Chapter 902: Excuse me, do you need the service of cutting wings (?*???…

"The first step is complete!"
at last......
After frolicking and arguing for a full hour, in the middle of the white hall in the small Anne’s mansion, the novice wizard Sister Inticus holding a small bowl of scarlet liquid was regarded as the eyes of everyone’s expectation. In the middle of the game, she slowly put down the brush she was holding tightly, and basically completed her "first" practice of drawing a large magic array...
"You hateful fellows, you really want to draw the blood of this eight-year-old child... so painful, so cruel, so evil, you touch your chest, don't your conscience Doesn't it hurt?!"
For the four guys in front of them who are bullying the little ones with big scams and wanting to draw her Queen Anne's blood, Little Anne really hates her!
So, even if it’s been a full hour, even if Ms. Indix has completed the other party’s seemingly super boring magic array, she is still crouching her waist and facing someone The cruel and evil behaviors of the three young ladies standing on the side with guilt righteously reprimanded them loudly.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbs doesn't want to talk now...)
Misaka Mikoto and Hatsuharu Shiri looked at each other, and then turned their heads together. Obviously, they did not want to respond to a little girl's words at this critical time, so as not to respond to Inticus. The thing caused any slightest disturbance.
Besides, they feel that their behavior just now seems to have done nothing wrong, at least, not to a certain little girl who is unreasonable?
"It's useless for you to be silent now. It's just the little bit of shame and guilt acting after you bad guys have done bad things. That doesn't change the conscience of you guys. fact!!"
Little Annie is still preaching to the three little sisters, and I don’t care about it. Intiqs has already begun to use her gorgeous monastic clothes to move the little people that she used to burn the soil with flames and mimic them. And small furniture, there is no idea to help.
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)
(I don’t know why, but Tibbers, the evil shadow bear, who has always been known for his thick-skinned and shameless, has also begun to have a bit of shame and speechless ‘catch his feet’...)
"I said……"
"You little guy, please stop at it!!"
Finally, classmate Shirai Kuroko, who has always had a temperament and strong temper, couldn't help it, and directly crossed her own waist, stared at her, turned around and stood on someone who still wanted to say something. In front of the little guy.
"Isn't it just trying to make your idea at the beginning?"
"Besides, what we did in the end was not your little clever ghost's blood, and we all followed and followed your suggestions to do it. What are you still talking about, are you endless?!!!"
If it wasn't for the LV4 space movement great ability person who might not be able to beat the damned, LV5 level superpower kid, Shirai Kuroko would have moved the opponent tens of meters away with a super ability. On the street.
"That one……"
"Anyway, even if you didn't put it into practice in the end, but what you want to draw other people's blood must be evil and unforgivable. You should feel guilty for this!!"
"Little guy, have you had enough trouble?!"
He had a dark face and stared at the disgusting little face of a certain little guy with a shameful expression for a long time, then Heizi warned gloomily.
Sure enough, Baijing Kuroko still feels that they let this know all day to sleep in, sometimes the sun does not want to get up, but once they wake up, the little guy who is very energetic and energetic participates in such solemn things, surely It would not be a good idea.
If I knew that was the case, I shouldn’t have brought tears to the other party’s house...Of course, it’s too late to say anything now. Apart from telling the other party to shut up and don’t make trouble, she has nothing too much. Good way.
"Teach you here for the time being today! Don't be convinced, it's just a small lesson for you dumb guys with no conscience! Now look at such a simple thing, you have to trouble me Wouldn't it be better to do this early?!"
Looking at the huge bright red evil magic circle that has been outlined, and then at Inticus, who is carefully fiddling with the villains and small furniture in the middle, Annie stretches out towards the three people present. Two fingers of his own.
These guys, who were still shirking each other an hour ago, and want to cause trouble, and the unscrupulous villains who want to draw their precious blood, are arguing and doing bad things for a long time, making her omnipotent Queen Anne After the adults got involved, it was solved all at once. This is where the gap lies. They can't accept it! !
She shook her head dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Mikoto Misaka, a little older, was not in the mood to play with those two jokes. She just stared at Kuroko and a little guy with a slightly surprised look. Watching every move of Intiqs who is busy.
In her opinion, now that she has time to play around and disturb others, it is better to watch it carefully, and then think about it carefully. Later, what should people like yourself do so that they will not mess things up?
"But, everyone..."
"Isn't it a bit bad for us to take the tears without consent? You know, she is still a patient now, that way..."
Even if it is already a fact, the blood has been drawn and it has been drawn into that weird large magic circle, even if you want to use the rest to return it, it will definitely not work... but Chuchun Shili thought about it. Thinking again, after all, I still feel a little intolerable!
Although, she didn't object too much just now, but in her opinion, this kind of thing of drawing other people's blood without passing through them is definitely not good.
"Then Shili, you are going to ask her, she just suggested and encouraged us to do that!!"
He was not polite at all, after a cold snort, Bai Jing Heizi directly pointed the finger at a certain nasty little girl who had vented her anger and was now pretending to be innocent.
∑(??△`)? !
"Oh! It must be fine!"
"Anyway, Sister Leizi has been in a coma. As long as we don't talk about it, she will definitely not know about this kind of thing! And ah, she is not a patient, she just passed out in a coma! Look at her, her face turned round after a few days of sleep, so if you draw her blood to save her, there must be no big problem, so don't worry!!"
Little Annie waved her hands indifferently and said.
Anyway, I have all drawn out now, even if I regret it and want to return it, it is too late. The thing that is drawn directly from the blood vessel into the bowl is already contaminated when it leaves the body! So, no matter how much you think about it, it's useless. There is definitely no problem with that kind of thing! !
Besides, at that time, the four of them were not willing to draw their own blood, and her Queen Anne’s blood could not be easily moved, so except for the idea of ​​forcibly representing Miss Laizi and hitting each other , What can they do?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Shut up all of you, keep quiet!!"
After seeing that Indicus seemed to have arranged the opponent's magic array and those villains, Misaka Mikoto quickly reprimanded Kuroko and the three who wanted to continue to say something.
"Is it finally going to start?"

It takes more than an hour to get a magic circle, which makes Little Annie feel that if there is a fight, I am afraid that a certain guy has been killed by others 10,000 times! However, if you think about it, this is actually just a healing summoning spell, even if it looks much worse than the Holy Light, but it can be considered barely.
Indix didn't care about the four people watching and frolicking outside the magic array. She just looked down at the array and verified the ritual of summoning angels that she had never actually used in her mind to heal her injuries.
"It's the end of July, the head of Leo, the time is now 19 o'clock in the evening, the direction is the south, the guardian spirit is the fire spirit, and the angel on duty is the angel of hope... the shape of the array and the assignment of responsibilities are correct..."
"In this way, this arrangement should have been completed..."
After na Na talked to herself generally while verifying and comparing the data in her mind, it took a long time for Inticus to breathe a sigh of relief.
"All right!"
"Everyone, please hurry up and follow the layout of this small model and stand in your place. We are ready to start the final summoning ceremony!!!"
Finally, looking at the magic array that she had completed for a long time, and seeing that the reduced model of the hall she had set up was exactly the same as the situation on the scene, Intiks nodded triumphantly and faced the four people outside the magic array. Said.
"Indikes what do you want us to do?"
Misaka Mikoto looked at the small model suspiciously, and then after looking around, he hesitated to stand in accordance with the instructions on the model.
The model completely refers to the huge living room now, and even the clay figures pinched out by Little Annie are exactly the same as them, including the one lying on the sofa at this time who is still asleep after being drawn blood. child.
Therefore, although she looked at the model and felt that it was not too difficult for her to understand the meaning of it, she did not need Inticus to direct her to find her own position.
Anyway, it's down to this level right now, no matter what the other party will do next, no matter how weird it is, she will work hard to cooperate! As long as the other party stops yelling about drawing blood, even if it is not the blood of her Misaka Mikoto?
"The next thing is very important, please be sure to follow my instructions!"
"Otherwise, once a certain program in the execution process is wrong, the nerves and brain circuits of everyone participating in the ritual may be burned and broken..."
After seeing the four people present, including a certain little Annie who has been making trouble since the very beginning, they have stood properly in the position where the other party should stand, and only then did Indikes get a straight face and act as a little adult. The appearance, solemnly warned the four people participating in the ceremony.
Because, the next thing is really no trivial matter, anyway, she doesn't want to see that before the tears are successfully awakened, new friends will encounter accidents in this kind of avoidable incident!
"Nerves and brain circuits burned..."
"Indikes, what does that mean?"
If you don’t understand, ask, Misaka Mikoto, who is a good-looking baby swallow, seems to realize that she is involved in some terrible thing? Therefore, she hurriedly took advantage of the fact that the other party did not officially start, directly raised her hand, and said the kind of uneasy question in her heart.
"it means……"
"If the ceremony later fails because someone present makes a mistake, everyone's body will be destroyed by the energy backlash of the magic array and die..."
After all, the energy of this magic array is too great, but the taboo content in the 13,000 forbidden magic books in her mind is also the kind of extraordinary ritual for summoning angels! So, if something goes wrong, everyone in the room will have to pay a heavy price for it! !
Chuchun Shili directly exclaimed, a little bit too dare to believe what the other party said...
Because, until just now, she thought that the other party was doing something that just needed them to cooperate or help, but how could it be so?
Baijing Heizi was also frightened by the fright, and almost immediately took the friends present to run away, and the idea of ​​staying far away was put into practice.
"That one……"
"Intikes, this is crazy...or else, let's choose another safer, safer and simpler method. What do you think?"
Skin Xiaorou smiled dryly, feeling that the ritual was too dangerous, and among the five people present, there were three others who had no knowledge of magic, plus one that was very likely...or would definitely make trouble halfway. Girl, therefore, Mikoto Misaka who feels that the lives of her few people are already in extreme danger, and that they should not be handed over to'other people' (others refer to some unreliable little guy). Then he waved his hand to persuade.
To be honest, if she knew this was the case, she would definitely not agree with this approach, she might be more willing to go with Heizi to catch that Mushan Chunsheng! !
"My sister is right! Indix, do you have any other magic rituals that are safer or do not require us to cooperate?"
Heizi also smiled awkwardly, but that face seemed a little uglier than the crying one?
In short, she felt that as long as she didn't need to use her own life and others to make jokes, even if it was dangerous, she could let Indix toss on her own, she definitely had no opinion.
"Yes, Inticus, this kind of thing is too rash, and we don't understand at all, there is no guarantee that it will not go wrong..."
Chuchun Shili also quickly added that he wanted a so-called nun and magician, who seemed unreliable, to quickly dispel some crazy plan.
"No way!"
"Please keep quiet!"
It's very rare that Intiqs stopped the three people in the noisy with a serious expression.
"Everyone, please believe me!"
"Moreover, now there is no way to stop... this magic circle has been completed, and the ceremony must be carried out, otherwise, the concentrated magical power may blow up the entire school city!!"
None of the one hundred and three thousand magical books in Indix's mind is good, otherwise, she would not be called the "Magic and Forbidden Book Catalog"!
Besides, does this ritual of calling angels mean that it can be stopped by stopping? After all, what they want to summon is a powerful angel, not a cat or a dog. They are all at this level now. If they stop suddenly, what do they think of other angels? People are the angels of hope in heaven, and they are definitely not the kind of existence that comes and goes!
Therefore, this ceremony must go on, there is no room for compromise! !
"Will you wipe it off now? I think I can help mopping the floor. This kind of work is really good for me!!"
Shirai Kuroko, who was punished for labor by the housekeeper for violating the house rules more than once, said: She is really good at things like mopping the floor, mopping the swimming pool or sweeping the toilet. The ground painted with ghost symbols was dragged brightly, leaving no trace.
"No way……"
"Now it runs silently when it is completed, and once it is destroyed, it will blow up..."
Shaking her head, what else could Inticus do besides shook her head with a wry smile for that kind of assumed thought of that sunspot?
"Sure enough, this seems to be the kind of evil ritual..."
"Indikes, we just want to wake up the tears. Why do I think you are a bit abusing magic?"
After swallowing, Misaka Mikoto, who didn't dare to move casually, after a few twitches on her cheeks, she was a little bit unable to move forward, so she had to blame the general, who didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and laid out this ritual casually. And the guy who didn't clarify the consequences to them in advance sighed.
"Little Annie!!"
"Later, if you dare not do what Intiqs said, if you dare to make trouble, I will definitely make you look good!!"
No way, after seeing that things were already riding a tiger, Baijing Kuroko turned his head first, reminded a little guy beside her who was standing motionless, and at the same time waved her viciously. Fist, which means she is not joking!
Because, Baijing Kuroko felt that the fate of everyone now seemed to be handed over to the little guy next to him! Whether they are alive or dead in the end, or whether they will lose their arms or legs, or become vegetative, I'm afraid it depends on the performance of a kid around them.
o(`^??)o Humph!
"With such a simple broken array, people won't be in trouble!!"
Annie said that as the most, most powerful, most powerful and great arcane archmage in countless unfaced worlds, her use of magic is as simple as breathing, and she can even easily modify the rules of the world. Will make mistakes in this simple trick!
At best, she just adds chaos, she won't do more things, she's not stupid, and she's not confused! !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Time is up!"
"Please be quiet, everyone, we must start now!!"
After looking at the array with a frown, Inticus, who felt that he could no longer drag on, glared at the sunspot who was about to speak again, and then began the final explanation:
"Here is now a ‘temple’, a place where angels are going to descend..."
"The model in the formation has been connected to the hall of our house. Later, what happens in this hall will be reflected on the model in the middle of the formation; in the same way, the things on the model will also be reflected in our In this hall."
"So everyone, please be sure to repeat my mantras with me later, recite the sacred hymns together, and imagine the angelic images we can imagine... Other than that, you don’t need to do anything. , Don’t need to think too much, please everyone!"
After confirming that it was correct, Indix put her hands on her chest, lowered her head, and prayed.
"Try to imagine..."
"The golden sacred angel represents the existence of hope and holiness. The beautiful figure and white wings are about to come to this place where all of us are..."
"R: orapronobis..."
When Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Hatsuharu Shiri saw that Inticus had already begun to sing that kind of sacred hymn, they said that they had never learned or could not sing at all. They looked at each other at first. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the other person, closing his eyes and holding both hands in prayer, and then humming at the bottom of his throat, while racking his brains to think about the so-called angels under their respective influence.
"so troublesome……"
Looking at the four people who started the ritual and prayed, looked at the space around them that was gradually distorted and became unreal, knowing that the magic array had begun to work, it seemed that an angel who could heal injuries was really about to be called out Xiao Anni held her arm, raised her head, and waited for her arrival.
It is obviously impossible to ask her Queen Anne to sing hymns and pray!
Because, that kind of thing seemed to her to be too troublesome. Instead of that, she might as well directly use orders or use force to grab the so-called angel! Besides, it's not that she doesn't know how to make angels, and it's not that she hasn't made them by herself!
When she was in Middle-earth, she still produced a lot of angels to participate in group fights, so she didn't think those so-called angels were so great! Even the angels in this earth world, even the existence in the myths and legends, are just another kind of life. Don't think they can fool her with the omnipotent Queen Anne if they have wings. .
∑(??△`)? !
At this time, little Annie, who had gradually become impatient with her arms, suddenly discovered that after their distortion, they became normal again, and gradually different from the earth's space, there was actually a place with wings. And a faint shadow wearing golden armor?
Since it's all here, don't even think about leaving. It would be too troublesome to summon when you save it later. Therefore, after seeing the phantom of the angel gradually condense, and seeing the other side coming here, taking advantage of it Taking advantage of her friends, taking advantage of Inticus, Misaka Mikoto, and Shirai Kuroko closing their eyes and not paying attention to them, she smiled evilly, and stretched out her hand to catch the phantom angel in the sky! !
‘! ! ’
A certain little girl’s actions shocked a certain existence who was about to descend after being summoned. However, when he just wanted to counter or escape, he was shocked to discover that his existence could not resist the little girl’s seemingly Little hands without any power? !
ING~! ! !
Soon, a fierce white light, that kind of warm and sacred light, instantly flooded the hall of Little Annie's house!
There is no doubt that at this time, a certain angel??????(ˊ??ˋ)?????? succeeded (forced!!) ‘come’ here...

for a long time……
When everything gradually calmed down, and when the warm light ceased, Misaka Mikoto, Inticus, Shirai Kuroko, Hatsuharu Shiri, and some pretending little girl opened their eyes in unison.
"That is……"
"No! That seems to be tears?"
When the five people opened their eyes to see the situation in the hall in front of them, they couldn't help but exclaimed! (Actually, there are four people, because some guy is pretending to be surprised...)
"I'm... strange, how did I become an angel, is this really a dream again?!"
Saten Leizi stared blankly at the two pairs of white feathered wings that had accidentally appeared behind her, because she remembered that she fainted as if she was using the'Fantasy Mishou', how come she woke up now Has become different?
Therefore, she didn’t care about her whole body becoming naked under the action of some strange force, so she stood on the cold floor of the hall, first glanced at the people present, and then ranked first. Time focused his attention on the pair of magical objects that had emerged behind him.
"I also hope this is a dream, but unfortunately, all of us may not be dreaming! Tears. Your situation is very special. It doesn't seem like you have become an angel completely. It should only be said that you were accidentally possessed by an angel. It's..."
Inticus, who used the magical array of summoning angels for the first time, said that she had never heard of the situation before or read it from a book, and it was the first time she had seen it! Therefore, after observing for a while, she could only combine her knowledge of the one hundred and three thousand magic books, and barely gave such a far-fetched explanation.
Anyway, she only knew that the current situation was definitely not in her plan!
"Am I... now a capable person? Isn't this really a dream?!"
Saten Tearko, who didn’t know exactly what happened, stretched out her hands, and subconsciously condensed a certain holy and soft light on the palms of her hands. This is the same as when she was using the'Fantasy Mitsu' The abilities acquired at the time are completely different!
She can feel that this kind of power is even stronger, and it gathers in her body like infinite, and she does not need to learn all kinds of knowledge and calculations like using abilities. It is just a When you think of it, you can use it freely.
Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Hatsuharu Shiri were just staring at everything in front of them, not knowing what to say. Because, this seems to be completely different from what the fellow Inticus said to them before the ceremony began!
The other party just said that the magic array just summoned the angels to come out and use the angel’s supreme and holy healing power to awaken the tears from the coma... but never said it was calling the angels to heal the tears. At the same time, he turned the other party directly into a...a living angel? !
"The ability person or something, it seems to be that right, tears, you can indeed say that you are a capable person now..."
Inticks also scratched her head a bit about what was in front of her, because the situation in front of her was indeed beyond her expectation. The first time she used magic in her'waking' state, she really didn't expect this. When this happened, she had no idea why this bizarre situation happened! !
"Wow, that's great!"
"Miss Leizi, you look so majestic now!!"
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a certain little girl who caused this result. At this time, she also pretended to be confused, and ran directly behind a certain naked lady, and then touched the other's wings to study. stand up.
Just now, she obviously only wanted to force the destruction and leave the angel or something, but how can she think that the other party can only exist in the living material plane of this earth in this state, and she has to be attached to some unfortunate and lucky thing. On the guy?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Although I don't know why this is at all, but I always feel that this is definitely not a very good thing..."
Inticus sighed. Although she was surprised and shocked when she saw the living angel, she was obviously a little disturbed and uneasy in her heart because of her own reasons. It seems that things have been messed up by her.
"Huh? Why is it bad?"
∑(??△`)? !
"Because of the wings..."
Inticus also came over curiously, and after reaching out to touch the pair of wings with sacred white feathers behind the tears, she frowned and answered.
"It's pretty good!!"
Little Annie obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with wings.
"Good-looking is good-looking, that's true, but... but it seems that this kind of thing is irreversible..."
Intiks touched it and found that the wings were really solid and had the warmth of tears, her brows wrinkled deeper.
"Ah! It's really wings..."
"Hey! Indix, what did you mean by "irreversible"?"
At this moment, the three people who finally reacted quickly gathered around, began to move their hands and feet to their masterpiece, and began to touch a friend who had just woke up and changed his appearance.
"It means literally..."
With a bitter face, I didn't expect it to be like this. Intiqus sat down on the sofa with a little discouragement, and began to rack her brains to think about it. She wanted to see the hundred thousand she had in her mind. Are there any descriptions and cures for this situation in the three thousand magic books?
She has to think of a way to see if she can change the body of her friend Tear Zizi back again?
"Indikes, you mean... the tears may always be like this, dragging these wings?!"
Chuchun Shili stopped the hand touching the wings of her most important friend, and covered her mouth in a little astonishment, and in an uncertain tone to prove to Inticus who had just done all this.
"Although I don't know why this happens, but it should be like this?"
Looking at the naked, but with a big wing behind Zuo Tian Lei Zi, Inticus frowned for a while, and then searched again from her own one hundred and three thousand magic books. Thinking of the pain in the brain, she nodded slightly embarrassed, but she still didn't get the answer.
The first time she used magic in a ‘awake’ state, she was really at a loss for the weird sight in front of her... She really didn’t have the slightest experience and no plan to deal with this!
Because, in a sense, she herself is really a novice in magic... Although, she knows a lot of very powerful magic, and even angels can be summoned to heal others... But, put a big The living being turned into an angel is really no longer in her plan, and the description of the magic array does not say that.
"Intiks, although I don't know what you did to make me like this, I want to ask... Is there any way I can put it away freely?"
A wing gently pushed away some of the guys who were still touching on his back, and the tears came to a little nun who seemed to have made him look like this.
She likes becoming an angel, and she also likes things that have the power to heal others, but... but she feels that if the wings can be retracted freely, if you don’t need them, you can put them away and become a Ordinary students in the academy city, but when needed, they can turn out to spread their wings and fly high, to be the "sacred angel" Saten Tearko, who is worshipped and admired by others. It is really perfect at that. But nothing! !
"I'm afraid not..."
"But don't worry about tears, wait for me to study the one hundred and three thousand magic books in my mind. After I thoroughly research, I think I will find some good way!"
Inticus laughed dryly, because she really didn't know why the magic turned out like this... Originally, shouldn't the angel who summoned the wounded be healed and left by himself?
Why now, the other party is still relying on Leizi's body? !
Anyway, for Inticks, this kind of thing is really her ‘first time’, she really has no experience at all, she really can’t blame her! However, fortunately, this magic was very successful. The tears woke up and gained the healing and flying power of the angel. In a way, all of this was perfect, and there was no problem at all! !
"It's incredible..."
"Or, tears, can you try to put it away and put it on your back, just like those little birds?"
Looking at the big round behind the tears, Heizi murmured a little bit resentfully, and then cast his sight on the pair of white angel wings that she had studied for a while on the back of the other party. And reached out and touched it. After feeling the real touch and heat, he tentatively suggested Tao.
"It doesn't seem to work. You can't wear a school uniform like this at all. If you are so big, you will definitely wear a gang!!"
Heizi shook his head quickly and gave up the kind of stupid idea he had just received when Tear Zi tried to put her wings away like a bird! Because, even if the other party puts away his wings, the bulge behind it is really too obvious, such a big tuft, even if he wears the largest clothes, it must be unconcealable.
"I still don't understand why you became an angel... But I always feel that this is not a good thing, and of course it won't be a bad thing."
I don’t know what kind of mood he was in. Anyway, Kuroko frowned when he saw the other party’s wings, and did not know whether the other party was a real angel or an accident caused by some mistake in their magic array. Anyway, she always felt that this didn't seem to be too much, and she didn't know what kind of turbulence would be made in the future.
If a living angel descended from the sky, Shirai Kuroko might be shocked, but if he used magic indiscriminately and turned his friend into this way, it would not seem very fun. Other people's thoughts, like the silent sisters and Shili, she didn't know. Anyway, she only knew that she always felt that this seemed wrong.
"Actually, I seem to have a way!!"
At this time, some of the instigators raised her little bear's claws, indicating that she had a way to deal with all this in front of her.
"just you?"
"any solution?"
Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Chuharu Shiri, Inticus, and the party Sakuriko all looked at a little girl who was enthusiastically speaking, and of course, the expressions on their faces were also different. All are different, some are surprised, some are disdainful, some are curious, some are doubtful, some are hopeful...
But no matter what, they didn't intend to interrupt each other, because at the moment no one has any good solutions, it seems good to listen to the thoughts of a naughty little guy?
"Of course it is..."
"Cut it out!!"
Little Annie didn't know how to find a very big sharp scissors from there, anyway, they are the kind that can be cut off when you cut the wings with one click! !
"Just a moment!"
"Forbearance and forbearance is over. Sister Leizi, you seem to have the ability to heal yourself. When the time comes, you can directly stop the bleeding and heal. There are only two scars at most. There must be no big problem!!!"
Moreover, Annie felt that such a big pair of bird wings, plucked the hair, sprinkled some cumin, chili and pepper, brushed a few layers of oil, put it on the red charcoal and roasted it all over, it must be Isn't it delicious?
The kind of angels or birdmen, even though they are intelligent creatures, should be okay if they only eat a pair of wings or something?
Besides, it was cut from a living'angel'. It's a pity to lose it directly, and that angel looks clean and beautiful. Then, eating the other's wings should definitely not What's the big problem, anyway, you won’t regret it after baking, and you won’t be fooled if you eat it!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Still a little stiff and ignorant of putting on clothes, Zuo Tian Leizi directly folded her wings and wrapped her body after seeing the other party's movements, and then retreated a few quick steps, trying to get away from someone. The devilish little girl went a little further.
Although she still doesn't know more than the few people in front of her, but now she suddenly wants to cut off her angel wings, she definitely won't be happy!
After all, in those online games in the Academy City, the wings can only be sent by charging money. Now she hasn't sent any money at all. She just slept and successfully changed her job to the "Holy Angel" when she woke up. The good thing about the cake, she said that she would not easily lose everything!
Besides, this is an angel, an extremely sacred existence in the myths and legends! She would never let anyone do anything to herself before she fully understood the reason for all this in front of her!
"I won't cut it!"
"Even if it has been like this all the time, anyway, if you think about it slowly, there will always be other ways!!"
There is chaos in my mind, and I still don’t know what is going on, but now that it’s all the same now, now that it has acquired the ability and transformed into an angel in a fairy tale, this established fact has come to tears. It seems that it is not unacceptable?
Moreover, if she herself is still dreaming now, she must be willing to continue this beautiful dream, even if it takes a little longer!
Besides, she used to risk using "Fantasy Mishou" in order to gain abilities, even if it caused serious consequences, she didn't care! And now, since she has a better ability to smash her on the head of Zuotian Leizi, she is too happy to be happy, how can she give up easily?
"Really not?"
"Cut it off at once, and forbearance is over. Although it may be a little painful at first, it may shed a lot of blood, and some bones will fall... But, please don't worry, Sister Laizi, I will definitely not If the hand is soft, just cut it straight and cleanly. I think there must be no big problem, right?"
Such a big pair of wings, since these people think it’s not very good, and since there’s no way to put it away, then Little Annie thinks it’s better to cut it off before making any more troubles. By the way, she can study it a little bit. Kind of fun art of grilling big wings?
"Don't think about it!!"
Zuo Tian Leizi took another step back.
Such a big pair of scissors looks so terrible, and the other party is still saying words, and even wants to come and cut off the two pieces of meat connected to her. How could she make the other party easily As wished?
"All right!"
"I haven't figured out things now, little guy, give me enough first!!"
Heizi Baijing snatched away the huge pair of scissors, and then backhanded, that heavy iron lump didn't know where she had moved with the space.
"Huh! If you don't cut it, don't cut it, or roast angel wings, I don't care about it!!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Posing her lips, Little Annie stepped aside and sat on her big sofa.
Suddenly, the tears who were about to say something frowned, his body staggered, and he directly reached out to support his forehead.
"What's wrong with you, tears?!"
Chuchun Shili stepped forward with some worry, and carefully held the opponent.
"I don't know why, it seems my head is a little dizzy..."
Tears had never encountered this kind of situation. She subconsciously felt that it might be related to the abilities she gained and angel wings, and she couldn't help but start to worry a little in her heart.
"It's okay, Sister Leizi, you must have been in a coma for a long time, so the blood is not smooth and the blood supply is insufficient, so please hurry up to wash and dress, and then eat something!"
Little Annie won't tell the other party. This is probably because she just rejected the crowd and forcibly drawn the other party's blood to draw the magic circle.
After Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko looked at each other, they raised their eyes at a fake kind little girl.
"Maybe, I told me I need a break..."
Think about my eyes suddenly darkened after using "Fantasy Mishou". I woke up and I was already here, and I still vaguely knew that these friends used some magical means to treat myself, and I felt that I was indeed in a coma. Zuo Tian Leizi, who caused physical discomfort in a short time, nodded, and did not think too much.
Because, when she was in a coma, she felt the ritual held by her friends. As for more doubts and what happened during her coma, I am afraid she can only wait for later. Go and ask slowly.
"Okay! Let's send sister tears back to the room I'm still a bit curious, I want to know how angels should dress!!"
As Inticus and others, who were still a little surprised, doubtful, curious, envy, or guilty of feelings of self-blame, left with a naked birdman with big wings, the scarlet magic array in the hall finally flickered. After a few strokes, it began to slowly dissipate, and the lines drawn with blood quickly decomposed into formlessness, leaving only a piece of bird hair...

The ticket-hiding guy!

o(TωT)oε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

The guy who doesn't vote!
Wonderful book house
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