired Steer did not stop, nor did he explain the situation to his companion, and even more ignored some two of the vigilant and doubtful female students who did not know why they appeared here. But he just continued to rush forward, giving up his life.
"Good, good..."
"But, Stil, what's the matter? Where is the kid from Indix?!"
Although trusting in her companions, Kamikazuhoori subconsciously ran to the other party, but after waiting here for a long time, she was very physically strong, and when she ran over, she also began to anxiously move towards The other party asked.
"She's behind! It's safe now!!"
"It's too late to explain anyway, really, listen to me, run!"
A staggering, without knowing why, Steel stumbled on a branch that did not know when it appeared on the road, and almost staggered to the ground...
But fortunately, his companion, Kamiyakaori, had already rushed to his side and successfully helped him stabilize his figure as soon as he reached out.
Although I don’t know what’s going on, after hearing the other party’s assurance, he thought about it, and he reluctantly supported his bruised and bloodstained companion, who looked miserable and embarrassed and began to'flee' at a constant speed go with.
As for the two female students behind her, she did not go to multi-management, because she also knew that the guy named Shirai Kuroko, but a LV4 space movement capable person, if they really want to run later, they will just teleport. In the distance, she and Steele definitely couldn't keep up.
"What should we do now? Should we go in and see, or run together..."
Seeing that the red-haired thief magician flees so embarrassedly, even if he deliberately got to the branch that he wanted to trip over, he didn't even have a lot of pipes, and Shirai Kuroko couldn't help but feel a little nervous.
"Wait a second, didn't we come out to find Annie and Inticus?"
Something that even the red-haired mage was afraid of. To be honest, Misaka Mikoto was also a little worried, especially the terrifying fire and sound that just broke out... But, I didn’t see Inticus. Before the two fellows with Xiao Annie, she said nothing would leave here easily!
I also really want to know what happened here, and Shirai Kuroko, who has LV4 spatial mobility, thought for a while, and simply continued to stand and wait, because she also wanted to see what happened here. What happened! !
"My sister! Someone has come out again!!"
Not long after, Shirai Kuroko saw the new changes, and then exclaimed with joy, because she saw two familiar figures rushing out of the broken gate of the "Sanze School" building in the distance.
"Annie! And Indix? That's great!!"
"and many more……"
"he is?!"
When Shirai Kuroko exclaimed, Misaka Mikoto also saw:
In the "Sansawa Juku" building in the distance, a woman in a witch costume ran out first, and then behind the other was a blood-covered face, but with a weird exploding short hair At the same time, there is a man on his back that seems to have passed out in a coma, is hanging his head, lying softly on the other's back, and looking at his clothes, the obvious pure white silk gold embroidery The super-luxury monastic dress is the Inticus they were looking for before!
Then, the one who ran out behind them was the one who was yelling, sitting on a ferocious man with two big heads and full of blazing flames, which seemed to be composed of flames. That little girl Annie who they have been worried about for a long time in her big dog?
Seeing that all the companions who had been searching for a day seemed to be in good condition, after being pleasantly surprised, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko stayed in a little astonishment. Seeing those guys getting closer and closer, they didn't even think of any other response.
ヽ(ヽ`д′)! !
"You two guys, run quickly! It, it's about to catch up~!!!"
ε=ε=ε=(#>д<)?? ah ah ━
A certain little girl sitting on top of the big flame dog kept urging to the man carrying Inticus, and from time to time used the flame whip in her hand to beat the ground behind the other's ass. It's like driving a horse or a donkey...
And behind the big flame dog, a green-haired villain who was firmly with a long flame rope was being dragged behind by the big dog, just dragging it on the ground... At this time, the original on his body The white clothes have been scorched to black, and the floor has been rubbed dirty. Even the green hair has been charred a lot, and I don’t know whether it is alive or dead...
But, no matter what, he must be just not so good! !
"You're talking about lightness. We managed to escape from the top floor. Why didn't you let us ride on it?!"
Although a certain man verbally retorted loudly and unceremoniously, he did not dare to neglect at all under his feet. He just gritted his teeth and rushed forward to the mound, as if he was about to follow him. A prehistoric monster.
"I have worked very hard now! Please, let us rest on your big dog for a while?!"
To know,
Now Kamijou Touma is carrying a woman who is not light at all on his back, and she wants to be desperate to avoid being overtaken by some terrible guy behind... In this case, he didn't get tired directly, just It's already pretty good.
"No way!!"
"Your nasty right hand will crash my big dog! And ah, you are not LV5 flame control superpowers. If you sit on it, you will definitely be cooked!"
"Eh heh..."
After speaking, little Annie laughed to herself.
Just now, she thought about dragging the green-haired badass alchemist onto her lava dog, but after the other party woke up from a coma and scorched his and scorched and passed out again. , She had to drag the other party behind.
Even the guys wearing suits with good magical protection performance are the end of the game, so the kind of proposal of a guy must not work! Besides, the time is urgent, she has no time to grind with each other, it is better to run to a wider place first, otherwise, the people in that building will definitely suffer!
"Then you don't just know to urge us behind!!"
The girl behind her back with gnashing teeth, Kamijou, who was already panting and sweating profusely, was under pressure in his life. What else could he do now besides gritting his teeth and running forward?
"Sure enough, it's you?!!!"
When Misaka Mikoto showed the appearance of the man who ran over with Inticus on her back, she couldn't help exclaiming!
Because, she knows each other, he is that ‘a man who can be neutralized regardless of his ability’! That is to say, the guy who is completely immune to her Misaka Mikoto's "Lightning Gun", "Real Thunder", and other lightning attacks!
But unfortunately, Mikoto Misaka had not had time to say hello or ask the other party. She carried the Inticus on her back and cooperated with the guy in the witch costume, so she hurriedly roared along the red hair who had just escaped. The teacher and Shencrahuozhi rushed in the direction of flying, completely not paying attention to her and the Shirai Kuroko beside her?
"What the is going on? What the are you guys doing?!"
No way, I found this place with great difficulty tonight, and then I encountered a series of strange things Misaka Mikoto, full of doubts and incomprehension, had to look at the back with Shirai Kuroko who was also puzzled. The one and only little guy who was riding a big flame dog and didn't have much fear and fear on his face.
"Yes, what's wrong?!"
He was also full of doubts in his heart, and he crossed his waist a little bitterly, and asked loudly at a little guy who was riding a terrifying big flame dog.
"It's nothing!"
"But, there is a big guy behind us who is very powerful. You better hurry up and run with us?"
Annie wouldn't tell them that she just made a big incident ‘accidentally’!
Moreover, she also found that just relying on her LV5 flame control ability, it seems not enough to subdue the enemy? So, seeing that she was in big trouble, and her LV5 ability could not be beaten, she was unwilling to fight in that building, so she had to follow those people to rescue Inticus, and tied some After the bad guy, they all ran out together.
In short, this thing is very tortuous!
In the more than two hours in that building of'Sanze School', many, many interesting things happened. It will not be able to explain clearly in a short while, especially at this critical time when we need to race against time to run a little further! !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers wouldn't tell that Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, in fact, all of this was asked for by the messy little master of his family!!)
After talking in a hurry, Little Annie and her big dog and the bad guy who was dragged by her have ran away, leaving only the two Misaka Mikoto and Misaka who don’t know what happened. Baijing Heizi still stood in a daze, looking at the guys who had just passed by in smoke, and then turned his head to watch a fire broke out in the distance, completely shocking the entire immersion in the night. After the school city in the middle of the school, there is no more noise in the "Misawa Jukju" preparatory school building.
"Moo, roar~! ! ! ’
Suddenly, a terrifying roar that almost spread throughout the entire school city rang...
Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, who were still staying in the same place, still didn’t know what was going on. After hearing the terrible roar, they exclaimed again and looked at the same place for the first time. The building that didn't seem to have changed much.
for a long time……
Just when they didn’t understand what the roar of that huge beast meant, they finally faintly saw that, just now, that explosion exploded and appeared the'Sanzeju' building that almost reflected the entire school city. At the top gap, a huge guy crawled out? !
The huge guy spit out a big fire into the sky again, which was even more terrifying than before, and then jumped into the air suddenly, and soon spread out his huge wings, turning into a spreading wing with the same The behemoth like a large passenger plane, wrapped in a fierce gale, glide directly towards the two of them, or in the direction where the guys just fled, and rushed viciously? !
"That is……"
"Giant giant giant, giant dragon?!!!"
The stuttering sound leaked from Shirai Kuroko's mouth, who was so scared that her ponytails almost stood up...
Mikoto Misaka of the Super Electromagnetic Gun, flashing with electricity, ready to launch her most powerful attack, hurriedly urged while just grabbing Kuroko's arm.
Now, the two of them finally know why Xiao Anni just now escaped so embarrassed! With such a big guy in front of him, who should be replaced, I am afraid that besides running away, there is no other idea.

╭('??o??')╭?? Uncle Police! Catch up those bad guys who don't subscribe or vote!
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