Chapter 897: ?Fantasy Mita in hot sales

Hey~ bang! !
"You're back……"
A girl with a double ponytail with her shoulders drooping and looking a little dull suddenly pushed open the door of room 208 of the Tokiwadai Middle School Girls’ Dormitory. She greeted and kicked the wooden door back with a loud noise, then watched. Don't look at the three of Misaka Mikoto, the little girl Annie, and a funny cat who were talking in the dormitory at this time, and they fell directly onto a soft big bed.
"Really, you should just say'I'm back'!!"
The originally pleasant conversation was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the other party, Misaka Mikoto was a little unhappy and reprimanded the roommate who had just slammed the door and was somewhat incoherent.
"Anything is fine, Sister, let me catch my breath first..."
Heizi Baijing waved his hand and pulled a pillow directly onto his face. He didn't want to talk to anyone at this time, even his sister.
The dragon storm in Academy City has gradually come to an end. After two days of official announcements of the same caliber and the'refuting the rumors', although the issue of the dragon has come to an end temporarily, let the governing council and the Academy City Things happened again that other senior executives felt a little caught off guard...
I thought it was
refuting the rumors
and attributed the dragons and magic that may exist in the myths to the level of science and supernatural powers. In that case, it would be able to eliminate the
dragon disaster
. Some of the bad influences of the garden city can slightly hit the high-level people who are spreading in the private of the students, thinking that they can prevent the bad consequences to some students and some citizens. How can I imagine that there are so many students and citizens who are not afraid of death and curious in this academy city, so that after the "dispelling the rumors", not only did they fail to strike two birds with one stone at the same time and eliminate the influence of the black "Fantasy Mitsu". On the contrary, it has made the spread of the "Fantasy Mita" more widespread and frequent? !
Therefore, the legend in the tenth metropolis of Academy City was only five days after the'dragon disaster'. It was originally an illegal spread between students and some bottom-level gangsters and some bad people. The program "Fantasy Mita" has become in demand? Even the price of that thing is getting higher day by day, so that it has reached the point where there is a market and priceless?
After all, under the official
propaganda offensive that lifts a stone and smashes oneself in the foot, and under the invisible propaganda of the powerful dragon, which is obvious to all, some people are concerned about things that can develop or enhance capabilities. , I am even more looking forward to the effect of the "Fantasy Mita"...
In fact, think about it, the official announcement says: the person with LV4 great ability who used the "Fantasy Mishou", after using that kind of contraband, can grow to the incredible change into a giant dragon. At this point, and can fight alone with two LV5 superpowers and one LV4 superpower without losing the wind, it exists like that, but there are countless students who have studied and exercised superpowers in the school city, or have not been able to The dream of citizens who have gained powers.
Even if that kind of thing is indeed risky, but, under the huge temptation, people who dare to take risks in the hope of gaining more and stronger power are naturally becoming more and more!
During this period of time, there have been more and more incidents of public security and violation of discipline in the Academy City, because many people who have not been registered but have acquired various abilities have begun to be active on the campus of the Academy City. And the streets, so that the work of the disciplinary committee and the guards has naturally become extremely busy, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as burnt!
This is why Shirai Kuroko can barely see anyone in the daytime. Until now, at night, she dragged her exhaustion back to the dormitory outside the schoolyard, and fell to the bed unwillingly. The reason for getting up.
"Heizi, why are you back now?"
"Just a reminder, I remember to keep your dinner for you, and put it on your own table over there. If you don’t eat it, it might get cold... Don’t lie down there, you really Are you so tired?!"
Misaka Mikoto, who was talking to Inticus and a little guy Annie in her 208 bedroom and teasing a little orange cat, saw her sister and roommate's Shirai black children's shoes come back so late, and After entering the door, she was rudely lying on the bed and lying motionless. She couldn't help but muttered to the other side a bit irritably.
Because, the other party is dragging her body at this time, making her feel the smell of sweat that is extremely disgusting!
Of course, the most important thing is that the bed on which the opponent is lying on all sides is her'the strongest trump card of Tokiwadai Junior High School','the strongest invincible princess of electric shock','the strongest electric shocker' and The bed of the new "Dragon Killer" Misaka Mikoto! ! !
"Yes, elder sister... I am really exhausted today... You don't know, the manpower of the 177th branch of the ethics committee activities in the past two days has become seriously insufficient... So, my sister, you are interested in joining Are we among the glorious and great discipline committee?"
Yes, this can basically be regarded as a formal invitation from Shirai Kuroko!
Because the 177th branch of their discipline committee activities is now really preparing to recruit more and more capable people to deal with more and more crises, so if my sister is willing, she will definitely be happy to introduce her on her behalf. .
"My sister, I'm not kidding, this is really a great opportunity!"
"If it's your sister, I believe that the instructor for the assessment will directly eliminate the complicated training content based on special circumstances, and then your sister will soon be able to go on duty and internship with Heizi..."
Still lying motionless on the bed, even if the miniskirt reveals the chubby sunspot who doesn't care about it, now I really don't want to move at all, just enjoy the usual closed eyes and slowly talk.
After that, she was still taking a deep breath, she had no desire to move at all...
Because, she wants to lie down on the bed with the scent of the older sister for a while, so as to recover the vigorous vitality that is easily filled by the body odor of the older sister as soon as possible?
"No need!"
"I don't miss the allowance of your discipline committee now, and I don't want to become as busy and exhausted as you every day~!"
Mikoto Misaka, who has now been specially commended by the general council and revoked the penalty, and the scholarship has also been doubled by the guys in the general council as a "hush money", has once again become generous. ! So, after being fined by the housekeeper, she became struggling. The kind of plan that she said that she wanted to enter the Discipline Committee Activity Department and want to do a "part-time job" in order to obtain more funds is already gorgeous. Lidi was directly overthrown by herself.
She now has food, drink, and a lot of money to spend and squander, she doesn't want to ask for trouble like Heizi, she is as tired as a dog when she goes out early and returns late every day!
"and also!"
"Heizi, even if you want to rest first, can't you lie down on your own bed?!"
If it wasn't for the other party to look really tired and tired now, she might have smashed a one hundred thousand volts'electrotherapy' when the other party was lying on her bed with the smell of sweat. In the past, let the other party enjoy the feeling of wanting to die, life is better than death!
Baijing Heizi, who hid his head and double ponytail behind the pillow, said angrily.
"In comparison, the bed of Sister Sister is more comfortable...I still like it better because of the fragrance of Sister Sister's body, hehe..."
"and so……"
"Uh ah~!!!"
However, Shirai Kuroko, who accidentally exposed some true thoughts in her heart, naturally had to scream out of the soft and scented single bed in the bursts of lightning. Jumped up.
Then she no longer cared about her tiredness, numbness, and exploded double ponytails, and quickly trot to her desk, respectfully picking up the "loving" dinner that her sister had specially prepared for herself. Eat it up.
"Really, I can't do this early, but I have to force people to risk their ability in the dormitory!!"
After holding her arm, watching a guy finally ran to eat honestly, and no longer dared to lie on her own bed to "enjoy" her so-called fragrance, Misaka Mikoto nodded with satisfaction and slowly Slowly gathered the electric snake on his forehead.
Although it is true that no abilities can be used in the dormitory area, and of course it is also included in the dormitory. However, as long as you are careful, as long as you don’t make too much movement and are unlucky enough to be caught by the dormitory, then There is no problem at all!
"Sister, you are so ruthless..."
"Hello! Little Annie, how are you? Are you interested in joining the Commissioner for Discipline and report to the 177th branch of the Commissioner for Discipline?!"
Since my sister was no longer interested in joining the glorious and great discipline committee, Shirai had no choice but to turn to another LV5 friend of hers, and ran into her dormitory at this time. I don't know what I am playing with my elder sister, and the little guy who may be suspected of competing with him tempted to ask.
In Heizi's view, it is also the existence of LV5, and a little girl who was also one of the main forces in the fight against the dragon a few days ago, will definitely pass the review smoothly!
It's just that, compared with the older sister, a stubborn little girl may have to undergo more rigorous discipline training, and it is not possible or hopeful to get formal demeanor until the other party's unorganized and undisciplined badness is changed. The establishment of committee members and the right to take to the streets and perform law enforcement?
"You mean committee member..."
"Are you the kind of bad guys who don't study well all day, just like you, Sister Heizi, who knows to catch others late or leave early or bring toys to school?!"
Obviously, Xiao Anni is not very good for certain discipline committee members, especially a certain discipline committee member named Shirai Kuroko?
You know, in the first few days when she was "transferred" to the private Tokiwandai Girls' High School, Queen Anne was not unsatisfied by the black lady in front of her, and she was often brought with the hateful green shield armband by the other party. Catch yourself! So, in her impression of Queen Anne, such things as the Commissioner for Discipline, but directly equated with bad guys, how could she easily join in?
Of course, the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline is far from the "bad guys" who must be burned in time to avoid running out to harm others. For the time being, they are still the kind of bad guys who don’t need her to burn them, so even The other party swayed in front of her every day, and it was still very safe.
"Damn little guy, do you have any misunderstandings about our discipline committee?!"
Hearing the irresponsible and discriminatory words of the other party, Shirai Heizi was shocked, and quickly turned his head, bitterly towards someone who was planning to the poor one from Inticus. The little girl controlled by the little orange cat Sphink glared, and then tried to correct her.
"We, the Commissioner of Discipline, are like the guards. They are one of the two only public security agencies in the school city to maintain public order, just like the police in the outside world!
"However, compared with the guards, our discipline committee is generally responsible for solving various cases caused by superpowers in the school city, and because we still need to go to school, plus each school We all have a branch, so we generally carry out the maintenance of public order in the school separately..."
"But when necessary, or when there is an emergency, we are also outside the school. When the guards do not arrive, we will carry out law enforcement and necessary public order maintenance work! In short, our discipline committee is definitely not what you said. That kind of bad guy who doesn't do business!!"
You know, Shirai Kuroko has gone through a lot of hardships to become a glorious commissioner of ethics, so she will never allow the little guy who did not keep her mouth to do anything about her sacred and glorious work. Form of defamation!
Even if the other party is talking or joking casually, she will never allow it! And, at that time, she wasn’t the kind of bad guy who knew all day to catch others late or leave early or bring toys to school.
If it wasn’t for a little guy who violated school discipline several times before, and made mistakes several times and was bumped into and caught by her Shirai Kuroko, how could she not do anything else all day when she had time to catch him? That kind of irrelevant violation?
"Oh! It's like this..."
"But, sister Heizi, what good is it for you to let me be a commissioner of discipline?"

Little Annie is not very interested in what the Commissioner of Discipline does... However, she also wants to know what benefits the other party will invite herself to be a Commissioner of Discipline, Queen Anne herself?
If there is something delicious or fun to participate in, maybe she might also get an ugly green shield armband to wear, and then ran out all day to show off and see who Whoever caught it if it was not pleasing to the eye
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Hearing what the other party said, Heizi couldn't help but froze.
"If it's an advantage, once you become a member of the discipline committee and have an establishment, you can go to law enforcement and exercise your abilities, and then you can also give out free time after school, plus a huge special allowance. These does it count?"
Unexpectedly, what the other party cared about turned out to be good things, and that kind of low-level ideological consciousness made Bai Jingheizi very disdainful! However, after a bit of serious thought, I felt that in addition to expressing myself, exercising my abilities, proving myself, and feeling very prestigious as a member of the discipline committee, there seemed to be only those and reasons I just said.
"I don't think so, I don't need to exercise my abilities..."
Her Queen Anne has been working hard to suppress her power and she is already the top superpower in the LV5 level! Besides, she also has titles such as queen, emperor, goddess and head of state, and even owns or controls many worlds. She is already very powerful, and she does not need to exercise any abilities other than strength, because She herself is already very powerful, and her various abilities, such as the ability to dominate her subordinates, have always been extremely impressive!
"People don't have free time after school, and it's too late to go and play..."
"Moreover, they don't seem to be short of money at all, so they don't need the special allowance of your ethics committee bad guys!!"
What about receiving allowances? Where can I directly let my little fat robot hack into the city’s banking system to modify the data and add a few zeros to my account faster and more convenient?
Besides, her Queen Anne is still a member of the governing board of directors. Although she never goes to meetings, she has never really exercised her rights as a member of the board of directors, and many people do not even know her existence... However, so far, she is indeed a high official in this city!
Even if her identity was modified by the chubby robot, before she was discovered and held accountable, she had all the authority to oversee board members, and was able to work in this highly automated and information-based Do whatever you want in the city! Therefore, the kind of discipline committee who has only small law enforcement powers really cannot attract her at all.
Speaking of it, to some extent, her Queen Anne seems to be the immediate boss of this little sister Shirai Kuroko, so how could she let the directors of the board of directors not do it, and went to the other side's demeanor? The 177th branch of the committee activities applied to be a member of the lowest level of discipline committee?
"Little guy, I've told you many times before. Our discipline committee is not a badass! It's obviously you who violated school discipline first~!!!"
If the other party doesn't want to be, don't be it, she Baijing Kuroko can't, and has no ability to force the other party.
However, whether the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline is something like a badass, she has to tell a little devil who doesn't stop her! After all, she would never compromise on issues related to the reputation and principle of the Commissioner for Discipline.
( ̄ω ̄)
"Obviously the school's regulations are unreasonable. If it weren't for those guys who stipulated that they should go to school so early, they also stipulate that one class sits for so long, and there are such messy rules that you can't bring things to the classroom, how could they? Are you caught late and leave early and take the bear to school?"
It is obvious that all the rules that make her Queen Anne uncomfortable or unhappy are all unreasonable rules! So, she was right at all, and could never be wrong! Wrong, it can only be the impersonal ‘backward’ rules and regulations of that private Tokiwandai Girls’ High School!
"Forget it, I won't tell you so much. I feel hungry now. Anyway, I never thought that you can pass the thirteen kinds of adaptations of our discipline committee. The test, and the four-month training..."
Baijing Kuroko felt that it would be energy-consuming to talk to a little guy who could sleep until the sun was basking in the classroom and wanted to escape after sitting in the classroom for less than ten minutes. So she was entangled. After a while, she suddenly felt that it was serious for her to fill her stomach quickly. As for the other party's violation of discipline, let's talk about it later.
When she is in a good mood, she can open her eyes and close her eyes to the other party's behavior... But when she is in a bad mood, she will definitely hold on to the other party and punish the other party's mistakes. , So that you can avenge your own personal revenge, which is actually quite good?
"It's not uncommon for people to pass it~!!!"
o(`^??)o Humph!
"Hey! Indix, your sphink has been raised for two days, and it looks quite fat, or else, let's roast it now?"
Seeing that Sister Baijing Heizi turned her head fiercely and went to eat big mouthfuls, somehow, Xiao Anni also felt that she had just been filling her belly after eating dinner, fruits and a lot of snacks. Suddenly she felt Hungry a little bit again?
Maybe it would be a good choice to have a certain one who has been raised for two days, and roasted it for nothing but eating and drinking Lazard.
Puff~! !
"Damn it!!"
Heizi, who was drinking the miso soup just now, just calmed down and was about to finish her dinner quickly and then go to do other things, but suddenly she was surprised by the disgusting little girl's words that were so different from ordinary people. She was so shocked that she sprayed the soup in her mouth all over the table, so that she had to hurriedly took out the paper and started wiping it.
"Little Annie, please stop at it! Sphink is such a cute little orange cat, you still want to eat her, are you the devil?!"
Therefore, while rushing to warn a little guy in front of Inticus, she was also very annoyed to take care of the desk that she had made mess.
"Why can't cute animals be eaten?"
"And what you just said is actually correct. People secretly told you that they are really the ninth most incredible legend in the newly promoted Academy City. The legend says that'killing people without blinking, eating people without salt, And he likes to burn people to ashes after giving them a fire, the flame devil!"
"So, when you say that people are the devil or something, it seems you really guessed it right!"
However, there are now ten incredible legends in Academy City. Including the colorful dragon a few days ago, it must be very soon. She and the big guy should both enter the "New Edition" in Academy City. "Ten incredible legends" right?
But unlike the guy who lost a lot of extraordinary power and had to run away and fall asleep in the deep sea, and don’t know when he will reappear and become a
, her Queen Anne’s legend will It has been circulating in this academy city... But when she has nothing to do, she still occasionally wanders out at night to burn a few bad guys who abduct children or do some special bad things. It is guaranteed that she will not let her legend. Quit easily.
"Okay! Annie, you still don't provoke the sunspot, let her finish the meal first!"
"As for you..."
After stopping a certain little girl's teasing against Sunspot, Misaka Mikoto looked at someone with annoyance and tucked the kitten into his clothes again, and then was holding a bulge in his arms pitifully The writhing little foodie shook his head.
"Indikes, don't hide your cat in your monastic clothes anymore. You guy doesn't have the habit of wearing underwear. Be careful it will stretch out its paws and scratch you later!!!"
Misaka Mikoto was a little bit surprised by Inticus's hen-like behavior of guarding her cubs...
Because in her opinion, people who are clamoring to eat cat meat at this time shouldn’t be the one in front of them who is never picky and has a huge appetite. After living in the student dormitory of their Tokiwadai Middle School, they are not willing Is it right for a strange nun to leave again? !
"That's right! I almost forgot to be troubled by you!"
"Heizi...When will we resume teaching and class at Tokipantai Middle School? Do you have any reliable internal information?!"
I have been on vacation for five consecutive days. Although Misaka Mikoto has been groomed these days is really comfortable, but as a student, if she is not going to class for a long time when she is not on vacation, she will always faint her. Feeling guilty? So, after spending a few days playing crazy with Inticus and a nasty little girl, watching her from other schools have recovered from the turmoil of the school city, she suddenly missed her. That kind of peaceful school time.
However, when the class started, she asked a few classmates and teachers, but did not get the exact answer, so she had to ask her sister, girlfriend, classmate and roommate in front of her, because she I know, the other party is a member of the discipline committee with fairly well-informed information, and he must be able to answer her doubts.
"Well... this thing..."
"Sister-sir, don't worry about it. I did hear about it... However, I may have to wait for a few days. Normal classes will start next Monday, right?"
To be honest, Shirai Heizi thinks that class is actually quite good. In that case, she will not need to go to the streets to patrol and perform duties every day... At that time, at most, she will only need to go to the discipline committee activities after school. The 177 branch reports and is on duty for two hours.
In that case, compared to her current awful state of leaving early and returning late, I don’t know how much easier it would be!
"But, why is this?"
"Calculating carefully, it's been a full five days off. Now it seems that only our Tokipantai Middle School and the ‘Sanzeju’s Cram School’ in School District 7 are still under strict ban..."
It doesn't count after five days, but it will continue until next Monday. This situation, in Misaka Mikoto's opinion, is indeed very incredible! Moreover, she was also a little unexpected that the'Dragon Disaster' that night would have an effect for so long, and until now they have not fully recovered their school.
"My sister, there is no way..."
"It seems that most of the organization of that dragon was scattered around our school... So, in order to prevent its DNA samples from falling into the hands of some caring people, the general board had to decide Check thoroughly several times, and then announce the resumption of teaching after confirming that there is nothing missing...
Actually, there are some things that Baijing Heizi didn't dare to tell her sister...
She won't tell the other party: During this period of time, their private Tokiwandai Girls' High School has not been harassed by some strange guys! Moreover, she even caught a guy who was sneaking around her school yesterday, and successfully found a container containing some kind of suspicious tissue fragments from the other party!
Therefore, in order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, the general board will notify the school to postpone the date of resuming teaching activities again, and ask them to strengthen the patrol work of the seventh school district by the 177th branch of the discipline committee activities.
"It turned out to be like this..."
No way, when she heard that Misaka Mikoto, who was not able to start school in a short time, she lay down on her bed in frustration, lying on her back like a guy just now.
However, unlike Kuroko, she wears safety pants under her ultra-short school skirt, so even if there are no male animals in the room now, she doesn't have to worry about being seen.
"Senior Miqin, if you don't go to class now, wouldn't it be okay to run to play every day? Why are you so anxious to go back to class?"
Unlike a little girl who plays video games, Xiao Anni feels that her current state of life is pretty good, she doesn’t need to go to school, she doesn’t need to go to school, she doesn’t need to get up early, she just eats and sleeps every day, and runs in groups when she has enough sleep. Go out and play in the academy city...
That's good too, why is this strange Misaka Mikoto-senpai in front of me not happy?
ε=(????`●))) alas
"In fact, it's not bad. It's just that I'm idle all day, it seems a bit weird and boring, so I think it's better to go to class every day..."
At least, in Misaka Mikoto's opinion, going to class from Monday to Friday, resting and playing on weekends, that kind of life may be more perfect and regular, and then she will not have too much when she is watching others go to school. Guilty?
"It's great to be able to play happily, it's boring to have class!!"
Di Ling Ling~!
Di Ling Ling Ling~! !
Suddenly, just as the four people in the 208 dormitory, when the friends in the two adjacent dormitories were going to continue frolicking in order to pass the boring evening time, until the master of the dormitory was about to turn off the lights and broadcast the people to leave, a mobile phone ringing It rang untimely.
∑(??△`)? !
"This one……"
"It doesn't seem to be my cell phone..."
Picking up the mobile phone beside the bedside she was sitting on, Little Annie was snatched by a hand stretched out behind her before she had time to ask or do other things.
"Of course it's not yours, because it was when I was lying here just now!!"
Shirai Heiko, who teleported over and snatched his phone, first warned a little guy who just wanted to click the reject button with his eyes, then lifted the one in his hand that was vibrating and ringing non-stop. Contact tool.
"It's all this time, why did the guy who played Li in the early spring call? Didn't she just go back?"
Looking at the person's name on the caller ID with some complaints, he felt that the other party would definitely not be a hesitate, so he sighed and pressed the green button with some complaints.
"Shili? Yes, I am Heizi. Why are you still calling now? It's about this time. Is there something important in the branch?"
"What? Are you sure?!"
Shirai Kuroko, who originally thought it was some kind of official business, suddenly widened her eyes when she heard what Chuharu Shiri told her in the microphone of the mobile phone. It seemed a little unbelievable?
"What's wrong, Heizi?"
Mikoto Misaka, who sensed something wrong, had to stop trying to pull out a certain kitten from Intiqs’s wide monastic uniform, turned her head directly, and looked at that with suspicious eyes. Heizi who received an important call just after coming back.
"Is the dragon coming back again?!"
Little Annie, who thought it might be some kind of fun, also leaned forward curiously. She thinks, if the dragon comes back, maybe she can play better this time?
Because, she thought of several new LV5 flame techniques, and she will definitely perform better than the last time!
"You little guy, what are you thinking about in your head?!"
After pushing away a little guy's head, Heizi, who hung up the phone in a hurry, said to her older sister:
"It's not good! I just said that Shili It seems that a major accident happened with tears. Like everyone else, it's all caused by the ‘Fantasy Master’!!"
Shirai Kuroko hates that ‘Fantasy Mita’, because the reason why she and the 177th branch of the Committee of Discipline Activities have been so busy these two days is all the fault of that ‘Fantasy Mita’! And now, their friend, Zuotian Leizi, seems to have been harmed by that kind of thing too! !
'what did you say? ! ! ’

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