Chapter 925: Ma Run=????(·?д·?)︻デ1…

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Click~! !
A heavy and rhythmic footstep sounded in this busy corridor of the Jedi Temple. You can probably tell from the sound alone that the person making the footsteps is moving forward purposefully, and It's not like that kind of scattered pace that is sent out when wandering aimlessly.
Click! Click! !
The sound of footsteps still continued. Along the way, many Jedi knights or Jedi knight apprentices in the corridor saw the person making footsteps. After seeing the big bald head wearing brown, they involuntarily stopped. They turned around and saluted each other respectfully.
However, the visitor did not stop or give them a reward, and still walked forward hurriedly and firmly.
Undoubtedly, although some misunderstandings unintentionally uttered by a nasty little girl may sound a little bit nonsense at times, the facts always prove that her "unscrupulous children's words" are extremely correct. !
For example, she once said: bald heads can add magic crit, bald heads can be the boss, bald heads are all bad guys, or bald heads are the most powerful, etc.?
And now, this Mace Windu, who is hurriedly advancing in the corridors of the Jedi Temple, this dark-skinned bald brother, is surprisingly the chief master of the Jedi Supreme Council and the highest lightsaber swordsmanship in the Jedi Order. One of the fighters, some of the remarks of a certain little girl coincided with each other!
Perhaps, it was really the blessing of his black bald head that had an effect?
Therefore, Mace Windu and ordinary Jedi masters are always a little different. For example, under the effect of bald head, he not only possesses extraordinary wisdom, rich experience, vigorous and resolute, and so on. He has a good temperament and is also a genuinely respected and admired senior member of the Supreme Council of the Jedi. He successfully entered the Supreme Council at the age of twenty-eight, but the advantages of being in a high position did not It can kill his martial arts, and it can't reduce his enthusiasm for dangerous tasks, who dare to fight and fight!
Therefore, for so many years, he has been respected by the Jedi knights and quickly became a stern example and long-term example in the Jedi due to his outstanding merits and no one knows, coupled with his rigorous style and pioneering skills. Coupled with the invisible blessing of his dark bald head, he naturally used his own ability to become the chief master in the good-looking Jedi committee, not like the Galactic Council and the corrupt and declining Galactic Democratic Alliance countries. Some units that are not meritorious?
But in any case, there is no doubt that the abilities and merits of the Jedi Master Mes Windu are recognized in the Jedi Order!
Moreover, it is said that Metz Windu also has a uniquely invented seventh-style sword technique of the Jedi'Wapard'? And there have been so few Jedi masters who can learn the dangerous technique that uses part of the dark side force, so that the entire Jedi Order in the Jedi Temple, except for the two masters Yoda and Dooku, is completely No one is his opponent.
Therefore, as he progresses, it is only natural for the Jedi knights who saw him, whether they are masters or apprentices, to salute him in unison.
At this moment, the bald Jedi Master Metz Windu, who was about to continue to the left and walking towards his destination, finally had to stop at this moment with his rhythmic footsteps.
Of course, the reason why he stopped was not because the apprentices or masters greeted him, but because he was at the end of the corridor on the right side of the temple, in front of the huge piece of glass, and found him familiar The Master Yoda of's cage is holding hands, standing tremblingly in front of the glass, seeming to be watching something intently?
Therefore, driven by curiosity, he felt that his own affairs did not seem to be so anxious. After thinking about it, he resolutely turned to the right, stepped on the floor of the temple, and sent it out again. Only after the sound of footsteps of'click, click', did he pace unhurriedly behind Master Yoda.
"It's you, Mace..."
"What's the matter, aren't you busy today? Why come to see me this old man when you have time?"
You don’t have to look back. Master Yoda, who is only 0.68 meters tall, with a three-inch Dinggu bark, just relies on the force of his body to sense and recognize each other’s footsteps, and he can easily judge in the first time. Who would be the one who was approaching him?
Therefore, when the opponent walked to a distance of less than three meters behind him, he suddenly asked in that kind of slow tone as if with emotion.
"I was a little busy at first, but after seeing Master Yoda you are here, I suddenly felt that something was nothing, so I came over and took a look."
"What's the matter, Master Yoda, are you here to watch the scenery?"
After standing next to the opponent, he first glanced down at the green wrinkled skin beside him, plus some sparse white hairs on his head. His height reached his knees, and he was also dressed in brown representing the Supreme Council. He looked up at the place and asked teasingly after Master Yoda who didn't know what he was looking at with his robe and a wooden staff in his hand.
There is no doubt that even under the influence of the force, the life span of the Jedi Master is beyond expectations. As long as he does not die, he will not easily reach the end of his life. However, the Master Yoda in front of him is indeed very old. .
Of course, although his Maze Windu used that kind of ridiculous tone, and the master Yoda beside him was indeed in his old age, he did not disrespect or underestimate the trembling around him. The slightest thoughts of the little man.
In fact, even if this master Yoda has been alive for almost a thousand years, even if the opponent's body is getting old, but the opponent is still a powerful Master of Force, and the Force in his body still surprises him. ! To be honest, if he were to conduct a real strength confrontation now, I am afraid that Metz Windu himself would not be sure of winning the opponent!
Moreover, it is very possible that in the entire Jedi Temple, including himself, there is really no Jedi master who can guarantee that he will be able to defeat the one next to him in a fair duel. It looks like a gust of wind. The little old man with green skin who can blow down.
"Do not……"
"I'm not looking at the scenery. Although I often like to see the beauty of Coruscant this way, I am more willing to see people now."
After speaking, Master Yoda smiled and shook his head. He didn't explain too much, but after sighing, he still supported the wooden staff in his hand and headed towards the entrance of the square in front of the Jedi Temple. Looking around.
"See people?"
Although I don’t know what people are so beautiful about, Metz Windu didn’t rush to leave after being stunned for a while. Look towards the end of the Jedi Temple Square, towards the straight and spacious pedestrian avenue.
"That is……"
Without further explanation from Master Yoda, he knew what the other party was looking at now!
Because, he also saw that at the end of their sight, at the entrance to the main street of the Jedi Square, there seemed to be a group of soldiers wearing strange heavy steel armors and the Jedi Knights maintaining order in their Jedi Temple Square. Are they facing each other?
Moreover, it is even more exaggerated: the two sides went so far as swords and arms were drawn. Not only did the other side show off their weapons, they pointed their guns at the Jedi on duty to maintain order, but their Jedi also showed their colors. Different lightsabers, the battle between the two sides seems to be on the verge of breaking out? !
"It's weird!"
"Master Yoda, which country or power are those soldiers, why do they dare to attack the Jedi Temple defended by our Jedi Knights on Coruscant?"
The chief master of Mace Windu was really surprised at what he was seeing!
Because, in the Galactic Republic without its own military organization, everyone knows that the Jedi Order is the peacekeeping force and judicial force of the Galactic Republic! It can be said that their Jedi warriors hold the important responsibilities of national defense, military, public security, diplomacy and negotiation of the entire Galactic Republic!
And now, there is a group of people with a hideous bear head badge printed on their chests. Those who don’t know that the sky is thick and of unknown origin, are so courageous and daring to make trouble in front of the Temple Square of the Jedi Order, and then they don’t care to maintain law and order. The obstruction and advice of the Jedi Knights, wanting to force the card to be armed, seems to want to rush into their Jedi Temple?
"Could it be that they are all crazy?!"
What was happening in the square and pedestrian boulevard in the distance seemed too ridiculous to Metz Windu.
To be honest, from the time he officially became a Jedi apprentice and practiced in the Jedi Temple, until he became a Jedi knight, then became a Jedi master, and even became the chief master of the Supreme Council of the Jedi. This was the first time he saw someone brave enough to do the kind of desperate thing that would attack the Jedi Temple!
Regarding this...
Master Mays Windu had to say in his own heart: He has no idea whether he should feel pity for the ignorance of those guys, or should he appreciate the fearlessness of the other party?
Anyway, the other party led a mere fifty armored soldiers to attack the Jedi Temple, and he dared to show off weapons to a large group of Jedi warriors holding lightsabers waiting for the kind of stupid behavior, he really has never seen it before, and it is unheard of. of!
"do not know……"
"However, I can see that they should be the country visited by the Kepulu region, the people of the Hero Federation..."
After hesitating, Master Yoda briefly parsed such a sentence, and then said nothing more.
Then, he just used his dark green old eyes that had become slightly muddy, and stared at the distant group of soldiers wearing heavy armor, who was sitting on the shoulder of the soldier in front of him. little girl.
Although it may be that the distance here is too far, so that he has no way to see the other person's appearance and feel the force-like ability of the other person... But he can still feel it What's wrong with the opponent!
Therefore, even if he knew the origins of those people, even if he knew that the two sides might be fighting soon, as a member of the Supreme Council, he did not give orders to the dedicated Jedi knights and let them go or refrain from conflicts. of.
Because he wants to see more now, to see what the other party’s words and deeds do, how the other party will deal with the upcoming conflict, and also want to see the country that is said to be aggressive, the ordinary soldier of the Hero Federation Their approximate combat effectiveness.
"Hero Federation?"
When the bald-headed Master Windu heard this, he frowned and thought...
"Hmm! I remember it!"
"It seems that the Supreme Speaker, Phoenix Valoren, told me two days ago that it was an embassy of a strange country that came from an unknown star area three days ago, and those people were planning to join us. At the same time as the Galactic Republic, dare to arrogantly want to use force to threaten our Galactic Council to give them a seat as a high-level member?"
"It seems that they are called the Federation of Heroes?"
"Yes! I remembered that one of their advanced and huge stealth battleships should still be staying in the inner circle pier of our planet Coruscant... Even, I heard that their general representative is still in the parliament today. Are you arguing for the seat of the so-called'senior congressman'?"
Although he didn't care much about politics and almost never asked about politics, as the chief master of the Jedi Supreme Council, Maes Windu quickly remembered that interesting thing he had heard.
It's just that those things are not managed by their Jedi Knights after all, and he doesn't bother to take care of it himself, so he didn't continue to pay more attention to it. After all, there are too many countries to join the Galactic Republic. It is not uncommon for a new country to suddenly appear and ask to join the parliament. Obviously, he will not waste his energy on that. local.
But he didn't expect that the other party's trouble in that procrastinated council is not counted, and even ran to the Jedi Temple to make trouble? Do those people, that hero federation, really think that their country has a pivotal position in the galaxy or has one of the best strengths?
"Master Yoda, I think they are about to fight, do you need me to order to interfere now?"
After looking at the two groups of people in the distance who seemed to be in dispute and confrontation, I felt that the conflict between the Jedi Knights and a group of new ignorant'envoys' might affect a little bit of trouble. Master Windu groaned and shook his head and smiled bitterly, then lowered his head and asked softly to the master Yoda who was just watching the excitement beside him.
"No need!"
"Let's take a look and talk about it now, I always feel something is wrong..."
This is a great opportunity to observe each other, and Master Yoda also feels that their Jedi Knights must know the importance, so you might as well continue to look at it first, there will let the fellow Master Windu around him destroy him. Plan?
Just take a look anyway, the two groups of people in the distance, whether they are from the Jedi Temple or the Hero Federation, are just a small conflict between dozens of people. They can wait until they are separated. Intervene after winning or losing, so it certainly doesn't matter to see.
"There shouldn't be any master, Jedi Knights know the importance, so let's take a look first!"
Although in my heart there won’t be too many surprises about what is about to happen next, and what the Jedi Knights fight for those new guys who don’t know the heights of the earth and fled in embarrassment, but Master Metz Windu thinks about it. I feel that there is nothing too important for me now, so I might as well accompany this master Yoda who doesn't know what he is thinking, and take it as a pastime.
After all, after reading it, maybe he will have more resources to talk and laugh with other masters in his leisure time, right? Although their Jedi Knights follow the creed of ‘no need for passion, calm mind’, this kind of basic fun can also be a little bit.
Therefore, under the premise that Master Yoda does not want to intervene too early and prevent the situation from deteriorating, and the Chief Maes Windu is not prepared to obstruct or give orders, the two of them are tall and short, one old and one young. Standing at the end of the corridor of the temple, there is the glass that was wiped clean by the automatic cleaning robot, watching the two groups of people at the end of the square in the distance without saying a word, and waiting and expecting the confrontation between the two sides. The incidents are developing in a direction that may worsen.
In any case, no one has dared to attack the Jedi Temple by force for many years, and they are all looking forward to what will happen next. And both of them firmly believe that under their remote monitoring, no matter what, things can't be too detached from their control, and they are very confident about it.

‘Who are those people? ’
‘I don’t know, I don’t know their badge...’
‘Coruscant’s five thousand one hundred and twenty-seven layers of crust, are they planning to do something with the Jedi Knights? ’
‘It seems like it should be. ’
‘There’s going to be a good show soon, I bet, they must be new here! ’
‘Isn’t it? I heard about it, I heard they are from...’
Amidst the onlookers and whispering murmurs of aliens of all kinds, tall, short and thin on Coruscant planet, the black holes of the Marines of the Hero Federation The muzzle of the -19 Gauss rifle was now looking at the Jedi Knights who were standing in a row and holding lightsabers in both hands to defend the majestic Jedi Temple.
They didn't take a step back, just standing on the edge of the Jedi Square, firmly fulfilling their duties, not allowing strange armed personnel to easily step into the sacred square of their Jedi!
"Asshole! I warned one last time, are you really not letting go?!"
Major Ivanov doesn’t care about the temple or the temple. He only knows that now their great head Anne wants to enter the shattered temple that can be destroyed by at most one shell, then he It must be ensured that the head of state can enter and exit safely.
And if anyone dares to stop, then who is the enemy of the Marines who acted as the Temporary Head Guard!
Besides, besides wanting to behave in front of the head of state, he is actually not the kind of unreasonable person! Because what he saw just now, many of them look stranger than one, and one more ugly aliens are all free to enter and exit the Jedi Temple Square in front of you, so it turns out that this is not that. This kind of place does not allow outsiders to enter and visit, but the other party specifically ran out to target them.
Therefore, the opponent must give an explanation about this matter, but that is something to be investigated in the future. Now the opponent must immediately clear the way, otherwise, they are a large group of well-armed elite marines who have not really fought for a long time. We will definitely give the natives who can only play swords and swords in front of them, hold a lightsaber and think they are amazing!
‘We will repeat it one last time! ’
"Outsiders, you may not know what kind of existence you are facing... So, please immediately put away the weapons in your hands, and immediately turn and leave our sacred Jedi Temple Square. This is not where you should be. ! ’
‘Otherwise, we are about to launch a ruthless attack on you! ! ’
In the end, what made Major Ivanov, who was already a bit frustrated and violent, felt very unbelievable. The guy who seemed to be the head, the Jedi holding the lightsaber, turned out to be under the guns of their Marines. He insists on being hard-talking and doesn't admit to counseling, and still insists on stubbornly holding the bar, and even wants to threaten and force them to leave?
"Brothers, since they don't give us face, we don't have to be polite, just get down on them and make hard work! As long as you don't kill them easily!!"
Finally, after seeing the complete failure of the negotiations, seeing that the other party did not seem to be ready to let go, and seeing that his head of state sitting on his shoulders became a little impatient, Major Ivanov knew that it was his performance now. It's time!
Otherwise, once this matter is known by the more tough-minded Admiral Nova, he will not say he wants to be promoted to lieutenant colonel. I am afraid that he may even be a Marine Major who has not moved for several years. Not right?
"Do it! Everyone sits side by side and takes them!!"
Huh! !
So, after screaming on the Marine Corps brothers who were confronting each other in the battle channel, he made a decisive action, raised the C-19 Gauss rifle in his hand, and slammed towards the one in front. The leading Jedi shot a shot in the wrist!
In the eyes of Major Ivanov, the planet looks very advanced anyway, and the medical capabilities must be very advanced. As long as there are no deaths, other things, even injuries and disability, may be in the other side’s hospital. Even? It doesn't matter if things happen at that time, the biotechnology of their Hero Federation is inherited from the real biological experts of the Swarm. As long as they don't get their brains out, their medical ship will definitely be rescued! Therefore, now he is very relieved to shoot at the opponent's wrist, even if this kind of action may cause serious consequences to the opponent, but for him, there is really not much psychological burden.
He said that the Ma Runs of the Marine Corps provided treatment for the disabled, provided treatment, and provided compensation. Anyway, as long as they did not fall into the reputation of their own Federation and the head of state, he would not be afraid of any consequences, presumably, theirs. A Nova officer must also support what they are doing now!
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
After hearing Major Ivanov’s orders and hearing the sound of the opponent’s shooting, the Marines just wanted to rush forward and brandish the bayonet that popped out of the muzzle of the C-19 Gauss rifle, preparing to fight those who looked thin and weak. When the light-blade warriors fought head-to-head and bullied the small with the big ones, using the huge power and powerful armor of the CMC armor to teach the opponent how to be a proper alien, they were surprised to see:
Their commander Major Ivanov just fired the 8mm ‘stab nail’ bullet, which was cut in half with a single wave of the Jedi warrior’s lightsaber? Then, half of them didn't know where they flew, and the other half fell directly onto the smooth ground with a jingle, and then the cut and fracture showed a terrifying red light? !
"What's the joke? ! ’
Including Major Ivanov, all the Marines were a bit stunned after seeing this situation... Then, they subconsciously locked their eyes on the CMC armored radar. The supersonic'stab nail' bullet that was neatly chopped in half by the opponent waved the lightsaber with his bare hands.
You know, if the enemy has a shield or a hard shot and nothing happens, maybe they will not be so surprised, but now the opponent is better, and he can cut off the supersonic spike with a single blow. 'Bullet, for this kind of ability, maybe only those senior templars in the Protoss can do it, right?
But even if it can be done, no templar has ever been able to sustain it, playing with psionic blades to cut the enemy's bullets on the battlefield of bullets!
‘! ! ’
‘Jedi warriors, subdue them! ! ’
Since it was these guys who did not know which corner came from that they first acted on their Jedi knights, the Jedi master who was in the lead cut off the bullets that were shot at him and saw that the enemy seemed to be his own After the means was intimidated, he resolutely took the opportunity to give orders to subdue the enemy.
Of course, what he just said was ‘uniform’, not ‘destroy’!
Because he saw that the other party only fired the gun at his arm, not at his head, and he also felt that the other party did not seem to have too strong killing intent, so correspondingly, he also issued He considered countermeasures reasonable and reasonable.
‘Ah~! ! ’
'Uh! ! ’
‘Damn it! They are so fast! ! ’
In the next second, as the Jedi warriors easily assaulted them at high speed like ghosts or zealots, and easily cut and destroyed the weapons and CMC armor in the hands of many Marines, Soon after, Major Ivanov heard many screams from his companions on the channel.
Then, they also saw that those Jedi knights wielding lightsabers were like dreaming tigers into the flock, and they soon fought the Marines who were still clamoring and confronting each other just now, so that they were about to parry. Gone?
"Fight with them!!"
Under the situation of hesitation and serious insufficiency of the opponent’s combat effectiveness, Major Ivanov, who felt that things seemed to be moving out of his control, griefly, after putting down his shoulders, Mr. Anne, before facing The other Marines who had not been approached by the opponent behind gave orders.
Da da da!
Da Da Da Da! !
Soon, as more Marines rushed forward, a dense burst of gunfire of C-19 Gauss rifles rang out, but then soon, their gunfire had to stop again...
Because the Marines were a little embarrassed to discover at this time that their attack, those supersonic spikes bullets, in addition to the CMC armor and kinetic energy shields of their own brothers in front, could jump wildly and sparks. It seems that no one shot can hit those damned Jedi Knights?
Because, when the young principal ordered not to fight to death, the movements of their enemies avoiding their rifles always seemed to be faster than their aiming and pulling the trigger?
Soon afterwards, before they adjusted their strategy or re-arranged their battle formations and used the long-useless human race to deal with the protoss fanatics''elimination' tactics, a lightsaber of different colors was already approaching. Before them...
"how come……"
When Major Ivanov just put down his head of state and just had time to step forward and did not go far, he was surprised to find:
The forty-six Marines in front were either beaten lying on the ground and moaning or groaning, or they were destroyed by the opponent’s lightsaber to the key circuit of the CMC armor, and then placed in various postures, leaning on the ground and moving. No, he is the only one left with the four slightly slower companions next to him?
‘Head, what shall we do? ’
'Hey? ’
‘Sir? ! ’
'not good! He, they are here, what are they going to do? ! ’
The four Marines involuntarily surrounded by the patriarch Major Ivanov. Those with the highest ranks are only sergeants, and they have never had any actual combat experience, at most they are the big soldiers who want to think about some holographic simulation exercises. After seeing this unexpected thing, he panicked.
Seeing the one-sided scene just now, watching the Jedi knights slowly threatening with lightsabers, Major Ivanov's heart throbbed, knowing that they must be planted this time! It was their fault that they shouldn't have to fight other melee masters with strange abilities in such a close range. It was indeed his carelessness!
If it were at a longer distance, no matter how fast the opponent's eyes and hands were and how sensitive his movements were, it would certainly be impossible to beat them with a terrifying record of 46:0 easily in a few blows of a metal storm.
"Asshole! Those chores must be special psionicists!!"
Ivanov knew the combat power of the ordinary Marines under his hand. Therefore, at this distance, in the case of simple conflicts and cannot really give up their lives to cause greater disturbances, they are not like Germans. Marcia or the Marine Corps Ma Run who are proficient in melee combat like Marcia or the Noxian troops must be able to defeat those nasty suspected'Nether Power' warriors!
The situation right now is as terrible as the situation when the Marines were rushed into formation by a group of puppies or enthusiasts!
"damn it!!"
"Brothers, copy guys, go fight them!!"
With anger from his heart to the guts, Major Ivanov really planned to fight the Jedi knights, and resolutely let go of his hands. He might not be able to aim at each other at this distance, but only The C-19 rifle, which would cause accidental injury, turned to pick up the shield behind his back and the big sword inserted in the shield.
You know, Ivanov was a well-deserved regular officer in the Führer's Guard before he was sent to the ghost force to do miscellaneous work and consume his life.
Therefore, he certainly had the honor to learn the righteous powers of some magical Demacia powers. Although they were far behind the ten veterans of General Galen and their core, he promised to use them to scare them. Should people or small grounds teach that those Jedi knights who dare to be defiant with light sabers and dexterity in front of them should be more than enough?
Probably... Maybe... it must be like that, right?
Just about to greet the last four team members to charge forward and use the little fur of justice he learned to restore the last dignity of Major Ivanov. At this moment, he was shocked to find that the opponent had reached out to them at this time. A palm?
'caveat! ’
‘High energy response detected! ! ’
boom! ! !
As if hit by a high-speed rushing siege tank, Major Ivanov and the four Marines under him only felt a burst of great force, and then they, together with the heavy set on them The heavy CMC heavy armor that weighed over two tons rolled over and flew out...
Boom! !
After a few heavy objects landing sound, a full fifty Marines, in the case of a close fight against the Jedi Knights, had not had time to figure out the situation, they were just a dozen Jedi Knights (Masters). ?) The whole army was wiped out.
(Report! Dear Master, I found out that all of your subordinates have been defeated, 12 were slightly injured, 8 were in a coma, and 30 were captured. Now you are alone. Please give new instructions. ?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Seeing that some of his own horrible little master's subordinates suffered a big loss in the hands of the samurai who are a little pedantic, Tibbers naturally ridiculed in time and ridiculed. You know, this kind of situation is rare, and it will never be missed. )
This group of stupid guys, if they were a little serious or cruel, they wouldn't be beaten so badly by others, right?
But anyway, her subordinates were defeated by the enemy. As the head of state, she couldn't help but express it a bit, although she didn't ask the evil dumb guys to fight against the so-called Jedi Knights?
"I said……"
"How can you be like this, don't I want face?"
Although Xiao Anni does not like the kind of "face" that can't be played or eaten under normal circumstances, but she saw that the other party actually knocked down her useless loyal subordinates Ma Run in front of her. Men, she was furious and frustrated, so she followed the other side the same way, stretched out her little hand, opened that little palm, and clamored at the opposing guys who were too proud to hold the lightsaber. Tao.
A group of guys who are still in the primitive stage of the development and application of mysterious powers, dare to be presumptuous and screaming in front of her Master Anne, the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane archmage, I'm afraid it's ten thousand years earlier, right?
‘! ! ’
'not good! It seems that there is a force response? ! ’
Seeing the little girl raising her palms as she did just now, she just dared to call someone to clean up the mess and restore order. By the way, the Jedi master who took the captives suddenly slammed her heart!
However, he just had time to shout, and he felt that an invisible force was also coming towards him and others. Then when he was about to defend or dodge, he found that he was completely unable to move, and only felt a while After the sky turned around, my eyes went dark and I didn't know anything...
puff! puff!
Clang~! Bang~!
"Look at Tibbers, did you win?!"
After the cold snort of a little girl and the sound of the body and the falling steel pipes that had lost its light, the dozen or so Jedi knights (masters) who had just wiped out the Marines had almost the same The way declared the whole army was annihilated, and was knocked into a faint or fainted on the sacred floor of the Jedi Temple Square after being hit by an invisible ability gorgeously...
(Little master, don't be eager to be happy, they seem to have come more...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Tibbers think, now a certain little master’s behavior seems to have stabbed a hornet’s nest, and now she’d better call the "Phantom Crisis" parked in the space port directly, and then let the battleship’s main gun Go straight to this Jedi Temple? )
"Really come again?!"
After discovering that something happened here and the Jedi Knights were all knocked down, of course, the guys in the nearby square who were also wearing almost robes and rushed over with their steel pipes in their hands!
Then, Xiao Anni also saw that more people seemed to be from the temple in the distance, riding various means of transportation, really like a swarm of bombing bees, moving towards her. Flew out? Obviously, what she did, especially when she defeated a whole team of Jedi Knights (Masters) in front of the Jedi Temple, seemed to accidentally touch some of the fragile nerves of the Jedi Order?
Before long, little Annie, who was standing among a group of fallen Marines and the Jedi Knights, soon discovered that she seemed to be surrounded by those troublesome Jedi Knights again? Moreover, isn't there only a dozen people in the other party this time, but hundreds of people?
"Don't think it's great if you have a lot of people, I tell you, I won't be afraid of you!!"
Annie was a little angry now, so she simply grabbed a large ball of fire and prepared to summon a few hundred magma two-headed dogs to accompany her, just like what she did in the school city. These badass who hold the steel pipe and stop her are just a color look?
In short, she didn't understand, she just wanted to go into the temple to have a look and play, and it seemed that she hadn't hired anyone or offended anyone, and these guys in front of her, how did they stop her aggressively It’s not counted that the men who just defeated her just now do not want to besie her with more deception, hundreds of people?
If they think how useful people are, if they think that everyone holding a steel pipe can scare her, then they are really wrong, and they are still very wrong! !
‘What is that ability? ’
'do not know……'
‘Don’t worry, take a look first, it seems like the masters are here! ’
Sure enough, I saw that the little girl not only easily defeated more than a dozen Jedi knights by means of suspected force, but now she also grabbed a fireball with huge energy in her hand. Those Jedi who are slowly coming around want to see what is going on. The samurai hurriedly stopped in fright, and watched from a distance.
'and many more! ’
Before long, before Little Annie could take action, a strong voice rang from behind the Jedi Knights.
Then, as the Jedi Knights who were surrounding her voluntarily separated a passage to both sides, Xiao Annie noticed that an anti-gravity suspension vehicle flew slowly to the ground and walked down with a bald head. And a disgusting green-skinned old goblin like the one often seen in the world of Azeroth? !
"Stop it! First take the wounded from both sides for treatment, and then they are all dispersed to me. This is just a misunderstanding!!"
The wooden stick in his hand jumped from the aircraft. After looking around and seeing the wounded on both sides for a while, the old goblin in the eyes of Little Annie waved his hand at them. Persuaded the Jedi Knights who just wanted to fight in groups.
Afterwards, under the words of the old goblin who was obviously a certain boss, most of the Jedi knights left voluntarily, and some of them scattered and chased away those who were not too big and were still onlookers, and then some others. It is to start to treat the wounded on both sides, or to help some hapless Marines get out of the damaged CMC heavy armor.
"I tell you, this is not a misunderstanding! You bad guys, just thought..."
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
I just wanted to teach these guys in front of me severely, letting them know that little Annie, who can do whatever he wants without being crowded, has not had time to smash the fireball in her hand towards the ground and summon massive amounts of lava. Double-headed dog, she was surprised to find that she seemed to see an acquaintance?
But soon, she discovered that the other party just looked alike, and certain demeanors and soul fluctuations were not the ones she knew?
"Hey! Bald-headed uncle black, how come your black face looks like a long-spicy one-eyed black charcoal-headed chief executive officer I know?
After squeezing out the fireball in her hand, Ka pressed the black uncle who followed the old goblin to her, and Little Annie couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.
Because she found that the bald-headed uncle in front of her in a brown robe really resembles her bear shield director Nick Fury...whether it is the bright black bald head or the black face, Even the body looks alike?
Of course, the only difference, in addition to the fluctuations in the expression and soul, may be the other eye's extra eye! If the other party puts on the entire leather blindfold, then puts on a leather coat, and then throws away the broken water pipe or flashlight pinned to his waist, maybe ordinary people really can't tell?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
However, a heartless little girl is different. At this time, whether it is Master Yoda or Master Metz Windu, their hearts are full of incomprehension and stormy thoughts! Because they all discovered that the little girl in front of them, the head of the so-called Hero Federation, seemed to hide some amazing secrets in the other side?
Apart from other things, just the action of the Jedi that the opponent just turned towards them, relying on the opponent's ability to instantly knock down more than a dozen elite Jedi knights that subdued them, and even the behavior of a few masters among them is enough They were horrified inexplicably!
Coupled with the fireball that the opponent had just caught out of thin air, it made them even more surprised...
Because, according to the Jedi Council’s research over the years, the Force generally only has the ability to comprehensively strengthen biological functions, life induction, mental induction and mind reading, mind shifting, control of other people's minds, force lightning, and force defense against attacks. The ability to predict the future and longevity is nothing more than the ability to use the force to create a fireball, they have never heard of it! And they also discovered that the power escaping from the opponent seems to be somewhat different from the original force in their perception?
"Hello, guests from far away, Your Excellency the Little Head of State Anne of the Hero Federation of Kepru District!"
"I am Yoda of the Supreme Council of the Jedi This is the chief master of the Supreme Council, Mes Windu. We represent the Jedi Temple and welcome your visit..."
Finally, after looking at each other and seeing each other’s feelings, Master Yoda walked up to the little girl, representing that the Jedi Order welcomed the little head of a country that started fighting when they didn’t agree. A little girl introduced herself and the Master Metz Windu who was a little surprised by the little girl's words behind her.
"It's nice to meet you, Your Excellency Head Anne!"
Although I don’t know why the other party said that strange thing to me just now, but after Master Metz Windu introduced the more kind-looking Master Yoda, he took a step forward and bowed his head to the one in front of him with a hair. The little girl head of the stuffed bear bear smiled.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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