Chapter 1432: The mind of the emperor

   The universe of nine prepared special bloodlines suddenly entangled and shrank, quickly surrounding the singularity, pouring into the emperor's abdomen like a disc.
   jingle bells!
   is as clear as a cracking sound, the sound of the great road like the melodious wind chime collision, the overture of the universe, it seems to be transformed into a single form.
   Every true sound of the universe is just a heartbeat.
   "The picture is new, you always thought about something before, this is my real trump card."
   Emperor Zun slowly floated in the chaos, open his arms.
   His skin is still filled with a faint chaotic platinum, like countless energy colors mixed with matter, with the original sense of great sacredness and purity of the universe.
  On this body, energy and matter can no longer be distinguished by this, and the matter that constitutes his body is no longer the various elements such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
   A stream of majestic white gold hit the sky.
   All the creatures near the Chaos Sea shook violently, as if some kind of universe beyond the dimension was finally born, and they couldn't help but show their looking up.
   Tuxin looked into the distance, as if he had seen the moment that opened up the world.
   "Half an eleventh order..." His expression suddenly calmed down. He traced the universe 14 billion years ago and saw the youngest age of the universe, "The origin of the universe..."
   Boom! ! !
   He stepped forward gently.
   Countless colorful body materials are also converging, and slowly turning into a special structure.
   "You finally revealed your true colors."
   Tuxin stood in place, intertwined with all kinds of ancient Taoist rhymes, as if he was the only true in the history of the universe, able to see the past and the future.
   The two terrifying figures face each other and echo each other.
   "The emperor has mastered the power of the singularity... is the realm that can use the singularity, it is already the eleventh step in the legend."
   Everyone looked at this scene, and there was nothing in their hearts, but endless panic and tremors filled the whole body.
   The singularity of Emperor Zun’s abdominal cavity has proved this.
   But the door to the eleventh order has not yet been opened, and the times have not come, how did he become the eleventh order in the age of imperfection?
   is a miracle! !
   This is the miracle martial arts of Emperor Zun.
"Using the singularity as the power furnace... there is nothing wrong, using this power, this will belong to the eleventh order of martial arts." Farther away, almost no one spoke, watching this intently and eagerly. In one scene, the atmosphere was dull and fell into silence.
   At the same time, an indescribable excitement began to fill the whole body. Such a powerful force can win!
   No wonder, Tuxin is so scared.
   Tier 11 and Tier 10 are simply crushed to the limit!
   The fourth martial arts battle, this miracle martial arts, made them completely excited.
Rong Orange and Pheasant Ji stood together, looking at the dim singularity of the emperor's body, filled with white gold, "This is the ultimate level of life in the universe, the eleventh order. This kind of existence is called the source of the great road, overlooking The great immortal eagle in the cosmic era, the emperor, has actually reached this level!!"
"However, the realm has not arrived, and now the universe has not been completed, and the eleventh-order era has not arrived, how can he break through?" Kuangtu raised his head and showed a look of desire, looking at the boundless final dimensional power, unable to suppress The shock in my heart.
   This is the power of the source.
  He split all the rules and systems of the universe, and the vastness is like a sea of ​​smoke, and a huge and endless sense of vastness pounces, as if all systems are his children.
  All systems and rules are false ways. With the declining of the times, only the source is the true way, because it has evolved everything.
   One to ten are all false paths in the universe, and the eleventh order is the eternal detachment.
"It turns out that it's really possible for a great eagle to transcend the universe!!!" Genal looked at all this in shock, allowing him to see the real end of the universe, which was enough to excite him, or say every one The realm that the strong dreamed of was unfolding before the eyes, and the sense of intoxication and obsession was beyond words.
   "No, this is not mastering the true singularity! It is a broken singularity, a singularity artificially made by blood."
   At this time, Rong Orange next to him has serious eyes and looks at Emperor Zun’s abdominal cavity, knowing that it is incomplete, "And, even the incomplete singularity is not the power that can be mastered now..."
   "Then why?" a player asked quickly.
Rong Orange squinted his eyes, and said in shock: "He is using the singularity indirectly, transforming the power of the singularity for food... can’t directly use the power of the singularity, he can only be half an eleventh tier. Barely reached that state."
   "Indirect? Transform the power of the singularity to use?" Beside, someone puzzled.
   "Yes, it seems that the singularity is put into the body, but the power of the singularity is not really used."
  雉纪 also saw it, staring closely, "but using the power of the singularity to pressurize, collapse the nine universes next to him, and let the nine universes next to him enter the body and become his own power furnace."
  Many people are puzzled, so the singularity is the decoration?
   How can it be called a singularity power furnace?
The power used by    clearly comes from the nine blood universes.
"The so-called power cannot be called power by directly sucking the energy of the other party." Rong Orange shook his head and explained softly: "The singularity also releases power-the power of compression... It is responsible for compressing the kinetic energy of the nine universes. ', turning the nine universes into the size of rice grains is like accumulating the force of a spring by compressing it."
   "Then, the nine bloodline universes transmit the power of this compression spring, plus the power of their own universe, to supply the emperor."
   Everyone understands.
   This is the supercharging technology equivalent to the internal combustion engine.
   Singularity is responsible for supercharging, providing a high temperature and high pressure environment, and the nine universes are responsible for providing fuel and energy for combustion.
   is a miraculous martial arts!
   "Through the Nine Revolutions Bloodline universe as a medium, transform and transmit."
  Rongcheng said coldly: "This is the principle of this exercise. Although it is simple to say, it is actually difficult to imagine."
   Everyone knows this too.
   How difficult is it to indirectly borrow the power of the singularity?
   partially collapsed part of his heart into a super-small singularity, which "beats" regularly like a heart. It is simply difficult to describe this delicate and delicate operation with art.
   must have an extremely deep understanding of the singularity in order to do so.
   In other words, this already possesses enough knowledge of the eleventh order, as long as the times come, it can break through to this realm at any time.
   Picture Xin, Emperor Zun, the two are simply monsters among monsters!
   Their IQs have far exceeded their limits, so they can do this incredible thing.
   "Sure enough, the emperor has been calculating all this." In the distance, Qiu Mingshan sighed quickly, admiringly said: "We should have thought of it long ago."
   "A long time ago, nine bloodline universes were specially made, and he became nine of them."
"Just now, I used the nine universes to try to surround the singularity. This is clearly an attempt. It fits the singularity and the nine universes. The final exploration. Now that it is completely formed, this nine-turn profound art is perfect. Surround yourself."
  The speed of the famous autumn mountain is low, and he looks into the distance.
   Actually, the analysis of Akina Mountain's speed is indeed correct this time, because Xu Zhi thinks that way, and so is it, step by step to study this new martial arts.
   Xu Zhi has only this simple way from beginning to end, using his miraculous martial arts to deal with it.
  The analysis of the speed of the autumn mountain is correct, but soon, he added other guesses, and what he saw was very far-reaching.
   "Di Zun, really interlocked."
   On the contrary, Qiu Mingshan's car speed started to add fuel and vinegar. According to the new picture, continue to analyze:
"Up to now, according to Tuxin’s analysis, Emperor Zun has a total of three kills and he is extremely cautious! To show his trump card step by step, Tuxin is indeed powerful. The first and second levels are cracked, and the Emperor takes it. Get out of this third round! Step by step!"
   Everyone listened, and it felt so.
   "But, do you think this is really accidental?" Qiu Mingshan asked quickly: "If you see this, you will only see the second floor when you get here."
   Is there a deeper place?
   At this time, the Pheasant, Rong Orange, Kuangtu and others suddenly became curious.
   They knew that Qiu Mingshan's speed was very familiar with Emperor Zun, so they couldn't help asking: "That..."
  Autumn Mingshan quickly glanced at the several longevity saints next to him, knowing that their analysis and knowledge are countless times higher than their own, but their understanding of the character of the emperor is far worse than their own.
  The famous autumn mountain bike said quickly and coldly: "The personality of the emperor seems to be gentle, very leisurely, but in the dark is extremely domineering!"
   "As early as in the old days, when I became a god, the world was godless... He once monopolized each era and became a lofty taboo! However, he did not really suppress those young arrogances."
  The famous autumn mountain bikes are quick to talk,
"He is too proud, and he is too lonely. This is a kind of invincible loneliness in the world. He has a talent that surpasses the history of the people... So instead, he deliberately guides the genius of each era, makes them strong, and constantly breaks through themselves, and finally Have the courage to fight against yourself, and finally knock down the opponent!"
   "In the old days, Youshan Mansion, Emperor Yun, Absolutely No God... These ancient existences, are they not the outstanding people in each era?"
   "If the emperor did not indulge them, could they rise?"
   "Even the emperor deliberately cultivated, they can grow to that level! Finally, they jumped up and challenged the ultimate immortal road to challenge the superior emperor."
The people next to    heard this deed and couldn't help but feel fascinated, and felt the power and dominance of the emperor, that indescribable arrogance.
  Youshan Fujun, Yundi, these existences are indeed deliberately cultivated, deliberately ignored, and let them develop freely. If they have the mind, they have long been obliterated in the budding era.
   "You mean..." Suddenly, Rong Cheng said suddenly.
Qiu Ming Shan Cha quickly turned his head and looked at the two people who were facing each other far away. The overwhelming momentum came and said coldly: "You haven't noticed it? The emperor can clearly take out this martial arts from the beginning and pinch the other party , But why did you stop?"
   Everyone was shocked.
   If you take it out directly from the beginning, the new picture will definitely die!
   Since the beginning of the new picture, I didn’t understand the singularity at all, and there was no such method, but a gradual progress...
   And at the beginning, the emperor said that he was not perfect, I was afraid it was a lie, and was deliberately releasing water!
   "Why, it is necessary to let the other party understand the singularity, deepen the problem step by step, let Tuxin continuously break the two dead ends, and make two self breakthroughs?"
  The famous autumn mountain car looked into the distance, and said a sentence that everyone was shocked by:
   "According to the personality of the emperor and the taboo deeds in the past, you should have thought of it. He is deliberately guiding the picture, understanding the singularity, and reading the singularity..."
"Finally, when Tuxin can understand his miraculous martial arts, he will stand shoulder to shoulder with himself, and then the emperor will really make a move and use his Nine Ranks profound arts to completely defeat the opponent in the strongest peak era in the opponent's history!! "
   The surrounding longevity saints were suddenly shocked.
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