Chapter 913: So hi! -=????=????...

In the blink of an eye, the academy city passed another not peaceful night...
In the early morning of the next day, when the crisp and sweet chirps of the birds outside the window began to resound, after a busy night last night, Shiraizi, who could not sleep for several hours, finally came out of her sleep. wake up.
After that, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, did not tie her slightly disheveled hair, just wore her little cotton mop, draped her long brown hair, and let her pajamas. It sags and reveals most of his round and delicate shoulders, and even if he doesn't wear underwear at all, he walks out of his bedroom so willfully and staggeringly.
She doesn’t want to tidy up her makeup now, and she doesn’t want to be so in a hurry to wash herself more easily. She just wants to go to the big yard full of lush trees and flowers outside the door to breathe a few breaths of fresh air, and wait until her head is completely clear. What should I do first...
Because now they no longer need to go to school, and the pace of life no longer needs to be as tight as before!
And Kuroko Shirai also knows that in the big house where they live, in their secret base of the "Anti-School City Alliance", except for herself, Mikoto's sister, and a little girl Annie who has never been very obedient. , The enviable and jealous angel tears, the magical little nun Inticus, and the guy who may occasionally take time to visit them in the early spring, there is nothing else here to walk on two legs. Male creature!
So, in their usual daily lives, they don’t need to avoid anyone. They basically do whatever they want. They don’t need to pay attention to personal image issues at all, even if they run out to eat and chat. The skin is thick enough, and there is no need to worry about being seen by a man.
However, starting from today, or strictly speaking, it should be from late last night, their secret base is no longer just a few of them, but a whole research center building and its underground are created out of thin air. The facilities, plus the nearly 10,000 Misaka sisters in the research center!
That's right, it's my sister!
Heizi knows that although some of the clones look exactly the same as her older sisters, whether they are completed or unfinished, their age must be younger than all of them. , Even if they are far inferior to a certain eight-year-old girl, there is nothing wrong with calling them'sisters', even though they look exactly like the older sisters?
She didn’t know what was going on with the Misaka sisters, because after completing the mission last night and being "digged" back by Inticus with the entire research center using magic, she felt very sleepy and went back directly. Wash and sleep in my bedroom, and hand over the follow-up finishing work, such as debugging those equipment, installing power lines, and checking the specific situation of the copying person, etc., all to my sister and the newcomer, so that she can always Someone who feels a little suspicious.
For the guy named Bu Shu Toshin, Kuroko has never been able to choose to trust each other completely like his sister... However, given that their secret base has been protected by Indix’s magical magic, completely Don't worry about being searched or attacked by others after the secret is leaked, so I have to let my sister go to toss and mess around.
Anyway, without the help of her sunspot's LV4 space movement ability and Inticus' teleportation magic circle, that suspicious guy would never find their place after going out! At that time, I am afraid that the magic of "dispelling idlers" alone will be enough for the other party, let alone the independent mirror space magic.
With sleepy eyes, Shirai Kuroko was thinking about things in a daze, while dragging her little cotton mop...
However, when she opened the door of this mansion and walked to the yard to take a breath of fresh air before considering whether to wash or eat breakfast first, she suddenly froze, and then scratched her own clothes. After rubbing her slightly swollen eyes with her long brown hair, she looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.
"It seems that this yard has become bigger and that building has become a little further away...Is this dreaming?!"
Subconsciously, Bai Jing Heizi reached out and pinched her face, but the clear pain told her that this was obviously not a dream!
"how come?"
You know, Shirai Kuroko clearly remembers: when the building of the research center was directly'moved' by Inticus to this large courtyard last night, it was almost next to the building behind her. People who live in a mansion, because the original courtyard of this mansion is not too big, it would be great to put down the entire research center building!
But now...
How did she suddenly realize that the building seemed to be a little further away from her gate? Last night, it was obviously only about 30 meters away, and she was even worried about the lighting problem in the future... But now, why is it hundreds of meters away?
Moreover, she also discovered that the yard seems to have become bigger, even the original lush tall trees and flower meadows have become a little sparse like this yard outside. , Or it can be said that it is the land, which is forcibly stretched by people, or is stretched like plasticine?
"Heizi, how is it, are you also surprised?"
At this moment, Inticus, who didn't know where she had been hiding before, suddenly jumped out.
Obviously, she must have just seen the surprised expression of Heizi and the murmured even slight exclamation, knowing that the other party thinks the same as her companions, she again Presenting treasures generally ran out and showed off.
"Here, you did it?!"
Pointing to the huge yard that had suddenly grown in front of him, he felt that there would be no major problem even if he stole back a few more buildings, so he asked in surprise.
"Yes! I did it! This is amazing, right?"
In fact, the current magic of expanding the space is inspired by a little girl's "unconscious" sentence, and then she uses that inspiration to compare with her own "Ten Thousand Three Thousand Magic Books" After proof of his knowledge, a great result can be obtained in just one practice.
But, that kind of thing would not be said to outsiders casually.
Because she thinks that a certain little girl who doesn’t understand magic must have just talked casually at the time. The current expansion of the relative space makes this place completely different from the other mansion in the academy city'outside'. The magic of the appearance is all done independently by her with her own genius, so it's not about a certain LV5 flame control little girl!
"But, Indix, how did you come to this point?"
Heizi felt that if they had known that the other party had this kind of ability, maybe they would have let the other party do it like that, and then they might not need to repressively shrink in such a ‘small’ yard these days!
And like now, you can't see the side of the courtyard wall from a glance, how good is that?
Although the trees became sparse after the yard was stretched, and some parts of the grass slopes were exposed, and even the scenery became a lot uglier... However, compared to the depressing and small environment, she obviously liked the super The'big' yard!
Of course, if this kind of magical magic is used to solve the earth's land problem, it would be even more wonderful, right? In that case, I am afraid that there will be no land crisis on the earth in the future! However, Heizi, who is still a wanted criminal in Academy City now, also feels that it is too early to think about that kind of thing, and it is better for them to take care of themselves first.
"It's because of those Misaka sisters!"
"Heizi, think about it, if there were only a few of us, if we wished, a house as big as before would be enough. But now, there are nearly 10,000 Misaka sisters in the research institute! So many people, If you don’t enlarge this yard several dozen times, it will definitely be impossible to live in!"
After Inticus stretched out her hand and gestured the size of the surrounding yard, she became more and more sincerely proud of her magical talents, and felt that she was really useful for their anti-academy city alliance. An indispensable existence.
Here, she found her place, which she had never felt before. It was a magical and mysterious sense of fulfillment.
Moreover, she had already discussed with Misaka Mikoto a little bit last night. When the younger sisters can leave the research center, they don’t have to stay in that kind of training tank. When they become more and more, they can’t say they still need to go from the school. How many apartment buildings, shopping plazas, fitness centers, entertainment centers, schools and other facilities in the city continue to "steal"? At that time, the current degree of enlargement of the area by several tens of times will certainly not be enough!
Anyway, Intikes feels that if they really want to build their secret base into a paradise that can accommodate tens of thousands of Misaka sisters to study and live, then they must be prepared to make this place into a city. City is good! Moreover, those magic arrays must also be reinforced and changed into permanent large-scale magic arrays, with engraved runes and frequent monitoring and maintenance. Only in this way can it be guaranteed to exist permanently and to ensure the safety of residence.
"It seems so..."
Kuroko also reacted at this time. They did abduct and bring back a full 10,000 (or less than 10,000, some of them have been completed and are active in the school city) of Misaka sisters last night. If this is still like It turned out to be so big, it really seemed a little too small.
"Sister-sama’s sisters are said to be more than 10,000. Now they are so big, even if they are released at the same time, they should not be afraid of crowding..."
Thinking of the cultivation tanks and life-sustaining chambers that I saw in the research center, and thinking of the densely packed clones of large and small, Baijing Kuroko couldn't help his scalp tingling.
So many younger sisters, let alone a football team, even a thousand football teams can be gathered...
However, with so many people, Heizi must have no choice about how to make arrangements at that time. Maybe, after her sisters have solved the Misaka network and the personality and emotional problems of those Misaka sisters, what other good solutions will they have?
"Indikes, Sister-sama, haven't they gone to bed from last night until now?"
Heizi suddenly remembered that when she just woke up, she saw that the door of her sister's room was still open, and the bed quilt inside was also very neat, it did not seem to have moved or got up early. That kind of look.
"You ask Mikoto... I think it should be. After I finished the magic of expanding space, she seemed to be messing around in that research center, but I don't know how she is right now. It's..."
It’s not too clear whether Misaka Mikoto slept or not. Intiks was actually not too clear. Anyway, after she had dealt with the magic circle, it was already three o’clock in the morning when she went back to bed, and the newcomer was at that time. The lights in the research center are still on, so the other party may not really go to sleep.
Hearing that it was like that, Bai Jing Heizi couldn't help sighing.
"What about the little guy Annie?"
Finally, after reading the rare things in the base and caring about her sister, Shiraishi finally remembered a certain change of the plan without authorization last night, delaying the fire time, so that they almost had to interrupt one of the tasks. Damn little guy.
Indix did not answer immediately this time. Instead, she raised her head questioningly and looked into the sky to the southeast, where the early morning sun was slowly rising. It may be possible for some time. Climb to the highest point of the summer.
Then, she blinked her green pupils and looked at her companion Shirai Kuroko who asked her that strange question with a hint of rhetorical questioning.
"My God... Okay, Inticus, don't say anything, I think I already know what you mean..."
What I didn’t say, a little guy who was able to sleep in when he was going to school until he was late, now he has become a glorious "suspect" and is wanted as a "dangerous object", and does not need to go to school. It must be normal to get your in the sun!
It was still in the morning, about eight o'clock in the morning. At this time when the sun had just risen, the subconscious movement of Inticus just looking to the southeast was enough to explain something.
If you think about the situation where the other party was able to come back to bed late yesterday because of the need for the other party to attend work, maybe, if she wants to find that little guy, she has to wait until dinner?
"It's so sleepy..."
"Indix, then I will go back to wash up first, let's talk about it later..."
Shirai Heizi, who felt a little imperfect this morning, murmured after reaching out and rubbing her stray brown hair, turning around and walking and dragging in the door of the mansion. Moving her little cotton mop, she walked quickly to her room further inside.
She needs to go back to wash up and wake up, re-tie her double ponytails, then go to eat breakfast, and finally go to the new research center building that now belongs to their Anti-School City Alliance Here, take a look at what the older sister and the suspicious Fu Shu Toshin are tossing about not sleeping all night?
"Heizi! I need your"
When Indix wanted to ask the other party for help before she could finish her words, she found that the other party had fallen on the heavy Huanghuali door and walked into the mansion.
"Really, it seems I can only ask Annie for help..."
"It's just that if you ask her for help, you may have to wait until the evening. I don't know if it will be too late?"
Inticus wants to take advantage of today to consolidate and rework the magic circle that belongs to their ‘Alliance’ independent magic plane space base, but that kind of work requires a certain ‘experience’ to help.
Just like...
The classmate Shirai Kuroko who helped her describe the law formation last night and successfully stole the research center of S Pharmaceutical Company?
But now, since the other party seemed unwilling and unconscious when she just woke up, she had no choice but to go back to find someone who didn’t know why, and always had a unique insight into magic, and was always able to give The little girl Anne made some very effective suggestions. Although she also knew that it might be a bit more difficult to find that little guy to help than to find Heizi?
"Oh...Forget it, I'd better maintain and consolidate it by myself."
Looking up at the still-closed room window somewhere on the second floor, Inticus thought about it for a while, and had to pick up the tool in her hand dejectedly and move towards a certain magic circle in the distance. Location to go.
The sun is very good now, and it is time for her to be busy and serious at work, so she won't be like some guys who are lazy and do not work, walk away pretending to be excuses, or sleep in! If she didn't work hard, if the magic circle in this last ‘refuge’ went wrong, maybe the three guys who were wanted by the school city would be miserable!
Without the magical support of Her genius Magical Girl Indix, maybe those guys would have been tragically caught in the cell and locked up, and then every day I look forward to taking a few more green apples. Did you visit them?
"That place over there suddenly becomes so far away!"
For the first time, Inticus became a little dissatisfied with her masterpiece.
Because, now that this yard has been enlarged, her workload and walking distance seem to have become greater... and what’s more terrible is that she doesn’t have any means of transportation, no cars, no Bicycle, and there is no such convenient, interesting and fast eDonkey! !
After just walking a few steps, Inticus started to think about it a little bit frustrated. She felt that the big flame dog summoned by a certain little girl might scald her ass. She must not be suitable for temporary transportation. For the first time, he turned his head and looked at the wild angel Leizi, who seemed to be bored and stretched out a pair of white wings, soaring in the air.
Because Intiks knows that an angel who is becoming more and more accustomed to flying can almost take people to fly now. Then, maybe she can ask Mikoto or Kuroko to get a new vehicle for a while. Do that kind of lawn cart or sled dog job?

"La la la..."
What they didn’t know, whether it was Inticus or Shiraiko, was that a certain wretched little girl was not hiding in her room to sleep in as they imagined at this time, but was sleeping earlier. At that time, she was already secretly going out and wandering in the streets of the thriving academy city. She didn't care if she would be discovered at this time.
Then she wandered around, and she was naturally also attracted by the news on the screen of the mall where a group of people were getting together...because ah, the content of the above seems to be related to her, Mikoto Sister, and Heizi. .
‘Visiting friends, good morning, it’s ten o’clock in the morning, welcome to the news broadcast! ’
"The morning news will be broadcast now..."
'It is reported that around the early morning of last night, the'Pathological Analysis Institute' of S Pharmaceutical Company was attacked by a capable person, and the entire institute was tortured. The situation has affected many nearby buildings and facilities, but no casualties have been reported so far... '
‘The garrison members gathered thousands of police forces on the scene, but unfortunately they failed to capture the attacker...’
'At the same time, S Pharmaceutical Company's Neuroscience Application Research Center was also attacked by unknown terrorists. The entire research center was suspected to be destroyed by some kind of super weapon or unregistered superpower, causing several people including senior researchers and directors of S Pharmaceutical Company. death……'
‘According to eyewitnesses, the attackers were Misaka Mikoto, who ranked third among the eight LV5 superpowers in Academy City, and Shirai Kuroko, a member of the 177th branch of the Hara Fuki Committee...’
‘Why the two terrorists attacked a pharmaceutical company and attacked the company’s top executives is still unknown. ’
'According to reliable information, the'Pathological Analysis Research Institute' of S Pharmaceutical Company is actually the eighth LV5 flame control superpower of Gakuen City, and it is currently performed by Anne Hasta, who is ranked first among all LV5 superpowers. . ’
'The three previously wanted by the security team are extremely dangerous and possess powerful lethal capabilities. They are still on the run. The security team hopes that the citizens can report to the security team or the disciplinary committee as soon as they find out. The informant of, will be rewarded two million yen! ’
‘Below are pictures of three dangerous wanted suspects...’
In front of the giant screen in a large shopping mall in the seventh school district of Xueyuan City, when the morning news broadcaster finished the broadcast of the major events that occurred last night, the upper screen turned around and zoomed in behind him. In the three photos, above are three full-length photos of Tokiwadai Middle School students wearing short-sleeved tops, thin summer khaki sweaters and gray pleated skirts.
And one of the photos is surprisingly a certain little girl Annie with long golden hair, blue eyes, delicate and lovely face, and a hideous-looking plush toy bear in her hand!
"Damn it! They are just talking nonsense!"
Everyone was surprised that three dangerous terrorists once again attacked the research institute of S Pharmaceutical Company and achieved two victories again. They were even surprised and terrified that they had killed and injured the appointment very rarely. At that time, the untimely voice of a little girl suddenly sounded from the crowd, and it steadily scared many students in school uniforms and the city citizens in the academy in Xiuxian costumes who were preparing to go shopping.
"I didn't burn the'Pathological Analysis Institute' last night. It was clearly burnt after Flanda's toy bomb exploded. What's up with me?!"
Xiao Anni said that she didn't set fire much at the time. The fire was completely the littering bomb toy called Flanda. She just accidentally ignited them, at most it only played a supporting role, she didn't burn it. The mastermind of the'Pathological Analysis Institute'!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers doesn’t understand. Does this horrible little master of his family have to explain that kind of thing to these strangers? And, now the whole school city is broadcasting that morning news. There are no millions and hundreds of thousands, can she explain it?
Besides, even if it is an explanation, others will not believe it, right?
After all, their three guys are now dangerous'wanted criminals' and'terrorists' wanted by Academy City. Under such circumstances, I am afraid that no matter what they say, the credibility will always be very high. Big discount. )
‘Yeah! She, she, she is the suspect Anne Hasta! ’
‘Look at the bear in her hand and her face, it’s really her! ! ’
"Yes, it's her..."
"The legendary flame demon who kills without blinking, eats without salt, and also likes to burn people to ashes after a fire..."
‘! ! ’
‘Run, the murder suspect is here! ! ’
"Everyone, run away~! ! ’
"Help ah ah ah..."
Sure enough, after a group of people turned their heads in amazement, stared at a groaning little girl for a while and confirmed that the other party was really the dangerous'terrorist' named in the news on TV, they were all caught Shocked in exclamation and turned around and fled.
Actually, if it's just a little girl, it can't make them so many adults and many of them with LV2 or LV3 abilities... But if the other party is a LV5 fire control superpower, it is also a school. The most powerful NO1 capable person in the city is still the one who can fight the dragon, can defeat the strongest mythological party, can burn the entire factory, and at the same time burned the entire'Pathological Analysis Institute' last night. Thousands of guards are like an eight-year-old girl named Annie Hasta, and they are not afraid.
Therefore, in such a situation, after encountering such a terrifying terrorist, it may be the best choice for all of them to escape as soon as possible, if none of them want to reward that unreliable point. If Jin was burnt into coke by the opponent?
Seeing a huge shopping mall hall that was still bustling, he ran away in the blink of an eye after he took the initiative to speak, leaving only a mess on the ground and a few cleaning cylindrical robots in the distance. After she was still doing her best to clean up, Little Annie scratched her head in embarrassment, she didn't know what to do for a while.
ε=(????`●))) alas
"Really, what are they running? They didn't say that they would set them on fire!"
But all those people ran away. Now, what can little Annie do besides murmuring and complaining casually? Is it possible for her to say when she sees people, those guys from the academy city governing council are bad guys, but her Queen Anne is not a good guy?
"Let's go!"
"Tibbs, let's leave those fools alone, let's go home now!!"
Now that those guys were scared away by herself, now that she has eaten all the supper and breakfast she missed, no longer need to stay in that'home' to eat tears or not picky eaters, Indikes For the kind of dark dishes she made, she should go back now and take a look at the situation at home, especially the fun Misaka sisters.
Little Annie thinks, maybe she can instill some fun and interesting common sense of life for those ignorant Misaka sisters who have just been freshly baked from the cultivation tank and have not been taught much knowledge?
Drop~ woo~!
!? (??\'\'????)??
Just stepping out of the revolving door in the empty shopping mall lobby, Xiao Anni was startled by the riot police cars that were blaring sirens and were flying from the street. A big jump!
"Wow! With so many police cars, aren't they here to arrest people?"
"Forget it, don't care about them, slip away, people don't want to play with their dumb guys!!"
Obviously, those guys were definitely here to trouble Annie. So, after hesitating, I felt that I didn’t want to fight with the police officers who only played guns, "Da Da Da", so I hurried. Carrying his own little bear, he turned around and rushed into the alley between the shopping mall building and another building.
Because her Queen Anne is really not a bad person, she can't burn all the guards who were deceived by the bad guys of the school city, she now has nothing to do with escape and avoid conflict. , There is really not much choice.
‘! ! ’
'report! Captain, isn't she? ’
When a large group of academy urban guards wearing explosion-proof suits, armed with automatic rifles and anti-riot shields jumped out of their anti-riot armored vehicles for the first time, a sharp-eyed member found that someone was turning and fleeing into that one. There was a little blond girl in a small alleyway wearing a red skirt and carrying a certain iconic toy bear in her hand.
‘? ! ’
‘It’s really her! She was there and found the wanted suspect Anne Hasta, everyone chased after him~! ! ’
‘Hurry up! ! ’
'fast! She rushed inside! ! ’
Finally, the guards who ran into the target were willing to abandon the nasty little girl who had been chased by their police forces throughout the city for many days, and had just committed a major case last night, and dared to come out again early this morning. ?
Therefore, after a certain captain uttered a shout, they all chased after him, and directly chased after a little girl who didn't run too fast on a short leg.
Whoosh~! !
Boom~! ! !
After a flying fireball exploded and roared, several guards who were chasing too fast were blown up by the flames and shock waves on the spot and howled miserably... But fortunately, A certain little girl seemed to be merciful, and none of them was directly killed or burnt to ashes.
'hateful! ! ’
'fast! You surround it from here, you surround it from there, the two of you are here waiting for reinforcements, the others follow me from behind, and you must stop her today! ! ’
Seeing that the small alleyway between the building and the building has been completely enveloped by flames, the captain of the garrison team who found that he could not pursue it did not give up on the pursuit, but immediately allocated the police force around him and lowered the garrison team. The team members were divided into teams of more than a dozen people each, and they moved in different directions and quickly dispersed and surrounded the area where the little girl might escape.
Although they knew that they might not be the little girl’s opponent, they were ordered to besieged each other. With subsequent powerful reinforcements, those special teams that have the ability to fight will definitely rush in time. To and defeat the LV5 flame control superpower who committed many major crimes, destroyed countless public facilities and properties, and was even suspected of killing lives.
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"You still want to catch me, don't even think about it!!"
Seeing that the entrance of the small alley behind her was completely enveloped by her own flames, and seeing the screaming guards outside who could not enter, she smiled triumphantly and slowed down. Footsteps, ready to find a direction, slowly strolling and pacing back, so that I don't intend to be chased by those fools who run around the city.
"People are going back now!"
Although the people who had just gone outside were divided into several teams and prepared to encircle, she also vaguely heard, but there are ways that she can easily get out of the opponent's encirclement, so she doesn't care about such small things at all.
Therefore, after Xiao Annie glanced at the alley exit that was shrouded by her own flames for the last time, she turned around and carried her own bear Tibbs, and walked forward leaps and bounds.
"Huh? Why are you?!"
∑(??△`)? !
However, after only a few steps, Annie, who had just turned an alley corner, stopped her footsteps and almost ran into a guy who was rushing over. Moreover, Xiao Anni also said that she recognizes each other, and at the same time it is a kind of not too strange relationship.
"Sure enough, it's you!!"
The visitor was also obviously taken aback by Little Annie.
However, judging from what he said, it seemed that he had only come to look for Little Annie. As for whose words he had heard before, I don't know for the time being.
"Hey! You call Shangjo Dangma, right?"
"I recognize you, but I am going back now and don't want to talk to you at all, so please get out of the way quickly!!"
This small lane is very narrow, even if Xiao Annie’s body is small, but the passage between this kind of building and the building is very good to allow one person to pass through. If the security guards blocked them and beat them severely, they would only be able to get the strange guy in front of them away.
"What did you do, why did you attack those research institutes, and why were you wanted by the Academy City?!"
You know, Kamijou Toma has a lot of friendship with the little girl in front of you, with the discharging girl, and even with the strange little nun, etc., so now it's hard to find out among the three. After this little girl, he must take a good look.
Anyway, the guards may take a while to catch up, and he still has a lot of time.
"Then what does it matter to you?"
"Quickly get out of the way, I'm going back! Otherwise, be careful I hit you!!"
Little Annie said that she didn’t want to waste time with the guy in front of her who was unfamiliar with her, even if she and the other party had fought against a bad alchemist who had no longer remembered their name in the "Sanze School". .
And she promised that she was not joking, if the other party refused to let go, she would definitely be beaten! !
"Although we know each other, since you are a wanted criminal now, if you do not answer my question, I will definitely not let you go!!"
Unexpectedly, the other party was so stubborn, there was no way, he gritted his teeth when he was numb, stepped forward, and completely blocked the other party's way.
He thinks, if the discharge girl is here, then nothing is said, even if the other party doesn't say it, he can completely treat him as invisible and let the other party leave.
However, if it was the little girl in front of him who had beaten and bullied him with a flame whip many times, that one would not be easy. Because he didn't like this little guy in front of him, and the other party is now wanted and suspected of murder, he felt that if he grabbed the other party in exchange for the bounty of 2 million yen or more, it would not be Not at all?
After all, he has a magical right hand that can completely nullify any abilities. He shouldn't be afraid of the strongest LV5 flame of the Academy City in front of him.
"Don't you let it go? Don't let it go, be careful I really burn you to death!!"
Little Annie caught a scorching fireball and frightened her. Although she was not afraid of the chasing soldiers behind, she was afraid of trouble, especially the troublesome guy in front of her.
"no way!"
"If you don't answer my question, unless you can step on me directly today, otherwise, you will honestly follow me and surrender to the security team!!"
Kamijou Touma was on guard, because he knew better than anyone the power of the little girl in front of him.
However, he doesn’t need to do too much. He just needs to break the opponent’s fire ability and grab the opponent so that the opponent can no longer use that terrifying fire method. Here, in this place, that Such things should not be too difficult for him.
( ̄車 ̄)/??
To deal with diehards, Xiao Anni has never been soft-hearted! Therefore, the fireball was directly blurred by her towards the opponent's face!
"Don't think about using your ability to deal with me!!"
Seeing that the other party was using flames against him, Kamijou was stunned. While staring at the fireball, he directly stretched out his right hand.
You know, he is not a LV0 incompetent in the conventional sense. His right hand is called the "fantasy killer", but he has the power to make any supernatural power (whether it is super power or magic). The special abilities that all disappear! Moreover, he is still the body of the "man with the ability to nullify any ability" in the urban legend.
Therefore, for the hot fireball thrown by the opponent toward him, even if it has a high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, even if it will turn and intend to attack him from behind, he will not be afraid at all!
"Give me hours, I caught you!!!"
Finally, before the extremely fast fireball that was going around behind him and planning to hit him back, Kamijou Touma managed to catch the opponent with his right hand and managed to make that one emit hot heat. , The fireball that could scorch the tip of his hair was caught in his hand.
puff! !
At this time, there was a sound of a stick hitting the flesh, and then Kamijou, who had just caught the fireball, opened his eyes angrily and opened his mouth, and fell straight face up in this alley. On the wet ground, he was knocked out.
"Really, is the fantasy killer amazing? You see, people can easily deal with you without the ability!!"
??(??︶??).. .:??
After proudly dropping the wooden stick that was just picked up from the Xiao Annie clapped her hands triumphantly, and, as the other party just said, stepped away from her short leg directly I stepped on my face, and gradually disappeared at the end of the alley...
It turned out that just now while she was controlling the fireball to attract the opponent's attention and causing the opponent to turn his head to catch the fireball, she quickly picked up a wooden stick on the ground and directly used what she learned from the little sister Vanessa. Anyone can learn and use the'sap' technique, and directly hit the back of the opponent's head.
Not long after...
When the members of the garrison searched here, they only found a comatose high school student with the footprints of a little his face. Their suspect apparently no longer knew where he went. Place to go.

(^▽^)?? Asking for votes?? (^▽^)
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